Marine Record, April 14, 1883, page 2

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•tv AKOUND THE LAKffiS. J. *•*" ^N ■4. < 4. V. CHAIILOTTK. • , ThostontnbtrgqD,.']i. Vim Alfen, Cnp- ' _ ta.n.Thomson, wlllt atargoof barley, has aritad. The Van Allen, was detained two ..duxTon the lake by hameHse lluWa of lee, w|iloh she lountl almostj'tyinosslbls,to pass. To add to thodllllcultles, no lights were lit in either of the lighthouses, and It was with great dlllleulty that she |inide the harbor. Have the servants of the pimple at Wiishlng- toirdoomntHt of such great Miiportanco to the country that the custom house appoint- ments be, arranged'"so they will do the moat 'good," that they have allowed Biiiili ' lltt)o mutters as lighthouse and storm sig¬ nals to boTtbiMKroned until,tho main and Im¬ portant question of the custom liouso is set¬ tled/ . OSWKO.6. .'The Express says tho scboonor Anjile Mulvoy is retelvlng quite extended repairs. Tho schooner Bentloy Is nearly ready to sail------- Tho Viui Allen brought 15 or 20 bushels of bnrloy from Port Uope for Invlu * Sloan. The barge is now at tliOhB. L.-& W. trestles loading coal. • . Tfio tugs are gotflng ready for busWess. The Cummiugs has been worklng'abont tho harbor. ' " .„ <■ The schooner George M. Cose" has Com¬ menced flttlne our. Charles Davis will go with Captain Stotvell as first mute. Superintendent Shannahan gives the opinion tllut the ennuis Will be opened, not before tho sixth of May. Last year the canals wore opened on,April 11. Dtiring last twenty years the earliest opening of the eanals was last year, April 11, und the latest was lu 1875, May 12; The steambarge Kingsford has been got out of tho Ice in the -eoVo whore she bus been lying through the wlqtejuund is ready to take coul us soon as tho ice breaks up suf¬ ficiently. If Is reported that the schooners Caroline Marsh and Aurora have lelt'Port Hope for this place, and the Van Allen lias left Char¬ lotte, ulso bound for this port. Thelge,banks on the lake shore are still somewhat diminished in size but are still very large. * The wreck ol the schooner Foster, which lies under the fort has not broken up to any extent. BUFFALO. Buffalo division of the Luke Pilots Aid Association huvo pluced a registry book at ,tho place of business 91 tho President, C. Cullen, 256 Ohio street. Hhoiild a captain' at any time bo in need of a ilrst or second unite, ho can reter to the registry, and If there are nny ashore ho can .be supplied. The asso¬ ciation is composed of nhmit 200 ol the best men holding pilot's licenses on the lakes and men furnished by them can be relied upon: and they respectfully ask all mates who have not as yet united with them to do so or to ^pall upon the president who will Inform Jliom of nil the benefits of the association. . , J/17 Brown, Secretary. ago of the open water, and lias sent Ills steam lighter to work on tho scow which Is stranded on tho shore, oast of the Piers. Work has bcgiln In rcnl oarnest at tlils-port und tho click of the hammer can ho hoard all along tho docks. Tho Engineer's and Captains of the boats laid up hero are ar¬ riving, and before long everything will belli rcadlireag. lor the opening/ The shipping ollloo is about to open, and • tho Profonsor has cloned his "blue buttons and brass suit" und stands ready to challenge the first Union man that comes along. The vessel brokers huvo done consldernble'biislness this wlijter, having mudo a largo number of charters, uiul at rates which aro not so dlscoiiragnlng as was at ltrse suppose)!. Vessels mill tugs aro .running from Black Blvor, Sandusky, 'Vormlllldn. and tho Wands,, add , points west. Tho.lnkeuihoro east of tills port Is full of Ice yet iimTfrom Atihtnbithi oust Is very little open wnter seen. A p|(o driver has placed Rhodes' dock lu elegant condi¬ tion, Tho dismasted Schr.1 Kent Is being repaired, nnd It is thought that it will take at least (10,000 to finish tho work commenc¬ ed and place her In good condition, The Custom .House1' officers are beginning to -think that Navigation is open, although Capl. Bates Is not able to attend to hisdutles on' .account of sickness. The Globe-Dry Dock is getting her share ot the work this spring,-and her extra length will bo found to be of great advantage as in many cases ft can npw uccommodiite two craft "at a time und there will be less deluy than there was hist season. The ship- chandlers and J. C. Hemmoters, ship supply store are busy sup¬ plying vessels with ship ohundlery and groceries. The vessel owners bold n meeting here on Monday and finished up n fow points of business that was held over from lust meet¬ ing. A. R. Runiso\*aiid Captain F. Ben net were releoted to till tho office of shipping muster and assistant. The assessment of tomngo'wns again placed at Ave cclils per ton. Messrs Moore nnd Bartow are comfoi tnbly housed In their new quarters in the Grand Arcade on St. Clair Street. Vessel men are invited to call and do the usuul amount of spitting and yarning. SANDU3KY. The tug Green arrived from Toledo. She encountered considerable Ira. She will leuvo here to-morrow with tho schooner Iuibcu In tow for that port.. Tho steamburge Mary Mills has been chartered to carry coal from hero to Wind¬ sor. The sohooner Meiry wontovortoKelloy's island to loud stone lor Cleveland. fortnrvgoncy.'uf ,tl|o union at Toledo were made. • Tho lunibor-vossols nnlo'adors held a moot¬ ing last night at Bohemian Hall und arranged ii-prlco-Ilst for 1I19 unlondlifg ol I vessel's during tho coming season. Tho now tug Edward Shelby, owned bj Cnptaln Edward Van. Dalsdn, waB docu-. moiitod at tho Ciiston'HoiiHO yestqr,duy. . Tho steambargo Nrllle Torrent nrrived in Chicngo yesterduy Irom Manistee with'lum¬ ber, eto. The schooner II, Bund took out) 11 clcnranco at the- Custom House for Kew¬ aunee. . . " ,'> Captain Hubbard-has gone to Milan' to At out the schooner Goltlm Age, which,Is hbovo the biir at present and wiiitlng high water, to get ovor tho same. She Is said la be the largest carrier on Trcsh water, her grain capacity being about 120,000 bushels. - Captain Chapman, of tjpvfetonmshlp Cum¬ berland, bus arrived here and taken ehnrgo. The latest oponlng of navigation during the last fifteen years was in J875, "when the season did not commence until May 12. Tho Tribune says that tilt) majority ofl vessel men ut-that port profess to believe that this tfounon will bo n great improvement over lust notwithstanding the probably smnll inquiry that will .l)o iihtde for vessels _ta| oarry Iron 01 e, owing to the present depres¬ sion lu the Iron tirade. > Tho boats of tho Cake Michigan nnd Luke Superior trniisjortutlon'company are being fitted out here. There lire vessels lying.hero waiting for navigation to open, louded with 410,000 busbelB of wheat and 005,000 bushels of oorii. . There aro tied up, waiting for cargoes, In Chicago, 8 steamships, 15 propellers, 18 steam burges, 208 schooners and 21 tow barges, At, Miller Brothers' drydock the propeller Boscobol has been receiving new brasses. The scow Coaster has been In diydock for recalklng. The propeller St. Joe Is to have a ne>» stern mid be recalked. The tug Crane Is receiving some new planks and a re-culk- uig. The schooner America Is having' now main ntflh.mlzsCumnsts. At theT/blfiugo drydock Company's dock tho.Marinette Barge Line Co.'s barge Em¬ pire State Is having her cabin reduced 7 feet so as to iuurease her carrying capacity. She Tho Courier says of Captain Frederick X. Jonos, who dled^icre recently: Captain Jones wan born in Connecticut In 1811, and was for the greater part of his life engaged In shipbuilding. He established himself lu 1845, and in his fifty years of active life ho built, no less tlpiu 103 vessels. lie was highly esteemed by all his friends. There Is a largo quantity of coal at BtttTulo to bo-nhjjiped ut. the opening of navigation. Shippers talk ol a 75 cent rate to Chicago', whllu carriers want $1. As the tonnage is small, It Is thought rates will open a little above tho freight offered. All thcrlce In Blill'alo rlvor .moyed out Tuesday night, and the shifting'of vessels can now bo done without any trouble. No work on tho government bueakwutcr at Buffalo will be done this season; $ 125,000 lolt over from last seuson was available for the work. N6thwlthstundlng the failure of the river and harbor bill to pass the lute" congress, bids were Invited lor the' work. • They were opened In November last. The olllcors of the Buffalo branch of the Seamen's Union for 1883 are: President, .William Thomas: First VIcO President, Frederick J. Klokke; Second VlcePiesldent Ben|amln tkirry; Secetnry James Todd. At tho recent annual meeting, Mr. Frederick J. Klokke, the retiring President, was pio-' scnted with an elegnnt gold watch und chain A banquet followed. 1 ° CLKVKLAND- The weather for tho past fow days has „ been dellgJitful although tho storm slgunl wns up on Tuesduy and Wednesday. The wind was from'tho south, the greater portion of the time nnd, consequently the ice was blown from tho shore which made an opon >4 ' passage way for vessels < to and from the \^ Islands. The City of Detroit wtfut up last ^~~^finturday night, but as'Hie ice did hot loavo tills side of tho lakt until Monday, she ex¬ perienced some dlllleulty in getting through. . T|ie open water has.oaused the work at tho Breakwater, to he pushed forward In it measure: Tho schooner Col. Cook took a load of Stone to It and uttcc-uulondlng left for the Islands, dipt. Groenhalgli has also taken advunt- The steamer Louise will be drydookod Ijero next week. Tho steamer Cooko has commenced run¬ ning between here and tho Islands, TOLEDO. A new stoam dredge, 25x76, built by James Rooney, will be launched to-morrow alternooir. It Is one of the largest and most powerful ou the lakes, nnd cost about $15,- 000. It6 working capacity Is 1,500 yards per day.. It taken to St. Mary's soon to work on a government contract. . DBTIIOIT. Plans for a monster Iron cnr ferry for tho Canada Southern aro being prepared at the Detroit drydock. She will be ovor 300 feet long, nbout 75 feet over the guards, and will have four smokestacks, three trucks, and double the power of any car ferry now on the river. SAGINAW. Cnptaln, owner of theflro tugs Lee and Handy Boy, Is busy arranging the furniture, telephone, etc., in the olllcu In this city, and In a few days tho Leo.will again be stationed here. . MAJU.S'E CITY. The Agnes Is running again, much to tile satisfaction of our people. The sailors farewell danco on Thursday evening was a happy afl'alr. The appointments of tho Alpena Hectare as follows: Steamers Gordon City, Captain Alva Shaffer; East Saginaw, Captain Harry KlchardsOu; Westlord, Captain D. Clarry. Towbnrgcs Charles Ilinkley; Llghtgaud, Captain Cluir|ys Wilkinson; S. II. Lnthrbp, Captain J. Jones; Russian, Captain lfoster; M> R> Gofl'e, Captain Ed. Henderson. Captain John Jones, who Is to sail the steam¬ er Flora this season, bus sold Ills interest in the Golden Eagle, one-third to Captain Pearson, formerly of the tug Slglson, who will sail hor this seuson.' F, W. Fletcher has traded tho tug McKin- nou and paid $2,000 difference for the tug Elllo L., which will be commanded by Cap¬ tain Lllllns, formerly of the McKlnnon. Tho tug Ralph, wns launched the 24th, from Gilchrist's shipyard. She Is a flue boat, and with l|cr new pnrdnor the Elllo L„ they will be a strong team for Alpena har¬ bor. The Ice on the buy Is solid; no water lo be seen as far as the eyo enn reach. No pros¬ pect of navigation before the 25th. CHICAGO. Tho Seaman's Union held a special meet¬ ing at head quarters. Final arrangements isjilso receiving some now plunks and neces sarj^repulrs and rcculklng. She will lu fu¬ ture curry only two musts. The schooner Win. H. Dunham Is being recrlked. Mr.Thomaa Bageley, the boat builder, has removed int6 his new workshop under tho west Bide of Luke street bridge. lie is extra busy, and Is building for the revenue cutter Andy Johnson a cutter and gig 24 feet lu length und 0 feet beam and a dingy 18 feet long and 5 leot beam. They will bo copper lastenod and riveted. For the Farragut Boat Club, Chicngo, ho Is building a bnrge 50 feot in length, 4 feet 4 inches, benm, ulso a double working boat ,22 feet long and 3 feet 0 Inches beam. For tho Denver Rail¬ road Company, Denver, Colorado, 0 White¬ hall double working boats 10 feet long und 4 feel biiuni. He* Is ulso very'busy wltli re¬ pairs to yawls and. oilier boats required for the opening of tho seuson. Any work en¬ trusted to him will be well done. STUItQKON MAY. The Advocate says the stenmbnrge Smith presents a neat and handsome appearance since she has been repainted. The canal Is free from Ico once more, though the lake end is blockaded fur out be¬ yond the reach of vision. One Of the steamers of tho Goodrich line came as far north as AJipapeo lust Sunday, but whs unable to como within bcvoii miles of that port on account of the vast fields of Ice which completely tilled up that part of tlie lake. She was compelled to turn south again without being iijjleto eflect a landing. The boiler and engine have been placed In position in the new slde-wheeler which the Sturgeon Bay Lumber Co. Is building here, and the carpenters arc now employed In put¬ ting on the ii|>pcr works. Captain Byron Uurmelster, of Manitowoc, has sold the liitle schooner Ellon Cochran to.Gustav Moulder, for $1,225. The Cochran was last year engaged in the fruit trade und vislt«tl this port on that.occnslon. Th)i roustabout who disappeared from tho stcunihnrge Hilton at Whlteilsh bay a week ngo Friday, passed through boron few days afterward, going south. Captain Wiif,-McDonald will commence fining out tho-Mihonncr Conquest as soon as the he In th«]|tako will permit uninterrupted navigation Jin'snll craft. Tills event wllhiot be brought abnul under two or three weeks, hdwewr, frpui present appoarances. John Grogory, tho well-known shipbuild¬ er, Is engaged In building a fine vessel for some punk-sat Milwaukee.this winter..Mr. Gregory was tho designer and builder of the tugs Gregory, Leal hem and Lawrence, three as lino hulls as ever floated ou fresh water. —Tluiiiidleallnns still polht to a lato open¬ ing of navigation. Tho later thobettcrfnr vesselmen and owners. If tho event could bo postponed until the first of May a busy ot mnrltio nnslness tho Inttor rinrt of Inst son- son wnscniiBod ton grontoiteiitbytlioourly opening, many oraft going Into commission on or about the flrst.of 'Miirch> fl. J. Fiifbec. liaa-dlsppscil of his stonih- yncht Wntibnuu to' Sirs. Tliomns Hnwloy.of Fort Howard, for the nominal sum of 1)2,100. Tho yacht, which was built nt Chicago four or live years ago, coatJier owner tlioprlnoo- ly.sum of $27,000, and her sulo at siioh un extraordinary figure Is tho Bubject of much speculation among those who aro conversant ■• with Furber's past history. It Is stntod .tbnt the Wnnbtni will bo tnkou to Lnko Suporlor by Captain Hawlojunnd used as un excur¬ sion bout. Last year at tills tlme|nn'vlgatlnn wns com¬ paratively open, tho stoamor Woloorao or- rlvlng lit this port from Groon Bay on the afternoon of April 0th. .At this* IWIting. Grotm Bay and tho adjacent bays aro oovorod with Ico varying all the vvijy from one to three feet in thickness, and the grtntor part of this Is as solid as a rock.' In fact tho Ico on this bay wis novor In a more snfo condl-, tlon for teaming and hauling than at this' time, and (tie Indications are that It will ro- mnlu so foi^n week or more to come. ,On Saturday,last two tennis having In tow fourlondsof buy, wont across Green Bay' from Sturgeon Bay to Menominee. We hope soon to bear that towing with horses , on tho bay Is n thing of the past. . AMnmtaxnuna. > The. Btenmej> Gazelle, the Echo says, will commence 'funning on tho' Amherstburg and Detroit routo on Monday, April the 9, wenthor.nnd ice permitting, leaving Am¬ herstburg at 7 a. m., and' Detroit at 3 p. m. The Gazelle will run until the Riverside is ready to take her 1 place. The Riverside Is receiving 11 compound engine, which It Is expected will enable her to make some fnst time. She Is being thoroughly overhauled and when she comes out will be In first 01088* condition. I* la understood that Captain 'Charles Hughes wlll-bo In charge this sea¬ son. The steamer.City of Dresden went down ' to colchester and crossed oyer to Pelee Island on Sunday. On Monday inornlng-shc came over to Leamington, where she lay till Tues¬ day morning, when she begun her' regular trips. She encountered no lee except ut Leumlngton dock, where she broke up threo- fect of Ice In getting In. Tho ico to tho south, and east of Pelee Island, seenied-to be solid. N Bols Blanc Island and Leamington lights were all started up ou Sunday; CapUdn George Odotto has bought the tug Reportor, of' KingsvHIe, from Nelson Wlgle, and will tow logs and do harbor tow¬ ing ut Amhei'stlmrg and Wlndsor.-thls sea- son. The owners of tliosteumerSteliihoff regret to Bay that their boat is etlll frozen In tho river Thames, but as soon as she can be freed from Ico, she will commence her regular, trips Iron] Detroit to Sandusky, culling ut* Windsor, Amherstburg, Colchestor, Klnga- vllle, Ituthvcn, Leamington and all points nnd Pelee Miuid. Returning will leave Sandusky Pelee Island and tho main , shore overy Monduy, Wcdnesdny und Fri- ( dav. Bout will leuvo Leninlngton nt about \ 7.30 u. m. culling at an the pOrts arriving ut ' Win Isor ut about 12,40 p. m. thus giving passengers plenty, of timo to take Canada Souiliern and Great Western trains—to pre¬ vent any mistake tho Stelnholl' time cards wilt not be issued until she makes a few trips." J. P. Young, Cuptnlii. Captain John DuncaiiBou will leiivo for St. Catharines next week. The Lincoln Is now being repainted and littod up for tho season's business. KINGSTON. eMr. John Hafinan, of Ogdensburg, is at present in the city negotiating with tho Mnnugcr of tho K. & M. Forwarding Com¬ pany for tho purchase of threo barges. Mr. Jlaniiiin, who Is stopping at tho City Hotel, is 11 large coal dealer and owns a number of crafts at Ogdensburg and Montreal. Tho following captains have arrived to \ look arter repairs' on their vessels': Captain \ It. Coots, oftho North Star; Captain Tom / Fox, of the Miiry Lydon, and Captain Ed¬ munds, of the Grant Western. The vossels- named mo being considerably Improved. The Eureka has had some extensive re¬ pairs done this winter. Sho has received n new deck, new plunks, now knees nnd other Improvements which' niuke hor seaworthy and n safe carrier.. \ Work will ho conimencod on the Hero to-morrow, filling her out. Mr. S. Cox will bo steward. He Is the right man In tho right place. Thos. Fox, a Port Hope Captain, has ar¬ rived to take charge ol a schooner. The steamer Hustings bus not been-chartered to ■ run 011 the Doseronto and .Ogdensburg route, Mr, Gll'dersleovo says t"ho steamer is roady to bo either soli) or chartored. UKlLKVItLE. Tho Chronicle nays: The Messrs. Rath- ) ....■gar and faster bout will be put on the route this seuson. It oc¬ curs to us that a little, enterprise should bo sufficient to cst)>b)lsh a regular line of steam- ami proiltuble season would undoubtedly bo ors between this port and Osweco r,rh,l !'J enjoyed by all -concerned. The stagnation If the DeBoronto and Ogdeneburir rniir„i,m- d Ogdensburg routo can' -»♦

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