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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 3, 1897, p. 8

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i'. V'l :"'.v'3 .sVSi*K ,; spur i^oniach, lndigeBtlon *rt promptly They do their Work I U7 w^ny' and' thoroogWy. E-VllMi sitar, dinner pills. Kfr W.'V-iltpMtd' y CV IT Hood A Co.t Lowdll, Man -Jv 5'. Th ODbr pill to takfl wtLh Hood's Bars ft par 111*. Some Few Commandments. wtv y. .'VrThoa flbaU not o away from home j^ijtoflb thy trading, thou nor thy boob nor s^^ttiy daughters. fe'-l't'-'- 2.'Tnou ahalt pafcronizo thino owe mar- vohanta, also the priutor, and they shall p 'I' patronize theo. Malto haBto, therefore, 0$ih and purchase that which will oauo thy cbuuteuanoo to uhiue with intelligonoo and $?/}" bring prosperity to hoth. 8. Thou Blialt nut ehU fqrorodlb, aH^uadu morohuut'ti hoart ia Hia ohiMrou olutnor ' cost mouoy and the Wourled with bills, ^i dally for bread, and hiH wife abidoih at the homo for wmat of raiment as adorneth her sisters. Thrioo bloHHod ih the man ^*i,>. who paysoanh. <:V!x < 4. Thou ahalfc employ thine own ino- Johauiott that they bo not urivuu from their ome to find broad (or-thoir littlo oudn. Thon ehalt also oaimitlor him that Ih thy 1 neighbor above thorn that dwulloth ) a strange town. 6. "Thou ahalt hot ask for reduced priooH for thy influence, for behold guild in in thy heart, and thu murohuut roaduth it liko au open book, ho laugha fchue to Boom and ehoutotli to liin olurlt, lia'l 1ml 0. Thou fdmlt do whatever lioth iti thy. power to euoourago aad promote tho wel fare of thy town, thino owu poo pi o. 7, Thou flhult iipoud thy niiriiini>fi =it home that tboy may rotnru, from vuhoucu they oaruo, and Hive uouriHhmout to Biioh ae thoy com:t aftor theo. 8. Tbou Hhult not auffur tho voloo o( pride-to ovoroomo thoo, and if otber towns entico thoo, harlu>ii nob unto thom, for thou roayeat bo doomved. !). Thou ehalb not hoar faino wUuorh agaiuafc tho town whoroiu thou dwolloHt, but speak wo 11 of it to all noun. taeaof LoxaLiVer Pille. I need to be; troubled with severe headaches and con. etipatlon for along time, and took these pi 11 a hoping for a care, and my hopes were rapidly fulfilled. I have found them a never failing remedy and heartily reoolh- montHhero. Signed, Mibb 8,-La.wbow, Monoton, N.B. Sending a CMid by Modi. A novol parool for delivery by express pont wuh handed in at Birmingham post oflloo. A working man, who had been out of town with hie tbroo-yoar-old ohild, arrived at Birmingham in time to roach his plaoo of bUBinoBR) bat not iu aufnoient time to tako tho child home. He therefore walkod Into the nearest postoflloo and teudorod the youngetbr as an express par- oel. The uuthoritiee, under the ra|o re gulating tho delivery of live annuals, accepted tho child, and duly dehvored it at the.charge of nine ponoo. Tho \Voiid<sr of. tho Age. Did ah' Sine, 1 muufc honestly say that I havo tried your valuable rnodloine B.B.B. for the diiioiiHu called prairie itohf and have found this remedy to bo the woniJor of thn ao. I took only three' bottles and tp my groat oaUhfa'otiou wa oomplotely curod. I oan highly recommend it to all who Htiffor from nuy.Hkln vIihoubq or im purity of tho blood. EfAiioiii* Dix, Bat Portage; Out. te-- \. ' C. W 0 I '& $x ' UucyarA'H Yellow OiK The groat pain ouro. Utiod oxtornally oures rheumatism. Hwollin^s, Hpraiut), bruiflea, HtilTueHH, pam and soroness of every dosoription, Intorually uuod it ourea oroun, oolds, Horo throat, lioarnonosH, aathuia, btonohitie, quinsy, oto.-l^i?itffr-doo.( gold by all drug^iHtu, IS-.' Buropo's Wheat Supply An oxtonaivo onquiry into Earopoan crop oouditiouB, c'ouduoted by the Orauyo Judgo ayndiaato of agricultural ptiporo, indicatoB that tho food crop situation abroad is indeed gravo. fiutimuton o' iEutopo (luoluding En^lanci'D) uqoIIh of ;'V'-W,whoat of imports r&ngo all tho wiiy from 1 ,!BOO,006,000 to-100,000,000 buBhola. Europo'u I wheat orop for 1805 and 18'J!1 avorugo about 1,500,000,600 buaholfl. la tho fum- ino year of 1891 iti wau 1,200,000,000. Tho ", improHsion IB gaining ground thatKuropo'a '.-. wheat crop this yoar in ovon. Iohh than m .1891* But this is nofi tho worab of it. " ^uropo usually'produaoa as much ryo an o does whoat. It iti tho broad grain of o maBBOH, Tho ryo orop ol tho principal Buropoan oountrion (Ituaaia, Gormauy, Ffanoo, Austria, Bulgariat Boaraania and Italy, and tho low uouiitrio.fi and Swaddu) ha averaged about 1,300,000,000 husliplfl annually for 1800,. 1805, I8IU and 181)3. .This aouflou.thn ryo crop of tlioHo'countrinfi caunot mu'jh oxoood 875,000,000 buuholn. \\-ftfc v,"_ -- !_ #" PV'1 Tho govornuaont of Groat Britain has made arrangotnoiitH with certain team- ship linos that in tho oyont of. thoiv boiug noedod, oortaiu of tho merchant vohhoIh ownod by bhcop linos nhall bo put into oom- miaaiou asurmod oniiHoru. Tho govern ment of Groat Britaiu paya thooo iiloara- ship aompanioa a oortaiu num yearly that ,';it may havo tho nglit to call out, at "any , tirao, any of their vouaols that may bo ' needed. Xo soo liow tmcoBBfully thin plan : would work, navoral morahanfcrnon woro ordered to Ot'out as gunboats, and tako part iji'tho ' grout naval review of tho i Queen's Diamond Jubiloo. Cno of thooo yessolB, the Teutonic, of tho White .Star Lino, ou lauding iu'Tjlvorpool on Juno 31nt, , received Hoch orders, and diaohiirgojl bor . cargo, and who put in roadiuoss lor. uotion ;""ftB.u war vunflbl, in juai, forty 'hours, .' -..... ' j; Kidnoy TronbloB Stoul on ono luaidiounly '..' Tbeu Inflammation Then fcho Deadly RiaTatly*(iright'HDii)oat)o.: South Am eriaauKidnoy.OuroiB a,Kidney Spoci- .fio It. Boliovc-B in Six Hours.'nad ' Cures Never Falls. Mr. Jaraea MoBriuo, of Jamontowli, Ont. ^eays:: "I believe South American, Kidnoy giv'i ."Cure Bavtid'my' life. I was bo Bovoroly J?VY,,afflicted that my friends had to attend mo daily tp take tha uriuofrom rao.". V,, . Mr. A. Williamson, Customs Oflloo-, Jjcit ^Kincardine, Ont., writes : 'T oun highly K, .Tecommeud'rtim ipeoJflo (is the greatent .of iuf /boons to suffering humanity for\ all atfeo- Perhapa, if wo oould penetrate nature's ||aeoretfl, we should tlud that, what we call ^;!'weedtf are more essential to the- woll-bomg I[ }'at iho world thau the most preolous fruit rHawthome. f;g^:^iQ^Ha h Pitts, smalt, safe and' Jttrt, tegu- ww fwn*" '" '***"' an& *ure constipation, Water i'oi* Stock. Ono of thu things whioh neod attention at tho prosont txmo iu tho water supply in tho pastures. AinmalB must havo water to drink or thoy will perish. Wbon thoy uro not totally deprived of it, but aro given an inBuflioieut quantity, tboy suffer ^routlj' and thoir owners do not obtain from them as largo a growth as thoy should roaoivo, But quantity in nob tllo only thing to bo oounidcrod. Quality, also, is ot grout importance Audit is hare tho trouble is most likely to occur. -Thoro ur vary, few farmors who aro bo thoughtloss as to oouiiuo to thoir animals in pastures that uro, ovon in timon of aovoro drought, dostituto of water, bub there are a j/reat many who uro not asoaroful as tboy should bo to provide wator that is puro. ride from OhloV^o to Milwaukee whioh oan. be bought rea'Sonablyohoap; but whioh bo. fore the ebd of auothor year may be .ad vanced in prloe. ; ' , 'Thefltpoh-raiaingindaBtry io Boath ,tfft- kota is profitable, and oastorn capital is1 now being invested in oattte and sheep growing in that state. ' Diversflod forming, the crowing of live stock, and the products of thes dairy, are: placing Bouth . Dakota formost, in the ranks of the successful Western States. ThoBO doalring full information on the aubjeot, and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadiau Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont, -----:---------*^------------- At Prince Albert, N. W. X., a unique weekly paper is published in tho hand writing of its proprietor, who acts as editor, roportor advertising agont, and printer. This paper appears iu purplo ink from a gelatine copying prooess. Always 'Felt'Tired. "I suffered with Hoyoro headache aud loss of appotlto und I always folt tired. I concluded to try Ilood'a Saraaparilla aud after taking one bottlo uiy head aobo dis appeared. I nontluued taking it until now I am uevor troubled with hoaduoho and my appetite is good." Latjiia GutLAHn, 247 Olaremont Bt;, Toronto, Out. Hood's Pills act euslly and promptly ou the liver and bowels. Ourosiok hoadaohe. It hafl boon hold by a Chicago judge that porsona who carry child run on bioy- olos may bo urroatod for oudangoring tho lives and limbs of tho littlo ones. Tho mau who would cruiso around ou a whool with a baby porolled boforo him is thought- loan or rookloss enough to bo arreetod ou ifnnoral pnhoiples. Chicago has ono wiao judgo at least, ' Lord Wolosley, Ooramaudor-in-Chief of tho British army, has publicly announcod that tho "motoor flag of England" will novor again bo onrriod into battlo, in laud fights at loast. In proeontlng now colors to a regiment rooontly ho said: "In fu ture it would bo madness and orimo to carry colors into aoSloov You might qui to ao woll ortlor hira to bo assassinated. Tho Gormuns carry poloa ou whioh tho colors used to bo, no that thoy attract uo notiao iu action. Wo have had most roi'uotantly to abandon a prrutlao to whioh wo attached groat'importaneo, and whioh undor pant and gonouonditions of fighting, was invaluable in keeping alive tho rogt- montul spirit upou whioh oar British troops dopondod bo muoh." OH ! THE' allSEilY. ^Mra. Gulbraith of Shelburno, Ont., was a Groat Buff or or from ' Indigoatiou, tho Bano of so many Lives South Am- otican Norvino tloloasod ita Hold It Boliovos iu ono Day. "I waa for a loug time a groat sufforor from indigestion. 1 exporionood ull the minory and aunoyauoo so common to this uihuout. Ltriod many romedion and npenb a groat doai on doctors' bills without ro- coiviug any bonefib. I was fitrongly ro- oommouded to try Bouth American Nor- vino. I procured and usod it, after usiug only two bottloB 1 am pleaaod to tontifv that I am fully roaburod to liotiltli, and I havo novor had tho Filightesb indication of a rotnru of tho trouble. I recominoud it mont huartily." Ono of tho prottiOHt sights to bo eoon anywhoroJh in ouo of tho great vmoyardo of tho Niagara Pouiuaulu, Tho vinos stand up lino on lino.as tho leavuii aro hko unto tho tosniug Boa of man on whioh facod tho British lafantry ut tho battlo of Mm- den. Which ia worse, impriBoninonb 'for life or a lifo-loug diBeaso, liko scrofula,- for ox- uraplo? Tho form or, aorbaiuly, would ha proforablo woro it not that Ayor'a SarHapa- rilla can' always oomp to tho roacuo and give tlio poor sufforor hoalfch, utrougth, and happinosfl. "Thoro'ft no ond of pooplo," Bald a mau who walks a groat deal hitnsoUi' "who thiuk thoy oan wivlk four milos, nn hour, and very likely thoy could, but they, would havo to movo along very briskly to do 'if. As a mattor offaab, vory fow pooplo indeed do walk four miles an liour: tbroa miles iH. avory fair gait, and when ono oxooods that ho is beginning.to walk : faHb. If my rooollootlon sertfoB the old 'oommon' timo in thearmy oarriod a man two and fivo' eights miloB an hour, Wid 'quick' timotwo and hovou blguthu milos an hour, Tho din- tancoa which tho Holdior covors in an hour havo uow boon motoaaed somewhat by slightly increasing the length of his rf'.opn, but my improHsion is that the 'common' timo remains under throo miles an hour. Certainly three miles would bo good, fair walking, aud fully up to men's average speed." Thai hatkhtg cough can hi qtitckty, cured bp usittg Magyars Pectoral Balsam, price *S** by ffanuay Pine Syruf cures coughs. A HEALED HERALD, Thinks BhoumabiBin is Born of tho Lower Regions, bub Proclaims South AmorJ- . can Bhoumutlo Cum a Heaven Bout Hmilor. Henry Humpnroys, East London, sends his unsolicited testimony: "I was seized with painful rheumatism in my loft foot. I could not rest with it day or night, tho pain was so intouso. I tried many reme dies, but thoy had no inoro effect than wator on a duok'H baok. I was porsuadod to try South Amnrioau Tthonmatia Cure. I followed the direotiotiH closely and in a vory short timo this Wonderful remedy t'ffeotod a oomploto ouro,- aud thoro has not been the slightest hint of a roturu of tho difloaao. lb it* a Bur<? romody and I do- light to herald tho gooduoss all ovor tho land." #%&$'#$^ %. ing of':>: $&^^^^V^'^^^m^'^ and liuduflfcriat $i&t^ ;ht Xorontp>noxt weokj interest in- itisv'.kdooefB tliroiigflK out the country inoroajofl and, it is safe to say that the attendance 'will be groator than ever. Tho great Diamond Jubilee Procession, aud thornumerous, other inoidenta connootod- thorowitli, will provo a great attraction. All the paintings," uniforms, costumes and stato parapnorhftlia havo arrived from Englahd, and every preparation has' been made even to' tho oreara-coiorod horses whioh nruto draw Her Majesty's carriage. Suoh a grand speotaolo and opportunity to see tho soldiers.of the British Empire has novor boforo .boon placed before tho people of Canada, and it should, not bo missed. Cheap excursions will bo run tho first week aH well as tho sooond, and everything will bo oomploto both weeks of tho Fair. Economy and strongth aro .oombiuod iu Hood's Saraaparilla. Uvory bottlo con tains 100 dnsoEj and will avorago to Iunt u month, ' Tho following story is-iold of Mm. Julia Ward Howo. Quo day obo__appearod at a club of which- s'ho is a mombor with hor bonnot wrong fiido front. Aftor Borao hosi- tatiou a mombor of tho organization in formed hoi* of hor mintnko. "What a blow to my vanity I" said Mrs. Howo, with u emilo. "I thought I wan receiving an un. usual amount of "attention an I oumo down town in tho oar, bub attributed it solely to my attractions." Keep your tamper. Gum a littlo know- lodge ovory day. Make fow promises, and speak tho truth. Givo fiill^mcafturo and woight with a just balnueo. Commit" to commou custom, but nob to common folly. Bo cautious of- bolioviim ill, but more cautious of reporting it. Havo. courage to wear your old olothos until you ban pay for now onou. Think of hoavou with a hearty purposo and strong hope to' gob thfiro. Do good to all, that thou mayoBt keep thy friends und gain thy onomioH, Count your rosourooH. Piu'd out what you aro not fit for and givo up wiuhing for it. . Urifflit'u OlHeuso. "They havo done mo any amount of good," wero tho words, of Mr. Nolsou Groen, Gait, Onb., iu speaking of hia rosoue from kidnoy iuid.urirjarj;pifilculty by 'tho ubu of Dnau's Kidnoy Pilla.. Air. Groon Hays that he only ..tried thorn out of curio* flity, bnt it was a luoky' o.xponmout, for Doau's Pills mado.a oomploto ouro iu his on(io. Hois' now a ourod man, feeling strong, well and in good spirits. Niawa; Hampton, N.B. The Homo Baugo Co., havo removed thoir head quarters to Monotou and will bo locat ed thoro for tUo next throe months, Tho manager, W. M, Brushour earned tho good will of tho people, of this place by his keen, prompt, business like ad dress and for tho courtesy with whioh ho treated everybody. Tho people of Hampton benefited in more ways tbn,n. one by thono people being hero, us it took quite a (-utmtity of money to pay tho bills whioh had to bo contracted to keep in order suoh an establishment. That those bills woro paid promptly is duo to the onorgetio way in whioh all business was transacted by tho manager. It spouks well, not alone for tho character of tho Range, but for tho oxcollont work of tho aalosraon, whon thoy wero able to dispose of nearly 100 ranges [n tho throe months thoy wore hero. As wo have already, printed a number of toutlmoniaU from diil'orent users of tho Range, who all attest to its virtues, we do not hesitate, owing to tho honorable manner in which all .of thoir transac tions have boon condualed, to endorse not only tho manager for the company, W. M, Bra.shear but the range thoy sell. ROW IN THE OAMP. .#' i-U' m-OURES &UARA, A hacking oougli kbops tho bronchial tubus in a stato of constant irritation, whioh, if nob spoodily removed, may load to chroma bronchitis. No prompter rom ody oan ho found tharl Ayor's Cherry Poatoral, Its effect is immodiate and tho result pormanout. Rev, O. W. Henderson, of Saruia,. formorly of Windsor, has boon unani mously invitod to the pastorate of North Stroofc Mofchodist church noxt year. _ ', 100% JJeltor. Milburn's Heart aud Norvo Pills aro curing heart and uervo troubles in every city, town and village iu Canada. Mrs. P. Abbey, Toronto, daya, . "Milbum's Hoart and Nerve PU]b cured my husband who had for fifteen years suilorod with weak uorvss caused by heart troubto. He was subject to pains in bis head, di^zinees and faiutiug spells, sleeplessness, etc.' He is now Free from these ttoublop, and fe^ls 100% better thau'-when be bepfan UBing the pills/; , ': . ' .,'." Dr. Lew's pleasant Worm Syrup removes uorms of all kind*from children cr adult. '. ' i", ',/, HroalCH uo Su<i<iouly on di Arrival of iho lilttl OoiifiUnrof. Know what It moaus? A row in tho kidney oamp. A duugerous blockadi*. Kidneys ou a strike. Too much Work to do. Tlu'n call on tho conqueror of kidnoy lis. And tho kidnoy strike will ho ovor, Auothor viotorv tot DoanVKiduoy Pills. Nothing new, thoy always win. . Biiukache is quickly curod, Urinary troubloa dioappoar. Diahoton, kidnoy rhoumatiHm aud oven, that dread duktroyOr, Bright's DisoiiHo, aro romovod. Plenty of proof that this in ao. Mr. J. K. Millar, with Forsythe & Au- dersou, tlni woll-known dry goods houso of Essex, Out., Btatos, '*For somo timo I havo had kidnoy aud baok troubles, but am glad to say that 1 have boon curod by Doau's Kiduoy Pills, - I.got a box of thorn at Sho'rrin's drug- store and tho ronult waa rcmarkablo. lb in not saying too much to stato that tho euro ie oomploto, and I fool it all tho more remarkable an I had taken many other medicines boforo I had triod Doan'B Kid ney PiIIb, but roooiyud uo .honofit from tln>m. . "I reonmraond Doan'a Kidnoy PjIIb lieartily to unyon-j troubled with baok aohe or kidnoy trouble of any kind." Flora m another, Mr, Fred Gilboo hart this to say, "Far Hovoriil yours I have had a painful stilTnonu in rny bunk aauwod I think by. taking cold which affootod my kidneys. . "I also BufTored from urinary troubles, and felt tirod and wqary noarly all tho timo. Two months ago I got a b-jx ot Doa'n'fi Kidnoy PiJln at Bliorrin's druu- store, and thoy havo o arod mo, I reoom- moud them highly to any person suffuriog from lumo baok or kidnoy troubles of' any kind, as thuy provud a porfoot speoillo in my own oaao, aud I have avory oonfidonco pi thorn." , Ohfift, 3?, Hill, who died in Winnipeg, was in oommnnd of tho London, Ham ilton and Port Hopo Infantry Oompn- nios at Windsor and. Sandwich in 1805- *(MI. Ho was oonsidorod ono of tho most oftloionfc ofiieors in tho forco at that tiiuo. . Proof from th Peojxlo. Gto. Bunltin, missionary for tho I itor* national Mission iu Algpuin aud Nortli- WL-tib. Uo writes: 'I vvUh to say that Dr. Fowler's Extract .of Wild Btrawbsrry has been to me ,'a wonderful, 'soothing, speedy aud oU'ooUial romody. It ban boon my companion for ijovoral yeari* during tho labors and exposures of ir.y mishionary work m Algoina. Wull in is for old and young to huvo it in.Htore against the time of mod, which hy ofcun ooiutts witlumt warning, . Gko, Bu.-kw, Mihsiouary, Toroii'.o, Out. Gait Reporter:Fitrmorsiu tliisnoigh- borliood find it impossible to-houso the present crop, and tUroHhors aro there fore very busy. Fodder corn is attain ing immense proportions,. some of it boiug from 13 to 14 foot bi^n, tho tallost over known for a general crop, in this neighborhood. The 'agricultur ists are commenting on the absence of tho festive grass-hopper, the wet weather ovidently not being to its lik ing. Should it yet make its appearance it will bo too late to do any damage. Ouo farmer: in tnis district has 140 loadB of hay housed. .." . There are nearly .800,000 visitors in Buffalo attending, the Grand 'Army re union. [i *i:ttipt 'i..'.diir.J--Mfoi CBtdBrtpiyCpAiL,^;. DRAINS* STWOW URB OLEET, SYRHIUS^ STUOTCrf PARTS, LOST MANWOD. IMPOTEN CVf tN^^VpU5 DE9IUTY, UNNATA URAL' OlSCHARaES, ETC. i'W ^nfif 5f4 Greatest^ D isGov^ry of th^Age1,^ AHEafouswawK, For CUBING THESE PI3EA8ES Thousands of young and mlddlo rvRod men aro annually Bwopt to a promoturo Brave through HA^LV IND15CRBTIONS, BXCBS8B3, AND BlJdD'DI3BASB5; It you havo any of, tUotoUowInir Symptonia coosult u before ,n le too late. , Aro youoiwK voub and weak, aoapftnUont ami (doomy, apooka boforo tho oyoa wltli dork olrelns under- tliom, woak back, ktilneya irrltabln, palpitation ofitho hnart, nnshtnl, druains iitfl Iomob. Bndimdiitln ur!no,plmnitia on tho fooo, oyoa aunkon, lialtow obooka. carowcufrt expression, poor inmimry, Utolonn, dlstruatful, lnolc oiwrny ami HtrCnnth, tlrod morn. ItitfH. roatloHH nlirlits. vAvmumihla moo'iH,.W(jak manhoud, etuutod orflona aud proraai turo docay, bono pal us, hulr looao, auro throat otc YOU HAVE SEMINAL, OUR NBW MHTMOD THBATMBNT aloop can, ouro you, mid mnkn a jnan or you, Underlie lriflu-i onoo tho brain hooomoa netlvo, thn blood purlQodl' ' bo that all plmploH, blotobou and ulaorn dlflappoar; WEAKNESS I >Vi (j it; t;. .rj. O i<\ '?i>'J o'i m ..'I ', ;'Vj, rf 'Am ,f*^l fel'U limKDITAnV fltOOD BISBABTL tho uofvoa none, bnehfiiln^HB nnd dnnpnnilimijy dtuapiionr; J tlm nyoa booorno lirlglit, thu tnen full aud olnjir, t oiiftry roturna to tho body, and thn moral, iilmikal'*" ami Hoxual Byatoms aro Invlomtod; all drulna-- > unaHO no morn vital wjinto from tlm nyattim, Tho' " varloua ortcana bn*w>im> riutural and mai'iiy. Vou' ' fool youraolf a mnn and know ttuirrlnuo cannot bo afiilluro. Wo luvltt) nil tho zinlldtdd to onauit' us >; conddnntlally and froo of iMuiryo. Don't lotttuaokii nndfnklr rob you of yOur hard oariuid-dollars.L ".' We wlit cure yuii cr uo pay. HAS VOlfR I)t001> .IfflENf mSEASEDJ M SYPHlU5Ifi thnmostprrtvalontandmofitiiorloiiH BLOOD dlaMinn, It mtpn thn vury Ufo lilood of tlio vlotlm and ualoflrtiiiitlrolyoriulluatiiU from thOAys- tom will arfout tho ofTiipriuji. llownrn of Moroury. Ito!il/supi>rnrtrtthOHymptom-ourNHW MHTHOD poaltlvolybuKislt forovor. VOUNflf OH MIODLli-AOHI) MAN-Yoit'va hul a )(ay Ufo. or liuli.lKod lb thu folllonl of youth. B4ilC-nbus or luttir itxcDiinoa luivu hrokou down your syiitoia, You fnul tho ajrmptomHstojiHnifOvar you. MontsMy. pliynlually and soxunlly you aro not thnmanl you UHod to boortJhouldbo. Umtrul vr'wUotm r<ar> rluU harvests. Will you hood tho dangor Biffnuln. READER, .Troatmnnt will mivh you. What Ithau i\mu\ for othoni It will do for you, Consultation Free. 2fo matter who hafl trmttod ymi, vHto for an honnut opinion Froo of Chareo.' Ohargos ruaHonablo. Hooka Vreo Men. Incloijo pontact), i! coatii. Bnnln.i, Uonkou "DlH'Ninon of Womon" Froo. 4ra-N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PH1VATE. No muijlclno tent C.O.D. No namesonboxusor cnvolopos, Evur>tli ny confidential. Oucstlon list and cost of Treat-1 went FREE, _____________ DBS. KEWNEBY & MM, VrSffff M AfA you n, victim? TIavoyoii tonebopfiV Aro you contoinnlatlnc marrlnuo^ ' Hjt'iyom'blomlbonrnllHcan.iili' llnvnyouany Wfakitmay OurNawMatbud' LAING BROS Dealers In All Kinds of* ing Material "W : Screen Doors and Windows, Cisterns, $7"00 and XJp. Bee-Hives (Standard Size) >Oc. Each. : And Latest Designs in Verandah and Gable Ornaments Ess SEX, OITT? M vi w -m .' ____i^ar^*aP mx^*'LU^?ttnf^*?y7Lz^^ . ... : "'. 'BXSY a Stove until you 0e6i*f| " ......&'$$it the new atobk at ^ l I'W, &*&}]& ' ^^-^mm See the Oxford's Stoves, Best In the Worldi Manuf^"^A^ by the Gilrhey Foundry Co.> of Toronto, (both^Wood|^g Coal).'/;' We ba^ve them in Stock, Our prices^are^th^'liiir"""" Call... CtiO.*!;, ;;33LI :. General Tinsnidtbirjg and'Efijpaiiing'afcliended'^'Ip^^S W$$$$;.i:i-w-;i) ^y'^*'^ J. .JVorwyPineSyrt'pcure^ North' of Rail^a^.^ra^/i^iliS ::^'.v.%^ifti^ r/:W^

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