life** * 1^ft,l5r ^5* ot $W B? W ' |^'Ja>,tfrfto howfl,.W'ttMrAmp dog Is hi* V->.iVo fW With him In'flhbd orfioldor woodi TOjWwfciirom windows/BSes the white steam f^^i^toriwtry ot blookunod smokestacks Is V$wspjuandaiLbstanaQof; hia "neighborhood.'* m (Bin ^realthy iftthor buys him pretty clothes; ,^,:ijlli mother gnrbs him out all trig nnd trim; JPt&3KlV,TIa all glory docked, do yon suppose ;Tluithungry hoartoj littlomagnate knows On, half the blessings that accrm* to Mm? .looks sometimes from ont his window high Aarona tho intervening ruof nnd aoea ' !Dio VratoluxuuVs child, who Hhoutn a grootlng .bry Vo'sprae young neighbor of n loft noor by- Be winhes well ho might be onu of those, Yith aacombed hair and pntohos at hia knoeo. ; I IE ki r/ Kf VI K SI* ft'* Tho hotel child, unloved but by bin own, Haa play* nnd toys. Tho watch urnn's boy1 has none. Bat of nil dreams the rtalunan's heir has know u 31ae funduse in to Iwi tho watchman's Hon. Chicago liuoord. DENTSE. & _______ ft* ---------------------------------- Th6y had hcon throo yonrs married. Thoy adorud ono uu other. Sho was youilg, Ho wn<* young ulso. Two happy faces! Two olntriniiij? smilsl Why had tiny coma to ihifl Ilfctlo old -and iflolatud villas" 100 hmgui'H from Paris? Suroly tho guiiiofl had novor roo- onqnioiiricd It. Horo tho grass grow be tween tho caved in paving Htouoa of tho BtrootH. And ono could hour now arid then, with its jolting and joking, tho jingling of IjoIIh and tho rattling of wiwlowH, tho yollow conoh, whioh r- turnod, Hourly nlwny oropty, from the distant railway station. It Waa Cooilo who had thought of thiHtrip. Rogorhnd Ht first Hiiid, "No," bat fho, comiug closer to him, suid ooaxingly: "Won it not down thoro in tho littlo villugo, oIoho to tho mountains, that you \.oro born, pan.sed your childhood and 1'ccmno man? \Vun it not thoro you Jivwl wlfch your agod paronta, over when wo wept tngoHior a your Binoo? I with to yoo tho good old country boxiud of whirl) you havo ro often Hpo- Jreu. And tho garden, too, which Boom ed ho 1 irgo whon you woro a littlo child. You ."hull nhow mo tho wnll whoro you tisoc!' to thiow stones to hear thorn lilu*jli iu tho water tho tulip troo, wJi^ro you found tho newt of dovos. I wa it to seo tho mud you trim-led to th" sc'ionlhoubo. You unod to^fitop by tho wiiy to out lmilherrinH, littlo Rour- m.i-jd that you wore. Howl shall laugh bh 1 i jotuid you piisHinf,"* by, whon you, Ko^< v, wero not taller than n boot, and wore nhorfc trou^orn On your arm you o:r ! d .1 bn^lrot in which your mothor b:. 1 luccd n Imiehoon of bread and pro se. /. '. Ko, Kn^r, 1 plmll not lau^h. P>i iu t think nio ko frivolous. If I wiflh to i ofkwi tlxom to^'our niitivo village, it i, I,- uiuBo I lovo you I Jovu you no well and bocauHO I am joidous of a ( past in which I havo'tio Hhavo. Porhnps fiojne day you might think of thoHo things without thinking of mo. 'Tis thw that griovet mo ho, Tako mo whoro you ^voro, miuglo mo with that whioh onco Hurroundod yon, bo flint honco- f6i*th you may novor laavo mvurit* In vs'hich I am not a part;, ho that I may never bo absent from yonr memories, howovnr dlutuut tiicy may bo. " Speak ing tJniH, flho raised hor lipH to hi, and ho coufjouted (not without an air of unulniioholy) booauso of tho proffered kits. Tho first dayn passed an this littlo vilJugo woro ndorablo onofl, Cooilo on- joyed yvorything in tho groat, lonely pluco. Kvon tho ugly, somber HtroiatB delightod hor. Tho villagers who pass ed turned to look after her, marveling at hor Parisian graco. Ono ovoning there wan a foto in front of tho town hall a Rhootiug gallery, three turnHfciloH and somo wooden horsoH. Mmo. Prndeuco, tho clairvoy ant, was there. Oooilo entered tho wom an's placo to loarn hor fato. "3STo enemy seoks to harm you, and every possible hnppincai is yotirq." "Ah, I Iwiow it," cried Codlo, fall ing impulsivoly upon hor husband's nock, to tho astonishment of tho clair voyant. Sho visited tho old house whoro Rog er's mothor hnd diod. "What a pity wo are not rich ouough to buy it," she said. Then sho mado him relate, with many details, tho life ho had led when a boy at what hour ho arose, at what hour ho went to bed. Sho wanted to know, too, tho place at tallo occupied by euoli member of tho family and to hour of thoHo evoningH when ho sat be neath tho lamp reading aloud, wtylotho old mother, listening, would fall asloop in tho great nrmohair, her foot upon the fonder. But tho pardon interested her moat of all. Sho at onco recognized tho well, and fbo in her turn dropped in stouoa to hour them splash in tho wator. Thoio woro no moro dovoa' nosta in tho tulip troo, "What a pity!" Bohind the hodgo ran tho rond to tho echoolhoufiO. Cooilo atainod hor rod lips uourly blaok with tho juioe of tho mulborriou, and so happy waa sho that her oyctj boeumo clouded with tears of joy. She followod whoro Roger lod. Ho was obumiod to boo hor ho tenderly affected. Ho, howovor, waa vory silont nnd smiled but lictlo, trying in vain to hido a fooltnpf of deop fladnoflS. Yos, tru- ' ly, after they had ro turned to tho littlo villa go he Wad powdve- and morose. - One morning he dressod in basto and golckly loft the inu> whoro Ocoilo was a till sleeping. He did not ovon pluco upon hor forehead or lipa tho kiss that would have awakened hor. He traversed the villago, panned tho 1 laat houao and entered a graveyard. .Ho stopped in front of a slab of atone Upon whioh woj inscribed a name, "Denise," and the age, "ifi years.'* Hero he fell' upon hia kneoa, his face " buried in hlfl hands. Roger had not , told-all to Ceoile. He had not related allrhie yxmthful memories. She did not \ " knoyf flf&t, he , had loved when a child that th poor little one > lit i m if 11 Tho first mention of tho Huns in his tory ia in China, B. 0. 310. Thoy cou- quoredthat country and woro afterward driven out by tho Colostlalo and niaroh- od olour aorosH Asia, pouotrutiug tho country now known as Hungary in 876 A. D. For u time thoy threatened to overran tho wholo of tho continent, but wero defeated iu tho heart of Frnnoo and drivon back to tho banks of the Danube Sincerity. Tho only conclusive ovidonoo of a man's fliuoerity is thnt ho gives himself for u prinoiple. Worda, monoy, ull thiugs olso, arO comparatively imny to give away, btit whon a man makes a gift of his daily life and practice it ia plain that tho truth, whatover It may bo, has posaeasion of him. James Bus- sell Lowell. FreoklM* The nose is "very apt to freckle, even when no other part of the face is affect ed in the some way. These littlo brown flpota oan be removed by putting on the nose- this lotion: Lemon juice, 8 ounces; vinegar; 1 ounce; rose water, 1 ounce; Jamaica turn, 1 "ounce. Apply this with Npouge several times a day. : jfc" ^e%*t^riinmn; ^efore,hivn| vwcaltfldvWs'flJfit Wag, But Jftoger had; - wftt Jorgottcn"herk Now, before this' grave-' where he had knelt down, he honied to seBh^r- Again alivo, and bq pretty, with her' aiwoot, pale eyes nnd delioutA lips tvbioh would nevor again bo rod. Ho lived over again those fur- -tlvo hours of their rendezvous behind the garden hedge, tho hope) the impa tience with which he awaited the let*, tor Whioh Pr^iiso every day as she re-, turned from boiiool would alip beneath tho gato. Here in the silence of the graveyard ho seemed to hear her voice, But tho bitter certainty that sho was dead, a vision of tho hand as it rented upon a pillow of uoworu, of tho pale forehead uud elbsod eyes, overwliolmed him. HoHuffcied again, aftorteu yearn, aa lie miifoied before. His oyoa closed nnd tears fell from beneath hia lnshcs. There was a noise behind him. Ho In rued. Cooilo, who had followed him, waa atunding thoro clone to him. tiho looked ut him. She looked at tlm grave. She must have read tho inscription, and sorely Him had divined all. Ho arose trembling. Ho dared not say a Word to his wife nor tako her hand. Ho moved nnldo, walked away from hor and puas- ed oat of the gravcynid with the air of a child that, being caught in somo for bidden act, takes to flight. He walked a long time it mattered not where aoroas the llulda, not know ing whither he wt'Ut, not having tho courage to enter the village. He feared to moot Ocoilo, for, loving and jealous as he know her to he, oho would be furi ous or sad, whioh would bo atill worse. Hurely sho know now what he had so long hidden from her. Shu knew that he had loved u young girl 'that lie had loved her tenderly, aineo ho atill wept for hor. JPorhapa she would have par doned him this early lovo this lovo tiiat ho had felt before ho mot hor, but Hho would never pardon tho toars that the old love revived. Ko, hho would novcr forgive that. Ho thought of tho roproaohoH, tho cruel words with whioh oho would aliortly rooolvo him. Vainly he told himself that this youthful ten- riomfls^ had left in him only a languish ing romomhrnneo, n very vaguo one, ro- vivod by hia return to *tho villago and by tho sight of tho barren and noarly forgotten grave. Wuh thoro tiio slightest roRoniblancfl between this dream'of a ohild, faded and vanished, and tho man ly reidity of tho ardent and imperish able passion which ho felt for her, Co oilo? Sho joalnus? .Toaloua of a littlo girl who had died before hor hoarfc had opened I What folly I It would bo well enough to say these things and many others to Cooilo, But who would novor listen to him. She would repeat with HobH and tears, " Yon have loved her,*' or else (and thiH would bo much worso) alio would hit unmoved uud loojc at him coldly silently. Nevertheless lie oould not remain nil day in the iielda. Ho must return to the tavern, whuro Cooilo hnd already gone. Ho searched for. tho path and regain ed it. Ho roHolved to walk rapidly, but M ho npprouohod tho village ho slack ened his paoo, and it took him ovor an hour to got to hia lodgings aud ten minutoH uiuio to mount tho stairs, be fore tho door his hoarfc boat Htrangoly. At last ho entered. AIiih! What would she nay, if eho doignod to speak at all? Ho awaited a sad dificourso or a siiddcr mleuco. But nol Sho spoke, and very owoot- ly, with her soft voice. "Ah! "Xisyau," she said, and, smil ing, sho rained hor forehead for n kim. What! 'Sho was not angry? Sho was not and? IIo did not see that hor oyos woro a littlo red, as though Hho had been wooping. Perhaps, ho thought, flho did not road the name upon tho stono. Another surprise awaited him. Upon tho table, in great pprfnmod buuehea, woro lilies and white roseH. One would havo said that thoy wero for n feto day, nnd that tho floriBfc had juBfc left thorn. "Thoso flowors, Cooilo?" ho asked hesitatingly. "What!" shosnid, and hervoioo grew still sweeter. ' 'Did you not see that it was all Imro nnd so gloomy -tho little gravo in tho oomotory? Hero are somo flowers, .Roger. Tako them to JDeniso." "Ah, doar ono," ho wiid, falling np- on hia knees, "how moroiful you aro to mo and how kind to tho poor littlo ono who fell aaleep so young. Yos, I will carry tho ilowors to hor, or rathor wo will tnko them together." But Cooilo said: "No, nol Not that." And sho smiled a littlo sadly. " 'Tis tho Hamo with ohildron, 'tis tho same with tho doad. We aro all u littlo jealous. Look you, doar ono. Should I accompany you to tho graveyard Boniso would bo loss pleased to huvo flowers upon hor tomb." 'ITrom tho French For Short Storioa* Vie. - M-1. vV A'.fr, <? TITLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured Iby these Littlo Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too I fcarty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PHI. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution ^ho fraud of tho day. See you get Carters, Ask for Carter's. Insist and demand Carters Little Liver Pills. INQUISITIVE SPARROWS. limy May Ifnvn Ilftm IfontDc, Imt Tli*j Didn't Dure Attuok tlio Conltittoo, Thoro was trouble aud to spare ono day luflt wook in a back yard on Brook lyn Heights. The oauso of it wan an in nocent oookntno whioh hud flown nwav from homo und found itn way to tho top of a tree nonr ytato street, botweon Honry-Htreofc and Garden plaoo. Where tho strange bird oamo from thoro in no body to toll. It was flrflt discovered by tfie largo and noisy colony of English sparrows which inhabits that vioiuity. Tho first eparrow to noo tljo foreigner loHt no1 time in oommunicatlng tho uows of it.^J diKOovory to its mates, and in throo mi mi tori no Iohh than 50 HpnwnvH Jiad aiisomblod to oxamino tho strange visit- |f and exohimgu views about Jim. Thoy look plaeos on all Hides of tho cockatoo and began a olmtterlng which soon at tracted ufctentiou from all tho neighbor ing windows. Thoy hopped about from branch to branch, but novor approach ed nearer than a yard to tho puzzled itrangor. l^or a timo tho cockatoo view ed tho conclave about him with sereni ty, but the strain became too much for him, nnd ihmlly found expression in a sorios of tho most penetrating screeches, accompanied by the olovation of his light Rroon plumo, which had previous ly been parfly concealed in his fluffy, snow white foathorn. This demonstra tion added threefold to tho wonderment and fright of tho sparrows and in creased tho volumo of their chattering in liko proportion. But tho unwelcome forcignor soon found that tho chattering was hnrm- UfB, and that tho saucy sparrows lack ed thoeonrago to make an attack. Find ing himself surrounded on all hides by tho littlo nuisances, ho gradually work ed his way through one snlo of the cir- olo and out on the end of n branch, whoro ho perched contentedly and view ed his tormentors with the cnlmost in difference. Having found that tho in lander would noithor take nor give of fense, tho sparrows ono by ono flew away i leaving I he cockatoo to tako n mip in pence and quiet. Meanwhile the cut colony of the buck yards hnd been moused by the unu.sual activity of tho feuthcicd tribe, and tlirvo had been a gradual concrntiation of (he feline forces near thu baic of the tree which fornu'd tho cockatoo's perch. ThiH meant a cat fight as sure ns pleach ing, nnd it was not long before tho hos tilities broke out. Then the dogs hnd their turn, and the cats disfippcmed, but to tho last the tr ckateo sat umuiflod in his feathers in tho trco top. Now York Bun Not In Hor Clnnu, "I uttdorstinid their engagement ha been broken." "yes. Bho says sho was deceived. Ho had only 6 century runs to his credit histoid of 10, and aa pho hud M herself ho was dourly out of her class," Chi cago Post. Hull Now*. "hi Boston tho monkeys can rida tho bioydo." ~' " 1'bat 's nothing. Boston parrots huvo boon quoting Emoraou for yours aud yearfl and years. "< Detroit Free JProas, You can't go on losing flesh under ordinary con ditions without the knowl edge that something iB wrong, either with diges tion or nutrition. If the brain and nerves are not fed, they can't work. If the blood is not well supplied, it can't travel on its life journey through the body. Wasting is tearing down; Scott's Emulsion is building up. Its first action is to im prove digestion, create an ap petite and supply needed no* trition. Book free. I \W *> SCOTT & BOWNE, felkvUI*, Ont, Mj&kv&&Th rCotu>oat < Onsd tfcVwowt P ..... In fit Nioholftfl there !ia an article on "Thff Poiilfl of '*,tfirinan' .Lifo,", bfCharles T. Hill, who has written sev eral urtloleu on tho Now York firo do- 'par tin out for this magazine Mr. Hill suya: Noxt to a dangerous cellar flro noth ing is moro dreaded by the men than what la known in tholr own langunge qb the "back draft." This is a sudden veering of tho flames, usually oauned by tho burning away of somo portion of the building that given tho fire renewed draft and changes itsoonrtlo comuiutely. The dromon arrive and find the wholo leooud or thiid floor of a building in flamGH. Axes in hand, they tmiatdi open tho doors, and with the hotm diiHli up tho stairway. This is all afire, and tho flames are rolling above liko a red pall. With the engine at work and good pros- mre on tho lino, the battle between tho two elomontri, firo and water, begins. Inch by inch tho men fight thoir way up tho fltuirwny, now to retreat rnt tho tiro gaiim upon them nnd now to ad vance as it rolls away for a moment. Tho encouraging worsts of tho com-i msnding officer aro heard bohind them urging thorn on: "Now, get in, boys! That's it gut in I Mukn the next landing) Hit it "1. boys!" and ull tho other words of eneoaragomont that ho usually gives. They finally roaoh tho landing. They aro on the floor with tho firo. It rolls away from them. Thoy drive It farther back. Kucourngod by their seeming vic tory, they drag up moro of tho heavy hoHO to mako a final dash at it, when suddenly something falls in ut the roar of tho firo that gives it tanowod draft. It rolls toward thorn, an impenotrablo Wall of fire tho deadly back draft 1 Thoir only chunoo of oscupo is to throw themselves upon thoir faoos, in hopo that it may roll over them, or to hurl thonisolvi'H down tho stairs up which they have bo gallantly fought thoir way. Bettor a broken leg or arm than death by roasting, nfid tho water of BO en gines could never stay tho prdgrCFW of that uwful wavo of flame, Many a bravo fellow has lost his life in thiH nmunor, and vory often all tho mombors of a company roturu with thoir eyebrows, hair and board singod oit, boaring ovidonoo that thoy havo boon "kotehed," as thoy oxpress it, by a Ices terrible form of this doadly draft. VILLAGE ODDITIES. English Towiim DlMtlneufehed Vor Ileitis; Ono ot a Kind. Undoubtedly tho most extraordinary township in England is that of Skidduw, in Cumberland. It contains but one house, tho occupier of whioh ia unablo to oxeiciso tho Driton's privilogo of vot ing beoauHo there ftf no oversoor to pro- pare a voters' list and no churah or oth er plaoo of worship or assembly on which to publish ono. Tho most romoto villago in England is that of Farley-cum-Pitton. This tru ly rural spot is 80) miles from tho uoarotit railway station. As a contrast to this may bo mentioned tho hamlet of Ystrnd, about 10 milos from Cardiff. This tiny scttlomont possesses two im portant main roads, two railways and two largo rivers. A vory nniquo fouturo is exclusively claimed by Triralcy. a small village in Suffolk. In tho ono churohyard of tho parish two churohos aro to bo soon. Sorv- ioo is conducted throo tlmoa a weok in oaoh of those churches at tho sanio hour, Tho doopoutwoll-in-Englnnd i found at Hamilton, in Hampshire It etrotoh- cs 050 foot bolow tho Hurfaco of tho oarth. About half way down this woll shaftisaHubway, throo milos in lougth, which loads to tho soacoast. On tho top of tho parish ohnrch tow- or. in Bicknollor, Somorsotshiro, is a yow troo, now fivo foot high and still growing in a hardy fashion. It is gen erally boliovod that tho troo owes its origin to a Heed dropped by a bird. Perhaps tho most splendidly deco rated nhurch in tho kingdom is that of Whitloy Court, Worcestershire It is on- tiroly coiiHtruotod of wbito marble, tho powfj aro oh nstoly carved, and tho pul pit is of genuine Oarrara marblo, richly panolod with precious stones, On tho villago greon at JUCorideu, in Warwickshire, thoio ia a largo stono oross whioh is supposed to mark tho central point of England. Poarson'B ^uguKino.__________ ttrow on fright. Oommoroinl law terms aro not entire ly safe nt nil times, John E. Watrous, deputy United States mui'Hlwil for the southern diHLriofc a? Kansas, Bonds in thiH Htoiy: Mart Iloovor years ago, when Kansas was not tho cultivated commonwealth it has einoo become, had soufc a consign ment of corn to a commission morohnnt in Kansas City. The merchant tele graphed, telling tho consignor: "Your credit ia 27.40. Draw on mo nfc sight." But Hoovor wan mad. Ho had ox- peotod his mdnoy, aud none oamo. IIo folb ho had boon duped, and ho treasured up tho grievance. One time, about six wookH later, tho commission man camo to Hoover's town, got out of tho bus and started to walic down street. IIoo- vor saw him and instantly drew his ro- volver aud flredt His oyo was fairly good. Tho bullet out away tho mer chant's uooktio and unfastened his col lar. Then Hoover put up bis gun. "That's oxpenaivo shootiu," said he, "bat I reckon yon'ro as sorry ns X am." "What do you moan?" demanded the town coustnblo, arresting tho gun man. "He told mo to,"said Hoovdr, sur prised. "Told you to?" demanded the white cheeked city man. "I novor did any thing of tho kind.'* " You did," aaid Hoover, and dtaw- ing oat the telegram he read: " 'Draw on me at Bight.' "I done iV" fa ** J-10^0aBo p3*' \BSffl^!i^W9&l 'BB0S3 Town JoUuWi Mi OdnnoU ttssta on thoUt ii in each monta Tsjpot utr. Q, J, _.________ __ ^.Tnom/MyAl[ ten, Olwk, ;M ^ '.Cobctf*fT"E Nobtu Towmboip gonnflif hold* rKpalM^iDBotttiBB on taa tfua tuttiMmy ii* owli niuutb, at tho town hall, Qwiio. John Tuouim, iwiova; A. O. Atklniou, Ulsrk, Qesto I'. O. aosriBLD Nobtu towmhip oouooll holds re gular mod6sdbh ou tbo Jan Baturday In ouoli mouih at tlio euwii null, Oottam. Ohus, Uelkle, *" "HesfOJ iBiwio JaokHou, Ulork, Oottam, l'. O. filAipaToNu townBhly oouuoil holds rosalar mvetuitsa on Uio hut aaturduy la each monta at tlio lownulilp hall lu Uie tltb, cud, ifotat Cor- boUtBoovo; M- Aloiiush, Olorit, Wpo<UIodr l',0 Bajjdwioii Boutu towoahlp coauoil liolda re* gultur iut>otinB ou tbe Iwb batuxduy lu uuoU luunbh *ttbo towueblp hull, umoantla. iiidwara O'NuJl. Uoovo; John Moyuiihan, OlurU,! stone i'. V. CHURCH DIRECTORY iliaTUoaiar, JUr. Gitfard, i'uator. Uorviuu uverytiuiiUuy&tlt tu lu. uuu 7 i*. ui. uuIjUuu, ikiiieol nt2:3i>p, w. V. O. Waylor, Buporiutouu outot aobuul. idpwoith XieuguopruyuruiuOUik. 1'ut.Btlay ovuuiug niti o'clock. Osno/al i>iayt uioetiuKm 'i.'aufUdayovexjiu((, OutniOH ov England Kov. a h liuvorly lu auxubuut, He. I'uul't*, I^bhux, Uiyi uuBurviut> u/ury duuutiy ut ii a ui.,7 o'uJook i> .uiciuuUay buliuoiutJO u, m. arinitv C'UtueU.JMortn liid^t Divine uorvioo ovury buiulay at It p. lu-jtiuu day Uohuol ut i.4b u. ui Tbti public uro cor Ulullyiuyltbd. POBUUvrisBUNi W. M.XMomlug, I'aator.Hftr" viodBUU dabbitth atll ii.u.aud V .UO p.ku.Bab uutb Bohoul uc ii:ao p. xu. 1'rn.yor uitetiUKuuii i'u.utor'a biblo oIubm on Tuoaday at o, ui. HooialUniouon WotlnoBdav at p. ui, UJLtTtbT (JUUIIOU. ituV.M. 1J. OaUlIfbAll, l'Ub- cor Hj. vlouH ouoU HaUbuXU ut 11 u. ui. uud X* m. i'ray or tiiamiuu on Wuduubduy ovwuiut, .t b u'oIouk. Jf V.r, U. lacoLiUK ou 1-rUtay ovouiU^aB boViouk. hatu n-uu. All uro cot- diully Wttjuuiuod. ItotrAN Uatiiouo. J-V,* O. E, Motiou, Pastor. Sur^iUu. uvoiry oiaur tiuuduy at b.Juu. ui. buuday auliool ut 4\t, ni. MAmaToNn. Uinli uiuuH uud uoruiou at* 1U.UU u. iii ualuuhluui ul ^ \t, m,, bauiium utU p, tn., vouyoruiLtid uouudlutioii Ub 7 )>, lu, 0* i-*j. Mu- Ooc, i*. 1'. BaXiVxtjom Ahmy. Cunt. Ottwav and Liout. Coo in <jomiuuud. Halvation meulinua Wud- uudduy.'laurBday audbuiiduy ovouiimH;i}'xiaiU.ud luaby.ouiumav uvuniutj auda p,ai. Buuuay;l*oJi uuhb lUbtiuiJHbfor uliriutiuuHJjnuuy ovwamnaud 11 u.iu. timmuy; Kuou Drill 7 u.w, ovary buaday. Alliitt) wuluomu. LEGAL. \f BARHBTT, iHiur of Monifctfrt 1TJL ConukiiailpasriaO.JT.oto, xfi *+ WD. BBAMAW, Isfluor of Marriage Lioomoft. Insaraudtf m Nightofllo*at Dwalllng, r- ' ^?Zj\- TAiopcyp.BTfaBKT. wtaaiM -" " - UNDERTAKING, HPIjUMHER.' anddrtftker iLid a urn! tore; DaoJer. CoQlna, homo undfftor from $3 to 980. MoCirotfor, Oat. Jtory. . ad^ ..... L-mUwI 8OCIETIE8 Visiting mouiburH of other lodgoa .will receive/^ fraternal weloomo. FllEO- OILUOE, J?.CL'-.Zjtil OENTIIAIj KNOAMFMKNT, No, 60, meetsto^ Oddfellows'Hall,; IJunHtan Block, on the first lb and third Tuesday lnsaoh month. Visitors OCT* ,'s dlally rooolvod, MemborB of subordinate lodges^ In tu* jurlsdlotlon. invited to Join, vim HANNAH O. r Q, P| HILL, Boo. j| IpfiSEX F1KB BUIOADJ3. MEETS VIRWS& J Friday ovenlnc In ovory month for brVjj! Hado mootliiR and third Friday for praotiao In /J tho Flroraon'H room In the Btone ba)ldhis> m Ja. MoMarrar, Ouicf; Sain, Smith, Captain; ',w Jos. Bloto, Xjleutonant; Worron Loo, 8oretaxy; .. bred. Hyatt.Treasurer , *3J COUIiT ROYAL, NO. 2W, I. O. F. """ """*' Moots sooond and fourth Tuoedaya In flftOit^ _ __ _^ __ _ *re month lu i. O. O. F. Hull" atVo'clo Vlfeitluo brotliorn will bo ulvon a ir&ternaf n^^r^-J*? 8,"t 'X" M. J. WIrIo. O. 1>. li o. It, A, Bains. Fin. Sea* $ andTroamirur, r *l 8 o'clock p. m, if wet- i ii Jt,, A., iJarribcor, boiioiLor, Nolury Jlirn i'ubliodio. Alouoy loionii. OUi(j,UiiU- UtUll il|OOk, Uil-Htail'l), JjUdOX. <J.J y (J iLAitKh, (JOWAN, BAItXJjldT it JJaKTLVJ, WluuHtr, i'fiyutoluudH to loan. A, il.Ot.AHKk, L.L.JJ. JS1.K. Cowan, M.l*. A. u. A. auu'jl*ii, A. It. liAltl^liT, il. A. HKMtS O. WAL'i'fa.-n ULB^Attotuoyauu C'ouiibuio/ at niWi ouuuitoi in obatioury, iiootor iuAdiniralty, xutont bohuitor, ulhuu, OuamUoroi Couidioroj Jiuitdii)^ Dotroit, ajioji, (Cuuadian dIuIijjl .-aainut iiorkouu in_tli, UlllLtUl tjtiUOHUOliu^i. ) Huloiuuuodi luiiiu.-u.. ink, Lenox,Out;, J. L. l'uiurti, i-H<j. i.AirrlHtur, oto., Windsor, Out. lil.A. WiuuHH.Kmi, JJurriator.otc., Kuaox.Ont MEDICAL. | \RB. BltllsiN A UHI15N. Jaa. Brlon, u. D L. it., 0. V, H.t graduate oi Quuou'u Uuivwmty, Klutftitou, member 01 Coi- io({i ot I'iijuioauiu u,ud ouriioouu.Onturio. Grad- Utittiol iniiw loik I'owt Gruauutu AiodioalL'ol- iUKo. J. W.Brlun,M.D CM., V, T. M. G. Honor Rraduato ui i'rmlty OJoaioal OoIIobo. iiouoj Kraduatooi I'rinjty University. Muwburoithu tjolttiffbof i'fiyuiuiiina ana Buiyooua, Out- Uiud uato of xvow Vorit i'uut (imduuto Modlaal Collo([0, 0/Hco ovor Ilasox Modioal Hall drutf atoro, Oonnuttatiou roouiH, botbou erouuudoor auu lirut Hat uLjovu, X'oiidioiiu iu botu odlou aau roulduuoo. All ouIIh lUtondud to irom oUiuo, uruii moro.orroHidonooH; ituaidoncoa. Tulbut utrooC,nuar fair grounds and adjuiuiuu JMLu i'jtl^lill OiJiCO. "Zhe Human falls Boot*." n^ aOINO E18T Taking oifoot M^y.lBDT. Mall Mxp. Kxp. Aocom Mixed Detroit....... Wliidnor ,... Pslton........ Muldotouoa Khsox........ Woodslno... 11 tin comb ... Combor..... ltldKotown,. Koduoy....... Bt, a'liomad TiOlldoil......... Ht, TlidiiniB... Ilodnuy........ BIdfiotown..... Ootubor.......... Kusoomb....... Woodwluo......, Ebhox........... Maldstono Cr Polton............ Windsor......... Dotroit..........., B.20 ti,00 (J.Ofl fl.10 (1.42 .no r.oo H.20 fHO O.bO a.Ui. o.tio a. ui. 10.110 10..'15 7.18 U.00 S.47 ao.oo 12 20 1,25 p.m. iiO 6.(15 CIO B.3H 5.B7 5&0 C50 COS 710 7.3H B.40 a. m* 4.00 1.10 4 BO 4.45 i 5 23 6.51 ' 6.10 10.50 ( ll.Sfl 2.25 oowa WEST. Kxi !>.. 2.40 HUB 4 07 B.W S40 5 50 0.03 O.M (1,21 0.15 7.10 Jflxp, II.ui. 3.40 i-lB 5.43 a.m. 10.06 Mixed am. a.xnT B.15 0.10 6-80 l 7.11 7.27 > f?l 7.87 8.47 >M .57 , 1.40 y.oo' a,io fl.os ls.oa 12.40 0.10. tus: O-UJ 0.04 1C.1B 10.5S itJW ffOO '4,00 AmherMthurti Unocal Trains, WKHT HA8T )u,, a,m. a.m. a.m. O.05 11.40 7,25 Khhoi 0,00 0,25 (1.14 11,sa 7.1M KdRars 0,oa 0.15 0.Q1 ia.U0 7.10 L ill &DB Xing 5 47 0.07. n ii:i 7.4a McG-ouor B4a 0.00 (1-40 12.115 8.00 Gordon 0.25 B 45 6 45 12.40 y.05 Aniuoi-atlmrg- fi,20 s.40 p.m t S.9Q OJO 4M, 4.55 4.86 4.80 !>", J, Ij. JB^NI-jK, Auuooiatu Coroner for thu County 01 J.uauJi, J. JJurio Jouuur, AX. u.u, M.f Tiinlty Univor- Hlty; M. U. X*. una B. oubauo; Llo.Xtuyui Uollyjju X'uyuianun, Luiuton, iuu\i.; mi aohouirMbiit uuu Uoid JModalibt, Trinity coilejjo, lbHd; upiioiutuu XlouHoX'hyMluiuu una aumvou, iorontowouoiui UOupllUl uuu UOulUUIlL Aooouobuuv Buruuiuu LyluK-m Losplcui, Toronto, jbtfl. bpeolulty.diu ouuuii vt womoti una omtilxon. litibidouuu, uuuuu lately oouuiuod by Dr. Dowur, 'Xalbot at., Jjjshux. OiUooiii Iuipo*ial But.k Block, (;round lloor, oppOHito 'Xijoiuu'd Umy atoro. JUediomua dia- I'uutiud iu tuu oihco, Xojuiihoitu connootion witu botii olliuo ami roaidonoo. Private tolu 1'uuuo lino bobwouu Oyru i*ijuutto'u tiouao auu jjilu Xtoiiiiody'B liuuUo t. d ouioo, at X'lUiuutto btution on cuu U ju iu d it xt. Mj,*bt oiilhi ultuiidud Lout oiIIlo oriebidonoo. DENTAL. HI'. MABTIN.D.D.M., L. D. 8. m in DouUbtryj Itoyal College oi GraduaU .. . . Doutaj juiftoous, Ontario, uud University 01 Toronto ubaryea, ujodorato. Oiuoo, ovor Ltaox Mutd* oai Dall, X'albot Btroot, l^aaox. X8-1V All trains aro run on oontral standard time, whioh in sixty niluutoH alowor than .Hbbgx timo, For Information and ratoB to oolon- IhU inoviiifj woHt (aijtly to John O. Laven, Pas- Bouaror AHtmt, Bt, Thouias.O. W. Huk1oh, Gon- oral Vaaaoufcor mm Tlokofc Artont, Ohlaego HI or A, O. StlmorH. AKonfc, Kasox. L- Eu & D. R.Ry Tttrn TABLr, NO. 2a, tatlu otfoot AflMlaT." Bopt 27,1WM3. Tntlun run by Kaatorn Stand ard Timo. Daily oxoopfcHunday ^9 M A M.A 0.3312.00 0.80 12 40 12.45 VETERINARY. WH. RI0HAUDSON, VKTKIlINAltY SUB- GKON. iiouorary yiaduuto of Ontario Veterinary Collu^o, Toronto; member of Un tauo Voturlnury Modioal Bociety; DliilomiBt in Doutlutry; Uoalu all* diauubea of douiuatioateu aniinulfl; outiio dobornea bv the latent improved Loiivitt ollnpor OiUlu by teleiihouo or tulo- svapti promptly attonuod to. ItusUuntiO.turoo aoora oaat of Kriat mill; offico in )ioat of [ion buildinu; Lhhox iudrmary, dlreutly opposite. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKB B. XiAIltD, I'rovInoialLaud Burvfiyoi and County ldninoor, lOaaux Uui. Outoo, Dunutan Blouk, np-atalra. AUCTIONEERS. n]KNItY irMDHIOK, Anotiouoor. Baloa promptly attended to, Audroaa, BoulL Woodalue, One. l*oraons dealrlu to aeuuro mt may louvo word attlio Ij'jimm I'uubs oUlou, tf_____________________ IU BKDBIOK BHINOL.AIK, IiIOiaNfiKD ATJOTIONKKB . lor thu Oeuuty ofKuBox. Bailiff of uiib6b Divialon Court, All klndu of Kariu and other Baloa oouduotod promptly. Bates rouAouablu audfurniaiiud ou implication, J^nqutrere may apply at W.D. Boauiau'a oOJoe, or ac tho ofllco ofDtviaion Court Olork, Wm.Lidnji. JOHN OOBMhlflY, LIOi^NBED AUOTIONIflEB for tho County ofEusex. All hlnda of farm atook aaloa, oto., couduoted promptly and on abort notloo, Uato a rouaonable. Portions desirable to arrauRe salea may do so by calling ut tbo i'uaa Piiipus olUoe or by applying to J.GOBMLBV/, P. O. Box 105 jblssex. Out. lT^BAKK MoOhOSEBV, MoidBcone, thirty X eevon yoara'experience as uniiuotioueerrn the County nt Bbhox. Bales oonduotod promptly, and on reasonable terms. Parties desiring 0 nx the dato for a Bale can save themselves a drive by calling at the Fbbsi PbkIbb oflioe- We hftvea-rraupodTvithMr, MoOlOBkey and will fix the dates for aoIeB by telegraph, entirely frou of all aharge to thepernou holdiuu tbe sale. Ad- dress I'xankMoOloekoy, Maids tone OrosB,Ont< ____ 166 4.AND AND LOAN AQENT8 GBOBGK J. THOMAS, Oonvavanoer, Oom- High Coort of Juatloe; de*Jei tn Beal Bstate and Mortgagos. Money io Jloan at tho lowest rata of interest. Forms bought and sold. Insurance taken Jn the mostreUmqJ* companies. Dr*wXng of dejeda, mortgages and speoioliy; * ghargbs moderate and'all iromptly attended to. Call attht 0 4!) 0 80 0.57 10 02 10 00 10.10 10.27 10J17 10.15 lO.tiO 11.11 1120 11,23 11 :<5 11.43 1150 11 C5 12 01 12.11 12.1(1 h!.3i 12 as w o & 'A V M (ll24) (1.27 (i.tW 0.40 12.511 (S.47 1.10 1.1U flfiO 1I10.7.1O 1 CD I 7.17 2.011' 7.27 a86"?,37 2 50,7.44 0.45, 7,r4 410iS.C0 4 1S 4 40 5 Ofi 5 20 5 12 5 55 0.05 G15 (1.115 0.45 7,00 I*. M.ll'.M. fl.17 B.22 8.112 H.40 fl.47 H.52 0 00 0 07 0.12 0 20 0.01 1* if Stations. DopWalkory'leAr Wulkorvlllu Juno. .........Pollon..... ......1 OldOftHtlO.. ......i raquotto,. .... ftIoGroor ...f Now Canaan.., ... + Unrahileld ...... Harrow ., ........1 Amor..... ......KluftavlIIe,. ......Buthvoii .. ... rmiiudugton ,.....Whoatley...... .i Bonwiok...... .....Onataworth ... ......Iflloiiwobd...... ,.........Morim......... ......, Buxton......... ...... RlLUdiHOl) ...... ...UiudarBprlr-Bs... Blenheim Juuct'n ......Ulunho'in...... ........fWilLio........ ArBIdyetowuDbp A * 0 10 0 03 H07 BC!I 8 47 8 4S ana 2tt H 'Hi 8 11 an 7C1 7 40 7 24 7 IE 7 10 7 00 0 6i> 0 45 0 40 5 31 (1 124 0 w (1 10 000 A.M. o to A M B.50 5.H8 5.27 B.17 5.(8 C.00 4.46 4.33 4.25 4.00 3.45 U.16 .40 1.54 1.8S 1.16 laafl 12.21 12.W 12.00 11.28 11,20 11.15 10.15 10.00 A.M. a 9 P.M.I , 7.87 St e,07 5 00 4.55 445 4.85 P.M. Trains atop only when thoro Mixed \ 1'lag Stations, aro paaHCUR^ra at or for thme BtatlODa, trains aro ut ul ttmoH siibjeot to bo cancelled WW WOOLLATTr Gonoral Hupoi-intonden Do You Want tfo Drivo anywhore, If so, you want a Good 1 1. t. ttid the plaoo to got it is at JOHN McDOUGALL'S ' ' ' Livery, Sale & Feed Stables MA ' Hi Good Hostlers in attendance aay^and night* ,*$* r HORSE-8H0EINQ - In this branch ol oar business web <:./ olasi workmen and will guarantoo eat*M' lp Bboelnt, Horwfl that Interfere. OveiS" or haVe Corns or Oontraotfld Pest.; Vfmi^- Speoialty of Shoeing Boad And Traijkj^pi^ej ^Telephone Coniu\ctiaQ*x '. '<"^'"l-W A GENTS wanting profitable' em il. through the ummer oatt.Hnd 11% aiwe havenowostBassumTftxietle^ stock and new Seed Potatoei.^Bolor,;,: ission.* "WrtteiMotopoftmr;' r-i" J. :%*