Marine Record, May 19, 1883, page 1

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■W'XKimm&'rtmBmnKB* ifiBmrsKcc THU WARD LINE STEAMER NEW- PORT. / The Wnrd 'Line Is cVim'poscd or the, now ■' irtid fust Btunihoi-H Newport, 3,000 toiis.Cap- tnln J; P. Siindberg; Saratoga, 2,n00.toiiB, CnptiTin T. S. Curtis, nntl Niagara,2,800 tons, Captain J. B., Baker, sailing every Thurs¬ day.for Iliiviiiin, itnil iiiiiklnu the I rip down In from clghtyto ninety hourfi. These ves: Bolanro llrnt-oluflB In every respect mid have passenger accommodations unexcelled by liny vessels in tho trade, or in fact In lljc world. Onr lllustrntloni (from •Hnrper's'Wcpkly) this week Is of tho flagship of the line, the in- n'ncl Clonfu'ogos, connecting with tlio French Uno for Jamaica, llaytl and Porto Rico. To those whii, wish to spend thu, winter In the •tropica itwTiy from the rigors of our trying seasons we would commend them to the Ward Mne,and as spaco debars us from'toll- Ing at this tlmo of all the rich and rare things, the people, their customs and manners, how Iosco and how to reach them; wo would snv wrjle to James E. Ward & Co.,'113 Wall, street, New Ynrkiand send for a beautifully lllimrated work entitled "Winter Months in Cuba" which, besides choice illustrations, contains maps ami charts mf" the roule hud plans ol the several steurtrers of. tho lino be- maintenance of cfllelcnt stnam' service for the conveyance of malls and passengers be¬ tween Prince Edward Island and the main¬ land." The report Hpcaks of (lie failure of the Northern Light to maintain continuous communication, This wnsnne.of the strong Inducements lor the Province to Join enn- fedeia'tlon with British Columbia, the Do¬ minion, tlio report says, was spending' an Immense sum of money in the construction of the Canadian Paclllc Railway, yet to pro¬ vide the means of eommunicatlon„betweon two provinces over a distance of scarcely 9 miles,'and thus t ill ft 11 an obligation equally binding as that with British Columbia the boats oljilnis (lied and In processor payment, <20,417fVaving a balance af $48382; ".. A voluminous document of correspond¬ ence'relating to the claim of ex-Overseer Amos Perley, ol Chatham, N. ]!., for ser¬ vices in connection with the RtiioIt%diery, Mlramiclii, in the years 1870-7.7 and 78 was laid on the table of the House 'of Commons yesterday afternoon by Mr. Howell,. Minis¬ ter of - Sir [lector I.angwln laid on the tabic of the House ol Commons on Monday a return of all correspondence with (lie imperial au¬ thorities or otherwise luTofefeijco to the dur¬ ation of the season ol navigation at Hudson-- ^ WARD LINK STEAMER "NEWPORT" nib™ Newport, Commodore J. P. Sundbcrg. Slw Is a new vessel 3-18 feel long, 38.0 feci beam, and 23.0.feut hold. Her keel was laid at Roach's yard, Chester, February 12, 1880. ami she was launched June 12, last—jusl four months to a day. She lias attracted much attention, not only for her outward beauty but for her lavish Interior decorations, and hundreds ol thousands have visited her to gaze upon her exquisite interior decora- Jjoiis Ironi the hands of William Rowland, "Michael Angelo"or modern ship joinery. She Is supplied with the very best (and an abundance of them) appliances known to Bcleuce for preserving ill.) and properly In case ol an unlorseeu emergency. And be¬ ing navigated by a prince of sailors, and ca¬ tered lor by a cne/wldely known for hlstklll mid art In mukhitf the Inner man joyous, the Newport rightly deserves to on the llagahlp; but her sisters are Just as comlortable and equally as reliable In every respect, hence It Is a matter of htit little choice which vessel one goes by for all.aroBiiperlor vessels Iji all respects. In addltloj) tlie Wnrd line dls- patoh sleamer Santiago, 1,400 tons. Captain S. F. Phillips, Inouthly to Santiago de Cuba sides schedules and prices of over a score of excursion mules.—Xtnitictil UttzctU, MSO. PARLIAMENTARY NOTES. NAVIGATION Ol' HUDSON 11AY — HDSI'ITAI.ITY Oil' UOVUuN.MKNT IlollSii. Ottawa, May-11, 1883. Yesterday afternoon Sir John Macdoiuild laid oil the table of the House of Commons all correspondence, reports, Ordors-lu-Coun- cil and all other documents.rcluilng to any claim made by. the Provincial Government of Prince Edward island for a rcluud of the expenditure up'on public wharves and plcia, and also In connection with Ihe maintenance ol short leruT pensioners in tlmt province since admission to the Union. The sum ol $124,105.04 wasclajnlcd from Ihe Dominion Government for erecting piers front July 1, 1873, to Deeember.31, 1882.- At a ineellng of the executive council of Prince Edward Island It was decided that the Dominion Uoveruircnt tailed to I'ulllll that term of eonledcratlon whl.'h stipulated "that the Government of Camilla shall assume.and do- iray allxiie charges for the oatabllaincut and Federal Government have displayed a 1 marked ludltlcrcncc. In conclusion the re- ! port says: • "Should the Dominion Goveru- j incut fail to comply Willi ihe J.isl request of ; this province its government will be reluct- niilly compelled .to lay Ihe Grievance com¬ plained of at lh(^ foot of the throne, ami lo appeal lor redres^ lo Her Majesty the Queen, as one of the parties to the articles of con¬ federation.' ,s From a return brought down It is observed that on a memorandum dated May 2, 1883, from the acting Minister of .Marine ami Fisheries, representing tj.iat (lie distribution ■>fthii Parllaiueliiary appropriation of flol),- 000 I'iir ll-lllng homilies on ihe scale author¬ ized by order-ln-councll of December 14, liisr, will prnhably leave an available' balance of irt least 1.10,000, the minister reoommonded Ihe payment of boats and men on the same basis as provided for In the order-ln-councll above cited. The vessels paid repieseuilit^ 5,008 tons at $2, nmmiiilcil to $11,1130 and vo-sols claims, lllcd and in process ol pay¬ ment, 17,737 at $3r>,474, leaving a balance of vessels 23,705 tons at (47,410. Boats paiil representing 11,225 men at $2.5'), $28,005 and Day. From Ihe return wlilch Is compiled by Professor It.'ll of the Geological survey li appears Il'ial Hudson Shall* can he navigat¬ ed about:!'olir nluiilhs and a half ill Ihe year, wlille ihe hay is partially free from Ice the greaier pari of Ihe ulnier. Now llial Ihe term of his excellency Ihe Marquis of Lornc Is drawing In a close, It may not he nut of place lo remark t|iat since lie has arrived In ihocoiiutry as ihe repre¬ sentative of Her Majasly, lie anil Her Royal Highness llu." l'rliiecss l.ouUe have won lor themselves die di'llni'tlni, ol being most hos¬ pitable ami genial hosts. The cordiality, of ihe receplion invariably accorded by His Excellency ami Her Royal Highness' to their guests have become pro¬ verbial. Hundreds of tlio citizens of Ottawa, members ol both Houses of 1'arllanicnt and slrangers.fro'm all parts of the country who have had the of being .Invited to the numerous 'entertainments given at Govern¬ ment House will long remember ihe pleasant social events which transpired during bis Excellaney's otllciiil' residence In ihe llom- VuMinuod to juttjc 5

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