Marine Record, March 21, 1883, page 8

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h I-11.....- ' ------------------------ The NeYersinlc Corlc Jacket.' Twenty per cent, moro buoynncythnn thcr Llte-I'iesorvoi In t4n- market. Is SAFEST and only RELIABLE IJ I'RESKRVIIR In iklHTKWE, an -proved ol the latumf(.k on tin I'ui'lflf Coast ' the Paclllc llufi .Steamship, "City of Fiaiu'lflcn " RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. any . tho ,IFE oil t, m( Sa.i Approved nnd adopted li\ the United States Board of Supervising I nspectors ;nlso by the -prlnulpd Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. . D.KAIINWEILER 120f kn'tfh St.N.Y KATZENHTEIK'S OCLl-AtllNU METAL TACKING I orf Piston R6ds, Valve STbUS, &C Adopted nnd In ubo by tho principal Iron Works and Stcamalilps Compa¬ nies within tho last eight years in this and Foreign countrlos. Tor full par¬ ticulars and rctoionccs address L. KATZENSTEUT & CO., 109 Christopher- Street, near West Street, N Y LOUD BOWLHU 4 CO AQENTSrOR CLEVELAND WILLIAM FORD, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Manne ins. Agp.nt. N L Cor Columbus Ato.i WjUorSt, SANDUSKY, 0 j. H. PALMER & SON,. Vessel Owners & Agents, Jio 130 WutorStriL) CLLVI LAND, - OHIO MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 110 Witcr btre t, Ul VI I AND, - OHIO THOS. WILSON MASAdl 1NQ 0»M It 'Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Torw irdcr. Freight,n*d Vcssi.1 Agent HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents, round %8 llrood«»y MllWAlkll Wit, 111,_______( HlLAdO. ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, ill) ho Wulor Btruol CHICAttJ IIIINOH ATKINS &BECKWITH, , Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 I ubnllo Strict *• CHICA(K), - II I BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and Agent, mOWntoratrett.KQQLuH, Formerly of the . flrui (if lkiclcuci Bartow, ^ CLhVJ LANIJ, - OHIO O Toll phone No UM A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, No. «5 Exchange St. - Buffalo, N. Y. tSTIF YOU DO N01' RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LIST OP VESSELS FOB SALE, SEND FOR IT. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN -----MANUEACXURED BY----- i t »:E2.IW«2*£, >J-> ^ CRANK CAPSTAN. TATKNTLD SIT-TEMBEK 7, 1880 As only a few man can operate a crank oupstan, It Is seen at onto that It must bo very powerful to answer tho pur¬ pose. Tho company had this fact particularly In view when designing tins capstan, and a comparison with any Btylo In tho market will bIiow Its superiority In this respect. To make the gearing equal to tho great strain often put on It, tlio gears nro all made of the South Boston Iron Company's celebrated gun Iron. Tho same care Ib taken In Its manufacture as with tho power capstan to mnko oveiy part as porfect as possible. It id made tt) nork Power or Speed, according to tho direction In which tho cranks tovolve, without any other chungo SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES D. S. AUSTIN & CO. UPSON, WALTON & CO. M. I. WILCOX JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO. G. D NORRIS & CO. PUNUAM& JIOIT, BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS.. -OJI10AG0, ILL W. Grover & Spn Ship Chandlers i AND SAIL MAKEltS- '"•V^T-oir Cleveland,0 UPSON WitTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers jyOm i"l tin 1m jn-Bt htmkH ul Wli" itnpi' ill tin United SlalcM ( LbVELAVI) - - - OHIO PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. htll I MAM IAOH lll'IIS OF 1111 CKLMIKATKD "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ^r" ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSH OK WITH OUlt SELF-LUBRICATIfl PHOSPHOR BRONZE ♦ BUSHINGS. 1 he metal in these Hush¬ ing! is the celebrated Phos¬ phor llronze, the best bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect self lubrica for* they ore fast superscd ing all other styles I'or Vile by bhip Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASIC FOR "ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKh. ' Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists failed free upon application. Latest Improvem Bomplo ordurs solicited SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC) LIFE BOATS, •MUD BUST AKTIS OHBAFI1ST. M\I> iron PRICES 'Ia SMITH'3 BOAT -WOTRKS, 150 South Street, ZCcw Yor^. Improved Snaicii Hm< k Clasp .Closed STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, ]ugnall"¥ loud, Boston, Mass. Nolo ninmifHtiturrrit In U. B A. of our Cblebratoil Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle BlocktjJmprrjved Snatch BlocksTttaff Topsail CLEATS, ETC. In «l Improveil 1NAIU1 IIiock Chsp Opened ■x- MRAUW.-AYMAR& CO., Vr HlNlTFACTURKKft AND iMrOllfKHB OP Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, BUNTING, FLAGS, MARINE IIARDVyARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS' GOODS GENERALLY. Noi 84 ft 3S SOUTB ST., NSW YOKE- 0915 2984

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