Marine Record, March 17, 1883, page 3

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I ■}' A Chicago nnpor atntos that a lino of steamers will 00 put ml tho coming season botwoon point' on Luko Michigan and Lake Superior anil Oswego, 'to connect with the Now York, Ontario and Wostorn railroad.- . Wo were pained to learn of tho sov'oro Ill¬ ness'of C. E. Ciirradleo, M. D. V. M„ of To¬ ronto, Out. Dr. Elliot called at this olllee on Tuesday, nnd Informed us that Dr. Ciir¬ radleo was lying dangerously 111 at - Hamil¬ ton, Ont.j where she hadgnne on Profes¬ sional duties. She had been visiting through Ohio and Illlnols'diiring the winter and had contracted n sovoro cold which filially re¬ sulted in pnuomcinlu. Dr. Ciirradice Is the sister of Ciiptnlnn Boheit, William P. and Thomas Ciirradice, who aro well known on the lower hikes, and .also of David Ciirra¬ dice, of St. Louis; She has the sympathy* ;of a.large circle of Mends whom wo Join In wishing her 11 speedy recovery. BOOK NOT'CE, Old Ocean. By Ernest. Ingarsolh Bost¬ on : D. Lothrnp & Co. Prico -$1.00. This handsome volume forms a companion to ifaona Charla Stories, reeontly issued, und ___Is the second of a scries contemplate by the -publishers, Intended to till a grap in popular practical literature,"' Mr. Ingersoll has written much and well for young as well as old readers, and what gives value to hie work Is the thoroughness with which his subjects aro treated. He seems to nave studied thoiirfroin all points of view, and to lmvo extracted from his materials tho exact Information that is needed to enlight¬ en and entertain his readers. In tho present volume he treats not only of tho outward appearance and characteristics of the ocean, but describes and explains alt Its various phenoinena—the Gu|f stream, the anion of . the waves, the tides, the ourrent", with the (.accompanying phenomena of the winds In cor tain portions of the globe. Later he takes up and tells the stories of tho famous voyage ol1-discovery and advaiitnre which have been made over the ocean, tho great 'buttles that have been fought upon It, its perils and dangers to voyages, and lastly lio'descrlbeitthcwonders of the great deep as displayed In Its various forms and animal and vegetable life. The book III fact, brings within a small space a large aiuijiiut ol'nmr^ tor of more than ordlnarylnterest, and one learns from it more in 1 elation to ihesub|cct __upon which it treats than from any other tinv. Of Heretofore, and the nvigailue s its edvance in general excellence. Tub CitNTU will continue The sutneription ppee (8.(14,00 a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions should begin with tho November number, and to enable new lubtcrlbera to commence with the new jeries Under Tim CRNTUKY name, we make the following. ' SPECIAL OFFER. A year's subscription from Nov,, 188], and the twelve numbers of the past year, unbound, f 6.00. A subscription' and the twelve bock numbers bound In two elegant volumes with gilt top, kj.ta. Tun CBNTUKY CO. Nkw Yohk, N. V. 11. D. UOULDER. JOHN F. WEI1. . G0ULDER & WEH, . Attorneys and Counsellors, , AND .PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. U & 10 ATWATEft BUILD-NO, CLEVELAND, 0. Our Colloctlon Donnrtmont In In ch«rgo of an Ex-' porlcncod Collector- Vessel Brokers, DULUTH, MINN.- V.D. Nickerson CLEVELAND, O. MARINE ARTIST. PORTRilTS IN BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color,' BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- .„. , „ -— ..............™..,. ' "polls Railway.' With dishes and bedding fitted up, and hu»J t-« firnnf P«rI»i Trunk Dnn'i, «. «k. nki. a liconso to carry 00 passengers, all ready ""** Central TruBr* Rou*e to the VhlB For Sale! Rare Chancel Wo hnvo on our books 11 good, largo tug that can he had at a bargain If Bold within 00 days, she Is 05 ft. longth, 10 ft. beam, 8 ft. hold, draft of water from 0 to 7 It. Her Engines are 18 by Iff. Her Boiler was now last year. Burns wood or conl, will carry 100 lbs. steam nnd 118 "lbs. If nucessary, tor business. Rebuilt In idy 1880 at cost of half-dozen works coming within the popular reach. It Is handsomely Illustrated "Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag¬ azine m (As WorM."—ThbNaiional, N. Y. Sept. 1882. S THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the first «nder;the new mime, and the moat successful in its history, Closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Tim CENTURY begins its thirtemth year with :«n edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, io succeed this author's ••Modem Instance." It will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Rexnn." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON —the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, 6n such topics as' <!The Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will bC paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING Lll-E, BY MARY HAM LOCK FOTTI*. entitled "TheLed- Horae Claim," to be illustrated by the author. THE POINT OF VIEW, -BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imag inary persons of vaiinus nationalities, .criticising America; its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, showing how a league was f&Ynied in a small town in Connecticut what kind of woik it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole State. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Fiank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Granee" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDINGS, a series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted 10 (I) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (41 Public Uuildings. THE CKEOLESOF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W Cable, author of" Old Croole Days," etc.; a fresh nnd graphic narrative, richly illustrated. " MV ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cashing, government ethnologist;, an adopted member of the Zuai tribe of Indians. Illustrated, $10,00. If sold within 00 daye 0*11 bo had for $5,800 cneh. Good rcasona for selling, The tug is now lying nt Chicago. For further particulars. . . Addreag Marino Record OPJee. Clovelnnd, O.- Exchange.. ^ Will—exchango two houses and lots" In Cleyebuid.wortii $7,000 for floating property Steam Barge or Tug preferred. Address, E. D. 113 Franklin St. Cleveland, Ohio. ^ENGINES FOR .SALE ! Double engine 14x20, will do (or stmmbam or tun, ail up, as good ai noir, also nsovonfofit Philadelphia whoel anj shaft Will soil tho wholo Tiry cheap. Address Marine llccnnl Oulce. K. FOR SALE------- Sleam baiRo. Kcol 144 foot. Bonrn 30 foot, depth of hold 11 foot pMHcltjr 400 M (cot lumber, OS) tons coni t*»Idui hor fuel. Built In 1882. Address M< rink IlKConD Office. Wanted, 40 feet long of go— {5a^toffliIT*1 <"M p,**-,lp,^", ■ddrcss MiSimi 8to»mjMht SB orn40 feel long of good speed and good _„. , ...» sddrt ---------- and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK- DAYS, .TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palnce Concho9 nnd.Elogant Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HOUTE ■AHD-— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CH A.NQE. This Is the only line mating Plrent Connection with all tho prlnclpnlTrunlt Lines of tho East for at SoDthoro, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. 1/iuls for all Hallway Towns lu Wanted, ■tajmbtrge that will carry SOO gnu tons en 9 feet droit and could also bo loaded down to II or In feet, 11 HZ?!?"*- Also two rowbargei that will carry 500 or Wotoas on 0 feet draft, Addreu Minuu Ituoan Office. Equipment Nsw and Comprising all- Improvements. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. W,?.hy'.,',"..our.1!l,t>lh8 '««">. powerful lug which will be sold, outright or chartered for 8 8amson, >o trip or ON AL CAPITALJncluiling "The Capitol," "The Supreme Court," *rhe White House,1' etc. MISSIONsOKbOUTIIERN CALIFORNIA, by "H. H. •"; three or four papers of an exceed- lnely interesting character, richly illustrated. • MISCELLANEOUS. Further work is expected from E. C. Stcdman, Thomas Hughes loci Chandler Harris ("Untie Remua")v Charles Dudley Warner, John bur- oughs, E. V. Smalley, H. II. Uoycscn, aad a otig list of others, Entertaining short stone* and fovelcltes will-be among the leading features of BOILER FOR SALE! An Almost new atcol boiler &X014 ft In fine condition will sell less than half price. Address MARINE RECORD, qicvohind.O H-T. B0BOKAH, Proprietor. Madison, (PODMKRLY RKVEItK HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Mf»t Centrally Located. Street cars pass tho door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute's walk to L S & M' S, D & M, and Wabash Depots.' Hates 1180kto tS.OO per day. The iltlSSOURI, TEXAS, NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, ARKANSAS, KANSAS, COLORADO OLD'MEXICO iXDTIIK - PACIFIC COAST. Modern The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Rpad in the West. tSTTickets by this popular route for sale at all regular Tickets Office- E. B. THOMAS,, 0. B. SKINNER, Qenoral Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, Qenoral Pasaongor Agont. CLEVELAND, OHIO. MARINE LAWYERS. Kncdp & Morrison PnOCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroo St Itooui M Chicago. I10AT liUILDEKH. l>OU!l & CO. HOAT BUIMIinu •MICH. LAUNDRY. BOAT WASHING aad general Laundry iLLUSrRATED PAPERS ON THE rWrSJLpn few hours. CuvkuniV 3'1'kam i,au},. ......"..... pitY. 33 St. Clair St. Telephone 118. SAIL MAKERS. Nobis A (ion, SAIL MAKERS and RIGGERS. loot of (Irlswoldst. I1CTHOIT, MICH. CO.\L. Duvid 'IlurulUiel Agnnt,- BEST OHADES OF STEAM AND DOMESTIC COAL, 1M W««t Hirer Slroul, Cleveland Swaynes ACT AS HEM CORRECTOR by cleansing, regulating, and strengthening lani ol digestion, secretion and absorption, cure Apoplexy- Fits, Paralysis, Nervousness, Dlnlness, Dtbilty, Biliousness, Bad Breafr\, Jaun¬ dice, Llwr and Kidney Complaint, Lack of Appetite, Low Spktls, Indlaesflon or Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation Fevers,MalarlaandContsglon,Fever and ague, Dlarrivosa, Dropsy, Colds, Rhaujnatlsnt, Neuralgia, Oout. Female Weakness, Urinary Dis¬ orders, and all Irregularities ot the Spleen, Stomach, BUdder andflonele. found only by Dr.NWAYNK * SOU, P«llidilpaia,.Pl. ABICVOL B DrtnOaiSTPORTSBU rric.,ascu.ri,«u.iM 91. HraibyaBiiUMrsaiisM. ■ ■ * ----------------------*—'I ' "-""I TflE NICKET, PLATE! NKW YOHK, CHICAGO* ST. I.OCIWUH.WA ' This company makes 11 now de.pntur t in Its,day couches which tho Irnveliig publle will undoubtedly appreciate. Enoh conch ban a marblo top wash stand with aoiip nnd tbwols, thun fnrnlsliliijrfree *. what linn heretofore boon n luxury of the drnwlnjr room ear. 'The windows irro - wide and 4ilg|i, divine a splendid ylew of the oonntry. Tho-larjto paper enr wheels,, 42 Inches In diameter, make tho counhea ride Bo-ainontlilv and no|soloasly that ' conversation Is carried on as easily us In n parlor. Thp smoking ears have rattan sent*, making ibom much cleaner ami ' more pleasant, than the old, style. All the coaches arc new and of latest design. Following l| time of local trains now running — QOINO EABT. * Local Local Cnnnoauk - .. _, rassen'r Pasacn'r Accom. Lr. Chicago...........jfcio a m. „..............„............ " Bo. Chicago.......8.M " .............................' -" Vatpmlso........10.-08 • ............... ... Arr. Kort Wayno...I;B0n. m. ...'........................... Lr. Fort Wayno......2:10 " ...............-«„,........ "-NowHavon.......2 as " ........!."„!!"..,.»!. " West Ldaslo......4:20 " .........................Z . "Arcadia............M0-" ............... /„ " Fostorla.............5:<8 " .......... ......... " Oram Springs.. 0:32 /' ...........,:............"". Arr. Bolluvuo.........7.00 '-' ...... Lv. Bellovuo...........,i:io" » «:« n. m. ".'.'."!"'.'.'.'.!! " Vermillion.....,...8:18 " 7.42 " ............. "Lornln ........8-41 "' 8.07 " ........„..... Arr Cleveland.....10,00 " 0|18 "...... 1;^.?l0,'!0.l""",...................»,2» " 4;30 n. in. ' Luolld Ave.......,.............0;40 " i;V " }J0,nt"r-:;-,........................lOjSO " »;27. " ' I'alnesvllle ................iojM " s;<o " Ashtnbula .^T7Trsr».......11,114 t'.......0:87 " Arr Conncaut..,...............12,06 r» ra 7:05 " Lv Connoaut.................. 12:10 nm " Erie........„..................... i;i8 » '• Dunkirk.....„........... „a;o5 " ...... Arr BufTalo.......................,4tw .. ......... OOINQ WEST. Lv BufTalo...... 8:00 a m , !', £".nliWi-.........monn m ........Z'.'.!!.'".'"! "Erie...............11:46 - ....................... Art- Con.noaut... .12;80 p m ...'.......................... Lv Conneitut...i.,-it!;a6 p m- ^.......".. 0,30 a m-------- "Ashtabula. .1,-27 •« .....MtU 7-00"" " Palnesvillo.... _2,28 " ....."......7 55 »< ;' *•*»'« 2,43 " ..'.:;........;. g;o8 •• ,. " Euclid Ave . . .H/io. " ., .„......... g.^g « Arr Clovoland ... :i;4'l " .. \........ 0 05 '- Lv ClovclanthrT;—. 3;4s " (ilii 'i'm" „| _ '■ Lorain........... 4,BH " 8,07 " r.............. " Vorrutllion.......5,20 " ' 8^10 " Arr Bellovuo........o,15 " 9,:(o " "............. Lv Bollovue..........,» 0M0 " " »p*"n "luiniii I...,, " •••■"""■* '. Foitorla...... ]i-qo " j - !'. Ar01"11;"."" f.....•••••"— »•'» " '■"■'.'. '■""■'.'.". Wost Lclpulc............. 12;I8p u ............. " Now Haven ... .„...... '>•'£, •- ArrFurtWiynoi.......... 2:45 " I"/..™...... Lv Fort Wayne............ 8,05 " ... , " Vulpralsn.....„.......... c,58 " Arr Ho Clilosjro.................B,24 " ^p..'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'. -Arr-emcagor.....„. ..ttr -...... OIOO-^' ^n............. Trains run by Columbus tlmo. which Is twenty minutes faster th in Chicago time, five minutes » ower thun Clevtland Umo and sixteen miiiiiln Blower Hull Bufflilo time. .For rates or Information, call on nearest Agent ol the Company, or address » , B. F, HOHNER,' n 1. t „ 0m" Pnssonmr Agent, t^l^&fL """SHssSb. 0. General Maoigor, Cleveland to N.York HEW VUTIII YOBK PRENNSTLTAH1A A OUiq RAILROAD. Formorlr Atlantic A Orott Weatcro Bailroad For Now York Boitoo nnd tho Eut. The ibort- e»t aod c-ulcktM routo to PltUburgh. Wuhlnfftoo Baltimore and the Southeiut ' UnUHurther notice train• will leave from the new Con tral Depot, South Water it rett and Via¬ duct aa follows, /ilU di 111* PuUraou sleeping and hotel cone cm from LeavitlBhurgli 8 55 a. in. To New York Albany an4 Boston without change. Piirlor ra, Clovelnnd to Sttlaroancsv Arrive* at MeadvlUo 11-2 a. ni.(dinner) I<>ankliu 12 S3 p m Oil City 1:00 p0 m. Jamestown (Luke Chautauqual) 1^7 p. ai Buffalo G. 15 p, xa Itoeheater p m.; Hornelli villa 6<<10p m Biippi'r);ComlDg8.'Jfip. m. Elmlrft 8 57p m. Dlnghantmi 1058 p. m.: Am-ny 600 a xa. Bostou 2 45 n.m, arriving at New York 6 60 a m lliflA n niW't"1 Expr«w( dally except lliUJ !>■ Ul Huntluy) Pullman sleeping loach from I-rfMivi'taburgh to Now York without chansa Arrlvt-H at Young«town nt 1.45 a m. l*it(ibuigh 6 15 a. in Washlnglou CISip.m. Baltimore 10 84, p m. Meiidvllle a,B0 a m Corry 5-4) a. m. Jarrtca- to*n 622 a m, Huffalo 0 i5 o m, Rocheaier 1 10 n m, HornelNvlllu 11 20 a m, Corning [2M p m, nimi- ra 1 21 p in llii-gtiiimptiin 2 50 p m, Nuw York l» 4 5 §m. 'Ill 11 m iV^wbnrff Kxprt?M dully iOU y. Uli tliroiiKb without Lliango, Parlor cur tleveluml to PltlHlmrg ai rlve« at Youugalowii 5 00 n in, Pittsburg B JO p ni, Wiulilnaion 7 30 a m, Balt¬ imore- 8 45 u in via Sharon and bhariiavlllo io Ml ad vlll 7 40 |» in * 4-0C n m Mnhonlnv AccommodRilon iLJ 111 Uli atoppliig ut ull wuy h'aiions Arrive nt YomiKritovui 7 IK), pni, Stiu'onH^Opm, Slmrps villo H 40 p in, > oi nu tt» at U-uvlttsIiurgh wit I, truio No 20 for Mt iidvilht uiul inttriiitdiuiu nointa. ar- rivi-B at Mvwivilli* U M pin. 7i1f1 n in I'lllHliiirir ExprraM dn'llj ilU Ui Uli through without cliangu Arrlvea at Younftstowu 10 a in, tilinrou 10 63 a in, Miarpf villo 11 (15 am, I'itmburtfh 1 OH p m, Hctiinilnif, IcavcN 1-llLtburgli nt 4 4.1 u ui, .j 5H a mf 1 U p m. und 4 JO p m 10 A If Yn»»ir*town and IMtUburirh Ac- 1U Zl- JTli oniamoflatlon, stopiilngat all Way Htrtlons, Arriving at Voungtiown 1 ftp p. m ; PltU* burgh tiliyp ni Truins arrive at Cleveland, 6 0S n. m, 10.b5u. n»; 2 00 p. m, 7.00 p m _ftPil_l(U5 p. ni •J' • '"~ — 7" ■WThla la the only route bv which puleogera ranxenoh Corry Elmira, BinghampUtn. Now York City and Internit-dliite points WITHOUT Kx- CflANOK No change to Boston and New Kdk- land Citlea, llagKOffe Checked TtirougU to -all FolnU Ettat. njL,Tlirough tickola awl Information regarding tho rmita can be obtained at the Union Ticket. »N m'o corner Bank und Superior 81recta: atofflte 181 Hank street ami at n^-w Depot of Now YorK, Petin- Bylvunlfi aod Ohio Itallway. South- Wateratreut and Vlnjluot.Cleveland,O. A. E. CLARK. Uen-11-asa'r Ag'ti Cleveland O, M. L, FOUTb, / J. M.FEBRIS. Pass 131 Bank Ht. ' ticft'l Mtii'gr. CtevelAiid Cloveland 37

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