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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, p. 7

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t,i:tt?in'i^:i$UO.:ia,^nSi:*r,)y,.'IUJ^ ASfe.^ "':- .Toronto, Out. ^geirtS' 1 dltl W *'Quon 5ViWpr$ft'!' xhauated. ffiScmW;*w8B,iBflM'bitfl>orY1,o* tho id Victorian Em published, Tbo<only ^work aaoeptau by Hor Majesty. BaloB fdimtod )tnC><)k tbo .bottom out of All vsOuwdkBmnacopmin money. Bvqu ig-tuid girts soil Itxsst. Blffcott.miBSlon or iiflht weekly salary nf tor trial trip* $TOtt BBADDBY-GAttBETBON Op'. Xi'td.; ?iVlf..^ Toronto, Ont. -- Wanted 111 A M.TO 8KLTi CANADA GHOVVTII JMLAIA" VmltftnOOnmniontal Trflon, ttba, Boaw, Bulbs andBulbouRPlaata.Grftpo eoi BmiUl JPiultB, flood Potatoofl, oto. Wo itfoVnooply the hardioBt und most popular ^tloB that auooood in th ool.lnnti olimntOB iw Mason how oouimotiohifi; oc-mploto outfit ,'salary and exponBOBpald from start for J timo. or libera) commission for part timo ^pplynow, aildrassluK nnarost offloo, and loloo of territory. fe.,' LUKK BKOTHERK COMPANY, International NursorinH, OniOAOo. Ititi., or Montubai*. Qua. lAUTCn-ASfitB for "Quoou Victoria 'AFIICU Kor Jtoljjn nnd IXainond Jubi- ". OvorUowlntt with latont aud rlohost pio- (. Contnlua tbo omlornod biography of Hor (MMeaty, with authentic HiBtory of hor ramarh- sivble XoiSn, and full account of fcho IMiUiioutl ^SbUoo. Only 1.5Q. Bi book Tremendous I* Ed and. Bonanza for agonta. Commission BO tMTicont. Orodit glvon. FrolRht paid. Outfit roe. Duty paid. Write quluk for oatllt and ftfrvftdrn Tho Dominion Company. Bopt. 7 HI Dearborn St.. Chioaco. . ___. _____________________ . me Made from G-rapes Grown In Essex County. IfBibh,'Sweet and Wholesome ' ...,$250-..- '.........For Oaso of Twoivo Bottles.......... ....80c. per Gallon-- -Delivered: Froo at Hallway Htatlou or Rxpresir $*/! in Bbbox. Wl*. ' The Amherstburg Vintage Co,, AlflUBUfiTBDUO, ONT. Tallow Wanted Ifr: a ...0...O... . ; >.Rough and ruudorod...... ......Delivered at tho .Essex Imperial Soap Works ^:V." ......B. SLOTH, PfO)>......._" ISAM (TEL DEAN, IS I?IU3FAllttt> TO UNDERTAKE , THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS Ni And Remove. NIGUT SOJLli. &)n Shorr Nonoii. FirHtOliiBB.Gioan WorK ^Oiiar'iuituod. A.tlJ'voHU Box 201, Ennox. OAIjTj at I'OIt ALL KINDS OF- . WINDOW "BLINDH Awuy.dowu. CHINAWARE. BKIO-A-BKACJ3, .FANCY GOODS,' 1 NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIER, -TOYS OF AIjL KINDS, '.BERLIN WOOL aud FINGIiHUNG YARNS. \tiNew Stock of Late Wall Paper >' Baker and Butcher- V-'c ;\'jrpnW'oltUmt bufllnoHii iu town. EotublinLio ?"'VX 16VH. 'Kirnt-olaoH brouil iiml uaUmt of ol V.VWnda. AVilrU({ naluin a tiiiuolallty. Orooorioo ^ provittiouH.Houi.fiiocI, ualt nn*'l porlt. Oonfoo r.'fionory.oraokory.RhiHnwaro, (JanuortJruitnaml " regetablort of all Hindu. Goods promptly 'io ^orodtoalliiartQOf tbo town. ,T. M. IUCKH kA 'iNTI'JU-SKVKllAt- XMIITHFOIj MEN OH ' Women to tv v^' ' r rp;j-!onrtibltS outab- fiiahod 1iCuh In Oiit-iiU Julary, 57W, payablo fdifi wooltly anil oxponui'ti. t'n^itlon pornianont. Beferonon. liliiolnHooolf-uddrcTHOclntaiiipodton- Oloop. Tljn National Star BuiUlluff, CUIoiii'O. The Coast Line to MACKINAC * MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO .New Steel Passenger Steamers , The Oreateet I^r^cctlon yet ttttalnod In , . <Joat Conntructlon Luxurious Equipment, U',i:X-,-ArtUilc Furnlshlnc', Decoration una little-* ^r-7~hnt Service, iinmniij^ tlic Iilj.*l:ci;t.decree of S'i.CQWPORT, SI>BEO AND SAFETY lilv'ti'*' || Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac 3S\\;. PET08KEY, "THn COO," MARQUETTE wm- . AND DUI.UTH. m-'h LOW RATHStoI>JcturoE(|uo Mucklnncun/ '2CHtrn, Including Ttenlsond HorttiB. Pror> W'ClcvcUnd, $ifl( Iron* Toledo, $tsi iron* IjOetroIt, $13,50. p1;.,.,' DAV'AMONIQWT SERVICE, 'pfctween Detroit and Cleveland pu:'Coiiiicclhi(f at Clewelaiid wJlH KarMest fiTraiitH for all poinU Hast, *>outh and South* ^ppt nnd at Detroit for oil points North aud jjfforthwefit,. ,.. ^MddsyTrip? June, July, August nnd Sept. Only $ty\"- .Ifcyeland;Put'in-Bay^To|edpf i-ndfer Illustrated Pamphlet. Address f;a..B0HaNTZ, a. w. * oernoiT, MtoH. Neiroii-s cie vftteiifl SI68Q] liav/ca. MdyiJ"h": -: .'- "-. &t! ^ .: itJCW 3STO. A BY-LAW to'provide-for relmbnrairiR ^ tbo Municipal Corporation of Bandwioh Booth tho sum ot 8845, or an raaoh thereof us will bo neceanary to pay Maid- Htone'q portion of tho cost of repairing the Pike Creole and Woat '.Tpwnlino Drain. Provisiontlly adopted tho 14th day of AugQ"*- 1807. AVnnnBAfl.tho Municipal Corporation of Baud- wtah South has undortalin tho work of ropair ing tho Piko Orook and Woat Townllnp Drain. ASP WllKBKAB, tho roport of A. J. Halford, T.hB., thn uiiKluoer apjwlntnd by tho said Mnnioliial Ooriioration of Ruinlwloh South to' mnko Hqrvov. plans and oetimatuB of tho DOBtof roi)<lIj;,lnrt th<i flalfl dralu Hhowath that tho whole coot of oonBtriiotlnp'tbo said drain and Vorke In 63,070, nnd that of this sum .tho M1111I- otiwl Corporation of Randwioli South ahnJl oontrlbnto tho sum of 83.1211. and tho Municipal Corporation of tboTowoBhip of aialdntonotiliall oonlnbuto tbo fltini ot 8B-J5. AMP WniciiEAfl. for provhliup funds".for tho naymonfcbyottoii or tho ahovo named Munloi- palltloBpf tholr roBpnctlvo portions of tho cost of tho said drain and works, tho said ouyluflor hasraadoauBOBsraouts lntho mannor dlrootoa hy dtatuto on tho lands and roads In tho said TownBbipn whioh.ui hla opinion, will in any way bo bouoflttod hy tbo repairing of tbo naid drains. AmpWhemdab, a copy of nald roport, pJanH, apfloifloatloiiBaud ftHBOHHrnont ho mado by tho Bald onfdnoor was, on fcho-J2nd day of Novom- bor, 1605. BOi-vod hy tho Mutiiolual Corporation of Haudwlah Houthon tho bead of tlio Muniol- pal.aorporatlotiof tho Township of Maidstone. And WmailUfl, tbo assoaauionts on lands and roads In tlio Township of Maidstone as ooutalnod In tlio Baid roporb of tho Haid oriulnporo.ro omboillod horoln and form a por tion of this by-law, ANi>WmauWAfl, tbo roport of tho saidouftl- noor on tho Haid drain and works Is as follows : To tbo Municipal Cotinoil! of tbo Township of Hsudwicb, South : GkntlidmeNi In compliance witli luBtruo- tlona rocolvod frotu you I havo made an ex amination of thn" Woat TownlinoTJmin" from tho Uiddlo Itoud, north, to Plko Orflok, I find thlsportlou of tbo drain in badly out of roirtlr anditt ontishiK Bcrloua damaco to tbo road. If tho drain Is not at onco ropalrod tba coat of re building tho road will bo very hoavy. Tho work oau now bo dono at a Binall oxiiohbo, but Iflortinlts prosout ooudltiou a now roadbod will bo roqulrod within two- years. Tho Moonoy Omflk and tho Piko Orook, tbo outlot for this drain are also badly hi wood of rim air throughout the ontlro longth, boiiiK from tbo Townlinnat No. 11, north, and wont to tlio boad of Piko Orook Drain ooiwUiidtod by tho Township of Maidstono, Portion* of tho dralu tiro entirely filled uj rosultltui In sprJous damauii to tlio adjolnluu lauds. I'or- tloiu of tho drain aro very orodkod. Tlio roBiilt 1h tlio ilow of the wntnr in Imnodfld nd a dopoalt of ullt.lodcind at oitoh bond. I rfloomnioud that thoso hondn bo straiflht- onod as shown In tho aooompanylng plan and Rpeotfloations. Tboro are loqr larno bridge ..... fa X road aud How repairing of ivy i Llritii oTortbls drain on tho lQcb canoosBlon Thcsa.brlJROH aro entirely worn ont docayoil and will not stand tho heav of. water . that .must follow tba tho drain. Tbo brldflo over tbo IJaso Lluo Is In a very poor ouutlitlon, This bridflo may bo shortened up 10 foot at tbo wast ond, aud tho old timbers up'-d in ropalrlna tho balanaa of tho bridges. I rooomrnoud that tbo work of repairing tbla drain bo done in aocordanoo with tbo followinu spootlloaUona and tho annexed plan, owing to tho nature of tho work on tho towullne, It 'should not be dono boforo next sprluc. My ostlmato of tbo ooafc of the work (cxolumvo of tbo brldtfon) bat iuoludlriK all Inoldoiital uipooBOa to tho Town- nhln in $.'1,070, Of this amouufc 1 liavo cbarped $H46aRahiHfc tho lands and roads in tho Town ship of Maldstouo that will uho thlK drain as an outlot. Tho balance of thin estimate,. SII 125, together with HM&1, tho estimated oorI or tho brl'iKnfl amountlutf iu all to 3U,fi00 t havo ohar^od asaiiiBt tho lands and roads iu Sand wich South that will bo boiioliitud . by filio drain or wilt uso tbo drain as an outlet for tlioir wn.torH. Accompanying aro Biioolfloa- tion-i fully doaarlbiuR tho work, osliinatos, Riving tho. oout in detail and a plan Rlvhig th.' depth and bottom width atoaoh Boott'ti. All of which hi rospootfully submitted. A. J. HAlilTOHI), 0, .! tnatfchounid rtiimburneolont of tho nald niitii Aim Wiri'itKAB, tjio said council aro of opinion or uiouoy la dosinblo. Tbnroforo. tho Bald Municipal Council of the Haid Towimhlp Of MiUdntouo, purnuant to tho provlHloiia of tho Draiuuifo Act, 1WJJ, ouuotfl an follow*): ......... Int. Tho nald roport, plann, Hpoolfleatlaun, as .... and the drainage work as thorolu iurlloatdd arid pta seasmouts and oBthuatus aro herohy a-loptod un work as th<_ oonutruotod in no Rot forth shall bo Viu' Uo and oordanoo throwith. 2nd. Tho Reovo of tbo said lowtishlp may borrow on the orodit of , tho . corporation of tho Bald Townnhip of Maidstone tho mini or Klfdit Hundred and Forty l-'ive Dollnra biditg uh por otiyiuoor'a ostiuiato Maidstone's portion of tbo cost of ropalrinfi tho usa1d Wont Towultuo Drain and may Isuuu debentures , of the corporation to th it amount In siims of not loaa than -W,t oaob, and payanlo within fivo years from the data thereof with interost ab tho rato of six por con turn per annum, that Is to say iu five ojual luatalmonta. suah dubonturod to bopuy ublu at tho acenoy of tho Iiuporlal Bank, at tho Town of Kssoxj and to havo attaahod to thutu ooupons'fortbo paymont of intorenb. 3rd. Por paying the sum ; of S7-14 00. tho 11 mount oharueu aftalusttho said lauds and road ror outlot liability apart from tho lands .ami roads boionalua to or 0011 trolled by tho irjunlcl- Sallty, and for oovorlnu lutoroet thoroon for vo years at tbo rato of nix por oontum per annum ; tho total Bpoolal rato over and ahovo all othor raton, shall ho aasouaod, loviod and aolleetud (In tlio same manner und at tbo mil no thno as other tii*on arii-luyiod and oollootud), njion and from tho umlornioutionodlotfi and parts of loJH.and roaiis; uud tho amount of the said total spooial rates and Interest shall bo divided Into llyo-flfihal parts and ono buoIi pari dhall bo iiHHOHHod, loviod aud 00) loo tod as aforn- nald iu oaoh year .for (Wo yours aftor tlio Until ]>asBlii(,'.of this by-law, during which the tiald dobonturoshavo to run. Soliodulo of Liande and Roads aosoasod for fcho Piko Oreok aud Woat Townlmo Brdii.. i 4-J W M (U o 3 b IU K &. ij ss 'S ' *re OS. u at jo If '0 0 a* 1 >> "' % =* IXi Bl d) -d ^ * z uJ ^ 3 > g; u . t/3 0 - *~* a> 0 aj crJ b0 0 y 0 0 13 , > O . S. T. 11. 292 u 0 pt 1 8 1 00 ' 9 19' 3 1 in 24. .201 n pt u w Qr 2" 0 25 1 18 7 '13 1 19 . 21)1 uoqr 18 12 00 2 28 11 28 2 811 290 n.wqr 18 12 00 2 28 M 28 2 8(1 29.0 w pt n 0 qv 10 2 SO 18 2 98 00 300'a pt noijr 10 ..- *~To-db. . 1 (JO . 11 90. - a K 290 h ht flO 20 00. 3 SO 23 80 1 70 2S{) u wqr 13 12 00 2 28 H 28 '2 an 2^9 n 0 qr 18 12 00' 2 28 M 28 "2 8(1 2811 h w qr 50- . 12 iiO 2 38 M 88 2 98 289 h c qr 50 12 50 2 JJB -1-1 88 2 08 2B6 n hr y 2-1 00 4 50 28 50 5 71 288 a h! 100 25 1)0 ,1 75 29-75 5 95 287 190 19 00 n 31 58 31 11 Oil 23Gaahf 98 21 ISO 1 (15 . 29 15----- - 5 83 280 0 bf 91 23 m A 15 27 95 5 59 285 100 25 00 1 75 29 7fi 5 95 10th Con. 27 38 7 00 1 33 8 3)1 1 07 28 Si. . 21 00 3 99 21 99 01 29 . 29 0 fiO 1 2! - 7 7S I 55 29 0-1. 1000 3 01 19 0-i i\ 81 28 90 22 CO 1 28 -20 78 5 3(1 N. T. It. 29n 0 pfc 50 12 50 2 38 M 88 2 98 2D2 11 opi; h hf 55 12 50 2 38 11 88 2'08 21)2 n w qr ' no 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 292 u 0 qr 50 12 f0 2 38 11 88 2 98 2!U h hf 100. 25 flo 1 75 29 75 6 95 291 n w qr 50 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 ' 21)1 u 0 qr 00 12 50 2 38 '11 88 2 9H 290 11 w qr 50 12 50 2 38 . 11 88 * 2 98 2!)0 ii 0 qu 50 12 50 2 38' M 88 -a 98 290 n W qr. 50 12 50 2 38 1-1 88 2'08 290 11 0 qr , 50 12 fO -2 38 U 88 2 98 ' 289 awqr 50 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 2fl9noqr 50 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 289 u w qr 50 ' 12 50 3 3fi M 88 2 98 2BU no qr 50 12 50 2 38 11 88' 2 98 2o8 11 w qr 50 , 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 1)8 , 288noqr - 50 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 288 u hf 100 12 50 . 2 38 11 88 2 aa. H. M. a. 1 . 70 17 50 3 33 . 20 83 4 17 2 100 25 00 21) 75 5 95 N. M. K. Is lif 100 25 00 1 75 2!) 75 5 95 . lulilii hf no 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 1 u hf n ht 50 12 50 2 38 11 88 2 98 lOtli Con. 19 . S3 8 25 1 57 I) 82 1 90 18 80 5 00 95. f> 05 1 19 17 30 5 00 95 5 95 1 19 1(1 90 5.00 95 5 95 1 19 lu 80 5 00 95 5 95 1 19 M a hf 15 2 00. ' 38 2 38 18 Talbot Dt. Gravol ltoud 22 u 00 2 0!) 13 09 2 02 Michigan Central Railway 33 10 00 3 01 . 19 04 3 81 Total ou lamia,....'....... Total /^n0'"'1^ * South Town Lino, 4711 00 8141 85 Sfl05.35 177 07 ou Itoiul, North Tuition Roucl, South Talbot Road, KMiH Hirto lloiicl, . . 9th Oonoeanicni Road South. ^Middle Road/ 101 00 19 20 120 20 24 04 .Total on Lundmtn;! Roadn 88-15 00 810 55 ^1,005 65 . $201 11 4th. For pa-ylw; tho sum of $101, fcho amount andomiod aiialuf t tho naid roudu and htlidu of tho muuIoipnHty, nnrl for oovorliu; Iniorosfc thoroon for Ilvo yoara at the rato or six per oontum yior annum, a Bpoolal rato on tho dollar, miill- olontto produoo tho roqulrod yearly lunount therofor, ulmll, ovornud ahovo all oiliorrafcoK, ho loviod itud oollootol (in the iinim) inouwor hud at tho onn-o timo on tuxen aro loviod and collootod), upon nnd from tho whole, ratable property in snid Township of Mn(dston<J. In onch year for ilvo yourfl after the final pitRfl- ini( oi this by-law, durhiff which tho mild dohou- turoHhaveto run. Ctli. Thlo by-lii\v Hhall bo publiHhod ouoo in ovory week, for fjiircousoontlvo weeha, in fcho 33nnoX 1'reo PrOBS, nowsoapor, publlflhud in tho Town Of Ebbox, aud uhull oorao into foroo upon and after tho nnal pasln^ thereof, and nlsy bo, cited tbo "VVostTownllnoIlopalrs By-lav.' M.McHDGH, . C!orl(, teteii noimisTa". - Hoove, >fa. Iheroby oovtify that tho foj-ottolne in a iruo copy of a by law provisionally adoptod hy tlio Sanlclpal cnunoll of the Hold Township of aidntono, on the fpurioenth day of August, A.D.1807. ; ' ,. --.. M.MbHUGH, < Olerkof thoMunioipalityof Maidatone. \>i- itotio^ NOTI0W Inhovohy ffivon thnitt Court of Ilo- viitlon held miruuunt to tho provisious of tho Drainutjo Act, IBOi, for the lioariti'.' nnd tiiul r.f appoals mndu rifjainiit tho ahovo' ub- HoHitmout, or any part thoriiof will hold ito Grab Town nail, RlttlniJH at tlio Town M iihlstoiiot on Saturday, tho 31th day of 8optnmbor,18'>7. at tho hour of H o'oloak In tho uftcrnoo:i, and that any portion intondlutf to api>aal against tho above awfioflflmont or ony hart thorcof,' must, not Istor than ton days before tbo tinio fixed for tlio holding.of' eaid Court, norvo on the Cleric of thlft muuloipallby n writteu notion t,t suoli appeal, or otherwise ho will bo too lata to bo. heard iu that behalf. And idHuor ,nbtioo Is herohy Kivon,that'any person intending, to have euob By-law, or any 5mrt thereof, quashed, must not later than ten lays after tbo llnal passing thereof, servo a notice In writing, upon tho Boevo or other hesd oWoar and unon tho Olerk of tbo Munici pality ' of Maldstouo, af his ,' intention to nuike application for that pnrpoBO, to the Hipb Court at Toronto, durinc the six weeks next ensuing the final passing 0] this Bylaw. ' '.'"'M.MdHTJGH/'.." , . Dated at Maidstone, this Hth Jay, of August, 1897;;; .-:r-.t :;.. -] s mmmtiaim 'i"i> m V QOWN8 ^ND SMMMttB MILLiriE^X " ' V US " '*> '..-.Vii'o^'n IN SUMMER ,__CI'N Gray the leading Color White Tolletc In rTor i*u, IJoaflhnt SUfects In GownT*oTXiht M- trlals Boas and Millinery, Tho brilliant rods, aonrlota and pur- plea with whloh tho flonaon began nro dtioidedly on thowano, nnd gray is tho color of tho moinont "Whifco toilets nro in vogno, whito grGundinos and enn- vuh hnving tho profcronce pnrhapa. A fttvui'ito uomblnutioii of ooIoth ia navy bluo nnd ({rant) gioon. . A roennt idon is that of wourin^ n pray HldrC of Hpmo wool mnieriul with a funoy wniHt of luon und ohiH'on. Tailor nmdn ulnrU nro ht'OoiidnK nar row or nnd narrow or, in oontriwfc to t lit) A I'AIUHIAN TOILKT. toilots of Jifjlilnr innttiriulH which nre, gninlng in widtli nnd bouffrmt liiVocts, duo to a nluUipHnlty of ruOIcH, tuoku and ilonucuH, MoiuiHnliuo, piquu and gowiiHof nil kiud.4 'of linuii, thick and thin,, trimnnul Willi oluntorn of tuokw. and iuHortinnn nf'Kufparo'aud kioo, aro oarryino; uwuy tho honora. It iH almont .a nocfiHHity of nmh!in that tho aklrfc b1ion Id bo trimmed, nnd a fuvorlto form iu a doop gafchorod flohuoo from tho kneo, not put~rnr fltruight, hat WUVdd, with trimmings of ln'00 -iiiKortiou nbrwo tho hem mid abovo tho ilonnuo, tlio nnuxn ttcntmout uppoarinB on tho full bodice Jfn no proviona HOitKon havo gownw boon 90 vnritid, Tlio bolero iu qnita ufl rnuoh- in fusihiou asi it linn, uvov boon. A cliariniiiK powti, which ombodloH mofifc happily tlio very latowt modos in Parte, ia carried out in holiotropo glaoo nilk, with a nkirt of quito a now slmpo, trimmed jramuMtho hem with three straight iint fiouuaoo of glnou uilk, bound with n narrow lino of black vel vet und edged with a bordor of oroam gnipurc 'Tho lawewt flomioo of tho tlireo falls over a pinked oufcruchoof ho liotropo glaco silk. The front of tho skirt ia quaintly arranged with a ladder of black v ?vct bown, Bimilnr 'bows bo- inpf also v.; .d to trim one Hido of tho bodicti. Hero again you find tho flat flounces of glace nilk bordered with blnok velvet und cream guipure, and covering tho. lower part of tho bodioo, both back and 'front. The rdhiJI nquaro yoi;o and tho long bIoovoh ato ol whito silk, boautiiiod with a very lino black Into; (ippliqno and fUiiHlicd with full frillH of satin edged white chiffon. With this fiowu in worn a'picturoHquo hat of black crinoline with a wido brim and a eoffc crown, formed of jolted Hoquin not. Tho wheel uleovo ono of the uovol- tiofi of tlio yeari literally .onoircloH tho nriri from the whoulder like t\ wheel. It in composed of tho material of, tho droHN and of Hoffc lintio. Baby bodionn of oropo do ohino or of ohiffon are inirodiioed on Hiitinfl und nillcH, both for day and evon- inu; wear. Many of the.gowwi aro hori zontally tacked all ovc;r tlio wkirfc and bodice alike. It iu tho fitHliidn to wear bona. Borne nro of lace and liomo aro of fouthorH. Feather boaH uro expected to match in color the tono of the headgear. , In millinery-ns in droHHea brilliant odlorfl aro making way for loan Htiwtling ofTeotfl, gray taking tbo lead. Tho Tarn O'Shanter ahapnu, mado in. uoffc, pliablo utraw of light blue, light sib rv^ wlIITKOIUNOLlNlC' WHITE CT1IP. OllAY STIIAW. mnuve nnd many other tonon, form most piquant hnts for pretty faooH. Many of thorn havo doublo brims, with flowerfl peopiiig botweon tho two, and all havo upstanding plumes. Tho lurgo Bailor shopp. with Apt brim and n j wreath of roses or some othor full hlown flower nnd an upstanding aigret of another col ored bloom in contraflt, is the moHt Bonernlly becoming shape of the eoason, but tho diatinguiflnirig' iiiark; of new hats ia the doublo brim, wbinh fosters additional trimmirigfl. ., ' ^AudB'yjarjnnt./' R ^OECORATIONB* rc^rnat^arTi Vnatf ia flniahed and ;fnr- niahed entirely in bind and White t Deo- orutor and ,Fornih(jr doeoribpfi auob a room in a olmrming oountry hoaap... Ita walla are hung with a delft china pat terned: paper in blno and whito, with Bhudingfl of oroam. Tba oeiling is a USB U1" :, -M_. :? ^T7iTi oad' FKKTWOnK IN KNTKANflti IIAtVM' blno white pnporwith tiny blue flowort upon it'.' There in no frieze, tho narrow whito picture- molding alouo nerving uh a eornioo. , Tho woodwork, it in ithuont needless to say, in cmumy white in tone and of an enamel ilniHh, Tho whito onumcletl furniture in oruu- moutud with quaint defligiiH in blno ilowernniid lnndKcapcH, old Dutah views, Whoro windmillp, with wido spreading saita, doninute tho ncetao. Tho whito dimity ourkuina ufc thn bed nnd windows aro looped backwith broad bluoribboiiH, nnd.a tall bluo ^imim covered Kcroon, embroidered with wliito, half hidofl tho -wufltiHtuud with its blue and white ohina toilot sot. Oa tbo floor whito matting i partially covered by a Byzan tine rug in blue and bluo gruy tones, and tho wator ooIokh ou tho wallR, tho only bitff of color in tbo room, nro framed in whito with broad white mut. 'Horffibn ia alap mado of a quito orig inal room fnruihod in tonoa of gray. Tho carpet wuh of brown and gray, the furniture in grny corduroy, tho wnlln of gray cartridge papor. Tho life- and uoftnty of tho apai'ttuont wcro aoourod by tho wator color picturon framed in gold, which ant out upon tiio wull much more oowapioupualy.than upon a back ground of ornamental dewign. Tho ah- inetand tho mantel lent additional color with tho vnaoH and tho plaquoo, and here and there wero aprnya of ilowora and atulkff of Japaucfio origin, and oven tho Inco curtains at tho window wore foHtoonodiu urtifloinl flowers, and the general rcHult wuh not only original but exceedingly bright and chocrful, Thoro wiib nothing in tho flowory treatment which auggoatfl tho milli- nory, ,but the floworn wore all of a Jap--' anoHG'c'huraotor. A branch, for inatuuoo, of applo bloflRoma conaiatod of a natural branch broken from tho troo, tho flow- era being artificial blossoms wired in. Many of tho Jupaucau impurtora huvo been bringing over thoso thingu'of late. Thoy lend color aud charm to a room or npartmont. Whether proconooivodly quiet und fiombor or unintoreatiiig and dull by ohnnce, they tiervo to enliven and beautify. Tho decorative- uao of fretwork and drapory in the Hiraplo yet nrtiatio treat ment of an entrance hall ia ivIro illuH- trfltud by tho authority hero quoted. Poeorutlvo Faaliloud. "It is found that among tlio ultra- fnshioniiblo tho lampuhade composed of ailka, UieoH and other umtoriula ia likoly to be replaced by a more expensive form namely, out glnan end spun ghn-a flhadcH," anya The- Decorator and Fur- uialior, tho Houreo of thoKo.notoa, Ah thero waa a marked ohnngo in tho troatmont of interior decorationa from atripoH, tinte and panels todadoa, fricKua, oto., at tlio timo of tiio .centennial, ao tboro now is a growing demand, rapidly spreading over tho country, for tho treat ment of walla and cbiliugH by covering thorn with fabrics, tlnw forming a per manent ground on which new and beau tiful ofYoete in fcho dooorator'a art oal) bo produced. Of recent, yonra tlio decorating by hand paintiuga of our doora has become very popular among tho fair 'flex, but nuob a procosK, while oonHiderably im proving tiio general -offoet of an artiatio room, ia not within tho roaoh of every ono,- owing to ita cost llordor MoUIh. A Borvico of phiokon or ii ragout of v*al with a border garnish of rioo makoa a prctiy dhdi'fortho table. Bor dor niolda both plain und faiioy can be purchased, .but the henfcpplan ia to have ono made to order of the bout XXX. tin, aaya a writer in tho Now tfork Tribune A aimplo paatoboard model fitted to a platter, whonld bo. teniflhod the tin-, KANCV HOUDKH MOI.I>. .' Bnfith. Tho platter for this- 'purpose should bo largo. ' Tho.mold should rest inaido tho rim.' '.' A diah of whito ohiokph f'ricassdo ifl never ho dolidioua oa whou it ia served in a rico bordor. ' To propure tho rioo for the mold, boil it'as usual, atir in butter, the yolks pf 2 eggs and a tabloopoonfril of hot ortuim. Butter tho mold, press tbo pro- pared rice in it and aet it in the heating closet under the oven.'; In ifiminutea it'wiir.be formed, enough to turn it, oat on the platter. .Diah thofricaasee or r^onfc.iq p^tqic)- al form inside the rloebordcr and jstraiii; the reduced grary ot, wlthput ionph- ingth^^'bior^w;";/. ;V ."' .. Iri Spring Timo got Pure by using B.B.B. No other remedy-possesses feufch.peVf' feet cleansing, heafint; 'and -mfrtfyrhjf properties as Burdock Blood ,Btter^:> it not only cleanses interna)ly, ,^t-,i^ heals, when applied externally,., all siires-ulcers^ abscesses, scrofulous sorts/ blotches,' eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and , pure 713 a l?ai)e,'s.' Taken intern.'Uly it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the sy'stefn,' and thoroughly regulates all the or^iins of the body, restoring the stoma* Iv and blood to healthy BBBP :FOR-THE>i' BLOOD You Can Get Ono Parlor Suite, One Bedroom Kuito; One Extortsion Table, Ono Sidoboard. Six Ohttira, One Bockor, All For -ALSO- Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings ana Everything in the Furniture Lin at Oloeo Prices tho Best Goods in, fcho Markot tlio bulk of which ia our own manufacture, there fore wo will guarantee ifcthooafc in thn Markot * * * * * . Undertaking A Specialty. Firsfc-CInaa City Hacks in attendance . whon required. :. ,-. All of the abovo to bo had at EHbOX Fumituro Waroroo'ma r J. A. HICKS & Go,, Essex; .! r1 yvi *(":' tSBOosness Is caused by torpid liver, -which jiravtrnt* diges-f er-; tlonand pormlta food.to forment and putrify In . ^ tho Ktomaoh. Then follow dUzlnesa, headache, ^'m Inaouiinii, norvousnesit, and, Ii not roliovod, bilious fovor or'blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate tlio atonmoh, rouso tbo liver, euro hondaolio, dizziness, con- atlpntlon, oto. art cents. Hold by nil drugjjistg. Iho only IMlla to tako with Hood's Baruaparluo. ' & New Bakery. "Hi- I bog to inform tho citizoufi of Eshcx and vicinity that I havo Oponod a Bakory at niy roaidonoo, Victoria St., ' ' vvLovq citn bo found a. full line of . /...,. k : BAKER'S GOODS, .1 Bake tho Detroit colobral* edBomo-Mado Broad," wlm-h ib tlio lafcesfc and moat appo-'. tiding. Patrons can obtain; . tbia ijroad by calling'at. WILKINSON'S .# # GROCERY. . # Ho is handling tho goods for Please Give Me a Trial ' and bo oonvmoed thafcloan auit you. Goods will be Frosh aa nay wui>on goes to all parte of tlio town evorx morning. . ;; IS* Wadding Cakes Wapeoi- .'. -.alfcy. WESLEY 'BURD13K; ."' MX t;:A li.'Xli PORES COLIC, CHOLErAlOHqiil "

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