TEST - IPR records

Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 10, 1897, p. 3

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llllllll1!!! I ll ll II II I I l' II III............ .11 III I II I -11. I 111 I I 1.1 .1) i . I. . II l.l I I....... MM. hi .l| .1) lit >j ^' Fji,.j-jii^ LP.iiiiifiiMiiii-l.iiriiiii . ii..jii mi; iin'm . *# GK HEADACHE ,, Positively oared by these Xittlo Pills. Ji^;-; They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, H^.'->'Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. fe^lhTect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongua $$$,..; JPain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. , They Sfevi. Regutato the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. If Small Pill. Small Dose. ^::-" Small Price. $j^ Substitution g^' ; the fraud of tho day. ; See you get Carters, fcv;:. Ask for Carter's, fe\ Sr( Insist and demand ' Carter's Little Liver Pills- 'deptember.TCeattier. The Popular Jaokofc Winter. for 3SToxt Pv'.' "Tho fcendouoy of the winter juoltut \a ~ toward tho btouno rffoot, which iy obtained by darU," wnturt Isabel A. Malloii in tho . September tisidiua' IIooiu Jourmd. "Yokou, , oollurH, ouff-, nipin<;a it) fur, whether it bo mink, Poraiau luub, erruii'tj, uublu, silver and.bluok fox, or moukoy, will bo popular. Velvet nJ uillt brawl of n]l widthh urn ; much adL'd. Satlu olotb in roally tho no velty, of the day, and obtains in heliotrope, green, raoda, fjfjk'ou-browu, Hilvor-^ray, l|.:'.', ".. royal blno, dovo and Lincoln ftruon. On chio aro been, not only tho fur dncoratlonti > xnentiQuod, but alo1) a vury thick, o'oarho, blaok, woollon braid,, and tiny fltrapH of /-.leather tnutohiuu or ountruHtinii with .tho . olotb iu oollor, Collars contiuuo hi^h, aro gored aud undulating, and may bo. lined with far, volvot or Iuoo. Wnttouu offectu are seen^ Oapoa will eoutinuii to bo worn. TJie novelty in trioiminy i a ilounoo of the Bamo material about tho odgue, doB- The following data, oovcring, a period of 28 yeare, has bcea boropiled from the weather bureau records at Port Huron, ehowing the condition of the weather for tho mouth of September:' Mean or normal temperature, 01 de grees. The warmest month was that of 1881, with an average of 00 dogroofl. Tho coldest mouth wob that of 1671),with an average of 57 decreed. The highest temperature was 1)7 degrees on Sept. 0,.1H81. Tho lowest temporature ,wne 31 degreeH on Sept; 25,1870. Avorage date on which first killing froai ooourrod n autumn, Oat, 7. Averugo dutooti which last killing' frost occurred iu Hpriug, May 7. Avorago rain fall for the month, 3.(59 iuobofl. Avorage number of duyB xvitli .01 of an inch or mora,' 10, Thn gruatost monthly jirompitation wae 6.-18 inoheH iu 1878. ^ Tho loast monthly prcoipitatiou Was 0,28 inches m 1(177. Tho grcatot amount of precipitation re. cordod m uuy 'Ji conHeoutiVo hours was a.02 inohoH on Supt. 12 and.IB, 1892- Avorage number of oloardaya, 10; partly cloudy duyB, Itt; cloudy days, 7, Tho prevailing winds have boon from the houUi. Tho hifjhoHfc velocity of thu wind was -(0 miloo, from tho couth on Supfc. 20, 1878. A PIUSAOHEll'S BTOHY. liilta Other Mortals ho fell u Victim to Dib- eaye. Dr. Agnow'a Oatarrhal lewder was tho Agent wbi.uh KeHiored him to Hottlth and ho Gladly Allows hiu unmo to bo UHod. in Tolling it that otliors may bo BenetHod too, Rov. Ohas- E. Whitoombo, Roofcor of St. Mattbow'H Episcopal Ohurch.and Principal of St. Matthew's Church School, Hamilton was a tfruafc aufferer. Dr. Afluow's Catarrhal Powder cured him, and ho now proclaims to the world that as a safe, uJmplo and cortain-ouru it baa no ofjual.lt .never failH to roliovo.oatarrh in ton min utes, mid cures permanently. .'.. Sold by J. Thorno. ,' .- '" . The soft, fine white flour will not give aa largo anamounc of maaoIo,bono or nerve* making food -ae- the whole, wheat flonr, which ooubtitntos in itself a complete life- Btifltainor, In solcoting floar chooBO that' wbioh Is dark In color and free from bran, The bent broud Hoars in the market uro of ayollowish-whito tinge, rather granulat ed, and do.not easily pack. They make a strong and elastic dough. Though uoi whole wheat flours they are decidedly the best of white brands. After selecting the bost of the white brauds. After seleotlng the Hour the next important thing Is to have a good, stroug, sweet and pure yeast. Theco'mpresued oakes aro good and con. vouiont, and will do the work much more quickly thau ten times the amount of bomo'mado or baker's yoast, When sot* ting broad to rise tttaml your broad-pan in another of warm wator; cover tho two so that the moisture will pass over tho top of the dough at au ovon temperature of seventy-nvo degrees X^ahroaUoit. Ladioh' Homo Journal. tef." oribod by the French modiste round,'" ILH (0Ut 111 it'!..'. Thoie is nothing to proveut anyone oou- oootmga mixture und calling it "nursapa. rilla," and there is nothing to provout any one spondiaggood money tOHtingtbo Httiff; '$y\ but prudent people, who wish to bo sure of, thiB remody, take only Ayor's Saroapa- rilla, aud bo got Qurcd. ,, Wise Men Know , It is folly to build upon a poor founda tion, cither in architecture or m health. A foundation of sand is insoouro, and to deaden symptoms by narcotics or uorvo bompouudu is equally dniigoroun and de ceptive. Tho true way to build up health ih to make your blood pure, rioii and /nourishing by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.' Hood's Pills aot oasily and promptly on fcbo liyor'and bowels. Cure side hoadacho. Tho moat aaroful uducatiou ui tho world can onlydiroot for tlio timu it eaatiot ohaugo tho inner current by which wo Bhapo our ooui'mo. \Vo must all .mitko or rxiar ouraolvos by that nelf-oducatlon, that moral ohoiou of good or ovil, which Is tho real individuality of oaoh. Aud aa wo choose ho muHfc w.Q live, aod abidj by tho rosultH of what wo do, us woll as of what we aro; Tho faefc of cannot bo young. too much those flxod ro-iqlta improHsod ou tho 100% isoucr. M.ilburn'ti Heart and Nurvo Pilln aro : curing heart and uorvo troubles iii every ; city, town and, viUa^o in Canada, 'IMrn, P; Abboyj Toronto, says, "Militurn'ti XJCeart imd Korvu Pills uured my hUHbaud '.' .who had for iUceuii years o'tiffored with weak'noL'ViiH.oiiused by iioiirt .trouble,, Ho' was subject to palna in bin head, dizzineaa - and fainting spelln, idc^plohnnons, etc. Uo ' 'in now frco from tbouo troubles, und"feels .' 100% bolter" than wbon ho began using 'tfae-plilu/*' ' i A short time ago tin old lady wont on ' 'board.Nelson's llagship, the Victory. Tho /'different objects of interest worn duly : shown to hoe, and, on roaohing tho -spot ,.. where tho groat naval horo was wounded '. :-~-which is marked by a raisod brass plate tho. ouiotir said to her, "Horo Nelnon . fell," "And no wonder," oxclaimcd . tho ;, old lady "I nearly fell tuoro myseU 1 "'.' "' Ayer's Hair vigor tones., .up tho weak httir-roots/sbimulatu& tho voanols and Mh- buob winch supply the hair with nutrition, WU- atrengtbenfl the hair itself, and adds .tlio |jW:,:oxl which keeps 'tho Bhafts. ooft, lustrous, W;, and silky. Tho most popular and valuablo "" " preparation in the world. ;v-' ^aniit Oandy. y,:- Mo every half pint of poanuts shelled ^^ftnd blanohed nse one enp each of molasses M:iB^8ngar.; Boil BUgar and molasses to- fe^ther until it'beoomeB brittle when drop- gjpqoVinto;oold water. Stir1 in 'ube peannta ^FfnBV'bfl'ore taking from the fite. Poor in- fe^o pottered pans ilod with a sharp knife Emark off into Rtioke beforo it cools., ' \------------ 7 \cures biowhiiis,. Last weak an important obango was made iu tho periodicals which have idonti- ilod themBolves with Prtsbytorians in Can ada, The Canadian Presbyteriau and the Westminister have amalgamated. For moro thau twonty-iivo .years tho formor bas'spokeu for tho denomination and ropro- sonted the bast tliotight of tho church. Loss than three yoaro ago tho latter was established, taking tho more ambitious magazine--'form. Thoso two havo now joiuod forcoB under tho uamo of Tho West. roiniBtor, which adopts tho loading foa- titrou of both publications. WONDKKFUL. Pilcu Cured in 3 to 0 Nights Itohing Burning Skin Dieoauea Holicvod iu olo day. Dr. Agnow's Ointmont will euro all cases of itohing pilos in from throe to six- nights. Ono application brings comfort. Far blind and blooding piles it ii poorlcHH. Also ourofj tetter,., unit rhoum, oczoma, harbor's itoh and all ornpbiona of tho akin. roliovou in a day. !15 oonta. Sold by .KThoruo. Balanced. A farmer wan in tho habit of selling Jus butter .to tho old woman who kopt tho vil - ln(/c shop, and who suppliod him with oandlos. Ho thought however that for Buvoral weeks his oandlos had boon nhort iu weight, and ho told the old woman of it. "Mebbo they,uro, lad mobbo thoy'ronot," tho flhop-keopor replied. "Anyhow, I alius uhob a pound of your bnttor aa a weight when 1 puts 'era up," Tlio farmer at onco concluded that tho weight was satisfactory. HsUryard'N Vollow Oilw Tho grout pain cure. Used oxtovnally euros rhoumatisni, dwellings, sprains, brumes, Htiffuess, pam aod aaroneSH of every dciicription. Inturnally used it auroii croup, polds/hore throat, boiu'tjonoau, nothrna, brpiicbitis, qninsy, cto. Prioo 25o. Hold by all druggiHts. Tlio total mumbership of the Mothodiet iihurch in Cunuda and ' Xowfouhdland ih 27a,i:i0 an incroase oi' 5,7-1-1 over laat year, and a net in urease of 107,3C3 sinoo 1881). A Scotchman in Chicago writes an in dignant pretest against calling the Scot, tish poot 'Bobbie" Burns. He puiuts out that ho was "Robin" to his leal frionds and his swocthoavtH, and to his boon com- paulohii ho was "Rab." Tho indignant protoHtor asks: If-"Bobbio Burns, why not "HuuitM AuHtm, and "Billy" Shakes* poaro, and "Johnnio" Miltoij ? Tho victorlos of Hood's Sarsuparilla over all : ForniH of disbaHo Conclusively prove That it is an unequalled Blood puriflflr. Itconquora The demon, Sorofula,'.' Itolioves the itclimg and burning of salt rheum, cures running sores,.' ulcers, boils, pimples, aud every other form of humor or disease originating in impure blood, The euros by Hood's Barsaparillaaro euros abnoluta, permanent, porfoot cares., They are based apon Uh groat power to purify und enrich the blood. * , Pallid faces indicate pale, thin bleed. Booy oheeka show the puro^ rich blood: re- eultingfrom taking^Hood'e Sarsaparilla. / . '., Thai Uaiking cougUian ,b& quickly curing \6y wing Hagyartti Pectoral Balsam*'. Price '&*{: v-!:...:i> ' 'They have done mo auy amount of good," tfero tho words of Mr. Nolson Oreoii, Gait, Out., in speaking of his roaouo from kidnoy aud urinary dlflloulty by tho ubo of Doau's Kidney Pills. Mr. Green Hayuthat ho'only tried them out of curio sity, but it was a lucky experiment,. for Doau's Pills made a complete ouro iu his oaso. Ho is now a cured mau, fooling Htroug, woll and in good spirits. Boat Fruit Troos for Shade.. Tho doulzeuH of towns find tbo pear.one of tho most satisfactory fruit troos for shade. It is deep rooting and many other things may bo successfully grown right up to their trunks, luseats trouble them little. ' Thoy grow rather fast, but it is raatiy years before thoy got an objootibu* ably large nizo. The apple makes a spread ing head, and there is soon shade under itu brandies, and besides, th'a boauty of its blossoms in spring makes tho treo ap preciated fully equal to a moruly ornamon- talono. It is not a very sorious robber of tho soil. Tho cherry makes a dosirablo shade but birds make too free with the fruit, and there is tho temptation to break branchns. The sour or pio cherries aro, however, not roliahodbxhirdS^- Karopoau Walnut trees grow rathor slowly. It is usually ,ten years before thoy produbo nuts in any quantity, but after thU they are regarded aa troasuroa with which thoir ownors would not willingly part. For utility and gracoful ahado combined few troos oau rival them. Ladies' Homo Journal, A BHOJft* TAL.K. On A Sorloti* subject. . Una Acid. , Tho name of. a torr^blo*pulson.* It is formed In the human Bystem. And oausofl rhaumatism,^soiatioa( head' ache, and kidnoy troubles. The work of thn kiduewe isjto remove'lt. If they are overworked thoy'ail to do^so. Then troublo begins, It gets worse aud worse. Help the kidueys to do their work, Doau's Kidney Pills are true kidnoy helpers. They ouro all kidney troubles. Chase the uria acid out of the system. Mr. Jamus Guess, |8r,, woll jjkuown iu Eflaox, has this to say (about Dean's 'Kid noy Pills : "For many years 1 have bad terrible pain and-lamonoss in my back caused un doubtedly by kidney troublo. The uriuo was highly aolorod with a groat deal of sediment, and I was also afflicted with ovore neuralgia pains in my head, dizzi ness, aleoplossuofls, fluttering of tho heart, shortness of breath, oto, "Many a night I waa so bad ihat'l dared not Uo down, and as a nmttor of faot I was In a terrible oonditiou, oomplotely worn- out, and debilitated. "I commenced tho u'so of Doau's Kidney Pilla which Igot from Mr.. Shorrm'u drug store, aud can say that they arc-a great kidnoy and heart mtdiclno, as woll aa an excellent tonic. "I have boon getting bettor over since, I began to take thorn two. mouths ago, and to-day have no back or urinary troubles, Thoy havo aluo roiuovod all tho heart troubles from whioh I sufforod and I heartily recommend this valuable modi- oiao as a specific for all forms' of kidnoy complaint." Dolicious Boston Brown Broad. In her cooking lesson in tlio LudioH' Homo Journal Mrs. S..T, Roror writos of "Broada and Brcad-Mnkingi" and gives this, hor favorite, formula for making Bos- ton brown bread; "Mix two cups ot Yan kee rye meal, one cup of grsnulutod yellow Indian meal, and ono oup of whole wheat flour. Add a toaspooniuT of salt, and sift. Difloolvo a lovol toaspoonful of soda in about two . tabicspooufuls of warm wator; add it to one and u, half pints of thick sour milk, or buttermilk. Than add to this one oup of molasses. When thoroughly blond- od pour it over tho dry ingrodioutn and mix thoroughly. Pour iuto a groaned two. (junrt brown broad mould, put on tho hd tightly and steam continuously for ftvo hours. Lift tho lid, allowing tho broad to cool, and at serving time baKo for thirty minutoH." GOOD WOMAN BAD HBART. Whon Could tho Lifo of a Loved ono ho moro Uncertain than whon Attacked by Heart Ih'nouBO ? If you havo a Hint 0 it Havo Dr. Agoow's Cure for tho Heart Always at Hand, it is the only Romedy which can Uoliovo you in 110 Minutos and Cure you Permanently. "Thin is tooortify that my wife has boon a sufferer from heart diseaHo for over twenty years. After having tried doetorH and roraodios innumerable' without Vjeno- Ut I procured two bottloH of Dr, Agnow's Cure foi tho Heart, and hIio ban received more bonellt from it than from all tlio doctors and all tho cures used horotoforo. I am pluiiHod ,lo certify to tlio oxaolluiico of this wonderful romedy. AARON NICHOLS, . Potorboro', Smith Tp." Sold by ,). Thorno. ^..... ' Good N.ows- from South Dakota- Booth Daitota has thousands of acros of choice farming and ranch land lying oast of the Mlsuouri Rivor, and within 1 days ride from Chicago to Mllwuukee whioh can bo bought roaaonably cheap, but which bo. fore tho oud of uuothor year. may. -bo adr vanood in.prico, Tho HtocU.raisingindufitryin' South Da kota in profitabloi and eastern capital is now boini* investod' iu cattle .-and sbeop growiug iu that'state, - . ' Divcrnflodrarming, the crowing of live atook, and tho products of the dairy,'are plaoing South Dakota formoHt in the ranks oC the successful Woateru States. Those uoairlng full informatiou on the subject, and partioularly thoso who wiBh to seek a new home or purchase land, are raquontod to oorreapond with A. ,f: Taylor, Ounadiau PasaQDRer Agent, i) King street; EftBt, Toronto, Ont.( - , Dr. %tnt?s pUasant Worm Syrup removes ViOrinshfi&i'kiuisfrQin children or adult?. - - , According to law, a lady wltneas' must ber tratbluloeBB. To Mako Oaramol Oustai'd. - For air ordinary/i::od ousfcards molt six tablospoonfuls of sugar, stirring carefully to prevent burning. Pour iuto tho bottom of tbo custard oups, give each u sort of whirl that the Bdgar m>iy also line tho sides, Beat three eggs without separating; add three tablespoons ot ftugar, half a toa- Bpoonful of vamlla, and a oup and a half of milk. Bbir until tho sugar is dis solved; pour tbo mixture into the cups ou top of tlio caramel. Stand m a baklug- pan half filled with wator, aud cookiu the oven fifteen minutes. Turn whilo hot from tho oups. Borvo cold. Ladioa' Homo Journal. The VVouAor of tho Ago- Dvah Sms, I must bonoatly say that I have tried your valuablo medicine B.B.B, for the disease Called prairie itch, and havo found this remody to be the wonder of the age, I took only throo bottles and to my groat satiftfuotiou was completely cured, I can highly roaommond it to all who suffor from any skin disease or im purity, of the blood, HAKonn Dix, Rat Portage, Ont. Wires a Protootion Against Light ning'. "People living iu oitioo aro prone to be- Iiovo that the increasing number of tele- phono, tolograph and trolley wires increase tho danger from olootric atorms," writoa Edward W. Bok iu thoBoptombor LadioB' Homo, Journal, "On tho. contrary, tho maxo of wires is a protection, aud Iohhouh tbo danger, since it is shown and whero tbowiroy attract tho electricity thoy hold it, tho discharge ia only at the ond of the wires in tho central station. Tho fact is that of tho two hundred lightning accidents overy year only au avorage of forty . occur in the cities. The trees in tbo country are a far greater danger ; they aooount for tho proportion of four casoa m tho country to ono in tho city." Proof from tlio lboo]>lo/ Coo. Bnauin, luiasiouary for tho loiter- national Mission in Algoma and North- VVoot, Ho writes: 'I wish to nay that JJr. Powler'h Jilxtruct of Wild Htrawborry. bun boon to mo a woudorful, soothing, speedy and off actual romcaiy. It has boon my-companion for nuveral yoaro during tho labors and (ixj^csurtiH of rr.y missionary work in Algoma, Well it is for old and young to have it in store against'tho time of nocd, which no often comes without warning. Quo. BilhKiK, Missionary, Toronto, Out, "I must aay, dearout" aai4 tho young man in a tentative way, "that you or um-rsolentifloally for a girl who never kissed anolhor man." *'I suppose,"said thoyouug lady m tbo ease, "that I munt have bad Home practice in a previous incarnation'. Don't y.ou think HO?" Thoy Do Good Work. The following letter .tells what (people think about.Luxa Liver Pills: Dear Sirs, I gladly toatify to the vir tues of liaxa Liver Pills,; X uW to be troubled with severe headaches and, con stipation for along time, and, took these pills hoping for a cure, and ray hopes were rapidly fulfilled. I have found them a never failing remody and heartily reoom- mend them. f .,.'.. ,.' Sigueo),.'/;'. \Mi$sS.,LAWt3oy,. '.'.'..; i MonbtpniNiB/' "' ', 1 I-I-B'l .1 - ^: t THOUSMIOSIhcW, -?J 'lhftfffnoraneaofearjyntitb. men. middle nffod men and old men eon look uw* wf^.<| hood days or early'manhood with'a righ of romone.' | or later on b mlMpont llfo an "ooe of the beya" ho i n-t i^w.lafo'JnjwiJatftMr. SELF ABOSEiaatorriblo'afn giihwtmi(bw i will brtnK n rich JmrrwL Blood and Prlvata DbaM< bod tbo very I|fo and- vitality, \ri i *H vlum. Our NBW METHOD T1UCATB1BNT whf poBltWoly core oU tlw ieVlow^* $ VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY^ . _....... K nut H SYPHILIS. 8TRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK NES8, PIMPLES, LOST MAMHOOD, UNNAtURAt DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. flOC Vnil OHBllVOtI8oii(lrtiipon(loiiti'woiikorc]oWlllntl! tlted mornlngBi hof ., H111, I U U I BmWtlon Ufolwi momorr pours a[Lr fatigued] .xoltnbte otid IrrlV , 1ft UUiInt.cyoH aunkon, rod and blarrod; plniptiinon faao; tlrrame imd iiiht tutiMfit; reut- M I"<.; varlou- colli: dnlKmitln nrinaond draJnn nt uUhA; dlBtrnetfi]!; want of cuufidonce; look of 1 noroyund BtnoatCm/e OAN' OURB YOU OR ASK MO PAY. ' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL S k HATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. fe^S&^^^K n 'i'^wui imd xmrvo tonioH by tlio BCor without honoflt; oniiaaloneaitd<WDiiiBlQoreaBod. o 1 Wi'iuitji a norvoae wrook. A frhmd who bad hojonrwl byHOrB. Kennody dc Keruan Q .if 11 uiiuilur ttlHoaon, oiWIhJkI mo to try thorn, I did bo and In two mouth h waapoailfVe- f' lyoored. Thin wan elwbtyoure oho, I am now marrIM and havo two heulthr aMla- roe." !. "VnHeooHlomadolIfomlfloroblo. I was wonk and w% _ _ ____, __ .. _ , norvona.dyoflBonkou.baiiafallnBOOlotT, bair Uiin/' U ikj omDitlon. Tli Ooldon Monitor' oi>onod my oyea. Tlio Now Method Treatment of Dm. Kennody and JLergan eorud mo In a fow woelu. I. h, PBTiEItSON, Ioolo, ItBON Mlntes bia experieneo, "I Uvod en CURED, 'Golaon Uonlt S EMISSIONS CURED. J-S^.M2 ?,-<mkonl tno physionlly, eoxnaUy and men into '<lallno' CoonBninptlon.^ t Kertfit. utiJ pap lV K(irnn, foil Into my hauda. piMxl my vltall .. ._ _ frioiuh) think I wan aurod of onmmin Ur and mentnll Knally Tho Go jUnchooli lenruod an early habit.whteH tntnllr. Family doctors aid* " ' Tho Golden Monitor,' edited nod tho TRUTH and tha OA Mow Method Treatment and notion. 1 havo sont thorn many ,__________ . Mdttiod Treatmont BuppUe* vigor, vitality and Family doctors oald 1 was Kulotf &a Monitor,' edited by Dn. Kennody , ______ I lenrnedtho TRUTH and Oio OATJHBJ. Helf-abtWft I my vitality, i took tlio Mow Method Treatment and was oared. My naiininotlon. J havo sont thorn many patiento. all of whom woro curod- Tuolr Now - -- __ mnnhood." m i':/-:':-S S CVPHI1IC PIIDPn UThln torrlblo blood disoaro won in my nyntflm for olght. S .' -:1r$8 vm uirillLlw UUntUi yoarn, uiul Uikoumorotiryfor twoyoai-H, bnt thodisoatto Zm ' :A*m J returned Kjoh rod, iilmplos and blotohorton Uio nkln, tdoors In tho tnoatti and on ES '. ""'^'"31 . . ipl ... . _____ ____ toDtmo, bono palntL falling out of heir. weaJmoufl, oto. My brother, who bad been nttrwl of OUot'ana Htrlotaro by tint. Kennody and Korean, rooommended tliom. Tliuy ourod mo in a fi)w wooka, and I thank God I ooOBttlUyJ Lhem- No rotaru of tho (lioouBo la Ix yoara." W, K M., Jockaon. I 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200.000 CURBD. WO RISK. R S l# RFAnPR! Art yea n vlotlm? Havo yon lonfc hope? Aro yon contoraplatliiff U llLrlML.1 ll inarrioiro? Jiru* yoar blood IwondlBenHod? llnvo yoa any woakxiMa? H !-* Onr Now Method Treatmont will euro yon. What It hay done for otliora it will do for V W yoa. CONSULTATION FREE* No mattor who has troatod yon, Wrlto for on honeat *** opinion Froo of (hiu-Bo. Chargoa tooneuablo. BOOKfl FREE. *T.'ho Goldoa Monitor" (UhiHtrtitod), on DlaeiLHoa of Mon.Iimloflo posteae, 2 oonU. ' Henlwh tjr*NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATES. Nomedlolnesent CO. D. No names on boxes or envel opes. : Everything: confidential* Question list and coot of Treatment FRE. _______. -. M I DRS.KENNEDY & KERGAN,ND0S!,LSro1.T e LAING BEOS., ......Dealers In All Kinds of....... Screen Hoofs and inTindows. Cisterns, $7!00 and^ Up. Bee-Hives (Standard Size) 5Qc Each. IISTETWIEST And Latest Designs m Vernndali and Gable Ornamenta;.'^! SssSEX, OUT . '.-"'rT'i^'j?^ BUY a Stove until yon!sg| the new stock at i-V: StBiA* . 'ii\i ,'y i.>.ys<* ."-.'mfm ' :' -l^.F^i '-."'V-.iiVia'M See the Oxfbjd's Stoves, Besti ill the WoHU.- ^W by the Q-mrpey Foundry Go.,! o TQihntof v'(bfttfc^g&9p. OQal). ' We have them in Stock;-"'Our^prices^arevtfiel$5p - :W-V\^^ GenerJ;Tirismithihg-ahd^Hpairin 97

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