Marine Record, May 26, 1883, page 7

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GOOD ENOUGH. A wagon containing n calf In a cage was on tho market yesterday morning with a (armor's wifo in charge, and a butcher with an eye to veal stepped up and Inquired: "Madam, Is that calf for saloV" «Yos, sir." • ,' "Is ho n Durham f"_ «• "Ho may bo." Isn't nn Ayrshire, Is no?" "Like enough. t •'Don't you know his brood?" ho naked In a silrprleod volco, "No, I don't. "Then how do you expeet to soil him ?" "All I know about that oalf Is thnt+i1s fnthor hooked n justice of the pence to denth and his mother chased a female lecturer two miles, and If that ain't bleed enough to ask <i on you needn't take him!" The butcher Bald Iho breed was nil right.— Oawgo Times. GENEOLOGICAL-. "She Rector.—"A very nice looking young wofcmvQjisen. Did I hear tightly that she waswour daughter ?" Rustic—"Yes, air, sho war— Susy war I" The Rector.—"How tin. you mean—waaV Rustic—"Well, you see, sir, Faither, he married again, and in course I called his miBsna 'Mother,' and when he died she mai- rlod Bill Tompkins, son of Jack Toniklna, and I'm blessed If my sttsy didn't set up and mnrry Jnck, who warn fiealtisli old chap. Now, what I wnnt to know la, ain't SitBy- my Grandmother?"—London Punch. The aclioonerB B. Everlelgh and Corslcan are repoitcd abandoned on tlie rocks at Point an Pelee ' Excelsior Cop er Gasket Steam, , Water, Gas, Oil, Acids, or THE EXCELSIOR GASKET is eipeolslly adapted to Heavy Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, ^. And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will roBiBt the cnomlcaUctioD of— Oils & Acids. ' OltDEItS LKFT AT------ Wm. Cleveland, O. ___Will roceWo prompt nltoutlim UErTEUENOKS. Clov°l»nil HolllngMIIUfl l'l«tb Mlll» ,. .. ... Co Blnghum Mills mllnu Iron W^3»e! Work cSdtViwiI Water >V«>lr» Uk. iJrtlmSrr nilijt y TotfOy' "■'-■■'■---l--------r" "' r My.-.. —___________CO OlflT CUyahoito I- urouce Co oto Sub-Marine Divine And Bub Cargoes Raised doDoat Sub-Mulm. ... j |U(ju»onablo Iiatcu H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mich. ••■^cflESCEivr ' i (BOILER COMPOUND 1 '.WILI LOOSEN SCaLE ICj 5T:AM BOILERS tHV ,\ PREVENT IIS rORMXTION, r / I ^AFes, cHEA^' S^ >- !,ltUl I l)H CIIHIIUH1 V Crescent MrcCo^'i-^ 1 ..CVV-IUkW.O. v>,--^1' ' CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs,, Naw8er&,„ _, Lighters, Steam Pumps, - Lifting Screws, - &c, To be hnd on short notice, by mall or tclo- grnh. , A. O. WHEELER, CHAS. ONISWUCH Mnnagor. Wrecking Mnntor. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND . -VESSEL OWNERS. DKAN * rOIHPANY'N DIAOVAI, LIFE BOAT TAN I1E VNED IN PLACE OF THE METEI.HJ LIFE nOAT -IF~ '/ I'REFEREn. HAN IIKEN • AnOITED AT WA-II IJMJTO\ KY THE noAitn of su- PEIIVININU INNPEC- TOI1S. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand" BEND FOB PEICE LIST DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [IU.U&rftATI.Dl $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL 4 CO. • , No. l\0 Liberty St.. Noiv \orlr. N. Y. Vesselmenj ItlOU'I.D IIAVK ou INE LAWBOOK, Containing nil poiniB of MABIKK LAW as ilo- tormlned ny tlio United BtaleaCourw ,---------------ON--------------. Sentueh, OwiierB, FrpltfliU, , Clinrtom, Townge, ReffUtry, ColllHlonn, Knrollmentfl, Genernl Avernffe, Common Carriers, Duties of Menmen, Mnitteri St Owners, 1UU of Liidlnir. WHire*, SiC bu vohimn la Imiidaoraeiy iiountl In Btlff Board era, und ilno Enijlah cloth binding Hooka of kind KonBrally conl 81 IK) but wo will Bond It ny ftduroHH nostogu paid for 81,f>0, or with tile RiNi; UECOIll) for ono yuw, [both for only G AddroMi Makink Ukcobo ClovoUnd O. POSITIVELY CURED All bu durum from tbii diitLaio that are anxious tn bo curtd Bhouid try DR KISBNER'B CELEBHATKD CONflTI.HPTION POWDERS,> powdors aro tlio only'nn(ittTbUun Unown'tliat will mm conriiimiitlon and all (Asoasoao! thu THROAT dnd L1TH08—»«iwl, bo strondbi uurXaitb In (hum nn I ul-o to (unvlnio you that thoi aru rfo butubuK, no will furwurd to uvury sBuflertrf by mail, post paid, w Frae Trial Box Mltodo i'iwai)i ytuir nloliny utiiilynu am |M rfTctly «at- Isflod oftholr curative no worn if your Ufo la worth saving, don't dtlny In giving tlittte POWDERS a tilul as ihi'y will suruly euro ynu l*rloc, for lari-o Box 8k) or \ ftixcti for 810 00 St nt to any part of tho United htatoa or Canada, by mull, on receipt of prlro Add runs ASH 4_R0BBINS. 3fiO*Fulton St.. Brooklln.'Kl. Y. FALLING SICKNESS PEpM^ENTLY.OnHKD-NO HDMBDQ . -j|. iri 'locouvtnco jiiiUu-.- ihtiwj I'ow.ien wllltlu all wo claim for thorn wo will 'c—~ Voir>\tin wUluii al ---------..sbnte d l locouvlnco juifluurs that wild them hy mall, poit n»id, a Erie Trlit Bo* As" Dr. QQulurdlatliDorily rnyDlclun tlmt lnw uver made thlsdl-oaso'ttttp&Llal siudv, and iu to our kuowlfdgu thousand* bavo boun permanently euro I by tliu uw of tlirnii Powder*, wo Viu guarantee a permanent ourelnovtry cuH^or refund, your all money ex¬ pended. All BtiUirirs should glvu tin bu rowdtmuu turly lilal, nnd bocouvlmod ol tlutlr curntlvn power t'rlcu. for largu Box. $J (XI or 411oxus for 8l<> 00 ii( by mall to any n irt of tho Iln-tod Stales or Cunad on receipt of prko, or by uxpross C O, 1> AddroJs. ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N- y' 'SiofURD hammono; ilOrM OOOH. Papor MM Bloichops & Erfwios. oisimcto-s.SaltPins Smote Stalls, Mankinds of Heavy Halo & Sheet IroaWdk. Office ft Works, M4.246.E48.250.252 And.254. Perry St. ' fo r0 ooOBbl5, TAHI"! , OIL STILLS 8c AGlTATOKS. Bepairoig BrmnptlyAttanrloitft EflTAULISUED 1830. -UANUPACTUItKIU OP- CORDAGE * OAKUM, G»n8» of AMEIlirAN, HUSSIA onil ITALIA V HEMP of tlio Tory boat nmhty mnilo to ordor AT ON DAY'S NO rlCl; MANILAniulBiaALniNDDllTWINl; . ' Office No. 113 MLL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklvn, N. Y, MAKINE ENGINE WORKS B@®T, TMMMMMT, rilNUVACTUltKnOP Marine and Stationary Engines, PB0PEUEE WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & OENEEAL MACHINERY- CotuiKSPONDKSCE SOLIUTIUI. I BS, 117 &80 Mlohlgnn t. CHICAGO ELI, NO ENGINEER Should be-Content to run a Boiler, stationary Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUNE Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessen* the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. - Send for Circular giving full Information to KOUCHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* and Manufacturers 130 Beade St., cor. Hudson,________NEW YORK. 0£ THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DUR»S"LE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP.IN THELMAHKET, for mining liquid* u'uilm und up l<> 100 ft ul. No Mac linier^, Nn Ofl, f*n Special €ure. Can buuuili«<l suHp^ndtttl by a chain. ~\\ HI pit Hit nrlt, tiiud. Hand, pulp, eio., wltli«mt Injury tu Un partH Nemln oitlv iiHlfuin pipe fr»m boiler to run It I'rlt o, «00 callonM pur hour, RIIO* l.J(M) d ». «7A, 3,OI)h do. SlOO, tl.OlH) do »!.%<•, 10,000 do. »17ft, 1M,( DO do. *j'jft, aft.000 do. *!J75, 45,000 do 5MOO, 00,000 do. I>000 i 140,000 do. •1,000. ti«inpur« this with an\ tiih»r rump Lint. Write foHlln8(rululdimrl|iiUo book wuh ti rtitinuiiliilt* &t Mailed free FULHOitlETEK S I EAU TtJMP CO., 8J John St., N« w York City, l.S.A MECHANICAL BOOKS MECHANICS ENGINEEES AID VESSELMEN. BOOKS OF ALL KIND T REDUCED PKIC'ES. &. CO. 171 SUPERIOR 8T,.....CLEVELAND, 0 at. MuiV«, Ohio. Montpeller, Ohio. OAR l'ACIOllIKtt. "BreckotiriilKO, Mluh. Delin^'V, AYMAR & CO., MANUKACIUBI'IIH AND IMI'OIITHIS OR OAKUM p aiiuuuiwp Wire Rope, .hains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-RO E, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MAK1NE IIAKDWUtl" AND bllll' ClIANDLEKb' UOODS GENERALLY. Hoi 34 4 39 BOOTH ST., NEW YOEK- °" THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK GO. ttltlll Al II III Hi ALL KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES CIXVKLAND, OHIO. OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST„ MuntluD thlH r 9977 5451 2974 4915 �852 98

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