% '< neNtTMIiMMtH Twenty por cent', mors hnoynncythnn nny otlii'r Lfle-Preserver In tlio mnrkct Is tlio .SAFEST unci-only RELIABLE LIFE FRESKRVER In EXISTENCE, us proved ol t'io Into wreck nn tlio Piiclflo Const, of thr Pncldc Mull Stoiiuislilp, "City of Sun Fraut!lM!ov" . /.—.iUN'G BUOYS AND FENDERS. THE. PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. <—MANUFACTURED BY------ MCI! Si IBB' Win. - «*« o a w Cfl H3 mi - CO > te. 01 H Approve!) and adopted by the United States Bmird of Snpei vising InnpeetorBjalso by tliu frlnelp.il Ocean, Lake and River Stoiimor ,lnes, as the only Rellablo Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D.KAIINWEILER120rnNTKlt St.N.Y KATZE.VKTEIV'N jJsEU-AClINO METAL 1'ACkINO \ Ton Piston Rods, Valvk Stfus, tc Adopted nnd in uso by the principal Iron Works and Steamships Cora|ia- nlcs within tlio last eight yes'rs In this and Foreign countries. For full par- 1 titulars and references address . L. KATZEN8TEIS * CO., 180 Cbrlstopler Street, near West Street, N. Y L0BDB0WLEB4C0 AGENTS FOB CLEVELAND WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent, N. E. Cor, Columbus Ar» 4 Water St., •SANDUSKY, 0 i A J. fl. PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water Street, CLEVELAND, - OHIO MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 130 Water Street, CLEVELAND, - OHIO TI.0S. WILSON MANAGKINO owner ..Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. ' Freight and Vessel Agent. clkvklaUu, o HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents CRANK CAPSTAN. ' ( PATKNTKD SKFTKUBKIl 7, 1880 As only a few men enn operate n crn.nk capstan, It Is seen at onee tliut It must be very powerful to answer the puiv pose. The company had this fact particularly In view when designing this capstan, ni|d n comparison with any style In the mfirkotjvlll show its superiority in ihls respect. To mnko the gearing equal to the great; strain ofton put on It, the gears are all made of the South Boston Irori Company's celebrated gun Iron. The snmo cure is taken In Its manufacture as with the power capstan to make every part as perfect as possible. It U made to work Power or Speed, according to the direction hi which the'cranks revolve, without any other change. I SELLING AGENTS ON TEE LAKES - - - . - BUFFALO, N. Y. - * - - CLEVELAND, 0. ..... TO LB DO, 0. v. ' - - - -- - DETROIT, MICH. - , - MILWAUKEE, WIS. ■ - ■ - rillCAQO, ILL.____________________ SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, rRBCXl 33X11907 AJVJD ' OB.fil.A.FXIIBW. D. S. AUSTIN A CO. UPSON. WALTON & CO. M. I. WILCOX JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CCT. G. D. NORRIS & CO. DUNHAM* HOIT, J. W. Grover & Son Ship Chandlers -----AND 8AIL.MAKER8-------- I UMtllDIMver street UM418.1 Dock MAKERS- Cleveland,O Msnd 868 Broadway 1H LiibHlloSlroit, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, ". Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So Water Street, CHICAGO, ■ ILLINOIS. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LsSalle Struct, CHICAGO, - ILL. BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Uroker and Agent; 130 WsterBlrett. Room 14, Formerly ot the flrm or Becker £ Bartow, CLEVhLANI), - OHIO Til, phone No OIU t UPSON WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers. K Sail Makers and Riggers ■y One of tho largest stocks of Wire Rone in the United States. CLEVELAND, ... - OHIO. "Anchor" Snatch Hlock« A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, No. 15 Exchange St. . Buffalo, N. Y. WIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE 3IY MONTHLY LIST OF VESSELS FOB HALE, SEND FOR IT. PENFIELD BLOCriCO, Lookport, N, Y. SOLE UANUKACTURKII8 OF THE CELEBRATED "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH OUlt SELF-LUBRICATING PH0BPH0BB8<mzE BUSHINGS. The metal In these Hush¬ ing! Is Ihe celebrated Phos¬ phor Hronieythe lieitlwf- ing metal in market and being perfect selfluhrica tors they ore fast superscd ing all other styles >or sale hy Ship ChnncJ leri everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" KLOCKb. Illustrated Catalogues (and 1'iice Lists raided free upon application. Sample onhn solldlcd St^ND POR PRICES TO SMITH'3 EOAT WORKS, 1C9 Couth Street, I7ow York. Improved Snatch liincx cl»sp Closed STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston. Mass. Sole MunuAioturer* hi V. 8. A* of our Celcbrnted Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, GaffTopsajL — Improved Snatch IIiock Oasp Opened. CLEATS. ETC. Litest liujiroireuiont 'Calkins patent metalic life raft nH.0.&J,H.0aIkin" CWMte and Plamfiers Sluaiu nnd q,ib Klttluif ' GALLEY ST07ES.' NEW YORK. Cliculuid oetit upon application. J-