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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 17, 1897, p. 1

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lpplllll^ iiiift ^iffl^^is^, ill ^g^gj^^^-:-^ H*r:::u, fen.'*,-.v- J'^'ii,,^'*" Tfe1-^' '"' *' -' 3. Effctf-V-v*; . - ' fcfe^ofEssex and surroundingcoun- fe"v" try, are cordially invited to at: show our ^{^^ndvthe^'pneiiihg .of Kl^.^^*;^;'"'^.!^?^^, of 'New |ffi5^5^*lftMiDiriery" on the above'men: ' \pmridtfi -::^:V"liiiisn>WNori,f .->'. H^use latelyloooupied by the latepr. Otebrgb tti^w^ei'v;;; :] :_-^ '-' Talbot SragBfry .-y V-"_ Ebbbx, ^^} c MBS. M.oiBtoi'pmawAtJi, or the sito- xnwfltthQOlo' MobIo and Langnafiea. Do* trott.Mlob.,^roftoherof Voice.Onltora and tha Art of fclnglng. Ebsoi, Wednesday afternoon* and Thursday morning of oaob week. $25.00 Reward." inrric iFFBB.the, above reward ___________ of 25 for Infoimation that WJU lead to .the arrest and conviction of-tho-party or parties-wop broke into our, store premises last Thursday night. BoptomborOth.. _. *, ' ____ - ^ - . DDBJBEL & BRIOREB, rn, Strayed*; STBAYBD from liOtlB. Benftud Line, two 2-year-old cattle,, one blaoknelfor. with tip*. of ears gone, one ateer, red and white with, white Star tn forehead;. A^nitaMo reword will be given for any Information' leading to their reoovery.. JOU& BAUBB, WoodsV-i. 30-4t Farm to Rent. jrA AORSIS -Bolng Q\J JLbt 280. on thotownline. In the Township of GosQolJ North. The land Is well drained and has sood dwelling taoaao oad other farm buildings, alio a good orchard. To a goad tenant special terms will be given. Apply to MIBS A. FULMER, Essex. . 8fl-it L"|i^;MvNoble, ,' 4wJ: Under1, whose'abto managdment ^lltblB Department attained each signal //.suocess' last season, is again ia ^.^oKarge, with; the satno stafl of'clover "|^'eiBB|BtaritB; and will bo pleased, to J'v^tayia Va- visit .pf inspaotion. Miaa B^/Noble';-recently 'visited the openings ^/ W-Tp^ and Boleoted |ifeii'ft olxbioe;variety Of all the lateat nov- ";J^:eltieBH;in Millinery Goods, Hats, 0i-feathers, ^Ospreys, Velvets, Eibbons, ^&::vib., a$ wellaB Paris Trimmod Vat- tern Hate, representative of all the Newest'styles.', p?r<.. > fe^^'i'-.. I"-.- . Imwr,: -,v .->.,... . .--. M REMEMBER THE DATE . .. wi^V'^.-v.:.-.'.-'.'.'.-. it. fe : aS&'.'-v"- NOTICE. Municipality of Goafleld North, OoTiiity of'Bssiex..' VfoTIOE iB beroby given that a Court will, bo IN hold, pursuant to the Ontario Votorb' Lists Act. 1639, By Hto Honor, the Judgo of tho Ooan- tyOonrtotthe County of-Essox, etthoTown Ilnll.ln tboBaiatqWfiflhln, on tbo 28th day of September, 1807, at 10 o'clock a.m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' IdBts of the Municipal ity of GosfleldNortb, for 1807. All persons hfl.Vlng business at the Court are required to attend at tbo aaid time and place. Bated at Cottam, the 14th day of September, 1807 ISAAC JACKSON. ^ Clurk of Goafleld North apd Clerk ol Court. "VoterlrT^i*; 1897. ; MunipipaUty of tb.e Town of EBBex Oourity ot Bssox- NOTICE ISHRKEBY GIVEN THAT. I HAVE transmitted or. doliverod to tho pereons mentioned In sections 5 and 8, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1SB0. and amehdmonta thereto, tho oopfes required by said 800- Uodb ' to' be , transmitted or dollvered, of tho list made pursuant.to said act of all parties appearlnaby tho last" revised; assessment roll of the sola Municipality "to bo entitled to vote In tho said municipality at oleotions for mem-, bora of the Logialative Assembly and at mont- olpal elections and that aaid list was Orat poat- ed up,st my office on the 7th day of September, 1807, cuidremotns there for.Inspection. ; r Electors are called upon to examine tho Bald list and it any omlsaiouB or nny other errors aro found therein to toko immediate prooeod- lngatohave tho orrois corrected according to law. JOHN WAl/rBBS, Clerk of Ep&cx. Dated this 7th day of Beptofabor, 1897. Notice to Creditors. Iih the Matter of Wright O, Smith, of the Village of Woodalce, County of JSascJui Harness Maker, an, Insol vent. NOTICE is boreby given that tho abovo . named Wrighc O. Bmith has made an as flf^nmont to mo of all hie estate and offoots' in traet for the benoDt of all his oredit* meeting of tho creditors of i\\e> said estate is AndJPoHowlng Days. hereby convened and will bo bold at tlie oilloe of W.fe. Cummlfora.in the VillaRe of Woodslne, la the County of Bbbos, on Thursday, the Sard day of fieptaialHir, &, v. VtiW, at tho hour of ton o'clock in the forenoon, for tbo appointment of ioflpGolorn and tlie giving Of direction a with reforonco to the disposal of the said estate. All oredllorfl of tlie said estato avo hereby roqnlred to fllo their claims and value their ; .aurity by uffidavit, with voiiohors annoiod.on or before tbo USrd day ot Beptombor, A D 1607, alter which date I sbull procood to distribute tbo said estato, having rogard only to such claims aa I shall havodue notice of and proof, and I shall not be responsible for tho assets of the. Bald estate or any part thereof, to nuy' person or poriions wbnsa ola'm or claims sualt not then hayoboen flli-d, W. H. KBNNHOV, . W. S. OUMMli?OBT>, Assigueo's BOlloltor, Essox. Aesiuufo. Dated at Ennex, Hopt, 14th,,1907. f;j?,V- Ci-V- / K.':.:v'Departments';. - in all otur bfchor fer^' $$:,% :?..' . ^v- Wp'\'$':" te?i's;y*V'r,-' '- Hats, Caps.and -PurB^.-'--. KT;^-;;':;-; '. :\Mantle8'and"Oap'esl.. ('V!; . fifei::::> '- SootB and boas, M&kx';#;',/ ;, Groceries and Crpokory, f$$$;$\ r, V^ill'be found;.^ell assorliedwith Mft'tiew and seasonable iGoode; at right lOeBilv ... '., feP-^liVo"M'siit.your 'Trade, ^ '.'.' JESBex % Ooiuityi';; ""the. ;';.Grreat '-'-South. Weijj^ a^d ISii^ii^jit'S^flmlw S8fch,: 20th - and S0th;ptdmiBeB tq he one of the best Bhowflever held not only in the Xbvrn d^flex but alao in Western, Ontario/ Thle/pijoerB mi titeptors of the society are uaiug every endeavor to make this exhibition ineyery way worthy of the liberal patronage that is sure to be a<wo^ed to it wnilo the people ol Essex Town' ore doing thoir part to make it a BttcoeBB. , The indioationa/for a flrBt-olasa dis play in the more eolid departments are 0! the moat encouraging oharooter, .al ready a large number of stalls having been, engaged; the merchants and bnsi- neaBmen of Basex Towa will >ave splendid 'exhibits hi the main building where also the floral, horticultural nnd ladies' exhibita, which will undoubted ly he urf to the high standard attained in the jpaftt, will also be placed. ' Theexoellent speoial prizes offered by Hiram Walker'& Sons for dairy, and Bhorthorh cattle and for corn ; in the oar and hrtne~stalk, as well aa the very large list of Bpedial prizes offered by people in the county, give every indi cation of a large list of entries in these classes..'....' '('# ,, The grounds are. being put' in first class condition and the track will be ia excellent order for trials of Bpeedt Morale races and other amuaementB. , On Thursday, there will be quite a npniber of speoial events; for which tho special attraction committeo ia now making preparations. Exhibitors should begin preparations on Monday and have everything in order for the Judges by noon on Tues day while Uve stock and poultry pro-' viously entered may be brought in till l6'rft*n>v' the'second day.: As many wulmuls aapoHflihlo should he oxr> the grou'uds the first afternboh/ " , \V. 'D,:]3eaman, Eseox, is the secre tary, and any. iixformatdou wanted will be given by him, from wbbm also prize lists may be Obtained.', Eutrios (close on Saturday, Sept. 25th. - Public School Board. Essex, Sept. 18th. The Public School Board mot in speoial session. All the members pre- sont except Mr. Johnston. _....' A' notice was received from Inspector Muxwell stating that the amount of Logialativo Grant apportioned to school for'Colchostor,North is^8-75. Tho following bills wore presented: "Wi H. Eicharttsbn, hardware, oto., ^lv- IV; lining Brop., Pianetarinm,'i$2d; On motion of MesarB. Francis and Boamau, W.H. Richardson's bill was ordered piiidand thobill of Xiaing Bros: whs ordered'paid on or before Nov. 1st; WB. Manning, Principal of Publio School, stated'tnat the number pf pu-. pile in the several rooms were:-^-Prinoi- pa'rs room 47, Miss OaincrOn!S topm 50, Miss -aitohison'B room J>5, Miss BuSsqlls room 20; Miss Shaw's room. 67, and Miss Arnoldta room (}h. The Board thenadjourued, . . High School Notes. ; ; A meeting of tho High School football club was hold on Monday Sept. 18th., Tho following offlcera wore oleotedifor tlie present torm: See. Treaa., S'. Pizer; Captainfl, A., Gburlay and J. Edgar;,.Curator, W. Wightman, ' The following officdifl were elected for the Literary SpQiety^PreB., W, Wightman; ,Vicg Ptes. , Treoe.', M.; Walton; Beo'y, Miss M. Itourke; Editor, K. ByrpU; .^Reporter,. Miss S^ ;Wbrtie'y;::Oritio,;iJ. Executive Conimitteej IMisees J, Dewar ahd M.-Mcliae,; and Arthur G-ourlay.; " , .The. first meeting of the'sopiety;! will be\heid.^d9y..even1nV'S4^"^^ John W. polcieugh; collector of m&, tpjas at' B:^ froai^arid^eafle.: :v i'::: !\\'--ii: :> .-f'^'A-l X^a6^8orii-'MiBe^;>,iB:vcp^ moraii^d'"a^:^Sin^^ stft'nd^: atiiV'0n\'ii^onn>'; qliyeliqw'-.'ieter.^^The Fred Taylor now bos his house plaoed Httpaifton^ Mljs.ftamie^^ Mia Mary Muiray ia Berlohaly ^ poeed this week; Blood poisoning is feared. '. The vUloge turned out en masse on TVedneBday afternoon to see a monkey performance on the sidewalk. , f Quite i;nnjp^ir//:'6t;^orit!:-Ql^ie^g at- tended the I^esb>teriun Haxveet Homo festival at the Gorman Settlement last Monday night, y.Xv". ':' {,'_. -'-'.^ MissOlara Buqkborough, who has had a dresBmaking shop here for some monthB,.loft Monday night for. Wind sor, whereihe will spend afoSvdays and then go to hor home in St. George. JohnLowthor, who haa been away for some time, rotorned- to' his native village Tuesday night. Be brought back three fine ponies, which he intends exhibiting at the1 Grest Southwestern 'Fair; "" . . We heartily thank J. J. Dewhirat and Thbs, Paialey for their efforts in their respective council boards to provide a good gravel road between North and South WoddGlee. They certainly de serve the gratitude of the people. The Roman Catholics here are com mencing to erect a new church. "The work is being pushed rapidly forward under the supervision of Bev. Fr. Hodgkinson. As many as 45 loads of sand were drawn* from Belle River in one day, Theoldchuroh is to be moved away and the new pile it is to he put in the same place. ' On Saturday of last week Mr. Mous- seau, tailor of this place, sent his little boy into the house for a match to light a lamp in his Shop. In tho meantime Mrs. MousBeau had lighted the lamp/ so that when the ohild returned his matoh was not needed. but and began to play and- soon his father .saw him^pnveloped in flanios.'He rushed out in'time to save'the boy, but bad his hands severely burned. It was a narrow' escape for th<*t little fellow liots of Good ;Qobds-f"lilli liiBft yet but all prices are badly damaS K*S ,1 . * ' A^GOiVtE #. And see for yourself If you pan| find a bargain don't buy. ' ilH :'?M Windsor?^ |^ Leading Qutfilif OOB. OXJELLETTE AVE. AND SANDWICH ST -V.:^ii South Woodslee. ], The Methodist church of this place is Undorgoingrepairs^ - Eev. Mr. Saunders, of, Chicago, in. visiting Rev. W, H. Shaw.bere.; , Hiss E; Bohb, of EaBcx, paid a visit ^p/Missog Hnll' and.-' jPaui laat'Monday night. . Mrs. F. Bailey.of Jacksonville,Mioh.^ is visiting,her sistbr/Mra. O, Dawson, this week. There was a dance at Peter Johnson's last Tuesday evening... Some from.;Es sex attended. ': ; . A now sidewalk from Wright Smith's to H^ O.'Reps"'mill adds much tojthe appearance of prosperity in tow11- Jake Mitchell* Wr S. Orimmifprd, J. Mcluteer and A. yanEvery are taking in the'sights and sounds at the London Fair ihii week. The Sisters of Bpbekan, of Lily Lodge, ICingsville, paid a fraternal visit to the Sisters of Woodslee itiodge on Monday evening and were!pleasantlybntQrtained by them for a few hours. ,0, B. operator here, was married: in.Obioago Wpdnesday evenuig; ;He and his bride aroiexppctodhome this week oh a visit to friendaand relatives "here; , Jacoti Mitchell, of: South"Woodslee,' piTerH a special prize of a beautiful rook ing chair, worth &2, for the handsomest baby undor one year of age at the Great Northern Fair,, Belle River, on tho secondday of fair, the ;judges to be namod'that Jay. An eioellont reading was given by Miss Williams, mueib by. the Pixoh family, whiob- deserves .the "thanks of the community at large. Vocal music .was rendered by L/WiUioms, of North,. Bidge(land: the children of Mrs. Joseph Haynos,; The pf oe'eeds .were in'advance, of $75. '^to^e^eriit/waa./.pne'.'piE tlie mp8t successful festivals' evbr.giypn in Woodslee.-.. .' 'V :'\, . '.'.' Wbsfc niight have been a very,' seri ous aooident-happerie^. 'tb-^Bfltea.-./jD. Young, of Rochester: Tpri^ las.t; Thurfl- Bay^! evening^ She /drpveV ^ to-South Wbodslee to do;;, Bome . shopping I and, when nafcontplDry-F. R^ 'dence ,tb\e horBe took, .fright;'. at boy riding a goat andrau; pway j > .oyertur ri-; ingtheoarriage ijimdlttw^g'iwr.v/flpd,; her iin>n^; sbn'but. ^The; bhild.:bs%peftf ^rttie<B&^" -:' ;^V:"i; \v-"-.^:7i7i v;l'".' f;*;^ '^:":lVi", ', .V^"-^v ^-V V:! elegant banquet in Cummiford & Mc- Intocr'e co mm odious warerooms, which had been tastefully decorated for tho occasion with products of the forest and field. After tea was served tho crowd repaired to the church to enjoy such an intellectual feast as is seldom presented in Woodslee. Addresses were delivered by Revs.Mr.Thibadeau, ofKaidfitono; A'. MoKibbin, B. A., of Oottana; A. R. Saunders/of.Ohicago, and Mr." W. Feotham,' of Essex. Tho home of Mr, and Mrs, Dornton, a few miles fromhere, was the scene of aver jr pretty event Wednesday evening, it beingthe occasion of the marriage of their, daughter, Mamie, to Oh as Wan- del,: of pwoBBO.Mioh. Rev. W. H. Shaw performed'tlie interesting ceremony^ Among the invited guests were Mr. and Mrs, Wm.Laing, Essex. Amherstburj;. Mrsk Henry Reaume haa boon visit ing with friends in 'Cleveland. Lewis Taylor and family Bpent a fow dayS'With friends in KingsviUo this week. ":. The seven-year-old son of , M. St/ Clair, dock foreman of the D.& C. line of Detroit, was drowned shortly after 5 o*clook Sunday afternoon in the De troit River near Blade's summer resort. The body was recovered shortly after wards. Mr. St. dair-brought tho body home Monday night.: . about four years and was a univ^n favorite with all classes and denomui, tions in WalkervUle.. The'deebW'4d^rif the son of 8. H Ghent, of Hamiliphj registrar of the High aud,,&urrpj| Courts for Wentworth, and. wa^l^r'j in Hamilton about 85 years agp^J-S* waa graduated from. Hnron,'Gojl^ at London, and his first charge w^i Brampton, from which place he^S" to Walkerviile, succeeding -Re^ Holmes therev He' had ^been'^'ijlS three months but the disease; .'toslufiEr a dangerous phase duly: thi;eb'.;r^b.e) &gq. The funeral.services* ,whij^^l of a very - impreBsive'ohariictek|:^& held in St. Ma^'a'.bjawo^/WMSfej^ ^tuTda^orenobni^BeVf^'..!^^ officiating, 'iUiW^?rte Hincks, and T. B. Smith of ;AU;^|l The remains were taken {to Hflrap 1'." '. " ,' fVr.'r'-j'i for interment. '.- paquette.. N. Joues has purchased a'fine driver from R. Shuel.,, J There are a great number of. orphan oats around.here. Wirs, A. Shuel jr. loft this week , for. a visit to'relatives in Ingersoll. - . Mrs.Roadhouse and daughter Laura, visited at A. J. Shuel'^thia week. John Huggard and family visited with Thos. Huggard on Sunday last. , Mrs. James, Renshaw and Mrs. 6'Neii called On Mrs. Evoringham this week.1, ;' ......"Sandwich. ,:' A. E. Bondy has been.elected seorer trfiry-treasurer of the fire department,;.',. Mrs, Francis Hart has arrived homo after a six week's visit to relatives ^ Simobe. ,": During 'Monday night of last week-a thief raised the bedroom window of J.: Mailioux, proprietor of tho Mineral Sprin'gs hotel,, and. stolo a valuable silver watch.. ' .H. baniels, of ; Detroit,, and ; a. lady used the' sidewalks to ybeel on an$ w.erp stppried shorty. The lady was forgiven, but the man was fined ftCf.90; '/:\:-^}-:\^ ,,The cpminissipner of1 customs: has agajii placed the ban /upbh.the Petrpit: Sunday Suhw ;Any person coinirig into . ^ei,wut'. "'abie.Vp'flpe?'^ liable;.to. arre^',:ttnd\".'^iiD(iitopiiinwn^,\'^ ;alteiatiYp;'^;be;a fiih^ ;pf pOO^- /fv;^;V '^y^teV'lw;^ '^hlbh wa,B ihsljd'.'i^."^^ "p^nflionJas^'ISu^dayw^^ ;aulBi?"in(ev^y;p^^ Colchester North Council;^, Saturday; S0pt;if Hi Couribil_ met as r per;i' adjbu|^ Freseuti^'Reove^ ;D^uty^^^v^' dounblllors Brushi Cole^u^fa^^ lette. The minutes of,1 'previ6^|aj ing wore read. arid adopted,' On:fi^ clerk was authorized to' ^ite;-3STBV< Gas Oo. to attend to a leak,in tije^" at DeLowis' ^[mill' and': to pipe at the 14th con., at will he taken against them was instructed to notify. partierii^pi ested in the Campbell S;R Tn^ S. Xi. and King drains that}v^ ^ meeting of the council. will,':'Jbe1^|i Sopt. 18th at 2 p. m. todiscneath^ tion; The clerk: was instructed ^ thoBolioitor about' the ; drain' rtVoSfe south side of the nbith-townlin^lf east aS lot 5, , Mr. iRoundrng!^"* an acre of gravel at :.8?0O^afi(-Ki and the, clerk-was ms^uc^^ife the necessary papers draw^Jtfi^e|j to have U yearB to renipveith^i^ The cblleotor was;";ini[j^'d^/]K^ an. error in L.: Buttle , .taxflB;:)d,&a error ih the ^saeB8ment:'. roll,yxJE Geo; Colenutt was'> auth^iuwS^;.f a gate put'.in at the'^^ayelii^'iaj to have theipit",'drainedj:'."i;-v!Qil^ MosarB; Kennedy; Brush a!ijdt->t* wore appointed to . ex^ drain and rei>ort at nettf'ej^aS ing,. The xlerk::'-to.;ifpr^^fi*P Kennedy's letter re 'iJpti^.,?iBmj sesament .to';thiB.BbU^orVVWir^ was authorized to sel)-"ji;'&^ajOft' ditching on the'- Thpmp^bi^ll ,to the^Qah^d/ly'^^.yiiKp^^ ThOa;. Nolau*s .Btatutei, la^felM* lot;Bt S.:,M;;:^;idbw^ Frank;Nolau's.dpnp^;'i^& motion.'thb: Reeye(.;;i^!^ij^j issue his/'.bheque-\to:;'::Le^^^ >alancb';'op;!;ub^^.^>^^;^ ;andfEdgar^S:;'R^:di^ '^'BBrsV >E.en^^-cmIdl;^@i^i . nedy igfaye floj^^py-pUC^itif polipotpr ^^^re^^^JjaMr motion' theVbbilfeofer^i^i^ '^e'B^tiieVi^ ^Setin'^ai^^

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