Marine Record, April 28, 1883, page 3

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V MARINERS DISPLEASED. Last ovonlng says tlin Kingston News, a . numb'or of marlnora dlsciiBnod tho merits of Musters' and Mntos' .Act which thoy olalm contains aoveral sorlous Imperfections.* . Among tho objootlona noted aro the fol¬ lowing. The clansos nro mentioned also: Clause 2. Examination may bo Instituted , In Cnnndn for persons hnvlng boon domiciled In Canada for nt lenst three years, clc, etc. This should/rend "Canadians by birth or naturalization," as a great .many mariners mnke their hdmes In Canada, but sail Ameri¬ can craft. Wages nro higher In the United Stntoa, hut living la ohenper In Cnrnda, nnd. under this clause theso men enn step In Hnd | tnko charge of a Canadian ;ornft, and yet they aro notCanadlans. Clauses 0. After tho 1 of January, 188-1, no sailing vosscl of over 100 tons roglstin- tonungo, flor any passenger steamer, shall proceed on any voyage' without a certified master, etc), etc. ' Freight steamers of s'teauibargoa of any tonnage are exempt, and yet no miirliipr will iifllrm that It requires more judgment to sail tbo schooner "Aeaoln" than Is ie- ' quired to sail t)io"D. D. Calvin" (Calvin & Son's now.b|irge.)- And yet tho-schooner "Acacia" must carry a cortlflod master, .ofld thrllurgfl stcambargo Is exempted. - Clnnso 7 would lead peoplo to beliovo thnt steam tugs or other steamers of a certain tonnage would require to bo commanded by a certified master, and yet mariners fall to aeo anything In'the act that' will comnel vessels of these classes, of any tonnage whatever, to bo commanded by. qualified masters. Tho result may be, that If one of our large mall-Hue steamers, bound up the lake with a full load 6"f piiBsengers should meet a largo freight steamer' bound down, and through the Cnrelersncss or Ignorance of tho captain of the freight steamer there la a collision, many valuable lives on board tho passonger eteamor might bo )ont. The passenger.Bteamer la generally the weaker vessel of the two. The above objections nro stated by an ex- Kcrloneed mariner, nnd one who claims to nve studied the act in question thoroughly, ne says that If It is not amended, sooner or later, a result will prove his statements to bo correct. . % •' . . A venrYiubicrlp on from Nov,, 1881, and the waive numbers of the past year, uabound, f 6o, A subscription and the twelve back numbers bound in two elegant volumcswilh gilt top, $7.50. Tun CENTUKV CO. NkwYoiik, N. Y. n. D. UOULDEIl. _■ JOHN F. WEII G0ULDER&WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, U ■ AND PROPTORS IN ADMIRALTY. . II k 10 ATWATIiK BUILDING, CI.EVKLAND, O. ' Our Collection lii'piiYtmo'ntlnlnoliiU'go of nn §x- ' ' purloaccd Qilloctor' ip VNUlullSSlMIlp •AND. Vessel Brokers, DULUTn, MINN. For Salef Rare Chancel We hnvoran our bookli n good, -largo tug that can b« had at a bargain if sold within 00days, sheis 05 ft. length, ID ft".beam, 8It. hold.llrnltof water .from 0" to'7 It. Her Ungines lice 18 by-18! Her Boiler was new Inst year. Burns wood or coal, will carry 100 lbs. steam nnil< 118- His. if necessary'. With dishes and bedding litted'up, and bus H license to carry 00 plissengols, all ready lor business. BchuJIt in 1881) at cost of $10,00. .irsold wlihln III) days c-m bo'liad for $."),r>00 cash. Good reasons for selling, Tho tug Is now lying at Chicago. For further particjlars. Address Marino Record Olllce. Cleveland, O. V- D. Nickerson CI.EVKLAND, O. MARINE ARTIST. IN BLACK AN"D WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. FOR SALE. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the and Mississippi Rivers. Ohio "Pcrhapti the most judiciously edited mag. azinein the World."—The National, N. Y. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year ofjhis magazine—the first under the new name, and the most successful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain ovej that of the' proceeding season, and Tiik CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following ore the leading features; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, fo succeed this author's -'Modern Instance." It will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN. COLONIES BY EDW\RI)EGCLESTON_tbe leading histor¬ ical feiture of the year; to consist of a number of paper., on such topics as 'iThe Beginning of a Nati. n," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY MARV HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "TheLed- Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author. THli POINT OF VIEW, BY IIIWRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from fltiag- inary persons of various nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads, etc. . ' THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, showing how a league was formed in. a small town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole State. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Frank R. Stockton-, a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE. BUILDING.'n scries of lour papers, fully Illus¬ trated, devoted to (1) City I louses, (2) Country Houses,, (3). Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cnble.MiUthor of" Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN-ZUNI, by, Frank II. Dishing, government ethnologist; an adopted member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NA'II- NAL CAPITAL, including "The Capitol," "The upreme Court," MTha-White House, etc. ' MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, llH. II. "; three or four pnjiers of anexceed- ngly interesting diameter, richly "illustrated. MISCELLANEOUS. Further work is expected from E. C. Stedman, Thomas Hughes, |oel Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remus"), Charles Dudley Warner, John Bur- oiigha, E. V. Smalley, H. H. Boyesen, and a oug list fo others. Enfeftalningshort stories and fovelcttes, u'illbe among the leading features of Tub C>:n;iuiiv, as heretofore, and the magazine •i^ill continue itsedvance in general excellence. The subscription price is a year; 35 cents a number. Subscrtptions'should begin wiih the November number, and to enable new subscribers to commence With t e new series under Tiik Ckntuhy name, intake the following, SPE IAL OFFER, . An Iron yacht .1.1 feet lnaa \ ery IPmiIIv naistied anu furnished, llriifl II1-2. fet-t rntis voiy fust, Eafpilro uf IX I*. Nlclci nc-u It iikut'j Iilnck i; 'dill AvoSlatlon. Exchange. Will exchange two liou«es. and lots in Cleveland worth $7,000for llou't|ng property Steam Barge or Tuglirel'cr.ied. Address, 'K. D, 113 Franklin St. Cleveland, Ohio. ENGINES FOR SALE ! Double englno 14x20, will do forntonmbariri or tuff, nil up, ttsaood aa nuw, iilno u hovuu fool I'liiliidolphla wheel nnd shaft. Will soil tho wholo very cbcap. AiMrcBs Marino Record Ofllqo.- FOR SALE 8feam bnrto. Krel \U feet. Benin 30fon'«dupth of hold 11 (out capacity 400 M feetluinbc, OSOtons cotil botdes hor fuel. Built In lt$2. Addrcar>-Mr>RiNK Ueooiid Office. Wanted, Stonmyaoht H5 or 40 foot long ot good snood and gnod Rower. tornrry40 or 50 paaitoiiKerB' nadrc«B Mauink EC. HID ofllou. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Conolios'und Elegant Sleeping Cars, for . COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT OIIANGH3. This Js tho only line mnklu-j Dlftot Conheotlon i.„ ah the principal Trunk Mnosof tho East* for al Southern, Poutbwostcrri, and Western points, olthor Wanted, ateambarso that will carry 000 gros* tons on 9 foot draft anil could also bu loadcl tluwn to II or 1*> fort, It I'cccssary. Aim* two towburg.-H tbut will carry (W0 or COO tuim oa 1) fool draft, Addroao Mamnb Iiucord Offlce. by way of Cincinnati, IndlnnapotlB or St. Itullw uy Towns illSSOUKI, AKKANS , TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, ' COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO * AND TIIK PACIFIC COAST. ;i FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wo hnvo In our list, tho largo, powerful tug Sntason, which will bo sold, outright or chartered for tho trlp'or BOILER FOR SALE! Arl Al flpe c( most, now ' «teel holler SxOjjJ ft condition will sell less than half A In 11 price.' Address MARINE RECORD, Clevidnnd.O M- V, BORGHAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FOUMKItl.Y IIKVKUK 110UBK) Detroit, Mich. Moal Centv^illy Locnted. Street ears pass the iluor every few minutes' to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute's walk to L S & M S, D & Al, nnd Wabash Depots. Batet tl'DO, to 12.00 per day, Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and tha Safe¬ st Road in the West. ealo MARINE LAW 1 KR.s. Knvlp & MorrlNOn I'tiriClOllM'lN A1IMIUALTY, 115 Mj^uirouSt Koimi M Clilruao. ^■Tickets by this popular route for at all regular Tickets Oflleef E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Uoaoral Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, (li'iiorul Ptmungor Ayont. CLEVEXANU, OHIO. Swaynes U1IAI (II U.Uhlt*. Doan £ Co. IIOAT IIUIMliatS I.ACNUKY. liUAT WASHING and general Laundry l- few hours.- C(.kvklaN(>. Stk.vm I.iun- IIY. 33 St. Clair Si. Telephone II8. S.WI, .MA.KKK.1. Noblo St Oona, SAIL MAKKKS ani> H1GGEUS. |.'oot of (Irlnwolcl it. IIITltlUT, MICH. lO.\l„ Uuvld llurilhUel A r BEST UIUDtS OP STEAM AND i l t'lA it / 1 , PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A HEART COMCTOR Aad by cloanilno. regulating, and'ttrsnolhealrtu the orgaas of dlgflStlon, Bocrollon and absorption, curs Apoplexy. Fits. Paralysis, Nervousness, Olulaess, Debility, Biliousness, flad Breath, Jaun-' dice, Llveraad Kidney Complaint, Lack ot Appetite. Low Spirits, lotXgesflon or Dyspepsia, Headache, Consllpallon Fevers, Malaria aad Contagion, Fever and Ague, Dlarrhoa, Dropsy, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Goul. Female Weakness, Urinary Dis¬ orders, and all Irregularities ol the Spleen, Stomach, BUdder and Bowala. Pnund only bj Dr. SWA VNK A SOU, Philid.lptu, Fa. —^_A^lt KOI R DRnOOlBT FOR TnBU. rrif^siti..ri,.ih.iM,ti. tuaibjHaiiutRrisaiM. ',THE-NrCKHjT, PLATE! NKW VOIIK,01IIOAa0 4 ST. LOUIS RAII.WA. This uqmpnuy mnlten n now depnrtti In lis (Iny coaches which the traveling public will undoubtedly appreciate. Each cmicli has n marble top wash stand with „ soap nnd'towels, thus turnlshlugfreo ' what luiH.hcrcloforo been n luxury of tho drawing room cnr.'1 The windows, aro wldo and high, giving as'plendld view of - ' the uountry. Tlio large paper ear wheels, 42 Inches In diainctoi', make tho connhes ride so sinoollilv and noiselessly that ' conversation' Is carried on as easily as In O parlor. The sin6l;|ng pars'hnvo rattan, scats, making them .much clpancr'niul' more plensnnt tliiiu tlio old style.' All, the conches are new nnd of latest designs Following lg time of local trains now running — (IOINO BAST. Local Lnccill Colin cull I'luwcn'r I'uMcu'r Ac ct ni I.v. Clilcago.........,...9:t0a " Ho.Uhfcngo ....S.8a " " Yalpral«o.......:.10:0S "' ait. Kurt Wnyno.....I;50 p. la, Lv. Fort^Viiyao......!;tn " " Nowtfavoi........^j'.'.'i " " Writ IjiliHli:......4581 " "> Arcudl.1......z......1::t0 " " FiMtorla.............fiilr, " " Un'cii Hprlna^.. Q'fl'2 " Arr. lk'lli'vuc.*......7oT0 " I.v. Ilclluvuo............V:10 ',' . " Verinllllon.........8:1(1 ' " Lonila......,^,.:....H:S1 " Arr Cleveland......10;0O " I.v, Clovoliiail.:..........; i........ " Euclid Avo.................. " Menlor.......... " I'aiaiflvllfe.... " Ahlualaitn.... Arr Couiieiiiil'.., I.v Coniiuiuit.... '• Erie.............. Dunkirk. 0-4511. 111. . 7:42 " ' . 8:07 " .18 '^,... 0;7o .........lOl'.'O ........1S|.'W ........II,!H ........l'J|05 |) in .,;IOp m ........ lj|8 " . .................T.7ZZ'i;K " iVrr BulTalo.....................4,50 •• nOINO WIST. Lv Biifl'nl........... 8,CH)a ni .............. '* Dunkirk...........1I!B3 a in " Erie................linn •' .............. Arr ConijQstu......llffl p m .............. T" " ^.....' mffio' p in .............. .1;27 •' .............. .■>,a ■'• .............. ,2, is " .............. ..iii'.'a ,.:i;4.'l ..4i'1« ,li;20 4;:i0 p. nu T..... i'iiS'" 8,07 7:00 7:55 8;08 8; IS 0,05 8;il0 " 9;30 " ... 0|4n " ..10|15 " . 11;CHI " . 11:15 " .. 12|18 p m .. 2j2r> " . i;45 " ,. il,05 " IjSS Lv Conaoaat... " Attlitabula...... " Pnlneivlllo...... •' Mentor , .. " Euclid Avo...... Arr Cleveland...... Lv Cleveland-..... '• Loniln..7......... " Vermillion....... ,-- ArrBcllcvuo.........0,15 Lv lk'ltevuo......... ".Green Springs ' Foilorla........ " Arcadia........... " Wet l^iptic. " New Hnvea -.. Arr I'Vrt W.iyno. Lv Furl Wayne.. " Vulpruiso........ Arr 80 Chlcugo................ 8;21 .............. Arr Chicago......................... 0)00 " ............... Trains ran by ColumbuH time, which la twenty minulos luster tlina Clllcngo tfaiu. flvo mlnutcu slower tlian CJevelund tinio and sixteen minutes slower than BulTalo tlmo. For mtortorliif'innnlfon, call oa nenreBt Ageal of tbo Company, or mtdrefti B. F. HORNER, ' (lon'l rusMiager Asent, Ilnyt Block, Cor. St. Clulr nnd Hunk Streets LEVIS' WILLIAM", Cleveland, O. Uenenit Manager. Cleveland to N.York VIA TUB NEW YORK PRFNNNYrVANIA A OHIO RAILROAD. Formerly Atlnntlo ,t Grent Western Rallrond For Now ^ orlc Host on ami thu Iuiat. Thu short¬ est apd sT|iifckti«t route to Pittsburgh. Washington Ualtlimire nml the Suutheiuit. Until furtliur nutlro tralrni will leavo from now Central Depot, tfoutb. Water Btroot and V duct na folbwa, 1 111 Q m LlBhtnlnjf ExprcHM (dully l,l\) (1i Ult I'lillniun Bleeping and hotel colic en fruin Ijenvlttfl'mrgh S 55 n> ni. To New Yor Albany and Mo<doi) without change.; I*iirlor t Clu^L'ltiml toSaliiiimncu. Arrives at Mead\Uto 1.1 a. m.(dinwr) I-'mnlcHn 12 M p ni Oil City 1;ihi |t in. Jattiuatown (Lake Chautiiuqiml) l;ft7 ]>. in Buffalo fi. 15 p. in Hoc heater .ft.30 |> in.; Uoriivlls vlllu G;I0 )> m. siippt-r ); Corning b:*J5 p. in. lilinlra . 8:57 p in. Bingliantnii I0'58 p. in.: Allmny 6.00 a m, Boston -:-15 p. m.; orrlvlnn ut Now Yorkfl-50 ti.m nifl/1 n rn Nlsnt Expre«iN( dully eicopt iUJ [li 111 Mindiiy) l'-ullmnn alflqmig loach from U'uvl'tatnirgh to Now York without clmngu" Arrives ut Young-*to«ii at H5 n. in.: l'ittflbnigli J): 15 u. in Wathiiigtui) £i.l.r) p, in.: Bnlttmoro lO-S-Tp in. JIoiKlvillu.iiSO u in.. Corry fl.1'0 ». m. Junius- town G -22 a m, ltiillulo U 15 u in, Ilorhcaler 1 10 it UoniL'll^vUlull'JO urn, Cornln« lli M pm. Elm ru 1 21 p in. IHngliiunpton 2 50 \t in, New Yoi'k §in. •Ill I) TT1 IMtfttburtf ExprcNH ilnlly suU II, lll'i through without chuiige, Parlor cnr L'luvulunit to Pittsburg urrives at Yuuiigatovrn 5 00 imii, I'lttribiirg 8 -'() p in, Wu-ihlugloii 7 :!0 u in, liutt- luioro 8 -*."> i) m via Sharon mid .Shnrpri\lllu lo Muiul vlll 7 10 |i. m. 4,(If n m ' Nnlioiiliiar A«coiiiincHl(i'llnn 16J ])t Ills slopping (ii iiTl way .Vntioua Arrive nt Yoiiiighl(M\ii 7 .id, p in, .Sharon H .ID p in, Sharps villi! H 40 P "I. < oiiii'-eti nt Leu. lUslmrg|j with trulo No 'M for Mi'iidvllln anil Inter mud late points, nr- rivi'H uLMfiidville |1 (t.'i]iiii. filUdi Ult tlirnit||ii without efiiingu. Arrivos ut YouiiRHioffn 10 u in, Sliaron 10 r><1 a in, Shnrps- \illo 11 115 a m, 1'itthburgh 1 Od.p in, He turning, 1 i'a v en Pittiburgli ut 4 4:1 u in, .f 5>*iu in, 1 Up in/ unil 4 20 [i in Yoiinf^ttown nntl Plttuburirh A,^- ctiininudutlon, btopjiiug ut nil Wnys 10 A.M. Mp. m.; I'llti „ Ulevolaml, (10.1 nij 1m p ui und 10.15 |i. reach Corry Elnilra, BlnBliuni))tou, Sow tffr» Slrlfoiifl, arriving ut VouuKHlown'1 _. ,. ' "'" Trulns ftrrlyojiHJlevolaiHl, 11 OS burgh. (1 10 p. m a. in; 10.Mia. in; 00 p. Wi rem CTtjr ar 'his Is tlio only route by winch pnusung, cli Corry Elnilra, RlngaunrpLou, Now Yo y anil ltilorniedlalo points WITHOUT Ex* rilANtlE.1 No clwngo loDoston and Mew Kng- tanil Cities. ; UugnmKe Olieoked Tltraugh to all PoloU ; East. Dt%.TtirougliaickulH uad information regurdliii; tliu niuto enn bu obtulaed at the Union Tlcketof. lieu corner Hunk mid Superior HtreeU; atorncu 131 Hunk street und nt lluw llepot of Now Yoric, fenn- aylvnaia and Ohio Railway, tioutti Watorstreot and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK. Gon'Li'aaa'r Au't Oluvelnn M. L, KOUTH, ,T. M , FERRIS, Fan 131 Bank St. Oun'l aUa'gr. Cluveti tl Cl«.velaud

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