c ^^itteerjiig/ . AMERICAN ENG- MECHANICAL. WEEKS. Tho local nrfiuigoniciits.liiivo been Hindis In Clovoliind tor tlio owning ol this iwsoeln- tlon eoniiueiioliig .Tunu 12. The followliiguonimllton uro notiiiK. Lnoul . nrrnnjjoiiioiitii: J. F. Ilollowiiy, Clmlriiniii, C. F. Bnm'li. W. M. Unrr, Atnliniee So. new, . N. 8. Possoiib, W. II. Thompson. S; Ti Wellnmii, E. II. Murtln, John Wiflker. J. D. Cox, Jr., Vf.1l. Wnnn-r, F. II.TOrlmul*;- Ejceuutlvo Commlttfc: H. T. WHIuiuii, Ambrose Swiwcy. J. F. Hollowity, J. II. Cox, Jr. Tln> Local Committees lmve extomleil an Invitation to lliu Civil Enu'liieei'* Clnbol Clcvelanil, lo be present at llu- opening, meeting, in order to add to the plenum e and the BOflablllty ol tlio oeea*lon. v Wetlnt'sdiiy. June III, there will be tlio reading ol proTcsJioiml papcin ami (ii'iieiul cllsci(KfiloiM>. In the evening the elil/em ol Cleveland will give the nsnoelatlpn n leeep- tlou. f ' Tli'ii'siliij.^.Iune 11. the day will be de¬ voted to cxi'iiihlnns bj Hpeehil.twiin uninyi; tlie pioinineiil lion ami ute.'l tt'nikrt nd ihe luriji' inaimlaetorieit of the rity. Am ni|f the plnci'it to be visited an1 the Oilsti i n md- Steel \Vf>ik«. <.'eveland C'lJ l"<H|.e and Iron Coinpanj, Cihiiinei liuglnc Coi piliy, Union Sm-ii Coinpiinv, I!lnull I 'CCt I YACHTING. Jiidgo Brown, of tlio Unltft $tftte» Court lit Detroit, him made ii decision Interesting tcyiicliumoii. On lust July 4 the yaclit Diamond \vn» i itri Into, opnoalto tlio foot or VVoodlnnU iivenuu.'ln broad iluyllRht, by tliu ti-iiimler atttiimer MIcIiIkiiii'. The yacht was Coiiipany, Miirni'i & hwiism, Clevola id Malli'iilile lion Cimipiiii}, llu' extenslu lion and stiel u/iiki ol the Clevehmtl Kulling Mill Coimuii), KigliliTiilli Waul, the Sland.iid'Oll Conip.niy, LViiluil F^niiiift» ol the Cleveland Hulling Mill Coiiipany, lion Oie Dock", Citi Watei Works, etc. Anions the pu|teisiiliehdy In liuifil lor the liUTting are the liillow lug.; The Ma'ilne Kngiiii;* ol the Lakes, with a Deiiee lor golllng lliein oil tlieli Dead Centers By J. K. Hollow ay. Hislory ot the Winding and' I'limplng Endues ol the Anthracite Regions, ltalani'lng Vertical Engines. r> The Bonui-Unrll 1'hkjwh. By W. F. Dm fee, ^^v Siandaril in l'lpe Fillings.- By Win J. Baldrtlji. _ _, Ingot Cullies', llv Ginin Cnilla. hplnil Springs, Compiessinn and 'IVn-Hi-. By Uherlln Smlili. A New Method of Coiwrucllng.i Cnink- sliufl. By J E. Sweet. A New Mttflioil ol Casllng Flange l'ipc. B> J. E..Sweet . A Note on the Kllect of Pnilongi.nl Slt.im tlipop Iron. By It. II Thnistoti. A Note on Watei Uaininci In Steam I'lpce. By R H. Thin ston. . Ileum in Conjunction n ith linn usn Uinl I- ingMatcial By \V. E Ward. Ciiint"—A htiuli ill.T) pes and Details. B\, II. B. Tiiwue. » Sliiiliing. Bj Chin.. A, Ilugno. Other equally inteie'ling papers ine pro- 'nilsctl. It Is hoped that the phue schvicil loi Ihe ineeling, tpge'tliei with Ihe dine named, will Induce meinheiH, as ftu as possible, to tiling ladles with them. l'io\lsinu will be made Jor llteii entei'tjiininenL wliile inembeis aie "engaged In tlio meetings m are aw tv on ex¬ clusions. Til K TUEOKKTM W, \\ \TKH. I'OUEK OF The theoietu'.d powei nl watei I-, [he welglit ot tie'moving loliiinii nndnpl.eil In the vclocii'i pei set uinl, and the pioJtiLiinn dlililed \>\ .">.">(), oi II llu wliiili\ pi i mlnuio Is iiseil as a iniiliiplli i, llu pioilin I nhialncd hhould be divided b) .U null. The ,, illnn-il aic,i in Inchesnt ,i linn iugniliiio>rfl watei ie- qiliuil lo sllpph aw'ilel ulut I I-I'liiiiiniuill H lei it d lo as Ihe disci] ngi ol tile w In el, in "Mpiau inches" n-i d. J'bU is imid.-ici mined ahogttlici li> the mi iimih im-jii ot the bm k< [- ol the chutes ol waiei wheels \ M In id whlili.iUs by illlecl inpail ol Ihe walA, is an oo-tiin ion lo (be waiei, unit (he aiiionnt (an onl\ he asi I'llaineil in e\pcii- mi nl A leic.tuii wiiul—tn'liig siinpl> a hiiew, cntilng (he tailing wipei—discliarges a laigei colilinn ot watei tb.in would be ie. pusenliil even lii llu int'usniciuciil of lis buck. I openings. A cubic loot nl watei weighs 0J.12."> pounds, and Is equal tod'il gallons. Thcipiaulili ol'wnlei Mipplicd bv a blieiiin Is deieiiniluil hi npililpii lug Llie (ilea ol cioss si'i (Ion ill (he lelouil The \elnt[(> should Iic#ihh tidli iiscci(allied In repealed dials luapoiiliin of llu slicini w'hele the cm lent is even ami (lie stctloli inilloiiii ljii Jliedlslaiuc incasuied. A Intuit d Mick Ooaiiug uptight nod' nearly toiiulilng the bottom lit llie'bcst tiling lor showing die veluclty ol ilio water. II a chip or stink (in tlie him lure o! tliu water Is lined, from twenty to tucnti-dlve per ceui, sjiould he ttiiowii oil fimn (lie icsnll loi the ilrfieieme belwecu tlie sin l.ii c and (he aleiago \elodly,—Jh». CmiunticuU JhtiUttn. deinollsliotl and sovontl of the trow narrowly escaped drowning. Tlio rullroiid oompiiny reliiscd to pay anything lor tlie Ibss, -iiml ivns'stied lor the value of the yacht, f 1,200. In deciding tlie case, Judge Brown guld-tjlia testimony pllilniy showed the accklentcrfuttl liiive been avoided, as the yaclit was seeiTby tlie steamer to be lying immediately In her course, waterlogged. As to her right theie Ihe Judge oxptcssed lilmsell quite foicibly, aiiliounclng Unit plenumu yachts had the Kjtino rights oj navigation Unit vessels oi ktciimtirs engaged III biissliiCSB hud,iiml thitt steinneis must get out ot the- way ol Bailing craft, lie,also said [lint II any demos had lesnlted lioin tlie accident It.would have gone hard with-the Uriiud Tuiiik ltiilliuad Cump my, w hlclS owns the steamer. A judg¬ ment lor $1,116 vtti' leudcied. ' A NI.W SlhAM VACIII. Last week we described V. A. Taylor^ hhaipie jaeht built at Dctioit. Tills week we deiuiibe the line new nu.mn yaulitofsj. V. Ilaikuuss bejng made at the Oliihe lion bhlpjiudin ibis city. The' wuik'ls iiudei (lie supeiiisiou Ot Captain Di Mrl.eivou, the ohlisl stcambuat navlgatoi ol tlie lalies. The hull was modeled by V. D. ^ilekcrsou, the mailiieaitist, * ' The yaclit Is 00 luet over all, 00 feet keel. 12 lect Ik am, and l.'i inches, deep. Slio is Hat bottomed, w ithout even the suspicion ol a keel, and is not what may be termed a sharpuoit. llet linesaiuidiupely, however, and when afloat will probably look us pietiy as a l.di I. I'bc bull Is LOinpose'0 61 an lion tiamc, on ivbluli aic boiled, laicis, lion platen tbicc-sixicenths ot an inch in thick- jiesa. 1 his p,u i ol the wor! Is douil llnely, as not a I rvel huad in the mark ol a hammer can be seen on hei sides or bottom. The paddle-boxes, of while matched pine, boiled to a Inline ol angle Iron, are piolcclul b} a gualdol sluing wiie neiwoikalso seemed by angle lion. 1'hc object in view in hav¬ ing wi|C net gliaids, in to pmveili the main thai would oihonvisc occui, cyeiy time a laige wave was struck iindcineaih ilium. Tne iiibiij covi is the entile boat, with the exception otaHimill spice siein.and will be a uiaivel ol beiuil} and elegance. The tiaiiie is ot while ash, and it will be finished inside with black walnut The sides will be one cuiitiuuous low ol plutC glass windows, allovMiijj Ihe most pee led view ol the sui i,,undine lo ibnse who ri'de inside. Two gudeis inn along boih shies nl the cabin inside, wheie ihei vvjll be utlli/ed as sens, and ai e laslened lo ihe bow and slciii in die loi mot bieasl hooks. Two ample comp inioii ways have been hliju^i all ol the p iddlc boxes. The boiler, w hlcb is til sieei, ten leet long and lintv-loui inches in ill iwuti'i, wiP be plnieii just loi - wild ol amidships, Willi Hie llicibox loi- waid. It is (alriilaied to caiiva pressure ol one bundled potiniUol steam. Two lilgb piessiiic cugiiHs, wilii aiiiiKeinal diaiueiei wlllbepliLUd n:i either side of ilio liii|lei. ,iiii will iimnctl wllh shall. The piddle ilieel- will he le.itbeli'd, * The hull ot tlie l.ichi Is pahlled black on the sides'and led on iIil boitoiu. The .bow mid slein aic in ii uneiiled wiih ii on stais and scioll uoik, wIiilIiwiHIii gilded l'be \ .iclil i< cilcolaleii in diaw no nioie [hun one loot til watei. ■she will not In- I iniiclli'd lor u lew " v ruk* jei, as the engnies and bulleishave itot^beeu iiiiule know u.—Lutthi. NAUTICAL Jn)mi SCIENTIFIC, Tho tliroo'-niSatdd ncliooiicr J. Boyco^vns btiTtiod to tlie wfiiter's edge nt North Mu«- kogon on the 24. Lonn, f 17,000. touring the donab foe of the 25, nt Choboy- ftitn, the BChonnet/Jolllo Gardner run Into tlio schooner J. IT. Mead and stove In her qunftorl The small steamer Pilot exploded on tlio 25, at San FMiiulsco, mid tho loss of llfojvas <rent. The eoboono7"ATG. Moray, liimfier laden, ftoin St.. Igiiaco for Clilcago Btruek on a rock ofl'Bally'fl linrbor Saturday night. She Is on the rpeks full of watei and In danger ol going to pieces. Her mantel bus tele¬ graphed to.Slufgeon Bay for a tug. ~sCloveland Leader: Tlie propeller Law- ledti(!rau.iiehOTe Filday nlglit on Round In¬ land Point lit-tho north channel to the en¬ trance trtsMaeklfniiv Island harbor, and re¬ mained until U'o'clock, Saturday morning, when the Algoulah icleasod licr. She sus¬ tained no (Kimagc. ."',The Rloop Benlehi Boy, of Sackett's hnr- boi, vvliicli went to pieces by pounding ■agidiiBt tlio dock at Cape Vincent, was an¬ chored neaf'Carltoii Island'. She dcagged her nnclioi and the ciew finally got tt.np and imiilti foi Ihe dock. Slie stiiick the dock w ith ton ilk force and iinmedlalely went to pieces. The ciew saved themselves by mak¬ ing "pier head" Jumps —Osimqo Palladium. Kingston News: Schooner Sweepstakes had 350 bushels- ovei in a cargo oT 21,000 bushels. Tlie captain, when the amount sjiecllied in tlie hill was elevated, oidered vvoik stopped and letaincd what was It'll It is piobjble that there will he some litigation in the mattoi in Ihe loi warder will not pav tlio lielght unless the sHiplus Is handed over. nintory of. Rnsnlwi Coronation. - Tlio first • Russlim Czar who Intro-' duccd tho ooremoni" of coronation Into Russia was th/i mighty John I1T. or Ivan III. (1462-1605J,tliocontcmporary. of our Edward IV., Richard III., and Henry VII. Ho married Sophia, tho nioce of tho vory last Imperial orthodox Emperor of Constantinople, and by thig marriage claimed a soft of suoeosslon to the first Christian Cuisar.-.-It was in his reign, when thiHTurk-baBamo mas- tor of tho ancient capital of Eastorn Christendom, that tlio kings of WosUrn comonwiVre . hUN TUACINUS Tlie following Is 'a simple and effective method ol copying plans ami outlines, ami is known as the blue piliu ptoeess. It has been adpp'ed by llie'M'eu'iHVlviinla Ralliiiad (Joinpauy. A piece of pine, unlliitfil impel Is laken mid inade I'-ensltln" by means nl a clicniic.ifvva«h, consisting of 1'4' ounces of red piusslate ol Potasli and 17„ minces ol ciitlc Iron and ammonia, dissolved In 10 ouiices ol vviilci. This when applied to tlie i! at the buvv.iilnlliiapei in a (link clo-el by ineniis o" a bioad ' ■' '..............TTeloibliiH8b,glvt'sapeIit'Ctly ilfli, glUlcniug icllow sin late. Tills paper when dry is icitlvfoi pi lilting, II at this stage a leru leal Is taken oi a lew spiaysof giass or a (rather oi any ill awing executed on translu¬ cent maieibil, sin-h as onion-sklii paper, It linn he pcilei ll\ ciipicd in Lieu iiiuuile i!l tall within the space ol llvu miuiiles. The ob|i'U U* simply laid on tue paper amUi piece of glat-s pot ovt'i ll to hold it in posl- lii'n and then exposed lo (lie meiliilaii sun. Thejcllow pnpei then turns rapidly to_a dull blue, then to a light giey. vvheicupon, at tlie expliatlon ol-ahout llnee iniuutes il is wlihiliavvn. But one thing leiiudns (o he done, tlie seiisiiive piper Is given a bath In pine wilier, and iiihlaiillt ,t pel feel copy oi Ihe lein leaf, ginss in diavvlng appears on the blue Miulace ot the prpcr, In white, as II 11need bv hand. The philos,nplij ol the P'O- eusH Is thai the black lines of Ihe thawing, oi Ihe lllaiuents ol Ihcgi.iss oi lein, ale opaque, .inilcoii-i'tpii'iillv leluse adinlltame lo the light, which opeiales upon tlie open, stiisliive spates, coning iliein lo untleigo a elieinh al i linngifc— I'iiiiIi" lit i"'i m. The dlsastei ot the Gia>lliig lias pitivoketl a hot discussion ot the louiLMrmtltc mciils ol Hie English and Amelrcin tin m of y'achis. The English yiichls me dtu'p and iiarrpw, while the Ameilean nrc broad and shallow. It Is not unlikely Hun a jiiinhiualion ol the IW9 will meet thellimj lequislteol yaelils- men. The sloop v> in lit Wa-patChieag'i, May 27, owiieilby l^aptain Joliu 1'iitidle went out on (lie like tor a 11 ui-c. Captain .lame- ,1 ii ksoli was s,tiling hei md hid oil boalil i pail) nl Imiiiccii Bom dot liuile genllc in,mi. On itiuiuiiig while ol Liuiolo l'aik iiinU-i lull tauvas, the tali, beaulilnl in isi ueiil out ol hei. They la) helpless loi "a while when Ihe tug -ineiess t line dong itnd lowed Iheni lulu l^iieugo ■* ' CaplaUi < ulhbeil ^av s lb it (he lien vaebt lie Is bull.ling, Ihe- lolaiuhe, is i ivtelve loo el ot beahlltili modi), anil pelliaps ihe Ho¬ ist set olid i la-s limit he lias ut Iniill. She will be veil blsl. lie InipCs Inline bt'l ill (he waiei hy.Iunel Tlie captain ileilues that theie villi bn Ihe liveliest waiei eon- lesi (his -eiison thai yat hlsinen hnVo>\pet-. lellteil III a tmig lime lie Jl'gicls tint ICingslon Ii lid bellel lepie^Vlileil wllb wulu- V till wllli sm Ii a .inagiiillti'i'l Inn bin siiunbl lute a el iss ol lions (hat enn|il no ue bealtn —Ont i ,/u 1 tin"* '('lie little 2lu-lnn yacht Miubc,!in,ol Ivlugs- tou, will be sold Immediately after the ic- gatta at Oiiuanoquc, \ ^/^ 'PJih Ilrtl cruise of Ilio season by the U*> vvegu Yacht ( lub took place mi llie 25 The ( ilLki'l, wllh two Jibs, in-ilu-ill uinl (npsall in (lie vvlml soiiii took (he It-nil and null pulsed when ihe neit plei was It'll behind in lower h"i' topsail. The-Kingston Whig says: "A elll/en wliu owns a yaclit a chub between a vvagoii box and a lull, was out for an exeicisv yeslciday and describes a ijicc he had with n srliuiiucr. It was excltlngi butoiilyiilici thcyachi had gone to tlie fiiint did tliu owner dlscoyei that tlie schooner vv as at auclioi." Europo Bcem llrat to huvo bocomo nwAre of tlio rino of tho powerful new Chris¬ tian monarohy In Easterri Europo, nnd begun to sond Ambassadors to Mosoow.' Ivan did hot orovva himself, but in 149& solemnly invested his grandson. De¬ metrius, with tbo Imtierial CliristUn diadem and robe which had boon ' brought from Constantinople, and had been worn bj tlie Cicsai's of tho Eastern Empiro. Tho cciemiiny of tmotlon at the coronation wa,s iiftei'tvard intro¬ duced by Ivan IV.,'or "Thc/ferriblo," anil has since1 lcmaincd as it had all along been' in Wcstorn Euiope, an in- SP]iaialile adjunW of tlio coronation. T\ an IY. was I he first C/.ar who received the Eucharist at ills coronation. Mich¬ ael Tlicoiliiivilsch insisted upon-being anointed, not only on Ids foicliend and ■over ids lips, lint on his beard also, of- tei the Jnlilicill meccdent. ~ln carlior lim 's the clergy of tho Russian Church pl.ived n grcnti r part than I hey do at ptescnt m tlie coion.ition cemmony. As it was held almost indi-pjusablo alike In nnglnnd, France and (iccniiiny Hint the Nutinnnl Primates, tho Archbishops of Canterbury, lihenns and Maims, . Should "consecrate" the national mon- aiili to his oflice, so* it was in Russia Willi the Patiiarth of Moscow. Tho Ptclate was suppHscd tolic the peculiar steward and minislerof tliesncrauiental rite of coronation. He gavo tlio divine oonl'n ination and. unction to tho pre¬ sumed free choie^ of tliu poople Tho voico of tho people was thus supposed to become tlie voico of God., The no- ' lion of a tlivinc right inherent in tho> head of a' reigning family was it com-' | piiriitivel) late conception m Russia, aS well as in the West This appears, however, to be now the predominant notion both of tlio Russian C/.nrs and tlio Pi install Kings. The present Gor¬ man Emperor took tho crown from tho altar anil placed it upuh ins own head, bimilarli in Russia tliu lcpicscntiilives of tlio Church now piny quite a subor¬ dinate part in tho coronation of the C/ars, being little more than mlnlstor- ing servants nnd assisting spectators. Formerly tho Muscovite Paluai-ch stood in much the same relation to the Mus¬ covite Monarch as the Roman Popo stootl lo the Roman Emperors through¬ out the Middle Ages. The tin ones of tho C/ar and the Patriarch stood upon* an'cqual level, and tho Russian secular anil ueolcsiuscal chieftains rcpicscnlcd the undent theory of "the Two Swotds." ^-London Echo Rough on the Bishop, A well-known Bishop, emlnont In his popllion• ami in peisonal dignity, dur¬ ing (he exeieise ot Ins official duties vvasont'c ipiailei'ed upon the wealth¬ iest resident of a ecilam village, whoso wife chanced to be .ivvav fmni luuno. The Bishop, with grim hiimnUicqiicnt- ly complains at being pui ililo the spine espi i.ilh fur CASE II-iRDENISG LOW hl'lfllOL. There me a nuinbei ol pioci'sses foi case h iideulng low sleel hi Iron, It Is diMiiible in have cm lion cnveilng oi envelope thai dues not lv ipoi.ite oi o\nli/e tpilt kly at Ihe leuipeiallile Itqulietl I'U bintlening. As 'Ihe piu.ssl.iti ol punish contains In lis aubv- room, which is opened iboiis stun, mill about 10 pel u- it. ol t .u-' him and ihe eniouiiigenienl ot i->ieuma- bim, while (be poi is-luin, lion md uiliiigen I tlsm. He is vvilluil a hlim man," and on an neiiilv 80 pi I lent., ll billows thai ll 1-, this ociasion, when his host. inipiiiud loowibk lui.iibiin, (obi vt'i) t lleilive In I how he iiml , slept and linpiil he had i'.isi baldening ,As boiling w del lakes up pnsscd an agiec ihl" uiglil, hi iinsweieil in ,ul) Its own v\eiglu ol piii'slad'i)l jjnlii-b,' with some vehemence, "No, I did not, a Miiiiiiiud Miluiloii mat be in.ide, lo which I passed a vei'v disagiee tlile nio-ht is atliletlas iiineh bone tlniuoal, bone blink, | mdcotl'" Tlie Bishop depaileil, anil orch'aiti.al liniii letihei oi hoi u is w III lake j wi,e„ t|,e w He ol bis htwl lcliunetl slio ip the siilulli'ij, oi , miu h as i id be made I, (lie ma-1 is llien spiettl out uinl llioi- oiigllli ill led In an oven. _ll will then be ica I) "in mix with wlialevi i 'in i) lie used lo make it iidlii'ii' to (he sll-cl, Mich as oil, giease, tu an) otheisllikt siihslaiue. Bone, sialber, in lioiil t h.iis'i'.il tan In Inaile In masting ll al a low he u In a elosud vensel, so close Unit no all tan lu'u'c Ihe piotlilil. \ ciiiclblcoi li»(U box Loveieil wllh clcinr sautl will tin DRAG FOR ill IPS. An mitonritlc ding lor ships has hcmi In- veuled by Joliu McAilams,of Boston, Mass., whiiielii i la-lie llus in bliiilt- pltnieil at one tdge (o the shies ol Ihe biial ale toliuecleil wllh mil hiiiil'isiu b) wbiihtluv can be siniiilianeouslv nil ned on (lit Ii plmt edges lo swing Ihell life ttlges. Ihe piogless ol Hit ,Ui.it loices IhevtalLi belwt cu Ihe hull and' Ihe Ibis, Illuming lliein in n posltlou liausvciso in the sides ol the-boat, and 1' Is lelaided. The elasllcily ol Ihe Hue pel mils Ibuni wlieii not III usje lo imiltuin lo the nides ol llie vessel vv lien loldcd by sultabli mcehunisni. 111111111111) lnqiiiied who had been in tlio house In liei absence "Bishop I' —," said the husband Bishop P —["ex¬ claimed the good woman. "And vvlicio did you put lnm to sleep?" "In tho spare bed, of couise " "In Ihe spuru bed!" shucked the liniiihed matun "Win. I pul all tho the matliiss buforo N. X. 'Inbuilt. liniiihed matinn ) silveiwTiro umlcr I went awn) IM— —This original com|Kisition .was pno- duoed hi a proinisingyoutli of Virginia. Tho BUbjoot was "Enlei'iirtso:" "En¬ terprise is a good thing. Columbus en- lerpiised America It Columbus hadn't done it we should he nowly/re, for no- brldy knew anvlhing abonl Anieueabut the Indians and they wouldn't tell." . The cosl ol rcpalis lo the schooner Ketchiini, icceiillv ashore'at Pilot lslunl, will be almiit +2,000, whlcli will he borne Ii) Ihe ovviiei, the iindervvilleis liuvlif]; insuicd her against total loss only. r