Wednesday, September 27, 2006 · Page 12 From: Her Desk Drawer Maple Carrots & Parsnips It's a side dish that commands second helpings. The maple syrup enhances the sweetness of the vegetables, making it a wonderful taste sensation when served with roasted pork, chicken or turkey. 2 cups . . . . peeled, sliced Ontario Carrots 2 cups . . . . peeled, sliced Ontario Parsnips 2 tbsp . . . . water 1/4 cup . . . Ontario Maple Syrup 2 tbsp . . . . butter 2 tbsp . . . . chopped candied ginger 2 tbsp . . . . chopped parsley Jim Augerman B.A. B.Ed CFP FMA CSA Certified Financial Planner Kingsville Tamara Cooper Clarica Advisor Cottam & Essex An RESP to maximize your new UCCB! Last month, we discussed the Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) introduced by the federal government in July. If you have children five years old and under, you should now be receiving $100 per month per child, regardless of household income. If you have not received a payment, call the Canada Revenue Agency direct at 1800-387-1193 or visit the website for information and an application at There is also a downloadable form for direct deposit or call our office and we'll mail one out to you. Q. If you have two children and have received $600 to date in the past three months, where is that money right now? A. Spent? Saved? Not sure? It has been proven time and time again that the most effective way to save for anything is through payroll withdrawal or direct deduction from your bank account. Since to many the UCCB is "found money," and many have been meaning to set up a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) anyway, now is the time to do it - before another $600 slips away. We'll give you a quick example. Jim's son Carter is three years old. If he starts putting $100 per month into an RESP today, he'll receive a 20 per cent federal government grant, so he'll actually have $120 going towards the RESP every month. If he continues this savings, even after the age of five when his UCCB stops, when Carter turns 18 Combine carrots with parsnips and water. Microwave, covered on high power for 10 min., stirring halfway through; drain. Stir in maple syrup and butter and chopped candied ginger until richly glazed. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. NOTE: Microwave recipes tested in a 700-watt microwave oven. Power level terminology in microwave ovens varies; check your owner's manual and use whichever word or number gives you the same percentages as in the recipe (High is always 100%). If your oven differs, cooking times may vary. TOWN OF ESSEX PARKS AND RECREATION Registration for all Harrow and Essex Fall Programs Begins Monday August 28, at 7:30 a.m. at the Essex Recreation Complex Program Information available at the Essex Rec. Complex or visit our website at he'll have $34,587.02 in his education fund (based on a reasonable six per cent annual average rate of return; it would be $40,773.42 at 8%). If he tops that up with the occasional birthday or holiday money gift, he could very easily be looking at close to $50,000 at age 18, without a lot of effort or sacrifice on his part. And that's the key pain free savings is the way to go! Consider taking all or part of your UCCB this month and investing it in education savings for your children. RESPs have become far more flexible than you may be aware of in recent years. And, if you need any help along the way with the forms or getting that RESP started or invested well, please feel free to give Tammy or Jim a call. ATV search and rescue training offered ESSEX BIA'S 242 Talbot St. N. (Attached to Essex District High School) Phone: 519-776-8992 · Fax: 519-776-9528 GREAT TURKEY CAPER Once again the Essex BIA is asking you to participate in our " G R E AT T U R K E Y C A P E R" is how it works: Purchase a turkey at Schinkel's, Zehr's or Foodland, ask them to mark "Essex Food Bank" on it and to place it in their freezer. Volunteers from the Essex Foodbank will pick up the turkeys just before October 9th, Thanksgiving and distribute to those in need. H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G! ! AMHERSTBURG ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 157 SAT., SEPT. 30 4 P.M. - 7 P.M. EAT IN OR TAKE OUT The Essex County ATV Club is teaming up with the Ontario ATV Search and REscue Federation to host a search and rescue training day on Saturday, Sept. 30. After a two-hour indoor class on preparation, proper search technique, crime schene preservation and emergency first aid, the group will move outdoors. Four mock scenarios will challenge participants to work in groups to locate and resolve each situation. As most local first responders do not have ATVs, Honda Canada and Rick's Performance of Harrow have each donated the use of two machines to be used in the training. For further info, contact Jim O'Neill at 726-5207. Your e Choic Pickerel/Frog Legs - $9.00/Plate Lake Erie Yellow Perch $10.00/Plate AL L LI WE VE L M CO 6- FRO US ME 10 M I C! ! P. M . 281 DALHOUSIE ST., AMHERTSBURG · 519-736-4485 Call Abe 919-0157 or 325-0733 FREE ESTIMATES