"<*ffi . 1 >' .ii*.' ...LJSiBSE&S&lSW&WWmExSiS V^ BOOK NOTICE. _' ^ A'storo of good tilings la contained In t|io Junn number of the Atlantlo Monthly, anil It does credit, as usual, to Mr. Alilrleltrs taste In soloctlon. 'Wie third and last not of Honry James's clevordrlimntbatlgn of "Dal- ,sy Miller" Iscontiilncd In l'i and also tho , conclusion of Miss Sarah Orne-JowctU's sto- , ry, "A Landless Farmer," a contribution In her ploiMiintcat vein. Perhaps tho mrin no¬ ticeable things in the number are a poem by Whlttior, "How the Women wont from Dover," a stirring ballad of the nld: days of Quaker persecution m New England, and a paper entitled "Mr. Emerson In the l.ccturo Room," reminiscences of the great thinker's lectures delivered at'Harvard College in 1870. Charles Dudley Winner has a Jravel sketch 011 Monsorrnt, written In his usual - happy manlier. Mr. Richard Gran*. White contributes tho first purt.nl an International paper, "Mr. Washington Adams In Eng¬ land," In which he will succeed in setting off the peccllai'ltles of our compatriots as they appear abroad, as well as making some clever hits at.uur British cousins. "Bridg¬ et's Story," by L. C. Wynian, "The Blogra- .phyof 1'wo- Famous Songs," by Amelia Barr, 11 gosslpplng and attractive article 011 "Tjlble-Tulk," bv F. C. Bavlnr, and "Lllbin Old Siena," b> E. I). R. Uliinelarill, alkf in the vaiiety and general brightness of the contents, while timely and Ilinnghtfill essays on "Mnralliv In the Public Schools," ami "Authorship in AuicricV' forni.ihe pieces lie resistance ol the number. A poem or two, together with Hie usual excellent crit¬ iques on lecent hooks, and the well-know 11 Contributors' Club, a feature of steadily in¬ creasing popularity, complete a veiy notice¬ able number. lIotiaiiio.N, Mirpi.ix & Co., Boston 1 a. ; WORK WITHOUT MERIT. A literary cipherer some time since en¬ deavored to make an estimate ol Hie number of different honks there were In the world and as a result of Ids stupendous undertak¬ ing lie now announces lhat in nil the public and private HhrarlesNiOhe globe theie are only 2,500,000 different volumes, If this same uiilii had devoted that lime lo hunting U|l dyspeptic and- Miflorcrs limn dropsy. Sick lieadao'he, oosilveoo^s, bllllousiiess, anil lost appetite, and suggested to them the ne¬ cessity ol using Swayne's Pills his woilc would have been more meritorious. lS MARINE LAWYERS. Knelp A MorrUon^-*«^j • • FtlOCTOHp IN Annuity, - 1lli Mnnroa HfurninKfi niilrsm; *- *> BOAT H11|LJ)ERS.' i. Dean ft Co. , noAT nuaDiSits PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A HEART CORRECTOR And by elnnilng, regulating, and atrtngthonlna tho organs ol dlgoltlon, secretion and ibiorptlon, care .Apoplan, Fits, Paralysis, Nsrvouiniit, Dlnlneii, Otbilty, Blllouinois, Bad Breath, Jaun. dicq, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Uok ol Appetite, Low Spirits, Indigestion or Dyipenjla, Headiche, Constipation Fevora.MalarlaandConlaglon.Fever add Amioir Diarrhoea. Oropsy, Colda, Rheumatlem, Neuralgia, Gout. Female Wcnknoil, Urinary Dll. enters, and all Irregularities of the Spleen, Stomach, Bladder and Boweli. Prtp»rai only bj nr. SVUVrJR * RON. fUl'iJilpkU, ta, ASK H Ol K DnnoolBT FOB THEM. 'PrkMISt-|t.ri,.lu,,., 91. K.nll>rK>lltoia7Aditi«a. 2 Minn. .AUNURY. 11UAT WASHING and.,general Lo^ndry in few houre; Clkvki.anp Stkam Imun- DltY. 33 St. Clnir SI. Telephone 118. COAL. David Ilarnlilael Ag«, DQMENTIC A HTKAM COAL. Clrvclnnil ' n. ii. liouLDEB. . - Jons >■.' mu G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneysand Counsellors. / A}tD* M PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY.' •14 4 Id'ATWATEIt BUILDING, CLEVELAND,.!). Our Collection Dupnrtniont b In, clinrgo of an £x- —putlsnceiL Colloctor Ohio SUDRT.IIAND AT YOUIl lloAllii—Son 1 10 colitu for flpoclnicnn. lUr.ru D. Claiikk, 4T,tl Gorninntowo ftvonuo, Plillmlolptila P.i. M V. BOBOMAH, Propriotqr. - The Madison, (VOHM-HIII.V KKVKKK ItOUBK) '( Detroit,' Mich. Hon! i'ehtrnlly Lornteil Street ears ]nr«s the iloor every lew mlimtca. to'l)p)iotB anil all. parts of the City. Three niiiiutrV walk to 1; S & M H, U & M, anil Walvarth Depots. Batea $150, to' S2.00 par day "I'crhttps tlit muni judtzinunly edited miiii- azlne in the Wvrld."—Tiik Kaiional, N. Y. Sept. 1882. . THE CENTURY -. FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the"_Arst under the new n.ime, nnd the most successful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulal ion has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Tin: CENTURY' begins its thirteenth year with,aa edition of 140,000 COl'lKJi. The following are the leading features; A NEW NOVEL 11Y \V. IJ HOWELL'S, lo" succeed this aulhot 's -'Modern Instatia.'." It FOR SALE. An l»on Btcitm >ncht nr> foot Ioiik, l) ft> t liaim, H fLct deap; iwii vory Inst, mid well f......tl. liniiuiioof D.I', Nkkkkhov nticll'l A\i*iuii'Stillun. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. Averyflna y.tulit f.jr calo L-ngth, lOOit-ct; beam, .10 ffct, dtiublt! englituti: two Hnlrwlld te<lar IioiIh; nice awning; a npliiilid double kltclu'i^ jiintry utxttwo Ntate rooms; rooniH well fuwilulitd lo »Ut*p 1(1 licr.oiis; forcituitli), uiirittlu piano, mid, hi fnct ull ih.it can Im? Ut'alVed., This juchi can b« pimlimwl ill u Iiarjjuin Addruta Mahiak Riuoiiii, Cly\dniid, o. For Sale! Here Ctiance! We liaie on our book- a pioil, huge tug Ihut can be hull at a haigain it vol,! within 00 ilaya, t.heU.03 ll. leunili, 111 t1.he.1111, 8It. I10I1I, ill-all ut water I...... (\ to 7 It. Hei Knglnes aie 18 h\ 18. Hei Holler wis new lasi year. Uuiiis wooil in eu.il. will carry 100 lbs. hiciiii) anil 11.") lb-, il iri-ce»*ary. With rtl-hch ami hi'ihliii); lilteil up, anil lias a license to can V fill pa-M-iiKi-i-, all leaily lor hnslni'r.- Iti-hnili in liSSO at com ol $10,011. It soli! within III) ilajs 1..... be hail lor |i>,ii(IUrciis|i. Qnnil leaiiiim lor selling, The Iiik l» now lying at Clilcago. For lurilier pin tie liars. Aililn+s Marine K.-conl Olllce. The Nickel Plate! NEW YOltH. CIIHAfJO A NT lOVIR RAILWAY. ' Tho pnsicii(rcr equipment of tlili Now Tr\iok Lino U in idl now nnil in mipplied with tho lutcst appliances iit-'Cisoniy to Brifo fliiewly imiLconifortablo Invcl, At I'iiicngo, paw'liner tVilnit nnlvu nt nnd lpavo fmm tiie Union Duiuit, Van Huron atieot. . following in tho tirao In oUbct May 1-1 1^83, and un¬ furl Iut noike: • - UOIiN'G IAST. Lv, Chkngo ....... S 16 a in. Arr. Valpuiaki * 10 (MS " " Tort Wuy.'ir l.:to " " Now lla%cn„ '2 0JS ji in '■ WliI U-lpMc 4IKJ " " Arcidui, ... fi.10 " -" Fihlmlii... . ft. ll " (irrenHpiliiKHfi'l^ " BuIIm Lv, ilollux uo ,.., Arr Llijul mil liV. Ciov( land. Arr ^htiiitivUlo " Anlitnliiila. " ( OIlIIOJLlt .. " i:rh> ' Ihmklrt.... .'. " liuilitlo .,* . 0 10 8:!() ji, m, lo.ns " 11 00 » 12 (i« p. ill. *m " a an » » - •I 21 " (i.00 " Accom. r, M) p. m ii. in " in " 7 10 " tiOINi; WI2>T. -^Vessel Brokers, DULUTH, MINN. An Ininjllclil 3'i loci I ink > itj II inlh ItaWitil an . ,4'llnilnlioil Hruliai-2 (wlriiiimi'iy Lull Kililillro ut 1) 1'. Mcliinoii It n kut". Jll a r.allil Aiii.sintlnn. FOR SALE, Two Urti-cliss llfrhti :,0[. ui liold (.'npjtll) fftt I Sibini i.iih ujuvltmrro iKlitcis, huilt in \«\\% '!'■> (ul whit- DO i*I»l Cup Jill) li-VMnnS uiidi. I'lln), Also i mil-ih, lims, illilm, si,,n,. 1hix<"<, i, twodijrritKH, h< Ai i in \> Li v i-.i.i , „ -PI) Kucliil Am-, ri.-\.land, O will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Ueas in." ■• LIKEINTUliTUIkTEKN COLONIES UY El)\VAIU>EGGLESTON—Lhe lending hi-tor icnl feature of the >ear; to consist of n number of ji ipers, on suc,h topics as 'I'Ihe Ht^mninij of n Nation," "Social 1 ife in the Colonics/' Ac , the whole forming n complete hibiory"bf«arly/liJe in the United Mates. Especial attention will l"ej)aid to accurncy of illustrations, , ^ A NOVELETTE OF MINING LU-E,'4jY MARY 11 \ML( )CK F() ITE, entitled "llie Led- Ilorsre Claim," to be illustrated by the author THE 1'OINT OF VIEW, BY I1ENUY' JAMEbJr, as ries of eight lelters fiom imag 1 inary ^jcrbanS of van >iia natiunalilies, tritii-isiiig j* AnK-nca.UM.dipl,, wiirty, m»n..-r., railroads j s „,„„ ,,.m „ ,<„,„„„„,,„„„,,„„ ,„,,,„„,„,,„,,, THE C11IUVI1AN I KACUKOl- CONNKCTL ! ilr'V^' VmVwi 'Xm^:™\T,!$X«!; CUT, by llie Kcv, Washingion Olndden. A» !................. y ......m ________ occount of practical cunpeiati m in Cliribtinn , rnn OAI C FID PUADTTD work, showing huw a league wa*. formed in aj rUn oALll UK UnAnTuK binali lowi*i lh Connecticut what Kind of work u nticmptci', and ho \ it s^rc-pd ihioughoul tin FOR SALE V- D. Nickerson CI EVRLANDr* O. MARINE ARTIST. in\jlack and White. Pastel and" Water Color. BEE LINE afnk Indian- Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati apolts Kaihwiy. The Great Central Trunk Route to the and Mississippi Rivera. Ohio i.t ntiifiiiu. Air Dunkirk .... " riilo. " Coiiiumil • Ahlilalmlii " I'uUii^rilli! .. " t'Hjipliiid ,. . Lv CV\. l.iiid Air lk-lli'MiL* ...... L\ lli lh«v in J. " (irui'ii S]irliif,'i 1 I'0-.liTlll....... " Arcodli .... " W«it 1>J|iiU " New lluU'ii " Fiirt W .ynt* *' \nliinilai)...... t» u*> f " ......... ' W.U-KO .. «'J1 " ....... Trains run hy Ci.lumliiM tlnif, «lUcli is twenty mill nle- iiiHli-r lli, mi (lueinjt Mini*. IHc nilnulun Hluwer tn in Cli > eliuul mill nix teen uiiiniu1!* hlnwei tluii lluf- f do time. . - • lor liifuriiMtimi, call on nearest agent o[ the t'oiu- piuiy, ur utliirLSi n 1. IlOUMUl, <ion.11 PiiKioiifxur Auent, LCI'I"* WILLIAM*, (jL'iicnil Mimu^r Clutelund, O New York, Pcwisylvaiiia & Ohio R. R, (liirmt'il) A ,1 I, W Itiilliouil ) >KW y.HIK, IIWNTON AM) THE EAST, Tin- hliin-ti>«t mill <(nli ki-M niiiilc lo I'lllit- biirir* UitMliliiffton mill Ilnlfliiiorv mill lliv Noiitllpiifit. b , ' ENGINES F0.1 SALE ! 11 uililti iiiikIiiii Hxill, Mill ilu l„i tliMMilmim nr iiik, all nil, Iliumwl IIH llrw.iilu i humiii l„nl I'liilirhilijhlli uliTi'l nnil I'uifi \\ il m'II llm «In,I, nr'i i-Iiuiii Ail lri»i Miirlln Ki-l..i.I (llllio FOR SALE 'i , WltlllLM I llllllll « whole Stale " '•KUIiUhli l.KANUC AllKUAD," In K|nnk K. Slucktiin, a (.unuiiintioii uf tin; ilrull "Kiuiilel Grange" blmit-b, tiie-.i-cae Iwmg au\v in r.aiojli:. niH Nl'-W KKA IN AMERICAN UtlUhK HUH.1)1 Nil, a scin.-, uf f.iur in|)crj, fully illui, tralcrl, il'voteil lo (1) Lily lionet,, (2j Country llouscb,, 13) 1 IiuilIic-.. niul (4) I'llllllC Itllll.llllRS. Tll|<€iU"OI.I->>01 KlUlslANA, by f.eo, W. Cable, autliiir of" OKI Crciilc Days," etc.; n fresli anil (inu'luc narralive, nchl) illuslr.ilcil MY ADVi:N'lURl-.S IN ZLINI, I.), I rank II. Cushlnt;, Kovernmcat ethnoloRisI; aa ndoptcl mcmlicr ul" the Zuni trilw of Indiani Illuslratcil. Il.l.USI'UA'1'l'.l) l'ArURSDNTIll! NATI NALCAI'ITAL,liicludiii|!"TlieCnpitolIll"Tlie uprtme Court,'1 "The While Iloaa-," etc MISMONSOI- SOUI'IIKKN CA1 IHiRNIA, "II II. "; ll.ree in fuui papers ol on evtecil ugly inlkrestini! tlininctcr, richly illinlrnieil , SPECIAL OtKHR. A year's sulwcrip .011 from Nnv., 1SS2, ami the waive numhcrii of llie past year, unbuunil, 5do A subscription and the twelve back numhei s ljound in two elegant volumeswith gilt top, $7.50. Tin: CENTURY CO. Nuv-Yuiiif, -V Y In our list, tin- 111,k lll,i>»ilil,<iiilrlKlilii IllllUTtlll III,' h.|lll.(i|| clmrti'l-iil tin tlii< lri|i nr BOILER FOR SALE! THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAIN'S SUXDAYm. I.eavi ( Iijii-I.uhI wttb ThiMUirli l'alaci' Ciiai-lii'- .mil Kli'n.uii Slt'i'pini;('ai>, I'm COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS. TERREHOUTE —AND - ST. LOUIS WITHOUT I'flVNIli:. Ulilll finlliii 1 . ri-nlriillli|iil, - I luttn , a III Ii nfi- trnin tlio new unit anil Viuiluii un till- 1,201 i. Ml VM'I' l-AlMti:v-_1Hull>) Pull- mail t-1 <|iiii(,' iintl lioti'l ro n lien (pun LciivitiHiiii-Kli » (k') a in. to Now ^nr-c, Ulmii) iiml liuMoii kviliit-iU ilimir, l'ul't ( nr from <1 \eliinl iiikI Suliini.iiua Arri\L- ni Mi iuU Ulc nt 11 JI) a in •| (iliuiiPV 1 iiiiiUlin lj .W |i in , uildtj Ui0]> in , («n> r\ 1 (K) |i in* JimiMloMii (Lik< (.liiiiliiiniiiiill 'J 01) p. 1 in., llulliiloi. ] •]• in ItcnlniUf s in |> in , Ilonicll - vlllc li It) |> in [Mipl.-i] ( oruinj; H '.1 |» 'in Klniini H h~ |i in Ilin^haht in Hurti i> in , AH) hi) (»fio it in lloslon UU |. \ inH il Ni i\ ^ orlvtt 'ill it in 2:5(Rr I I Ml I I IJ 1 U'ltl - ^urk VirM.kin Mi 'I In- 11 tin mil) Inn in ih li> nil llie |irlnil]iil I null. 1 I Direct Connection I .nt tin In.l tnr lit in a ii 111 11:05 p. i '11.1 III Ml I, Mi ulillli 1 in, llnlluli. 'i v ill. . II jtiu IH"Klilil..... nt I lii^liaii,ii mliilli ut n im 10 III p it.inpli I'ull. < Ii M-lllllll tn .In ,.ll,„,H- ., Ni» Yurk „ \Hilll t.M'ltl s-_ (Imlt) i Hi -.....In '•-.|i iiBui.ulilr.....l> \iriu nt ^ iiiiiih'-lniiii ill I Vi a in ll n ui linn i Jim in Jimittiliiiili ft Is ii Ii i III Itmllis il I II) ji, ill , lluriiill-, in I mill,: \1 'il ji in, I Ilium 1:J1 i J -I i' in , Nt vi \ ml. 'i lb [i i 1 > n in iiillinul i Initial- :,o|.t liiml !1 ll 111 ArrUo \ll III 111II |H in-. \illlli- Vlinnsl I'litnlitli lll'H - 111 Mill i-.-l hiiilc sfll ll-s ."I Mil' Ill-Ill f M MHN'KJtlCCOltD. I K'»..|ni.|,0 WANTED, in i^h* nr |>i lKi-rWiiiiit "HWiu lioil tliiis will i irr 'ft lo lim p.M'i'HKiT-P>4ijUit tlr«/i—iiuisi in.l ilruw mv f Mir fut of wuier win u loin 1x1 AUiiro^s MaiiIiNi-. Iti c oun, Htuiliitt (llinutiKtoiDt mul nrlet' tEi]ulpment New and Compulsing all Modern Improvements. ( Wanted, tni)n til nml S|iu il inn] i^wil 'm miilu-s^ >J|AIUM Willi ii Olllcu. ili.iri<i<lliiil»llli' oiii.r njb> i" im mr) vUsiilHnli ny nlianrns. inns lis! ilnwn In 11 , , ■ .........mi II [«l ilmlt niilisi ilnwn 111 11 nr I i f..«.| • i[ wlnr«. sllinl will mrry WI0 nr I ilrutl, Aililrn-« MAiush llhc'naii sunlliini, SnnlliM Ii) \ui) ul l liiiiiiii Itnilnii) lliwiis lllSMIl'KI, 'I'KX \S, XEIIKAhKA, ^li-rn ini't M i iti, liilliillii|nll .lira |m I i i| 7 H 11 in » I 11 Islll in.II II I""J. .'HI,mi l ^ 111 ^ lillllltH'iii ..|,lii|i. , Tin I I M'l.l.si - Hull) - ilninni, 1'iirlnr mr ut« ii .'.im |i in., l'litslnirg n , lliilllniii i' H I I n in \I(I\\S1 , K ^N- \-s, i oL'iliAim N'j;H' MUX It (I, ol.li MI.XKU IMi •\< IKK ( () \M 4:35 D, \.iiii„.!i,, S I" I ill .11 Im M j M millli 7:20 a. Yi.li..,;,'.... illl"i)l III llllWH I'll nml 1 :nj. |,, M MliiMSi, UillMMlllHllils _ 111, *■ .I'l'ini; ni nil inn ^ muni.,, iirrlvlinini in " .' r in -Im mi s~ni|i in , hlini | mlllo i in ii .1 ii L iilttslnirKli ul'li (run Ni, ihi'l nml ii l. rin illili jiiiint, -Airltnuut H-.11..... ,,, I'll islll lli.ll I M'lltss _ I,„||, _ lli.-liii*ni|,li /ililiiuit (lin-ni. Arilvi-ii at 'iiltitll) n in, Win tin ll (IJ h tn,, sharps- ■ "I , I'll -li r<li IJ lip m, Iti-timilu", rh'ii HI I Is ii in , s: a i, in , 1,10 j,, m The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Road in the West. 11 UJ tl III Win ri.il ,-, lnni;li il llVji in 'lriiln-. null." nt I I "TtT.Wi-a- la, 1 U» p. ai.,- »»Tlll« mill' mil) rtmi-li rmi) t.Iiiimi, uinl liilorni'illati' |iiiln to ilnsinn nml N Mil M.slim \ ami I'iriMII ||(,it I' lilMlliliiliiiS-si,,,,,,!,,!, „, ,u imhihi l \ «..iiii:-.iiiw ii | l'i |i in .■•|iis. ' irlllllil, I. 10 11 111 , 7I« [i m , nail 10 15 li in, iiinUi li wkicli maiMigvn cm lllnil i mililmi, Niiw Yorli Oily is wlllinul chiago. No change nulum! flllub. ------- :^l'li'i.i'Uli\ Mil at ull H'Uilhl 'IVUi'l- E. B. THOMAS, Uulfriil Mmil||iir A, J. |!.,lll|||l l.lll'l' till l.llll Olll • 0. B. SKINNER, Irillli MnmiKiT. SMITH, -^^ li.lit'inl I'lis-umiior Aj,i'ilt Cl.GVKI.ANi>, OHIO. IllkS'iB' 'lIll.'IIKl, III 11 U II' Jllll I.t t. ami Vla'lii.MK. In. I, .1 thininrli I" nil |i>>'inn I nsl V lV-.iiitu .\K, H nml llilnriiimlnii ■ i-uiinlltm ||,o nil ut tin. null.. j;i| lliinii-s-rrii!, nml i . 1' 'V II It bnnlli Walrr slreot A i: CLARK, v lii-ii'HWi Ak'i I'luvi'lunil, O. I .1 -M I'UltltlS, J I'Oli'l Mu'iir, l'i Tuliinil.o. M I. FOU'lh, in, I'll llunlt bl, ('luvcluiiil, O