Marine Record, May 5, 1883, page 3

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APPOINTMENTS. s The crow of tho Hero Is mb follow*. T. GrAlfr, cuptitln; S Cox, Stownrd; ThomiiB Bnrlgw, engineer; Mi JjiiwIobb, innto. Cfipuln Potor Lnwaon Inistnken cchrurmncl of tho nclioonorl.ovl Grant. Cnptnln P. Costcllo Balls tlio schooner Emily B. iMnxwoll. Cnptnln Win. Olmstcnd nuocoorta Cnptnln F. It Olii'Kteml on the schooner Merchant. Cnptnln John pnrlson nuccceils-Ciiptiilti William Dlglior on tho sohoonot John Bonn, Jr. > Tho Lehigh Vnlloy Tninsportittlon Coih- pnny'npiopollers will be comiiiumlnd ns fol¬ lows f TIiu B. A. Tucker, Gapt T. N. Lit nallo: H E. Pucker, Cnptnln IVilllnm Brad¬ ford; Tred Mourn, Cnptnln 1\ T'. Pope, Clyde, Cnptnln IM Condon, Ocolinlcn, Cnp¬ tnln Win Dickson, I'licomn, Cnptnln J. VV, Condon ~~ . The Advocnto given tho following list of officers who will hnve chaiRo of tho several \tugs nt Stui goon liny this season 'j'hos. II. Smith—Win. Bojd, mantel, Thos. Olson, mute; Joo Swcntmnn, cnglnior, Win Helm holt/, second cnglncoi; Hliodn Lnpl nit, stownrd. C. M. Chnrnli'y—•. B. Packard, mantel, Martin Nygniiiil, male, Mnrt Holt, oiijjlncoi, Frank Blnl, second, Thend Mi¬ nor, steward John Grcgoiy---------, inns- tor, Fred Lnison,cnKiiic('i John Loatliqn —Loids Lego (Lctie), m istcrf b. IUbtoph- inson, cnglncei , Clint |ch L Biighftm>btew- nrd A W Lnwrcnce—Joe Mnirington, mastei; Dnviil Mncliln, cnglni ei, Oscnr An¬ derson, stcnaid *V ( lilsnn—Gnbtlcl Eg- Innd, muster, Ihos hwntj, ciigiiicoi, Chan Vnn Diccsc, sti Hard (It} of 'sturgeon liny —John Canipboll, in istu , Ilemj Mnchla, engineer------Minoi, htownrd I'oinailo— Constant Lego (ijcUo), iniislii', Xnte Sco- lleld, engineer. A b 1'lpii—Win. Anger, muster, Trunk Kllnher, cnglncei Cnptnln John Knlelgh Is in lommamlof the piopeller Oconto again, and dipt Win Arijkstiong will resume command of tin scluioiici Peoria. Cnptnln Win McDonald Wkea command of the schooner Conquest, and Norman Matlllcson takes charge of 0 B Green's dmlgti at Cedar River, Mich Cnptnln Conneis will anil the. schooner bkylnrk, ns usual James Dunn, who sailed the Manistee last jear will command the tug \gatc this year SPE IALOFKER, A year's subscrlp on from Nov., 1883, and the Waive numbera of the put year A subscription and the twelve biL.... in two elegant volumcswith giltUop, Tub CENTURY CO Ni'W yoiiK, JV„ 1003, unbound, J60. [ck nurahers bound :, rf. Y II D. UOULPER JbllN T WEH GOULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 & JO ATWATni BUILDING, CI.nVrLAND.O Our Collocttnn Department Ih In chargo of nn Ex¬ perienced Collector Hooter, CriHi 4 Co., EfrsisT CosisiissiQiip "^,AND " Vessel Brokers, DULUT/I, MINN. For Sale! • Rare Chancel We have on opr books a good, huge tug Hint cull be had nt n bin gain If sold within GO dnjs. she Is 05 It length, II) ft beam, 8 It. hold, draft of wutor fioni 0 to 7 It. Hei. Engines me 18 bj 18. iUi' Boilei.wns new luminal. Bums wood 01 coal, will carry 100 lbs steilin and 11) His, If necessary. With dishes and bedding llttcil up, and liasl 1 license to eairy GG passengers, nil rend} toi business Kcbuilt in 1880 nt cost of $10,00. If sold within jp days had 101 fj/iOO cash. Good /unisons for filing, The tug Is now lying at Chicago Toi fuithcr paitic ilais _ Address Muilne Record Olllee. Clc\elnnil, O. FOR SALE. .V- D. Nickerson CLEVELAND, 0. MARlJfE ARTIST. IN BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. ------------------u -------------------- BEE LINE ,' Geveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian apolis Railway The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio - and Mississippi Rivers * Vn Ironjaclit (fi fmt Ioiik urj flnnlly finished niuNj^ furnished I milt 112 f<- t rum .tr? fust I nqurro of P I' \fcfc(.rnon HarkiiLSfl Rlock I uclhl-A^ohlutlon Exchange. Will cxcliungi two houses and lots In Cleveland woitb $7,000 loi flouting property btciun Baige 01 lug pitfcrred Addiesi,, L D. 113 rinnklln St Cleveland, Ohio. "Pel hups the most judiciously idited vtuij- azmc in the World "—1'iie Naiionai, N Y bept 1882 THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83 The twelfth )enroftlus magazine—the first under the new mime, and the most successful in its history, closed with the October number The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season and Thk CENTURY begins its thirteenth yenr with an edition of 140,000 COPIES The following are the leading features , A NEW NOVLL liY W D HOWELL'b, to succeed this authoi's 'Modern Instnnce" It will be an international story entitled " V Woman's Reason " LirE IN 1HL THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLhSTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year, to consist of a number of papers, on such topics as "The Utginnmg of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies,' elc , the whole forming a complete history of early Jife in the United States Lspecial Mention will 1 e paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE 01 MINING IIIE, BY MARY IIAMLOCK TO H L, entitled " I he I eil Horse Claim " to be illustrated by the author 1HL l'OIN^ 01 VILW, HY IILNRY JAMLS Jr , a st ries of eight letters from imag inary persons of vai lulls nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manni rs, railroads etc 1I1L CHRIS HAN LLAGULOI CONNLUI CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden An account of practical cooperatl in In Christian work, showing how n league wn^ formed in a small town in Connecticut wlint kind of work ENGINES FOR SALE ! Double engine 14x20, \v\\) do fonttuanitmrtft or tug, nil up 11s Rood us nou iiluo itHuvou fool I'lilludolphfa wheel iinu Blmft Will ml 11 tho wholo vtry cheap Address Marine Record Oflico <%|THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, I'WO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leino Clc\elaud wltH* Through Palace Coiclies and Elegant Sleeping Cms, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AHD— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. .< THE NICKEL PLATE! NItW YORK, OltrOAQO* ST, I.OurSItAIlWA This company makes a now dopnrtu In Its day conohes which tho traveling public will undoubtedly appreciate. Each conch has a marble top 'wash stand with • soap and ti>wels, thus luriilnlilngfruo what has horotofoi o hoop a luxury of tho drawing room car. The windows are 'wide and high, giving a splendid vloty ol the LOnntrj. Tho largo pnnet car whooln, 42 inchos In dlnirictcr, ninlto tho conches ride so smoothly and noiselessly that cnnveisntioji Is can led on as easily as In a parlor. '1 he smoking cars have rattan seats, making thorn much cleaner and moid plensnnt tlinii the old stylo. All th( i onclics are new and of latest designs Tollon lair Is tlina of local trains now running — TSOTNU EAST focal Loccal Con, t fasiicn'r I'flBson'r'A^ Lv. ChkAgo \. SUOn in ' So. Chicago 8«J ' " Valpralno *10 -08 ' Arr IitrtWayn^ lfiOp in. \.\ I ort \V«) no jrf (0 ' " >owiravon vTz J1 h " W i it Lclpjlc ' I Jll ' " \rcadla r, 10 ' I (Mtorla Fi r, ' On on SpiJngs fl 1_' M Arr Bcllovue . 7 00 ' U Ilelluiao 7 10 ' WinlHIoii S li -Lornln 8 II Arr Clculancl 1000 l\ Clin i laud 4 I ucllil Ara Mi nlor ' lalntst ilia 1 Aslilalnila Arr CinlH ml I v Coiintaut Trl tliinlslrk Vrf Iliiffiili a 15 a. io 7 J-' ' FOR SALE Steam bnrgo kool U4 dot. Benin 30 feet, depth of hold 11 foot cawncity 4(H) M fctt lumher flVltona conl besidta horfuel Uuilt in ItiH^ Addreaf JUiush. ItECpiiD Office Wanted, Stenmyacht H5 or 40 ftot long ot good snood and good power to carry 10 oro) jmbuiMigtrs aadrtss MaUInk 11 EC >kd officu Wanted, Btcambargo tlmt will carrj 000 KOias tout, on U tcut dratt mid could also lit, loadiit down to 11 i r !*> fact If l ccitaary Also two towbargt.« tliat Vltl carry I5O0 or 600 tons on i fcut tlrnft, vdilress MaiuMi. Hecorp I Oflloo This Is tho only lino maklnL Dlreot ConiteOtlon xi ah tlio principal Trunk Llaes of tho Dlst for al Southern, Southwestern and Western points oltlior by way of Cincinnati, Indlnnnpotls or St Lon '1 Railway Towns MISSOURI, ARIvVNS , TEXAS, KANSAS," NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO OLD MEXICO ANDTIlh PACIFIC COAS1 lv Buffiili Dunkirk Trlti \rt Conniiut I v Count nit Ashtnl ula ^ I'nliiLS^JIIo ^fenttr _-" Tiiclld An. Arr ClevolHii 1 1 v Cleveland Loral a Vena lltl a Arr BolloviiL Lv BuIIlvuo ' Orien aprtiij,", I ohlorln Arcadia ' Went Uipiit New Jlnvui Arr I ort W lyno Lv tort \\ ayno ' Valpralso Arr 8o Cldcngo Arr Chicago 8 07 '118 ' Ii3 l 10 1(1 0 ' 10 IS ' 11 II ' l.0.,p 1. Ill | 1 18 IH, ' I SO r.fiiNC, 8,00 I til ilr I a ih it li 12 iO p 111 P I" - l| 10 p 111 I 17 r»" ■ mo • 0 37 ' 7 01 1 -7 .-8 Hi I.I III J 18 trs 0 10 a iii 7 00 • 7 55 8,08 8.19 •9113 ' . 8 07 8 10 9 10 J 10 10 15 1100 11 11 lilSl 1 .i . a ' ins ' I ,8 8 >i ' JOO FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wo have la our list tho largL, powerful tug Samson, which will ho sold outright or chartered for the trip or IUISOII attempted, and how it spread throu^huut JIil whole Slate "RUDDLRCRANCI Alll«JAD,"b\ 1 innk R Stockton a eonlmuatlon of the droll 'Rudder Grnnne storieb, fhe hceile beinj» now in I urope MIL N1W LRA IN AMI KICAN HoUSL ItUlLUINt, a hericb of four papers full) dlui trated, di voted to (I) City IIousli (2) lounlry House*,, (3) Churches, and ( l) 1 uhhc Itulldiugs I 111 CRLOIlSOl 10UISUNA by (,co W Cable, author of ' Old Creole 1) lys etc, a fresh and graphic narrative richly dfustriled MY ADV1 NTURLS IN /UNI, by, 1 rank 11 Cuslnng, Kovemmcnt ethnologint, an adopted member of the Ztilll tribe of Indians llhiMnlul ILLUSTRAUD l'Al'LRSUN 11IL N\II NAL CAW 1 Al, including • I he L tpnul • 1 he uplcme Court,' ' I he \\ Into House elt MISSIONS01 SOU1I11RN CAIIIORNIX "II II ", three or four pa|)ers of an exceed nely interesting character, richly illustrated MISCELLANEOUS Fuitherwork Is expected from t. C.' Stedman, Thomas Hughes, [oel Chandler Hams ("Umle Remu«"), Chnrles Dudley WHrrer John ilur oughs, L V bmnlley, H II Uoyesen, and a ong list fo others Lnterlalnnig short stone■, ami fovelettes w illbe among the leading fi ntures of I ill' (IM ijiu , ns heretofore, 'and the magazine -jill continue itsedvance in general excellence | The subscription price is f i co n year, 35 cents a number Subscriptions should begin wnh tho November number, and to enabje new subscribers to commence with I e new series under 1 hk Cbhiuuy name, make the following BOILER FOR SALE! An Almost lieu stcil holh 1 iitO1^ ft In line loiidition nlllmdllcss limn half price AildiiHh MARIN L HECOKD Clevi liiud.O H V BOEOHAN, Proprietor The Madison, (KI11MIIIIY 111 1 Mil I10IHK) Detroit, Mich. Mon( fculriilly I,o<n(fMl Stitet HUN piihs tht diioi mi} tew minim» to l>ipots mil nil pniln nt the ( il\ Hum minim h walk to I s ct M S, D A M, unci Wnliihh Dipiilh Bates $160 to t2 00 per day Eqdlpment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. Trains run by Columbus tlnio, which is twonty minutes fiistur than Chlcaiio time, live mlautes slower than Clt-voland tlmo and sixteen minutes slower than Buffalo tllno lor mlua or Inforniation cad on nearest Agent of the Company or address b 1 noiihrn Oon'l Passenuer Agent . Hoy t Block, Cor bt Clair ond Hanli Streets LC1VIS WILLI — ..Jams General Miina^or Cleveland, O The Best Roadbed and tho Safe¬ st Road^n the West. IIST I'lcki ts I)} this popnlni rontu tm side nt nil icgnlni IIckets Dllhe E B THOMAS, 0 B SKINNE , Genual Maimer InilHc alanaber A I SMITH, (mural I iwitiiht-r Agent CLMLL1NI), OHIO Cleveland to N.York & MATHt NLH YORK I»IU.N\NYI,VAMA A OHIO RUMlOAl) rormcrly Atlnntlo V Qrent Wtatt.rn Iiallrond For Now "iork Boston unil tlio Uiat^ Tlio short est and i|iiickeat route lo I'It tubal rub '"Wualiiiigtui. Halthiioro jimt tlm Soutlitast Until further n itiiu trulnn will lcavo from raw ttititxul DLpot Hmth Uuttr mrctt and V duct us follows fiXU [(• 111* lullmiii) hULjtJiih anl li itul com ts from LuivlttHtnirgli-S 65 » m To Nun Yur Allntiy and HoHtoii without change Inrlor t CIu\t.lnnd to tialitiiuinta Arriuniit Mmdvlllu 1 1 n iiUdlmiLr) 1 riinklin 1J JJ i> m vtjUltj 1(H) | Buffalo(11 > p tn ItochLKtir 8 in p m , HoriulU villt l JO i in snppir) Oirnlnt S 5 p in Ilmin H57j» in UiiiKhunt ni lOSrt p in \liMiiy f 00 a 4,5 p in ^arrn hit, »l Now } irkd 50 a m m 1] I NlJ-»it KxnreMN( . ^ini UijJ I lilliiiiin HliLpinL, oath dully xcopt M \K1\1 1 AW ^ IJtS Kn< lp ti. MorrlHitji I UOCKMtS IN ADMIUVI1Y 11» Motin i st It nn Ii4 thU ii(,o tii)\\ ML II DliKS Doiui A. Co HUM ltUII 1)1 Id hAUNDIty. 11UAT WASHING rfnd general Laundry in few hpura. Oik-vkland biKAM Laun- duy 33 St Clair St. Telephone It8 S\II MAKhHS NoMo lidos*, ^ \[]t M VKLKS am> JUObLUS IwtofdrlHMolUt HI lHOil MICH i» in \h Htoii 11:051 _ ..... Inni Ixivnistun,!. I Nc» > rk wliiiouT'ilioime trriiunt \ iiiii,»Io»ii al 1* a in 1 litsbmeli i,\ IVS!"" ",' '"■ U'I""'<OT 10 84 | m M, ihUlo I m i m tirryl'lli m Janus. io»uo .,„ liuiiii, i e „ ,,,'n,, i,,,,,;1, ft"!1* Il.iru.ll»vlll 11 0 an, t irnlinl.r,,,,,,, H 1 I 111 Hll kli llnpt. li . j0 |i in Siw.lork nil ifio vlll 4^5 toil, in I) i.ill III mill sill I k, IQItAULS Ol bTLAMSI) fljaiptomiarori)oliturtt,itlngln|r, Itclilnir worsen! night, joeraiaftlf pin worms worocrawlingatioiit the rectum, ttisprlulapArUftrooAaniuTucnut Juik Elosunt, Dcopoteical and positive cure. Hwatne s intmbnt Is superior to any artlclo In tbemorksL Sold I rdrugglati orsendAUcu In 3-ct. titan ps J Buu,It il. Address,D> SwitNtiSon I'MUfl l'ltt«l,iirir liprrs. ,|„iiy ,-,---,.-,— lliniikli nltli • il ilmUKB 1 irl ir our Moulin I i lll„l irnnrl.., il \ mi,WU, „ s'Jo l.... 1 IiihI ,rk » ll,,,, « ,,!,!„„, ,„ 7 ,|i'a ,„ "„fiX ...... ^\ ;ii"'>l">l'r,i. ,i I •?!,„■, ,,il|, |oMulJ n m nnlKinlnir ttiaiiiiiKHliiilaii 1)| 111, "inn ill, ul ill «i) si mi lis Ant, 1 , ".II"1"" W l'H ,l H III | ,„ S|.,ri, n'^^'m" ii,v'•"•.';-"""•'"Khiith.a; ri«».rM.M:i,m1,,,r1l1!ln,'hu',ta" ■""■"a" I ill) d. Ill, lliniikli wlllnn.t eliiiiiBo ArriVos a liiiiigstiltiiilOni SliarmUl ' a in Slliirn, Mil 11 nan.„ 1 tt.-l irKh 1 0s , ,„ HUnr , ," ^ ui I lit I urgl .1 4 II an 16 an, uj., .J ami 1.0 p in ' ,,,» Ifl A M 1"",«"t1°'V"u"l,*"t»'»"-Rl'Ao. l\l Jl. 01, I Ulllllllidlitloil, stunning at all Wn, sirii.n. .rrlTlnm i „.,1Miu»n| So,, ni i.m»J buiuli 0 10 p in 1 rtlim nrrlvo in ( lovoland em i in 10 Mil in JOOp m 7 0Up m „,id 1015 p l»-riil»lithe only route, by which paMonoe'r. can roach Carry Elmlrm Blnrtampton, ViV\K* iMllffil,*. N0U'"""" ""1<Wl"" "^^ fc" s IlliKirnge Ohookod Through to all Point* l'.lSt. aa-Through tnkuui mi I Information riiiirdl,,, tin mum • an Ik> obtulnud ,t tho Union Tlotetl 1^ A E CLARK Oen'l Pass'r Ag t riovelan iLn',^"1."8^ f-SV Uon 1 Man'gr novels d tl«.oluud O A-

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