s t. . , AROUNJJ THE LAKES. OODUNBHUtin, The tuj| Qiirilinir wliluli wim burned lust week In owned by thu Goorj{o Hull & Co., conl mid towing llrm of thin idly. ISliu iviw commiiniloOy Ciiptuln Wlllium Leoimrd, ol'OgilcjiHbiir^, one olithe bent und moat re¬ liable ciiptiilim 0114I10 liikfiiu—UUio tun w»« one of till) Htronurcet nnil fiisluNt In the soi vlee, ni)d wim In ){"»" .order.' Hlie wiib built about 1872, cunt In the neighborhood ol $2!I,U0u imd w«B,uiinied"alter „Wlllliiiu •Jiinlner, ol'the Arm ol' Hull & Gardner, the orlRlnul foundura Qf the eoal and towing, eoiupiiiiy, ninee known hh SoynioiiriS; Company and Inlturly nt Geoi'n'e Hull <fc Conipany. fcthi! was valued 'nt about $15,0(10 and win*' linutroil lor *ll),- 000. The bnrniiiK "I' 'll1' Uiirilner will occasion sonic Inconvenience itnd.cniinider- . able Iom in her'-oivueriii but nhe will be riT- plneed lis booh as piwdhle with iib good II not a better, boat and all 'iheir eoiitruetB will be carried out wMi but little delay. City for tlioPluinmcr Lunilior Co., of tills 'city. j^ • Tho bnrgo Fontofla arrived with lumbor for Guilder & Holiitok, , Steamer Sleluholl.arrived from Canadian Ports. She had on board a number of .pas-' Bi'iigei'B and ciiiiBlilerable freight. Nuniuurs of people'went aboard of her, tnlh being her llrBt trip In, Captain Young, who com¬ mand!) her, 1b a ploiiwiiit genial gchtlcmim, and Iiiih had many yearn experience In lake navigation, and tlioiouglUy iiiiili-rmiiiiils bin butilneBK.' .- Seow CliarleB Crnwford"airH!ed with salt for Ayrea & Co. She gocs'to KelleyB lulunil to load stone for Casevllie. Scow Coiiklin, wjiieli liim been engaged In thc.Stonu trade between Kellj'* IKltiiul and' Clevelund, Bpraug a leak at Black river and Blink In 8 leet of water. . ; The tugs'JoIhibiiii and FIkIi, owned bore, are reported fast in Ibe ice 611 Jliiiquette. The schooner Hatlle Wells, which cleared roni hero in tow of the irfeainbarge Khoda I noticed In your last Ibbiic that the Cape Vincent eorrespoudent to the Hucohd ntnted. that Ciiptidn.Klehiiid ^minders had returned fronuOBwego, where be has been superin¬ tending repairs on the schooner I.. S. Ham¬ mond. He merely returned to spend the Sabbath with Ids lamlly, but is still lierc looking niter the repairs oft he above mimed vessel. The Hammond's iepalrs will not be completed belore the Middle of June. She Is receiving a thorough overhauling, audit Is the Captain's aim to leave'nothing un¬ done U> make her in flrst-clasft shape In the real sense ol the word. • The wind iias blown a gale from the west to-day and several vessels have been detained here in consequence. The tug George I). Seymour left this port Friday evening, with three barges, coal la¬ den, .In low, and bad to return during the iiight.^owing to heavy weulhei.' J ' SANDUSKY. ' The propeller St. Paul, owned byWIek- liam & Co., nl Huron, and which has entered .Ward's LakeSupeilor line, will make weekly trips tills beason between Detioit all.l Lake Superior ports. The schooner Huron has been chartered to carry eoal from this port to Kingston at $1.28 Iree. The schooner llnttle Wells dented 'light for Alpena? ____ The steambarge Sehuoor and the schoon¬ ers N. C. West. Gilmoie aiidJessie are load¬ ing Btone nt Kellcys Island. Tin! schooner Harney Kvelelgh, w bleb went ashote at Pelee Island last Thilrs- il.il, lia:> b.iv been ab.iniloned. The tug Kile liellu has been working ml I the siihooiit'i ( orsicaii, which stnluded at the same lime and place; but the lug's hawser purled, and she hail to suspend operations temporarily. There were run sienin pumps on board the Corslcan. Her upper works were in bad shapertt the time; but her hull «as not lualcilally lujuted. About sixty tons ol her cargo have been ligtiiereil nil. The steam seow Lucky Hoy U'ltihls port lor the wrecked Corslcail, and having.collected her lit out started foi Cleveland. Stewnrti'wiiB badly damaged near Leaming¬ ton by being run Into by the schooner L. J. Clark, which struck her on the starboard bow, dairying uwiiy her fore nnd main rig ging and smashing In her rail and bulwarks. The entire foreilgglng ol'the Clark was car¬ ried away. The velsclu were towed .Into Detroit. Steambarge George A. Marsh arrived Ironi Toledo, light. Parties nip negotiating for her. pin chase. ' Captains Slaiinard and Fllzpiitrlek, Gov¬ ernment, lnspectoisol steamboats, inspected the.barges Josephine and Hed Jacket. They will-luspecl the steamer .l."N. Lutts and ll|e sleamyachl Ida Maj.oMiied by Mr. Crane, of Clnclnuall. The propel'er Olilo and consorts Kyau-and Johnson have arrived at Ebcatiaba. The Bteamer H. K. Ferris, of this iiorl, col¬ lided willi the barge Annie L. Craig, at To¬ ledo, mid smashed,her ynwlboat. Captain Fox, ol the Ferris, settlcjl Hie uiatler by pur¬ chasing a new yawl for tile barge. The (JiiiiniHnii authorities seem lo |iave very little legnrd for the snlety ol vessels in Hrilish Minora, as there is at present neither a buoy or lightship at Colchester reef, which is considered one of the most dangerous places on the lakes. A lightship should be stationed on the reef at the earliest possible day. Messrs. (_'. II. .felines and M. M. Deprees, of Indianapolis, the former an expert In Ibe,use of Hercules, powder In submarine lilasling, and the latter the chief engineer of Ibe I. II. f- W, roiul, Iihvu been ill the city lor rwo days tor the purpose of arranging for' the.iemovnl of seven huge boulders thai obstructed navigation in the channel dredged t season by the I. H. & W. The where¬ abouts of the boulders having'Wen located, charges ol liercules powder In walep proof bags were lowered into the water and ar¬ ranged so as to extend around the rocks at the bottom ol ibe bay. A wile extending Irom the bags Io .the dock was connected with ancleclrle battery, and at a signal tho^ electr|c current was turned on and a terrlllc explosion took place, throwing the water 10 or lit) leet in the.air, killing all the llsb and lizards instanhv. After the explosion it was lug unusual activity mid bid ralr to mnko tills An Important Hulling centei'. There is one lack In thin place, In the bout line, tlult Is small bouts la rent for pleasure parties. ' At times during the summer It is almost impossible to get a bout for love or money A few small bunts have been built' this winter but pleasure seekors will still Und n deficiency,In' that respect. , ' This rapid review of Some of our marine Interests cannot claim to he complete. There are but few, If any lake ports of our size that can make as good-n showing in number of vcsselsKjiiid amount ofrMmprovcmciit In marine facilities made during the winter. Sault Sle. Marie is growing In. this respeet as well as every other, and It Is,only n ques¬ tion ol i||no when In commercial importance she will know but few rivals on the upper hikes. ' • MU8KKOON. . Clearances, May 16,14- lumber vessels; shipments 2,000,<IOO m lumber; shingles, 2,000,000 m; lath, -|'Q0 m. TlrWe is a large licet in port, and a good deal of lumber bus bean sold. Total lumber shipments from this port since the opening of navigation to the present time, -10,000,480 ui feet. Tho schooner Golden Fleece arrived from Chicago with grid", the Hist uirlviil licie tlds season Irom lli.it poll, and denied light lor Cleveland, to load coal lor .Mmquelle. • The steainyncl.it Snlllw, formerly owned nt Put-ln-Uny, is running'ii feny'at Toledo. The schooner Pellnn mid (be scow IHne hnve loaded stone at Kelleys Island. Scow Truiix Is being inbuilt nl I'lil-lu-llny. The sleamharge Voseuilie ami consort Wnllnldgc airlved »ilh lumber liom-Alpena lor*Kyaii Johnsim A; Co., and denied light lor "Ha) <'il.i. The schnonei ,1. W. Sull'el aiihed light to load slnves lor the I. II. A. W. The schnonei Leadville, from C'swego, ai- iKcil Willi haul eoal lor the I. Ii. & W. She siaried last tall, but sunk In, Ibe Welhim! ca mil. Tlieie was some iiouble In getting the eoiisighees lo aeeept the coal, ow lug lo It? belpg damaged, lhey> claim, jy (he vessel sinking. 1'iopellei Jaivis Lord Is due, with ore lioill Kscaunh.l. She will load coal lol Ctic- bovgau. 1'hc seboonet (lil'mniir bus been ehaitered to carry stone Irom Ki'l'uy* Islnie1 to St. Jo¬ seph at !fl per Ion, lice. The propellei Atlnnlie ai lived » lib shln- irltv lor I). It. Ilubbnrd it Son and cleared fight lor ('lev eland. The tugs Vulcan and'Torrent ran under rhe lee ol Kellevs Inland with a lull in low. The schooner Viiluiilcei Is still In Monk's ill;y dock. *- -v~ The sciHioncn North Cnpe has arrived with grain from Chicago. 'She is unloaded nnd widllliga load. The steambarge Business, which ran aground on Slarve Inland reef Is op the docks at Milwaukee lot repilhs. She will m- celve new nu'el honei's ami new' wheel. The sleanibargu Win Knilolpli, and barges Keye»,Wolverine and '( rnnsport are loading nt Marblehead, lor Hay City and East Sagl- niivi'. tound that all the boulders were broken into utimherless pieces. The estimated weight ol the boulders Is about 7.1 or 100 tons. Mr. Jenuess Is the sole agent for the Hercules powder. He has con traded lor eonsidei able business hereabouts. MAHVSVII.I.K. 'I he new sieaiiilmrge that was built here was launched last- Salurday. She node a splendid launch and looks well In tile waicr. She will he lowed lo Port Huron lor her boilers anil will be ready to suif alioul the 1st ol Jhiic, .She Is not'named yet. She will be commanded by Captain T. A. Kllery, turnierly ol the piopeller Point Ablno. F. A. ('allelic goesas-lli-sl englneei, also lor- meilyol the Point Ablno. She will carry ahoul '.':ir>,(lll(l lei-l ol lumbi-r She loads here the llrst trip ami lhen' goes to Hay City lor iwo.oi tlnee cargoes (oi \. Mills & Co., of rlcvjdanil. .^he fs built idajut as stiongas wood ami Iron can make hei. She Is well Ironed and aidicd. Siition llio.'s, of Bullalo, made the boiler and engine. BAl'I.I SI I. JIAIIIE. . The ihedges savs the News, will be dis¬ posed as lol low s il it i lug ibe season.' Two ol Caplaln Harkei's ihedges will be nt liny Lake, obe working for (Japlain Illckler nnd one lor the Government. His third dledge, as has been snidwill goto Grand Marals. i aptaln Williams diedge will work for the government on Hie lla\ Lake channel. On all the dredges extensive iepalrs me. being made. Of Uic smaller boats we need say but little. Tile garrison )acbl will shortly be put in siunmer trim. Frank Hursley put the sails on his trim little llshing boat the Anna Hursley Thursday, and will shortly be fish¬ ing in Mliunscoiig Hay. He built him a smaller boat lo be Used ill llsllhlg, Jelllle & Koncli built n tint boitom.llshliii; la.ai ih|s » Inter, ll wns biought down Wirier sheet Wcdnesdnv nnd lauiiebed below the govern-' iiient dock It Is lo be used In selling and attending to pound nels. Wm. Meyeu, the I barber, Iiiih also had a handsome llshing boat 7-----OIIICAQO, The block In the river, oecasloncil'by the steamships Wo-co-keu 'nnd Tncoiua 'on Thursday, Friday mid Saturday ul' Inst week, was u very serious lost to vessel owners, vesselineii. lumber shovers, and to Chicago generally. -- Un May-' 2d, at 10 p. tn., tile schooner Lookout, Captain JoliirMidpney, ran on (he southeast point ol Hock Island, ami wiib got¬ ten oil' by throwing her decklond of tles-)-| overboard nnd running an nuchoi, at 7 a. in¬ itio next, morning. The anchor was shipped, and the vessel got under ivay and made for Manitowoc Buy, where she collided with the Bchooner Windsor, nt anchor, carrying away the jihhooin und heiulgenrof the hitter, and damaging her own mlzzeusnil so badly as to render It useless. Her rudder and keel were so badly damaged when she tan aground that she vviis reiideied almost un¬ manageable, hence thecliiiscof the collision. A tug was telegraphi] lor from Chicago, nirtt-aluj jjii> G. W'.«arduer towed her to Chlengi™lierc she arrived on theUth. lust., ami was placed In the Chicago Drydock Company's dock, where she Is undergoing repali*S£Thc place where the vessel was on Is very»llaugorous'| and.if the prompt and skllllul action ol the captain had not been proceeilejLislih nl once, she must have very somi gone to pieces, an Ihere was no chance ol gelling assi"slance. Always anxious to bring before our read¬ ers anything new which may he ol service tojlicill, ,»e ii.,,c, ,l,.iio^ llu. pu--Mil U(-l!i, vlfiled the new brandi culnblishiiicul ol Messrs! Fowlers, imiiiiit.ieturiug opilchius nnd nautical insliunicnl makers, of Chicago, which Is located nl 244 South Wnlcr street, nnd will he almost exclusively ditected 10 sirppl) the -wants ol veasehnen ami ship¬ owners willi uaiilical liistriiinculs. The piemises ate lined up in a most suitable manner for this trade, and contains a w'ell- fielected stock ol compasses, marine glasses, Barometers, ele., etc., which must meet bolhsji price and quality, the requirement.- ol any one ilcsliing'new articles of that de- heiiptiun.«AAtliiuliL'd is a workshop wheie repairs may be made on short notice; while at llielr fnelory, nt 140 nnd 142 Monroe sired, having every appllatice ol steam power and modern machinery, they can insure Ihc^mosi prompt and nt the same lluiu the most-cor¬ rect and careful nllenllon 10 all orders eoni- milled lo their charge, cither in making, re¬ pairing, or adjusting any class ol nautical 01 scientific Instrument. This branch olllee Is under the more especial charge of Mr. J, K. Stebbing, who as an ndjuster of- ship's com¬ passes for local nilracllou, bus gained a llrst rale reputation in Knglnud as his ninny test- • - FOB VESSEL MASTEBS. ' . Tho following circular lor the 'Instruction' |j>r vessel masters, has been Issued by the lighthouse and signal servlco: Munltoii Islnnd—Cliitnge of Clmrnotorlfltlu. of Light—This light, which has heretofore shown a white flash nt Intervals of ninety seconds, .will show a whlto llasli nt Intervals nfslxtv seconds. > Unmarked Iteefs—No Llglits—A corre- , Bpoudent wrltos of an unmarked shoal or roof of rocks, that its proper position will.bo found West-south west of Black Bill Islands, nnd &% miles north of tho Llmostono la- liiuds.' The extent of the shoal will not ex¬ ceed'one acre (the more dangerous,) nnd not 500 acres, as reported by the tiig Mary Ann. This shonl will enrry fourteen feet of water on It. , . , A most dnugeroii8 alionl Is one of vnst iyc-' tout and composed of gravel nnd large hon¬ eycomb rocks, lying east of Lonely Island at a distance of-elghr. miles, nnd directly in the course of vessels, from Lake Huron .to French river or By.ng Inlet. "" ■ Snnd Bench Harbor of Roftigo—Each and * every piece of floating property made last to tltp breakwater, or anchored In the harbor .must,keep outboard from sunset to sunrise a conspicuous white light, and must have' upon It, or In Immediate charge of' It, a watchman during the entire timo'snch prop¬ erty Is In the harbor. Covered llghtB must bo at once taken III or covered dn dropping anchor or making fast to I be break water. . Big Sodus Hay (Inner) Beacon—Change of Characteristic ol Light—This light, wdiidi bus heretofore shown while, is now changed " to red, and will be visible from the lakeside, thus ajTordlug a range for entering the har¬ bor. ^ • Toronto—Three now spar buoys have been plnced in Toronto Buy, one lfiO feet west of the wharf nl Wlimiii swimming baths, 011 the. eastern point of. the island, am] on a Bhonl In live feel of wider. The other buoy Is/laccil in ten feet of water at the intersec¬ tion of two Hues, one of which lies between Yonge si reel wharf and Ilanlon's vvharl, nnd (he other between Mend's whnrt ami the Grand Trunk elevntor. The board of supervising- Inspectors have . adopted the following rule for vessels pass-'" lug ench other: "When steamers are np- pronchlug each oilier, from opposite direc¬ tions, (he signals for pnsfelug shall be one blast of the .steam whistle, lo pass tn the right and two blasts to pass to the left. The pilot on the ascending shall he the llrst lo * iudlentc the side b'n which he desh'c to puss"; but if the pilot on the descending steamer shall deem It dangerous to lake the side in¬ dicated by |he pilot on ibe ascending steam¬ er, ho shall at once indicate with Ids steam whistle the slue on which he desires to pass, when the pilot on ihc ascending steamer shall govern himself iiccoidlii|;ly. Hut in 110 case shall pilots on steamers-nticuipt to pass each oilier until there has been a tboi oiigh understanding which side each steam¬ er shall lake. The signals for passing must he mm e, answered, and understood hrlurc tile steamers have arrived at a distance of eight hundred yards from cneh oilier." ' ■ The Cnundiaii Government has finally de¬ cided lo erect one life slntlon nt Wellington in charge of Captain Hugh MeCiillougli, and another at Poplar Point, in charge 01 C.iplaln I.eroy Spnll'ord.' At Salmon Point the cannon which Is to he HreiPlN. intervals during snowstorms or foggy weather is lo he placed in charge ol Captain L, Hqdg 11. The bonis are expected daily. imimials show. He has lor the pnsl eighteen mouths been connected with llu- linn ,wild Insl season was most successful in his results liere on the lakes. HUlllleeii jears exper¬ ience hi ibe uiauiifacliiry of nai'llcal luslru incuts will losiiic ihcpinpci execution ol all work intrusted to tils care. We would also hiiy llint all 111 Ibe lino and llielr (miploycs me constant resldeuls ol ( hleago, having a huge business as maiiiit>ieluihig opticians, independent ol this branch. They are al¬ ways tp he loiuid, bolh summer and winter nnd are therefoie uioie idlahle lluiu those who, coming only lor a snuimei's wmk,set up n temporary place of hlislness, and go nw'ny 10—no one knows wheie—when they have cither done enough, or llud business to poor lo keep Ihein lougiu. 1 The bulge Warner arrived here fiom Buy built this winter. The fishermen are show . s* _./ TIIK EMI'lltli STATE. The propeller' Empire Stnle, Captain James Waile, of the Lake Superior Tiniioll Lim\arrived In Dnltiih Saturday Mny 12 being the llrst boat Irom the lower lakes. She bimighi In over three hundred tons of general inerchaudlce lor D11I111I1 merchants and for (lie west, mill nine, n number of passengers. The olllcei's report that the lake Is lull of heavy Homing lee fiom the Sault to Kei'wenaw, and It was only villi grcal difficulty ami skllllul management 1I111I she succeeded In gctiini! heie as soon as she did. They report passing the propellers Peer¬ less, City of Fieeinoiit, Si. Paul, Ari/onn nnd Atcllc, and the sleamhnrges Hodge, Iron Duke and llecla ami sdiooncr Irontoti at iVhltellsh l'olni, fast it ihe fee; and also that Inlly .1 do/eii steamers had already passed the Sauli hefoic they did and could iie expected 1n at aui ipoiueul. H. W, Klrkhlldcr, who was eletk of Ihe Wlusluw last season, Is on the Empire State this sea¬ son. John I). Taylor is steward, and Ilcuiy Kaln Is llrst engineer. Alter discharging cargo, 2,821) barroUol Hour were loaded, ami this iiioniliiL' at four o'clock she cleared I'm Bullalo. you VLSSEL REGISTER FOR 1883. 'Pile Inland Llojds' Vessel Leglslcr for 18811 has been out lor Bomc'llme, hul owing to the lacl ihal a number ol insurance com¬ panies did pot conlrlhiUe towards the ex¬ pense of getting up lli« new ^books, they have not been distributed to all the agencies as Iiiih been tJie ense in pnst years. 'The new register Is one of the lluest yet brought out nnd Is highly ciedllablc lo those Instruct¬ ed willi the work of compiling il. The ____ American and Cauiidliin ' vessels aic em-jural result ol his Imprudence, he' becomes braced In one volume, milking It much more | a dyspeptic or has nllacks of bllllousness or convenient than Inst sunsou. The register 1 sick bendiiehe, he bus sense enough lo lake shows that neither pains nor money \vjro| Swnyne's pills, knowing they will' work spared in getting it op. speedy relief. AN ANTIQUATED AXIOM. No map can serve two miiBlers. if dissipate you sillier for your Indiscretion hi every way; If yon lead a sober nnd quiet life youjiave your reward tn a clenn henrt ami a solid body. The average man don't cure a pin lor a sermon. However, this Is merely moralizing. If he wants 10 dissipate be will lo so in spite of all opposition. J|, m „ |„lt.