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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 7

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^M^^mmW^mwmW m*mm ona J^rom a LtfW of Torture, <tTV "V! lne*s Celery Compound Cou- laera After Years of Failures wTth Other Medicines. BfiWW. G. H. Farker, of Winona, Ont., was '^eighteen yeara a complete martyr to OUralRia, that aruel and moroileaa tormoD- ?w "^booaands of old andyoong In Can- [Daridgher long years of aony Bbe id the aervloe'B of'tome of the beat medi- jkon, and oonaamed any quantity of ent medioineB, bat all failed to drive off eiti?*nny that was making life a bar- ^oJi. A.t lftBt sbe was perauaded to teBfc power and virtue of Paine'e Oelory Wmnd, and the happy results that re- ed her faith are desonbed in the fol- !ng letter. ;;V:'**I have been a great sufferer from uou- rfdgiafor nearly eighteen years: those &nf- ffjife0ngs jU> times were bo bad that words jmntid'fail to deioribe them. After having- every known remedy and difforent yaiolana, and receiving no help, I was Ijlpersnaded to try your Paine's Celery Com IgOQnd, wbioh Ihave been uunig for the ;fejast four monthH. I am happy to say MiktX am a different woman and completc- fi^oured. I can recommend yonr Paine'a clary Compound to all my friondu, for it a been worth hundreds of dollars to me." SS:^ WW Km, the Weeds. rwr ^gg ?;: John Balkwoll, of Fullertoo, ban, nays ^ the Port Elgin Times, a goose that ho ,,- valuoB more than a uow. Sho is 34 years ^v-Old and blind, ue7orthqlcBa nbe batched c*[V*Wioe this year. Mr. Balkwell brouTilit V Ihe fowl from England 30 years Binoe. &>-Dizziness, and Wak Eyesight m'^-- How to Cure Tliom, Mrs. J. Dell, Chatham,' Out., Bays: 'fcV'For two yearn I could .never jjo to sleep *$ before two or three o'alook iu the luoruii^. 'J^. I suffered much from vertigo and dim **yi flight. Milbnrn's Heart and Nerve Fill* !'; have removed tho dizziness, rcatordd my :' heart to hoaltjiy aotiou, stEongthoued my *p eyesight, and I can truly Bay they are a blesuine to anyone Buttering aw I did. \h-t: Not a single voehol flying tUe United J, States flwg passed through the Suez Canal to an entire year. The groatoafc producing 'and consumiug oouutry on the face of the ibo earth, the oouutry that furnishos moro Wi: material for commuron than any other, |n" did not have a single vobhuI to puss through the great international canal. . ;> >Qr -Ihw^edjjf their seed, and cow ia the time that all weeds ehoUld be dentroyed. According to the aot new in force for the prevention and spread of weeds, where the owner of pro perty In a municipality Ii a non<raaident, the tenant or oooupant la responsible for tho oatting down of all Canada thistles and noiiooB weeds growing thereon. If the premises'be uxoccapled than it is the duty of the owner of mud property to out or cause to be out down all noxious weeds or Canada thistles growing on said land. Tbe pathmaster is only responsible for that part of highway on road allowance within his respective road division. Ao oordlng to tbe aot any owner er ooonpant of land who refuses or negleass to out down or destroy any of the said noxious woods after ten day a written notice to do so, shall be liable to a fine impoiedby tbe said aot. The council of any town or township may upon a petition of iUty or more ratepayers appoint at least one in- peotor to enforce the provisions of the aot. But in mnnioipalitiea where no inspector is appointed it is the duty of tbe party or parties tbecnsolvoeaom plaining to enforce the act by notifying said parties accord ingly. " A Double Cure. Mrs. Jaa. K El wood, St. Thomas, Oot., eays: "illy husbatid and myself have taken Doan'8 Kidney Pills, Wo used them for Kidney and back trouble for which we had Bpent a ({roat deal of money without getting relief. Doau'a Pills onred us both in a remarkably short time. X believe They will oure even after all other ruedi- oineBfail.n ' ' ..-'. Tired, NervoiiH, Sleepless Dden and women bow gratefully they write about Hood's Saruapirllla, Oucc helpless and discouraged, having lost all faitb in medicines, now in good health and $< able to do my own work," beoauae Hood's j' BaiBapacilUdo oorlcb and purify tho blood 'and make tho weak strong this is tho ox- "jfnpeneDce of a hobt of people. Hood's Pills are the best family oatliav- Bo Not Kill the Toads. The MiBftaclmaettu Agricultural College has iasued a bulletin showing the econo mic value of the toad to farmers, fruit oultnriats and vegetable gardeners. In Pariti it is roared and kept On sale in the markets. The gardeners buy the crea tures by tbo dozen ami turn them loose in thoir grounds to destroy tho worms aud in- neota tbat prey on the vegetables. That people,. aud especially boys, do not know that they are killing ona of tho agrioultu- riat'u befit friouda when they destroy the toad is proof of a lair, cot able lack in their 'education. Teaohers ought to take the matter in baud and instruct school chil dren in tho value to man of the gentle toad. Xt is not venomous; it neither bites nor stings. All it does is to hop about the ground and cat bugs, flies and wormn that devour garden vegetables. ' Dab SiBi.From'my ow&4aperlnoe I cn/confldently say fchatDr. JTowIer'i Ex. traot of "Wild Strawberry poBMues trne merit. It waMbe meana of saving roy little girl's life last Bummer. She waa teething and took violent diarrbcos, J_>r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her and X feat I oannot say enough in. Its favor. " MRS. WILLIAM ARTHUR, Tetterville, Out. For Clerks to Bead. Here are some maxims for clerks tbat I have Btadied out In a long course of business: , Noverdd^to-day what yon can shove off on a fellow olerk to-morrow. Keep at the baok end of the store as muoh as possible, so that the other' boys will have to wait on customers. Always keep a novel under tbe counter to oatoh op when tbe old man Id out. Keep your eye ont for a soft snap. Dou't do any more work than you are paid to do. ,Be the.last one to come in the morning and tho first to leave at night. Don't do a thing outside of your pre scribed duties. Find fault with your place and salary. Show up the weak points of your esT tftbliflhmenfc to the clerks of other houses. Be as enappy with customers an you dare. Tell your fellow olerka all the things you hoar against tho boss. Threaten to leave whenever fault ia found with you. Believe that the world owes you a liv ing, and aot on that belief. 11 tho abovo rales are strictly followed you will be out looking for a job in about 30 days from date. i.a ijM!^n ii.i in hrTiwrriiiii . A^'fK'"^ ' , ^i-^^vOotU^ifoli^^r/' , The Connoil met pursuant to'adjoumf men*. All the" ineu.bars prieeo^tu.The mtoutps - * ' 30tb were. Bl bia and liver m^dioino. [p^re. _ Gentle, reliable, The tariff that was imposed to meet the fearful expeuues of the war averaged 32 per cent. Tho average MoKinloy duty was about 49 por oout. Tbe Dingley houne bill averaged 58 per oont. and the Bonata Bill averages nearly 5i. And that is what tho U. t3, calls a panacea for hard times, --------------------------- A Summer Speclile, ." Vr. Powlor'H IGxtraot of Wild Straw berry euros cholera, obolera coorbuo, di- arrhooiL, dysentry, cramps, oolio, Huramor '. complaint, ouukur of tbo mouth and al bowel eompluintH of children or adultH, It ia a Boothing, effectual und never failing medioine, which givou immodmto ruliuf . and speedily offoctn a cure. A blaok oa< table at whlph Bounle Prince Charles dined tho day bf6ro the battle of Culloden was sold for 81,900 at the recent dispersal of the furniture and relioa belonging to the Forbes family kept in Culhiden Caatlo. Tho tablo was bought by the Macintosh of Mucuitonh, whoBO clan suffered se veroly in '45. An antiquo oahinetf brought $2,000, und an armchair carved from the " robel tree " on which the Hjgbluudora hung their kail pots the .night before tho battlo, 92C0. Tho sale fjji. brought Ju 817,600. A Oullodon modal that had been given to Gomrnil Thomua ii;/GftRe, aide drt camp of tho Dnko of Gum- |lv'. "berland in tho fight, and later ronponniblu I'v'V 'for Lexington and Bunker bill,was sold in p& London for 81.150. ?.'"!'.'.:* :------ ,' "'< ' .1' Two Perfect NiJolors Fouad Only In Diamond Dyes, Perfection iu color shado in sure to cap tivate tho hearts of tho ladies, who are al ways unerring judges. Tho lovely pink produced by the'Dia mond Dyea in a discovery tbat has gladden ed tho hoarts of thousands. This Diamond Dye Fast Pink for Wool is clear, pure, brilliant and fast as a rook. Oco package ylvoH a raaguifioent tihado of pink ou two pounds ol goods a medium shado ou three pounds; or a light aud doli- oato nhaQo on four pouuds. Attonfion isaluo oallod to tho Diamond Dye Fast Light Blue for Blue. This is a dyo that gives acolor far surpaHsiug tho light blues produood by European dyors. LudicH having soiled white or oroam droKHos made from oa&hmpro, nun's cloth or sorgo can have thorn dyod iu rich shades of I'ink or Light Blno and flttod for even ing wear. Tula tnuking of uew dresses out of soilod, faded and-daub-off garments means u great saving iu dollars to thous ands of families in Canada, . Not one complaint:.ban ever bosn tcado by those using Ayer'H Barsapurilla ucoord- iu(f to'dirootiona. Furthermore, wo have yet to lourn of a case iu which it has failed to afford boneflt. So ttay hundreds of drngfjistri all over tbo oouutry. Has cured others, will euro you. ^.'/.'Vr.you oannot say that you have triod everything for your rheumatism, until you r';;Whave takou Ayer's PiJld. 'Hundreds b.uvu i|,i"been cured of this complaint by tlio uso of ^.y.tjieae Pills alone. Thoy were admitted on Sft( exhibition at tho World's Fair as a stand. $& ard cathartic. % $'r,r, , In several sootioua of Liucoln county liv V1,;' etockof all kinds is prohibited from run s' ning at large. In those Bootioua thu farm* VH""' ere have in many oases done away with v^'- ; fauces by the roadside, audpeaoh oroburds' ^|i;-; ;'and vineyar.lrt atand wholly oxpoaod to the fyjfifUMw d( tQe traveller on tho highway./ Io ^%r,Bt leaBt one oase a lawu mower has boon ft/'-. used to trim the grass iu frdnt of a faun- '$;.'; ,'/.bouse right up to the lino of thi wagou IK;}""track.' The removal of snuke feuoea cor - tamly adds to the beauty of thelatidaoapo,. i/vwhile the open exposure of luscious peaoh- ^^iea and the euoouleitt grapes to the view of |teitbe^'fcblrety paaaor-by shows au amount, of mpjjpklih in human nature that is .refraining m^f:^rway,-.Pitte Syntp curti-.tmghsi (ofJs %$^;,all'throat and tun*, troubles. Price *S *%mr Ovof a. iTear, "I have boon troubled with Biok' boad- noho Tor oyer a year, Lately I have used LaxaLlvur Pills, und And that they help me more than any othor modioino I huve ever taken. Thoy aro an oxoollont pill, causing no pain or gfipiug, and leaving no after ill HfVucta," WrSS MARY ELLEN HICKS, South Bay, Ont. Burdock Blood Bitters. Burdock Blood Bittera regulates tbe stomach, liver, bowels and blood; curing dyHpepaia, bilioueucBS, sick" headache, rheumatism, scrofula, aud removing all impurities of tho blood, from a common pimple to thu worst sarofala sore, , Ah au invlgorator and tonlo B.B.B. is sn un equalled modioluo. The fact tbat hog cholera is oureablo has aurn been deraonstrateul on the farm of tbe Dubuque Fruit and Produce Company, near Do.buqco.oity, where, under the di rection of Division Freight Agent Clemens, of Chioago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail road, 64 out of 02 sick, hoga were treated and qavod. There seems to be.no doubt that the bogs had a geuuino attack of cholera at tho time tho treatment was commenced. Last year 8,000,000 hogs died in Iowa of this diwotino. Would. You Believe your Neigh bora ? These people Hvo right hero in Ehbox. Thev may be neighbors of yours. They have been cured by taking Doau's Kidney Pills, Dou't take our word for it, but ask them. Mr. M. P. Campbell, tho highly efltoemed pafdor of tho Baptist Cburoh, Essex, Out., states: . "From my personal use of Doau'a Kidney X'illn,wliioli I gob at Sherrin's drug- storo, X oau Bay that they aro a most ox- oellont remedy for all. kidney troubles.11 Mr. J. A. Robo, tbo woll-kuown|aldor- man, Eesox, states, "My daughter ban boon ailing for some time, and X am glad to nay, hoard of Doan'n Kidney Pills. My sen prooured a box of them for hor at Shorrin's drugstore, and tbat one box cured her. "It is with ploauuro that I givo the aroditi for tho restoration of my daughter to perfcot health to this remarkable rnedi- cino, I feel very thankful indood that thoy have been introduced in this dis triot." ; , , Mr. William Sisaon, our exoollent| Chlf of Police, has-this to Hay, "From tbe honofloial rusuUs derived from Dbau's Kidney PillH which I got at Bliorrin's drug btot'O, I have noLosttation In re com- uaondlu thim an a first.olaso modioine for ail kiduoy troubles, tamo hack, woaknusB oto." (SlgtlOd) WinMAM SI980N. G-ood News 'from South Oalcotu. Soutli Dakota has thousands of acres of ohoioo farmiug and ranch land lying oast of the Missouri Itiver,' and within 1 days rido from Chicago to Mllwaukoe which can bo bought rottsonahly cheap, but wbioti be fore the end of auother year may bo ad vanced in prloo." . The Htoqk-raiHlntf industry in South Da kota is profitable, and oastem capital is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing iii that stato. Diversfied farming, tho crowing of Hvo stock, and tho products of tho dairy, are placing South Dakota formost in tho rankH of the successful Western States. Those desiring full information ou tbo subject, and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian PasBeuger Ageut,2 King etreet East, Torouto, Ont. Sick /leada'c'ln- Und constipation are promptly cund by Burdock Pills. Easy to take, sun Physical Btrtn'igch and onsr'gy contribute to Btrengtb of character^ and both may. be had-by taking Hood's,t}ar8ppariila'. Any good wholoaomi diot will build np tho norvoa. Tho food tint uourisheo the end of tho little finger nourishos uh-o tbe bralu and the oufciro body, Eaoh par; is but a portion of a porfoot whole, and we oaunot select food to build ospeoially one part of tho human struo uro. Fatty foods at-e,supposed to be beuoufiial bo the nerves- as they oufthion them and counteract tbe irritating conditions, Starohy foods, fatty moats and over-outing tend to the accumu lation of fat ngonfc C. Xj.King, G.'P. B. station nt Mouufc Porest, througb usine a can of ealmon has lost two of bib children. Eutb, ugedtbreo, aiid Randolph, aged flvo yeara,.aro dead, and Arthur, ftged. fotirtoen, is very, seriously ill and little bopos of hie recovery are ontortaiiied, Two other children are ill from the eamo oauso. Supt. Chambers, of the Outario and Daly mibes, Utah, has retieivecl aj telegram from Now; York to close dow both mines at once, owing to * the re cent decline in flilver. These are two of the largeat silver mines in tbe State aud give employment to about 700 .men* It ib diaimed that these, miuea cannot be worked witK-.profit at the present price of Bilver; , The best cough cure is Hagyard's.Pectoral Balsam. It heals the' lungs .and cure coughs aitd colds. . > Igned*: The application of Messrs Bililng, Williams and Brooker made at last regu lar session of the Council for a grant In aid of (ho Veterani* Asaooiatlou waa discussed and on motion of Henry Barlow, seconded by James Newman, the sum of 910 was granted for that parpoae. A let ter from W T Easton, of Leamington, on behalf of B Cox waa read threatening a snib for 8200 for damagea. c*"**^ ;by Jhe flooding of Mr Cox's land on theV:N (ToWn Line. Laid over.. James Qucumings no tified the Council to romove' stagnant water from tbe lOtb con road., The Reeve and Deputy Iioeve wore o^mmisaionod to attond to his complaint. Uerburt Smith threatened suit for damages received from overflow of T D 04. Laid over. PetBr Buasey again asked for thu repair of the Upoott Drain. Mr Kay wasaommiHaioned to attend to hia request. Heenan Br'uner notified the Council to oleau out the outlet of tbe Cottam and Maddox Drains. Laid over. Mr Bracer claimed the sum of 950 for damages received trom. overflow of Belle River Drain. Laid over for Council to inspect tbe locality, Robert Duncan and George Hilher notified the Council to deepen and widen tho Rusoom Drain. Laid over. G A Clifford complained tbat a culvert on the Rear Road, north of bis land, which had been closed for somo years, had been opened by tbe pathmaster and asked to have it reoloaod to provent bis land from being flooded. Laid over. \V B Best received permission, to commute his Statute Labour, J M Kay 3om. Charles Murray asked for a small grant to com plete the grading of tbe Oth con road, north. Moved by H Birlow, seconded by James Newmau that tbo su-n of 910 be granted for that purpoao aud that J M Kay be oom.to expend tbe name. Oarriod. H Barlow was commissioned to attend to tbe repair of T D No 15. The Reeve pre sented an Engineer's: Report for the repair of tho RuBoom which had bueu served Ob him by tbe Couuoil of Morse a uuder which Goafiold North is asaoasod tho sum of 845 for benefit to^Towu Lino. On motion said Report was adopted. The Olork reported tbat uosflold South refused to fettle the appeal against the report for tbo repair of the 7(b con aud W S Rd Drains, Moved by the Deputy Reeve, seconded by J M Kay, that the repair of the 7th oon and W S Rd Drains under By-Law No 01 be abandoned and that the Engineer bo in structed to make a Fresh survey for tho re pair of said drains. Carried. It was on motion deoided to instruct the Engineer to report on tbe advisability of inoluding in tho scheme for the repair of tbe 7th oon and W S Rd Drains, a short drain on tho Cottam Road from the S Roar Rd to the Tth oou. road to prevent tho flooding of Lots 9 and 10 con 7th and to give a shorter course from Lots 269 and 870 to tho 7th con road drain undor Sootlou 76 of the Draiuage Act 1894. Tho following orders on tbo Treasurer wore passod: S G. Brooker, stumpH |l;l8uua Riloy, cost of Feuco Wicwor'e Award, Foster vs Beamau 97; Th't Municipal World, J year's . sub scription and Truiitoo'a requisitions, 75o; Ibane Jackson, extra work By-Law 91, serving copy of report on Roovo of Goa fiold South, 23 notiooa forO'of Bsv, CO no tices to adjouru Court, trips to Windsor and to Kingsvillo, 919.50; W H Billing, grant to Veterans' Association 910; James J Lyons, charity to date $1,14; J Campbell, charity for August $3; P MoLoan, ropair of aorapor 81.B0; J Motloy, cutting thistles on B Town Line 91; Mr Broadwoll, tilo used on tlio 7th oon roud 81.25; J Holdlack, Imilding bridge ou Snydor Branoh on W T L 932 CO; Alvin Orton, Ct of Ruv on Ah- suosment Roll,92; J S Laird, bal of pay for repair of Orton and Lovelaae Drain 86'(.f>0. Council then adjourned to August 23th at ono'p m. hVKClAI, MKETINO. , Cottum, August 7th. .Special mooting of the Council, all tho membors proeout. Mr Lliird presented a new report for tho ropaii* of tlio 7th con and W S lid drains, Tho wording.nf tho Roport not boing'satisfactory to tho Oouu- oil it was referred buck to tho Bngineor for amendmunt. The Reove .reported that Gonftold South bad appoaled to the-Referee a^ahiDC.Mr Laird's roport for tho rapine o! the Orton and Lovelace Drains. On mo* tion it waa dooido'l to defend tlio ca*o be fura the Refcreo. The following purtiCH received permission to commute their Statute Labour : D MoLeod, JM Kay, com, Jas MoIuUer ann K Amoo^ J New- man.to be coot, .T M Kay rupo'ned thut the following parties had anmploted their Statuto^Labour for 1897-8-0': J Qufon: for S hi J L^ti 11 con 10, Jan Bmoker for gWJ Lot 11 con 10 aud'Jam Dring for y Fj pt Lot 10 non 10. Council then adjourn ed to Auguit 2Bth at one o'clock p m. WsssMSSB&mtt, WKOrAIj .MBKTlS'fl.-. Cottam, August llih. Spool a. I moeting of the Oouocil, all (h** embers present, exoaptU Barlow, T!ih amended report (or the repair of Mm 7th con and WS'R'I drums wan read. Moved ly theDejaty Reeve, nt'oonded by Jabios N-wmhrii that ho id report for repair of, the 7rh oon and W S Rl drainfl be adopted and thit the.Clerk bo instructed to serve a dopy, of said report.pn .the ,Reeve -of Gosfield South. Carried. Dralnaae Pv-Law No 93 for the repair of the above drains waa r-u motion, read the firtit time.: Mfvedby the Deputy Reeve,-Beooiidod'py J,M Kay that the Drainage -By-Law No 9? bi pro- .vUio'naUy' adopted. Carried, rounoil , hhenadjonroed to AuguBt 28th at tne p ui I ^ . bring a rich barr otlhevletha. OurN DISEASED NE dmtr0 ttfJufoyiM Dpsaanro HCTHOgTnKiTWBiTT lIhb^tc^alr.iur*aU toeTIoUoW T- t VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS! NERVOUS DEBILlTYt M ISI8CHAHGE0, Kipl)l|Y; ANQ BLADDER DI8EAEj3~, m ARi m )TJQ and detpondMiti Itlon tnetnorjr ] i ARE YOU nften.redaud lookfaiar*i vn^ta and m88bv$B OA& 0{JRg YOU liM 07M'^-"TY1"^ and blwredt pimplea ojjuf t4Min*.'ai\d night J(^**u rts>:J lcloj deposit uxjirlae and nray and iimMtZr-WB OAN V{JFtG YOU OR ASK, NO PAY. mim& FROM THE GRW '(b^cMMTBandaerretonioi by tbe-dcomWitbont 1 bename a n*rvops wreck, A friend who hioT "ml * * trMitrt khfttr*--wit' ; bad baWt.. Xriodfpar a&adcaiaainareaiecl. n rsVKe>nedr A'Herirani ft I^SSffir^ **yarleooIa made Ufa miserable, I was weak, and no amoiuon. Jti *uoioen filoni l>w,KmridjfandK*ranDTOed: 5 EMISSIONS CURED, i weakened me pbynatillr, eezaayj A mm i ray [tall .P.BUERSO Htm. AtMh<k>n _ 0tui mentally. Tamlly *lr3g;^- into/d^Ihip'CooiuniiiiptioD.) JTinahy rThe.QoJtUnMonitor.__r_._ AKferiaiiy-fBU into ray bandk,; I leamMl th* TRUTH and thi^CA I Hredon bit. which J'waa BolDB Dw, Kennedy WMoorwi., ,Mr f patuvta. all of bior, vitality aid tVirnJL|y Wl{n(,tli> reftM-^ Had takn menrary for twoyeorm bat (hodlawo i in themoathand'oa hrotiir, who bad beita a-had uppedmt, vitalHr., I took toBNtw^^td^^^tmmrtvaftd W> trndatblnkIwm*oared 6f eoanlirintloti. ZhaT* sent them mmny *^ whom wero cajmL Their New MBthod Trtattunl roppllW V; maanoodv .'.'1ii rrtarawd. ,Ey rad, pbnpka and blctohM ou the kin. ulcers tonsTiai' bona ipalna, faUln* oot of hair. waaVn im, ato. My h____________________ onrod ol Gleet and Stricture by. Dm. Kennedy and Kargaa,, recommended them. Thoy eared me in a tbw weokj, and I thank God I oowoltad tben. . Mo retorn of the' diaoaee tn abt yeaia.*' (. x .v I 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. K READER! mSSi.? l^LI^'S^'S&SSh l&XS* i55?3K L* Oar Mew Mothod Treatment wlU Bora yoa; What It bu done for otbere ftwUTocTror ft* yoQ. CONJULTATION FREE. No matter who hae tieatd yon. write for an hoOMt opinion tm of Charge. Charae reawnableJ *O0W FBEE. 'The Goldon MonitOT1'k (QlDijttated); on IHeeeee^of UenJneloM povtaM.2oentev Healed. .9CN9. NA!!ffS USBD.WITHgGTWRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No maxllolne ont C. O. DwNo names onboxei or onvef- op. Everything, confidential. Question Hat and octet off Treatment FREE,_________________( DBS.KEKNEDY&KERGAN,No,48SHELBV8T He K DETROIT, MICH. LAING BROS, ...... Dealers In AII Kinds of* Screen Doors and Windows. Cisterns, $7 OO and Up. Bee-Hives (Standard Size) 50c Each 2STE3'W"H3ST And Lntent Depigns'.^n'VerrnJnli and GaVe Ornameufciv; EsSas,OHT:'!:' V: : / -'*y $! ' . W W Tfl . ^w&m&* -mnm iil " ,'. i-.Q ">:t "V. BuY a Stove until yopieibgi See the Oxford's Stoves, Befit ill the World. by, the G-urney Foundrj^o., of ^^T^ Goal). We have them in Stock; '*-- -ViAA-i^is&a Our prices, ar^t lie i 16^ '^^^^^ ithingatidBepairing attendedtoiSJ^H General Tinsmithing

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