Wednesday, March 14, 2007 · Page 2 Town of/Ville de Lakeshore SHAPE THE FUTURE OF YOUR TOWN The Town of Lakeshore invites the public to attend its next informal Public Open House relating to the new Official Plan, and review draft study(s) and master plans prepared by the Municipality's various consultants. Alice Street reconstruction delayed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "It is not mandated for this year," said Pillon, who will return to council to report on the possibility of creating a master fire plan in-house, rather than paying the $40,000 estimated cost to consultants. In public works, construction of the Essex satellite public work yard and salt shed in Ward 1 is already near completion, at an estimated cost of about $317,000, but council wants to forget plans to build an addition to the salt shed at the Ferriss Road yard at a cost of about $30,000. Designed by the previous council, the 10-year capital road plan also got cut with council proposing to delay the reconstruction of Alice Street, a $235,000 project originally scheduled for completion in 2007. Putting that project over to next year also cut out nearly $100,000 for the replacement of storm sewers. Spared was the planned tar-and-chipping of the 12th Concession Road, from Walker to North Malden Road. The $148,000 road improvement project was strongly defended by Ward 2 Councillor Richard Meloche, who noted, "It is one of the highest traveled roads." Rejected was a suggestion by Ward 4 Counc. Peter Timmins to divert $10,000 from the $80,000 slated for sidewalks towards the development of bike paths and trails. "There are a lot of sidewalks that are uneven or covered with water," said Richard Beausoleil, director of public works, who advised council that "no new" sidewalk construction was represented in the expenditures. Parks and Recreation capital projects also felt cuts. Innes told Parks and Recreation Director Doug Sweet to "nix that playto eliminate ground," $50,000 allocated in the draft budget for playground equipment in the Village of Colchester. Sweet will prepare a report to council on a proposal to partner with the Catholic school board to build replacement baseball diamonds at the new Holy Name School in Ward 1 - at a cost of $56,000. The new diamonds would replace PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE: MARCH 29, 2007 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1303 COUNTY ROAD #22, EMERYVILLE Study(s)/ Master Plans to be discussed Draft Official Plan · A 1st working draft including updated land use policies and identifying growth areas (copy available @ Transportation Master Plan Status/ Update · An update regarding the study detailing transportation services and improvements for the municipality Water & Sewer Master Plan Status/ Update · An update regarding the study detailing water and wastewater to service both existing and future development for the municipality Community Services Master Plan · A draft study detailing recreation & leisure services, multi-use facility requirements/ development, heritage, arts & culture and tourism development services and improvements for the municipality The purpose of the Public Open House is to receive your input into the study(s), provide background on the draft study(s) and work done to date on the Master Plans, answer any questions you may have, and help further define and develop creative solutions to address the issues impacting your community. Consultation with the public is a key component in this ongoing process. Information will be available and on display regarding each study. If you are unable to attend the public open house and wished to be notified of future public consultation events regarding these study(s) or master plans, please contact: Sue Mailloux (519) 728-2700 ext. 251 ROUGH ROAD During budget talks Mar. 6, Essex Town Council recommended delaying the reconstruction of Alice Street in Essex, pictured above, a $235,000 project originally scheduled for 2007, under the town's 10-year road plan. two diamonds to be lost in Ward 1, due to the construction of a new school on the Maplewood site. Council concluded the meeting with discussions on how to assist the Harrow Youth Centre, which needs about $24,000 to ensure its doors remain open in 2007. Council will be advised whether lot levies in Ward 4 can be used for half of the "one-time" funding, with the remaining money coming from a seniors and youth reserve fund. Hunter said she would be proposing significant changes in the capital budget at the March 13 budget meeting.