THE PEBFECI' LIFE-PRTCLEHVER. Wo present our leaders this week, sa\s tho Nautical Gii7ctce, with n spliitedaud ti nthfnl reprcaentiitlon of the landing of 287 ' persons, of nil lull mimbei theio weic twonty small children, finin a sfiimcr lost on the Pnclllo uoast a low years ago, c»ch one hav¬ ing onn Kahnweller Neveislnk Cork Llfe- Prescrvcr. The vessel Rtruck an unknown rock, and In a fu'w minutes the lifeboats woro lowciod, and all hands placed In them "while ciery poison was piovldcd wlih a cork jacket. The heavy sm T capsized all of tho boats, bill the llfe-preseoers did theli duty and owry person was biivo'iI. ■ Those lifc-prcsctvors weio Introduced In I873, by jMr. David Kahmvellor, and having orJcelved the approval of tho Board pi United Stntos Supervising Inspi-ctoi sol Steamboats, nt once beeimio very popular among Ameri¬ can steamboat o\\ ners "who placed them on their boats, becunso ol tliih groatei buojall¬ ey, simplicity and ease ol 'idjustment, the Impossibility ol being displaced when once adjusted, mid theli gieater durability iih compared with other llle-prc'servcrs; apd more thliu this, practical use long since de- moustraled that the jacket was no Incumbrance to the weaiei, while, at tho sumo time It nets UBiilcudei to the weaiei when amid wreck stuil. The neatness with wlilch they puck in tho siatc-iooms or on promenado draks Is also In their !a\oi, winte tbelt .sup¬ porting power, so often tried III times of real peiil, makes them by long odds the ftuorlte, and even their merits halo won for them a recognition In Eu¬ ropean, Austilan and South Amei loan steameis, whei.e the) have been in use foi seicnil >eais. Several bundled thous¬ and of these cork j ickets aie In use to-dny all ovei the world, and oidirsconllnuiilly pom lug In which often taxes ibe manu¬ facturer severely. Not a flist- claSs steamer In the Unhid States but is suppllul wlili thousand huiidifds ot peisou? aro living to-ilaj who owe theli lives to those cork jackets." Tho Nautical Gn/etlowas the first newspaper in this count)y to call the attention ol 0111 ves¬ sel owncis to this really Imlls- ponsablo llle-savlng appliance, and to urge its) immediate use, > and wo believe that thinugh us many ot the earliest users ol them were lulluenced hi 0111 lntloiseiiiont, mid we teel proud to think that0111 opinion" oxpiessod owl ten yearn ago, haw bioiiso truthliilly verified It Is a giauil thing 10 stale, and it can be done wlib tiuih, iljai cveiy person who lias bad occasion to use one lit these life jackets has hien •saved, while It Is on iccoul that tubus using tin _old-fashlontd ones peiislad btuiiso they lallid 10 do tlit-ii work on account ol iniiliuT- justiucut, 01 because tapes 01 snaps had rol¬ led or become detached Thousiiids of steamers, sonics ol yachts and a huge nuinbci ol sailing vessels aie piii\lilid with Kidiiiwellor's Novusluk tenk jackels, and we liopo to see the day when cveiy alloathas on boaidono lor every poison eai- rled. We do not saj these rulpgs In tho splilt ol "pujllngr" Im that is quhTrforelgn to 0111 Ideas ol joiianallsui, but because' we believe Honestly that these appliances are tho best over Introduced, and wo have hid ton years of practical tests to back up our opinion. Wo have used these cork Jackets, person¬ ally, on board vessels, ami keep them handy ■it i|ll times on the bench near our residence for the puipQ£c of icscuc, but, fin the use of our family In the bathlngsscasou, and so ceitain aro wu ol their efficacy that; wo should never think ul trusting to a ship's boat 011 landing In the suif, and would tool at perfect ease so far as diownlug in mid-J ocean Is concerned tjo long as wo had 0110 of 1 these jackets on, knowing that it would 1 support us longer t.iun life could endure 1111-1 dor such circumstances and without food. For Its buoyancy and durability, under the most protracted tests, Is without limit. No practical mailner sees them but to endorse them Ineveiy particular. The now Fo.ll Rivoi Line steiuni 1 Pilgrim ami the now 'Portland Stiam Packet Com¬ pany's new steninerTroniontare to bo fftled wlrh thi'«o jackets. It Is oureandld opinion that If thnOlmbrhi, which was lately sunk by tho Sultan, had been piovliled nltli, pro- per'llfe-pieseivers, theie would not have been neai ly 400 souls lauded.In eternity as tlieic weie on that Occasion. We are pleased to state to the I'e tilers of I he Rl colli) that wo have leaineil lloin'Mr. David Kflhmwljei, ol New York, that he Is mcotlug ultli gieat success in the maunfae- tuienl Ids "Neveislnk Cork '.I.ukots" He hint present making 1,101) jaek*bt-for tho steamer Pllgi Im, 500 |ai kets for the Tiemont, also for the three new Iliia/ilian steijmeis John Roach Is building, s. s. Finance, Ad- value, and Rtllance besides a niinibei of otheis. A siuinibi'i of European steamers in <' jiUo VnjVjillcil nltli these jackels, t tie tir- iIc'ih coming fioiii ihe othei side ol the At- lanlli. Wo c'ui hlghlv leenmmend 10 own- eisol paiseiigei steamers, and tiiall others loft or on tho starboard sh e of each otliei. Note—In the night ttouners- will bo con- sldcied mooliug "head and bei|d" so long as both the coloied lights of each me In vh w of the other. Rule II. When steamers mo appioneh- iug oneli othei In, an oblique dlrceilnii (a-t shown In dlagr 1111 ol the foiiith situation) they shall pass to the light of each othei, as If meeting "head and head," 01 ncailvsn, and the signals by whistles sh ill be given mid nnswcicil promptly, as In that case spec- Illed. Rulo TIT. It, when steamers aie ap¬ proaching cacti oilier, the pilot ol eltliei ve*-' sel falls to understand tho course or Inten¬ tion of the ollrer, whelhei lioin signals be¬ ing glwn or answered enoneously, 01 from other causes, the pilot mi In iluiiht, shall Im mediately signify the same by glypigsoveral short and 1 lipid blasts of thcstiiim whistle; and if tho vessels shall haw appmailicil within hull a mllo ol each othei both shall In immediately slowed to a speed baieH sufficient loi steeiago way unul the piopei signals 1110 given, answered,ami understood, or uiilil the vessels have passed each oihei Mini tui Annum Ni\tiii ( 01 iks & Cunts, stunner which Is astern shall desho to pass on the tight or •.tin board hand of tho steam¬ er abend. l|o s.liall give one short blast ot llio steam whistle as a signal of such desire and lutenlloil, ami shall put bis holm to poit; and the pilot of tho steamer ahead shall 1111- shoi In the same signal, or If he prefer to kiep 011 his < nurse, he shall give two short ml distinct blasts of tliestoain whistle, and the boat wishing to pass ninstgovern herself in cm illuglj, but the boat ahead shall In no uise altt mpt to doss hei bow or crowd up- on'hor conise. N. It—'Ihe loregolng rules-aro to be compiled wlih In all cases except when sliaiiuis aie iiavlgalliig in a crowded chan¬ nel, 01 In tlic viclnitvof wharves; under 'such eheiinistiinces steamers must be run mil managed with gieat caution, sounding the whistle as may bo necessary, to guirtl against collls|oiu>r other an lileuts. bee. l,US, Revised Statutes—RuleXXIV. In construing and obeying these rules, duo legaid must be had,to all dangeisof naviga¬ tion and to any cli'eiiuistanees which may e\Nt, In mil partieulai case iciideringn ilo- paiture from I hem necessary In order to avoid Imniediato d inger. _________Rule IX. All .double-ended feny boats on and .so 1- board shall cm ry a ■ cutral range of ulc.11, bright, while lights, show lug all 11101I111I the littl Ison, placed at equal altitudes tor- ward and aft; also, such side; _ Hghts'im upeelllcd 1n-Si«K'4.988;U.. Rei Ised Statute?, Rule 3, p ir.t- guipbs II. and C. local Inspeclois, In dlstrLts having litrj boats, shall, when- eici the safely of navigation may n quire, designate for each line of such biritMiiei lain IL'lit, whilo 01 tolnitil, which shall show all aioiind the liorison, to tloslgnalc and distliigiiish siiib lines limn caih oner, which light shall be carried on a Hag stall imldslilps, flltccu feet abow the white range- lights IMPORTATION OF /I.N MEAT. FRO- TR1UMPII \N I MJU Eb-> OF C ORIv .IACKET Al V WRECK as the lulisl 11II ihlfi Hie pn si 1 wi made Ml Kalinwillii'solllce Is al No 1J0 < to lie hlretir>ew \i»k NLW Rl I,Ijm AM" RLCUI VTIONi IOR HIE COVERS MEN I 01 PI 1,01 h. Hit follow lug are the aim uttcil inlis ie u'litly ailopied In llic Unllid Males Hoard ol bupciilslug Inspectors Im the govt ru incut ol all pllnisol slcaiii vissels navigating Ibe lakes and nveis (cmopt ilieis imply¬ ing Into I h> Gull ol Mi\lcu) when inielliig m iippinielilng each othei, whelht 1 by day 01 night, and as soon as lull) within sound ol I III) steam whistle Rule I. when steameis aie appinaelilug "head and head," 01 marly so, It shall he the duty ol each steamer 10 past" to Ihe light 01 poit side of the oiliei, and che pilot ol eltliei sleam&l maybe Hist In deteiiillnlug 10 pursue lids com so, mid tlieruupon shall give as a signal of hw Intention, one short and distinct blast or his ileum whistle, which the pilot of the other sloumer shall answer promptly by a similar blast of his steam whistle, and Ihi leupon such steameis shall pass to the right 01 poit side of each othei. Hut If the course of such btcauici s Is so far 011 the starboard ol each othei as not to bo considered by pilots as mealing "bond and head," or ncaily so, the pilot so llrst deciding shnll ilininediately glvo two short and distinct blasts of his sieaiu whistle, which the pilot ol the other steamer shall answei promptly by two similar blasts of his steam whistle, and they shall pass to the I Rule IV When steameis ajc impilng In a fog 01 tliiik wTiiThCi, It shah1 In ilnTduti nl the pilot to causea'long blast ot th( sie 1111 whistle 10 he soiiuilidat Inij 11 ills inn 1 \- titillng oucuilnuic. Stiameis, wlieu dilit lug 01 11111111*1101 In the lull -way, in a log 01 llilik Hialhti, shall ling theli In IK it In- (eiMilnol not iiiine than tun nilnules Rule V. Whiueier a sti iiiiii is iiiMiilug a slum hi ml 01 tunc in Ihe channel, vtlmn lidlii ihe height ol the bulks 111 01 In 1 1 iihi s, iisttauiiM apptoachliig t'rinn the opposlti ill action cannot la seen loi a ilistiuue ol hall a mile, the pilot ot silt h steainei, win 11 he shall hale unhid within hall a mile ot sm h cmic 01 bund, ^liall glie a signal hi 0111 loiig blast ol thiistiain whistle, wlihb »lg mil shall be answeied bi a slmilni blast glien by tin pilot ol any appinatbing sliaiii- ti that may he wlibln luaiiiig. hhoiild sutli signal bo soiiiiswt ml by a sti inner upon Ihe Inl llnT^KTtTrrvl such bend, then the usual sig¬ nals forjiicellng mill passing shall liumt'ill- at*l} be gUwujmd answered; but it the llrst ahum signal or such pilot he not answered, ho Is to comldcr Ihe channel clear anil gov¬ ern himself aecordlnglv. Rule VJ[,__The signals, by the blow lug ol the steam whistle, shall be glien and an¬ nul red bv pilots. In compliauce with Ibese rules, not only when meeting "head ami head," or nearly so, hut at all times w ben passing 01 meeting at a dlstlnce wllhln hall a mile 11I each other, and whether passing to the still hoard or port. # # # # # Rule VIII, When steameis ar« running In the sumo direction, and the pilot of the 'The ixcieillngly high prices ibaigul by ictall hulcliors lor meat In England have diiceled iltentlou, during tint past lluco or liuii'yiiiis, 10 the Impel la lion ol (had intatliom dlsiant ioi>niiles,anil bltheilo the best piojtets ha\o only been par¬ ti illy siiicisclul Ouu of the hiltst selieints ba< bun the liilrotluotLon ol I in/in 111 i-i 1 1111111 Ausliulli No seiious lanll has oeen louml wlih Ihe londitlon III whit h II c meal has irrhtil Neveitbelt ss tin limit dm s not prove In hi a lommenial sixtiss The I oiiilou tiuiipaiii 1 iigaged In Hit luipnit 11I1111 ol Aiiflialiaii tin/ini 1111 at has iinpintiil Into l.nghiud .....letliau 21,11(10 tallassis ot lii)/t ti slut p, hut Ihe 1 nlei [illse li 1- Msiilltil Ina loss ol ipwaidsol i.3 (100 Hun his iildeiuli bun no mlsiuanagc- jiii in that will netuiinl loi ibis sciions de Hell Mid It w is brought about solely by tin uisl In nig loo high to allow the meat to he_ II tailed at apiolltto the producers 'Ibe uiinpany Ill's hi en unable 10 piiichnse Ihe mini In \11sin1lla at less than ,I pencojier pound, u hit h pn 11 ultil tlic landing ot the 1111111 |oi h-s llianll'-,'pcni ( pi 1 pound. Lin less tin pi linn 111st In Australia does not c\- tuilS pi ut>, the ti 11I0 must discontinue I his lallnii tuiustlie attention ol uousnni- eis again to the linrorttdoii of live sheep Irom the Hulled States 'The dreaded toot and mouth disease, and tho 111 rangejnents in tmee to prevent its Introduction Into Eng¬ land di tent Germany from Bending huge iiiimbeisel llioslieep Vettrlnaiy surgeons aie unanimous ln# ihelr opinion that the^e nstilctloiiHiulglit'bo relaxed with respect to Iho-i luipoitul Irom tho United htaics. If illte pretaiiliousaio taken, and sheep aro put 011 I1A1111I u Ithout any Bigu of disease, Ihe voyage Is long enough to develop tho dis¬ ease, should It bale escaped observation, no . jhnt a cargo, on entry Into English ports, re- poited fun from disease might bo landed w Ith perfect safety. J/ r^W '/ ^