h tug she must lie at tho dork and do nothing else but purify smoke, as sho Is unablo to do • any work while the appllanoo Is on. And thoy add In conclusion that their business Is harbor towing, nnd not running smoke "illtors." v • ■. ' Tho timber trade at this port Is likely to bo much larger than Inst season. Mr. C. J, •Chenovort wns In the olty to-day from Dc- ' fiance, nnd says the out of timber during tho past winter was it great deal larger than tho year previously. Mr; Chenovort Is tho gon- tloman who Is so largely Interested Ik taking 'out timber at Doffaneo and BhJphlnjrJt through Canadian ports to Europe,—Totyilo Slade. Sunday afternoon IasfWilllam Mnralmll, keeper of 8pootnclo Beef light, with tlnoe assistants. Thomiis Chumoors, James Mar- ' shall and Edward Lasty, started for Spectacle Beef, and when about two miles west ot Sols Blanc light (he boat capsized and.lames Marshall was drowned. His body lias nut been found. The remainder, of the party wero in the water tlueo hours before being rescued. Captain Melnuos, of Buffalo, will super¬ intend tho rebuilding of the piopollor Onel- dn, which wns partially dostioyed by tiro at Colllngwood. The woik ol "rebulldlng'hits boon gcoutly delayed, by tho Colllngwood drvdock men, and it Is mote than likely, II It Is not vigorously pushed forewaul, Cap¬ tain Mclnucs will be compelled to tow die hull ol tho Onoldii to some Ameilciin dry- dock.—JToi onto Mail. Tho towing rates through the^Volland ca¬ nal this season will be as follows. Fiom Port Colborno to Port Dalliousle nnd vice verBa light, 10 cents per ton; lone ed to ten feet nnd under, 18 cents per ton; londed over ten foet, 20 cents pei ion; Port Colborno to Thorald headlook and vleoveiea, 10 coins per ton undei all circumstances. No special rates for vessels less than 140 tons. The cap¬ tains will not consider it theli duty to stop vessels In locks. Statistical reports show that tlio trade be¬ tween Euiope, the lar Easftmd Australia is so nipldly increasing; through the Sue/ Canal, that it is now undeniable that the oilgiual conception of the canal by De Les¬ sens wns altogether on too small a scale As the accoiuniodiltlons are no longer adequate. Do Lesscps has found it necessary to propose an Immediate large outlay lor improvements. The number of tidings are to be incieased, tho administration reorganized, and the reg¬ ulations for the passing ships modified. It iB.objected that this is not enough, that it is only a makeshift an augemont, and that it Is necessniy to prepare foi the future, ns In a very short time the cnnnl will he unequal to the irnlllc; and that it is really necessary to construct a second canal close to the tlrst, to be worked on the principle ol a double tuick railroad, so- that the ships will go In the same direction in each cnnnl. '1'lie enormous cost of this plan retards it, but in the mean¬ time necessary imptovements proposed by Do Lesseps will be buried out. Wrecking and'Towing Line, Tugs, Haw8or8, Lighters, Steam Pumps,' Lifting Screws, To bo hnd on short notice, by mnll or tole- grnli. A. O. WU&ELEIl, Manager. CHAS, OOT5WUOH Wrecking Maxtor. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * COMPANY'S DIAGNAI. LIFE HOAT CAN BE VBED IN PLACE OF THE METELIC LIFE BOAT IF PBEFERED. HAS BEEN .ADOPTED AT WANII INOTON BY THE BOAIin OF UV. PERVIHINti INHPEC TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOB P5ICELIBT DEAN AND CCK DETROIT MICH. • FKEIGlITb Freights dining tho week have not llnctu- nted much, although pi lees hn\e remained ,| firm. There is fiom 25 to 50 cents dllleienee be¬ tween lumber shippers null vesselmcu on rate's from Midland to Diilulh—the loi mer * ollerlng $2.25 to <3,o0 per thousand, and the canters demanding $,1.75. Tlieiels considerable speculation among gialn cnuleis nt Bullnlo legardiug canal freights, and hopes are entertained ot secur¬ ing good rates at the opening of navigation. Contracts have been made so lai al »!L, cents on wheat and 5 cents on i oi n to New York, and cairiors aio now holding oil for a still hlglioi rate. The Menominee Iron Company leeently closed ircontract with the steambarges Es- caimbn, Argonaut, and Intel Ocean loi the carrying ot 17,01)0 tons ut lion oiefiomEs- eanaba to lowei Ihkc ports loi $1 pel ton. Tills is (.onslderwl a tall llgijie In \iuu of the depiesslou that Is supposed to pervade the shipping hldiisti). ■} Lumbei inteB liom TorontiVto Oswego are being made at $U5 pel 1,000 leet, nnd are pretty 111 in. The inquiry foi vessels at Hay t'lty Is good nnd enrrieis are asking $2.BO per thous¬ and on lumber to lliillalo. < MECHANICAL NEWS. - '[ILLUS?BATEDJ $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. NO. 1JO Liberty SU New York, N, Y. , _________3TS&R?fa-___ Gasometers,SaltRms Smote Shells And all lemdsof Hear.y Plato a. Sheet rrnnWork. w Office & Works, 844.246,248 250 2S2 And.254. Perry Sb. OIL STILLS &• ;-4JS-ITATORS. Ee|aifing Rarefy Attained to. ESTABLISHED 1880. -UANUPACTURKH8 CORDAGE & OAKUM. Gunra of AMnillCAN, HUSSIA »ml ITAXIAK HEMP of tlio Tory bust qunllty mndo to order AT O S DAY'B NOTICE MANILA and SISAL BINDHt TWINE ' Office No. 113 WAN. STREET, NEW YORK. _________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. ItAIlINE ENtlLNK WORKS 'J » Marine and MANOFAChjHKHOK Stationary Engines, FE0PEUEE WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENEEAL MA0HIHEEY. sceSoucitkd. * S5, 57 St OTTSUohlirllii t. O HICAOO (LL CoaRKSPONDBNCE SOLICITED, NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUNI Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessen* the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE. PAIRS. It is PURELY VEBETABLE nnd v Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular jrlvlng fuHsJnfoninUlon to HOUGHTON & CO, Solo Proprietors and Mitiiufticturcni 130 Beade St., cor. Hudson, ou INE LAWBOOK, Containing all rnilnls ot MAHINL LAW no tormlnetl uy the United States Courts U&. -ON- Benmon, FrultfhtH, Town are, Colli h! on h, Genonil Avuratfc,' DutluB of Benmaii, BUI of Ludlntr, WlllfuH, Sic. T4ip vohiiuti la liundaoiiitly bound In at iff Iimvril Covers, und lino l.ngllrili ilutli binding liuokti of thia kind Ktinorully coat 3.S 00 hut wu will mud It to any HudroHH, nottago pnld, for dl 50 or nltlr the MAKINI UCrOHD fur uol >.ai, both tur only t3 2fj Addnjta Makink UkLOitn Cluvulutid O Ownora, Clinrtcrn, KoflrlKtry, Knrollintmta, Conunon Cnrrlura, niiiatora & Ownora, Sub-Marine Sunken Mactiucry and Diving NEW YORK. TED 0 Mill POSITIVELY CURED All riuQorura from thin dlatmiu that art anxious to bu cund should try DE KIBSWER'S CELEBEAT CONSUMPTION P0WDEBB. riusu ivwdtnum only pruimratloir knun n tuat will curt coiiHiiuiptloi and all dlacnsoHof tlio THB0AT and LUNGB-liiiVnl B4> strong Ib our faith In thtiii an 1 uho to Lonvlnto >oti Ihut thov aru no luunbuu w»j will forward to ovtrj aufloror, by mall, post paid, a Fr< ~ ' " ~ Wodou'twont your tuonoj until lolled of tliolr ouratlvu " Free Trial Box aru uorfectly sat >-M<trlrio niusttug dono at tuasonablo lUitea. * ' H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mloh. lafltd of tliolr ouratlvu powora If yourllfola worth saving, don't dulay in glflng thwti B0WDEB8 a tiUl as thoy will auroly euro \ou Price, (or largo Box, 8a ft) or I Boxti for 810 00 Suit to any imit^llho United Statu or Cunadu, hy mail, on roceiptof prloo Addroaa "* ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y Tilt 1IR0V\N MANUFACTURING ( O THE DUPLEX INJECTOR, THE UkSt ' ' BOILER FEEDER KNOWN ion LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not I.lalile to Get One of Onlei anil al- wain lli'IKeis Water 1101' lo tliu Boilui EJECTORS or'JET-PUMPS '1 he Minpltrtt ltilp>-I'ui]ip iiintiu fhnl [& tipoi ttcti h) si,«aiu Miiimliittiiiuil by JAS. JENKS. 11) & 1H ATWATi:it ST., K. DETROIT, Mloh M.LNTs CIt.VEL\ND, OHIO FALLING SICKNESS PBHH: how r I how 1'owi send thotn by malt, l>r Goulurdls tliobflly l*fiya!cliiii thut nua ovur" uiadt by malt, poi il Is tlio only Trial Box A a thladlaoasaiiapotlulaiud)^ und oa to our kuowledgo thouoanda liava boon permanently cured by tlio use of theto powderi. wo Vill guarantefl a permanent tiTury caao or rorand your all money ex- All tuSuren should givo thuao Towdui and bu oonvlncod.of iholr curative uowor nt Vflndfld. All suSurerssKouTiT (Tivo thuao t'owd'urs an ewTy trial, and bu convincod.of iholr curative uo ITioe. (or largu Box. S3 00 or 4Doxas for 910 00 by mail to any part of ttio Unltod Statu or Cmiad rofielptof prlou, or by oxprots G O. D Addroi ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton -St., Brooklin, N OeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO., * MtMllACimtl'lth AM) IMl'lllUHIS Ol CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHOR Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks; RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, BUNTING, FLAGS, MARINE liAKDWAKl. A'Xl) SIIII* ni VNDI.KKV dOUDh GENERALLY. No. 34 It 3D SOUTH BT, NEW Y0EK- THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. ALL KINDS OF ' FOR ALL PURPOSES CLEVELAND, OHIO, MANUKACTUHKIIB WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST„ 4921 99 B$1A 70