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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, p. 2

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,:<rJf^?^h Mrfc&*4aei*s to brsovtry wrong. 1' oatdoor raaihln All the happy ^Ifliflajft^i^?;,-; ..(* . lMlWlii"ii':'i;l,,v1 ' lgth^rijutBi|Ia pooping.from its brown iff{th> faw of tUS -^ fresh ud wet and ^^mphK*;^;:v^:.^v : . ^t|i> .^njriflotantog^ther '"-- jfjbWriitcM^niatoh'thO'Wtather- : #** nreti' and, bright' And aunny all i^ji^fcmgtvvv:.-' " -.- or aa frftgrnnt m tho heothBr ,:tho ohnrarintr ontnldp weather,' k. Arid-the fnsldo cannot bo bq yery .wrong. ^JeaaleMaorenionAiidorson InSt, Nioholaa. $fe?*i^tona ...... i^b^'io^^ ;"ypMV '"' ........"" ii*9?id,:iike know I nlmost yop bettet-r-if ,1 ||ij00BldJikQ you hotter, JaoJc,<! ^Tr^jpnwero just/a little-r- tbink I possibly dear if evor snob a jy; bit wicked. |p^,::v;fl lifted iijy eyebrows in mild aston- Mg0l*hm*nL I bad an idea that I waa Hnffi- ^SfeiibntJy wicked, not desperately or vi- ||teiooily' wicked, yon know, but * jnst M'Jikbqut, wicked enough. g,fe;';;Would yon like me to poison puasy, ^ .flteal Aunt' Jane's knitting, or put ||ifOipowder in the governor's pipe, or. I^nififlhtbe mater's no, 'pon my word, flOiiV'l won't do anything to the dear lit- Pi^mabst.'"" .. M^Won?t V *a absurd," said.She se- p^wly;:(VSh'J'V with a big S, if you fepeafeeV '; ; Mv^Kou - don't look pretty when you 'Jnake fades, Ois." ^)ffYou said yesterday that I couldn't JSe^ooWrjg-pretty." ^V;. We had only been engaged three days f0t:$hm were explanations here which gv^iibb'affect the argument, fc^'I didn't mean that sort of wioked- M0m9^'tedd she. .f^r'^'n'^^iwing.wiokod?" : P^4^**01 course not, when people are en- Jiged; Don't, Jack." Kffrtyeli,'what's the particular crime *!jrb'& Admire, Qia?'*' I inquired oheerfnl- I^VVJdnre say I've committed it in the |ebnrBOof a long and evil life." "" real wiofeed- 'm quite sure .............,. -quite, quite [gifirtf.fdear! rffii\"wasn't'so suro, bat I was clear ,' Upugh .that I'shouldn't tell hor of it. P^.4"Xonly tnoan littlnwickednesses not '^WibJkednesses really, only^er yon KJmpw'what Imenn." : s .;-'You are always strikingly lucid," ^observed politely. >? *'. You are always teasing me." ' 7-*'Is that wickedness whioh is or prii6b;:Wt?":-"'.,/' giiti',I?m not going to discuss frivolities, jftlifc- Yon know what I mean." P;'^m'hanged,if'l doll* " . ^$<';#Ve^ that a p0||man ought not tp be 1 know ^/.'v-jwhat I mean, bnfc I can't express it |^iiipd;3; won't be langhed at, Jack;." ^i^^'Vfm^rQ-heitig laughed at, Cisv" ^l^-'BntX^on'Uikeit; piwse,^'. Wfiy J vWell.yon mean that it doesn't seem "fe^ijiily^or a man to be too good and teJjpmyp'erl'.'-' Is that' it/' Ois?" |g^;'!P^oburseitis..""'- ., , ^^ft'Vpan- my .word I'm not." '. te'S^-J'Ali1.'1 aai^ sG triumphantly, set* s|v:ljdng herself magisterially in a corner, of 2!'.';the large armchair (she doesn't nearly gijail^J^'wha^ have you' done? I shall "S^V/ 'She"' almost looked as if she expected ^Klti top; whioh was absur*;- So I deter-" ^:fmiiae^;to make a careful selection, but tffchererwas such an embarras do riohessol, ,.K}0tipojdrsei J couldn't tell her of the wiok- l^edhesses which were, and wiokednessos fe;Vhioh!woren't I found spmewhat diffl- MX'iulfrto"define.' Ife .'V.WeU,, I beRan hesitatingly. m-^Qo on, sir^tho truth." . V'^hen I was a boy" "Ob, that dooen't matter. I suppose MVrbu*ve done something wrong since ^:|ljhen:>'. ^'j'7Br--I've fiomotimes bad a bet on a fse raoe or a oriokot or football yjnatoh;". ' ?jatpw muoh^B?" ^,';V.Well-r-er ' , __ -not more. Yofl see, I'm Sifjipt really a betting mari." &lf Vtt :I'd told her of that coup on Yellow' ;?a>ragon it might have got round to the; ilgbxernor, you see. pv^Vdh;' well, that isn't very much. pffhat-elso?",:.: ^ii^Bbmetimes when I was at'Oxford I ^had qnite enough to drjnk.V a,^'inu ; Jaoic! But you didn't Ver get Ohr deat, no! That would great /weakness of ohar- .^^itie^nbt really so that you could &!'Jiav^ shown a gr< t\mij^ii'xii^ti':yfott}]i .while'1 to' mention" pWi^i^B^ ^^ ^^ ot^^ men put. me $fi&ffi$&':#&'wr^i^'eBd/with. my boots on*; f5*^ ijjpHlo#.; ;I was only overoome, with Bmpke andeioitement, you know. Zero's iigoofl boyl I'm glad/' she > just touching my hand with, here. inyhb#: I'm almost a teetotaler ^WeU;tnit'early all ? w,",^,,^ >--,.-. .DpiW-aveVsaida |marfword or so now and. then. Foot- ^iliV and billiards are verv trying "you' .........that cabby . ^ww:.dyj%_^i ..... rt'1-^*^Ju1u^e^.^Jita:: ,'^IjmfipP ainbp;ybu^yotf-iilike^nlo,(r , ;'U bqut^emein]bbr ^heri I didri!t.^^ true?*r i^Trup, as^gospel, little one.V ' ~u.^fl";a^riiatter:bt'ia^t:vfa" ^^ vNow I've confosaed enough,"^ ob- 'Berved."'/-' T1".,"-",/'1"" '., Vjro^yon' haveli't, Thore's something ' . I twiddled my mnntaohe uneasily., I thought there was;"; ' ' - , VDid you flirt with Polly Graham lost Ohrifltruns?" , I knew that was coming, "Oh-^-er hot eiaotly." "Uow.'Jaokl" . VOb, well, hpthihg to speak of." "Not on boxing day?" " '. "I don't rowember." 1' When you walked home from skat ing with her?" "Ypu were so taken.upwith that fool Jackson." . "You didn't ask me to skate with ' ' "You always had half a dozen fel lows round you.". '^1 couldn't help it," I gnawed my mustache and glared. "Jack! Don't be disagreoablo. I wanted you to ask me." Here, again, there was an irrelevant Interval. "Now about Polly Graham?" she coaxed. "Please tell mo.' I won't be cross. And I do want to know*" , ^Perhaps I did flirt a little," "You kissed her?" "Br no." It's all very well,to talk, but a fellow can't help looking guilty. "That's not true." ' . ".Oh,-well, I didn'f want to." "Nonsense! Why did you do it?" "I haven't said I did."-------- "I know yon did." ."Oh, I did, then!". " You are unkind horrid. I hate you. I won't be engaged to you, and I'll never speak to yon again !"* " Why, Cis, you promised." L. "I.dou'feoare." VBut I do, very, muoh." , "I'm.glad glpd. Now you'll, be sorry. And X don't oare. Don't touch me! I bit." ;. To prove her indifferenoe she began to ory; so I picked her right up in my arm's,': "It was only one, Ois^." "Is that true?" "Absolutely." Of course it wasn't. "And you nover will again?" "l^ever. " Of course I didn't mean forfeits or anything of that sort. "And don'twant to?" "Nota.bit." ". '^Thonl think~I will,'bo engaged to you still if you want me." "If, littlo Oisl" Hero thero was a fnrthor irrelevant infcbryal, after which she actually laughod. "I don't want you to be wicked, really, Jack." . "No,dear." ."'And I don't mean to talk about it any more." '. Noither do I St Paul's. New Mexico Shepherd Boys. Whoa going up the valley of. tho Bib Grande in, New Mexico, my attention was drawn to tho Hooks of sheep and goats and their 'pastores, or shepherd boyfl. Theso littlb shepherds wore neither hats nor shoes, Thdir only gar ment was a tunic; reaching a little be low tho knee and confined by a. girdle, from which. depended a small pouch or scrip, A quiver, with how and ar rows, hung athwart the nhouldors, and the right hand held a sling. Presently a stone from the Borip'was hurled for ward toward therighfc or left to, make the flook swerve to; the loft or right. It Was impossible not to recognize little "David, the son of Jesse," and one might have almost expected to behold Goliath, the Philistine, coming to defy tho children of Israel. . Tbo portraiture of the soono described in the book of Samuel was too exact to be ascribed to acoident, and for the first timo it oconrrod to mo that David bore a sling, not for tbo purposo i.of slaying boars or lions but toguldo and control tho flook, and that these little ehepherds of a kindred raco, dwelling in a country not unlike the pastoral rogions of Judeoa, very natural ly continued to re-enaot the scenes do-' scribed, in sacred history. Catholic World. , vr -Tho.Natural Bridge of Today, : ' The Natural bridge is 315 feet in height, 100 foefe in width, with a span of 00 feet. Under the arch might be placed tho Washington monument at Baltimore. Oodar orcok, tho stream over which it stretches its arch, is dear as.crystal. No photograph or painting can impress the mind with its immen sity or grarideur or gepmetrloal propor-; tions or the rioh coloring or the plo- tureUane,6urroundii)fis. One must foast his eyes upon the mighty arch to realize ita vantnoflB. , Under-the arch are the outlines <qf an Amerioan eagle, formed by moss and lichens. Upon ope side is .Where.Geerge,;Washington, when^;;aTirr-: veyor for Lord., Fairfax, lfiO years ago," oaryod his name in the rook. The'rav ages of time , and expoenro to the 'ele ments have nearly obliterated tho name,' ;;bufr 'sprnie" of ;,Vthe';le(tte'r^u^:\bj^i]te'V:dii;^ ^rjc^v^the'^ewgotterbyiH^ Daniel Webster and many prominent statesmen, before railroads were-built, BUiepindtfoed by.tto ttM'Pf Hood's e^H- MmeB.moN iaraly9 permansntly and it, ^d retteebirjg because ;:HYM;i;r^Ilwd' throagh htuj^B great restormg'Ond r- Juvonatmg charm el purifltd, vltslltod aid enrlobed blood, This feeds the nerves with'life-giving rgy and buiida up tho system and oonstHutlon-from tbA very fourrdatlon of aU health Md lUe the :-'blbod-r-'p^e>iirte^;redJbiood^ Refreshing . " '(, C3P- . "I waagwierallyriui down last spring, appetite. Was pop' and * could hot sleep. Hood's Bariaparllla: built ma right up, gave good appetite and I was soon able to get a good night's rest." G. P. Whitwby, Merohant, Yeomanj St., Ionia, Michigan. Is tna One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. It u ~,u~ rni^ oure liver His, eaay to take, flOOaS FlilS easy to operate, afloeniy "" ' Honeat bitt^Cnt Vankee. , Tberb is "a fonny case of ijiternntional honesty down in-Arizona* just on the line between that territory and Mexico. . A Yankee farmer lives there, one Ama- ea Barrow by name, and it is his busi-'i nesa to raise ohickonp; Chicken feed is cheap in Moxioo and chickens bring flpo prices in Arizona, but to raise fowls in Mexico and bring them across tho bound ary or to buy the feed and bring it across, would involve the payment of. a considerable duty, which would eat the profits about as fas,t as the hens could eat the corn. As for smuggling, that was not to bo thonghtof. Amaea is a Yankee,.nu he is so hon est that his neighbors say he wouldn't take advantage of. a man in a horse trade. But be is also full of Yankee in genuity, and after deep cogitation he built a long, Hlim heucopp, one-half of it in Arizona and the other in Moxioo. On the line thero is a gate. Over the, line thero aire barns containing feed. At feeding timo the gate is opened, and the chicken fuuoier shoos his flock into Mexico, where they cat their meal. Then he shoos, them back to the protec tion of tho American flag, whore they digost this Mexican grain, lay their eggs and . carry on (heir family affairs. Mr,' Barrow saves about 30 per cent on his grain and makes aboztt ' that much on bis chickens, and if there is any smuggling clone it ia done by the inno cent and irresponsible biddies. Wash-, ingtou TimeH. Meelc, bat Vigorous. She was tbo daintiest of, the dainty . faco, figure, air nnd apparel all pro claimed it. To be sure ho had not hoard bur fipruk us yet, but from the lips of so pretty a little patrician only pearls and diamonds could fall. Itwasstrango that she should bo at the races nnat- tonded, but that, of coarse, was but tho aecwlont of a moment. Hor husband or brpther conld not bo far off and would rejoin her in u moment. Time went ou, though, and still she sat alone.' Pres ently Homothing happoued. One of, the hortfoH stnniblod and foil. Tho jockey was pitched headlong to tho ground. Ho laywhitoand still. The man turned to lookat her. There ahe unt, the color flown from hor ^licnks, hor lips parted, her eyes wide and staring. He ventured to reassure her. "Oh, I don't oelieve ho'a badly hurt," ho. said. "Hurt?" ehw rppoatod quick as a flash. "I only hope he'H broko his nool;. I had fcjyo on the liUli1 .scbundrnl." .- Tliir Wouiuu of j&ulano. The \yifu of thfe cooly in Guiana is a womun v;hp ia very much to bo envied., Every gold or silver piece her husband receiyuH for his RorylcOH^B beaten into personul trinkets to bo Worn by* his bet ter half. In this condition it constitutes the oaHh wealth of the family, It is per' footly safe, as it ifl as much as any man's life is worth to touch the triukQts so long as.the woman wears them.. These same, women are also noted; for thoir Jucauty. Their features aro straight and poifeot, their eyes beautiful im, color and their forins perfect modold of-symnietry and grace. DrGSfccd in goft,, filmy materials, ricn in. color and eastern figures, they present atraugoly prioutal uud fantastio appearances.. ' '.' . Anaemik means "want of blood," a deficiency in the red corpuscles of the blood. Its cpIusq is found in w;aritiof sufficient fool^ dyspepsia, lack pf^exercise br.breathiiig 'irripiire':; airV;; -; '^ natural repugnane&rt:o; ^ll^at ;'roods^^$c^t^$!-f'E ^ari: easv i-fbpd^to :^,et irat^frQrn' iatv-:^;It:,r4^0s^hp:"mp ^.M.'OBtwitUct; ^'A^rMJ^rp^^ Jbai' .hlsoffloealD a down town akysoraplng >StrBCturuentoe^ the-building the oth er ^ay with -'^'Vdiittrbed^rlbbfe-, ori" tiiji face. Although a man with full conQ- Jderiob luhim.seif pnd1 one whose judg ment was considered second to no one ;-ela0's, in tho fltroot, ho wan oxtromoly doubtfurpf.the result of the task before him. Ho was in 'trouble boo an bo his Vofflce^ and he was forced to engage'Another*' The bpy who pad gone had been a jireity rtood'oue as boys.go. He: bad;' bossed the boss and tun the offioti.ior aboflt a year and was all right when ho hud his own way, but one riufortunato afternoon ho told the boss that, ho, wanted te get off, as bis brother-in-law bod died and he do- sirbi to go to thP funeral. ; "I'wonttogo to tho ball gamo my- self.'.said the"oIdman," chuckling, as ho reoafled.how hiany times that old funeral >xonse had been sprung ou him bybflloe boys,'"i4solgueaBTJames, you will have to mind shop today." . JomeH didn't appear at the office next morning, but an irato woman who said she was his mother did, and she sound ly berated the employor for his inhu manity In keeping James away from his brother-in-law'S'funeraL The boss tried to explain matters by saying that he thought James only wanted an excuse to go to tho ball game and that he did not know there had been a death in the family, but it was no good. The whole family branded the old man as a brute of the deepest dye, arid James did not return to his duties. In consequence of this the employer inserted on advertisement in one of the newspapers for an oflioo boy, and he had got down to the office half an hour earlier than usual to receive the appli cants for tho place. There was a long line of them in the hallway In front of his ofllao, and ho heard mnoli criticism, some favorable and some otherwise, on bis general ap pearance as he pufihed his way through tho throng. Ho called the boys Into his ofiloo ono by one and subjected each of thorn to a searohiug examination as to his experience, fitness, etc.. He invaria bly finished up with the question, "Do you smoke cigarettes?" The boys as in variably declared that' they did not. "Never smoked ono o1 therdope sticks In me life, "declared the first boy called into tho office. "Didn't, oh?"Topliedthe "old man." "Letmesooyourfingqrs." Tho young ster's fingers \v*ero>tah)ed a deep dirty yellow oolor, and ho was told- ho was not wanted, "Cat's not oigaruto stain, dat ain't," insisted tho second boy called into the office. "Bat's paint off me fader's house," The excuse wouldn't work, however, and ho was'ushered out, as woro several more young aspirants for' oflioo honors. Finally a bright eyed, redheaded youngster entered the office arid answer ed all tho questions propounded to him in a satisfactory way. "Now, my boy," came the final teBt, "tell me truthfully, do you smoko cig arettes?" "What's them? Those little paper ci gars?", auswerod the youth. "Yes, exactly." .. "Nope. Never drew ono uf them in ter mo lungs in me life," continued tho boy. .." "Lot mo see your, hands." The boy poked but a chubby fist at him. Tho man examined it .qrltioallyY but failed fco dotoofc tho slightest evi dence of tobacco stain. ' "You're engnged," he finally said. "Bully for youl" replied the youth. So' long. I'll bo tcr work in do morn ing.". He then wont out, whistling 41There's Only One^ Girl In the World For Me," and joined his anxious com- rados In the hallway. "Youse fullers can all go homo,"he said. *.. "What'ayer given us? Did yer get der job?" piped half a dozen voices, "Bet yer life," replied thei urchin. Thoro was ai loud murmur of surprise from the crowd, and tin ally ono of the yopngstore exclaimed: . "How'd yor do it, Ohimmy? Do old man said dat ho didn't want ho dope stick smokers, an yer knows yor, was do wursest.dopo fiend in der. push." "Oh, yousB fellers waB so slow dnt yer make mo tired," replied Obimmie in a disgusted tone of voioo. "Oourae I hit de dope fltioks, but d'ye; t'ih'k -I wusnrt- cute Enough tor keep it from do, ole man?1' . ,. 'I < VQness yer had a pull, or yer couldn't have' fooled his joblots," said one of the youngsters.1 ; ;. ' ; "Basjest t'ing in ble worlds ** ansvfer- , ed Ohimmy. I read- his ad'* vertisement in de poipur I knew dat he wus ag'in dope, stioks^so what doop I do out soak rae fingers in turpentine all hlght, an i'p;de; rborning'doy wus as clean asv n newborn ( York Tribune. '/ '.',"'.':','. babe'(iL:'?'f^New :';'HUi . J.,' Murphy^Weli/'^ibia bates'tijeVdivil ;. vfiATpi yjMurphy-^-JPwat.. does? ,;.- VMuTphy^Pooley:7W|e;". meV;;'t'hati;4t:I' .sfampked 4^ iiin.U:iI /iftir.ly;:kttfewfa'itn^ metlB 'on the laaft. riatarday in each month at the towniblpnall in trio Oib.aQv,eetQtCot-> U8ll,0ovefMi MoHugri, OIki Woodileo, ?.p; Batowioh; fietiin; t'ownabip cdanoil'iiolda r. gular mttOilDM n^>aa. It* Hatuxday in eaoft montUrtttho township hall. Oiauantltt, iiidwara 0*^*11, lUoTo; John Moyaahan/ plerk; Mala- stouoFiO,; /.,: .t":-:, ; OriUROH DIRECTORY V ftiBTUbniBT. Dr. Oiflprd, jfastur. Henriau <*Tery Bundayat 11 a. tu. tad V v tt, SaUbaU dohpolat H:aOp, m. O. m, Baylor, bqpariatoud mtolMhooI. Kpwotth.IJttBUoprayojinmutl I'uoutlay evenlng at U;o'olook. Ueno/al piayi* ttaet^BonTiurs<iayeveningv , ,' OnuaoH or Knoland Bov. A h liovorly in 0umbentr-tit, ' ,Puu1.'b, Box,' Diyinoseryio tJYery ttunday fttlla.ui.,7 tfoliijk p .tubunoay Honool at 10 a. ui. . x'rloltv C'fauroii,nottix i(idg Bun day Hohoolat J.4fl p. iu .The publlo are cor- dlallylnyitea. . >bmsbvtbun Paator.Sor" TleasonbabbathatUa.m.and 7.80 p.m.tiab uath tlohoolatiiiBOp. ru. Prayer rutctlug and faator's bible oJaea ou Tueuduy at 7.Z0 p. in. HoclalUniooon Woduoflday&t B.16 p. ra. nxpTX.T uhoboh; iteyM, , Campbell, Paa- tor Bj.vlooaoaoli aubbatiu at li a. m. iuiu-i p, m. i-'rayer intuiting on WiHluesday evuujuit utbo'olook. Ji y. K U. xaobuaa on 1'riduy evocingat'So'oiooit. Boats rroe. Aii aro oor- dially woioomed. , . BOMAN OATUOLia. X'r. O. E. Mo Gee, Castor. Sor/joc a very otnor Sunday ata.SUp. in. Handayocaoolaeap.m. Mxtdbtonb. High maafl and aormon at 10.BU a,m Ctttoobi8in acap.m,, baytlam auB p. m., veapora and bonodiotfpn at 7 p. m. O. hi. Mo Gee, V. P. . Salvation Ahmt. Oapt. Ottway and I4out, Ooo. in oommaud. Balvatlon' ineotinsa Wud- uonday,TiiuirBday and Sunday eveulngBjFreo and idaBy^outUrday eveulug uud p.oi, Bunuay;iioli uoba rfleotingb for ohriutfuns i riduy ovomue asd U a.m. Huadayj Kneu X>rU17 a.m, ovory banday. AUara welcome. (/> A. WISMHIt, BarViutur, Holiulcor, ^otaxy JU* Public &0. Money to iuau. onlcoa.Oun- Btan nioaK, up*fitalrs, Khuoi. u-ly t\IiAUKJC, C6WAN, BAIil'I^BT & liAHaxET, / UarrietorB, etc. Oihcjus Aleubury hiook, Wuidntr. Prtvito funds to loan. A. H: Culukx, It. JU h. M. K, (JOWAN, M. l\ A. i>. A. XJAKTLK1, A. it. IJAjiXUST, B. A. . rrijJWWlt 0. WAbTiiinc* Ii.Ii.B-, Attorney ono XL Couuselor <ac law, ttonoitor in uhtuioery, XtoatoxinAdmiralty, latent Bohoitor, OiUco. Chamber oi Comiuercu Building, iJobxviti, Uiob.. (Canadian claims u^uinet perbouu In the United bttitOB qoIIUwClU.) LlQtextiweet lnip<uia<J.u,.ulf, Essex,Ont, J. Xj. Poteru, Knq.t UurrlaUn-, etc., Wlndeor, 'Out.;.., , : .', ,13.A. WiBmer(J5uq. Borrlater.otc., Essex, Out MEDICAL. Jaa. BrJou, M. 1)., L- R..O.P. S., gradaate of Quetm'a UntvMBity, Klugstou, member of (Joi lugo ol i/hyuiujuna and Bttrguone,Ontario. Grad auwalMevr Xoik. I'obt Uruduute Medical Opl- ioko. ' graduate of U'rrnicy Medical College. Honor graduate ot Trinity Omvaxelby, Mumber or tho tjollegeoJ J,'nysloiaiiB and Burgeona, Out. Giad- uato ox i<ow Vorit i'oat Graduate fttediaal College. OnloflOver Ksaox ITedJoul Hall drug utore. OouBUltatlon rooms, both on ground tloor and Unit Hat above. Telophoue In bota otUoe and rusldeuao. All calls attended w from olnce, urug store, or residences. Uesldenoes.'Talbot utroot, near'fair grounda Pukbb OiUce, and adjoining JjjtEis I\H. J, h. JliHUEiH, Asuoolato Coroner zor XJ the County or Kbbujc.^ J. Karlu Jennur,M. ii.O.M., Trinity Univer- ulty; M, O, P. and ti. Ontario; Ida. Buyut CoBegu i'dyBlolana, London, Eng.; let Hcholurahip and iioid Medallat, Trinity uolluge, lbbH; appomtt>d ilouae Physloiuu and duigeou, Toronto tibuerol HOfapital and Uealaont Acooucbeur Burhalde Ajying-ln Uospltul, Toronto, ItitH, bpeouUty, dla- auKOB of womun and obildron, KeBidunoe, nouuu lately oooupiod by i>x. Uewar, TftlbOt at., Essex. Office in Imperial Bask Blook, ground floor, oppobite Tborne's drug store. Aludioinoa dja- peusud In the olilce- 'iolephonu couneotion yltli both ofUoo and roaiaeuce,' Private tele- yliuuti lluo botwouu Cyril Pug uutte's house and van Kvimtidy'fihouttti oita oulco. at Pftquetto titutlon on tnu L .& D K B. iJlgat calls attonded to at olDoe or residence. DENTAL. HP. MABTIN, X>. P.S., li.-I), S. Graduate In UontiBtry, Boy ol College of iieutol surgeons, Ontario, and Uuivoralty of 1'oronto. unargos, moderate. Ouiae, over Eifiex M^Jdi nal HiLi|,TftlboS i^ree^&BSCsr. 18-lv . VETERINARY. W-H. IilOHABDSQN, VETEBINABIC'SUB- t GEONt Bouorary graduate of Ontario Vetorluary > OoBege, Toronto] member of; On tario Veterinary Medical Society; Dlplomiat in X)etitjstry; treats alldlBeaeos of. domeatiaated animals; cattlo dohdrned by tho latest Improved JUouvltt ollppor, ' calls by telephone or tele graph promptly attended' to.. Beald6noefthree doors oast of grist mill; office In post'office building; Eapex lunrinary, dlreotlynpposite.', LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES S. LAIBD, Provincial Land SurvoyO) and Coahty Engineer, Essex Ont. V' omoe^anatttnBliaok.up-etaira. AUCTIONEERS. ;":"':. HHNBY HEDKICK,, Auo'tioneer. . 8 a 1 e a . promptly attended to. /.Address, Bouth Woodilee, Ofli^ Perpona desiring to secure me may leave word at the FaJcm'PuESB pffltts: ..;' hepbiok. D. BiNOIiAlB/'IjIOEraSED AP0TI6NEEK for tbo County of Essex,' BaiBiTot Eighth Dtvisloo Court. All klndH of Parm and other Bales conductor promptly. Bates reasonable fLndfarninhed ouaopBoatlon.. Unquirera may. apply;at W. D. Beamab'B orueej'or at tbo: ofnoe, of Piviaiou Qourt Clerk, Win. Laing. , ',-'. ' 'A, |OHH,aOBMtEY- U. jWC^BEP AUCTIONEEB-tot ^beCotjrity of Eaaex. AUkinda of farm 'stock Balea^ etc,, conducted promptly ^od on short notice. Bates reasonable. Persons dealrable to arrange Oalev: 'HE^T'pi;|'Wafd^Bpo' ;c>bank '- oi'Jva.'.'^y OAibg>t" thtf.il'aflii^ _,_^ Mi*** mmmm s >m .HLLtiU& .Wft If^l^^gp iSS i'::f>: NTEJ 1 ,: moots ejeyy Thursday i ev1 Oddfellem.' ^a3f,lnthlrd rior#yDi iVlslting memberi of other lodges' _,._. fraternal Velaome. PBKp. GliBOB,v*;i Oddfalldira* B^l,;Bonstan Blook, pn't andthfrd TaaBdayineachmontb^yisBv d^aUyre^ived/fiembertoful^Va1rifl|; in ' file ilnrfsdJotlon. InVftef to>Joiilt T^.SBfiiX' FIJIB BBIGADBi'r MHHTB'^- J) Friday, evening In every; month for-1 ?:ade mooting and third Friday fat praot be Firemen's room in the > Stone, bu Job.. Molfurray, Obief: Sam, Bmitb^Qapt Jos. Slot*. Ideutonant; warren' I^ee, Bee Fred, Hyatt,Treasurer; , rioUBT botal, No._iw.xio>,irJ!,^j^ month VlBitini _ _ _________ ___ come, V, J.Pewar. C, MV,~W.O.SnWTft?l^ M; J. Wigie, O. fi. H. C. B. A. Bains.yiai&ftiii and Treasurer, ' \:<:-^fi^\^SU -H-lViLnfiU'fSMJ "lhalfmara falls 'BM&&.U oowa EUBT ^& Taking efloot May, 18D7. Mail Exp. Detroit....... Windsor.... Pelton........ Maldstoneo Ehaoi......... Woodele , Busoomb ... Comber...... Bldgotown.. Bodney....... St. Thorn aa a.m. B.20 BM 6.08 (1.1U o.yo 0,60' 7.00 6,00 8.40 9,50 ' A SO <' ',<*& z.ondon........, St. ThomaB... Rodney.......'.. Bidgetown..... Combor,..;....., Bnacomb....... Woodsleo....... EflBox............ Maldstono Cr FeltOn .:.v... Windsor........ Detroit...;....... Jlowo west. Exp, p.m. 19.10 2A0 8.U8 4 07 B.S8, 6.40 C.60 6.03 0.14 6,24 0.46 7.10' ....., .;:?4;^ Exp; Aocom Wx0$%$ a, m. ' p.m. 10.00. *.40 10.80 ' fl.M ' ' ,-'fl.w . SJ98 '0,87 .*!,'-,'tv* 5M--.iaaif:,jm '0.08; Alftvs'^ . ,7,88,U.85,'::-M mfflw "" ::,'",Muhi4^*' a.m. a.m. *4n,' a,myL 8,40 0J0 6.15' 5'80 7.11 ";W7 a.m. 0.80 e.to 7.1611.00 8.47 13.E0, 10.00 1,2ft 4.48 C.43 10.23 0.00 11.80 6,B0 7.05 18.65 ia.40 7,87 8.W 0.00 0.10 9.83 0.43 0.M 1W5. 12.40, 8 00 ,v o\ao^ Amrtoratbure Local Trains, -::H{i% .._m. Airir ti'.iMirJ-J WSBT Si.m. a.m. ajri. UJ5. u.40 7,an 6.14 U.62 12.00 13.10 12.35 12.40 cm 6'40 6.40 7.84 7.40 7.42 8.00 8.05 o.oo' 8,20 %mm Essex _... _____ Edgars BJUT,vM h E & 1) E Xing 6.47 W" 4JffS McGregor ',0.46 0.05 "W Gordon ^ Amherstburg ' 5,20 8.40 '4.80'V/J J|Rf,-J All trains are run on central standard time;-7. whioh is aixty. ^ timo. For Information1 and rates to colon-jyj* lots moving west apply to John G. Lavon.-Pasv.^ aonger Agout, St. Thomas; O, "W,Baggies, Gila-Wir eral Paaaenger and Ticket Agent, "" "" or A, O, BUrners, Accent. Essex. tent;, Chicago', . Wfffll *'.' ' i'.'.^itfsS .p::-':";..5li TIME TABLE KG. 22, taking effect"Mon'oaM Sept. 27,1B00. Trains run by Eastern Btanfr^ . drdTime.' Daily eept,Sunday-v *v-.W,^l A 11, X M 0.25!l2.00 0.3213.00 O^o! 12 40 12.40 D.43 0.50 0.57 10.02 10.00 10.10 10.27 10,87 10,45 10.65 11 .U 11.20 11.25 11.85 11.48 11,60 11.50 13.04 12.11 1Q.16 19.24 12.86 P.M. M -A 6.27 6.80 .6.40 12.63 6.47 l-ioja.M 1.10 e.50 1^0 7.10 1.60 7.17 2,08 7.27 280 2.00 S.45 4.10 4.25 4.40 5.09 5.20 5.12 0.55 0,05 6.15 fl.35 6.40 r.oo p.. :7.M t,8.C0 8.17 8.22 6.82 8.40 B.47 8.52 0-00 0.07 0.12 020 0.81 F,M Stations. Don WalterVleAr Woikervillo June. .........Pelton..*......' ......t Oldoastle..u.. .....A Paquette....., ...... McGregor ,.,..v .f New Canaan... ... t Mar oh field ... ...... Harrow ^..:!,'. .i. ...,.t Arnei......... ......Kingayille....... . . Leamington ... ...... Wheat fey .,.,.. ......fBenwipfe;;:;,; ...... Coatsworth * .*., ...... fGlanwood...... .........Merlin H....... ,wr Boatton..,.. ,i ......SondfBon ...... .,,+Codor SpringB.y. Blenheim Tunci's ...... Blenheim ...;.. t.-....;..tWiuUe..... .. Ar Bldgotown Dfcp ;oio 0 03 8 57 8 58 8 47 8 42 8 80 6,29 8 23 8 11 ,8,01 T'51 740 7 24 Hie ,7 00 6 82 645 640 |6 81 ,ff- 6^20 6 10 A.M, ' O r.'f *' *m AM '5.60 ,6S 67 , 0.17 B.ce .o.oo 4.40 4^8 4.26 4.00 3,45 .8.10 * & 12.8QJ im n.ifi 10.16 e'ooli^wj, aa S^i + 1'lag Stations. Trains stop oulv,when *mw, are pasacngers at or for these ^tation8.;Mto; traliiB.are at ol, Mines subje&.to.beiD^o^m)^| WM WO^IiI.attI' GeuersJipupflr^^"*^^' mm >.....:...b)id the

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