i MYSTERIOUS. VESSELS, An evening paper publishes tho follow¬ ing: Ai* American fishing vessel arrived off Halifax Saturday ovenlng, und attracted ■ much intention by displaying untisnul sig¬ nals. Sho proceeded In us fur as York, re¬ doubled, und holding oil'nnd on during^ jho Might, was a mystery to the ufen nt the nili- •ltiiry signal stations. Then she came to au- ' char tminadiiitoly'ofl' Polui Pleasant, und _ lifter daylight her minio was made out to be the Alsllln. Some of lifr crew came nshore in u boar, und.were touting about the Point. 'They told some of the engineers stationed at tho lort/there that tlley were looking for bait.. Willie the schooner was oil' late Sat-' unlay evening the gjiard at the Point Bat- . tcry were nroused'by a ferryman from 'the North-West Ann bmyjiouso, who reported that the gruss' by tKc shoru wus on lire, ami there was danger ill' It spreadlng,arouu<land Into the battery. X corporal and live men were sent - nnd successfully uxtlngul-thcil It.. It wns siipposeil to be set on lire by u cureless mutch from some Inullng ■mnk'er, but others said it-hail been set by a boat's ' crew (mm the sehonfier, and might hgvc been a signal. It Is a coincidence that two or three otlicr American schooners have been at Anchor tip the Arni for souio time previously, nnd on Sunday nftornoon one of them cunic around to the city. Heavy guns wore heard tiring in -tlio direction ut the Point ut noon on Sunday, and were sup¬ posed to bo from some of the forts there, as • tf lor ball practice, but,thls wns n®t acknowl¬ edged by the guards. However, the Alsllln disappeared on Sunday night without re¬ porting herself, here. ___ ■ ■ Until navigation Is again opened through lock No. 2 of the old Welland cnnnl, now being rebuilt, no extra charge (or canal tolls will lie made upon vessels that nre compelled to go round tia Allonbiirg In order to reach St. 'Catharines from Lake Ontario. This order will chiefly effect and benefit the small cIubs of vessels that carry lumber from Lake porrs to St. Catharines. SPE ML OFFER. A ydar'siubscrip on from Nov,, 1883, and the waive numbers of the past year, unbound, too. A, subscription and the twelve back numhers bound in two elegant volumeswlth gilt top, »7.50. The CENTURY CO, Nkw Yonlt, X. Y. -II. D. UOULDKR. . JOHN F. WISH G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. ' 11 ,fe 10 ATWATERBUir.niNO, OI.BVKLAND, O. Our Collection Department!* lit chnrgo of an 5x- porlcnccil Collector- For Sale I Rare Chance! We linve iin our books u- good, large lug that can be had at a bargain If sold within til) days; she is (15 ft. length, 1(1 ft. beam, 8 ft. hold, draft ot water from (1 to 7 It. Her Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler was new hist year. liurn. wood.or coal, will carry 100 lbs, steam and ITS lbs. If necessary. With dishes and bedding fitted up, and has n license to curry OU passengers, all realty tor business. Rebuilt in 1880 ut cost o'f $10,00, If sold within 30 duys cun be hud for $5,800 cash." Good reasons for selling, Tho tug Is now lying nt Chicago. For further pnitlu'ilnrs. ' . Address Murine Record Oflloc. Cleveluud, O. Hooter, CrlKenflBD\k A, u, Mission, - AND' Vessel Brokers, ' DULUTH, MJNN. V D. Nickerson . CLEVELAND, O. MARINE AETISJ. THE NICKEL FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 38 {cot long very flnnlly finished nou hirnlahed, Draft 3 1-2. feet rmm*vory fast, Ennulro ol D. P. NictiTBan ' Ifjirknotw Block Eaclhl AvoSlntlon. [N, BLACK ANt> WIUTIC." Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio . and Mississippi Rivers.' ".Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag¬ azine in the WorM,"—Tim National, N. Y: Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year of this magaiine—the first under the new name, and the moit successful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Tnn CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. . The following are the leading features; * A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HQWEL.L'S, lo succeed this author's -'Modem Instance." It '- will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON— the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, on such topics -as '{The Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole formag^ complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A. NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "The Led- -Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author. THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons of vai ious nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, showing how a' league was formed in a small town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the , whole State. • "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD,"by Frank R. Stockton) a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted (o (l) City Houses, (2) Country ' Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. TIIECKEOLESOF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cusning, government ethnologist; an adopteil member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- N AL CAPITAL, including "The Capttcfl," "The uprerrte Court," "The White House," ktc. " " MISSIONSX1F SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, "II. H. ";• three or four papers of an exceed- naly interesting character, richly Illustrated, MISCELLANEOUS. Further work is expected from E. C.' Stedman, Thomas Hughes, |oel Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remus'"), Charles Dudley Warner. John Bur- oughs, E. V. Smalley, H. II. Boyescn, nnd-ir| oug list fo others. Entertaining short stone, nnd fovelettes. willbe among the leading features of '■'UK Cksiuiiv, as heretofore, and the magazine jill continue itsedvance in general excellence. The subscription price is if4.co a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions should begin wilh thu November number, and to enable new subscribers to commence with t 'e now- series under Tub j Centuiiy name, make the following. Exchange. Will exchange two houses nnd lots In Clevelnnd worth |7,000 for floating proporty Steum Bnrge or Tug preferred. Addrei.1., E. D. 113 Frnnklln St. Cleveland, Ohio. ■4- ENGINES FOR SALE ! Double engine 14x20, will do forBteimbnrfrc or tup, all up, Osgood bb now, also moron fool Philadelphia wheel and ihaft. Will toll the whole rttv ebeap. Addreu Marino Record Office. FOR SALE Steambarge. Keel 144 feetBcnm 80fool, depth of hold 11 feet capacl ty 400 M feet lumber, 650 tons coal betides her fuel. Built In 1882. Addres* Mi sink Bkoord Offloe. Wanted, THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cum, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI. ' INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AHD—' ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. PLATEJ "fm I""1"' ° VUOAOO* ST. 1.0'lIItl JIAILWA llils,couipu\vy iniikeK n new ilennrtii in Its day cim-hes which the iruvoilng . public will iiiidiiiihleilljiajipreelntc. Enclr conch has a marble top wniui fltnnd with', soap „n,i towels,', thus wnlshlngfreo what bus heretofore been it luxury of the drawing room car. The windows are ivldo mid-high, giving a splendid view ol W«country. The large paper car wheels, •I. lnel|i-k,hi diameter,- make the couches rlil\no hhiooHiIv and . noiselessly that eonvcrsi|th>n |« carried oil as easily „« |n n parlor. 1'he sinokl'iig ears have rattan seats, making them much cleaner anil more pleasant .than the old Myle. All" ,tho clinches nre.new and of Intest designs I-oIIowmk lt (lino nf local trains no* rung' - • • misc. EAST. • . l<ocal I^ccnl Con . .„,, - l'niwon'r I'OMc-n'r A I.v, Chicago.............8:r9a in......................... " Co. hlcngo .,8.52 " ......... *' Valpnilno...,1.„.lo.-08 l . :.................... Arr. l-'ort Wayno.....l;50n. n...........'"": ""'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.". l.v. 1-ort Wuyjio......2.10 ■• 11 8te*myacht SB or 40 feet long of good ipoed and good power, tocnrry-10 or5'l passengers- addr ----- Rzc ird ofllee. ddress Mahink Wanted, Bt«amborge that will caj and could uIbo ' be 16i _ _ gross tons on 0 foot draft down to 11 or In feet, If neoPiaary. Also two tow barges that will carry 500 or 600 tons on 0 feel draft, Address Marine Record Office. This Jb tho only line making DlrOOt ConneotlOII .Thrall the principal Trunk Lines of tho East for al Boothem, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Lou Railway Towns MISSOURI, ARKANS , TEXAS, KANSAS, ^EBBASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO ANDTHK ■ - PACIFIC COAST. •" Now Ifnven... .'.'.'.'.2-2/1. "t. ............: '• West Mlp»lc. 4-«!l n " Arcuill.1........ ....Jl:30 u " Kitslcirln.....„ .....r,:l5 i< " uri-oil Hprlllgs.. 6;it2 ................. " Vermillion ,f.. i, 7:W ,i " I.oralii............ " 8.07 " ' Arr Cleveland.... - 10;00 " »:18 " I.v. Clovoland..... ...... 0:23- " " Euclid Avo.„. 4-47 " 5;27 " 5;10 " ' AnhUtbtiln..... 7:03 " Arr Coimeant Lv Conneaut..... ....'. 12,0.11) m " Erie...,........ '• Dunkirk An- Buflnlo........ OOINO WE8T. « . Lv Buflalo......... . 8;00« -1M0 • ,12;S0p .12;M p ..1;27 •• 7|00 " 7:55 " . 8;08 " . 8;48 " 9:05 " - Mnltor ..2.-I3 " Lv Cleveland..... '• Lorain............ ,..<;58 " .5:20 " «i07*." ArrBellevue........ .0,18 " t>;30 ,l " Grcon Spring] ' Foitorla......... " Arcadia........... " Wert LelpMc ( ■ ArrFnrtw.iTne.. Lv Fort Wayne. " ValpraUo........ Arr 8o Chicago. „v, 8;24 " FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wqhttfa-lii our list, tho largo, powerful tug Samson, which will be sold, outright or chartered for tlio trip or BOILER FOR SALE! An Almost new ateel holler 5x9}£ ft In Hue eohdltlnn will sell less than half priee. Address MARINE .RECORD, Cleveland.O M- V. BOBQMAH, Proprietor. The Madison, (FOKMKIU.Y- IlKVKUK. IIOU8H.) Detroit, Mich. Moat Centrally Located. Street ears paws the door every lew minutes to Depots and all parts of the C'ltv. Three minute's walk to I, S & M S, D & M, and Wiihash Depots. Bttci >1»0, to 18.00 p»r day. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Road in theWest. sale jyTlekets by this popular route tor ut all regular Teke ts Olllec E.B.THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNE , Qcnoral .Manager. Tr.ilBo Manager. A. j. SMITH, General I'nssonger Auen.t. CLKVELANI*. OHIO. Tnlns run by Columbus time, which Is twenty minutes filter thnn Chicago time, fWe minute* slower than CloveUnd time and sixteen minutes . slower tbsn fitifflilo time. For rates or Information, call on nearest Agent of the Company, or tddcess B.F. HORNEB, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Hoyt Block. Cor. St. Clsir snd Bank Streets. XEVad WILLlAMi*, Cleveland, O. General Manager. Cleveland to N.York VU THK «»• NEW YORK PRENNSYLVAN1A * OHIO RAILROAD. Formerly Atlantic £ Groat Western Railroad1 For Ntiw ^ork Boston and tho East. The short- eat and quickest rotito to PlMstnirgb. 'Washlngtoa Baltimore and tho Southetut. Until further notlco trains will leave new Central Depot, South Water street duct as follows. ~ '" Lightnlntr Kxprean /•IU di'lll* Puflmin sieeplng~»Tid~h^tel*"co«o cs from I«~-<»->-—'■«■" - ■- i Loavlttshurghfl-55 a. Ml V (dally _ ..-' coac m. To Now Yor 'MA1UNK I.AWYKKS. Ku«lp ft Morrison prToCTOKS IN ADMIRALTY, 116 Monroe tit Boom A4 Chicago. HOAT IllIILDKUS. Ueun Si Co. HOAT 11UILDKIW Swaynes BOAT WASHING und general Laundry in Tew hours. Clkvki.ank Stkam Imun- J.j>iiy. 33 St. Cluir St. Telephone 118. I.AUNUKY. SAIL MAkEKS. — Xoble & Goal, nAIL MAKEHS anu UIOGKHS. ► out it Hriawulil al. DICTIIOIT, MICH, COAL. DhvIU Uiimliliel Agl, 1IOMKMT1C * STEAM VOAX, c:iov«lnnd Albany and lloston without changu.. I-nrtor t CluvcliiiulloSalnnialica. Arrlvt-a at Meadvlllo l'*I a. ui.(dinner) Franklin 12,83 p m Oil City 1;00 p — _Jamcatonn (Lsko Chautnuqual) 1^7 p. m BuffaloO.1.1 p. m Rochciter 8.31) p ni ; U vl!leG:40p in BiippiT); Corning 8:25 p. ni "'" ' lion 10:88 p. m.i Albiiny 8-57 p in. Oliiflham in. Ifui..... I11 fron IiorneJJ» Elmim j 0:00 istou !i:46'p. m ; arriving at New York 0:00 n.m NlKHt KxprOiN( ' .....Oilman PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A HEART CORRECTOR And by cKanilno, ragulallng, and ilnngthenlng Hit orgini ot dlgeillon, ucrtllon and aMorptlon, cura Apoplany, Fill, Paralyala, Narvouinaia, Oliilnaai, Bebllty, Blllouinlll, Bad Brtath, Jaun¬ dice, Livar and Kldnty Complaint, Lack ot Dpptllta, Lo* SpMIt, IniHgaaflon or Dyipepila, Headache, „—•i.-.i.. r-------"—rlaaudcor ' " 4:25 u, nt ioun^ Conillpallon, Feveri, Malaria and Contagion, Fever and Ague, Narrhaa. Mfiiv, Oolda, Rhaumallim, Neuralgia, Oout. Female weaknaaa, Urinary Dlt- ordera,* and all kreoularlHea ot Slomach, Bladder and Bomela. Pniunil oaljbj llr.slVAVNK * RON. FkllidilpUi, ra. ABKVOIR DIlUaaiBTFORTUBlir - Prl»,ait-u.ri»ll«m.ll. Hr.tbyltilu..y ' Ex; _------4-. _ Hunday) l-ii....._. Iroin LeavlMabur^h to Now York Arrives at Yomigstown nt lrl5 a.l 0:15 a. In Waahlngton 0:15 p, ni.: BL m. MndviUoSjEOii in.- Corry 5.-.-0 aT^Smniea. town 0 22 a ni, Bulliilo 1) « a ra, liachnter I 10 IloriielU.llleill 20 am, Corning 12 53 pm. Elm rol21 pm llliigliuniplon 2 50 p in, New York V'lil II IU ,i P"VbV.!'lr ^P"" dnlly 6idU II, IU, through without cliungo, Parlor car Uovoluml lo I'lltaburg arrives at Youniatown 5 00 l, in, I-lttsburg 8 sp pm, Washington 7 no". „,, Bait- ".'11".°. ? 4' " "' vl" sl"lron «■"• olwrpavlllo lo Mead vlll 7 JO p- ni, Ulnbonliia; AtjcommoUnllan Jl| iu, atonpliut at nil woySiotlona Arrivo niKulown 7.10, p in, Sharon 8 30 pm, Sharr-. vlllo 8 40 p m, coiiiH-i-ls nt Lcavitlsburgh with trulD yipa.m.upgiiTOionfz^" ax'.'. ^o,7ra";.:,,l:.2r8g,rio;vop^'Bel!!X leaves |-llt,burgh at 4 « n in, 8 55l m, 1 13 „ m and I20p in * ' ' 1(1 A M Y"""«»'0»n «n<l PUtaburgli An. Ill a, 1)1, ooiumcMlatlon, stopplng'at all \V«v Strllons, arriving at Youugnlown ( 50 p. m.i I'ltti burgh, II10 p, to. Trulna arrive ul Cleveland 0 IB a.m:10.65a..m;200p. m|7.00p in and W.uf. •OPTblnliihoonly rout« bv vrbloh pusenierv cmjo«ch Corry Elmlra, BlnihampUin, Sew^Vort Si'AA'li I«S,"I>",1»» Polnia .WITHOUT Ex* SndCulM. ^ loBo»,00-'»ndNoir Kng. IlDaTKUES Chooknl Through to «ll Point* Gnat. (Ua-Tliraughillckolai und Information regardlna thoroulocanbe obtained at the Union rSH dco comer Hunk and bupertnr Streets: .1*15*. '" Dunk a rlvnn A. E. CLAIIK. Oen'IPaaa'r Ag'tciovclan .1. M, FEBRIS, Pa,;L'lS?Bank'8-it Gon'i Wao'gr.VlovoU, ,, Cl.-lnd' O. lwS*a^. 1 V ■^ **;: / 77