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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 20, 1897, p. 8

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i^lifsfc^ m \i> ^ ,$^ie' no^appIioantB ypti admitted ',- ,^/v^'^*',;Jp^^m .-'Of .-'the'-' order,'. - after: fe^WWoh an elegant and tasty lunch ^as K^y.^^wWj-.tip-./'by' the ladies. To much m&k'-'yffitiBpavpAot be given to the ladles for ihe interest they manifest in the newly kr^'. initiated members and this- interest ia g&t;; Materially assisting-ln ..bringing in a host of now members every night. % ' _& . 8& ;!;',v HiV;.! Brooker. .."' Our Public school opens next Mon day. Miss E. Jolley who has been visiting friends at Niagara returned lost Fri day *; ,l Mrs. B. Perkins presided at the or gan at Belle River road ohuroh on Sun day last in her usual graceful manner. Our teacher J. H. Jolley and wife ro- , turned from visiting at their parental homes at Owen Sound during the Bummer holidays. The Gammon family had a family gathering and pionio to Lake Brie last Tuesday, It was the occasion o( the birthday of Mrs. Gammon, Br. Messrs. James, Wm., and Andrew Brown and Mrs. W. Tier, t of Mothor- , well, were hero thin week attending the funornl of their brother, tho lato .T, T, Brown._______________ Cottam. Jos. Carder has a new kiln of brick and tilo burnt. Robert Tate loft on Wodnosday "with another load of onttle for London. Miss Hull has returned und com menced duty last Tuesday morning. The Young People's Society was changed to an Epworth Longuo Inst Friday night. Win, Buckland has almoflt- got his beautiful now houso complotod. Hois now looking for a house koepor. Mrs,------------- daughter of Rov. Jacob Her, is visiting hor paronts this week. ' . Tho Essex County -Council was .well represented at the funoral of tho lato John T. Brown on Wednesday after noon. There boing prosont. Wardon Oostet County Councillors Patton, Stono, Fox, Lamarsh, Scratch, Buchanan, Oolo and Wiutomute ; only four out of fourteen woro abnout. When James Nowman and lady woro driving to tho funoral on "\Vodnesdny their horso became frightened at some men who wore sitting on a bridge on tho sidb of tho road. It roared up and Upset the carriago throwing Mr. nud Mrs. Newman out upon tho ground, Mr. Nowmim eustainod some sovoro outs on tho faoo otherwise' no damage was done. )* :,0#r .TettiplflOib.i-lB srwd&g' hex vaofltion with her sister in Carleton ' / : Misaos L. Barrett and Pettipieao will give " Echoes from the Convention " at the Epworth iJeagne, this Friday night. Rev. C. W. Kennedy, of Wroxeter, isoxpeotedto tako the services in the Methodist Churoh on Sunday August 20th Inst. - The greatest lee cream social in the annals of Bethel Churoh was held at Bethel last Wednesday evening. A good program of musical selootions was rendered. Eev. Dr. Gifford, of Essex, gave an address. Tho Ladies' Aid are to be congratulated on the groat sne- oess scored. ._...i .,_ Wood^lee. Miss Mary Donovan is visiting rola- in Cleveland, b. Georgo Mitchell, of London, was in town Wednesday. Wo are sorry to loarn that John Mur ray is on the sick list. W; Mylos, of Manitou Isles, is tho guoRt of W. N. Mylos. Miss Winnio Lambert is visiting friends in Belle River. Miss Mandie Vokes has rotnrnod to her homo in Detroit, after upending a few weeks with friends hero. Jos. Sfcophons, "of Walkorvillo, spout Sunday last with friends horo. Miss Ella Miller, of Dotroit* Is visit ing at her grandfather's, Joseph Mo- Murron, Robert Huston and his mothor loft horo last Monday for Woodstook. Ho has been very poorly for tho past fow yoarfl. Miss Annie MoHngh, of Potroit, is visiting with her cousin Miss Mnmio MoHugh. Miss Gertrude Hogan has gone on a visit to hor brother. Dr. Hogan, in Astabula, O. Miss Dora Sohooloy has rotnrnod homo nftor spending a fow days with frionds in Windsor. Mi-sos Mary and Agnes Honry have returned homo, aftor spouding a fow days with frionds in Detroit. Misses Mamie and Jennie Dally, of Detroit, are .spending vacation with thoir aunt, Mrs. P, Grajinm. Mibs Emma Donovan, with Mastor Tom and Migs Biddy Thurbor, of De troit, aro visiting at J. A. Hogan's. Mies Ethol Wellman, of London, is sponding hor summer vacation., with frionds and rolativos in this vltiinity." $p^if$lPl^ _=r^-i_i-^_.iw' asro. A BY-LAW to provide for reimbursing the Municipal Corporation of Sandwich' Booth the aom of 8845, or as mnoh thereof as will be neoeBsary to pay Maid stone's portion of the cost of repairing the Pike Creels and West Townline Drain. Provisionally adopted tho 14th day of August, 1807. ' WrranEAB.the Manlolpal Corporation ot Band- wfoh South baa undertaken the work of repair- lug the PUco Orook and Weet Townline Drain. And Wdebeab, tho report of A. 3, Holford, PJU.B., the onglneer appointed by tho said Manlolpal Corporation ox Sandwich South to mako ourvoF.t plana and estimates of the coat of repairing tho said drain ihowetb that the whole cost of aanntraatlnff tho Bald drain and worts Is 98,070, and that of thla sum the Munl- olpal Corporation of Sandwich South shall ontrlboto tho Bum of 8S.lQ0.and tho Municipal Corporation of the Townabip of Maidstone shall ooQtnbuto tho sum ox 0640. And WnitnisAfl, for providing funds for the payment breach of tho above named Munici palities of choir roBPoetlvo portions of the oost of tho ald drain and works, tho said onglnoor has made asaooamonts in the manner directed by statu to on the lands and roads In the Bald-] Townshipswliloh,ln hla opinion, will In any way bo banofltted by tho repairing of tho said drains. And Whkrbib, a eopy of said roport. plana, RpeolSoatlonaandaaBonsniontjSo made by the aaid engineer wan, on tho 22nd day of Novem ber. 1800, aorvod by tho Manlolpal Corporation of Hand to I oh South on tho bond of tho Munlol pal Corporation of the Township of Maidstone* And WmonEls, tho assonaments on lands and roads In tho . Township of Maidstone as oontalnod In the said roport of tho aaid n_lnoar are euibodiod herein and form a por tion of fchie by-law. Awd WaKUWAH, tho roport of tho said engi neer on tho said drain and works la as follows : To tho Manlolpal Council! of tho Township of Sandwloh South: , GbnctjBmbw, In oompllanoo with lnfltruo- tlona rooolvod'from you I have mado an ex amination of tho "Wast Townline Drain" from the Middle Road, north, to Pike Orook, X find this portion of tho drain Is badly out of, repair o to the road,' If andiB cansInRflorious damaflo ___ . _. tho drain ia not at onoo repalrod tho coat of ro- bni1dln tho road will bo vory boavy. 3 _ _ . -----,. Tho work oah now bo dona at a small Dxponae, but ifleftlnits proient condition a now roadbod will bo roqiilrod wltliln two years. The Moanoy Orook anil tho Plko Orook, tbo ootlot for this drain are also badly In neod of repair throucbout tbo ontiro loagth, being from tho Townlltio at No. ll, north, and woat to tho hood of Plko Crook Drain constructed by tbo Township of Moidetomyr~ Portions of tho drain aro ontlroly flllod op roaultlnir In Borlons damnRe to the adjoining lands. Por tions of the drain aro vory orookod. The result is tho How of tho wator Is Impeded and a dopoalt of slit lodged at oaolt bond. I rooominond tlmt tbeao bonds bo Btralght- ened as shown In the aooompanylng plana and apeolnoations. Thoro&re four large bridge. ovorthiB drain on the lath oonoesBlon rood These prijgos aro entirely worn oat and dooayod And will not stand tho heavy flow of water that muat follow tbe ropalrlug of the drain. The brldgo over the Baeo Lino la in a very poor condition, Thla brldgo may bo shortened np 10 foot at the wont end, and tho old timbers asod in repairing the balance of tho bridges. I rooommend that tho work of repairing this drain be done in aooordanoo with tbo following, epeolfloatlonfl and the annexed 'plan, owing to the nature of' the work on the townllno, it should nob be dono boforo next spring. My estimate of tbo cost of. tho work (exolnaivo of the brMfloa) bat lnolndlna; all Inoldeotal exponsoa' to the Town- ship la (3,970. Of this amount I have charged 6io against tho lande ahd roods In tho Town ship of Maidstone that will use this drain as an outlet. The balance of this ostlmato, $9,126, together with $120, the estimated oost of the bridges ainoantlnfl In all to &8,ft50 I have charged offalnst the lands and roads In Sand wich South that will bo benefitted by the drain or will nse tho drain' as an out lot for their watora. Accompanying are specifica tions fully dosoriblno: tho work, ostlmatos, ?Ivlng tho cost in detail and a plan giving ho depth and bottom width at each soottm. All of whloh is roapootfully submitted, ', A. J. XIAId70BD, 0. H. AMD WiranEAfli tho said council are of opinion cnat the said reimbursement of tho said tmra of monoy Is (Icslrablo. Thoreforo. tbo said Manlolpal Connoll of the said Township of Maidstone, purmiaut to the JtrovIsionS of tho Drain ago Aot, IH)4, onaota as ollowi: 1st. Tho said roport, plans, spoolfloatlons, as Bossmoutfl and ostiinales aro horoby adopted and tho drafnago work as therein indicated and sot forth shall bo mddo and oonatruotod In oo- cordanoo therowlth. 2nd. Tho Jfleevo of the said townabip may borrow on the orodit of the coriwratlon of the said Township of Maldotono the Bum of Blflhb Hundred,and Forty Five Dollsrs being aa per onglneor'H est linn, to afaldstouo's por tlon of the cost of repairing tho said West Townllno Drain and may insua debenturoa of tho corporation to that) amount In euuia of nob loss than 0KO each, and piiyablo within flvo years from tho data thereof with Interest at tho rata of atx por oentum por annnua, that la tosayiunvo e^ual luBtfllmonte, stian debentures to be pay able at tho affouoy at tho Imperial Batik, at the Towu of KsHoXt and to have attaobed to ilium oonpons for the payment of interest. -.:::SSl3 Mia >_i August is The Month when'ppl are held out as a Prime " fluence here r<f ii.i I vt'i* 3rd. For paying tbo sum " arm . ----- road foroatlufcilablllty apart from the lands rind amount o-arger 3* of $7ii00. tho Birainat the aaid lands and roads belonging to or controlled by tho manful- Sallty, and for oovorlug Intoroat thereon tot vo years at tho rata of Blx por con tutu por annum ; tho total npoelal rate over and abovo all other rates, shall bo assossed, levied and collected (In - tho aamo manner and at tho same time aa other taxes aro loylod ahd collected), upon and from the undornjonttouo'l late and parts of Iota, and roada. and the amount of tho said total apeofnl rates and ititoroafc shall bo dlyldod into ftyo ofiunl parts and one nuah part shall bo assossod, levied and oollootod ns nforo- said In eaoh year for nvo yeavs aftor tho final passing of this by-law, during which the mild dubanburea havo to run. But Cheap Things are often bad- brings buyers herein large and js^L increasing numbers is the assuraiil0| of safety in quality $E& ease as 'to-quality when the Goods a|| bought at The Great Corner Store*: SohedtLlG of I_aridts and Koads.assessed for the Plko Orook and West Townline Draift. North Rldpje. Oharlofl' JjoaiiBbury wnn iii Detroit laefc Monday. Loonarrl Gilkoo called on frionds in potroit InHt Monday. Wilbort Pox:, of, Detroit, called on Wm, ftoivoa last Sunday. _?homaH Muloaator and Sarauol Quick loft for Manitoba on Tuoflday. Goor^o MulcnBtot and wifo oallod on relatives in Windsor laafc Tnodday. Mias Doll Hopgood iw viHiting acquaintaneoB on the 7th concession. Misses Eliza .Tolloy.and Ethol Tay lor viuitod rolativos in Bt. Oatharinos last week. Mrs. Butcher and son, of Olovolaud, Ohio, woro tho guoats of T, Sloto and wifo last-wook., Miss Mabol Shrnmm camo homo last Voolc of tor a fow woolc'H visit with hoi* brothoi* Jacob, Alfred Jones and wifo, of Eaaox, woro thoguosta of Rzohard Whitmore and wifo last Wodnosday. Mrs.' Wm. Taylor oiuno homo lust week;' she was visiting with relatives in Grey Go., for a fow weeks. / James Oummiford and wifo woro tho guests of Bouny Joiioh and wifo, Loam'* ington, for a fow days lust wook. A large number of ouivosidonta wont to Potroit last Monday to boo Barnum and Bailoy's Monngerio and OirouH, 'Mrs. Tho'miiH and Miss MnryMuI- caator loft for Fnllnrton Cornors, near MitohoU, Portli Co. t on Thursday. Mrs. T. Sloto left for Clovoland, tho Forest City of Ohio last Friday. Sho Was necompamadij^Mra. Butohor and- . Bou,wlio roHido^i'ipjevolaud. ,, William HonryfBilling, sr.> J. P., fitx".', when en route toLoimnngton lastWed- , i;^; nesday was overtaken at Olinda with a fep. : Violent rain and hail storm, ,,, ,,, Bobert Johnson returned from a fow ^ Week*e visit amongst relatives in Mua- mjif'-'<; koka, last week, "Jttb roporta having 1*';^:, had a very pleasant onting. with tho $M?-"r- flumruor tourists who aro at present h'r' : swarming in Northern Ontario, : Mi*d;Fields, whoresidos at Richard's landing, St; Joseph Island, called on ^/:'.'.;:Bjrs. M. , Shr'umni last Sunday j she is Av:!i 78 years old and travels alono, Mr. <; and Mrs- Tioe, Mrs, Todd, Mrs. Oart- $$J;i:{ipi . William Thompson, and Jacob $ "wtop'were also visitors afc ^Jftl,W^,^',S^uxnm,fl1.ast Sunday; ; _ __,_ v.____, Thomas Biirk, Oroft $gffi\.#VLiiQ-$ix& several ofchbrs left for Msui- yj|^0bi[^st:'T 0. P; '; jif^Y&^veat' Exparfiion/frpm Toronto. r'emainiiig; there for lelpijag the BXacitobans Everybody South Woodslee, Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Molntoor, of Detroit, aro visiting with J. A. Smith and family. What might have boon a disastrous ilro ocourod on Friday last,' A spark from tho smoko stack of Itooa* HuwuiiU ignitml Ed. Bnraham's barn,'but tho prompt notion of a gang of millmon soon oxtingnishod tho flamos. Tho R. T, of T. will give a-sorics of ontortainmouts during tho fall and winter to oommonco on Friday tho _7th of Aug. Thoy will consist of readings, reoitatlons, dialogues and tableaux, Tho tableau, to bo prosonfcod on Friday' 27th inat., is "Jjittlo Jim tho collier's boy." There will bo a small admission foe. Tho social by tho Ladjos' Aid, on Tuosday ovoning was a grand sucooss. Tho program was good and woll .rend ered. Somo of tho ladies were a little shaky romomboring a tormgr occasion. liOwiH Williams, of North Itidgo, and Miss Ij. Hillior, of Ehbox, holpod in in tho program. Tho ladies aro de serving of credit for aocuring thoir sorvicofi. Chas. Smith gavo two of his soloefcionB which woroconcododwondor- fnl for ono so young. "Tho Mocking bird" was whistled in good stylo by Mr. Oftrlton. Miss AlliHon's rooitation. was iiuo. All who took part excelled thomsolvoB. The following is tho annual roport of thoLadios' Aid of tho South Woodslee Mothodist Churoh and tho' address of Mrs.D. A.Young.Soo. In presenting to you annual roport of tho proceedings in oonnoctiou with the Ladies* Aid, it will bo gratifying to learn that sueooss hits attonded our oAforts notwithstanding tho prossuro of tho times. Tho out look for tho futuro is vory hopeful and with God's blosfling and tho "Aid" working in harmony wo will bo ablo to holp in the financial interests of the Churoh. Wo dosiro to nee tho prosont building in which we worship God im* proved, and that in kocping with put tomporal prosperity giving cheerfully and proportionately of our means for "Tho Lord lovoth a choorful giver/ On Monday.'evening'lbth iust., the oufcertainmont at tho parsonugo will be the ilrst of the aoason in tho interests of whatovor repairs may be made in connection with the ohureh and wo will look for the corporation of all onr pooplo and frionds. Our thanks is given to the retiring President, Mrs. Mills, for her faithful work and to the retiring Treasurer Mrs. Van Evory' for her *effioient services,,, and bespeak 'or their successors in oiftoo Mrs. Mott and Mrs; \V. H. Trumball our earnest sup port. I beg leave to snlomit the follow: ing ilnnnbial statement: Reooii)t8 for 18U7, $175.50,' total expenditure $80.W. Leaving a balance on hand pf $80.81); , (Sgd) Mas. D. A. YpuwO, PaKes will be sent to new) JanaflrylBt 1898, for ^Co.|' S a 8 1 * . S3 ~j a O >> o to _ 8.T.K. 292 u g pfc 291 u pfc n w qv 21)luo(1r 200 n w qr 200 w pt n e qr 290 o pfc n o qr 290 Shf . 289n wqr 289 n o qr 289 a w qr 289 a 0 qr ' 288 a hf 288 a hf 287 286 a a hf .280 o bf 285 lOHiOon. 27 28 29 29 28 20fln a pb 292 n o pfc a hf 292 nw qr 202,n o qr 201 s hf 291 n W qr 201 u o qr ,290 a w qr 200 aoqr 290 n w qr 200 o o qr 280 s w qr 289 n o qr 289 u w qr 289 n o qr 288 a w qr 288 n o qr 288 a. hf 1 2 la lif n. *r. xi. B/M. K. N.M.H. 1 a hf u hf 1 nhf b ht lOfchCon. 10 19 17 Ifl 15 14 a hf Talbot at. Gravel JRoud MioUigan Oonfcrnl Hoilway 4 2/i 48 18 10 40 80 dB 18 60 50 00 100 190 98 91 100 39 8i . 29 01 00 CO 65 60 6ft 100 60 60' 60 fiO 60 60 CO 60 60 CO CO CO 100 70 ion 100 fiO 60 83 80 80 80 80 16 28 33 9 1 00 0 25 13 00 12 00 2 CO 10 00 20 ,00 12 00 12 00 12 CO 12 CO 24 00 26 00 49 00 24 60 .28 60 26 00 7 00 21 00 0 50 Ifl 00 22 60 12 60 12 60 12 CO . 12 0 25 00 12 50 12 60 12 50 12 CO 12 60 12 SO 12 CO 12 60 12 50 12 GO 12 CO 12 tO 12 50 17 GO 26 00 25 00 12.50- 12 50 8 25 fi 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 11 00 . 16 00 4* tJ * J a> 2 &* v en 19 -8 BBS 3 8 19 1 18 2 28 2 28 48 1.00 .3 80 2 28 2 28 2 88 2 88 4 CG 4 75 0 31 . 4 OG 4 15 4 75 1 83 3 90 1 28 3 04 a] CO '3. o _ ' .....'1J_ ' w'-fffi $$*& Trints, over 100 piocos, of the best 82-iri(Jlt| Prints, sold in other storos afc l2Jc. per yard, 6u|f price lOo. per yard, \-'S$k 75 pieces of the regular 10c. Prints, .reduced:"$ 8a, per yard. 100 Piiira of'Laaios' Chocolato Oxford\ 8h6$$l rogular prioo 81.25 and 81.50, reduced to 95o. pep! Dress floods, wo havo oponod and passed -ritoj| stook 50 piccoa of now Droen Gonda, call and soo theria^I To olonr tho balance of our stock of Paraeolflil wo offor J off from rogular prioos. * ' SpGcialofforingsin Groy and Bloachod Oottpriai)f Tablo Linons, Naphina, Towola and Towollings. ' 'll Oar Grocery Stock is Fresh and of high qualifcy- astonishingly low pricea-...............".' The Great Corner Store. m -and al , ' lf..,.'i,.'*Vj m 28 B8 98 88 S8 76 38 88 2 "38 2 38 2 88 2 98 2 as 2 ,18 3 88 2 88 2 .<)8 2 .18 2 1!8 .8 83 76 76 38 .18 67 Ofi 05 95 96 88 2 09 8 04 9 1 19 7 48 14 28 14 28 2 98 11 90 23 80 14 28 14-28 14 88 14 88 28 60 29 75 68 31 29 15 27 95 29 7G 8 38 24 99 7 73 10 04 20 78 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 89 29 75 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88. 14 88 14 88 14 88 20 83 29 76 29 75 14 88 14 88 9 82 15 96 '5 95 5 96 6 05. 2 88 18 09 19 04 V 24 1 49 2 8(J 2 80 00 2 38 4 7G 2 80 2 80 2 98 2 08 6 71 5 95 11 GO 5 83 5 59 6 06 1 07 C 01 1 oo 8 81 6 80 2 98 2 08 2 98 2 98 6 95 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 08 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 3 98 2 98 4 17 6 95 5 96. 2 98 2 98 190 1 19 1 19 1 10 1 10 48 2 __ 3 81 DIEBEL &, BRICKER - -1 BH In Lumber.; Last Chance at All Lumber, must be sold out this falLa^iS the Proprietor- has disposed off-his Mil]|| at)d is leaving, town. Good Barn Lumber. .... $3, 4$ and $1 Call and See the Stock- foe Parties buying 5,000 ft. will receive 1,000 ft. Gratis; 7^ Miohnol Aueiolillo, tho aHUaflBiii of Promior Cauovns del Oaatillo,. Ikih boon sontoiioo'dl to floafch; Ho will1 bo i?ar- rotod within tbo prmou. Total on lauds.. Total /<^D*'*!ia- f Sonth Town Lino, ou Hoad, Norfcb Talbot Bond, Soath Talbot Road, Ellis Uido Koud, 9th CqucqbbIou Koad South, .Middle Road, S744 00 $141 85 8886 35 $177 07 101 00 19 20 120 20 24 04 Total ou Lauds and lloadu 8846 00 8160 66 51,005 65 8201 U 4th. For i>ayinp tbu eum of 8101, tho amount (iBsoBSAtl annlDHt tbo Bald roads ana lauds of tbo municipality, and for covering Interest tbereou for, Qvo years at the rata of six pa .por-aanumr a apoolal rate on the dollar, Hufll olont to prodnoo tbo required yearly aiaount thorcfor, Hhall, ovorand abovo ail outer ratoft, belovioa and eolleotol (In tho aamo niminor and at the earue time as taxes aro lovlod and oollooted), apon anu from the whole 'ratable propprty ha said Township of MaldBtono, in oaoh year for flvo yoars after thb final pass ing of this by-law, duriuK which the said dob on- tUreahayeto run, fitb. Thla by-law ohall be publlahed odco In evory week, for fonr.Gonseo-tlva weolto, in the Bssfli Free FresB, nowepapor* pabllshed In the Town of Essex, and shall eo_ao Into force npon and after the finalpasslng thereof, ~-d may be olted tho "West Townline Ropalrs By-law.' M.MdHtTOH, * Olerk. PETER OOBBETT,. BBeve, I hereby oertify that the foregoing ! * trao copy of a by-law proviBionaUy adopted by the manlolpal cbuncll of tho sold To~-flbjp of Maidstone, on ~ ....... A.D.X897. JTOTIOS. NOTXOE laheroby ivon that a Court of Ho- vision held nureaant to the proyisioog of tho BridnaRo Aot, 1804/ for the hearing and trial of appeals mado againet the above as- eaBHraent, or any part thoreof, will holdlta flrat alttlngfl at the Town Hall, Maidetono, on Saturday, tbo llth day of 9ontambor,l807, at the hour of 3 o'olock ia the afternoon, and that ny person Intending to appeal against the above aflfiesflinont Of aiiy part ^hereof, must, not later than ten days beforo the, time fliod for the holding of sold Conrt, serve on the Olerk ot this munloipaJtty a written notice ot each appeal, or otherwisebe willbe too late to be heard in that behalf. ' :. ' And tarttier notioo 1b hereby given that any. poreon intondincto have inoh By-law, ort any Sort thereof, an ah Hod, mtist, not latex: then ten ays after tho final poaeing ^hereof, serve a notioe in writing, upon the Baeve or other head' officer and upon, the Clerk of the Mnnioi- pollty of Maidfltono, of his; lotontion to make applioatidn for* that purpose, to tJt)d HigH ensains the final paeaiiiBof tbta By-law;.: . , . -BirtliH. ' Adams At Essex, on Tuesday, August Oth, to Mr, and Mirs, E. L. Adams; a son. EwiNA ln Colchester North, on Tuesday, August 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Ewing' n son, FimcLttnu, At Edi'ttrs' Wills, on Sunday August ijtlu to (he wife-of Joseph Tcti-| clere, a son. The child lived only a few hours. >*Si - ..ESSE2Z...... Music Wlffl$ffi*'$*>iio^ynU- hoyo a jolly;good, I iThb 3?BBsJ'Piti Essex Markets. Friday, Auguet 19, 1807, Whoat, rod, per btiHh...ifp . .'; 80 Wlaeat, white.............. .80 Oorii...... .-;.................. ' 25 Oatfl........................... , 30 Tiuiotby Gcod.-.j.......... 1 20 1 26 Oloyer Heo*l..w.............. ' 8 00 , 400 Hfty, por ton............... 5 00 0 00 Alslko...;-.... ;... .... ...... 8 00 4 00 Boof, drostfetr......-1....... 4j ",;;, Ofi Pork, livo woifflit......... '5 00 Mutton...... ......,.........4 00 . 4 50 Hides.....;-.,.....,...;.... 8 7S , ,4 00 Chickens, peril).....,. ., 07 :, 07! Butter.........-...o........ 10 12 Jjard..........f............;.... 08 08 Eggs, per doij.:......;...... 00 .00 Potatoee'Cne-w)......,^;.... 50 Carrots, per doz,' bunch > 25 . . . 35 "Wool, unwashed,......... 10 "^ool, wafthed.............,; W;., r: ^17 HQTIC?^ ' 'TTT Kiitrtrtf* "JrHfirJi n t? Wn I lr rui Mm. KABN sum '# .-.- Singe.it- Sewing .0$M ' Violin String* an'd;;Bnppliea5#Jr above: Instirtuaehta;':n;^d^feVu^fe "^.T^iDffjM^'BepiMir^^^plw3^- Maohtoe"^MldW#^^:#gk WtbMn'^"W-fiw^oil' "*

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