Marine Record, May 26, 1883, page 3

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*> LOOK NOTICE. Harper's Magazine1 for Juno Is nn SPE IALOFFErt. 1-~— ' ' -Ja£Aye»rtiubicrlpf!on from Nov^188j,and the [ial|gh|)Ywi))i(e'nurnberi of the pint year, unbound, 16o. —...,... ,.....„.„. _........... -f-j, A subscription and the twelvaback mimhers bound ally varied Number, profusely and tenutl; *tw0 t^m voiumeiw|lh glu ,opi $? ,0. fully Illustrated. The Frontispiece (Hlustj|it41 TifB CENTUKY CO. Nuw York, N. Ing"Fiiustus"—a poem by 8. S. Connnt] lata*" froma'drawlng by E! A. Abbey. Mrs. Z. B. Gustafson contributes ' nn nrrtuler.flnc[y illustrated, Lambeth Palace, the residence df tho .Archbishop of Canter¬ bury, "the Prlm.ato.of all Eiighmd," .Colonel Hlgglnsoii' continues his Ameri¬ can History series, treating In'thlB—Number under the title of "Tho Hundred Years' War"—tlio numorous conflicts from \fl02 to 1702 between the Colonists and the Indians and. French. . ~ ' ' - Ernest Ingorsoll contributes an article, . splendidly illustrated, called "Tho Home ol Hiawatha," describing Minnesota, and giv¬ ing special attention to the milling Industry at -Mlniiespolls. William C. WyckofPs paper entitled |'Sun- llght Mysteries" Is the Wat popular ex¬ position thnt has been made of the results ol Professor Langloy's experiments at Al- legltejLV-iind Mount Whitney, ^fhoso ex¬ periments relate to the sun's, light and heat, and the results reached are very remarkable and suggestive. Y, A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. Ateryflno yacht for flttfo-' Lnpalli, 100 foot; bourn, 10 frfit; ttuublo oittffnoi: two nntoiullu owl or bottn; nice awning a tpltmiid double kitchen, pun try anil two stntorooran; roomi well fuhiUlnni to'alooplrf norions; forei Mtlo: upright piano, nnd, In facjVall that can bo oeilrod, Thti yuoht. can bo pufthiiwHl at a bargain. AddrtMtyHUuiNit IlKcoiii), Cleveland, Oj, -WANTED, AND Vessel Brokers,. " ' DULUTH, .MINN; • A inmll iteamy.fcht or pnuongor boat that will carry 7o to 10O nuR-onuorft—llitlit ilrafi—muip* not draw ovor ton foot of wnor whi'lv, jqliilt'd Adilrom Maiunk Rkc- oiid, itfttlnipliinon«tanr&nd;pTlce. The now novel, "A Castlo In Spnln," Il¬ lustrated by Abbey, promises to be a whole- soino and popular farje. It will be to most readers a welcome relief from tho tedious psychological studies no v so prevalent in the literature of II alon. Mrs. 8polfon| con¬ tributes a short story, 'I'l'he Mount of Sor¬ row;"-Charles Reade n humerlous sketch entitled ?'Ru's," nnd "A Working Girl;" a brief but Interesting story entitled "An Esthetic Idea." Poems arc contributed by Annie Fields. Miss A. A. Basset, S. S. Couant, E. .Mont¬ gomery, nnd .lohn II. Tabb To this varld table of contents Is added the always timely and Interesting matter In the Editor's Easy Chair, Literary and Historical Records, and Drawer. "Perhaps the most judiciously edited m«(/- atine in the World."—Twa National, N. Y. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR [882-83. The twelfth' year of this mnga^ine—the first under the new n .me, and the most successful in its history, closed with the Octolwr number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and .Tun CENTURY begins us thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features; A NEW NOVEL UY W. O. HOWELL'S, Io succeed this auihoi 's -'Modern Instance." It will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN TIIE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY ETJWARHEGGLEhTON— the leading hi-tor leal feature of the year; io consist of a number of papers, on such topics as' ".'1 he Ucumntng of a Nation," "Social Life in the Cofbnies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United Slates. Especial attention will l,e paid to accuracy of ^lustrations, ' A NOVELETTE OF MINING LII'E, BY MARV HAMLOCK FOITE, entitled "The Led- Ilorse Claim." to be illustrated by the author THE POINT OF .VIEW, UY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters fiom imne, inary persons of various nationalities, criticising America, Us people, society, manners, railroads •etc. TIIE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, showmg how a league was formed in a small town in ConnecticuUwhat kind of work it attempted* and;- hoil it sprend throughout the whole State, "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," bv Frank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being noW in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted to (I) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cushing, government'ethnologist; an adopted member of the Zuni'tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- N AL CAPITAL, including "The Capitol," "The uprcme Court," "The White House," etc. folSSIONSOF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, '•H. H. "; Ihrce 01 four papers of an exceed-1 ngly interesting character, richly illustrated. For Sale! Rare Chanced We have on out books n good, large tug that can be had at a bargain lfh sold within 00 days, she Is 05 ft. length, 10 ft. beam, 811. hold, draft ot water from fl to 7 It. Her Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler was now last. year. Bants wood or coal, will curry 100 lbs. steam and 115 lbs. If necessary. With dishes and bedding llttcd up, and has a to carry 00 passengers, all ready tor business. Rebuilt In 1880 at cost of $10,00. If sold within 30 days can be had for $5,1100 cash. Good reasons Tor selling, The tug Is now lying ii'tChloago. For further particulars. Address Marine Record Office. Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 85 foot long very Anally finished ana furnlahed. Drati3 1-2. tot-t rum very fajt, Enquire of D. P. Nldti-non Uarknoa. Bluck Euclid Avo Station, FOR SALE, . Two flrsl-cla™ lighters, Hullt In 1881, 25 feet wido, 90 feet lonit, 0 fuct hold. Cunaciiy, 250 ions pach. I*nco, 82,000 cash. Aim iiiicIkmh, lines, ch.ilnn, ptotiu boxes, wheelbarrows, two derrick*. i<tc. Alpkkd Elwkll, W>6 Euclid Avu., Cleveland, O. ENGINES FOR SALE ! Druibfe ongino 14x20, will do for stciimbnrfK or tug, nil up, us good as now, alno a seviin fool Pliiludolphfa wheel and slraft. Will nril tlio wbulo v«ry clioap. Ad'lruHrj Marine Uecord Olllce. FOR SALE Stcnm barto. Krel 144 feet, Bonn) 30 fen1, depth of hoi 11 fort capacity 400 M feut lunihoryGfiutonii conl benldi her luul. Built In ltJ82- Aridi-ov- M> kink itKCoitD Ufllce. f hold .Wanted, VD. Nicker ttf.EVKLAND, -MARINE ART: —IN BLACK -AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbia, Cincinnati and\ Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the and Mississippi Rivers. Ohio Rtenniyncht Itfi or 40 fj;ct long ol good speed and good power. 4o<any 40 or50 pu»Hungers address MiitiNh, Hue mid olQoe. Wanted, stcanibaruii that will cai ry W0 grim tons on 9 feet droft iiml couitl also hi> luudo'l iluun to 11 or 1*> U't't, if i censary. Also two tiiwburgi-M that will carry 500 or COO ioim on 9 feet, draft, address Makink ItKt'oiui Oltlco, FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wo have In our list, the large, powerful lug Samson, which will be sold, outright or chartered for the trip or fcciuion. BOILER FOR SALE! An Almont new ntcel holler .'ixfltj ft In Hue condition will sell lens [linn Half price. Adilivoa MARINK RECORD, Clevelaud.O ______^ H. V. BOEOMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, ' (HOUMKllI.V 11KVKI1K 1IOU8K) Detroit, Mich. MomI Outrnlly I.ocntc*!. street carH pitas the door every few mlilmcrt to Depoh, anil all v|>art» of the City, Three mlnnlc's walk to I, S & Jl S, I) tfc M, and Walmidi Depols. Ratei $180. to >2.00 par day. MARINK I.AWYKRS. i Knolp X MorrUon l'ltOCTOltS IN ADMIRALTY, lift Mnaroi- SI ItiHilll M 1'llli'nuct ItOA'L' lU'll.DKUM. Uuun £ Co. IIOAT UUlLUKltS LAUNURY. BOAT WASHING and general Laundry In few,hours. Cleveland Stkam Laun- duv. ' 33 St. Clair St. Telephone 118. CO A I..' 1 Duvl.l UuruliUsI Agt, UOJBUITIV ± HTKAIH COAL, Cleveland Ohio THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace . Conches and Elcganc Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT? CHANOE. tub i« tho only line nmkin... Direct Connection rt ., all llio prlaclpal Trunk Lines ot tlio Eait for al Soi'lhcrn, Houthwctttfra ihiiI Western points, oltlior by w»y ot Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St L> it ,11 Ratlwny Towns MISSOURI, ARKANS ,. VeXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEJIV MEXICO, OLD MEXICO A3D THE I'AcirK' coast: Equipment New and Comprising all Improvements. Modern The Best Roadbed and tha st Road in the West. Safe Pill (3 BSTTiukets t\v till** populiir route for lit nil reKjjhir Ti'keih Olllci- E.B.THOMAS, 0. B. SKINN E, General Maunder Truffle Munugur. A. J. SMITH, (tint-nil I'iiiii'ngur Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. CWAYNES Known to Men of Fiue aho Science for Removing ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Actaiiwltd(il iflrttl, (liuut, ill IBcltnt Con ft? CONSTIPATION, ims.tthia.1-* nVQPPPQIA known by Irregular nppo- UIOrcrolM, M,„ h()||r belchTim, weight end tenderness at pit or Moniflch, desixmileney. LIVER Com'llltlnt- miloo«neii. M»Urlt\, Chilli »nd also bottom of rlba; weariness, irrltabllliy, tongue coated, xkm yellow, hot and cold sen- flatioiiR^iycHdiill.dry couch .htillet} and otistrurt* cd feeling, lrreciilnr nujbo, bail colorod btooLa, APflPI FYV r:pil<>p»y,l>ftrnl.y»U1<lim nruri.uAi|,|„|,, auundincnxa.giddiness confunion in bend, nervousness, Unubcs of light txforeerei, Ion c*---------- ni........ «i-n-_ KIDJlEYS, MDUtio&a, U Inflamed eroi HEART,____ wbinlrLni on Uft ilda; HEADACHE,;?, Pro|Mr ii okum<1 if wturjr Bald. Usm*_««.( bj urlo told in b\< II. D. aOULDBBv. JOHN F. WEn urine riurk or light,rod dejioilt; __________,_» burning, htinginj;, bearing down Mnutiona, fnquant doilrs U uniiaU, HTsn palm, OutWrinn or might nwr hoart, mon io on moving quickly and 1 ~ ' la j out of bmath on eimlon. dnll or aharp P*lni in lamplta, •yai or h«i4i ntfntnau, abuh*.* ^ Rhvamat. filood. Bowel »!*■ . . .. ,.____..... Worms by ^i raitf Cold* br choking of tAa Hcretlou. _________IB'» PILUI, by pntlt lactlon, nmoTtt Uii oanH, making a parmuini tan, /Bant br mail fbf " - ' - m - ' "fl riltn 0 boi.'i, liM (In potttgt- ■WATNE.A «ON, order* byoorrnpl mattar. within. Cold* br ohok.. ■WATMI'i PILUI, br *>..------—1_,---------—-mi _ . ______Plllii fl ftamra) Addnu, DB, VhUwIolpbl*, PmT U oanU ty>i of 3 _____L»H_____ Sold by Unigf liU. G0ULDER &, WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND . PROOgORS IN ADMIrlAUY. 14 k 10 ATWATRR BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. Our Collection Depnrtmopt In in chnrgo of an Ex¬ perienced Collector SHORT-HAND AT YOUR IIOMKS-Sen't lOconUfoT spoclmons, IUlpiiB. CtAitKK, 4011 Gormantown a venue, Plillndolpbln Piu The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS ^ RAILWAY. ___-~ Tho pftMongor equipment of this New Trunk Line Ii' la all now iiml It supplied with tho IritostupplUnMS noeenary to safo speedy und comfortable tMTel, AC Chicngo, MMvnger. ttntns nrilvu at and leavt from tho Union Depot, Vhd Buren itiooU Following ig'tho tlmorln edect May Ii 1S88, and un- further noilco: - ' • ( Arr. ValMHiiii«>.. " Fort Wayne. " Now Havon. " Wc»t Lolpilc " Urcen yptlnsi " Bl-IIotub....... QOINO- EAST, 10.05 " ................. 5.10 ".................. 1 0 12 " ____.,......... C.5.1 " 8 30 0. m. 0.00 " 10.55 » .....:....... 12 08 p. m. OOINO WEST.' ,10.15a. m................... ..11.50 " ......... Arr PalncBvillo... " Krlo............. Lt Buffalo.'........ Accom. 6 on p. m. B. l\ " 7.11\" 7.<0\ " Erlo.......,...... " Aithtabula..... Lv Cleveland...... Lv Ik-Uovue......... . 5.30 " 7.15 a. m. J.i5 " " .......... B.<0 " 015 " 7ao " 8.50 '• " (ireen Hprlngs. ..............10 w " ■ " West Lelpile... . ,.............. Y2.Xi " ............... 2 05 p. m. ........... 2 211 " " K,.rt W .yno .. Tratnt run by ColumluM time, which is twenty min- ule- ftiHter tlnili Cli cugn liiuc, live niinult-h iiluwer than CU veliind. mid Blxieen minutes Blower ttun liuf- fiilo time. ' t rorTiifiirmatloiri-call on nearest agent of the Com¬ pany, or address —" Jl r. iiouueu, (lon'l riiHucnger Agent, LEV'Ifj WILLIAMS, Qoneral Manager, Cleveland, O. Cleveland to N. York VIA TIIK NEW Vonifr-vIMtKNNNYI.VANIA 4 OHIO IIAIIJIOAD. Formerly Atlnnlic A (Jrait We-ttern Itallroad For New \ ork Uo-lojj mid ihe Eiibi. Ttie Bliori- -uaLnnd i|iileke IrouU'to Pittsburgh. WiiBlilngton lhiUimuri' iiml LU- bmilluut.1. Untrl lnrtl|eMy>lUo tnuna will lcavu , .. i ew Ct'iiiral Ul-jhiI, souili Wutur mrtiet mi V duct an follows, T 1(1 a m MBttlninir ExpreNH (daily I.1U ifli 111- Pullman i-ltL'ping a> d hotel cone ei fMiu Lent UtH'<uitfli S 55 a. m, To New ^ or Albany and HoMon willrout tliaug- . I'urliir I Cli-\eliind Id Saliiinanea Arrhnul Mradttllu I I a. iu.(dinm r) Franklin 12 33 jj m (H|tity |,(io p 111 .luiilL'fttowi) (l.iikf^ Clniil(iiuquiil) 1;57 p. m BiiOaloil.Ti p. m ltiK-lu-HliT n,:ii) p in,, Iliinii-11 villo ti;40 p m atipp' r ), CurntuK H:.'S p in. Khuira 8-57 p in. lllngluililuii 10.5.H p. in. Alixny 0 00 a in. lion to n -J.46 p in .arm inu lit New YorkGAU :i m H'flA h Til Nlyhl Kxpre*»M dully .xt-ept .1)0 [I. Ill MimUyjl'iiilmun .hupiig .oach from I^'uvi'tfltiurgli to Nuw York, wltlityit cluing!* Arrives at Ynun^-touii nt 1 io il in." IMtlBlnnL-h (i 15 a. in Vyiiftliii.Kluii li 15 p, in . Hultiiiiore II) 31 p in. Mf.MUilk 11,!H) u in LVrry 5 I'll a. in. Jainut- town Q'J'J ii in, Kiillulo ') -15 a m, ItocliOH't-r I 10 [> Hon.cll-HlU' II 'JO am, Coming I'J 5,1 pm. Elm ra 1 Jl p in ISiiigliumptuii J 51) p in, Niw York 4:25 at You! O'Oll n m l*iriHl>uru: ExnrPNH Unify ZidU 11,111, thrmmdi nlihoiit ei mini., i'arlur cur ( k-vi'luml to I'iiiilmri; ii' r<\v at YmaiKaiowii 5 1)0 nui, I'llUlmrK S .'Optu, U'a.ilifii^<0(i 7 .HI [un, Halt* Iino.o H |,'t a in >lahliaron iiml hliurjitVillo lo Meud vill 7 IU |> m I 111 Mnlintllnfc ArcomilKMliitlou Ii !!!• »lupplti« ul nil way > ulloim Arriiu i^hIdhii 7:iU, |i in, Mni'i,n K,Ki pin, Hhat|"> villi' H 40 [• in, (omiMts ut U'lislltxtmrKli will, ir.iin No '2ii Un Mi .idvilli' iiml Inti rniuli.iio points, ai- riv.'Biit Miadvlllf IKklpm 7tinn HI I'IH"l»Mrtr Exprt'HN tlnlly .IU di llli throiiKli nlilionl L-hungn Arrrvei aT Youn^iowti 10 u in, Slui'iin IU Mix in, hliarpB- \llli< I ML") a in, I'llthhnrKli 1 OK ]> m, lit turning, leavcH I'nt iliurgh at 4 1.1 a in, <l 5-ri u in, I I.) p ui, utitl -1^0 ii in tfl I If YounffHtown and ritUburah Ao- 1U at lUi ooimnodutioU, htupiiliiK at ull Way Utrtloiin, nrrlvlng at Youngmown { W p in ; I'itli- burgli, 11.10 p. m. Traln» arrive al Cleveland, 0 05 a. in; l|lAr>u. m; 2 00 p. in^ 7.00 p in and 10.15 p. m MTTIiis li tlio only routs bv which paflaongt'rs eon reacli (lurry Elmira, UliiKlianiiitiUi, Now 1 or* City and Intenni'dliite polnm WITHOUT Ex- t'llANdK Np change to liaslon and New Eng¬ land Cillefl. , Uiiffiraffe Oheokotl Tliroimh to nil 1'olnU EuaC. Bt^Through tickets and Information Tjjgurdlng tho mute can be obulnod at the UniotLjJIcKetOf. flco corner Hank and Superior Street*: at office ]81 Bank atreot and at nuw* Depot of New Yarn, Fenn- aylTunlu and Ohio Hallway, UoMlh Wateralroet and Vlttduet, Cleveland, O. A E CLARK. Gen'l I'asa'r Ag'f Clevelnn M. L 1-X)UT(S;8 J. M FERRIS, Prtas 131 Bank St.) Uon'l Min'tfr. Clerelu d Cl*\*elanj' 6

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