»1 NAUTICAL AND SOIENTIFIO.V There Is at prosont no loo at Sand Bcsdli. Tlio s'ohoonor Snow Drop Is bolng re¬ paired at Duriford & AlvorsQii'sdrydock. A dispatch Irom Lexington roports the lnko clear of Ico for six [S eight miles off that port. 1 . The Straits frdm McOllpkVs Point to the vlcnilty-ef the Foxes, Is densely packed with 18-Iuub ice. - Wilson, the sub-marine diver, Is patching the holo In the bottom of the bargo D. M. Baker, which lies at Bottsford'B dock. Tlio schooner Midge, owned by Captain John Clausou, was damaged to the extent of $250 by a the in thg Urcen Bay canal, w A little new paint on vessels, like tho "Liquid Pearl" used by ladles on their faces, makes n groat Improvement In their nppcar- ance. The Btcambargo now building at Marine -^Tuty for the Saginaw & Toledo Transporta- Chi Company will be completed early In tione. Two BteamcrB have nrrlvod at Halifax with an aggregate of 52,U00 seals. '1 he al most to¬ tal extinction of these valuable animals seems imminent. The piopeller Mary Martini will tun on ■ the Sobcvvalng, CuscvlUe and Tawas route title season, in competition with Bhoro lino of steamers. Deputy United States Marshal Marshall seized the scow Prince Albort, of Egg Har¬ bor at Ahnapcc hist week vn a claim of sea¬ man's vvagcB by Adolph Roder for $112. A petition Is in circulation among vossol- meu at Chicago, asking the United States lighthouse board to put a steam fog-whistle on the outei breakwater north of the llght- - liouse. / The befim on which the tonnage and offi¬ cial numbers of vessels must be marked, has been decided by the Treasury Department to be the one under tbe forward side of the main hatch. " (40,000; Ptolcmus Philadelphia, or Egypt, had a fortune'of (850,000,000; that Avsop, tho poet, paid (400,000 for ti single supper, and that Ilollogabulous reposed In a, bed¬ stead ot solid gold. All this .may be true; but It scorns morn probable, to day, that Sway no's Pills cure dropsy, bullous heail- aoho, and Indigestion, for there Ib more truth than poetry Iti It. Sub-Marine Divine Wen lacuiuuiy anil Carps Raised Aqd Sub-M*rlne ^liwtlnfjdono/it llonaonnblo Itatea. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mioh. ^vJ3i "BOILER COMPOUND L W «llL LOOSEN 5CSLE: lbjt| y<j£^* STRAM BOILERS (Tn™ HgftfvN PREVENT ITS rORMATION. fT^rSafe. cheaP.1 Y{)> CrescentMrc.Co^>*- ^J_. ..iM-VIUMwYtt. M.-^ ^ ! ,........_______tftrti.___ , Guomoters,Salt Pans SiwiteSkckD. •And all kmds of Heavy Hate & She et WWorlc Office & Works, 844.246.248.?50 252 And.254. Perry St. ' To 1-0,000afc"" ™ks. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND M Sailor's wages out of Chicago have not yet been fixed by tbe union, and president I'ovv- ^crssaya that nothing will be donJ»4qvvarils fixing them until the straits ar£open basis established by the needn oft The lumbei barge Baker lies at Bottsford In a waterlogged Condition with a holo In her bottom, mado when she settled down fin a pile after the flood. As soon as possible she will bo towed to a drydock and repaired. An Island in Vermillion bay on the coast of Louisiana, has a solid mass of salt lit a depth of twenty feet so hard that It requires to be mined with dynamite and ground In steam mills. About 200 tons a day are taken out. « The propeller Messenger has changed haiuls^and will.run between Manistee ami Chobojgan the pooling season. She was le- ccntly measured in Chicago undei the act of August 5, 1881, for exemptions. Her old measurement (groan) was 4-14.57. The ex¬ emption tinder the new law Is 10J.95, making her tonnage now (net) J11.C2. Lieutenant C. II. McLcllan, of Vbe Reve¬ nue Marine, having been detailed Vo icpre- sent the United States Life "lavingNSeivlce at the International Flshcilca Exhibition to bo held lu London next month, sailed 011 the steamship Grecian Monarch. Ho took with hlin boats, buoys, mortars, rockets, and oth¬ er Ufa saving appliances. The Investigation of complaints of unpio- per treatment of Italian steerage passengers on the bteanmhip Viking biouglit out the testimony tltlit they had stilt biead and cof¬ fee for hrcaklast, macaroni, butter, cheese, soup, boiled vegetable*, and bread lor din¬ ner and meat and potatoes foi supper. J'he paKscngcrs testified that there was 'not , enough ot the too I, and that they had to pay extra for a biilllcicn<y In AugtiBt Nurdennkjold, the Swedish navigator, will utait on an expedition to Qiceiilaud. lie pioposes to make a com¬ plete exploration ot the Intel lor of that iiiiiutry. As comparatively but Utile In now know i) of Greenland, am! as It is among the inshlbilillen that information ho obtained may be of souiu practiuil value, it would xeein that Bticli an explmallon is vvortliv ol more encouragement than tiie many Iruillsbs ami fatal elloits to find tbe Nonh 1'olu, The Ottawa Official Gazette says the Owen Sltniimhlp Company have applied to I'mllii- ' nn nl foi Idlers paieut lot the purpose of iiiunlng a i-teaiiihhips and <nbejbojit*-.and vcKtiels lor lielght and paMcuffer traflli bi- tvvecn dllleicut poita and landings on Gcoi- jrjan Ua}, Laku Huron, Ihe Itivei M Maiys, lmnr superior, Lake Michigan, Laku hi, ,ClaIr, Detiolt river, and the iid|olnlng gnlfs, anil bays, and streams, including piutsoti - - the American side, anil foi that puipose tu build, purchase, or lease from time to time slcimihlilps and other bo its, and to operate the sniiie. -------1---------------■ m -------------------. HOW TIIE ANCIKN Ih SPENT TIIMK MONLY. v People may oiiy vvhal'they pleaie, but some facts ol hlatniy aie, metiiplioiically i-peiiklliL', dlllleult lo swallow. K01 Inslaiico we aro told, Ihat Cliopatia iliank a glas-. of' uiuo, in which was dissolved a pearl worth VESSEL OWNERS. UF.AN * COMPANY'S UIAONAI. LIFE BOAT CAN BE VNED IN PLACE OF THE METEMC LIFE IIOAT IP PREFERED, HAN REEN A DOITED AT WASH INOTON RY TIIE BOARR OF NU- =» rERVIBI&p , INMPF.C Tons. leasure Boats on hand SEND T0EPEICE LIST N AND CO. DETROIT MICH. ECHANICAL NEWS. [tl.LUSTRATLD] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL &. CO. No. HO Liborty St., New Vork, N. Y. Vessel men ' -mIOI'LI) iiave OU INE LAWBOOK, ConlalninKnil poinm of MAIUNh LAW an d«> terminoil by ttiu United btntu (ourta Somnon, Owners, FrelifhtM, dinner*, TuwniiVe, Ilofriiitry, ColllHlortB, \ KnroUtneiiU, Qonernl Averiiiro, J Common OiirrlorH, DutluR or 8unmoiitnMnHtor-i & Owners Hill of I-mllmc, Wnureii, &c. Tin- Vohimn iHliiuitlBitimly iiountl hi si iff Iloun). Co\«r», uiid ilnu I titfl!»h doth lilmllng Hooltttaot this kind Ktnorullj cost 31 nu lint wu will nunu It to liny mldrirm ihhIiiko puid Tor 31 "iO, or Willi. Ilia MAUINI, llUOHD for miu juir, built lor only |3 15 AddrtHH Makisk llnnui) Clnvuluml 0 ESTAIltlSHISD 1H30. -MANUPACTURRRB OP- Oil, STILLS Sc AGITATORS. Repairing Raropdy-rflttflndeila -5=------------------^— CORDAGE * OAKUM, G«nK»of ANtCRirAN, 1IUSSIA Mill ITALIA V HEMP of tbo Tory test quality nudo to ordoi- AT Otf DAY'S NOIICL MANILAnnifSlSAI-BtNOEKTWINL Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. / Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, MARINE ENGINE WORKS MANUPAeTUHKKOP Marine and Stationary Engines, « PEOPELLEE WHEELS, VESSEL PUHPS ft GENERAL MACHINERY Coiin«»PONDHNCB Solicitkd »5, 57 £ BO Mlolilimn Bt. CHICAGO IT.L NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it fre; from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the ltalnlity of Explosion. It saves TUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular fflvluff ftlll tnfbrmiitlon to HOUGHTON & CO, Holo I'roprltitom and M-uiufucturerH 130 Reade St, cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. I POSITIVELY CURED Alt miiTorun* from tliin illMittii Hint nr» nnxlouH to lm cur.il Hh.iuM try DR KISBNEU'8 CELEBEATED C0N9UMPTI0N P0WDEE8 Hits rowloreara Ilio only iir iiunitt mi known Mint will (.tiro (<iiittiim|>lloii imdntl list twui of Ha THEOATandLUNGS-linlu-l, wi Htronix h oi|r fiutli lu Ilium itn I al i, to itMivlut-tryrm- ihui tliuv uru no limiiliuK. »o will fiirwjnl to uvtiry Butloar, i>) null, pott pila u Free T lai Box Woilo M waul )nin money mull j m aitf |n iftdly niit- InlM otilmlr (iinUlvti piiwi rn U >nur lift) l« wo lli Bft\tnn Aiiii'idtliiy lu BlvliiB tlnwu P0WDEE8 i ttiul UB ih ) will 8iirU> (.iiik ) u l'rlrt forliirju Il-ix g MHl or 4 IVixih fur 810 00 Hint to nny pint of lliti Unit il blultM or Linutlu, by until, on rLLolpt of prl(.u Add reus ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St, BroQklin, H, Y. nu FALLING SICKNESS PEBMANENTLY CTT&RD-NO HU^BIT&^by oneMqnthiuiageofDE GOULARD S celebrate d ftuj" lowmvliuu itiiituruiti Hint iliww Vow mr*--*«Laii aU-Wii-ilulm Jut tliom v/a wilt auml tlunu by mull. poBtpAtd. a Free Trial Box Ah Dr (loiilunt in tliooiil) I'T^nklim tliut luu ovur nm-lu tlilHili uiuo it >-[)( IuIhuIv, ami ilh In our knuwlt l^t l In limn ml f Inn o tu on porinanontly (un I l>y llio umi of (tut- PowdorB w« ^ill guarantee a permanent euro in uvi ry tuH or rofund your all monoy ox- pOndBd. All nulUnntitlioull kIu lli m I mvtkru hi tiirTy Inul, mid In i unlit ed ol ilnlr ninulv t>»wir Nl»rl«! for Iiuk ltt»x. gIIKI -ir l H,,x.<i for frill (Hi ut tTy mull to uny pirtol tint Unlt-.il MaUsor Cniad on rocfilptof prim, ur l»y uxpntw L O U Aildroi ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N Y THF DUPLEX INJECTOR. THE I1ENT BOILER FEEDER KNOWN 1011 LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not I.iiible lo Get Out of Order null nl- «njh Diliveis Wnler HO'l to tlio Boiler EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS Tin Minplist l!ilf,'i-l'limp iniiile Unit U operiteil hi bleiun. Mnniilnctiirotl bv JAS. JENKS. 10 £ IN ATWATl.lt ST., 1.. DETROIT, Mloh , Af.KNTi CIIVPLAND, OHIO DETRUIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, MANUtACTllltl KS 111 ^ Copper in Sheets, Braziers' Copper, COPPER BOTTOMS, COPPER WIRE, ■lEBtvets arLd B%ars, Circles, Etc in nil InriiiB nl Hull, Slaet DETROIT. Mich lllirli Miiisi-, I u\\ HiiiHs inul tii'iiiiiin SIImi h mid Hlii Comer of LaraeUni Milli Streets. THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. ouro'n"' ALL KINDS WHEELBARROWS TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES ' ( II.Vl.I.ANU, OIU.O. OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST,, Motitluu ttllrJ TUjlDt . ^ 291�