Marine Record, April 14, 1883, page 3

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*•• V "1 3 AROUND THE LAKES. ConMniild'/rom pane's. bo hade to pay to tlje satisfaction of nuoh good buslnoss men as tho Messrs. Katlibun. there should bo" llttlo difficulty oxperloncod In working up n profitable trade on the BbUcvIHo nnd Oswego route. Some- voars ngo, when the facllltles-for drawing freights ■tocither of tho ports, mentioned woro "Hindi loBBtlian at present, a remunerative business was dogo by a liuo o( stelimers on this route. At Oswego throenr more lines of railway, that penetrate In as miiny dlflGrttnt direc¬ tions find an outlet, and all of Hicbo will • curry.frclght to-nnd from tills section of Oii- . tnrlorThe GWrrtl'JlllicTlnii railway should bo an .Important feeder for the pumo pur- pojo. BontB titled up to enrry passengers w'lth ordlnnry comfort would be well pat¬ ronized during the greater p'irt of tho sen- son, us- the routo to. Njhv ,York city nnd ■ othor points In th'o interior of the Statu would be milch tnore direct and lo»s oxpon- slvo than via Kingston nnd Capo Vincent. I Wo hope to Bee I bis matter taken up hv thnsn -who have the pluck and .iienii" tn carry It to n successful ^sbiip. Tho situation of both ports'warrnnta tho oonclfislnn Hint n profita¬ ble trade coitltl lie worked up much to the advantage of Bellovllli) " . The scow Minnie Blukcly, which sunk two , ■ yrtirB ago last Seprcmbnr on the flmal east . of Ox Point, has been raised and will be put In order with all possible dispatch. She was loaded with leurhi'd a«hcs and was bound lor Oswego, when tho mishap oc¬ curred. - The Ice in tho vicinity of the ferry slip is ovor three feet thick. OLD MAIDS. Some one (probably 1111 nld.bachelnr) has said that "why there are so manv liullcn of undertaln ages living In 'single blessedness' In our wogjd, Ib owing to the fact that most ot them went about with their fucoB covered ' with pimples nnd blotches." Well, they are 'not deserving of much pity when It'Is taken into consideration that Swavno's Ointment cures all eruptions of the skin and Itching piles and is on sale at every druggist In the land. Beware! girlB of the period. "Perhaps the most judiciously edited man- aaiile in the World."—Tun National, N. Y. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year ofnhis magazine—the first under the new name, and the mast' successful in its history, closed with the OctoMr number. The circulation Has shown a large gairXover that of the proceeding senson, and Tiik CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features; • A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELnVS, fo succeed this authoi's -■Modern Instance." It will be on international story entnled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading hi-tor leal feature of the year; to consist of a number of - papers, on such topics as 'i'f he beginning of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete hisiory of early life in the United Slates. Especial-attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LII'E, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOFTE, entitled "The Led- Horae Claim," lo be illustrated by ihe author THE I'OlNT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imng inary persons of vaiinus nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI- CUT, by the Rev, Washinglon Gladden. An 1 account of practical eooperali >n In Christian Work, showing how a' league was formed in a . small town in Connecticut what kind of woik it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole Staled • « "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," bv Finnk . R. Stockton; a^continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a scries of (our papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted M^n) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches; and (41 Public Buildings. ' TllECKEOLEbOr' LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by," KiiCnk H. Cushing, government ethnologist; an adopted member <>( the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED l'Al'ERS-UN THE WAIT NAL CAPITAL, including "The Capilol," '»Tb.e upreme Court," "The White House, etc MISblONbOF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, '•11 H. "; three 01 four papers of on exceed- ngly interesting character, richly illustrated. MISCELLANEOUS Further work is expected from E. C. Sledman, Thomas Hughes loci Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remus"), Charles Dudley Warwr. John Bur- ought, E. V, Smalley, H. 11.- lloyeten, «nd a ong list toothers. Entertaining short storie- anil foveleltcs. willbe among the'leMlng ,f atures of. '■'UK Cknti'IIY, as heretofore, andjiuunagazine will continue itacdvance in general excellence The subscription price is *4,' o a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions should begin wi h tho November numlier, and to enable new subscribers to commence with I - e new series under Till. Ckntuuy name, imake the following. 1. SI'E IAL OKFER. ' A year's tubscrip on from Nov., 1883, and the waive numhqri of the put voir, unhiwtl, •. A subscription'and tho twelve back numhers bound, In two elegant Vnltimeswith silt top, (17.50. Tim CENTURV CO. NiiW Ydrnt, N. Y. n. D. UOULDEtt. JOHN F. WlStl GOIJUJER & WEH, ■ Attorneys and Counsellors, AND , PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. M 4 10 ATWATEB DUILDINO, CLEVELAND, O. Our Collodion Department t* In charge of pin €x- porlonuod Colloctor' For Sale! Rare Chance! We huvo on our books n good, large tug that can'be had at a bargain If sold within (JO days, she Is 05 ft. length, 111 ft. beam, 8 It. bold, draft of water from 0 to 7-It. Her Engines are 18 by 18. Her Boiler wusjiew last year. Burns wood or coal, will carry 100 lbs. steam and ,115 lbs. If necessary. Willi dishes anil lit'ilillug lilted up, and I11K- u license to "curry 01! passengers, nil- ready for huslnesj'. Kebnilt lu 1880 at cost of $10,00. TTsold within 30 days con be had fur ifr>,r>00 cash.' Quod reasons for selling, Tho tug Is now lying at Chicago. For further piutlciliirs. . Address Marino Record Office. Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht ftS feet long u>ry flu nil y finished ana (urnlflhcd. Prnti :i 1-2- fa t runs very fruit, KiKlulrotif I). I*. NicKi-nton ll.irknca Dlnck K-icUi. AvaStntlon. Exchange. Will exchnnge two houses and lots In Cleveland worth 17,000,1'iir floating property Steilui Bnrge or Tug preferred. Address E. D. 113 Frnnklln St. Cleveland, Ohio. ENGINES FOR SALE ! Drt'ubloopglno 14x20, will do fomteambnrjrf or tup, nil up, ns aood as now, itlao a seven fool *Plilladolphta wheel and Him ft. Will sell the, wholo very cheap. Ad<lrcss Marine Record OtHca FOR SALE Steam harpo Krol 144 feet, Benm 30 foo', depth of hold 11 foct cbparity 4Q0 M feot lumber, CMtoni'conl bcaldci hor fuel. Built In 1B82. Addrcv M* kiMb HkcoIiD Office. Wanted, StonmTnch>!l6 or 40 feet long ol good inood md good fiowcr. tonirry40 or5J pawongoru- address Mahink Ibo <hd office. Wanted, alcambargo that will carry 600 gross tons on 9 fact draft and conia also be loaded down to 11 or 1*> foet, if i ecpsitary. Also two towbargfa that will carry 500 or C00 tons on 0 feel draft, Address Makinb Kbcord OtHce. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wohavo In our list, tho large, .powerful lug Samson, which will be sold, outright or chartered for the trip or season. BOILER FOR SALE!. An Alnuwt ■ new steel holler 5x!)^ ft In flno condition will hcII less than lutlf price, Address MARINE RECORD, Clcvelnnd.O H- V. B0ROHAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (yOKMKKLY 1IBVKKK HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Mont Centrnlly Locnted. Street cars pass the door* every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute's walk to L S & M S, D & M, nnd Waluish Deporb. < x Batei tl SO. to 12.00 per day. MA KINK I .A WY KltS. Knelp * Morrlion PROCTOIW IS-*ttWIllALTY, 115 Monfoii St jltooni SVCUtono. ,1UAT ItUII.DIyUS. Uoun £ Uu. ( BOAT BUtLUlill LAUNDRY. ill bVAf WASlllNO and general Laundry in few hou'ri. Clbvkland Steam Laun¬ dry. . 33 St. Clair St. ' Telephone u8. •SAIL MAKERS. Noble* Com, SAD-MAKKRS and RIGGERS. ^h.1 of OrllwoW it. DirriMMT, MICH. lO\L. Duvld lhtrnhUel Ayellt, UhbT UllADbS OF STEAM AND. ItbTlt tOAL, kali, Commission, AND Vessel Brokers,". DTJLUTTI, MINN. -V. D. Nicker son ~~ • ' CLEVELAND, O. , MARINE ARllST. IN BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Geveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the 0hl6" and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEKDAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAY'S, ' Leave Cleveland with ' Through Pnlnco Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT Oil AMOK. Tht» is tho only lino mnuiiic DJreot Connection -VI... ah tho principal Trunk Unosot tho East [or at Southorn, Southwestern oniMVestorn points, elthor hy way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St- Louis Jl Railway Towns iHISSOURI, ' ' ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND TIIK PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements.' • The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Road in the West. rjTT^il"'li hy tM» p"p"'"'- route for snlo nt nil regular Tickets Olllce, E.B.THOMAS, ■' 0. B. SKINNER, General Manngor. " Tniltlc Manager. A. J. SMITH, - Omoral Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Snipes ACT AS A HEfiBT CORRECTOR Und by olsinilno, regulating, ind itrtngthinlng tho organs ol dlgiitlon, sscrollon and dnomtlon, euro Apoplexy, Fill, Paralysis, (jetvotiineil, Dlnlntsi, OobBlh, Blllouinesi, Bad BreaUi, bun¬ dles, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Ltckot Armetita, Low SpWIi, IniHgesflon or Dyepepili, Headache, Constipation Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Fever and Ague, Dtarrhoa, Dropsy. Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout. Female Weakness,' Urinary Dli« ordora, and all Irregularities ot tho.Spleen, Stomach, Bladder agd Bowels. tnuni only bj Dr.SW ATNE * HON, Pbllid.lpUi, h, r,I...SllV.f|>.!!.■»,|1. »...b,■Ull«i.jl«r«l. .THE NIOKEIi PLATEH NF.W YOHK, OIIIOAQO * ST.XOUIB H4ILWA Tills compnny makes n now dopnrtu In' Its tiny conches which tho traveling; - puhllo wlll-upUonbtctllynpprfcchitoTEaon t conch has n marble top wash-stand with sonp unci towels, thus tur'nishJnff (reo wlint hits horotofbro been a luxury of the^ N drnwljig room cnr. The) windows aro witlo ami hlKh.filvlnp; a epTcndld view of the country. The lnr(?o piipdr cnr wheels, 42 Indies lu dlnnietcr, make the -c,nnclies rltlc so smoothly mid noiselessly that conversatlorfls carried ,on as easily ns In' n parlor, Tho sYnok|n«; cars huvo rnttnn' senls, ninklus; tHfttn much cleaner nniL. nioro plenannt thrin tho old style. A1P1 t|ie coaches are how and of latest designs ■ Fotlowina Is tlmo nf focnl trnlns now running — f ■ OOINO EA8T-. Local ,r Loccal Conncnu l'muon'r Hisscu'r Accom 0 ir. fl. m. 7:12 " 8 07 " <J|18 " . 0,23 " .4,110 p.m. 4;J7 " li,27 r,,io 0,'J7 7,05 0,55 I 8,07 8,30 0,30 ,. 0,40 .10,15 6,30 a in 7;00 " 7:55 " 8,0B " 8;48 ,'• 0,05 " ' Lv. Clittngo...........8:10 a m. " Mi, Chicago . -8.6i " "" Viilpralwi.........10.-0S ' Arr. Kort Wayno.....l;f)0 p. m. It. Fort Wn/n......2;10 " • " Now If itvon.......,2;25 " " Wo»tr«l|islc.,....l:20 " " Araidla..............5:30 " " Fmtnrin..........5|I5 ." " On en Springs.. 0,32 " Arr. Bclli-viie.........7.00 " Lv. Ikilluvuu............7:10 " " Wrinllllon........8:til ". " Lorain...............8.41 Arr Chivi'lninl .... 10,00 Lv. (Jlu. eland.........,........._ " r.ilcllil Avo......................0;I0 " - " Menlnr........................... 10;.'0 " " I»Ulll. HVtllB............... 10/11 " " A-lituliuIn ...............11,31 •'.... Arr Conneiiut .... .............12,05 |> in Lv Cnnncimt....................12;10 p m '■ nrl»............................... 1|18 " ■• Dunkirk........................3jl6 "— Arr Buffiilo...................,4,511 - GOING WfiST. —fcr BufTiilo..:. 8,(10 a 'ni ............. " Dunkirk.......... 0153 n in " Erie............11:111 •• ............. Arr Conneiiut.. 12,50 p m ......... Lv Connoiiut......12;55 p m ............. " Aithtnlmla___1|27 •'............ " I'aincsvlUo........2|2» " ............. ■' Multler -2,4'l " ........... " Eiiclld Avo ..-3;20 " ............ Arr Clevclnnd..... 3,41 " .......... Lv Cleveland........3|4»- " '• Lorain...........4;K) " ";20 " ' Arr llcllcvuo.......0,15 " , Lv nrllevno.............. " Oreen Springs............ , 1 Fo.uirln.......................11;00 "' »............ "Arcadia........................11-15 " V............ ".Woit I/ilpilc...............12,18 pm .............. " New Haven ................ 2;25 " ............... Arr F.m W 17110.............. 2;45 " .............. Lv Fort Wayne.............. 3;05 " ............. <• Vulprnlsn...-................... 0,58 " .............. Arr So Chicago................ 8;24 " ............... Arr Glilcago........................0;00 " .............. Trains run by Columbus tlmo, wblch Is twenty mtnule-t fiister tli 111 Chicago timo1 flvp minutes slower tluin Clt-veland timo and sixteen minutes slower than Bumilo time. For rotes or Information, call on nearest Agent . of tho Company, or liddrem B. f. HOTtNER, Uon'l Passenger Agent, Hoyt Block, Cor. St. Clair and Wank Strcots. LEVIS WILLIAMS, Clovoland, 0. .General Manager. Cleveland to N.York NEW YOHK PRKWNYIAANIA A OHIO* RAILnOAD. ^— Formerly Atlantic & Great Western Railroad \For N«w ^'ork Boston'and tho East- Ttjo Bliort- oHjinjjJiuicko-t rouUi to l'lttuburgli. Washington Baltimore ami tho Southeast. Until further uutico tralnn wilt leave from new Ciintriil Depot, bomh Water otreot and V duct an follows. 71 fl Q m Malitnlnff Exprcfw (dally ■ 11) di lUi I'ulTniai. utA'pIng and hntot cotic C8 from Ix'avltts'mrgh 8 65 a. in. To Kow Yor Albany and lioston without change I'lirlor t CltiVL'lnntl to Salamanca. Arrlvtaat Mcadvlllo 1 1 a. ni.(dlnnef)FronWln 12 83p m Oil City 1,00 p m. Jamestown (Lnko Chiiutuuqmil) t;57 p. in Duflalo0.1-1 p. m Itoihcntcr &.3U p m.; Hornclln, vlllc Gj-iOp m Biippi-rl; Corning H.J5 p. m. ICIiuiru 8 57p in. BlngliQliton 10 88 p m.: Albuny 6 00 ft m. Boston 2:45 p- in : arn\ln({ at New YtirlcO W ii.m Uiflt n m Nlcnt KipreflM( daily excopt iUJ lli 111 Mimluy) I'ulliuuu fllevpnig toach from U'livi'tsburgli to Now York without chaugu Arrivos at Yoimg-<tovwi nt 1 45 A- m.: IMttflbuigh 6.16 a m Waflhlngtoii !l:15 p, m . Balltmoro 10 3ip m. Moudville :t;ft0 u m, Corry fi.'iO a, nj. James¬ town 6 it a m, UulTulo !) 46 a in, Ifochester 1 10 p til UtiriiuUmillull^O u m, jCoriilnK li!fi3 pm< Klml ra 1'21 p in HiiigliiiiuptoiTliSO [>m% Nuw York 1*4 p m 6iuU 11< lUi through wlllimit ctiango, Parlor cur Clevuluiiil to PlttfllmrK nirivuH at YuiiiiksIowii 5 00 p m, lMttsburg 8 J() p in, WuiitihiKion 7 M) it in, Balt- ltnoto t) 4'* n in via bliaron and bliurpMvlllo to Mead vill 7 40 p, m ' - 4,ftC n m Mnliunlnjf Accoinmodiillon ,iiJ lli Uli stoppliiK at nil wiiy b'lUious Arrive nt YouiiKrtlown 7 .10, P m, Shnnm H .10 p m, Shurps vllloB 40 p m, (onmctM at UiaWttuburKh with train No'JO for Mfitdvlllu and inurnitdlaiu points, ur- rivi-B m Mmilvilto 11 lUpm. I ' I 'ill) flj 111i through without ctimigu ArrUos at YuuiiRstown \d a in, Sharon 10 .15 a in, Miarpu- vllhi 11 05 tt m, I'llisbiirgli 1 08 p m,, leaves l'ULtbnr^ at 4 41 a m, a 65 u m, 113 p m, and 420 n m ^v- in i if Younff«town and Plttuburgh Ao- 1U U lUi oomiiioilutloii, tttopplng ai all Way titrilons, arriving at Voungslowii I 60 p in ; Pitts* burgh C 10 p m. Trains itrrive ut Uluvelnnd, (103 a. m; 10^5 n. m; 2 00 p. m, 7 00 \> m and 10.15 p. m fiQTThis Is the only route bv which paasongen can reach Curry nimtra, lUiiglianipbui, Now York City and tntermedlmo pointu WirilOUT Ux- ' CHANtiK No change to Boston and New Kng- land Cities. DRggaffe Cheolced Through toaUFolnta Eaat. , ^ThrouglTlKltefiniDd'informiUon- rfprdlntf ~ the mute can be obtained at the Union TieketOU flee corner Bunk and Suiierlnr MtreeUi: utotQce 131 Bunk street and at new Depot of New Vorit, Potin- htIvuiiIh and Ohio Uallway. South.Waiorstreet and Yladuot, CloTelaud, O. fc A. R. CLARK. Qon'l'r Ag't Cleveland O. M. L. tOUTS. J. M, FERRIS, Pdis 131 Bank St. Uon'l Mrt-'sr. OlereUl d Cl«*oluud

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