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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 4

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1B^ ft^Fv^^'W^vfrffir "'/' ttfc&J- >ifvV>"S^W>'VM<^ **J B|^Tr^'^;.-A|>iLpt,:PltOrWl'i:f0y*^ > I^swb* High Sotiool lends the county '" '^iaobeqsfol candidatea lov Forme HI W$$Wi4nlf tWfaiUngfokt of fourteen Jt^nditlateB sent up for'examination. ^^eifcflieve no High Soliool iu the Pro- ^'j^yinoe has beea nioro sucoeasful than tf,;;.-.^iqiirfj this Bummer. It will bo -with the I^,,)f:^ymnlUB born of success that teaohere ^1'-:,j;i^d'Bbholar8 will begin the new term ^--On Wednesday, September 1st. ^|fe , !Thb profits that lie within reach of the Canadian farmer who farms with his brains are indioated by the experience of a young Ontario farmer who was in ftjontroal one day last week on route to Glasgow with a cargo of cattle. Last fall this gentleman bought on the market CO head of lean cattle, which he fed during the winter. This spring they came out in fine condition, and a few weeks ago he sold them, realizing a net profit of 81,850 or noarly HO per , head. In counting the cost the value of the provender wan not included, as ,' by feeding it on tho farm tho i>roiluo- .' tive powers of the land wore preserved. This is no doubt an exceptional case, but it shows what the possibilitioM of intelligent farming are. Stock raising ' and cheese and butter making are bringing millions of foreign money in to Ontario and Quebec, and the buni- ness will develop vastly if our farmers get out of the old rut and adapt them selves to the now conditions. W.r. Isr/i; rrm t&Mo Government Angpet crop- pul- The statement of acreage of crops in Ontario for 1807, prepared by the On tario Department of Agriculture, and the estimate of yields, based on_tha re ports of the regular correspondents of the department, under date of August 0th, show that he yields of the present year, on the whole promise to exceed those of 1890, and also to ox coed the average of the fifteen years, 1889-06. The amount of all wheat ploughed up this year was 515,000 acres, or 80,000 less than in 1800. With an Increased urea of 78,000 acres, the promise at present nearly 10,000,000 bushels greater The es- Por Teachers and Students. The following will bo tho literature ' leotions taken from tho fourth Book for IV n tho High School entrance examinations for 1808':- Lesson 8, Loss of tho Birkouhend ; lesson 11, Tho Evening Oloud ; lesson 12,The Truant ; lossou lfl.Tho Humble Bee ; lesson 24, Tho Face Against tho Pane ; lesson 37, Tho Battlo of Bau- noekburn ; lesson 83, Tho Skylark ; lesson 84, Tho Death of Littlo Noll ; lesson 80, a Psalm of Life ; Iohhou 51, The Hordes of tho Long So-ult; lofison 60, Tho Honest Miin ; lossou 50, Yar row TJhvisited ; lesson 08, Tho Exile of Erin ; lossou 04, Yo Mariners of England ; loHson 00, The Ohangling ; lesson 70, The Capture of. Quebec ; los- son 87, Bong.of tho Shirt ; lossou 05, A Forced Recruit at Solferiuo. VOll MEMORIZATION, Tho Bolls of Shannon, pp. 51-53; To Mary in Heaven, pp. 07-08 ; Ring Out Wild Bolls, pp. 121-123 ; Lady Claro, pp.128-180 ; Load, Kindly Light, p, 145 ; Bofore Sedan, p. 100 ; Tho Throo Fishors, p. 320 ; Tho Forsaken | To a Skylark, Wi pp, 817-320 ; Elegy, written in a Coun try Churchyard, pp. .831-835. - . * ' I'xmiao school lkavin'o. The Public school loaving examina tions for 1808 i.iro exactly tho Biime as for 1807, and thorn are no chances in 'subjects. Tho litoraturoselections for Public School Loaving aro : 18, Rule Britannia ; 28, Tho Cottor's Saturday Night ; 35, Tho Isles of Grooco ; 87, Dear Harp of My Country ; 40, Tho Bridge of Sighs ; 51, Horatius ; 54, My Kate ; 02, Tho Cano Bottom Chair ; 07; Tho Hanging of tho Crano ; 70,B(ir- bara Freitohio ; 70, Tho Lord of Bur leigh ; 81, Tho Eovongo. ! Canadian, ' Tho protest against tho election of Mr. Bavin in West Assiniboia was dis- .missed. It is reported that a syndicate of English capitalists has agrood to pur* chase tho business of a number of fifth oompanioson tho groat lakos of Canada and tho Unitod St-atos. ', A party consisting of Warren. Buflb and Charles Glasuor, of Chicago, and Frank Wobor, Buffalo, who had boon '. camping on tho Niagara .River above the Falls tried to cross tho rivor. hiat "Sunday in a small boat and wore swopt over tho Falls, Their bojlios have not - yefc boon recovered. A most shocking, fatality occurred near Millbrook, Oni, last Tuesday , afternoon when Herbert Roo a young form laborer was drawn into tbo cylin der of a threshing machine Before, the engine could bo shut oft" his arms, head and uppor body word litornlly , torn to pieces. It is thought that his , hand booamo caught whilo fooding and in, trying,to oxtrloate himself ho was :;,drawn in bodily. Coroner MeKoo do- vcidod an inquest wan unnecessary, HappinesM and ioy, thomorry laugh ter and prattling talk,of children in the morning, tho beach shadow of sor- Sjl'row and death in tho evening this was fc&V the experience of four homes in Toron-. to last. Sunday. A group of twonty phUdreu were crossing MoNamo's out qua scow placed there for ferrying pur- W$l".Vposefl,; when it tipped, prooipitating fiS :i" 'them in the channel, which is about fourteen feet deep. Everything that hu man strength and skill could devise was i done to rescue all the. smuggling little fanes, but in spite of .every endeavor ^..... four of the children, three boyfl and a $$(.':' ? girt'/werp.drownod.' -The whole oity is |P^;^fttujnult of grief and despair oyer j^iiflw&niortunate accident. The roughly fei^'bonfl^oied float which proved a death Strati was placed there as a common ferry only lost Friday. The parents of the dead eWWren are inconsolable. PS|:^^i:-:' . iil ,r. vm IB than was reported a year ago average of 25.5 bushels per acre is timated. The comment, "Best crop for many years" is quite oommon. Spring whoat has taken a movo np again, both in acreage and promised yield. The acreage and yield of barley are both somewhat bolow the previous year. For several yoars tho area sown to oats has boen increasing, Over 7,000 acres has been added thjs year, and tho yield promised is 4,000,000 bushels greater than last year. In round flguros tho crop oh estimated at 87,000,000 bushels. Tho yields of ryo and boans are above tho average, nhd that of pons bolow tho average. Though in some eastern sections tho yield was light, on tho whole tho hay crop of Ontario has been heavy, and above tho nvorago, tbo total being H,- 811,518 tons, ua ugajnst 2,200,210 last year. Tho acreago of corn has boon increas ing year by year, and it has now inr creased to 544,0115 three times that of tivo years ago. Buckwhoat and mangolds show an increase in area; potatoes a decrease, while carrots and turnips arc both a* bovo tho average. Hail storms and heavy showers of rain have dono oonsiderablo damago to spring grain props, and in many sec tions barloy is rbportod to bo oolorod. Tho universal roport is good pasturo, and cattle appear to be in first-class condition. Choose factories have boen gouerously supplied with milk and dairy prospects generally woro favor able. Fruit. The supply of apples will bo far below tho avorago. In a few in stances largo yioldH nro spokon of, but a considerable number of correspon dents roport tho opposite nud too fre quently mention is mndo ot scab. Pears will givo a bottor yiold relatively than applos, but 'mention is mnilo hero and thoro ot tho blight. Plums suffered considerably from curoulio and rot, but many spoak of largo yiolds, and tho season has boon a gootl one for for caroful and intolligont grow ers. Ponchos, are yioldlng heavily iu Lincoln, although thoro has been a tendency to rofc among somo early variotios. In Essox and othor oountios this fruit hns dono poorly. Several corrospondents complain of tho non-onforoomont of the law govern ing black knot in plum and chorry or chards. Grapos promise a fair yiold. In most sections of tho Provinoo small fruit woro abundant, raspberries, especially giving a magnificent yiold. Tho estimated yiold of the diuaront grains this year is as follows: . Yield Crop. Acres, Fall wheat .... 950 222 Spring wheat .. 333.305 Barley........ 451.5*5 Oats.....-----. 2,432491 Uye.......... 1K7.7K5 Peas.......... S[)6,73S Beans........ 50,591 ^pilll^fif^^^M Bushels 341268,158 5.489,821 12,094.335 S6.97L555 3 542 930 17,240488 1,061,079 Tons. icr'Ac- ; 2C5 17 o 26. S 35.S 189 19.2 21 o Tons Hay and Clover 2,341,488 3,811,518 I 63 UANiTonA's vrarax Tho Manitoba Government on Satur day issuod an oflloial bullotin on tho crops. Tho total wheat yield is esti mated at 21.,28'i,274 bushels, the avor ago being estimated nt 16.49 bushels per aore. Manitoba's production of all kinds of cereals is shown 4oj bo forty million busholB, and all departments of agriculture nro roportod to bo in a satisfactory condition. The following flguros ate token -from tho oflloial bul letin, and it must bo borno in mind that they do not include any portion of the 'Northwest Territories, but apply only to,tho Provinoo of Manitoba. Tho avor ago wheat yiold per aoro in tho oastorn portion of tho 'Provinoo was ovor twonty bushols to tho aoro, andin^other portions expoodod oightoon. However, in tho southwestern portion it was only thirteen, and this pulled down the average for tho Province Tho total yioldof oats isia,510,m bushels, tho average per aore being 23.78. Tliojyiold of barloy 8,C44r788 bushols, average per aero, 23.8. The total yiold of^flax, 80K,7i)C bushels;xya, 50,007, peas, 88,- 287, ' .' The Turkish Government now pro poses .that tho Sultan's troops shall occupy Valo and Larissa and the coun try in the rear of these places until the Greek war indemnity is paid,. im mediately withdrawing tho troops, south'of tbie line on the signing of the treaty of peace. The Marquis of Salis bury; however, maintain his opposition to the Turkish occupation of the;, towns mentioned, especially of Larissa. Ootu?oU met'in tne generol bualnesB of the townfl^p/^ith members all,pre sent.. Minutes of former meeting were read and, confirmed. Wm. pyrne ask ed to do the statute labor of Thomas Byrne for 1806, the said work baying been returned. Granted. John "Wass and aevornl others petitioned the coun cil, asking for the cleaning out of the 4th con. drain. Tbo petitioners desire to commute their statute labor in the cleaning of the drain. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Sylvoatre, that tho petition of John Wass and others bo referred baok for amend ment. Carried. Alphonse Boasoin asks for a ditoh on' the Tilbury "Wost and Boohester townline. About 125 rods is needed. Moved by Mr. Dew- hirst, seconded by Mr. Bylvestre, that Mr. Housoin's request be granted; that Mr. "Wilson be appointed a commis sioner to let and superintend the work of ditching and grading the road, Til bury West to pay half. Carried. . S, N. Sylvestre and Mrs. Boso Taylor notified the council that the 4th con. and Baso Lino drain needs cloaning ; tho waters are overflowing thoir lau-s. Thoy will hold the council responsible for damages if the drain is not repaired between tho 4th and ,5th cons. Moved by Mr. Sylvostre, sooondod by Mr. Lndoucour, that the 4th con. drain bo cleaned from 4th eon. to fith con. t un der sec. 74 of tho Drainago Act, 1804, and charged pro rata to the ratepayers. Carried. Pat Brttckrn~put in a claim for damages for tho loss of a Held of potatoes by floods in 1800, Mr. Braokiu lives on the bank of Duck Crook. Moved by Mr. Sylvostro, secondod by Mr. Wilson, that Pat Braokin's claim ho not ontortninod Carried. O, Simon wanted $40 for ditching on Middle Road in front of lots 10, 11, 13 and i^art of 18. Moved by Mr. Wilson, sooondod by Mr. Sylvostro, that tho rofpiost of C. Simon bo granted ; that Mr; Wilson bo appointed com'r to soo that the money is spent in tho right place and right time. Carried. County-Bopro- soiitatiyo Deisiel complained that planks on- iiusoom bridge, Teoumsoh Road, woro rotten and unsafe. Moved by Mr. Mailloux, socondod by Mr. Wilson, that Messrs, Sylvestro and Dowhirst bo appoiutod to look into Mr. Doziol's complaint, with power to a6t. Carried. H. B. Knister appeared 6n behalf of the petitioners for aroad fromRuecomb Station southward to Maiden Road. He also asks for a grant to ropair the road botwoon lots 10 and 11, from rear road to Buscomb Station. Moved by Mr. Sylvostro, flooondod by Mr, Dow hirst, that Mr. Wilson bo ompoworod to expend not moro than. 880 on said road. Carried. Moved by Mailloux, sooondod by Mr. Wilson, that Mr. Dowhirst bo appoiutod to moot Mr. PaiBloy, of Maidstone, to make neces sary repairs on the road allowance from John Hognn's corner to tho townline. Clamed. Ed. Smith and sovoral others askod to havo tho Maiden Bond drain ropaired under see. 74 of tho Drainage Act, 1801. Moved by Mr. Wilson, socondod by Mr. Mailloux, that Bbovo Ladoueour and Dcputy-RoovQ Dow" hirst bo appointed and authorized'to soo that tho work, petitioned for by Ed. Smith and others, is dono undor tho provisions of flection 74, of tho Drainage Aofc, 1894. Carried. Whbro- an, tho munioipaTcouncil of Boohester, on or about tho Oth of April, 1807, peti tioned His Honor tho LioutrGovomor of Ontario to appoint T,S,Laird,Onta- tarib Land surveyor, to looato tho road allownnco botwoon lots 0 and 7, E.R.R. in tho said township of Rochester; and, whoroaHj His Honor granted tho council's prayer; bo it resolved by this council assembled that tho said 3. S. Laird ho authorised to make tho neces sary survey and to looato tho said road allownnco as soon as possible. Oai*riod. By-law 210, to raise the sovoral rates for tho ourront yonr, was road tho num ber of times and passed. Two and 0/10 mills in tho dollar will covor tho gon- oral school rato, including tho payment of inspootor, ordered by county; 2 mills will cover tho county rate, and 5 mills will covor tho .township rate, including tho rato for benefit to , roads by spoeia] drains. A reduction of 1 8/10 mills is boing mndo in township rate from last year. Accounts passed; C. Clarkj $28, voters* list, etc; S. Duoharrne, $03j 2nd fpmrtor's salary; dp., $5.5tt( postago and registration on Moison 'Crook, etc.; Jan. Parker, SI, returning P. M. list; Conrad Simon, $15, ditch ing M. R.; D. Maroutotto, $148, statute labor receipts; do., salary as collector, $120. Adjourned to meet nt Township Hall, Soptombor 18th, 1807. ... Until further notice we will offer all Lines strictly Summer Goods at "Greatly Reduced prices* In this sale will be included the balance of our Canvaas Shoes, for Men, Women wViSl 1 '"S ' ' '-Hi". .IM Dongola Foxed RaflBian and Children. Straw Hats for Children, Men and Boys ; Sailors for Women and Summer Ooats for Men and Boys, Ladies' Vests^ Parasols, Fans, Pine All-Wool Challies, &o. WW WW \w Come Early and Secure the Choice of these Gen uine Bargains. . - . . . SIS*We Want 10,000 dozen Fresh" Eggs, and 10,000 lbs. First-claBS Butter in exchange . for goode. J3=* Our Premium Goods are the finest to be had, 'v. Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. CtnTSTAXT BXiOOIC. ESSEX- Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. Special Lines of Dress' . Gfoods. Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool. Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black oleil at very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. . % 4 % ' III OLOTHING. . . We handle nothing l^ut best makes at th.e lowest prices. r4$ BOOTS and SHOES; Special Line Ladies' Oxfords forll. Men's Brogans for $1. /Ml] A Rafc Pbrtngo dlapatoh Hays ifc Ib Bkutod on good, authority that a twelve dayn' -run at the Mikado mine has yielded no leas a sum thuu $30,000. Sir Donald 8mithTtho Canadian High OommiBHiouor in London, who was raised to tho peerage during the jubilee festivities, vaa officially gazetted last Tuesday as Baron Btratlioona nnd Mount Royal. It is reported from Gait that An thony Orr has found an axe among the chips that young Allison raked togeth er, and from the stains found on it it if thought to be the weapon -with' which Mrs. Orr was murdered. . Latest Styles in. Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- t ii GROCERIES We Lead the Trade in best Goods at lowest prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A. FRANCIS. _ <&- Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, fi Klondyke Gold la very Jifllonlt to got an- but... Oxygen Blood Bitters You can havo for 9Gc, k bo' tie, and is tho bout proventativo a- gainst Malaria, Typhoid or .Ty phus Fevora. It, ia very valuable in cases of that "tirod foolincr," loss of ap petite, liver complaint, hoadaoho, Essex Medical HalL HEW % The Shoe Business of this Store has been built up on its Merit Price is a consideration in buying. t?I3:e3 ^j^Grr- # * * Of having,, the newest and Selling on the Closest',, margin of Profit is all the argument that is.needed ,:| for brisk sales. ; 'Jf The more you compare Goods and prices the mord ij| certain you will be to spend your noney here. : ; -vil We want your Trade and we offer you this oppor-ij| tunity to Becure Extra Value, Bhcrrin'B "Swro Pop Corn Curo" re- * movoH oonuB, warts and bunions. ......Pharmacist, Kssex....... WOOD'S 3^HOSII3COI>IISrii3. Tho Oreni EulUU lleiucdy. tth> }\iaktiQcs Gtiarantoctt la promptly,-nnil pormawontly curo att forrnfl ot Nervouw WttOciMU, EnlUaion9,$pcrni- atotrhea, Xmpotencuand alt effects of Abuse or Excesses, _ Mental Worn/, tmotulve we ^ *T1"*m," !J.""ji jw ' of Tobac<){*t Ojium or Btimu- Bofoto anaAjter* ^n,#( ^Mah won Uad to Xn. flrmttv, Insanity. Consumption and an early crratwr. Una been proscribed over U&yoarfl la thousands of cancel in tho ottli/ JteUabfa and Motuat Me&iatne Tenoim. AskdniffttlfltforWood'iPhotDlioaiiieiU hooffertHomo.worthlcMmedlcln* In place of thb, iuoloao price In lotfcer, end wo will eenil by return mail. Prloo, one pnolugo, $U b!X. $& On* will pUa*4t*l3>ioUtour&. PamphlotafreotonnyndilreM. The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont, Canada. Sold In Bhbox aud everywhere in Canada fcv bJI responsible Draaaftit;. 'She joint confelonoe of ooa> opera- tore an3 minora at Pittsburg hrohe up without reaching au agreement. The miners' offloiala refasod to recede from their position and demanded 09 cents per tpn, "pending a eettlement by arbi tration, and tiie operatore would not . conoede more than 61$ oonta. J AS. DOUGLASS. IS-Siga of tho Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSKX, '. :!> Great Sacrifice In Lumber. Last Chanee at E3SE33C--^>- All Lumber must be sold out this fall'as|$ the Proprietor has disposed off his Mil.|f and is leaving town. ' - CJood Barn Lumber - Gall and; See the Stocks ,. ....., (ra .Parties, buying 5,000' tti "will receive 'liOO^s Grp^S jgSfeft '.v's "

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