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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, p. 7

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n'.> mm* vwop.i5M^;pi$t^,fobn Dyspepsia, '-^^^ 'jHc^^tlng.) A]pcr- ^;^J^}tl^^^,^at|aci; Drowtf. .........Mouthj'Coated Tbagw r/^RPni>;WER. They fafifcow^ ^PaJf^JVVegetable.:: |Pf^8mair*rlcie j&;ypu get ^(garter's, msist apd demand ^tei-'g Little /Liver Pills. M^OiyvGv the Bulb Bed. iff:-*?. pOTa'.^are'i to give spring blooming bulbs a je warm winter blanket of leaves, litter ^jifroni tho atubie, or brush, or a combina- foipn of all, anddo not be in a harry in fcptfnR to get them out of thoir winter JolotheB, . Don't rank out the first warm ffdfw,anclclearaway all the brashaud litter TbWaage it is unsightly looking. The aro- fflna and.snowdrop will not need bo warm a %pyerin# aa the other bulbe and oan bo up- ^^ooyer'od earlier in the spring." Bat from 'fcihe tqlip, liyaoiutbB, etc., gradually remove |j'the ooyering, leaving the finest of the MiMar']|^er on the beds permanently. plintof herhoawhoia. apd Wbojs^abv tive initlDOl eifirolae themBelTes m mas- io the JawS for hor ouree/wboie iptelleot haafleiaenbaflDlfor her in cbramanion yiih. fcsV-lraibftn^ **&* tor no other bonora than bis love >nd ad- 'miration a wpman who doeB not think j|t a weukrieefl to attend'to her toilet, and whodoeahot'dTedain to be beantifnl,1 who believe?in theyirtneol glossy haj[r and wuU-fittfng gowns, and who eaohewa rents and reveled edges, Blipahod ehoea aqd.aud- aoioua mak upa a woman Who speaks low and doea not speak tnnoh; who is pa- tieitt and gentle, and intellectual and in dustrious; Who Iovsb more than she rea- HonB, aodyot doea not lovp blindly; who never scolds and never arguea, batadjasts with a smile snob a woman is the Wife we have all dreamed of once in oar Uvea, and is Ihe mother we will worship . hi the distanoo of the paet." , ,....... ' Prompt, IMensant, Perfect. Norway Pine Syrup is a' prgmpt, pleas ant and perfect care lor coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseneea, aore throat pain in tho oheBt, oroup, whooping cough, quinsy, iuflaonza,and all throat and latig troubles. 26o. and oOo. at all drug stores. Away Down East. JV';-From eaat to vest people have heart e. This outiBoa violent headaches, qenralgia, nerve trouble and prostration. jysMxSi Homers,' of Mono ton, NB., 4,i tried many remedies but never found any- |(t6 give me euohprompt relief as Mil- bprh^a Heart and" Nerve Pilla have done. I TOffered from the above symptoros.but now gladly testify to.the care theee wonderful piUshave made in my ease, and I hope all ihiferera will try them." Seed'Pods. np Bome- Thore in ife FreeBia and laobenalias are a good in- ^iayefltttient^/ They otrn be forced year after Pyear, without diminishing thoir flowers, 'jf^Shallow plantiug, oonaequent wintor "^piving, ireezinK aud Buramef Boorobiug tre.'some of the commonest oauses of fa.il- iM$jx&with bulbs.' .; --' fe.K' Have you a sod-heap piled ^ ': where to doe ay. over winter? j/.'f; nothing like it for mixing in all aorta of 'Composite. It makos'a rioh, mellow, flbr- |i; fi pps loara Bdoh ua all plants love. Iloees p,'; are eapepially fond of it. ; ' Undoubtedly the Best. Gent^kuen, I wish to say that JDr. f^'"F<>wler?fl.Extruot of Wild Strawberry has ^proved a wonderful remedy in ray family. fc^We wouldloot be without it for twice ite prioe. I,say it *h the beet (not merely ouo ;'Nof the beec bnt the besl) medicine, over p-fibrought before tho publio for summer com- *' 'jpflaint or diarrliwa either iuohtldron or adults. *' L io on bo Oommiasiousr, Stratbolair, Out. 'I .. Fragrant-Ijoavod Plants. . ;.-'Grow frftgramvloaved plante in your jgar.. den. Blips of rose gerahiumsy planted out ^/in jtood rich garden soil Boon mako planta ^ Irom whioh^ you can take br&nohea and not ^tnias them;. Lemon verbena ie an old-timo ^ ifavbrite, with fragrant foliage. Ambronia^ ^."^'very olJ,'old plaut'that haH been niua* ?:'Vquerading aa'auovoUy, (whioh of course it '.y'istQ those who do 'nob romomber thoir .'grandmother's garden), has a refrOBhiug j'^vfifttgrance, forcibly reminding one.of tho hr ^j.^and'pioa.woods.wbou-thti buu, is shniing If.r-iWitb noontide heutyor unit sometimeB is i/-"after a shower. , ' ',V'v-' ;. That hoiking tough can be quukty cured %\\-$y.>.using Jfttgyartfi j'edoral -Bctlsttm. Pricts EIGHT PHOM' THE MINKS. g;;,JPamily Ties may beBrokoii in the Qrand lir^',-jltjsh forCtold, bat What's Wealth witb- $$;-. l$ut; 'Health Dr::/ Agnew's Oatarrhal' |;;'; Powder Js a Wonderful Cure It Never |5}^V:E'ails tp'Believe fp Ten- MSnuteH. , |a >^-.Fred Xawrie, of Trail Oreek, B.C., writes* IJ^i'flhdiveused two bottles' of Pr. Agnew'e ^. Gatkrr^al powder, and bave been wonder- p'fffuUir helped I can recommend it very |i$nttJtf-to- all snfferere, from Catarrh."' !$!f&na;here fa anotbar: Mr. B, L. Bgan/ ki'JBia'stobi'Pa.,, saye: 'When I resd that Dr. ^ .wpnld relieve ffiptfiipfli in 10minuteH, Imust say I. was vVidrfrotn bein^ oonviDoed of the faot.^ I J^debided to try it; I purohased a bottle. A SingTe-Enff.^t *hau.powder- through, the t^lpwer affordedlDBtantaQeoua relief/' Bold rMfc^oKne.;;;:;: v*. ^^^ff3y)^n^e.of^kiD^!AylBr, S%t8ftpv **^|(ji^ta^%jgori:your-hanrs^of labor.nar "Wayside Gatherings. Largo pieces of old sod form the very best winter protective material when ob tainable. These heaped aboat the .rosea will protect the most teuder from severe freezing, and they come oat in the spring in splendid order. It is jaut as good used about any other half .hardy' plant. , Soot from the kitchen chimney, epeoially from a wood fire, ialuvaluable in cultivation of flowers. Biob in ammonia it stimulates and deepens tho color of flowers.' Used as an inseotipide it is equally effective in des troying ana removing the pest on account of the or6OB0to contained in It. Soot from hard ooal exclusively h of lasH value, still it is worth saving. . IT HOLDS THE KEY. Insignificant iieginnings^-Bnt They Steal on ono as a Thief In the Night, and Be fore one has time to Wonder what ails him he is i n the Firm. Grasp of Disease South American Kidney, Cure will Break the Bonds aud Liberate, no mat ter how strong the cords. The thousands of oaaes that have been holpcd, andoured by the groat Bonth Am erican Kidney Curo is the best recommend of Us ourativa qualities. The remedy is a speoifio for all kidney troubles. The form ula ir oompounded on the very latest eoiotv tiflo discoveries in the world. There are thousands to-day who do.truthfully say "I am living booanaor u&ed South American Kidney Cure," It reliovoa in air boars. Bold by J. Thome. ' la*ejfeer^^$^ maoyot the published letters .are bogui. many pt the published letteti,are . ,. . _and^otte^%^ii;iar^ ^ tfaioares^eft^^ Compound, and. noted lis'the press of the oonhtry, baVe all the ?Ing ot genuineness and honesty about them, and tho original tera oan be aoen at any .time by an inter ested public -j-' '*. :-v ,'.- r\. It has also been proven in nqmberlesa inBtauoes than the ohrea mads by Paioo's Celery Compound are pormanent. An other letter has ju&t, been roaoived,, *hiB timo from Mr. P. J. Kilbride, Postmaster, Inverness, P. JE.l;, testifying to "the per- maqeucy of his pure. Hi a oase was one of the most Serious and critical ever given to the pubho, and his oompltto euro rb tool sh od hia many friends and the resident!) of his town. ; .* Mr. Kilbride says: , "Over three, years agolgaveyoaa teatlmopial for Fame's Celery Compound,after it bad oured me. "To day lam in splendid condition, and have not been sick a 'single day since I used the Paine's Celery Compound. > "I certainly owe my present health and strength to your medicine, aud lam fully convinced it saved me from a. condition, bordering on insanity. I can Juow sleep and eat well, aqd I th^pk God for Paibe*s Celery, Compound and the groat change. "I have received and answered 2oOj let ters since my testimonial was published. These letters came from all partsjof Can ada and the United States. It.has been a pleasure answering letters from sufferers, and I trust my recommendation of Paine's Celery Compound will help suffering hu manity. labor unioaa_aad a'namber dfiftdvertU- Jng floritfl.. Ex-Mayor Maaon acted . &a mareiiflildt.'the ;pirV^?M^*H'-A'^).P^r; "ii out: to^fter'tt :idrpyeib::Vhe^^ithjai races and other sports took phjoe. In the eveuiug there: j^efe, . ^ioy^e'Jr^oei. and ft Tband^concert|;;t: WUliams* Park;' The colored people held a baibeone 'and cate walk at the Mineral Springs atniffht.'-" ;... , Popular Hotel Man. "I was troubled rWith pimples oormy face and head which caused mo cdudh ari- noyanoe. After trying many remedies without benefit I wad ad/iuod to take Hood's Hiraap&rilla.. The . tint, bottle helped me and I took four bottles. I jam now oompletely cured." Jahe9 R bill it, Proprietor Chapman House, S^rnia, Onfc' Hood's Pills aot easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Ouro Biok headache; . Norway Pine Syrup cures bronchitis* . i**t \mtm The Differenee^- l iHt < Tilbury's 6ig Hole In the Ground Tho Tilbury gas well i& down to a depth of over 800 foot Contractor Thomas eayH botwoon BOO. and 1)00 foot at which depth. boring operations aro still in progress, and prooeuding slowly. The raaxium depth is to be 1,500 feet, whioh will oost about $1,200, of whioh only about 8900 have boon paid in on.the first call, and it is! probable that suits will at onoo be eutorod to collect tho balance. OHEltftY'S TBOUBLEB Were of tho Heart HUrnau Skill was Al most Dufoated whoa Dr. Agnow's; Cure for tho Hoarfc Foil Into the Breach, and m a few Minutes After Ono Dose He Jtfaund Groa& Holiof, and Fiv'u| Bottles Jdado a Bad Heart a Good'One. . . Wm. Cherry, of Owen Sound, Out., writoBi "tfor the past two years I have bueu K*'6lltIy ttoublud with weakness of tho hearcand fainting spells. I., tried soveral remedies, and consulted beat phy- sioiaiis without any apparent relief* I notieod totitimouialH of Kreat ourea mado by Dr. Aguew's Curo far the Heart. I procured a bottle, and tho ilrst dose gave mo great ntliot. The llrst bottle did won- de'ra for. mo. After using five bottit's there are uono of tho aymptoms remaining whatever. I think it a great boou to man- kind." : Sold by J. TUornb. . ..---------;-------------------- 'Bishop florno says : MTho follies, vices and consequent miaorios of multitudos, diAplayed in a nowapapor, aro ho many ad- monitionB and others from tho rookfi on wbiali they bave been Bhipwfookad. Wlmt oaafion, likely to be more e(feoLuul;againsb.i>ombliug and pro fligacy thou the mournful relation of "an oxeoution, or tho fate of a doapttlring bui- oide,? What uuer.l*eture oh the nedesBity of economy than au auction of ^stateB, hobsos';and furniture? ,;Telk they; of morale?" '.L'here is noneed of ECutohenon, Smith, or.Paley. Only.take a newspaper,, and oonsider woll; read it, and it will In struct tbee." : ,.,'.> .' ,. ,.,; / ,' MAYB^thiB advice from an exchange will benefit some. ' *A-suui Who want ed to learn what profession he. 'Would have his eon enter, put him in a room with a bible, tin .apple and a dollar bill. If he found, him when he returned, reading the bible, ho would pipJteia plergyman of him ; if eating ihe apple'; a'farmer, and if intorestedjn tho dollar Dill, <t banker, V^hen ne. returned, he foianid the boy fitting' on . tjle ^bible, with theidollar bill in his pookot and the apple ulmbat devoured. He made a ^Utloian of him.'* ^v" Have yon ever noticed thejdifferenao iu. tho way in which two. men will drive a lioree? ' Oue man will get the -best Bpeed, the longest service, the greatest effort, without a partiole of strain or friction, from the auimal he drives. The other man will get leas work and lees result's, s,nd' yet have the horse in a tremor of nervona- uess and a lather of foam. 'X'here'B jast suoh a difference between modioinos for the liver. Soma medio men, and the ma jority of fcbem, start the liver into action, but so fret it and chafe it that ullthe good of the medicine in counterAoiied by the ir ritation, set up from its use. Ayer's Cath artic Pilla give the best results with] tho least friqtioo. They lead iuBtead of driv ing. They coux the liver instead of lash ing'and spurring it. They- cure . long standing oasea of dyepepaia, biliousness, and liver diseases. The Cure book "a story of burestbid by the cured," will tell you more about Ayer's Pills. Sent free by; J; 0. Ayer,Co., Lowell, Mass. . Pain in tiie Back. Mr. M. P.' Halpiu, Broakvillo, Out., makes a"statement as follows: 'Tor two years I sufforod from kidney trouble, causing severel.paiu across my back, dizzi- uobb, headache, Bleaplesanoss,' eto. l had often to lean on the oonnter when serving a customer, so inteuaeWas the pain in my baak. On taking Doan'a Kidney .Pilla I improved from the very., first, ..and now after using throe boxes am all right; all my pairiK, aches and dizrsiueaB having dis appeared, thanks to Doan'a: Pills." ". A VOUNO man in writinghome to, his mother, said: "You need not be afraid of tho company I keep bore ; it is the host or none." That is the kind of youug mon who grow up into honost, God-foaring gentlemen ; the kind tha.t gladdens a father's and mofcher's*heart- Severe HtiadaclH) Curort. _.- Dkau Sins, Being troubled with"*a arvero headache I Wa advised by a friend to.'try La^a Liver-Pills, I ouly uaod half a bottle, audbiava not 'since suffered from the Domplmut . They seem, to bo a perfoot cure." . , ' A tooNTiwutj'man advorfcised a. life like double portrait of 'tho Quoeu, in yputh and in old ago sanctioned by the govermnent-^for 60a,' A; Leam ington lady who saw the advertise ment, forwarded the money,. and in return received a 3-pent jubilee stiimp.. People who are alwaya looking for oheap things generally get them. -u A NnSy. danger has developed for cyc lists on rural roads .It'used to be the farmer's ,dogj which, however, has gradually .become reconciled to the wheel, but now it is the bull. Theofcher day one took exception'to a red sweater worn by one of a mixed party ..of bi cyclists and charged ahd scattered them, with disaster to, wheels. As the bull can .never become reconciled'.to, red, there is'nothing'for. it but toes- ehew.this^oolor?'i,-'<;; ^roVl4'fci'ce.'^TO It is with pleasure !that, J recommend B.B.B. for the care pfinaigeBtion and im. pure blood. :I bad'tried many medioineV ti.den.o0i ^was^.a'd ifi^'pfy^;^0^^^i^ ' v Trouble Oauaed by nn.'1.w Editor Clngaton of the Spiketowu . Blizzard looked oat of the front window of hitfoffloe, hurriedly grabbed his hat and darted out through the back door, says the Chicago Journal. Tho last issue of Tho Blizzard hud contained a personal item to this effect: .,' "Our young friend, George Oorbin- son of ThatchersViilo, was iu town again last Sunday. Rumor has it thai he will soon load to the altar o beauti ful belle of Spikotowu. Georgo is ono of the sold young mon of our neighbor ing oity." .-.',... ' ; Editor Olngston bad writton It "solid young men," bat ho know it would be of no use to try to explain tho mistake to the large/ ntblotio young weninn. who wns npproaching the ofllae. And ho when. Miss Euphorbia, Lick- ladder, the acknowledged bollo of Bpiketown, walked iu at the front door a few momenta later and inquired iu a deep,.tragic voice for the editor, Mr, G In got on wns emerging from a back alley %% blocks away and making for the open qonntry. asy to asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small m alze. taateless, efficient, thorough. As one man akh *' You never know you. have taken a plU till it Is all over."; 2fic,<J. I. Hood Si Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood's S*raunarill* ltewardod tho Uoft-ue. Von Moltko was tin.'early riser and loved ynrly risers. Onoo, while roaming around his^JilOHiancstiito at daybreak, ho found a peasant woman bearing on hor 'bubk.n sack of potatoes which she had juBt dug, making a loud Jicavy enough, for h mule. "Hore'B a thulor for you," said the grout field marshal. "You see, the early bird catches tho woini." Afterward he found out that she was a night thief who hud ravaged his fields perBistontly, but whom his steward had never got up early enough toouteh. ' .. A poraon suffering With boils should enchow pastry, gravies and ovory kind of raoat excepting loan-mutton. The boils may be brought to a head by using1. a warm, poultice of onmdmile flowers or boiled whito lily root, by fermouta- tiou with hot. water, or by stimulating plasters. Good Honsokenpiug. , ; A Sleep Inducer- " " Hicks Did yon hear about MaoklinT -They'palled the Rev. Mr. Dnlloy to hja bedside hist evening. Wicks You dou't'monn to say he in in a dying condition? . HiakB-T-Oh, no; only a bad case of insomnia. Old glass bottles, whioh are more or less useless, aro now ground up and employed as a substitute for sand in the preparation of mortnr. ; i$uiUB'."'poems hnve bepn tyaualated into"'French', "German,' Itolion, Dutch, Flemish, Bohemian^ Danish,- Hungari ! iu, Russian and Swedish.:.r. The fear,that our ^iiid acts may be/ reoeiVfid with ingratitude sbpnld never: deter ns from performing such acta. v. ' ". Gjbn; FbAzisn, tipn of Alexander Pra- .zer, of Central Ayenuei Ii6ndont' fell off a street car^hye'wosBmg'Ifensirig-'. .tonfibvi^ge'laat'Monday and was Jrarled totheriver;bahki.twienty-flvefeetblQ'v7. suBtaihingposaibly;fatu-'in'jatUJB.""'.'V1 'V'-'i- 'v"-1-" ,_ .fyo'rwuy gine Sy^fc$^t^m^\^'ft. :;V i 'ODQtt; '.'i>.,,i. ' '-T'i >rf0 PARTS, LO*t;/ANIO0D;iMI 5uiandrf of younif and midole and men aro' konnauV swopl you bave any or tho roll owing sympteraa eonault as boforo It U too Into. Aire you. nrj ffonsraad lftk deflponden*ndrIoomy, ^po]ui:t>Coire'Uiao7iw'irtm'4Arlr<^e.njidMf,| ip*ni,.weajc nacfc. kidney* Jriritanio, palpitation of tbe bo&rt,, buhtnl^ dreams and | lea*;pn too (aoo/ oyoa sunkon, hollow cheeks/careworn. loflflfta, sediment In urine, exproasion, poor memory, llloleas/dl^traattul.-labk energy and ntrengtb, tu*ed Jaorrtji lngfl, reatleas nights; changeable mood, woalc.manhood, stuntod organs and,premst| ,^0x0 decay, bono palna, hair Ioobo, aorsUxroatotc, YOU HAVB SEMINAL OUR NEW METHOD TtlBATMENT alone can euro you, and make a man of you.' Undents InQu-; ence the brain bocomoa actlvo, tbe Wood pprlflod bo that all pimples, blotobea and uiaors disappear t ithe nerves bdoome strong as steel, ao that norvous^ netis*. bashfulnoea and doa[H>ndenay disappear; the eyes beoomo bright, tho face full and clear, energy returns to tho body, and thoraoral. physloat and sexual systems are Invigorated; all drains pease no moro vital waste from the oystom. . Tho various organs become natural and manly. Yoa teej. yourself a maa nnd tuow marrlago cannot bo a failure. We invito all tho aOllot0d.to oonaiiLt us eonfldentlallr and troe of charge. Don't lot Qtiaaka and fakirs rob you of your 'bard 'earned dollars. Wvi# curi you er no pay,, . HAS YOUB BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? ", 6YPHILI5 is tho most provalentand mostserlons BLOOD dlaoaso. ltaaprfthoyiflry Hfo blood of the rlotlm and unloaa ontlruly eradicated from tho sys tem will affoct thn offMprlng. Beware of Moroury. It only supptesaas the symptoms our N6W METHOD positively onros It forever. VOUNOOR MIDDLB-AOED MAN You're lod a gay.Ute, or indulged In the follies j "MS ? wi */ : nursmcTAav blood nisxASi. of youth,' Self-abase or later excoasoe havo broken do-wn your Bystom; You:foul tbo} * '"'" *" ----- ..... -. u are not tho.man.i WiU you hood the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not tho.man you used io bo or should bo. Lustful practice* reap jlcn harvosts......... danger signals. , 1 DCinED I irnyonavictlm? rtave ypu lost hopo? Arfcyou contemplating marrlago?! Ill C nil Ell I Kiayouf blood boonrtlaonaod? Ilavn you any wonknoas? Our New Ketliod 1 Treatment vtll curo you. What It has dono for.othord it will do for you: Consultation' Pree:> Ho matter'who has troatod ybu.wrlto for an nonoat opinion Frooof Charge. Charges reasonablo. Books Pre "Tho Goldon Monitor" (lllustratod), on Elsoaaoa. Men. Inclose, postage, 2 cents. Sonlod. Book on "UlaoaBos of Womeu" Free. -! JOTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No madlolns lent C.O.D. No names on boxes or onveldpo8.Ever>thnn confidential. .Question list and cost ol Traat-I ment, FREE, . MS. KENNEDY & KERGAM, NB^3^ffi^ fc'.'.-Sil^fca*. . .. .Dealers In All Kinds of.... Soreen Doors and Windows, Cisterns, $7 OO and Up. ;? Bee*-Hives (Standard Size) 50c Each. ^ wm . V. ISTES^ATEIST^^^- And Latest Designs ^n Verandah arid Gable Ornam^nt^f BssSBX./OM!^^ ...................-,,^m%m rLiMiiwiiiiM..... 'i' " '-'^W^m }3:ee

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