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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 3, 1897, p. 3

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Bato^.^swY.-----^-^^'^.....-* :',.ja,,,,,,.,.,,,,, ..UnJiaiil ^)ytra'wint to makB $100 duriaa July; And fcnwut, lit good. oiaae, write or wire me a:fc.-:..ir. ff.-JBL tmBOOTT COMPANY, Toronto.Ont. 'M" Agents ' MJBwoiid Edition "Queen Viatorta," oxbitci. ffbbUefldiUoiuKwpM. Boat Watorr of tho QttiMriflnd'Viotortftn.MrlliObUBhod. The only VKnadioh work aoooutod by Her Majoaty. Snloa " iwooedented knock tho bottom- out of all rf. CanvftMeriBOOOplnglnmonoy, Bvon uid RlrlB sell UfMt.< DJ con&mlaalon or _JM weekly salary aftor ,trial trip. trfK'BEADtitl'e.aAtlRETaON COi, Ii'td., '. -,* Toronto, Ont, Wanted Wti"- \IT A AT.TO HELL CANADA GHOWTH ASS/*;' IVlAlN* Friittthrt.OrpftUiontiil.Traoi. ^SttrnbB. Jlo'aei, Bulbs and Bulbolia PIunts.Grane PiyineH, Bniall Fiulta, Bood Potatoos. eto- Wo ifpdtalofiuo only tho hitrcUont and most popular ffiyft'riijtlos tbatsaooood In tho coblftflt olimatcifl 3.<NiwBBaotfUow'QOinmunolng; ooiuploto outQt Iraftve, salary and- expounoBpftUl from ntartfor 3$fuU tlnao, or liberal ooniHiinaion Mr part tiiuo fr/ifr'-Apply now. nddroBBinfl pinreat office, ana Mbboloo of territory. ' ' LUKK BUOTHEKR COMPANY, International NuruorioB, ' ' Cniciao, iLii,, or MontihjiaIj. Qua. & > T____________ . _______ h^W""-;" . "~vrr'"rr"----~---------------------- KilllUTCn-ARDntB for '-Quaou Victoria' M"ff A I Cll Hor ItolRn nnq Diamond Jubi- k2?Uw.m 'Overflowing with latent and rloaost uio? UptUrOB. Contains'tlio endorsed blofliaphy of Hor &;MeJeaty, with Mitnentlo History of hor romark- MAblo telgn,.'and full account of tho Diamond &UbUoa. Only 61.50. Mia book Tromeniloun nd.em&no\ BonansafQr agonts,, OommlBaion 50 Str acnC [Oroftlt glyon. FrolRht paid. Outflt ree. Dntyjiatd. write-qalok for outfit and F#tftrrftory. Tho Dominion Company, I>opt. V JfcrW Dearborn St., Obtoaflo. tm ',- ____________________________ . m B"Y-:LxAJW 3STO. Wine Made from G-rapes Grown In Egjox Jaunty. fl;Bich, Sweet and Wholesome ! . " .........tor Caao of Twolvo Hottloifr......... . > .80c. per Gallon-- Delivered Proo at ttailway Htatlon or Kxproas !,. . . in EaflOX. |^v The Amher^tburo; Vintap;o Co. S: V A TlIIEItSTlUJUIJ, ONT. Tallow Wanted. ...0...0... , . ..Rough and rondorod, .......Dolivorod at the Eisex Imperial Soap Works ......13. SLOTE, Prop. w SAMUEL DEAN, m. IS mjDPARED TO TTNOMUTAICE ^ THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS "r knd Reiiiovo NIGHT SOIJU, yj"-,Oo SbOBTkonoh, FirafiOluBB, Cloan Worn Guarttntnad. Addrona Box 201, Sanax. A BY-LAW to prbvido for roimborainfi tho Manioipft! Corporation of Sandwich goatb the aam ot 8845, or fta tnnoh thereof as will bo neooflflary to pay Maid- Htono'H portion 01 tho cont of rojiairinR the Pika Cok *ud \Vat Townliuo Drain. Provisionally ad op tod tho nth day of August), 1897. , . , WnnniBAH.tbo Municipal Corporation of-Band- wloh Sonth has undertakon tho work- of ronalr- Ing tho Tlho Crook aud Wout Townllno Draiu. ANPWnBUHAH, tho report of A. J. Hal ford, P.L.H., tho onginBor appointod by ttao'aald Mimiolpal Corporation of Handwioh Boutli to mako Burvov.' plann and oBtlmateo of tho ooat of ropaWnR tbo said drain. Bhowotb that tho wjiolo ooat of oonntruotinR tho said drain and workB In a.O70( and that of thin sum tho Muni cipal Corporation of Rand wloh Houth Bhall contribute tho Bnm of 83,Vir,, and tho Munloipal Corporation of IhaTownBhlp of Maidntono ahall contnbutothoHum of $8-1.1, And Wiibrhab, for pro-'ldluff funds for tbo paymont byouobLOl tho above named Munloi- pnlitiCB of thoir ronpootlvo portionB of tho ooat of tho flaid drain and works, tho said onuinoor ImH uiado asnoaamontB In tho mannoy dirootod by statutoon tbo laudR a,u<) roads in tho Bald Townships whloh, in his opinion, will in any wny bo bonoflttod by tbo ropolring of tho ald drains. And Wiiicniua, a copy of said report, plans, Bpoolfloatlotia and assoBHmont HO made by the Bald oaglnoor was, on tbo 2ilnil day of Novom- hor, IflOS, Horvod by tho Munloipal Corporation of Handwioh Bouth on tho hoiul of the Munloi pal.Corporation of tho Townnhlp of Maldsfcono. And WimitKls, tbo assosamontB on lands and roods in Uiu Township of Maldatono an oontnlnod In tho nald report of tho said ortthicor aro ouibodlod herein and form a por tion of thU by-law, AND"Wn1r,nWA.H( tho roport of tho' said otifll- nor on the said drain and 'works U as follows : To tbo Munloipal Connolly of the Township of Handwioh Bouth: , GiCNrLKMQN, In oonipllanoo with luHtrtio- tloim rooolvca from yon. X have mode an ox- amlnstion of tho "Woat Townlino Drain" from tho Middle Rnart, north, to llko Crook. I fld this portion 0( the drain is badly out of ropalr andiBoauninHorlouB dauiueo to tho road. If tho drain In not at once ropaircd tbo ooat of ro- bulldlntf the road will bo vory hoavy. Tho work oan now be douo at a small (ixpouBo, but If left In iU proaont aondltlon a now roadbed will bo rnqulrod within two yearn. . Tho Moonoy Crook and tho lMko Crook, tho outlet for this drain are also badly m need of repnir throuKhout tho ontlr,o length, boinrt from tho Townlino at No. 11, north, and wont to tho hood of X'iko Crook IJmln ooiiBtruated by tho Township of Maidstone, Portloim of tbo drain are ontlroly filled up rotmltlutf In serious damage to tliu iidjolni(i lauds. Por- fclouB of tho drain uro very crooked. Tho result in the (low of tho witter Is imported and a deposit of silt loduod at uaoh bond. I rcoommond tliut tljoso bonds he straight ened' ai ihown In tho nooompanylnff plan and specifications. There aro four largo brMyo ovor this drain on tho 12th ooncoafilon road Tho bo bri3gbB~o.ro Ontlroly .worn ont aud dcoayeil and will not stand tho hoavy flow of water'that must taUow tho repairing of tho drain. Tho bridge ovor tho Baso Lino is In a vory poor condition. This brldgo may boiBbortoned up Ifl foot at tho west end, and tho old timbers u*-d In ropairinn tho balanco of tbo bridges. I rooomraond that cbo work of repairing 'tbip drain bo douo in aooordnnno with tho rollowing epeuifioatlona aud tbo annezod nlanT owtntf to tho nature of tho work: on. the towullne, it should not bo done before next sprlug- My ustjiniato of tho. ooat of tho work texolusivo of tho bridRos) but iiioludlnH all incidental oxponsos to tlio.Town* shin is 183,070. Of this amount 1 have -charged $846 against the lauda and rnnda in tlto Town - ship of Maidntono that will use this drain an an eutlot. The balance of tills estimate, *!H25, togothor with S42.\ tbo oHtlmatod oust of tho brld(fon anmuutleg iu all to $3 550 I havo charged airainqt tho lunds and roods in Hnud- wloh Bouth that will bo banolUtud by tho drain orwlll use the drain as an outlet for their Wdtorfl. Accompanying are aptfoluea- tloiirt fully describing the work, oatlniatofl, giving tho coat in detail and a plan giving th-* depth aud bottom width at each sootl *u- All of which 1h rospoctfully nubnilttod. A. J. HAtiVOItD, G, 13- lat. The said report, piano, hih soBsuionts and oathnutoH are horoby aloptod And WriHRHAfl, tho'satd oonnoil aro of opinion mat tho said roiniburfluuiont of tho said Hum of wonoy is doelriblo. Thoroforo. tho wild Munloipal Connoil of the said Township of Matdstonn, pursuant to tho provlnlous of tbo Draiuugo Aot( 1BU1, on a eta an lollowi:.........^ ... Hpoolflcatloun, as aud the dratnngn work as tborolu Indfoah'd aud Bot forth shall bo tiw do and oonetruoted in uo- oordaiioo therewith- ilud. Tho Reeve of tho Bald towmdilp may borrow on tho orodlt of the corporation of tbo tmtd TowuHblp of MaldBtone the Rtliu ot lillght Hundred and Ftirty Vive Dollars lining us per onglneor'a oatluaato Maldstoike's portion of the cost of repairing the boH Wont Towullne Drain and may .. Ihhuo deboiituruu of the corporation to iluil amount in sums of not Iobs than &K0 ouch, uuJ puyiiuln wltblu five yoars from tho dai.* thereof with inter out at the rate of six per onntnm par annum, that in to Bay in (Wo oiuttl luBtitUnentH, such dobonturoa to bo pay ublo at tho agunoy of tho Imperial Uank, at the Town ol Kasex, and to have attached to tliom coupons for the payment of interest. 3rd. JTor paying tho sum of S744 00, tho amount charged ugalmtt tbo said luudu and road for nutlet liability apart from tho lauds aud roads belonging to or controlled by the uiunloi- uallty, and for oovorlug iutorost thureon tin nve years nt the rate of nix per coutum por annum ; tho total spoolal rate ovor and obovo all other ratOB, shall be ossossod, lovlod and ' coltuotud (in tho uauio ui an nor mid ufc the same time as othur taxos aro levied aud collected), upon and Irom the utidormoutlouud lott and ports of lots, and roads, aud the amount of tho said total spoalal rates and intAryuL^Hhall- bo divided Into nvn oiiual partu and one huoIi part dball bo uBUOBfwl, levied und onlloetod aH afore said hi oaoh year for live yeuro aftor tho ilnal pasHliiijef this by-law, during which tlto nukl debenturoH have to run. SoUodulo of Lands and Bonds nasossod for tho Piko Crook and Wost downline Brain. OALTj at Iw.".'1 m Mi FOR ALL IUND9 OP- WIlJlDOVV BLINDS~-Away down. OHINAWAU13, .-'B1UU-A-BRA0J3, ', FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, BOIIOOXj SUPPLIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BERLIN WOOL and FINGKKING . ' YARNS. ' New Stock of Late W&ll Paper Bakor ahd Butcher. UU'j oldest huslnufis in town. HntabllsUe I; S-(i A 187". Flrot-olauB broad and oaken of al '$>, khifXa. WoddlnKflitkes a npeoJality,' Grooorior. ", ' provlBloiiu, UOur, food, nalt ami pork. Oonfoo .' Uonery,emekory,glaHawaro. Oaunori fruits and ' voaetabloHof all kludu.: Goodo promptly >ie *f' l.veredtoallpartBoftbo town. J. M. HICKB f,' WiNTlQn-BKVURAT, PAtTHFOIiMIuN. Oft Women to trtv.V *^r rnnjonHiblo ontitb- i/'Usbod h&UBO in OiituvU Salary, 7W), payable i'/ 8J5 wooltly and oxponueH. 1'ouliloii porinanont1. If 'ii/ Beforoiioo. Muolntie solf-uddvoBHed htamped on- 1> , Obloago. ^ 'The Coast Line to MACKINAC * TAKE THE- m. j- !, ^ ; MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO p / NewSteel Passenger Steamers Kvjv The Oreatest Perfection yet aUalnt,d In [iw-l."n- Boat Construction Luxurious Equipment, M*ft-'V Artlatlc Purniohlng, Decoration and Hfflc- i;,1i1--' ient Service, liisuritij; the lilghctvi degree of |fg COMPORT, SPjEED AND SAFETY %' , Pour Tihpb pes Ween Between fe>;i Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac BivK'."."'pfiT08kEYl'"THE 800," MARQUETTE , AND DULUTH. Jfc; ,; LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac an >/ *':';' Return, Including fleals and Bertha. Prbn> ^'-^iCIbvclanU. $ <rom 'ty-pBtnlti $13.50. \ . jJ^v DAY AND NIOV(T SERVICE. ^Between Detroit and Cleveland |S.*^jv.lb(imiectins; at Cleveland with JJarHeat' ,.'{ Trains for all points IJaflt, fiouth and South*. Kj i'M&t arid at Detroit Tor all points North nnd l^'r^rthwest,..:' ..', ... , - " , B(jrjd*yTrlpiJunor July, Augutt and Sept Only ^^i'^'< : |^jj(yelarid,Put-iri-Bay^Tpledo Address o a a O at 2M % a O I3 V u id <u E S a J .1. O EH 0 * J oS si 'a C/J o ai a 0 5 u S. T. R. 10th 0ou. N. T. R. S. AI; R. N.M.R. 299 uopt 201 11 ptn w qc- 201 u 0 q,r 200.u w qe 200 w pt n 0 qr 200 0 pt n 0 qr 200 h hf 280 n w qr 280 n 0 qr 280 a w qr 280 fl 0 qr 288 n hf 288 h li 287 280 o a hf 280 o hf 285 27 28 20 20 28 20fl n 0 pfc 202-n opt'a ht 202 n w qr 202 u 0 qr 201 h hf 201 n w qr 201 u o qr 200 ei w qr 200 ho qc . 200 n w qr 200 ti 0 qr 280 h w qr 28.0 ao qr 280 n w qr 280 u 0 qr 288 q w qr '288 n 0 qr 288 a hf 1 2 1 b hf 1 Bhf n hf 1 n hf n hf lOtlvCon. 10 18 17 10 15 U a hf - Talbot at. Gro-vol Boad Miohigan Gontral Eailway 1 25 18 48 10 10 80 -18 18 50 60 00 100 100 08 0-1 100 28 8-1 20 01 00 B0' 65 fiO fiO 100 fiO 50 GO ISO 50 SO 50 50 50 CO 50 .50 100 70 100 100 50 50 33 30 30 80 30 15 22 3 5 1 00 6 25 13 00 12 00 2 50 10 00 20 00 12 00 12 00 12 50 12 50 21 00 25 00 41) 00 21 P0 23 CO 25 00 7 00 21 00 0 50 in 00 .22 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 fifl 25 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 TO 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 17 50 25 00 25 00 12 50 12 50 8 25 5 00 , 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 U 00 10 00 10 1 18 2 28 2 28 18 1 00 3 80 2 28 2 28 2 38 2 38 50 75 31 05 15 75 33 00 23 01 28 38 39 38 38 1h 38 39 38 38 38 38 J 1 7 14 H 2 11 23 u M 14 14 28 10 4:i 28 28 08 110 80 28 28 88 88 50 2 38 2 38 2 36 2 38 2 38 2 38 2 38 3 33 4 76' 4 75 2 38 2 38 ' 1 57 05 05 05 05 38 2 09 3 01 20 75 58 81 20 15 27 95 20 75 8 33 24 00 7 73 10 04 20 78 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 20 75 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88. 14 88 14 88 li 88 14 88 20 83 20.-75 20 75 14 14 0 5 5 5 5 8 HI 10 88 89 82 95 05 05 05 3R 00 04 24 1 40 2 80 2 80 00 2 38 4 70 2 80 2 80' 2 08 2-08 5 71 5 05 11 00 5 83 5 50 5 05 1 07 6 01 1 55 3 81 5 30 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08 5 05 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08 .9 08 2- 08 2 09 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08 4 17 5 05 5 05 2 08 2 08 ' 1 00 1 10 1 10 1 10 110 48 2.02 3 81 Total on lancln............... Total //^nQ'"u^ * South Towu Lino, 1*744 00 8141 85 885 35- $177 07 on Iload, North Talbot Road, South Talbot Band, Ellin tiido Kottd. 0th Conooneion Road South, VMiddlo Rou-l, 101 00 10 20 120 20 24 04 Total on Lauda imd Itoudu $845 00 8100 55 $1,005 55 8201 11 4tb.' tfor vaylnL'tho Hum of SlOli tho amount iidfioHBrtd affaitw tbo mildroadn and Iambi of tho municipality, and for oovoi-Iub Into'wtflt tboroon tor-llvo yaara at tho rttto of six por aontum por annum, n npuolal rato on tbo dollar, miuV <dimt to pro'duao tho rootuirud yoarlv amount thorofor, obull, ovor and itbovo all other raton, bo lovlod and cotlootol (In tho namo nntuuor and at tho nnmo tlmo an taxofl aro lovlod aud collootod], upon tiud from tho whola ratablo proporty In nald trownBhlp or Maldatouo, In oaoh year for flva yearn aftor. the final'paus- Iur of this by-law, during whloh tho Ba-id dobou- turoB havo to run. \ 6th. This by-law Bhall bo publlsbod 01100 in every Wo ok, for f nur oansooutlvo wooko, la tbo Eauex ffroo ProBs, nowaputw. pahUebod In the Town of Bbbox, aud shall oomo into forco npon and altor tho flnalpaBalnff thoroof, und may eltou" the "WoBbTownlino Repairs By-law.' M, MOUUGH* Clork. PKTliin OORBETT.' Beeve, I hereby oortlfy that tbo forosoloff ti a crup copy of a b/daw provtslonalJy adooted by tbo municipal oounotl of tho . sold Township of Uoldatone' on tho fonneenth day of , August, A,.D,1607. ....... i-. 0: ITOTiaS, NOTIOK 1b horobv fjivou that a Court of Ho- . vleiou bold nurnuant to tbo ^rovlBiouB of tho Drainage Act, 18Ui, for tho Viauriua und trial cf uppoale hiado again fit tho abovo hb- BOBBratnt, or any part tho*qf, will lioldlte flrat " n hour of 3 o'clock in tho aftcrnao", Hlttlugfl at the Town Hall, Maldetonif, on Haturday, tho aith day of Boptftmbor.lS'Vr. ivfetbb ___ ...... ._ . aud thut any person Intending to appoal against: tbo above aBBPBsmont or iihy part thoroof, tmiBb, not iutur than ten days boforo tbo tihio fltfad for the holding of said Court, oervd on the Oierk of this municipality a wrlfctonuotloo >-f Buohappoal.or otborwiao Uo will be too Into to bo hoard in that bohalf, "And furtnor tiotico iaboroby Klvon that any person intoDdtn^to havo siioh Hv-law, or any part thereof,'njaaehodinuot. not later than tea days after the . final servo a. notice in writing, upon tbo Jtebvo or other, hoad officer and nnon the Clork of the Mtinloi- pality of Maids to no, of bi? (intention- to make application for that purpose,. to the High aonrtatr --- enaOin(( l>ated " Bt-ild for Illustrated Pamphlet. ^ T^Q DBlrOlt & GlBV&ISUttl Steani Katr. 60* CIorbofthoMunJclpaHtyofliiUdito^ ia97.. ..;.--,;.. '7/.. Veto Hem Hii*>ihg Beyond the beaitf . HeWodrearaer/arid ToioojiaUwlfftrthwtdtoWi^ Bli days are oabn, n^aJMHO, frit*. He U a dreainir.' Lf him. U. He ie a dreamer. AUt^eday Bloat vfilona find him on his way Pant ihe far muiiet and the light, Beyond tho dnrhnosn and tho nl^ht. Hu Is a droumof. Godt To bo Apostlo of Infinity And mirror truth's tronalucontffleanil Ho 1h a droampr. Lot him dream. Ho in a di'camor, For all time Hla mind in marrlod r*nto rhyma* Light that no'cr wu. On laud oruoa Hath bluahud to him in poetry. Ho in a droani(?r, und hr.lh iii\:i;ht Cl(o to bin hoart a hope, n thought, A hoiHt of iminortiillty. He 1>J u dreamer. I^ot him be. Ho in a (lrcumor. Lo, with thee Illri houI it<iLlt weop In Hymiiulhy. Hu Ih n dreaiiMir, and dulli Ion;; T<j Khtd-lhc) world with lutppy Hung. Hl'i.4 udrcamor. In a broath Hu dri'an.n of love, and 111" and death- O n:uii, o W'umtm, liwl and lanw, Ho in u tlromnurl Lot Mm phh, I.j*indon Hun. CAPTURING AN ELEPHANT. and Something About Till** Diuitfitrou* Hotntitliiioit Orucl Knort. Wbuii tint two sons of tlio Prfuao of WalOfl \vma on a vinit to Coy Ion, h grand elophant hunt was projectfl to hIiow them how'tho aimnalH woro cnpttimd. Horn ih im uxlruot from JoRupli Mooro'n doHorii)tiou of tho hunt: 'Aftor long inanouvoring the trained olophantu managed to Koparnfo a lui'^o cow from tho hord and tio rangod thoiu- eolvGH about hor that idw.wiifl forced to (ttand. ThiHwaHthoopportimity wumtod, and in a flmji an aiJo uutivo Hlipporl mulor 0110 of tho friendly bmtoo, rop iu hiind. \V:iltin until tho ruHtlc&n prinouor lifted her liind foot, ho tloftly placed tho wKJso utoat hor Ic^; nud withctrow. Another .vontaro frttcrod tho sccoud limb, tho duaoyBittGMiY.'hilo wardiuf? off with thoir tranhH novoral wmthfol Rlrokow nt tho man. TlioropeH woro now firmly Bcourod to a stout trco and th(.' oaptivo loft ontiroly alono uavo hor calf. Thon bCKtin u titautio Htrug^o for liberty, that no taw wordH can juHtly portray. VlndhiR horsolf bnfllud iu n- tyiug tho many knotM or in. uprooting tbo troo, hIio writhed, ticroumnd, toro at tho folingo, pawod tho oarth, tossed clouda of dut ovor lior back, flung hor truuk about, fiercnly. and pluutod hor houd upon the ground" for htvwago to roudaHundor tho hondw. ' At length ho foil in oxlmuutinn, an- gnish und deupnir find lay motionlcmi i^nd roHigncd. Tho nativoajuUl leuow that thefio ayxiiptoniR fovbodo tho lorn of thoir prize. She panted for an hour or moro, Highod deeply and died of "bro ken honrt." A -inulo Homqwhafc above inodtam itisco wa noxt Bu_hmittod to tho exciting ordeat with minor variations. While ho stood -jam mod between two of tJio tamo olophauU, away from any troo, tho uooflor iaduced Iiiw to rniso his hind foot by touching it gnutly, drew tlio running knot nhoitt'luH log niul rotroat- 0(1. InthiHOaHo tho rope \vnu attaohod to tho girth of one of tho trained imi- main, and tho nuguaiouH brdto, 'knowing oxaotly whnt wns expected of him, be gan to drag tho captive toward u trco facing tho HpootatorH' standi). Tho wild.0110 roHifitod vlolontly, but without uvai I, .aH tlio tamo ullion Btcud- ly-puHhod, butted und pulled him aoro tbo inolofluro. When tho tying was ooto- pletot hih uontortionn to .froo himself we.ro aBtouishing, though in tho ond he calmed down, hopeloHH and covorod with soiL . _______ To bo old and poor and bedridden 1h generally to bo dobnrred from thuRroat- or privilugeH of life, but thcro w'att one old man in Scotland who found hia cIih- Ddvrtiitpgos had procured him a privi lege that tho Htrojtg mid more uofcivo mgmborf) of hia family woro Hooking in vain, It wan on an ocension when Quoen Victoria wan ut Balmoral, und, t\n ho often did, who went one day unaccom panied to vittit tin* collagen. In onu of thefio who found an old mum bedrid don and quite iilono, and ho Hat down to talk to him. "And how is it you aro.alonu?" flho anked. "Havo you no oiio to keep you company?" "No," replied tho old man innocent ly. "My folkfi ho all nwuy Boeing the queen. They thought they might got u glimpHO of her." Hitj vinitor made no reply, but alio sat with tbo old'man, pleasantly filling the gap made by'tho absence of "his folkfl/'auri then found time to road to him from tho Bible Hho heraolf .tronp- urcd. On leaving flhe gave a further proof of iier Hympathy in the shupo of a ifi note, iiqcompunying it with the words, "When your people oomo book,' toll thorn that while they have boon to boo tho queen the queon has boon to flbe ywt.n Yon'tiVfl Oomputiion. Mow a druat Cauviut Wiw* Movod, . The moving of a painting from a pavilion of tho city of PariH in-the- Obukups Elyaooa to tho Autouil gallery 'offered a very difficult problem, to tho Paris city authorities. Tlio painting, by M. Boll, representing the oeltibratiou of July 14, 19 02 foot long by 23 feet high aud with the maBaive frame weighs over 9,300 pounds. ; It was im possible to move the painting in the ordinary way, by taking tho canvas off the frame and rolling it, for tho paint ing, being vnrnishod, it would probably have cracked in several; places. It was therefore-' deoided to move the canvas and frame as a whole. After muoh de-^ Ili^eratigjQ . a epeqliU chaidti waa^ con-i Btraoted "over two . of tti k floata which were used in theMardf GYas'prooeflHibn. The city.ougineer,,.with- was fiiMUiT got 9**\yBfiimf.WopeEie obirtdi', ArtlYttdVw,rhililvU,,d'Ati-- tcnil, the piohO -WM imilaxry'oarTied to iUne^qmaH^f. >TM' painting is one of th Uuriofl^.'wi^tonoo and was pointed, by oro>r ol tfaa, French ,g&vern- merit Id 1B80 topvrpi^iate Use mamory of the first"national holiday of tho third republic.- Pari* Latter, Tlie Chines*. Oonsorvativo hiitorians among tho Chiueso claim for their race an antiq uity of at leant 100,000 years, whilo those whoso estimates are a little "wild" assort that thoOhinoso wcro the> original inhabitants of the .earth and that (Jbiuoso history goes hack at least ubO.OOO.UOO years. Thegovuriimeiit ro'c- ord.4 of China place the foundation pf fhcoiuphe at 3600 B. O. and claim thai, it Wurt Cfttablishcd by Tohi, who, they assort, in the J'ouh mentioned in the book of Cicji.csiH, B. O. sa-io. FARM CREAMERY, Suited, to tlio Dairyman Wlio Mah* Unt- t<:r nt Jlom. A farmer with a largo number of cows and not vory near it creamery can often build a creamery and mako butter ad- vaiittigcously.at home. In many cases, too, his noighborutiimilarly situated will OUTHWK V1KW OK CHKAMKttY, fcoul milk to his creamery, and with this addition the beginning of a largo and flourishing buaino9 cau ho mado. Tho editor of Hoard's Dairyman pub lishes tho following planH for such a creamory. Ho fluyjLnjLthdm: Wo havo rocoived several requosta for a plan for a farm croamery, At leant one of these stipulated that provision should bo made for using Htoam power and stated that convenience and utility should not be Hucrifieed to cost. Another wanted a detailed design for tho rofrig- erator, aud still another thought hd v/ould prefer .to run his separator aud churn with a trend power. Tho main building is 16 by 34 foot, outside dimonnionfl, and tho cut showe wide, projecting eaves in order to protect tho sides from the cxccRsi.vo heat of tho turn in summer. We think this feature aMstJ GROUND MJLV, of tho plan worthy of attontivo consid eration. Tho extra coat will bo ineour uidorablo and tho resulting bonofit quite percoptiblo. Tho ground plan iH fully Rolf explana tory, tho broken lines at tho bottom in dicating tho' place whoro a trend power may ho located iu oubo fitoam iHuofcusod.- Tho draftsman has spooiihid one of tho combined oliurna and butter workers, aa thia is tho latest demand of our progres sive butter makers.' It ia by no moaua indisponsablo, and eoparato umohiuos for these purposes may bo substituted. In tlio matter of tiour.truoidj^n, regard should bo had to beeping outrho cold in v/intoraud the -heat insurnmor. To thin ond it is well to .provide, ufc least two dead air'spaooH, and every mcohanio worthy of tho unme .knows how to do thiH by using building paper. Thia may ' bo done without inoreawingtho thipknoss of the walls, but wo should prof er. to JTOME J300/i ttm 1~ ' /rS/^/fS/^,i^tV:A^ ^ [iME^zin^i^ioi SUCTION OK UKl'IUGEIU-TOU, Curtail tho inBido dimensions somewhat and make tho outside walla ten inches instead of six. . Ntfe; boliovo it better ,to have a sepa- rato building for an icehouse, These fltructuroa go to decay very rapidly .and are never quito free from filthy , , Build a flroplade;at the" bottom.of. the ' flue opening ' into the, main roqru and alHO leave au Opening near the Oeiling, tp whioh fit a waster tot may'be opened meaapie obviate the nece&Aity for build- ,'r. BABY WAS + V)v.\n Sihh.-I can hlirbly recom- + ftiLMKl Mr. I"<>v/lvr'K Extract of Wild Jf Ktrnwbcirvy. It cured my baby o J. illirrli<cn(ietornll othormeannfaur(l, J* k'i 1 j/!ve It urt'iit pmiH<\ It !h okccI- ^ lent for ui I bowel complaints. t MltS. OH AS. HOTT, Hurlow, Ont. THE HEAD MASTER t,iKNTi.iati.*s1--T liiivo found grout Kiitlfjir,tliin hithu utt'joMjr. 1'owler's ICxtract o( Wild Strii"wVjrry.uiidcon- si'b-r it iilViilnublt) .In ull t-ain.ii of tllurrhm.'H anil i;ti;miu-r cfMntilittnt., It hi ii pU-iiH'iif t*> mu to I'duomuiend ItUnthw jmhliu. K. U. MASTKRTON, Principal. High School, KiVor Churlu, N.H., y. n i '!'; ^ s ,,.V. ytt I I All For You Can Get One Parlor Suite, One Bedroom Bui to, One Extonsion Table, One Sideboard. Six Olmira, One Rocker, --------ALSO Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings ana IS vory thing in tho-Furniture Lino at Cldso Prices tbo Best Goods in tho Mnrlcot tho bulk of which ia our own manufacture, there-' foro wo will guarantoo it tho eat; - in tho Haricot * * * * * -'- Undertaking A Special!;' Firat-ClasflCity Hacks iu attendance whon required^ AU of the iLbovo to bo had at E'BhOx Fumituro Wuroroi uis J. L HiGKS & Co., Essex. New Bakery. ,n-< 1? ':. I beg to inform tho citizoun , of Essex and vicinity that I have Opened a Bakery at . my residence, Viiitoi'ia Si;., when- can be found a full lino ol . . . .'..-. BAKER'S'GOODS.. I B&ite tlio Detroit colcbrat- od Homo- Mado Broad, which in tho latest and moot appe tizing. PatronB can .obtain" " thia Broad by calliuc WILKINSON'S # ' GROCERY. # ]Ic ia liaudliug the gooda for mo. Please Give Me a TriaB and be convinced that I can . 3uit yon. Go'odc will bo Frosh as my wa.-.'on'goes to ' ai] party of tho town every morning. tSS*.Wedding" CatceH-u spoci- alty. ' WHU'Y aUlii'3l 'm tt vsi :.5S ,' '.^ j',1 IF KIDNEY^ . pills'1 m '.v;rW >hu^/mark WEAK BACK, LAME BACK, BACKACHE. A*&i LUMBAGO OR fi RHEUMATlSMiM 'S.KlDNEY-'PlLL^l; WILtP'CMRE\VOUvV.\'^-M ', ."DO YOUR HANDS-OR PEBT SWBttfvOT ipso you havc Weak kidneys. bOAN*>rV& PILLS WILL 3TRENQTHENTMBM: ,-". fa!^| . HAVB YOU DRQPSY, KIDNEY OR URI< NARY TROUBLES OP ANY 'KIND* f-'lP'.'.aO^M DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURB YOU.;'. ,\; ->S&i,,);^M SOMETHING WORTH KNOVVIN0|i HEADACHES, DIZZINESS, PRl6HtPMfe?J DRRAH5, DISTURBED SLBBP.'DRO^liM NESS, FORQETPULNBSS. COLD CHIIX*;^ NERVOUSNESS. BTC., ARE Of^BNCAUfpD;p 'BY DISORDERED. KIDNEYS,,:-, ;:,;\;',':::>;^|g EVEN IP YOUR neriORV IS, DeFBCTIYB;1 YOU SHOULD ALWAYS RBflBnBBRVniXfe^ DOAN'5 PILLS CURB ALL lUDNBYTRWMj BLES, ANP HVHRY:^itoB ^'^WBJJW^Ipy curb:' v^2\/'-^^M >s*r|S At

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