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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 3, 1897, p. 6

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ttSESSSSSSSSSS2EZE3^^ MS........................... /hsii ,' /"'J' ri"'\.'-* '" ^Beautiful eyes jrrow dull nnd dint , /.s tlifi swift years steal away. tcnutlfuT, willowy forms o slim Tjosc fnlraess with every dny. E.t she still is quccu aud hath chtrmi to epnro Who wears youth'* coronal beautiful hair. Preserve Your Hair end you preserve your youth. ,*'A woman is as old as she looks/* says the -world. -Ko- "woman looks as old aa sho 3b if her hair has preserved iku normal boauty. You can keep fcair from falling out, restoring Its normal color, or restore the tormal color to gray or fadod hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor; The Orlgmal Unolo Sam. BS-v '.'I" &'f. ' is; $' . Clifford Howard, in a rocout num ber of St. Hioholoa, tolls about tho way in which tbe United States oatno to bo aallod TJnole Sam:- "DarJng the War of 1812 tho United States government on to rod into it contract with a man by the namo El bet b Ajadereon to furnish uupplios to tho army. When the United States buyu anytbiug from a contractor an infractor~1h alwayH appointed to soo that the goodw aro what the oontmofc oallH for, aud that tho govern* ; tneut acta full valuo. In this 'case tho government appointed a man by tbo name of Bamuol Wilaon, who whh alwayH oalled ^Uoole 8am' by thoso who know Uim. Ho inspected ovory paokit^e and cask thatcamo from Elbort AndorHou, tho oontraotor, and if ho found that tho con tents woro all tight, tho paokug0 or oftflk was marked with tho. lottora *E.A. U.S.' the initals of tho ooutraotor aud of tho United Btatoa., Tho man whoso duty it was to do tbfs markiug whh a jovial Hort of fellow, and whoa aomobody ankod him wbat tboHO IottorH mount ho naiu thoy stood for Elborfc Andortion andUualo 8am. Everybody, including *Unolo flam' VViIon , himsalf thoiifthti thin waa a vbry good joito; , and byand-by it got into print, and before the ond of tho war it wan known all over the country; and that in tho way the 'United Statoa raeoivod its name of 'Unolo Bam.' "Mr, Wilnon, tho original 'Unolo Sam,' diod at Troy, N.Y , in 185-1, at the ago of eighty-four," SAVED HIS BOY. A PLAIN STATEMENT FROM MB. ROBT. MaLEOD, OF GAM. MR8. BLAGK^8^riURCrt; , ,... Her Oomvhmmn Vtfpnvlit It Too HumM* For W Cublnet XAdy, Doling fdrn. Jeremiah Black's life In Washington, when hoy dlatlttfltilflhed (msbnnd yrtu in the cabinet, she -was one of the most ofHoient helpers in the early Htruggloa of the Vermont Avenu* OhriHtiau obnroh. With the littlo hand- ful of that faith who "broke broad'* in florae private home.or obeonre hall, aho wont regularly. A well remember ed unoodoto of that time illnatxatoa hor fidelity and at ..tbejoamo time her gen tle, kindly naaturo,, The obnroh -was meeting to r.TQjnperanoo hall. Judge Block's driver, Potor, sensitive for the honor of the family, or more so for his carriage, felt it to be something of a disgr&nce to stand before such a build ing on Sunday. Ono dny ho touched up on tho subject Ofl gently as he-could by laying; ri v "Mrs./Blaok; thofc ain't a very fine ohuroh you and the judgo po to." "Not Petor," said the lady, "it is not a very grand one." "Mrs. Blnok, do you ?apeo' to 'tend that oburcb .every Sunday?" "Yes; Peter, until they got a hotter one." "'Well, Mrs. Black, I wanted to ax you somethin, though I don't much like to say it, marm." . "What is It, Peter?" "Well, marm, I wanted to toll yon do drivers of do other members of de oabiuot kinder makes fun of wo 'boat tandiu 'fore dat mcctiu bouse, and I wontod to ax you if you hadn't no ob jection to let me drive down to dat rlno Presbyterian ohorch where (itvothor big men go and stand dcre wid my carriage Until your meetiu is out, an den drive back fr you and do judge." "All right, Poter," if you'll be on time," said Mrs. Black, and Peter satis fied his mind, that he suyod the credit of the i family and Of his'horses and car riage afterward by stuuding regularly With the flue tumodts of the other cab- inofc ofllocrs. 'Washington Post. Ki> -^ V'.' i;. 'J*r*i ftv?:.' HIS lilTTTjU SON WAS , X>ARAtiYZlCD OM ONKHIDE, AND DOOTOIt'H TUlCATMIflNT DID KTM NO QO0P~J>]t. 'WILTJtAilB1 .PINTK WIjIiH WlfilOiOiviSN AND Kl'FKOTED '.. ATMQROTTOn flUBIS. From the.G.ilt Kcporter, Bohort McTjood ih a ^ontloman woll known in-tho town of.Onlt and through out tho district. In oonvoraution with a juomhov of tho Reporter staffrocontly ho oouBontod to make public tho fa ctn coucoi'iiin^ tho. illnosfl nnd roatorntion W-' io hoaltli of hid littlo'boy. Ho Haid: t?' "Voh, Iboliovo thnt had-it not boon >?';>,for Br. WillmmH' /PiulcPillw my littlo p/j hoy would hot have boon living to-day. sfk\- Willie, who is ton years-, of- apro, wan K ^takon with an illnoKH that developed ife"-iirto pnralyais of tlio loft side. Ho had jM;"-' the host modioal iiid within my roach, fcK . bat nothing Boomed to bonottt him. Ko ]>' ,'.gofc-ao bud that a pin could bo run into $\J;',hiH loft hand to tho bono without his Reeling it in the loant. If lio attempted to walk ho oould only got N>vor tho W Aground by dragging hifiloft foot behind \ - himj.hehftd no power in it whatovor. ,', Ono^ightl waft; fooling pretty hluo about him. I felt that-ho wab going to ';:$$-:*n invalid nil hia life, and I viowod to^tbinira iii their woi'Ht; Htfht. On thin Ife^artionlar nightXput on my hat with S^; intention of going out to take a Wtiiet walkout juefc as I got to tho door WtiBoyr lyinf?: on a stop a pamphlot, I f'ptekod it up Hatloasly, and saw it was Pah advertising book of the I>r,";WiI- l;'liato' Medioine Oo. I only road a few ^p^aswhon tho conviction 'soissedmo ^pna^here . was something that might PsWiWy benefit my boy. I at Ouco ^ijieiit\4owa:to^tev*ewah*ii- drug etoro :&n4'purohaBeaabox. of tho pills. By ifttV'We }?<? had.', taken two boxes the '^(wiBW. 'o,pme!bftck into his hand and mf^S0^:^'^o ue ljad Wen,-hM* Bwien^tiwcaW io' Jfas. onred, and nbw ^^^im^wV^e^rty .and strong as; Ktloh. bnt Ilatlful. If a young man would contemplate an ideal of usoful living, we oommond to him tho address delivered by Carl Bchurss at tho funeral of William Stcin- Way, tho head of the great houso of piano .manufacturers. After-referring to the fact that the dead man began his active life as a simplo workman and in his success remained tho ideal knight of labor Mr. Scbura said: "He wuh a pat torn as a rioh man, I wish X could call tho millionaires of tljo land to thin bier and Hay to them, 'Those among you who lament thnt at times poverty looks with muttorings on riobes loam from this-dead-rnnnr*- "Hia millions wero novor bogrudged him. The dark glance of ouvy novor fell upon him. Oovctousneas itself passed him by disarmed and reconciled. Yea, every ono would have rejoiced to sec him still richer, for every ono know that everything he got contributed to tho welfare of all. "No ono fulfilled better than ho the duties of wealth. There was no puffed up pride of possession, no extravagant prank of display. Simplo as over re mained his buing, modest his mode of Hfo. But ho know ono luxury, and ho pruefciced it; that wuh tbo luxury of tho liberal hand n" priuoely luxury that few of tho world's grentoat have in dulged in moro richly thuu ho, "It woh . not. money alaua that ho gave. It was tho heart joy of tho gonu- ino 'benefactor, with which ho bade tho worthy wolcomo and often anticipated thoir wants. It wan the bright cheerful- noflHof tho willing giver who could oou- ceivo no obnuo of Ida generosity. "I liuvo neon many men in my day, novor. n, bigger Iieart. Is it too uiucli to any that in this man every buiuiin being has lost u brathori"'* -Youtli'H Compan ion. Cranlry. Tho following conversation, whioli occurred in ono-of the city tickot offices a low duyH ago, ia n sumplo of thr4 pleuKiuit occnrroncoH which a tiokoi ncllcr oxperionccH iu tho course of hia niioer: "Give rno a tinio tablo," said a short man with n straight, hanging beard to tbo olork. "Whore do you wish to go?" "Nono of your business," was tho curt roply, A copy of tho time tablo was paused to tho man, aud ho took Ida loava "That's ono of thoso follows who would complain of a conductor if he failed to Hay'Plouso* when asking for a ticket," remarked the olork. True Flag: WorkH <m Ktaotrlclty. Thorc in a growing demand at tho librnriea for works .on eleotripity. It is a branch of science ho new in the mod ern sense that its literature us yet may be called meager. Dispatch. So rapid huo been tho change in the English language that tho English of today bears no more reaainblnnco to the English of 1,000 yoars ago than it does to Gorman. AWARD CbnKflbooctee Valley ExposItloir/ColumlKtf, Oa., IftSS. " HJaHEST-AWARDS SI. Louis A|ricultural and Mecbaalcal Atsodalloo. 1849. SIX HlOHEST AWARDS World's Columbian Eiposition, Chlcflijor I89J. H10HCST AWARDS Wettaa Fair Association, London, Canada, 18W- S1X OOI.D MEDALS Mldwlplcr Fair, San Fraot!sa>, Cal., 18?J. SILVER MEDAL ' Toronto Exposition, Tortmlo, Canada* 1895. Above Honors were received by the STEEL, HOTEL AND FAMILY RANGES. Above Btylc J^wilty Jtanga ia suhl only by our Traveling Sulraincn from our own uuifjons at our uniform prtci' thrauffliottt Catiadti and the United States. Wade of Malleable / and W'rounht Stetl and tuill iMtt a Li/ctlritc .ij projufrti) used. 345,3B-* Sold to January 1st, J8P7 WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO..LIMITED. FOUNDED 1864 $1,000,000. IMCTOKJKM, RALItM6ttIH AND UVVWUHt .., ^ ^Lto-Z Pearl Street. TORONTO, ONTARIO. CANADA. . a Washlnston Avenue. !9th to 20th Streets. ST. LOUIS. MO.. U.A A. Western Salesrooms and'Offlces: I5IQ Clenarm St.. DENVER, CCTLO. Air Ufc munufucturL- uiitl curry a i^mploio mock or llolvl Unite*'*, Curving TabUts, SfPlm I*bios, llrollerx. Urnn. riu((Witrii)crH, inul nil m)ic*r Klithon bd^iIb. anfl nrvKgle mttMufliGiurvrs or [ho Unwjii.'iled HUM K COpH-OKT IKIT.AIR SPINEL PUltNACIiS. ' ftit Ittiest llhiHiralcd C'atnluKUu'ami [irlc*is wiilo or cull ut imy ol' our biileHroottiB, . SOME FACTS FOR INTENDING PURCHASERS Home Comfort. Tho following artialo iu ahppad from tho Pronbyteriaii lioviuw. Wo deBiro to call tho uttontlon of onr rofidore to tho advert! ho mo nt of tho WrouchtlrouRango Company, of Toronto. Tho name Homo Comfortpby which theao ruii^oH aro known, ia a happy ono, hu^gs- tivo ol all that in ploaaiug in that dopmt- motit of tho lioiiRehokl. Tho hifltiry of tho Wrought Iron Kanfjo Company ia a ro- matbable otio, while tho r6putat!on of their ontpot in tho wont enviiibln aud ^e* Horviug at any similar firm in the ttorld, Tho Homo Comfort are uuarantuod ab- aolutoly nnbroukablo nnd will not crack or warp. The Rovoroat teat may bo applied' to thorn. Thoy may he amaBbod with a 'alodgo hammer or jumped upon by a two Huudrcd pound man, without the nlightobt bffoot." The'object'ol the Wrought Iron .Range Compuny in to iiupply the demand for n perfect Wrought Stool and Malleable Irou Unbrtfakablo range, honao tbo Homo Comfort which mootn ull requirements ui>cenary in the porfeot run go to a dug roe that iu astoninhhiR in itH publio demon- Btratiou, Tbo bant quality ot iron iB bought by tho Homo Comfort Range poo- plu, it in then treated In un annealing fur. naoB and , rendered literally indostruotihle '.whpn tranHformed into a Homo Comfort Itanjto. Intornally tho Homo Comfort ih porfoob and unique. It in linodv with adbohtoH, thus uidinpr boat thrown1, upon tho artioloH holng cooked and preventing tho radiation of heat from the rango.AU of tholiningu arc inadjuotabto uectioQ^whiah cun bo eaHily and rapidly fitted. Tho othor adjunotH of tho Home Comfort are in com plete ucoord with pcrfeotion. Buoli an hot air clooetH, mmplioity iu oloaning and dumping tbo anhea una many other noti ceable improvomonta ovor all other rangoH. An imporluut foaturo iu tho bum noun of the Wrought Iron Range Company h that thoy do not soil to tho trado at all, but de liver the Homo Comfort raugo from thoir own wagons by their own,authorized naloa mon direct to tho houuoholdor, thus hav ing no doalingu with ontnidoru. HomcCom- fort Ranges overall otbora muofc uot ho forgotton in tho faofc that at tho World's Columbian Exposition they received six higho9t awards; at Now Orloant?, four gold meduJp, and at the Midwinter Pair, San PranoiHoo. six gold modala. Thono factfl aro utandinK irrofutablo proof of thp nnmirpiiBfiod qualitioH of tho Wrought Iron Range Company'a Homo Comfort Rangofi, nnd auk for thorn a careful hispeotiou when and. wherever shown. Tho above oxtraot from tlio Pronbytonau Itoviow, a paptr which thinks twloo hoforo it'ondorriOfi anythtnd, aliould ho mifliniont proot to tho moat olioptioal that tlio Homo Comfort Ran^o in all that Ih olaimo3 /or it. In addition to this tho to are aunoxed toiitimoniald from a largo number of Kmgn County people who uto" known woll all over tbo province and who havo given tho rdngo a noycto tost hoforo putting thoir names ,to/ papor. Mvh. JftmoH HurriHon, of Lambothi djod from injurioH rocoiyod hy hoin^ throxyn out of hor oarriuKo in London. '."'Ruin haH fallen throughout India; exoopt in Bombay and poccan diatriotH and good crops nro promised. Mch. John Cbulonder, Kingaton, Mrs. Goorgo Flewelling, Kingston. Mrs. John Hill. Kingston. Mr. James Uanonge. Loug Reach. Mr. .1* D. Coamun, Kingston. Mr. Porreat Williams, Long Roach. Wrought Iron Raugo'Oo,, Toronto, Out. Tho foliowiug well known poople of KnifiB County havo each purchased a range aud speak in the highest termH of tho Homo Comfort Range ; A. MoN. Travis, Station Uaater, Hamp ton. H.C. Ohute, Undertaker ;J. H. Jaok- Bon, E. MoCarron, G.W. Bharp,Hampton. George Duncan, BarnesviUo. David Kilpatriok, Upham. Wm. MoBoruaott, Tituaville. A, W. DcBoo, Upperton. John Raymond, Goo. Raymond, Qoorgo Burnott, BJoomfleld. Kingston, Kont County ; This ia to certify that I purohaeed a Home Comfort Range of imloBtimu Gra ham, and after using it for three months l\u$ it just aa roproHohtod. Yours, Mra. Robert Godfrey. Mrs. Robort Sullerton, Mra, Foroat Wil- liamii, Mrs. James Ganonge, Jamoa White Woan Pattoraonj Long Roach ; Robluaou Plowelliog.'Oak Point ; Edw. Btovotmon, Woatfiold ; Wm. Brown. Brown's Plats ; Mrs, John Chandler, Mrs. Goor#o Flowoll- ing, John Causrnun, John Hill, KJugaton. Oimflotte County Hoard From. Pobilold Station This la to certify that wo purohuHod a Honoo Range from your aalosmau, P. C. Brow, aud ilnd ib perfect In evory respoqt, altio a great boater, and dooa not oao half the fuel our former atovo did. Youra W. N. Hawkins and wife, Ponfiold, Wo tiaoh purchttHod Homo Comfort RangoB and aro glad to rooommoud them an urot-oluBB, and groat heators. Yours, Hugh MoKldridge, Delbqrt Pool. Simmur Marwo. JamcH MoAdam. iviorlt Wlim. Thia ia au . advorHsoraon* for the Wroimht Iron Rango Company. This ad vertisement differs from the unnalordor of udvortiHin^, because it is an exproBaion from the user of the Hun go,, who desirea to expresa hia House of gratitude to the company for placing within his roaoh an article that ponaoBaoa ovary advuntago that a rungo.tn be of utmost Rorylco to the uaer, ahould poHBOPH. VVoHtmorelaiKl County Oninlonu Prom tho tono of tho following testim onials from Bomo of the best pooplo it ia very ovidont tho Home Comfort Cooking Ranges are proving a great blessing to our houHowivea, aa they aro all loud in its praises. Thin range has taken premiums at all tho leading fuira, and as thoy are made of tho very beat material thoao do. airmg a firat-olass cooking apparatus can maki no miatako iu baying a Homo Com fort Range. An oDioinl despatoh from Simla an- uounooH that Fort Maude in tho Khyber Pass has hoon captured hy the Afridos after desperate fighting. The garrison, which was composed of native levies known as the Khyber riilea, re tired with the loHs.of three men. The Afridos afterwarde hurned the fort. The area of active fighting is enlarging rapid ly. . /The British military, authorities hnvo now mobilized 82,000 men; for( frontier operational' with the frontier ga^iBohs^ iri^ke; 42)oob, rmen Pori'er.Mon Gnlnc(l. Kioge obtinty pooplo havo boon taken, withj-he Home Comfort Range, and as tho" testimonials holow bIiow. thoy attach their uamea to what they do not hesitate to say ia the most perfect range that has onmo within thflir notice: Wrought Iron Rnngo Co., Toronto, Out.: Gontlomen, Wo eaoh . purohased , ,a Home Comfort.Range from your aalosman uud fiod it (iho bebt baker and beater we ever used. It dooa iiot use one third, the fuel our former stoves did. We are well ploasBd, and would udvmo auyono wanting a Qrnt-c!aoB range to prooure one :. ' Mre^ E, &i Lamb, Busnex. ; Mr. & Mra, W.W. Stockton; Baasex. Mrs. S. O. Walker, Snsaex. , Mra. Alexandor Walaer. Snasox. . Mr, ClarkTaokelH, Sniiaex." Mr. W, J. Pattbrnon, Brookvillc. / Mr, B. M. Rioharclson, Waterford. ,.;. Mr,'John Balling, Waterfordv'v Wrought.Iron RangeJ Co., Toronto,IQbfe'. We have .bfierif UBinj? onei of ybnr, jraflgefl Aloucton. We, tho nndersigned oitizns of Mono- ton, aro each using a Home Comfort Range and find them good bakora, cookers and heaters, and aro pleaaod with them in every respect, . .* A. 0. Chapman, Mayor. H. C, Hanington, Barriator. Ed. Lynch, Mra. J. Ct. Gibson, A. P. Irving. . G. W. Harrop. . Coverdale Jt^arisb. Wo , are, each using ' a Home Comfort Range and are well . pleased with them and would recommend them to all doair- ing a first-elaVs iJange. ; ' STelson Geldart. JameaAylea, v.- Bolomon Soaitti. , John Oolpittp, Buotouche; I bought one Horn? Comfort Range from the WroDgtat Iron Range Co. and am qnike well sfttMed.-'$$* !*he' artibleJ At flrat for the want underatandlng ib^ 0'; . ' :' (prpEX-niVia!.> j Afinraand^Bfifp" noraedyln emrrMfl and isvbry kind or bowel Complaint U This Is a true statement nnd It can't bo t: modff too tftrong or too empliatio. [C It Is a simple, aftfo and quick euro for Cramps, Cough, Rltcmraatlam, C<llo, Co Ida, NimrnlKln, Dlarrhcoa, Croup. Toothaoha. jL TW0 SIZE9. 23c. nnd, 80c,' i:: Wanted MenandWomon who oan work hard talking and writ In k six hoars daily; for aixrlayR a wank, and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Addross. NEW IDRAH CO., Hrantford.Ont. WAMTED loan pay ton dollars wookly to a lady of mature &R&, ro- flnement and taot to suond her tlmo In a good oauee. T. U. lilNBCOTT, ' Toronto, Out. TEA OH Eli H and othor bright tuon'for vacation or pormnn- WfiHTED. A ently tosoUoltifor"Canada: an Kiioyol<podla of thoOoantry, In flvo roval quarto volucuoq. No delivering. Commissi on paid woekl/. THE LINBOOTT COMPANY, Toronto, Out, Is what yon can rely on gottlng when you buy from ns. Our wagon goes to all parte of tho towu. Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, fresher, or Bweet- er in the oo tin try. All kin do of Fancy Cahoa and Jolly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo sell nothing ataleor . dry. Leave j our Order and you can rely on prompt de livery. . FRANK FOSS. Oppo lto BaCU <fc Fmnolo, Essex t **% . .......% oJAME-NSTWi^ TakoB this opportunity of annonticWg" tfttwl Eeoploof tho Town and Ooantv df Km ox. tbat'ff ohas romodelod tbo Ehsoi Bailor MUlrao-W oordinfl; to plans proparod by B N. PrlooTof mm Thomas, and also seourad tho aervlcpa ol Bbrtv/ Btraehan* an exporleneod. and thoroughly OOJttWl" potent millor. ^^iirk ': ' -^m Thanking the people of tba to*u nndooan^^ for tho patronago bestowed upon bjm-ln thi'V past, will gaorantooeatlafactloaln thofatT4raT^:>"i Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. ISE- The Beit Grades < of Flour>*( Comttieal Kept in Stock and sold at Prices. IX JO ' '.'<", n't Si ... .y-. Cash Paid for Wheat andOataM 1$ do you iyds 1 ' t .* If ho, you want to haveJl( tlie best ttj'ere is and everybody knows that. The Nobbiest Turnout 'IS TO Hit ttMtf AT- JOKIJ A.. ROSE'S:;! Livery. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Avo., next Aborducn Hotel. Tho latest improved maohinory for Ironing Collars and Cuffa. Will not oraok or broak too wing. Good Roadtttcra, Maty lUdiny Huggica. Cdmfortahlc Carriages. A Call Solicited. Satin/action Guaranteed. North of-tho i* Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. $ MY "M Family \Vork ohoap. and dohvsrod. Faroe]n' called for Builders~^..d Contractors. '-nHAIiHUa Wtzr British. Columbia Pleoso call and try. If not aatisfucioy no ohartio will bo tnado. f cur work suit you. recommend us to your friends. iAXA^IVER PILLS Pine Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Builri/ng Material. SASIf, JOOOAS, LATH and CURE CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE LIVER TROUBLES AND ALL AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if. a stronger -action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate' cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. ; One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. . PHlcr 2SO. OB (t FOR SI .00 HT 8uufuc(loki ttimrauteed.. Opp. Water Works* Essex FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS ' 9,' r\l $ Id7 n w. 1"^ J. GOTJRLAY & SON. feSSEX, OK^ THECO'QICSBESTFRIEND ^i .............. ' ' ------i;:5l V.'.-ttfi , ^\ *^.^___ THE .TBIO^PH CORN SHE^XiER ' rWftmm ,-: ,.-.,. MiiisiM - c-/-y^am 3?hin Machine cineists of a hyriabnfcal .bftBt oylinaer, flitb"W$g#ffl^f burB, with SLeeV teeth bolted to the oylrjder; so aa tpvberevarB^ eeth hecom worn' ,oh::the;front.;Bj&,:^ifihj|pij'in..;'ii 9hel; which .'the'.BJtwlled'florpVpiaipa" (tormigy^ *W ex blooner attached bolo.w which takes all the duatfroni^

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