Marine Record, March 31, 1883, page 2

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a-. AROUND SHE LAKES. oauKNHim ua. Tl W N The tug C.irle,\t..8juilj_ nt .thin port, linn beon riilseil. The hIiiKIiiu; hiis chii-imI hy tlio pulling nut of the siphon plug. Ah xdoii m Iter deck \vttn rnlmil even with theMtrliiec Of the water one ot the Memo lire i■ n^41»(:h ' wiix nut to work i|inl pumped her dry. • Tlio Dtvinnern Trnn»lt iiiTtl Hellevlle hnve • found It very expensive buttling the lee the prcnent winter. On Friday hmt the '1,'rnnnlt twisted oil' ouv of her »hal't» and 11 nipped the wheel to the bottom The clinfi wiw taken out and the wheel tl-hed up aiul the pieces vt'okled. ' CI.KVKI.AN'II. More coal will he takenont than luM sea- ion and U'hh Iron. The extn'inj'ly U»\g and cold winter haareduued the stock nl I'fml In the non-prndueliijteonl didtrleth.-- Oumi!" to the InrRU loi-a by the diiiiilii a large amount' of liuninT will necemurlly bo Imported. The bcumhi will he rather Mark at the hcpjuulne;, ' but there are strong hope* of its plekhi^ up toward tin- end. Uu a whole the vessel:-. owimm expect to do iin well as last seas-on. 'J'ne I'mif-lii rales will be about the sanio as last year; as low as they could well be for the protli Io owners iviei not eimriuous. j vi:ii>1ii.i.hin. Repairs on vessels.iu i>ort are rapidly being eompleleil. Tlio 1*. S. Miirsli has received a new deck, koelbox, windlass, |ib- ' boom and bowsprit, iiImi new main rig- The schooner Havana has new deck frames Mill deck hatches, plauksbear, stanchions und rail. The 11. Stalker is also receiving some repairs in (he shape of new kce|rons, stanchions, etc. There will be hut little change In the ollleers of tin* boats laid up liere, although they have not been assigned as yet. SANDUSKY. The Amorlcaif Eagle keeps Up the loute "■bciwcmrhcrtTtud-tlie-Uliind-idthnugh—aliii. bainf crippled rudder lier owners in order to keep eoinuniciiiion open have chartered tlic'll'tlc tug_Auuto Robertson to acl as_ an escort and Insure greater «afety to pa»engers ntuTvefsel. As'soon as tin- lee will permit alio will go into drydock and receive a now wheel ami have her rudder llxcd hi a more . secure way and return again to resume business. The efforts of the owners deserve the thanks of the people along the line of her route. Grpeh & Maekey's tug Myrtle which sunk Thursday night alongside of their dock was pumped out agidn mid afloat pu Saturday night she Is running again. Our bay was clear of Ice once but the north and south wind prevailing lately lias bruught In considerable hike ice again six hours of warm southwest ciurint will open navigation peruiancntly^Jierealiouts. The tog Fish which left Clevclanil-«u-.lhe 18, for this port, arrived here on the •!;!■ Orucli & Mackey, ol iliis-oity, have bough her and, will use her for harbor work here. The schooner Sigel Is not likely to get n\vay from Kolloys island tor Cleveland lor several days. The lee iu the island region Is very heavy and the lake Is full of large Holds. T,Ol.l'l>». Tho following vessels jut chartered for Bull'iili): l'riipeller Sage, liitull,, Uopkius mill Morley; schooncis, llallaran, Benson, Williams, Rival, Bailey, linker, Adams, St. I'cter, Grover anil Willie Keller. The schooner Maiunco Vall.ey is chartered for Ogdcnsburg. bay cm. One of the most important Improvements in the shipbuilding lli.e'hefc is the rebuild ol the sleambaige Demon. The Iientou was bulk as a passenger propeller in 181)11 at Hull'iilo. and then ranked at the head In her class of vessels. HAI1INAW. ' Tins work of rellttlng and repainting the steamer W. R. Hurt, ami 1.. G. Masoj), goes bravely on, mill these popular boats will be as gbod as new when navigation opens. Mr. Strlngham utiw has the agency of the Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Com¬ pany, of London, and Is prepared to make season contracts 10 cover shipments from or to tills port in iiuy amount. The company's assets run into the millions. , . pom mmox. Active preparations are being made hure by vcasel-inun. /The secretary of the treasury has author¬ ized tho change of tho ualiie ol the steamer B. H. Miller, ot Alpena, to "Ralph," ' The bargo Snrnla wiis brought up from Marine Clty.on the steamer Agues, and is now In tile wolverine drydock. Camplield & Company have chartered a vessel io bring •llil) tons of steamboat eoal.l from Toledo as soon as navigation opens. This Is tlio first "charter reported here lids season. , During tlio severe storm on March 18, the (look at Lexington was damaged to the extent of (1,000, and mcrclianillso stored on the dack'was damaged to tlio amount of $500. ' -..... , -A large amount of freight for Alpena and shore points Is already awaiting the opening of ii'iiylgatlon for shlpmoiit *nL EnstiJ-Sag- Inawv " The Commercial says: .lee lias lieon run¬ ning quite heavy 1n St. Clair river during the past week.' . —. It Is said that sailors' wages W|ll bo $3,S0 to $4.01) per day tills spring. The trip* of the steamer Acnes have been very Irregular'during the week on account of tlio stqrmy weather. a The ina'clllnerv of'tlie barge Osendn Is be¬ ing put in shape a,l the l'heulx Iron,works,' A steady stream of Canadian Immigrants are now pouring Into this country by the way of this city ami Detroit. The steamer United Kniplro will be ready foj her trial trip In about I'Qiir weeks. The lilting up of tho Empire is completed and' the carpenters work Is being pushed forward rapidly. The'vessel-meli predict that when naviga¬ tion opi'iis in April, rates on lumber to Chi¬ cago will start In at 11.110 and'$1.7.1/ and they hope to hold rlicin lor a time at least. The stcamharges will do the hulk of the lumber carrying trade next season, Unless sailing vi—.els can get better rates than pre¬ vailed last season. HAIILT n'l'K. MA1IIK. . Tile lile saving crews will he dressed In iinllorm this season. "It Is understood that Mr. Ilicklcrls buijd- ing four new dredges, and expects lo have lliem ready in the spring to commence work upon ills contract on the Xeebish. ' ,^~ <*> CHICAGO. The name of the schooner A. B. Moore'is Id be changed to Northwest. The steanibarge Argonaut lias been char¬ tered'to take 55,000 bushels of corn to Buf¬ falo. Captain Marlon Tlnney, master of the steamship 1). Italjeiitiue. is in Milwaukee, looking after the lilting out of both the Bal- Icntine and her consort the A. B. Moore. Harbormaster .lolin McCarthylBniTOiind the docks every day Seeing that tilings In the liver are all ship shape." Vesselineu and others Interested 111 marine matters Impe that when the lightening blasts Mayor Har¬ rison's political life the 3d of April the new- Mayor will continue "Jack" in the position (ic so ably Ulls. The revenue cutter Andy Johnson Is lobe- completely overhauled ami relltted at a cost (-of $3,000. Tlio machinery and hollers are to be repaired, aijd new carpeting will be put Into the boat, and she wilt bo completely rc- llt|fd by April 1.- The .barge Warner and the steanibarge Fred Kelly have been towed down to the piers to await the opening ot the Straits. There are some scvonty-tlvo patients iiithe Marine Hospital at this port receiving med¬ ical treatment, and business is fairly active with Surgeon Miller and his corps of assis¬ tants. The schooner Emma clllutcdlnson, grain Imlen, wiis dlseovcied lrr~tnr~leaking. She Was taken to the Illinois River Elevator and part of her cargo taken out In order to place her In drydock. Noneol her grain was wet and her pumps were sufllclent to keep her frco. . ' At tlio Chicago Drydock Co.'s dock the schooner J, Maria Seotl, loaded with grain Is to have a leak stopped and her topsides reealked. Tin; scow Magdalenu is lo have a thorough rebuild. The steam canal boat Chiliads having her bottom calked and some necessary repahs. At the Vessel Owners' rndockthoL. M. & I.. S. T. Co.'s slcainbargu J. R*Ay_[ilt- lug is having her bottom calked, her rilddei altered and her stern post and stern bearings llxed. ' At Miller brothers Drydock the propeller liuckeve will be reealked all over ami' will have a new bedplate and wheel. The scow Sloses Gage Is being reealked and having seme new planks 111 her stern. The barge Volk Stale will have new frames, celling, transom and ouislde planks aft and new' keelsons; her large spars will betaken out and replaced hy schooner spars. ' MILWAUKEE. Shipbuidiiig and repairing has been quite brisk the bulk of the work being doue-iit the yards of Wolf & Davidson. This llrni Is now pulling on the finishing touches to the new steanibarge ladiichcdby them last fail. She has becrt named the Jim Sheriffs and Is, without doubt, the strongest built vessel yet turned out at lids port, and iu beauty of lines and general uppcaranco-wlll compare favorably with any craft on the lakes. ■ 'The schooner J. O. Thayer, that wont ashore last fall, Is receiving a thorough overhauling, including new Uqclje;' deck- .frames, cabin, rails, planksheiw, bulwarks, hatches, combings, and refiisteiilng and calk1' -ing. She will be converted Into a barge cud will bear a new inline.'She tills been sold lo the Marinette Lumber company. The wrecking tug Levlathau Is receiving new decks, considerable new deck frames, and a general overhauling^ -everyttring-uipr aiiuuil will be taken out 'and replaced by sound material. The Inter Ocean Transportation Compa¬ ny's steamers Minnesota and Massachusetts and binge Mctiicomet have had their top- sides thoroughly rcciilkciT. The Minnesota will be docked for now brasses and outside stojm piece. Tlio st-mmuiirgd progress Is to uo d'oekod to receive minor repairs, and tliestcambargo Colin Campbell foY brasses and Minor re¬ pairs. ' , \ —Tlmspbooners 1). C. Flint and L. C. Butts and the tug 6. R. Green'are to rocalve gen¬ eral repairs mid ii'tliorough overhauling;.tho schooner Granger anew rudder mid ports; the scow Odd Eellow now keelsons and gen-' end repairs; the schooner Arm v ft' general overhauling,. iiicUuU4ig_rmmrklng all over; the Bcliooncr A. II. Nonis a new centre¬ board ; 'irnd—tlio schooner. Onehlit (TBETrcral overhauling.' ' - ■' The fishing hoif's I'aiil-Sones and GoWon Wing have boon thoroughly rebuilt; and a new one built lor Henry Troy. At the annual meeting of the Milwaukee branch of the Chicago Seamen's Union the following officers were elected for the en¬ suing year: Presiilent, Joseph Uernard-; First Vice-President. Edward Roso; Soeond Vicc-1'rei.ldcnt, Peter Bruer; Secretary and Treasurer, WllliamJohnson. Therejire sev¬ en branches of the society In the United Slates anil four Iu Canada. The Milwaukee branch has about 500 members and the Chi¬ cago branch Is about .'1,000 strong. General repairs are being lynde^o the stcamhargu,Gcorge liiiriiham. The steanibarge Starke is to be docked and thoroughly overhaMcd, and will receive a new engine. Sim will also have an Inde¬ pendent air pump witli a 10x12 Inch steam cylinder and a' 20-inch air-pump cylinder. She will ready for service about the 10th of April. Captain August Ricbold will command the Leviathan this season. CJH:HOYQAN. Sanlord Baker lias greatly Improved Ids dock property during the winter, and has now as line a dock.aiid warehouse as can be found.__________________________________ Arrangements have.been made by which Smith & Adams' line of steamers will run pin connection with the railroad's, and' carry freight and passengers from Cheboygan to SaultSte. Marie and all.north shore and Lake Superior points. Tlio line will consist of the propellers Messenger, Van Raalte, and Ste. Marie. It will constitute a splendid route for the summer tourist. __ The Algomali came to tier dock nt 8 o'clock tills morning. Since she loft-Str' Igiiacc she cuuie through over fifteen miles of solid lee. .She wll run regularly between hcrciiud ,St. IgnacC, and will leave hero Monday.' All freight for points north will bo transferred from here. Cheboygan light was shown last night for trie first time. .DUI.UTII. The "funny" man of the Journal of Com- "" iptaln John W. Nelson's lei [< rost has gone into summer mcrcesays: "Captain John W. Nelson's Ice o Rim Frnsl quarters. yacht, the 1 "Meanwhile Lake Superior is open for navigation as far as the eye can reach. "But no null' of steam nor any glint ot sail is vet visible, even tho ventursoiiie small boat remains unseen. "But the click of the hummer, the grating of the saw and tlio rapping of the calkeVs chisel Is constantly-Heard In our shipyards. "This wofk goes bravely on." Captain McDougall has just placed under contract the construction of a steam scow to be completed about the 15 ot May, for gen¬ eral towing purposes and harbor work. She will be 100 tons burden, and of a pattern peedllai lo the captain's own. , The News says carpenters are at work building the new cabins on (lie Ell/.a Will- lams. The Bleamlmrgo Whiting and Guiding Star will not run on this lake this season. I). Flllans, traveling agent of Ward's Hue, is hi the city. Carroll's new stcambaige has received Iter first coat of paint. Men have been put at work lilting out the Osceola. The boiler makers are al work on the tug Mollle Spencer. Frank lluntz has chartered [he tug Pacific. The handsomu passenger and freight steamer Toledo will run in Ward's line this season. Vcsseluieu are of the opinion that business will open dull, but steadily improve us the season advances. Teams are still crossing on the Ico be¬ tween Sliver islet and P. A. •Landing. Tho-tug-T. U.-Ontnp -Is "reeo!vlng"Trnew poop deck, smokestack and other repairs. She will have accommodations for twice as many passengers this Benson ns she did last. - Major Alien Is of tho opinion that enough of last year's appropriation Is left lo continue the work of dredging In tills hnrbor .until August I. The tug*Kvlston, Captain Ed. Smith, has been fitted out, and is already for n trip down-the-riotttlr-slrore^-Hhe^vlH-stnrnB- soon as she can get aut'trf the bay.' A navigation company styling Itself tho Western Express Company, Is to run ten passenger and freight steamers between this city and Montreal this season. 'They will nil bo about tlio she of the lll-l'atod stenmer Anln. , • ST. OATBAniMIt. Tlio Journal says that bwlng no dbuht to the uncertainty of freights, there Is very - little work doing' hero vet liuhe fitting out of vessels for the opening of •navigiitl'mj The Rtcniiifr*JTiJ»lri Is undergoing her ' usual spring '.decorations. On board tho propeller the annual ovorhpl of boilers and machinery is going on. :i'lieJ,Mcssrs. Shick-' limn Inrvc lately commenced the construc¬ tion of u powerful little tpg, which Is In¬ tended for canal towing. Thoy will bo ready to launch her early In May. I'OBT DAMlOUBIli. Tlio steamer Empressof .India lakes the place of tliu Plcton ,on the route botweon tlds'port and Toronto, Sho has been elub- • orately fitted up at n cost of $30,000 am) Is now a regular palace. ALKXANUntA HAY. The Island Belle will run between |Capo Vincent and tills place.agalirircxt season. Alexandria Hay lias between scvonty and eighty regular oarsmen. .• • kindsrox. Captnln.Patrick Sullivan lias bought tho schooner Jessie Scarth and will sail her him¬ self. He commanded the propeller Scotia last season. Calvin & Son's new barge, the D. 1>. Cul- vin, will be towed to Cleveland, O., when launched, to receive balance of her machin¬ ery and the hollers. At. this date last year boats were running between the Cape and Kingston. Captain T. Ji". Allen Is engaged in putting three new masts iu Burton's barges. , I'OiiTSMourn The entire fleet of the St. Lawrence & Cldcngo Forwarding Company is receiving • a thorough and extensive overhauling un¬ der the able su'peiiuleiidency of Mr. Thomas Howard. —'the lec crop taken from the harbor Is said, to bo over three feet thick. On dit that one of our nautical men. is about to join the noble army of benedicts. 'TIS said that the village council Is about to lease the Long pier to an American tran¬ shipping company, If such Is the case n lively competition In the St. Lawrence car¬ rying trade the coming seasoli. . -PASSENGER STEAMBOAT LINES. The following is a lit of the .passenger steamboat linesjmd lliejn^lnts to which their boats will go:' The line sldewheel and screw steamers of the popular Goodrich Steamboat Line will ply as usual between Chicago and Milwau¬ kee, Kenosha,Manitowoc, Ludlngton, Grand Haven, Escauaba and Gieen Ilav. The New England 'I rauspoitatlon Line will run six magnificent boats between Chi¬ cago and Ogdciwburg, N, Y., -rla the Wei- land canal, The Hue lo CoJlluwood is a ' thing ol the pant, and there is uo prospect of its being resurrected. Tho elegant steamers Peerless, Joseph L, Ilunl; Ciiy of Duliilh, and Ciiy of Fremont, of Hie Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Company, will ply between Chicago and Dululh, touching at Marquctjc and way purls. The popular Graham & Morton. Knsl Shore Line will run the palace steamer Loin and a companion now building, between Chicago and St. Joseph, Mich. Two of the elegant propellers of the West¬ ern Transportation Company 'will 'make Weekly tiips between Chicago and BuU'alo, touching at Dclruit. I'lie Merchants' Montreal Lille will In¬ crease lis licet of passenger steamers between Chicago and Montreal, adding much larger boats than formerly iu thai Hue,' Like, the New England Lille boals, they will reach Lake Onurio through 'the Wetland canal. " And last, hill nut least, tho Hue steamers Lawrence and Chaniiilulu, ol the Noillieru Michigan Line, will ply between Chicago and Mackinaw, and Cheboygan, Mich. APPOINTMENTS FOR 1883. Captain William Leith will give ordersTm the line schooner Lizzie A. Law ibis season, iib lie has done for the past two seasons. Captain Paddle Gorman will handle tlio wheel of the big iron lug Alpha this season. Cnpta|n Mike Drlscoll, who last year com. niatided }thu tug Alpha, has been trans¬ ferred to the command of the tug O. II. Green. Captain John Flupatrlck, who last year commanded the sivambnrge Emma E, Thompson, Will act this season ns second Iu command of the sleambarge Albert Sopor. Captain llogan, the master of Ilia Soper, is to be congratulated on having secured so- able nil assistant.*! Captain Saimie\Sliaiinoii will command the Nyack. this season, und J. O. Rodgersl to be chief engineer. Captain Paul is again to command the tug T, II. Camp and Geo, Ballard Is to be en- glncci. C.aptain James 11 In ton wHl-salL_tltc tug Moille Spencer again this season.' ~ ' Captain Robertson, we believe, will liavo charge of'tlie United Empire this season.

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