Ai," •"> r ' % TleHmiMCMJactet Twenty percent, more buoylijicytlinn any otho Lll'o-Presi'rvur In'the market. Is the SAFEST and' onlv REM AliLK LIFE PRESERVER InEXISTENCE, as proved . bytho lato wreck' mv the racll'lc Coast, of the PneWle Mull Steamship, "City of San Francisco." RING BUOYS-AND FENDERS. •B » > ft,' V. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN -MANUFACTURED BY- BSUKTC2KC, CO.. M ' -co Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ; the principal.Ocean; Lake! and River Steamer Lines, as the onlv Reliable Life Prejieryer. .VESSELS AM')' TRADE SUPPLIED, Send for (.'irnilnrs. ■ D.KA1INWE1LER120CKNTKH St.N.Y POUND MANUFACTURING Co, MA KB A SPECIALTY OF STEAM TUGS, Steam Dredges, . Shovels, Hoisting Derricks, Ore and Coal Holsters STATIONARY AND E ENGINES, LOCKPORT, -N. Y. "^ORESCrTA,^ BOILER COMPOUND WILl L006CN SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS ANIX PREVENT 175 TORMftTION. ,i^Srt«0BAN"Btl*'«*- ■^AFe s, cHEAH. - M N[ I dlr i: HUULAhS •RESCENiMroCo yPj? ..GVVIIVMW.O. x^f^ '■ J. H. PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No. 130 Water Street. T CLEVELAND, - OHIO. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 130 Water Street, CLEVELAND, - OHIO. 1 THOS. WILSON MANAQK1NO OWNKK Wilson's Transit Line. Gen." Forwnrder. Freight and Vessel Ageat. CLEVELAND, O. HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents,. 360 and MB Broadway .114 La 8«||o Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, - Vessel Owners & Agents. 240 So. Water Street, ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, .127 LaSalle Street, CIIICAOO, ILL. BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and Agent, ■ f V no Water Street, Room U, Formerly-oflne' firm of Becker & Bartow, CLEVELAND, - 01(18 ToleplionK No. DM. '. ' A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, No. 15 Exchange St. - Buffalo, N. Y. HHF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE OUR MONTHLY LIST, OF VESSELS FOR SALE, SEND FOR IT. ^ 'jVC.', ?<■ ' uu.i-mmmu'f" . POWER CAPSTAN.' Patented February 11, lS7/,,und December S, 1S7S. ' ' , ..':..'. • These e»p»iiiiis jia^iiiMtli! of ltworyeiiRllnBH, with-n large Hlmft, 11111I very strong. jjeiir«, of the best miitcrinl' and workmanship. Unlike the cheap styles of eapstans pint are 'put together with 11 view to sell tjhenply, the main object has been with this company to make the'm.'as perfect as possible In every detail; Notwithstanding the fact that the quantity and quaniy of slock anil workmanship in these capsluns make them a much more serviceable capstan and would naturally coln- .. mitml a higher price, the universal demitiTil lor them has enabled the Company fo arrange special tools for their manufacture • and to keep the same men at work year after year, until they have become expert, so that the cost Is only about the same as the 'lighter ntylcirln the market. By thus reducing the manufactuTiTtoa perfect system, they are enabled to ofl'er to the ptibrio a ' llrstclass article at. a moderate price, and the approval of the nautical public is shown beyond question, by tlielnrgo number In use on nearly nil of tho first-class steam, and Balling ships bitlltdiiiing the past few years. In itdd'.ttoti to the superiority ot /"workmanship and material of this capstan over other styles In the market, it has been one feature which no otlio'r capstan ' iitis, and it is very important, viz.—when using llie capstan iimlor a severe strain on the power^sMeTilotJitlie outside and In¬ side pawls take the strain, thus furnlshing'doublc security against breakagi, and relieving tl/O^neWeS tho bars from dangeV It Is estimated that during the past year seven-eights of 4tllthe capstans sold lu this country woro oi this company's make. ' SELLING AQKNTS ON THE LAKES D. S. AUSTIN A CO. - • ' . - - - - - .^BUFFALO, N. Y. UPSON, WALTON & CO. - . - - - - ■• CLEVELAND, 6. • M. I. WILCOX - ' - - -. - - - - TOLEDO, 0. ^— - JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO. - - - ... DETROIT. MICH. • G. D. NORRIS & CO. - - - - - - - . MILWAUKEE, WIS. nUNIIAMoVHOIT, - - - - - - - - CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Crover & Son. Ship Chandlers -----—AND SAIL MAKERS-------- Cleveland.O U7A119Rl»oratreet VM&m Dock. UPSON WALTON & CO. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. (SyOne of tho largest stocks of Wire Rope in the United Suites. CLEVELAND, "- - - - OHIO. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, r^ Lookport, N, Y* 801.8 MANUKA0TURK118 OF Tlltt CKLKBIIATE1) ' "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. -**££" ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSH, Oil WITH OUR SELF-LUBRICATING ' PHOBPHOBBHONZE • BUSHINGS. The metal in that! Bush¬ ings it the celebrated Phos- Shor Bronze, the bat t*ar- ir metal' la market and being perfect sclf-lubrica- tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles. For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR Bit AND" BLOCKS, illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Latest Improvement. Sample ordora aolleltod. ESTABLISHED 1830. -----suKuriCTOnxns 0 CORDAGE & OAKUM. Gang, of AMERICAN, MJSSIA and'ITALIAN HEMP of tbe Terr best quality made to order AT null DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. ' 4 ' '" OMOr AT 0NB No! 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, Improved Snatch Block .Clasp Closed. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Pole Manufacturers In U. 8. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS, ETC. Improved Snatch Block, , Clasp Opened. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO., JUNUFAOTURKRB AND IMPORTERS OF Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, BUNTING, FLAGS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS'" GOODS GENERALLY. Hoi 84 * 88 BOOTH ST., HBW YOBS- / 4915 2974