u ;/ ^nginEeiiinjg. THK NICARAGUA CANAL," Tho Tnulu Rcvjuw locomiy lufuiroil to nil nblu biiielniM! Ij}' I)n\ld M. ItiiliMiiUon, U«i)., of^Dotlolt, Mich,, an llif Ni. n iAhii imini mill otliur jinlillu qiii'cllons 0|)piutiuilt\ In now tlilton to plenum lln- -iilleiit.piiliiinnl Ilia loinufks upon iih Iiili'i-oci'iinit ennui, no doitipiiulul hv iminp »l iIh pmpiwil loiiii) which niiglnull) iippuiii'il In tlii'Sun Kmn- olsco •Tom tin I of Cmiiiiiuio uiul 1m which wo arc Imli'lituil t'n Mi. HIlIiiiiiIhdii It nlll buobHurvcil thiitlhi1 Nlun ij;iitiuiiiiil In 17.1,'i miles lontf. '1 lie mliKhi Iiiiiii the AM'intli to tho louitlnn nun lull It, In the iiiniil pni- pci, 3(lllllh'fl Ioii^,jiiiiI i (• 111 ill i) 111 ic Hm' l"i ka wltli n lift ol 22 Icut eiicli, hj hieiinKiil ninth ships lencli the wniniiilt h vcl nt mivhMllim At the point iiiiuki il II n il mi U cuiisiiiilIciI, n favoiulile louitlnn mill link iihnliiienlH huvlpif been xeleitul 'llili limn, iiuuli nt cut stone, Is 2,800 lee, lonj; mill 10 leet liljjli, lllll| elevntlnjj llie ilvci nhme It In u height —iUw-twit below the leM'l ill Luke Nluirifiini perlonceil enKhieeif, mill tho iippolntmoiits ilivlfleil up equiilly betueen tho two' gient pintles. Ho niiiiiiinliit-1lint tho cnniil eun bo niiule self «u|>poit|ni; nt leiiaonnhle umnnga nitcs, mill nlso to ylelil n leveiine to tho Govci ifinunf. Tho lilstnnce fioin the ilmii to the lnku hi lug 52Jj miles, llie lull W n little less Hum one inch poi mile, which nljl ciento a cimeiitof libouc one mill one hull ■mile* pel hum , uii- rylliB the hhju, lit oulhniry hike level, t«o iimf n hull leet iihnvu ihe ciest ol the iluin ,v Tho i Ivor Sun .limn |» Impiine liui'l xtinln)it- oneil beloie the ilmii Is eomph toil, uiul thus trnnslortiieil Into miosliuir} ol e\touslon ol the.hike. 'Ihe hike iinvl<{iiilon Is nniinpuleil, with mi iivemgo ol nine liithoins ilepth, ill though the hike is In ninny places 15 to 20 fathoms (00 to 120 feel) ileep. '1 he «iiti-i Is clear, ties.li and stud, The extreme of high Jiliil low u liter at tlio ciniiiiicnceiiiciit mid end of (ho i alny season, |s nevei ovei six feet. The men of the lake is about 14,- 000 squaro miles—about the sire of Lake Erie, but deeper Tho l'ncillc division, from the hike to the Paclllc ocean, has a cut ol only 40 loot depth above Inko leul; and like the Atlantic Division, Is tlttod with locks to Overcome tho level of the Ink • above the ocean. The canal Is to be cut 28 feet deep; the locks GOO leet long, 85 feet wide, mid 30 feet deep, with Iron gates moved by steam power, which will nlso be used-trrrnovlng Bulling ships through the locks. Suiumsliips will, of course uso their own power, l'lioee locks are llued. with two huternl openings of five feet diameter on each side, (or lour openings in all), which will empty or till the lock in 11 minutes. TlmJocKB will be made of eoneroM, faced ut the top with henvy hardwood native timber, which will not be Injnied by the Undo navalis, the wa¬ ter being fresh. The supply of water Is u always frffc ol Hoods; consequent!} uudoi easy control. Tho delay of passing enoh vessel Should not exceed 30 minutes. The' rate of speed in canal proper can be placed 'at four miles pel hour, nud on the hike and slack water rivet* summit level, approxi¬ mately full speed. The time to pnss through can thus be calculated- Canal navigation 53 miles at four miles per hour, 13& hours; summit navigation, 120 miles at eight miles fier hour, 15 hours; passage through ten ocks at 30 minutes each, Ave hours; total time, 33^ hours, which may be further in¬ duced by greater speed on summit level, which on the lake can as well be 12 or 15 milesjpor hour as eight miles The distances are thus divided Ciinnl, Atlantic to Sun jimn River diun,- 30 miles; Slackwater river navigation, 62^ miles; lake navigation, U8 miles, canal, Pa¬ clllc to Lake Nlcaiagun, 17>4' miles total length, 173^ mllee. The engineer's estimate of cost, (United States survey), bused upon actual ilose In¬ strumental survojs, Ih ♦Al.OOO.HOO, which with 25 pei cent contingency added, makes approximately $52,0011,000. 1'lme loi ion struction lour to live years ' Mr. RlcliiiriUon makes these points against the hill presented toCongicss 1. The toll authorized to bo chiugiil (2.50 pel ton) Is excessive, 00 cents a ton would yliU' a pio- bablo profit of $3,000,000 lo (0,000,000 a j em. 2. There Isu po^lbllltj that tho chiiiiI, when done, may be opeiated In tho Interesrof the three groat Pacillcnallwajs. 3, A ma¬ jority ol Ihe stock might pass under the con¬ trol of a loiolgn powel. By the terms ol the bill the Government Is to guarantee 3 per cent. perHiimjnfot net pioflts on tho to¬ tal cost ol the cm al (estimatid at $150,000, 000) foi 20years. Mr. Richardson strongly advocates tho position that the Government should construct the canal. Ileuigos: 1. That it would shorten the wntei route be¬ tween New York mid Sun Fninclsco ovei 10,000 miles, 2, that It wouk) place Now York " ithlii 40 days sail by steam nt Yoko- honui, Shanghai, Melbourne and Sliluo) ,3, that it would diminish frclglit rates between NewYoiknnd San Fianclslo at lease one- half; 4, that the leduetd "niteB thus secured to shippers would effect an annual saving to tho country more than equal to the unnunl Interest on ihe estimated cost of the canal: 5, that the business o" the > canal would have tho iidviintngo of continu¬ ing Hll the yeai, (I, that it would furnish nil- other strong bond of union between tho eastern and western coasts; 7, that It would make tills country tho great commercial cen ter of tho world. He suggests that the great work be prosecuted under the direction ol a commission composed of eight competent, trustworthy men, two of whom aluill.be ex- CANAL TOLLS. Ml Hugh Mc'Lelinnn, inmiiigei of tho .Montreal 1iaiispoitalliiuCnm|)iiny nas semi by oiii lepoitei at Ihe .JVInilsoi Hotels- lij a jnmei'siukin about the gu'ilii tiaile, ho nl- luilid to I he canal tolls mid said that liclioped Ihe gnvernniililj.tf.wjjuld we Its hiij-rkmi to iiuiovo them. Siiehan net would he ot much inuio lieuellt-tllnii inaiu me .lumonl. Foi lufliiiue, II a merehatit In Lheipool wants u ceitaln quantity nfjjriilli, he in-ks pilces in M'vnnhllleH ill ihe (.'lilted states. He Iltnln that he c hi dbtalu It linm iIidmi who ship hv 'the Lrie ciinnl juxt tillic pence pel qiiaitei liss tluiii he can lYnin thnse who loiward hy t\n\ of ihe .St. Lawii'ine. It Is tho eiinal tolls that make this illlleiemeol three peueo pei quiiitor,and II they hoio lemoved this ■ onto would be placed on mi equal looting with the Kile. Thou ihe competition would he lull, and without doubt this lon'e would leeelvo the pieleieuee,by iin'iinol Itssafcty mid dlspntch. Air. Mel cniinii was \civ earli¬ est about Ihe remoMil of tolls. H'lnlehi tlie city ho Inspected tho stock of the cnmpiiny, and was highly pleased with lis condition. One thing, hnwcvoi, ho said wa*, that Cap tain Gat-Lin had spent as much mi liupiove- ments as tho company would ilinko In ayeai —Kiiujitoii -Vei(n. ' eontnlns th6 llagp, code of signals, etc. Tho Jleet consists ol tho schooner-yacht Khodn, I the butter Cilekot and tho sloops, Kiln, Lau¬ ra, Fascination, KalloGioy, GulnOvero and Maud. Knoh yacht cnnli'H, health's her reg¬ ular pennant, tho signal lings which have been adopted by tho club. Thls.slgnal ooile Is conmleto mid embraces ovei} thing for communication between yacht«1nji)l wo/ith- ei. Ihe club ninposo many lliti'iestlng events tor the coiuiug season and expect to give vnchtliigsiiih mi impetus this )enr that the Intel est will Inn ease mid the club mom- beishfp giuw inpldlj. The annual togatta of tho dub will lie held In August each yoir ■trigelhei .with such nthet regiutas lis may bo provided for hi theeliihuta le^'tihu monthly moot lug. \ACTICAL AND SCiKXl'll'IC. fj.,"i0 pel II has been olleicd loi luniber lioth Genigiaii Ilaypnils to Pilind tithur's Landing , ' Thu mall steninois will hit ill coal this sen- son, and have hud the necessary alteration tuado dining the mntui. There Is no likelihood of tho piopellcr James Davidson iiiniiing hetnoen Chicago anil Ogdeus|uiig. I he ciop prospects on the Pacific const are impicvlng, 'I he Aigentltie Republic Is mid to be tho lmgest cattle Inlstng countiy In the world. The Hist Bclmonei oiitmud Irom Quebec stinted dnwrr til*' St. Liwronco livet on ApilllO. YAOHTiNG- Plerro Lorlllnrd's new atenmyncht Kiidha, says tho Nautical Gazette, Is at the yards of the Plissey it Jones Co.. at Wilmington, Del., where she will receive a new boiler. A grand open regatta of! Nnhiint or Hull, where the linger class ol yachts can have deep water, Is talked of by the Dorrhestei Yacht Club, to take place Satuiday, Juno 10. The schooner yacht Intrepid, Mr. Lloyd Phoenix, after an absence of neaily five months, artlved in New York on tho 27 ult,, having visited Burmuila, St. ICItts, and other West Indian poits, leturnlng by the way of Key West, Fernaiidlna. Savannah, Delaware Breakwnter, and thence homo. Wood Bros , at Jellrlos Point, have con- ti acted to build for n Boston piuty a steam yacht of the following dlnii usinns Length, 50 leet, beam, 1% feet Hei frame Is to be of while oak and cednr plunking, with cop¬ per liislenings. The boiler mid engine will be supplied by New Yoik pintles She will be fluinhed and leady for imo July 1, and is expected to mak" at least 12 knots an hour 'Ihe jncht Fortiinii was launched at Poll- Ion's yaid at ihe loot ot Bildgo St. Brook¬ lyn, on l'huisday noon. She Is owned by Ileniy A. Hovoy, of tlioLastein, New York, mid New^Mtlloul clubs, She was modelled and designed by A Cary hmllh, measuiei ol the New York and Seawanhaka clubs, and Is one of tho llnist keel schooneis eyer built in this countiy. Her dimensions are, 115 feet In length, 23 leet beam and 13 feet depth ot hold, Ml. Gordon Bennett';* stoiunyacht Na> moiina lias had a vciv nai row escape from being totally lust at Vlllctiallelic. It ap¬ pears that Mi. Bennett, having ordered Bteam to be got up, put his iiiptaln and male on shore, Hiking chaige himself, tot the avowed purpose ol showing llioni how to handle a yacht. Steaming out of tho haiboi ol Vlllclrmicltp, she all but collided with the Fronth gunboat II)one,oiuo outside the Mole, the Namoiina was stiercd straight lor thto millonil station at Villelriinche, mid, consequently ran full speed ashore In a veiy lew moments. Fortunately, the bench where she struck was composed chiefly of sand; hence, aftor discharging some furty toils of iiiiiii and stores, she was got off by some tugboats fiom Nice, apparently with¬ out having sustained any serious damage TheguiiboatHyoneolleied assistance which, It Is uudoistoou, was declined, Mr. Bennett staling that he ran the vessel ashore loi his own amusement — London World, Commodoic John T. Molt, ol the Oswego yaclitcliib, has received the published code of signals, chin ter and constitution of the club. It Is a neat little book of 04 pages and It Is clnlineil that the southern New Jer¬ sey const is one of tho best places in the world for invalids. The Mohlle Board of Tiade and the Now Orleans Chamber of Commerce have en- dot sed the Floilda ship canal scheme. During the month of March the German Immlgranlsjirrlvliig here outnumbered oth¬ er natlouiflltlos, by four to one. The Calkers' Association of Portland, Me., have voted that the price for a day's work shall be $8.33 during this year. The dome-shaped, steamer Meteor cannot be used lor two months jet. It has been found that her engines will not work prop¬ erly. The shipyard of Poi t Richmond,Philadel¬ phia—the Gorrlnge yard—Is \ery busy. Eight iron vessels are now under contract there. Tho depnrturu of the Brlteh steamer Oceanic, Irom Sim Framisco for Japan and China has been postponed fiom the 21 to tho 24 of April Tlio dining looms of tho Richelieu and Ontario steamers will be run on the Euro- pea" plan this M'lii.n clinnge that will bone- ilt sen-sick passengers moio than the com- pnnj. The Spintn anil Magnet, twnol the.lnrgest pnsxeiiger stenmeisln the Richelieu mid On- Inrlo Nn\lgatloii Company's licet, lime been chinteieJ lo iiiii on tho Gooiginn Buy in connection with the Canndlau Pnclllo mil- w nj. Kingston News Captain Thomas Don¬ nelly, while on his way uplroin Brockvllle with tin ( onqueioi, saw Hie schooner Ariel of Port Hope, ashore Just opposite the camp grounds. Shu is light, but lo all appcafnuoe lUed llrinlj on thu locks. Captain Phelps refused the Couqueioi's otlei to pull tho ves- . sel oil. I *> Arrangements have been made by which the Commercial Line steami rs Cuba, Russia, Scotia, Colorado jind Ncbniskn will curry freight eastward and w estward between Chi- eagcaind Buffalo tor the New Yorkr"Lnckn- wanna St Western Railroad. The Roanoke, of the same line, will run between Chicago and Ogdensbuig. Secretin y Folger had a toufeieuco with Sicietaiy' Krellnghuyson last woek, In refer¬ ence to the removal of the American Consu¬ late at Sagiiii In Grand, Cuba, to Boca Isabel, This chuiige has bpen suggested by Amoil- caii shipmasters on tho giound that tlio lat¬ ter Is a mure convenient port. It Is under¬ stood that the Secretaries do not regard a' change as expedient at present. David Knhmvllor, mahiimcturoror Knim- wellor's Never Sink Cork Jackets, Improved patent, life piescrvers, ring buoys, fciulors nnd llfo rnfts, has it-moved to 14B, 148, tin. 150 Worth street, near Centre, Now York. On nccountof tlio icportod oxlstpiico of ' yollmt !o*li In i una mid othei southern Inlands, (ho National Boaid ol Health lias dotlded to establish qiimnnllne stallons on tho soiilhorii toast oarllei than usual this win. It Is pioposi i| to open tho station at Now Qiloniison Miij» 1, unit those nt tho southern poits not later limn May 15, Right Hon, Joseph CliiimbciInini PipbIT (lontof tho Ilonrd ot Tlade, hns Issued a ell- oulnr III whHi the announcement In m,,do that the Boind of Tnulo litis decided to pub¬ lish n register w IiIch shall show to whnt do- gree tho load-llno ilxod by ithlp owneis dif¬ fers fiom that inquired by tho Bonrd of Trndc.' The hitter, ho announces, will make a special i tile to apply to Ailnntlc winter vovnges, 1'ho it'glstei will Hist donl with steamers. Tho president of Ihe Kingston "Sallois, Union has hi en written to by Buffalo Law¬ yers, asking irjlcssis Stephen Casson, Bur- rle Lachiince, Win, Geoigo and Charles Duncan lire known thoio, and If the wrltoV can ho Inloimod ofthoii whereabouts. The men wciemllois itntl deckhands on the pro¬ peller Cnnlsteoand schooner Muirny, which collided an Lake Michigan In 1880. Tho season on Lake Ontario Is fairly , opened loi Bulling vessels, though steameis as a i nlc, havo not lett their docks yet. Rates to Montreal are quoted nominal nt 20 cents on Hour mid 5 cents on ginin, without any charters leported, and while west-bound freights are not \et established, it Is safe to any they will bo hlghor r'nther thnn lower than last vein Until recently 2 cents wns tho rate on grain to lower lake ports, but It Is now shaded with two charters at \% conts. Lumber is can led at from f 1.15 to |1 25 to Oswego, the latter boing tho ruling rate, with return caigoes ol coal nt 25 cents — Toronto Mail. The Solicitor of the Troiisiny hns decided that collectors of oustoms should collect from the owners or mnsters- o'f foreign private stenm vessels currying pasaongers a fee of 20 cents each for certified copies of certificates of Inspeotlon dellverei to them under the re¬ quirements of the act of 1882. Tho Solloltor has nlso given his opinion that he knows of no reason to change his former opinion that tho collection of tho above fees on certifi¬ cates to domestlo steam vessels Is Illegal. Collectors of customs hnvo been lnstruoted to act In accordance vtlth this decision. The rrenoh Admiralty are now ha\lng thirty-one vessels constructed In the govern¬ ment dockyards and fifteen In private yards Fourteen of them are Ironelnds, and mo estU mated to cost $25,000,000. Tho two princi¬ pal ships, the Admiral Baudln and the" Formidable, are to cost $2,200,000 each. The Pulsometer Steam' Pump Company on account of Increased facilities for manu¬ facturing, have lately reduced the price-list of the new pulsometer steam pumps about one-third. Business Is reported constantly- on the Increase. The company lately sent ono of their lij drnnllo engineers to New Or¬ leans, La., to superintend the runnlngofone ot their pumps on exhibition at the head¬ quarters of their agents, Messrs. H. Dudley Coleman * Brother. Among the other or¬ ders he obtained while there, was a contract to supply a lull plant of new pulsometers, bollcrr, elo , for Irrigating a tract of land In Mexico, 40 by 25 miles square. Chicago Tribune. Tho outlook Is en¬ couraging for vessoluicn Tho season will probably bo short and active, and also pro- lltable. Lust year navigation was fairly open by tho lust of Moich, and continued almost till December first resulting-In meager earn¬ ings to a few and actual loss to many—pi o- bably to seventy pei cent of tho owners of vessel engaged t In the lumber trado. At times it wns difficult to secure a enrgo nt nny price, nnd the low scale ol rates lenderuil business uiiremunerntlvo Tills wns mnlnly duo lo tlio prolonged season Vessel owners wcio disoourngtil, nnd could buyers havo been louiid would hnvo sold their vossols nt n saqritflie. Tlio favorable opening of tho piesonl season hns made thorn cheerful and hopeful The present mtes arc far In excess or those prevailing at the corresponding period of last your. Tho wife of a captain living In Chicago writes to tho Intel Qcoitn'iis follows. "Several years iigoyou brought happiness to many homes along tho hikes by driving female cooks oil the lakes. Now I want to post you. Captains ate sneaking In these women again. They destroy all discipline on shipboard, nhd the-assertion by captains to owners thnttheyaro cheaper than men oooksand sine monej to the vessel, Is nil false. TJhiii, In a storm, men cooks can tako hold and help, w Idle a woman Is only In tho wav, or worse, foi she often unnerves the crew bt liei iiiit..... BcsTdos an this tho mate wants tq love tho woman cook as well us the caplaln (loos, and thoiolsoften tioublo between thefeu two commanding officers A gieat grain fleet Is about loavlug Chlcugo for below, nnd I wiint^ou toxhlvo the womon oil these vessels. My husband's schooner Is among the rest."