.mSSimae^Km iiiMlfc|JUbnhdth#reqai time* in the Easci Free Prose newspaper, *nd tbat_* ooart of revliloo hfl held ftl the W A Ct^ /Ay.'V -; :-V \X ^Ftfty Years Ajo. I Tbla Is the Itimp that the letter bore ' <: 'Which carried the itory far mod wide, , Of certain cure for the loathsome sore That babbled up from the tainted tide Of the blood below. And'twas Ayer*snatn And his sarsaparllla, that all now, know, j bat was Just beginning its fiqht of fame With Its cures of 50 yeara ago* Ayer's 5arsaparilla 'is the original sarsaparilla. It has behind it a record for oures tinoquolled by any blood puri- f && compound. It is the only ; %|^iip,9ril4a honored by a 1 Xaedal at -the World's Fair of 1 1893. .Others imitate the j remedy; they can't imitate the r record: y ^JCtf^Tears of Cures. ' ' Maidstone Oounoil BiitimJity, Antra <*t llth. Cnunoi) mot fliin dy pu-Mi>iob to nd- jounvmuut. All tin* ramhHr prflHeut; The rolnt/t'iu ot tho previous,mooting wuro rend uu,ri adopted. OhnfloH Knyon r- porU-tl i eboep and 2 lnmb4 killed by un known dntiH und prcBt-nU'd valuator QueenV CBtiiUMio ?t ' loh, 21. Ott motion of MegarK Pciue and Dora at. Mi* Ktmyon, witu paid two-lhird of naif! vtilnution iti. full Batitdao'inu of claim. Vr II Kourke pru- soutoil liill njjurouatiiijj tfllS, for iXumiii'a. tlouht and cortiGou-tm of lunacy in the OHHt's of .JtimuH Huurko, jr, and Pro^oriok Dahl. On motion of Mtiimru Price aud Paibley, uttid billn wore pa d- Moved by Mr Priou, Huoonddd by Mr JDamia, thax thy .oomuaia*.iounrH in charge of tho Wilson- QuinluuAviHmor Drum cotmd'uotiou notify nil dellnquuut contractors to prouoed with the work in live days, otborwiHo tlio said 'aoftiraaU will bo ro-uold. Carried. Moved by Mr Prioo, ticuonded by Mr !Daram, that Autfutua Yioiird bo paid 911,75, for building 3rd ouo-Ualdon road bridge, and that J0I111 Wartloy bo paid .' 1111, for bridge on Belle River road, lot No 20, lt con. Curried. Movod by Mr Pricu, taecoudod by Mr Datum, that an ordor bo drawn in favor of William- B'*gg4 for $33.76,for gradinj*. at the bridge ou tbuBulle River road, Jot No 20,- Jut cou, tho "naid order to romaiu in tho hunt in of Mr Pau ley until the work U fully completed and baaopted by .tho cocumiHtfionorH. Carried. Movfcd by Mr Dumra, ancondud by Mr Prico, that Thou Plant bo paid 827.80, for ditching and uridine on Ted urn 3 eh roud, from tho Imidtt of Btdle lUvor woatward. Oarried. Movod by Mr Prico, Boaondod by Mr Paialoy, that Noah Gauthior ho puid; . 620.24, for iopniriuL; bridgo over 8oh oou drain and for sorao grading' at rioath oudof Baid" bridge Carnod. Movod by Mr Priup. BEOonded by Mr Fuinloy, that John . Shorldan bo'paid $81, foi* work on tho 10th .con drain. Curried. John 800H proaontod bill for 82.80, for goods furiiinh- ed Mamhall, indi^onfc. Ou niotiou 0' Messrs, Price and Damra. said bill wuh paid. ; Moved by-Mr, fulaley, nuoQudort by Mr. Potter, that John ICorr, ovoreoar of highways, in road divjtiioii No. -11 A, bo paid Sin, rufund of uaiwoftidouK htatutu kbor on lot N;o. 13, <Jth con., for 1805:00. ^-Oacritid, The. Eugiuoar prt'eentod bi report ou tho Oth con. road d/ain. Movod .fay Mr. Price, uooondod by Mr. Fain ley, .that tho said report, bo received and that tho Clerk notify, all uuseHHod parties that enid c'oport will, bo road and considered by ibiu Council, at tho Town Hall, ilaidutuno, on Saturday, Sept. "."XUb," next,' at '1(* o'olook a. tn. parried. Mr Jackson pie- aunled bill tor $5.60, for board of Luurio, iudigeut, op to date. Ou motion of! Mupbib l)amm and INittur, said bill wuh paid. Tho "Engineer pccouilloii hia report oj tho 8th con. drain.. Movod by Mr. Price, soobiidcd by Mr- Potter, that Bald report bo .mooned , and that the Olork notify all aubfiBBud partioa therefor thafc it w.ll bo,read and pohHidored by the Council, at the Town Hall, Maidatouo.'ou Satnrday, Sept. llili uekl, at 11 o'clock a. m. Oarriod. .The ;Eugiueor. iireaeutod hia to.on on the Browu'a Croek Drain eut-off. Movod by l^.,;l. ,;Mr^ Potter seeondod by Mr, Prioo, that Kte. : the eaxel report bo reoelvod and that the , (Jierk notify all am^eaaed parties tborolor ' ; tibat 1c will be read and ouuuiderod ul the J;/S|; ^owti Hall, Mnidhtouo, po Saturday, Ui-pt. fefe^-yC'ilthi.'at.X' o'clock t>. m. Carried. ' Tho M^f^^'^ZugjneetptteBonted bill for 842, for survey, I^^^Vy^'plapiH, report, etc., on 8b .oon, dralu, und Wi^yV.i-,.a.liq:bUt.-ol 8*15, for Burve'y^ plann, ttyott, K?^' U' et^:' *' th? Brown's Creek cut-off diain, }&$## ?'-tin1'motion of Meeers. llth day of 8opttmber bextM^'?l0Pk P* ; m^for tb pbrijotfo of^aft^t&Mpdii. ing of appeals against the Balct by.law'br any part thereof. The reeve introduced By-law No. 420, providing for. the eeti matuafor the current year. Bald by-law was read the usual number of times and panned. TbefollGwiutf are the estimatca as provided for in baid by law : Town- ahlp rate, fi uiilli; Country rate, 2 8-10 mills ; Geuoral Rohool rate, 10 X0O; Pablio Bubool rate, 2 14-100 oillls ; Special drain- ago on roade, 1 1-10 milla. Local eobool rates, Fubho* and Separate ; Belle River Union Public, 7milla ; H 8 No 1, 4 mills : 8S No 2.2 'MO mill'fl; B8 No 3,3 2-i0 mills; 88 No 4, 2 6 10 milla; 8 8 No 5,8 410 millM; S B No. 0,4 2-10 mills; 8'S No.7, 8 0 10 mills; S 8 No "s. 4 5-10 miilB; SB No 0, 8 8 10 raille; 8 S No 10, 6 mills; B O 8 School No 1, 7 9-10 milln; R O B No 2 A 4, 6 5 10 roUl. Moved.by Mrpacnm, SMconded by Mr, Faialey, thafcr'the En- liiiiocr and Mr Fried, thecommiaaiouerH on the 8cb con drai a ropatra, bo authorized to tako tho neoesflary HtopH to havo the work done as soon ati poaaible. Carried!. The Koevo leportcd to the Council that of the 925 plaoed in hia bauds by tho Council at last treating to provide for the removal of James Rourue, jr, to thd anylum, he was obliged to upond only Sll,75, and produced a. rcooipt from the TroaHurer for the bal- ancp, 813.2S; which ho had returned to him. On motion, the CoanoH adjoarned to meet ttgain on Saturday, Sept, llth uoxfc, -'.". , '. i X tmnblMif itar that ttaali aloaf, Va*>lihVa belaUd vaadartr; A pal* fboafc by tho splndor atroav Of yaiia and of Japitw; A world forlorn, with on* sad moon ' To light aeroa* th aaaonndrnt dep Her oloaded or hit and, tho twooa Of her dream ahaken, thaddarlna;, alaep, la tkia lhaj-plaofl .whsra one ihonld aajr Waa found a craed for all tho phera That truth's sols run la the weak raj . That flita thro' our ambarrawed jrorf t Ko Ihoaght of Ood auirost, benign, Born of hop#'g, reason'*, puzxlod atrif*, Jfay folly the veiled forco dsfl.no Which feed* th* root* of boundlesa Ufo. Joseph Truman la BpeuUtur. A SPIDER FIGHT. t* tha -A.'-' M.V) lie :\.r-. \M DISEASE CONQUERED. DR. WILLIAM^ FXNK FILLS GAIN ANOTHER GREAT VICTORY, a xusroxtTBii'H SEJAnamNa iNVEflTiaA- TION INTO A CASE AT OHANOKVILrjBl Tilli OLA I MM UATtE ON HUlIAtjl' OV THIU MEDIOINK vpurjIiY 110RNB OUT TIIH OltKATUBT HKAWNO MBDIOINB Of THE AOK. From tho Orangovillo Sari. In a cosy little house in Margaret street, iirflurTTown, Hvob Mr.. .Tohn Garrity, hid wifo and family. Thoy are iudeod a happy family; although a tow years ago a Bddder housohold would bo hard to find. Thoir happines was not occaflionedby tho sudden obtaining of a fortune, but by nomothing moro pro- eioiiH tho roHtoration to hoalth of ' a wifo and mother whon ovoryono \vhiH- porod that RhomuHt die. Our reporter hoard of MrH. Garrifcy'H illnewa and cure, and for tho bohdflt of our rondora investigated thecaso; what ha. learned is well worth ropeatiug. A fow yoara a^o Mr. Garrity kept a woll known hotel at Choltorham and was known far and wido for his kindness and hospita lity; his wifo, too, was noted for her amiability. Howovor, alio waa striokon with a poouliar sickness her hoalth failed rapidly and from one hun dred and . forty-sovon pounds hor weight booamo reduced to hinoty-ilvo poundfl. raintiup spoils booamo fro- quont, and a continual pain in tho back of hor head almost drove, hor. frantic. PhysioianH wore iu afctomlanoo, but tho doctorfl all saitl there was no hopo. Mrs. Garrity saw death stariup hor in tho' faco, and tho thought of loftving hor litfclo ojtildron caused hov much HaduoHB, Sho was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but thought thoy could not possibly do hor any good whon physicians had failed to alleviatO'lier sufferings. Hop ing, however, almost against hopo, sho procurod n supply, and wonderful to rolatosho had not boon taking Pink Pills long whon tho dreadful symptoms of hor illnoHs began to pass away, and to-day sho is tho picture of hoalth. A few months ago Mr. Garrity and family romovod to Orangoyille, And in con vocation- with our roprosontativo Mrs. Garrity said: " I cannot And words to express my thankfulness for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pillshavo done for mo. Why.it is almost miraoulous. I wish that ovoryone who is anft'oring as I was will hoar of this remedy. Wo always koop a box of Pink Pills in tho house,'* Miss Edna Mitoholl, a young nurse at tho Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, committed suicide early Friday morning by taking a 'number of morphia tablets. Sho was 20 year's old and hor homo was in Toronto, Out. It. is said that she ploped with a lawyor uninod Slator, who afterwards deserted hor and despondency over tho affair oausod hor to commit tho deed. Slator's body has sinoo boon found in Lake Erie. Sho iuforoiteo is that ho also committed suioido. It Waa F**t end Farinas md , ,^Wth. (., . X onajfjiptifjni- spidei; pet, of a Jcipd'tho books enabled me to identify. Ho wuh a fine, big fellow. I caught him in the garden, carried htm home, and for nearly two months he and I took a clow in to re it in each other, he for tho flics I introduced to him apd I for tho amuse ment he introduced to me: I kept him in a milliner's box,,letting biui; out whon-iX viuited him, apecin 1,1 y delight ing myself with allowing him to drop from one hand by his fine spun thread, and then either catching him in tho other or gently compelling him to climb back again by apparently eating his owu ladder. Qne day 1 captured another spider of the sumo species. I kept him for a few days in'a separate box, and then, with tho-kindly idea of;companionship, 1 in- r^ducod,him tpTiger., lhavo ecet\ dogs fight; I have sequ.o^antioleer; fight, and ajayhifl ;rnani 1 hftVe.fieou ram.^fight till, with ^a,.akll1c abed1 ip.,9110,lay faift ,t 'ho foot of the/other; I have seen mon fight; 1 have seen women fight > till they booamo a confusion of- blood and hair and. Hhroddcd garment*;, but the fullest sense I over realized omad, mnr^erpufl^asaipjn, Jo lanugo vorna])Iy loose, cou to rod ,iu oue destroying: nin: and flnmmbniug every physical energy to iU devilish' service, 1 realized when thotie two spidorfl roshod to mortal com bat... I stood in boyish terror as their tangled logs dropped off, torn by mu tual race,; apd as, with yjciona dextori- .WVJtoy truokt oach o^her with , thoir poisoned fan^y, using for their own de- itractibn tho weapons and applianced with which naturo haa provided thorn for tha capture and ulaughtur of their .prey, Ivisibly turned pale.. . . .in Tiger, was the viqfcor, but oypp ,v?hilo W^h jbrutnlj'wrutji, all mangled as, he vfskft, hoMt.uud spnruod, his dead and ' limbless foe, ho was seized with symp toms 1 took to bo'partlytio, and Iu n minuto or two I helped-him' to bis death. And thfs foarJess gladiator was afraid of, I remember, and novor would tackle, a big,.bluebottle fly. What is courage ? Manchester Olty iJewa. Grant * Uoy. Tho la to Oblbuol'JTofiae B. Peyton in his book of romiuisoouflesthusdosoribed hid, first mooting with . Gouorul Grunt: "In tho yoar 1808 I was working as a boy ia a country storo at Flat Rook, Bourbon county, Ky. Ulysses S. Grant was thon a boy, living at Georgetown, O., not many miles distant. Ono day Grant drove over to Flut Rook with tho' nieco of my omployor. Grant was thon .10 yours old, awkward, ungainly, de termined, industrious and very poorly dressed. Ho drovo a vioious horso. The night after his arrival at Flat Hook he sloptwith mo in the storo. It was a, cold night, and wo boys kept close to the loo of tho comitor. "In tho morning Grant asked me if he could assist mo. I said ' Yos.' Ho holp- od mo tako down thoshnttors and swoop out the storo and put stock in place. After breakfast he drove off, I hoard from him afterward of his drive homo, fioforo ho hrul gono far from Flat Rook his horso run away, und finally brought op with a crash iu a fOnco corner. Noth ing broko. Grunt jumped out, sokod tho trembling horso by tho bridle and tied his handkerchief ovor the beast'c oyea. Ho drove tho horso blindfolded all the way to Georgetown, O." Oi .e^^NQpD, HIS LIFE. ."i. \ ri,.'J It Mado Ko Dirt*)rune*. There had been u litfclo family jar und sho was sulking. "You huvo no right to refuse mo," she said. "When I promised to marry you, I told you that I nhvays wonted my own way, and you said that mude no difference." "Woll, it doesn't, does it?" ho rotort- ed. "You don't got it, do you?" Thus it happened that she ou Hod him a moan thing. Chicago Post. froll*iy CiiM Ifor Xleadaaha. A Brooklyn mnn has told a roport6r that a ride in a trolley oar cures his headaches. Aftor along day's work iu bis offloo ho starts home with a bertd- aeho, and after riding three miles the heuduoho is gone. Ho thinks tho air of tho car is filled with olootrjolty, and that tho auro is duo to that. Perhaps, howovor, it is only tho fresh air that works tho cure. -4HH> Damai and Panlty, S^V^^ft^/rbUla/'wera .Pf^d, Tlie';01urk' irUo- lfe^;>'^'auoed"."*.;hj:flttW.'ta;' provide'for re.iinturS- Wl: ipjif the-fl.Tq^UHbip of Baudwioh South, \^^'lW^^^r^/.\V9^f9P of the ooat of re- ^^fl'^^fi'1'^^-'^^1:'-^^"nliiio "drain.',;: Oh vriw.iLriilvi.'iA iti- 'art a a MiiLtiA a 4\t*at tiiu <> ,\A ..yiM . *.. , To 'remove worm's of .all kinds from r/nV- tlreti or adults Dr. /.o:o'i- Jl'orm Syruf> is a saft tind sure . remedy. ati on Causes nilly half tho slckuonn in tho world. It retains tho digested food too long In tho bowels:, and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lnu> l^ii^y-M^'wa'a wad a first time and; provibioL- gevtlon, < bad taste. Coaled tongue, sick headache, Id* Bomnla, etc. Hood'H Ptjlj e ore constipation and allj[ta results, easily and" Prepared by O. XbaoolyKlhi A MruEu Olrl. Miss Highup It's porfeatly Hoandnl- ous. Did you hour about Miss^lpJPiuk? Miss Tiptop ftfo. What hassho done? "Oh, tho most immodest thing imag inable. She's lot all tho world know she is orazy to got murriod by going tind joining a oookory school.M KfeW VorkWoekly. Thoro is to be soon at Sobwarzenberg, in Saxony, a liudon whose trunk is 26 foot in ciroumforonoe, and two others at Bchnceberg, one 16 feet and tho other 14 foot in circumference. If you. stand a palm in the window, be oarofal that yon turn the foi; around every day, so that one side of the plant does not get the sole benefit of the '.-. .-*._:' Iiidn^ TJk. thild.. if Yoa^ ir.lio** In Ofl<ora' Clothi. ^ ftUnUd * Ut- tl Wli.b n Admirer Wm Woandad. , ."Jhe pnlj(bad feature of tb.ni thing of addressing the school children," said Colonel James: A, Sexton, the former postmaster, !?is the fact that they al ways want me to wear xay regimen tali. Ct's a thing I haven't the courage to do except when I'm among a uniformed body of men. "My'aversion to wearing a1 uniform about in public dates from my'boyhood nays.. Upon that avoreion.is bused an i.arly incident, that may.,hay0, bad; a good deal to do with the course, of my lubNequent life, ,/ 1 ' l't onliatod as a privale at tho obtbreak ef the war, being1 then a boy of 17; rather matnro looking, however', for .those years. Like all boys, of that age, 1 was of, a romantic turn, .but- exceed ingly bashful In the presence, of women. ^The ppe wqman, in whoso prefionce t Was bspooiaily shy was a ctear'girl whom I used toeoe home from prriynr meeting. "No parting in^all that time 6f patt ing was iuore affecting fehaU-was ours whon my reginicut^tartedfor. tho front. Whon, a year later* I:wasjjo;it back,to Ohioago tpj recoyer,from,a wound iu the j|aw, I found myself as dear to her us svor, and she as dear to me, it goes without saying, I waa in tho'hoapital at Onmp DoqglpH. My wound healed rapidly. X was allowed to go about the city Ypry,much as.Inohoso, and prayer meetings, with their escort privileges, claimed a great part of my nttoutiou. ^About that time the Y. M. O. A. was organizing u regiment,' to bo com posed exclusively of men who professed religion. The Bcheme naturally attract ed u, great doalof attention^ The papers wero full of, it. ^,Was; selected to cap tain one of the new regiment's compa nies. Protest against the selection was made on aooonnt of my age then' just 18.' The" matter was carried up to the adjutant general of the state, who final ly decided in my favor, , My age, the lingular oharuoter, of tho case and the popularity"of" the regiment caused such n arnouiit of newspaper gossip that it leemed as though everybody must have heard of tho matter at least All this time I noVor wore my uniform outnido of camp. Tho dear girl* therefore, hov er saw mo except iuioitizon's olothes. ., '* 'It's an putrage,* she said just after w met a very youthful looking man in oaptain's uniform ou one of our walks, 'that such young men are trusted with the responsibilities of command. I don't know what tho country is coming to.' "For a moment I was overcome by the shook. When I recovered my breath, I told her that youth did not necessarily debar a man from possession of tbo qualities of a commander. She doolined to be convinced, and the conversation beoamo decidedly, chilly, Instead of making my customary call whon we roaohed her houso, I stopped at tho front Botev , " 'IJaura,' I paid, 'I must tell you goodby. My rogiment has orders to leave for tho front tomorrow. It may be that wo nover shall son each other again.' "Botwodjd AllfashionabloChicago came toOamp Douglas tho uoxfc day to see the final dress pnrado of tho muoh talked of Y. M. G. A. rogimont, and I could see tho dear girl among tho crowd. My new captain's uniform gave me a good deal of satisfaction just at that time, X can toll you. Tho colonel of tho rsglment had asked mo, on account of tho power of my voice, to dot us adju tant for the occasion. That furnishod additional gratification. Tho parade had tho magnificent splendor that only a dross parade oan have, and tho solemnity of this occasion was vastly inoronsod by tho refloction, not to be dismissed, that many of tboso among rogimont and spec tators wore seoing eaoh othor for the last time on onrfch;, Tho band ployed as though speaking our last farowoll to our friends. Evory one, I am suro, wus deeply impressed. It was at this timo that the dour girl had hor first and last view of mo in my captnin's uniform, " 'Offloers to tho front and ccnterl March I' I ordered, with all tho dignity I could assume. As thoy reached tho center thoy salutod mo, " 'Six1, tho parado is formed,' I said, saluting tho colouol. "The colonel rotorned as grave a sa lute as he had rocoivod and put tho rog iment through tho munuul of armh. Moantimo I miirohod u fow paebs bo- hind him, turned squaroly imd took po sition almost within arm's length of tho dear girl. Thoro I stood at purudo rest, with my back to hor, until tho regiment whoeled into column to murch off the field. At that June turn I took command of my company and went with it aboard an Illinois Central train. Between tho dour .girl and mysolf thoro passed no word. "A ;few.months passfld, imd I reooivod a slight wound. Tho circumstance wuS .mentioned in tbo Ohiongo papers. Thon, fc* tho first timo after my doparturo from Ohiougo, the dour girl wrote me a letter. It was 0 beuutiful cpistlo, full of regret for our misuudorstauding, hopes that my wound would not prove serious, ussuruneos that she never could have doubted my ability and requests for forgiveness for hor mistake. lau- iwcred it, and harmony was restored, "At tho close of the war I at onco sodght her," the colouol ud,ded, "and found her Chicago Timcs-'Horald. LV4 Crimp*, dr. "' ' Vaed IntcntAlly and Bxtemnlly. <!L TWo 6lM#t 88' and 80c; bottles, 2^ * Wanted. Men nd Womon who son work hard talking and writing alz boars dally, for six days a week, and will be. oou ton t with ton dollars weakly Address, ' .. J.'.. / ^TWfr IDEAS QO., Brantford, Onfc. WANTED I can pay ton dotfar* weekly to a lady of mature ago. >e- flnemant and taot to apond her time fn a good caase. i,. T. H. LIN8G0TT, Toronto, On t. / J, f/.fU, X laVlUTCII TBACHEliH aud othor bngbt WTHH I ClVi men for vacation or perman ently tosollolt for "Canada; an Enoyol pedla of the Country, * In five royal quarto volumes, Nodflllvennir." Oommlaslon paid weekly. >.!. THB lilNflCOTT CQMPAKY, Toronto, Ont. Ib what you oan rely on jotting when yon boy from ub. Our wajjon goes to all parts of the tov/n. i-r.'i Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nicer, fresher, or Hwoot- er in the country. All kinds of Fancy Cakea and Jolly llolla. i -i Fresh Taffy and Candles everyday. Wo sell nothing staloor dry. Leave our Order and you oan rely on prompt de livery. FRANK F0SS. Ojijio UeBnck A: SVanels, Eeflrtx JAMES NAYLO^ Takes tbts opportunity of annoouotng Wj Eooplo of the Town and Count) of $** *?/) o fias recnodelod tbe XaMz Boiler HIT c6rdiog.to plans praparedhy.A. lf ,&!.* Thomas, and also aeoored tbearvloi of Kttfftw Straoban, an oxperienood and thorocgbly oom patent mlUer. -' &$ '^f|f Thanking tho peoplo of tbe town andoonh ' for the patronage bsatownd upon blmintti patt, will guarantee sattsfoctlonltt too faturSt Gristing and Chopping ^;||( Specialty- ' '">$$ ' ' '/'T'.'t'l X3T The Best Grades of Ftour, *e :; ?'$ Cornmeal Kept in Stock and sold at .,v;'^ Priees. .' *'v/,VS Cssh Paid for Wheat andOaUH -*rr DO You 'I$Ief If so, you want to harai ^U the best tb^re is artS TPf.'-. '- v.^ everybody knows thatil The Nobbiest turnout ' ii -is to an itjkv --M JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. Ooocl JRoadatcra* JSasy Hiding Buggies.. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. tHatitifaotian Cuaranteed. North of the * Eoilwfly Track. :$* SING LER CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Ave., next Aberdeen Hotel. The latest Improved ruaohinery for Ironing Collars and Ouffs. Will not crook or break tao wing. Fnmily work cheap. and dtdivored. Parcels, cnllfd fo E5SEX, ONT;f Builders And Contractors r& Britisli .Columbia. Please call and try. If not Batiefnoiny no charge will bo mndo, I our worli ouit you. rocommend uh to your, friendo. In Spring Time got Pure Blood by using B.B.B. * No other remedy possesses such per- feet cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving thp skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid ' effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restnrincr. the stomach, liver, bov/els and blood to healthy action. . * fine Shingles, $1.00 Dp. SASJf, JDOOJlS, LATH and BARN LUMBR$ X^r NutIraciloki fikioraiuteed. Oi>i>. Water Works. Essex!:' F0R TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S THEC00ICS BEST FRIEND Jc GOURI.AY & SON. ESSEX A*7 8hNp In New Uoatli Wales. In the year.1788 there were only 80 bead of aheop in Now South yfaleif, bat at the beginning of, this century the number had inpraawd to 2,OOQ;065, apd now the stock has reached .60,000,000. Australia ^ew Zealand and Taswaniu together po*^;.abpDt.180,0 THE TRIOMPH.CORN SHBLIjBR ThiN Machino consists of a horizontal oast cylinder^"\yith wrought'^ bnifi, with flt.ee] teeth bolted to tho oyliuder so as to be revevBible':wfcen? ceth I'ooome worn on the fronf side, /unbin^ in:i a:,'perforated).ppij'i^ySl sbol wlucb tho Bhelled corn paBB08 through into o, shoot iroia easeKwil 85