forms ne that tlic e^to:i:;#^:Vaoanoy:inv the pi%.0ounoil:oaii8qd bv the death of ^ I^t>.. S DIatriot, will not loo until the next municipal tio^B, in Jonunry next. L^'fte/re^ent examinations for Form f' j^exJHigh School passed 00 per b Of .'the- .candidates sent up. *A11 JjiVe/'evory reason to be proud of the ^iaooeae attendant on the offort of pjteacherB and pupils. Our school is in s^e front rank and it will not be the liauH of the present staff if it doesn't j^iemaiii 'there, " Wi'fcra 3?ire, Water . and Light Com- feMittee of tho town Council met on M^ednesday evening and opened the t^efcders for tho now building to be I^Jbnilt at the Waterworks. Thore were ^tfpiir tenders submitted as follows : pl&dl -Cory, $605; Andrew Porkor, $050; K-Iiaing Bros., $755 and Johnson Bros., &87Q9. Tho plans called for the oreo- !f<tJon of an addition to tho present jjj building, such olinngea bointf made ns to bring both old and now building tin- t^'der one roof. An objoction was raised ^.'that the addition wns costing too mnoh ^v money and as a result tho council liwould not be able to completo tho con- j^teniplated improvements to tho wator- ^^orksior tho 92,000 sot apnrt in tho v' 'Order-in-oonnoil for that purpose. AiyThere has boon incurred so far, for $';:weH and casing $8fi5, for boiloi'S 8085, jpfe contract for fonndntion and bricking Kin' boilers SU75, pluusaud specifications, P';) advertising, etc., say $50. If tho build- $':lng is to cost 8050 thoro will bo nothing 5J:'-loft with which to purchase now pump, "Bo that the town will not bo in any ^better condition than - at' prosout to ap- feproaoh the M, C. H. with a proposition ipto snpply thorn.with wator. A motion frjnatfe by Mr. I'orsytho that, now plans jSxbe drawn for a c^ioapor building was j^/Iost and as Ed. Cory withdrew his lou der a motion 'wan passed rocommond- pging to tho council tho acooptauoo of $r'Mr. Parkor's toudor nt 8(150. A spobial ^meeting of tho council will likely bp $v,ifceld to deal with tho inattor. High School Examinations. .Below will bo found tho rosults, as ^flnnouncod by the Education Poparfc- |.imenfc, in thorooont examinations of tho ^Second Forra of tho High Schools in Irtho county.- KHRTSX. Form It. A. I. Cuslor, S. A. Cunn ingham, X B. RIoran, K. Miller, H. .1. y^SioHugh, M. McRno (honors), E. feBaines, O. Boaumo, M. Borko. Bart gt'-Form TX-W. & .'fames, C. R liKnister, O. J. MoHugh, .T. A. Smyth. !>;3?art 1. without physics O. H. Olvor, pl.D. Potior, C Bodd, F. A. .Tarmiu. $p;J?bysics only E. Richardson. Form II. W. A. Fnroy (honors), R. 0 Foster (honors), M, -R. Fox (honors), |f.B. Fox, CLE, Gronvo^rhonovs), G. K. &.'3tfills (honors), .T. D, Shoploy, Nollio rBhoploy (honors), M. Bnndisou, W. C. j/'Toll (honors). Part I. Form 11.-% iJStawart, K O. Wiglo. Part IM vffU- |.'put physics H. Coulson, N. Imoson. WIJTDSOJl. |g Form II.-M. Hawkins, F. E. Mo- fi.liarty, It. MoNoil. E. Powell, C. Price, 'i'F. Yatos. Part I.-Form II F. Wos- ?4y;li- Kerr, F. A. Millard. 1!. A. Mc Carthy. P.M. rnshley, D. Raymond, t J. Northwood, Parti., without phy- K::flics~T. Lsilorty, M. Crampjon, L. |^Ijyons,.M. .Witfhtmnn. jmst Bix months, died at that Institution Monday-last; Eis'remaine were brought to Ws homo here. , . Ruscomb.' Corn is coming in,to the elevator here in large quantities.____- Miss N. Davis, of South Woodsleo, visited friends here last Tuesday. Some of the. farmers in this vicinity hftvo threshed out their season's crop. -.....^ Sandwich South. MrH. Ohas. Hager has rotnrnod to hor home after a two wook*a visit at Qlencoo. On Mouday evening of last week, a party was givon at Robort Watson's, in Oldoastle, the occasion boing his 55th birthday. Colchester North. Wo have boon requested to correct somo statements made in the papers relative to the arrest of Dennis Bouf- ford. I)ennis had not boon discharged from the mill as stated, but workod up to tho time of his arrest. He had boon a hard working, sober and honeqt boy undjbis paronts and friends havo'the sympathy of tho village. His friends boliovo him to bo innocent of tho chnrgo laid against him and expect to, soo him got clear. , Maidstone. Tom Brown, of Essex-, was in town Sunday. J. Kenney and wife spent Sunday at P, McCann'*. H. 33olislo rofcuruod from Camp Ferry on Tuesday night. Mins Agues Costigari is visiting hor paronts on Middle Road. J. B. Fuorth has returned to rosuine hifi duties at.S.B. No, 5. J. Moynahan now rides a McCloakoy jointloaK wood fi-amo whool. Miss Aggio Collins has returned from a visit to hor brothor in Detroit. Tho MiHses Malonoy, qf Youngstown, Ohio, aro thoguosts of Mrs. P. Bono- van. Tlio Sandwich West F.B. tonm will play a match at Whitaon Picuio on tho 20th iust. . Harry P. CoIlinH gavo a' birthday party to his nmnorous frionds yostor- day (Thursday) night. Mrs, Miller and daughter Grace, of Detroit, viftitod her paronts, Mr. and Mrs, A. Wood, sr. lastwook.' Miss Lisotta Kerr has roturnodhomo after spending her holidays with frionds and roIativCH atrltoTunoyi" Ronwick and Port Alma. Tho Motliodists of this place, will hold a liionio in Mrs. Kane's grovo on Wodnosday, August 25th. Binnor and. toaS/ic. each. Rev. Father H'ljoroaurt, Who has boon aflsistant to Rov. Father MoGoo for tho past six months, has boon trans ferred to tho Cathodral at London. On Sunday morning Goo Totton, of Talbot stroofc, arose to ilnd his hired man and $25 in- cash missing, follow hns not boon caught. Tho is in tho hands of tho police ' The Middle Road F.B. Club dofoatod Snndwich West by a score of ono to nil at tho St. Stophon'a ohurch picnic last weolc though .sadly handicahped by throo of tnoir best playora. t'l-'-'V';-' driii*p*opW*o Aood'i *MMr*rUhi: ,m mtdlciof riw yoti wn'tn foo siolc | U llcuras yoor neUhbpraand your fr^ndj wb*n ikjjfTmfimgt U tt mAkM wonder- fol odtmi b! manjr dtieaMM vcrywbwt, Inea beyond ijny qawllon that paatqln pC0iMMffmU. Tluft Ib jnit tho trulh mt lJMd'i rsipwlua. Prp*vd by ^ oombtnallon, proportion and proooti nn- to own. to olbor taodlolqet, Jt has onratlvf powers ptoulWt to llwlf. Wo know It pooioiMM gtoflt merU booaa^e It had Caret, notonao of twloe ov handrod llmo6, bat lo thou*nds and thoianda ofoasen. W know. It cuto$, obsolntely, permanently cures, Whtn all others fall to do any good whateTe*. Eood> Sar*AparlUa ( known to poaseu mutt of the power to ocre diseanAj It Is . known to bo the best building-op medlotne on earth; it U known to be honestly adver tised, and for these reasons the people buy and take. Hood's BarsaparUla almost to the oiolneion of other preparations, lb fact, Merit Made and Mevtt MAlntolm the confidence of the people In Hood's Sarsaparilla Tho One Trns Blood Purifier- All drua^itf. ft. lv j niii " UTBf Ulst easy to Hood B PUIS tako,iuytoopeato. Mia ... Until farther notice we will offer all Lines ofm strictly Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced prices; In this sale will be included the balance of our Canvasfc Shoes, for Men, Women A Great Spectacle The proposed reproduction of a pro portion of hor Majesty's Groat Dia mond Jubilee ProccHaion in London, with coromonios in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, and immonao tableaux of in cidents during tho Qtioon's Reign, at tho. Toronto Exhibition from tho 30th of August to 11th of Sopt., is creating much interest throughout the Domin ion, and thousands will go to Toronto to soo it from all partn. All tho uni forms, cofltumCHr carriages, and stato harness", is boing brought from Fng* hind, and tho actual decorations usod in London. Tho attractions at the Tor onto Fair this yoar will bogroftter and bottor than over. Tho exhibith in all departments oxcood any provious yoar. Tho illuminations will bo grand and coHt a Jot of monoy. It will bo a fitting conclusion to the .Tubiloo.yoar, and will bo woll'worth going to soo. Tho usual cheap faros and oxcursiona will bo giv on. Dongola Foxed Russian and Children. Straw Hats for Children, Men and Boys; Sailors for Women and : :*% i.C -.t i <:*)% : :-Mil 4 Ontario Ladles' College. Tlio coso Cedar Bench Notes. fc1 Hpo for Godar Boaoh ! is all tho ovy Hfpat there now. Oornolius Krioghoffcamo in from tho (each on Monday. h Church, of Fssox, and Ed. Ho wo, t'etroit, woro at the Boach on Sup- ,*y-i'--- '".'- ;:.Mrs. W, Ohurch, of Essox, in spoud- jrting'the wook at the Beach. Mark DoOow's family arrived I'liome on Monday from thoir holiday i&iv- ' |f';Thoiiiyetory of tho diftappoaranco' of ^Jrs, Anthony Orr, of North Bumfrioo, Salbout three miles from Gnlt.was clear-' |fld np' last Sunday forenoon by tho ilndr prig'-of hor body, badly docomppsod, in y& Bhalloiv grave in a corn patch, within 125-yardfl of tho h'ouuo. Tho woman |Sad been missing for a wook, and it ['as supposed sho had committed sui- side as an old shotgun was missing at the samo time, A soar oh party had ro- S)nnoitered the -whole surrounding jtory for a wook, and whilo one of bj^m waa.going through tho corn fiohl fining the yard he noticed tho earth f^ynipved, and on digging down tji a stick the body was found lying to^ricred with but a few inches of sandy 'Another grave was foand in a urge swamp about 400 yards distant 'jjpi the honno, and it is evident that fehinrderer had intended convoying n^odyfrom its temporary resting ice/whoa the first, excitement had lied- Buspioion at present points to ififlonj a yonng lad employed on tho rhi, and tb Stoker; a loose oharaoter rip was seen in the lane near the Orr i^nfle that morning. As yet no definite J(eory has .been advancod to account iSr-t't]he committal of the nefarious te^':'1:' ' w^--;: > Ainherstburg. Mrs, Wrh. Hammers is improving after hor aovoro illnoss. Hiss Annio Dodd, of Botroit, is tho guoctt of Miss'iTossio Wright, Hiss Frankio Lott, of Ouelph, and j\Ii3fl Hazol Hodloy, of Toronto, aro visiting at Mrs. H. Mouisio's, AVhilo outoring his homo ono even ing labt wookjlonry P.Boaumo slipped and1 foil on tho sidewalk dinlociiting his .arm. Mies Edith Vorrall, of Ohicago.spont Sunday last at A. Vorrall's and loft on Monday morning with Mrs. A. Vorrall for Gagotown, Mich., whoro thoy will visit for two wooks. Mrs. Andrew Anderson and, two childron have boon visiting with hor paints, Capt, and Mrs. John Jones. Miss Sarah Anderson, who had boon visiting in town for oomo wooks,. ao- couipamod hor mother-on hor way homo. Mrs. John Coopor, of Brook stroot; had a number of callers on Thursday and Friday of last wook, to soo hor night-blooming corous which wan in bloom. Two buds blossomed Out on Thursday night and ono on Friday night, Bpv. F. Ii. Ohont, rootor of St. Mary's church, Wolkorvillo, oooupiod tho pulpit of Christ church at ^both HOrvicoH, on Sunday last, and admin istered tho Holy Communion at [the morning service Mr. Ghoht's. appointment at Wolkor villo. A young colored.boy was badly in jured horo last Thursday during the bicycle racos. Walter Fanquor was riding in front at the finish of tho race and when ho came near tho wire,|Nilen Nutaon endeavored to throw a sweater to him. It fell short and got tangled in tho hind wheel of Fonquer's bioyole. Ho vas thrown off, and George Mauey, another trying to get put of the way of Fanqner's wheel,struok the boy. He waa pioked izp in an unconscious con dition, f Only thoso who havo a porsoual knowlodgo of Canadian and American Colleges can fully appreciate the pro- sent maormflcont equipment of tho Ontario Ladios'Gollego at Whitby, or tho groat strides that this institution has boon making during tbo past fow years iii providing for tho higher education of young women. In solid literary work it is tho recognized load er, as it is tho only collego in Canada sending up studonts for tho first and second year's examinations with hon ours of Toronto University. Tho samo oilieionoy characterizes tho dopartmouts of mnsio, flno art, elocution, commor- oial branches, and domostio oconomy.1 Ono unique feature in tho -musical de partment inn largo pipe organ in tho now cpneort hall, for tlto use of organ stu donts.Thomain buihling.modolled after one of the old palatial homos.of Eng lish aristocracy, suppovtod on tho north by Byorson hall, and on tho south by Frances hall, prosouts a scono of beauty perhaps unequalled in Canada, and with few equals - on tbo continent. Every homo comfort is provided in stoam-heatmg, oloctrio lighting, and modorh sanitary plumbing. No wond er that tho studonts of tho Ontario Ladies' Collego aro hnppy and success ful, and that loading educators turn their thoughts to this oollogoas tho ono host fitted to . iudicato the high wator mark of Canadian attainment. Tho Kov.Dri Hare has boon principal of Iho collogo since its inauguration, in 1874, and will bo ploasod to pivo further in formation relating to its work.-^Ton- ont'oMatij. Summer Ooate for Men and Boys, Ladies' Vests, Parasols, Fans, Fine Ail-Wool ChaIlies/&o Come Early and Secure the Choice of these Gen uine Bargains. ...... KWe'Want 10,000 dozen J?resh Eggs, and 10,000 lbs. First-class Butter in exohange for goods. 83^ Our Premium Goods aro the finest to be had. Yours For Bargains, M.J.WIGLE&CO. DTJITSTAXT BLOCK. ESSEX. ;.'^ f Special Sale \m SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES I Lilies of Dress Qoods. Dress G-oods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool. Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. ' Fancy Black oleiL at. very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. . "I', CLOTHiisra . . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prides. Stik -si*. BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords for $1. Men's Brogana'for SI." ' Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices. :------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._,---------------------------------------------------------,-------------------------------------------------------------_ GROCERIES, We Lead the Trade in best Goods at lowest prices- Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A. FEANCIS. &* Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, ------- -.S'fI Sandwich South iCotinoil. _____ *j Sittur(1iiy,*Aiif>:uHt Hth. Tho council .mot,, pimmimt to ad- jonriimont All tlio .momborH proRont. Tho minutoB of tho Inst mooting, woro amondtul hy. oaur>oIIing fch6 oliook for $7 In favor of Honry DumouoUollo aiul lawuing a chock for ^;J3, in.'liotl tkoroof, imtl'tho minutos hn amoiidotl woro atl- optod. pttyI CJopnoywna 'pnid|$dl.0U for 117 rod of ditohiu^ ou.^tho 10th ooiicoBHiou road hi ward'A; Jobu Ru'd- Rcv. X 3Borry fl]lo^Ll^01>> *33.08, for ditohiug'ou* 11th ooii- oombiog road in ward y; Mioh'l Mo-' Cartby rofundod 48 oenta paid by liim for brooms and oil for. town ball, "A. J. Halford waa'authorizod to oxamine tbo MoPberson Drain on 10th and .11 th concession road oowlplainodK<>r by MoBers Campbell, FaroiiK'b.fl Houaon and othera and report. The Clerk wa inetruoted to notify. N. A. Coste, Warr don of the County of Eaaei,|tbat the bridges on the Talbot afcroot andiWind- flor gravel road are ont of repair, and that the road lias passed into the bands of the county, by default o^ said com-, pony. Moved by Meaflia. Cavanagb and Shntfcloworth that tho Engfinoer'a report on tbo McPhoraon drain ropaira bo adopted and tho olork inBtruotod to prepnro a by-law.' Carriod. Movod by MoasrB O'Koofo and Skuttloworth, that tho MoPborson drain ropnira by law bo proviflionnlly adopted and a copy of.tke/mmo served on onob-of the intorostod par'tios, pursuant to tiootion 23 of Tlio Brainngo aofc, IflO-i. ,Carried. A. T, Halfard was paid $20 iu part pay ment of plans, survey, oto., on tho Mo Pborson drain ropairfi. A. J. ITaUord, oommiseionor on tho Oolohostor town- lino drain ropairs, 8rt for Rail of Ferry contract tbo samo to bo charged to. tho contractor, -Win. H. Frith; $(IQM for gravol as per agrobmont;'Chan. Xjittlo, 81ft for work in liou of statu to labor for 1800, by order of tho pathmnstor, John Farongh. A notico from Clonry & Suthoi'laud, on bohalf of M. Lonnon in rogard to No. 9 Maldon Road drain ropairs,; was road and fllod. Council adjourned to Sopt. 11th at 0': 1(0 a.m. The-. 8iVe Pmlness of this Store has been built np on its Merit Price is a consideration in buying.. TTKCEI FACT---- ALMA COLLEGE For Young Women. A rtfildemliil ac\\nn\, CoilcJiUtii iiiul I'ra- p.iminiy Studio*. Mlialc, Vina Art, Elocution, llusiiicK, Moml nnd/Kfttlietlo Advuiitnivc-B AlTilU ^__________________ titod wiili vlclfiila University. Collego stands la an cl^ht acru parlf Luw tntei. For Illustrated cataloifuoond pnrtIcutnrs(addreBS t Rov. R. Warnor, M. A,, Prlnolpol, St. Thomoa, Ont . WOOD'S X3EkojBXBCOI>riV33- Tho Greui BufflUli ltemodj-. Six Fackaoa* Guaranteed to promptly, nnd potjnauontljr euro aU forms of Nervou* Weakness, Sni{Bsio7ts,Sperm- atorrhea, XmpoUnoyandalt effects of Abuse or X&ceuesm StcntaJ Worry, eaoesstve use BeforeandAfter, tants.wMohioonuaatoin- flrmttv, Iniantty, Conaumpttoii and ah ear Jj/ orauo.* Hap bean pruaor|bo4 over 36 yours So thousands of coacst la tbo only Unliable and Honest Stedlotn* knowiu AKo>ngglBtforWood>Phai|)bo4lDe}lf booffoneomo worthloea medicine In place [of. this,. inoloeo price In letter, and wo wUl aond by, return maXU Prioo, ono package, $Xt abr* t6. On* vttt' jjkajt?aJwiHcurc PomphloUfrootosnyiuMrejj. The Wood Conpaii7f , , WlndaoT^Oat.Canad*. ' / /. v ^r Sola in ^Iwex and overywhere ln.Oan da. by ill reapouiible Drusefat* a? __,___:_____m , Of having the newest and Selling on the Closest margin of Profit is all the argument that is needed for brisk sales. The more yon compare Goods and prices the more1 certain you will be to spend your noney here. We want yoar Trade and we offer you this oppor tunity to secure Extra Value. flitt of thflGoldon Boot, WHITNBY I3L0OK. ESSEX, XONDON, Sept 9tii to 18th, '97 Canada's Favorite Live S'too3c and AgripultTiral Exhibition. . Tho most ootnploto Livo Stook Bnild- inf; in Amerjoa. More improvements and exienHivo odditlond this year.' Every Stoofaman, AgrioaUnriBt, Maaufaxturer, Dairyman, Artist and Inventor, eto., etc., BpeoiaUyJnvJted. EntrieB oloae September 9fcU. in all De* partmeuta. 9ucoefl aasured, Sie Hasen Ben: Hi, The Arab Prince, Has been eeopred to {arpuhr and eaporm- tend tbe Stage AUBaotlonfl. Auction Bale of Boo the and Privileges, AngqetIfith,on the Grooada at 2 p.m. ' For Priao Lists, Programme and Maps, Apply to , , , f '.' '. Klondyke Gold Is voro difflotilfc to got at -but... Oxygen Blood Bittes ...I *".*,'k?2 :ii.,i'i * You can hayefbr 95o, a/bottle/Vvi^S and is tho.boet.preventative'y'^.^/Sffl gainst Malaria, Typhoid or..QP^^^^P :phua JFflvears. ';. '.' 'r^X'^'-'^&ik .' Vi'^V'-j-" It is verV vaJnable in- oaseS'!bf:'#Ml i-i .r.i'Wi'asiaS '* " that "tired mi pefcite, lirer complftint, heudaob*/ ^:SsH "^^y'^^l^M Sherrin1 ^Si^;I^p'Cd&:;t^y|^^ Essex ;M9dical * >novea svea ooriiB, warts ;and,;btwo)rti^ % ,...; ' 'y'.^'y-Xi^^:^