Marine Record, March 31, 1883, page 8

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-2 Hi HftersM Cork Jacket, Twenty per cent more hiinyiintj than anj other Lite-Preserver In tin inaikct is the SAFEST and onh RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, us proud by the lute, wrick on tlic Pniilli Coast, of tlm PatlOc^Mail Stmnislilp, "'City of fia i Francisco." RING BUOYS AND FEN DER8 THE PROVIDENCE -CAPSTAN. —^lANurAcnjRKD ny—» ^ »,* ma m mm mm. ,y Approvidnnd adnptid lit tin Unltid Stall s Board of Supi i \ Mug I iiKpi (tors ,also by I hi principal On an I nki mid KK(i Stcanici Lints astlie ciuH lit liable I Ik Picsdnn VESShlS \\f> IBIDC SUPPLIED Send loi < l|i lilnrx D KAHNWEIILK 1201 pmi ii St N Y KlTZf.NHrKIVN ^•sl 11-VCl'lM. MflAI I A< MVU ] I )lt 1MS10N HOD* VVM I Sti m* \.> V loptwl an I In uho l»y Hit prlndp 1 Iron W rk< mil Miomililpi I "i| i uIlii »ilti[n Hi* lastilglit M»r»in tlili ml lorilhii i untrics 1 ur full pnr- l llcnlun an I r fuitliua n Illn ss » 1 KVT7I S->"rTl> A. CO, It'll drlMoplur^tiil fii irWml sirut S \ ■ "'-CRESCENT.- ■ \ BOILER COMPOUND , WILL LOOSEN SCALE11^ STEAM BOILERS ANU \ PREVENT US roHMMION. ) »f ?&*#>«**[■ SAFE Si cHEAr. Crescent Mrc.Co^i^ J. H. PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No HO Viiitir SlroiL i <ii vi I ann mnn MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 130 Water Streot, IIHll IM1 - OHIO THOS. WILSON MAN 111KINQ OUMMI Wilson's Transit Line. Gen I orwnrder 1 reight and Vessel Agent CRANK CAPSTAN. * rATFNTl I> SH'TI MllFIt 7, 1880 As only a few men can opLrato a crank capslnn, It Is sei-n ut onio that it must bo very poweiful to answer the pur¬ pose 'Ihe company had this fact rniticnlnily In view when designing tins capstan, and a comparison vtljh nny stylo In the market will show Its siiporloilty In this aspect. To maki the gun lug iqunl to the great sti iln often put on It, the gears nre all mado ot thoSouth Boston lion Company's celobnitcd gun lion 1 he same caic Is taken In Its manufacture m with tbo power capstan toninko eveiy pait ns perfect as possible, tt U made to work Poner 01 Speed, nccoidlng to tUo direction in which the cranks rovolve, w Itliout any other change SELLING AGKVT1 0\ I Ifh J AKFf D S AUSTIN A CO UPSON, WALTON & CO M I WILCOX JAMES P DONALDSON & CO G -D NORRIS & CO DUNHAM&IIOU, BUFFALO, N Y CLEVELAND, O TOLEDO, 0 DE1ROIT, MICH MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL J. W. Crover & Son- Ship Chandlers ----------AND SAIL MAKERS--------- 117 tllttltlvcr street IK mi Poik Cleveland,O ( I tVFI A*ilt I HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents, 3H6und IIS Broadua) 1H I.i Snllo Sim U MI1UAUKI r WIS rmcAuo, ii it DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, Ml no Walor Btreu ________I llll A' O________III INCUS y ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, <• \a Jjjtulli Sinn UtllAUl)} ■ ILL.___________ BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and Agent, ISO WaterStreel Boom 14 Formerly of tbo flrftfnf tit ckor 4 BurUiw UbVHANH - OHIO Teltptionp Nn t>Vl UPSON WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, K Sail Makers and Riggers HP'One of the largest stocks of Wire Hope In the United Stales CLEVELAND, ... - OHIO PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y HAM lACUIllI US 01' 01 LKIIIIvVTbU ■•I NCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL KSTAI1LI8HED 1830. r -UANUFACTUHKItB OF— CORDAGE * OAKUM. G»nij» of AMmiOAN, RUSSI V and ITAt I IN III \l P of tbu very beat quality made- to order AT ONK • DAY'S N01ICL MANILA nud SISAL HINDI KTWINL Office No, 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, Improved Snaicii Blink Clasp Closed 'lAnchoi" Snatch Blocks A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, No 15 Exchange ot. Buffalo, N Y. ariF YOU DO NOT REGEIVE MY MONTHLY LIST OT VESSELS SALE, SEND FOR IT. Luttiit IinproreruenU ROLLER BUSH, Oil WITH OUR SELF-LUBRICATING FHOSPHOBBflONZE BUSHINGS. The, metal in these'Bush- ing< l'a the celebrated Phot phor Bronze, the belt bear¬ ing metal m market and being perfect selflubnca tors they are fast superscd ing all other styles ror sale by ship Chand lers everywhere ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. SiUllEluunHra solliltad STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Hole Manufacturer! lu USA. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller, Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks* Gaff Topsail CHEATS ETC. Improved Snaicii Biock Clasp Opened1 DeGRAUW, AYMAR & Cff„; MANUFACTURKItS^ND IMFORTKR8 O? CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE,. BUNTING, FLAGS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS' GOODS GENERALLY. Koi M * 88 «OrjTH ST., HEW YOEK- C0C

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