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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 20, 1897, p. 2

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ipjryaad ytmaf udtif. ' o* <>f hta raoihsr left aloae, :; . tfce.lhoiitht thata woman earaA iwlimvNd a pr7r to Qod, ' U#Umt Us im 46 tha bloe abovo, the battle sod. lor* KV%V *" **** Joy.of ft woman's f}lh p -Stalled 'through th pain of death, fen :trVartnnrd'th sound of a womta'i name, W v>flPhoah with hli parting breath.: * - (,.;..Fal graw tbe dying lip* of each. J/v*v**\ '/'.Than, as tho ion want down, ftjfv Onaklssed a look of thin gray hair, : v.-' ' And oflklia*d a took of brown. #*"' " ' -Town Talk. #S THE DEMAINE DYE. fe^^'Tell/' the girl pleaded . eoaxingly, {/'-With her soft cheek against his. "Aak no anything bat that and 1 rill grant it," answered her lover. aThat ia a matter which oonooms my Manor, and so not even for yon can I* ' m>;" "Oh," the interrupted pettishly. "I 'am sick of hearing that cant nbont ymir Yon only promised your father, aure if ho hod jenown mo he you nrc Evvj-'^onor. % -.'Would have told mo, but you I am m lS..r. W-:V T-::."'** nard aa adamant. Sou can't oars for k>vj;rimo properly, or you would do what 1 ^Y^ak you the very first thing I, have 0iy fye* asked you,*' aha ended pettishly, &v'.\ , Alan Demaine smiled at the pretty fer;'a!hibitiori of childish wrath. Then he ^f"Mid gravely, yet firmly: ' '*\0"It is no use, Elsio, You aro causing ; 'both yourself and mo needless pain by :' constantly teasing mo on this mattor, .;.., .pnoe and for all I cannot tell you, bo ' '. aow,let ob talk of something pleasant. P#<*Wbat is tho last now gown like?" he ^'J]'i4nded, smiling lovingly down at.her. ^ ;i'; Tho girl looked at him, a curious 'glanco, half xnenaoe, half malioo, then, foiling her ores, drooping before his |p.v'indent glance, she allowed herself to be '0i ;ipaxed, flattered and potted into aaeem- f^ lipgly forgetful mood. Mi ?"i "* wonder why the little wHoh is so a trade secret too?" thought Bemaiuo to hiniHolf that Bight aa he smoked a quiet cigar; "A <anildiflh whim, I suppose, or woman's ynriosiiy." ., , ., And, so thinking, he dismissed the abject from his mind. " Bat be would not have dismissed it 4<nite so easily if ho could have looked into a distant ohambor in an other pari of the house and seeri a little fury ox- fjtedly pacing the floor and murmuring to herself: "I Will get to know it yet, whether by. fair means or foul it mutters little, hut I will get it, und then" VI iiinst' be off to the works at onoe," . Alan said next morning to his mother ;' and sisters. "Tell Elsie, when she A comes down, that I am awfully sorry not to bo ablo to take her for a drlvo, as we, arranged yesterday, but something 'if,V, iroexpaoted has turned up, and I am com pelled to attend to it. Ko eye liko the toaster's- eh, mother?" he finishod (V'1 laughingly. Mrs. Domains looked fondly at her on. "Yon aro juet liko your father," she said proudly. "It was ayo duty before pleasure with him, but I'll toll tho lassie, Alan, and maybe you'll bo homo by dinner tlmo," "I can't flay, mothor," he answered cheerily; "only wait for mo." And . thou thoy hoard the hall door close and know ho was off. Tho day wore away* Elsie declined Enid Do- maine's offer to drivo hor in placo of Alan and wont off for u long walk by herself, Enid and Ciooly looked curi ously after hor us sho walkod down tho drivo, and then Oiooly said half dronm- ily: , "I,do think thoro is something odd about Elsie, X wish Alan bud not fnllon in love with hor. Do yon know," low ering her voiooto an awostriokon;Wbifl- per, "I'm afraid sho is not trust worthy." i When Alan oamo homo that ovening, be seemed in uproariously good spirits. He laughed and chafctod and jokod and j;K teased until his mother doolarsd that --- 'b was "fey." After dinner ho invitod , Elsie out on to tho torraco, to "boo tho moonlight," he doolarod mondaclously. v Very fair and sweet the girl looked Iniher protfcy white gown of eomo shim- mering material, and so hor lover evi dently thought, for ho suddonly caught v her to his broast and rained passionate kisses on her brow und lips. Then, just Cm suddenly, ho thrust hor from him and stood facing her In the moonlight. The girl was half frightened at hia man ner. ,. , 7'What is the mattor, Alan?" sho asked timidly. v'"Nothing! my pot," ho ropliod in bis "old ma mi or; "only you looked bo be- \ witching I think I lost my senses." sho retorted oor , quattiithly. "Alan," she continued fe1^ .taniesfcly, "do yon really and truly lqvo -1 J -He looked then, -' at her curiously, i::, reoollootlng himself; repliedc ,'V'Whnt a ioolish quostioh to ask! How many hundreds of times have I tqld yon the old, old story?" 4'But,"she poraistod,*aifllng hor face ;'!'"to bis, "* >ayr( never can believe it until you tell me that secret.'* His face darkened at her words, "Did I not tell you laat night that ybfar peraistenoy was woreo than use- K Jew?" 'he.: retorted, looking coldly down $;,;;; atlfaer.'.o " m' :, ."/VU, .then," she anawered paaaion- ^toly, ^tuitil you do tell me I will '^ nVerl" ^'.V./'TiietO'1 wh" a ' k4g ailenoo1 between ^ FhiiUly the man broke it ^'J.f^J^r^^i-m^]-ifi^.y6a say?" he a^ftdin tt|lowi; tense voioe. ' ^^er^ajflly,,^'sberespciided in a bard,, ^V^VW <p%f #&.. ;^w"i' ^ffcity* te: :': . on* of winnln 1J~ jrbu Win > ;rv-> sweesntBB: e/yon fi'r im.j H0,.!tnniad -'^^^^'begaA^paoiDg the lawn vin wi, nudeolded, wavering fashion, qpite unlike his . nsnal : Arm gtep. Th, girl followed him und laid one band pn his ana. '!Tell me,"ihe whispered beaeecb- ingly.i Then she raleed herself on tiptoe and kissed him. . "Icannot resist," he mnrmurBd, then stooped snddonly and whispered some thing into her ear, 'Ts that nil?" she asked, in evident surprise. He nodded. ___...... . The next afternoon Elsie refused all offers of companionship and wont off for a solitary stroll. As sho approached a little wooded copse about half a mile from the house n young man sauntered slowly toward hor. "Well, what success this time?'* he demanded, without troubling to make any preliminary greeting. "Wait a minute, Hugh," the girl an swered. '*! am quite breathless with hurrying. That tiroaomn Enid wanted to come with me. And I wasn't at all sure of Alan not coming too." The man stood for a minuto or two in si leu cor then glanced at his compan ion impatiently. "I have got it," ehe answered quiet ly, returning his glance. His whole, face changed and glowed with triumph. "You little darling, you olovnr little darling," be exclaimed, and then took her in his arms and kissed her passion ately. Sho lay quito LUHflive In his em brace, hor dark eyes gamming with ten- derest lovo. '*Now Wo can marry," ho wbispored. "But you have not told mo yet, Elsie Are you suro you ' have Rot tho oxnot detaila?" "It Is all written here, word for Word, as Alan repeated it to me," she irepHod. He road tho paper greodlly which she handod to him, then placed it in his pocket book and drew a deep breath of relief. "So tha* is all tho secret of Be- mnine's wonderful purple dye," he said. "Wo 11, I rather think now that the monopoly is destroyed. Wou't the old fashioned firm be astonished when thoy find themselves undersold in the market by n dyo exactly liko tholr own." And he laughed a cruel' laugh of tri- tjmph. "I always hated Domalne," he continued, "olwnys. This will be splen did revenge, besides making all our for tunes. But come, Elsie, " <he added, "It is time, wo woro moving. I'll boo you to the park gates, and then I must got bock,to town." A month passod away, and Eleio was Bfcill.visiting tho Domnines, still out wardly engaged to Alan, of whom nev ertheless she saw Very little. "Hugh," Elsie said to,her lover one evening, "don't you think" -and then she stopped in confusion. "Think what?"'said Hughidly, with out looking at her. "That it is not vory nice or ploasant for mo to bo staying in Alan's homo, WhonI have botrayedhim?" shoendod bsavoly. "I.don't soo what olse you can do," retortod Hugh lazily, "unless you go back to your aunt'B," Tho girl orinisouod to "her brow. "Couldn't wo bo married now?" eho whispored in shumod tones. Ho looked at hor oharply, then replied: "Look horo, Elsio, it is best to bo straightforward, so we may as well ond this faroo at onoo. I um engaged to my cousin Marian, and wo aro to bo mar ried next month." Thoro waa a long silonao. Dp in the hright bluo hoavons a bird was oaroling merrily, and in a strange, moohanioal manner Elsio counted fivo daisiofl which wcro in a chintor at her foot. Then she spoko: "So yon jusfc nsod mo as a tool, Hugh?" "yos," ho ncquioficod flhamofacedly. Sho lnughod a strange, hard laugh. "It does not hurt very much aftor all not very much," sho roputcd pito- ously, oad thon without another word turnod and loft him. Whon Ainu Demnino reaohod homo that night, bin mothor; and dstors met him with tho nows that Elsio had boon snddonly Hummonod to moot hor aunt. "Though whon sho got tho lrittor I'm aure I don't know," added Enid suspi- olounly. Her brother made no reply, but wont struight to his own room, and thoro, on tho toilot tablo, lay a. toar stainod noto. "I have boon a wiokod, deoeltful girl," tho lottor ran, "and now tho grqntoflt pnniahmorit I have to boar is tho know led go that I have brought ruin upon you." Thon followed an explana tion concerning hor curiosity ubout. tho dyo, and tho note onded with a plea for forgiveness. In reply Alan wrote as follows: "My forgiveness you havo fully and freely, and I slncoroly wish you ovory happi- nosa in tho future. You must not dis tress yoursolf about 'ruining mo,' as tho 'soorot'(?) which I told you con- corning tho purple dyo Is no seorot at all, but u vory ordinary chemical prep aration well known In tho trado. For- glvo mo for dooelvinp; you. I overheard your convocation with tho*oump who used you as his tool, and I cotildnot re sist my littlo piece of revenge. Tho Do- maino dye ia a seorot still, so you. may cease fretting about that My mother, Who knows.nothing, sends you her love. In a day or two I snail simply tell her that the engagement is dissolved." Tbveo months after tho dispatch of this letter Alan's manager ceased from troubling, far tho how firm failed irre trievably. "Hang it all!" said Hugh to his con fidential assistant "We havo got the correct ingredients, man. It muni be in the mixing that we faiL " And when his speech found its way to Alan's eais he simply laughed. "It was Delilah who failed," ho said to himself, "not tbs mixing." And then, with a nev*. g(od hopespringing in his heart, he joiridd'hiR'aleters snd hU aU- tere" friend Muhioa in' the; drawing room>-Lohdon Sun. " v.- ' ,i Vii^^^HKSM2S^i^': '^nisa7:lrthe',>';ina^*Wng*Ttt'd6*': ^ Wm PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste ra the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable, Small Pill. Small Dose* 8mall Price. Substitution tho fraud of tho day. , See you get Carter s. Ask for Carter's; Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. TRACKING A CHILD. hewing* That a Bloodhound la Wo* Al> So many terrible stories of the feroc ity of bloodhounds hare been told that it is refreshing to rend a trua ntory of a ohoflo by n bloodhound in which the hunter and tho hunted wcro oqually satisfied. It is vouched for by a writer in Good Words, who bad it from an eyewitmiHa. The bloodhound WaS.enjoying a stroll with his master on tho sands of Weston- auper-&aro, quietly following the horse his owner rode. Neither was thinking of a ohuRO, In fact nothing seemed fur ther from tho character of the dog than a desire to Interforo with any human being. The group of pleasure seekers scattered over tho Bauds saw nothing unusual in him, nor did the poor dis- ~traoted woman who ran from ono group to nuothor frantically asking for tidings of a lost ohild. Kobody know unything of the missing boy, and when in her desperation she approached tho gentle man on the horse he also shook his head. But though he know nothing of her boy, he was not so sure that ho could not help hor find him. He alighted from his homo, and thrusting his arm through the'bridle hcut over tho hound, putting both hands .oarolcssly round his'hond. Then ho took from the woman some thing that looked liko a child's hat and held it toward tho dog, talking to. him tho whilo, Tho hound sniffed and whined mournfully, as if unwilling to leave his mustor. Soon, howovor, ho lifted bin hond in tho air, uttered a short, sliarp berk or bay and began on 1 fling about the sunds. For a minuto or two ho followed the scent in a zigzag fatihion, and thon, with a long, loud bay, turned off at an amazing pooo, run in a straight lino across tha sands, crossed thu parade, and, baying oh ho wont, turned down a sido Rtrcot. That was an exciting chase tho field tho strootH of u populous watering place and tho gamo a lost child. Tho loud voifeo of thtTdog could bo hoard in the diBtnneo, gnldiuc thoHo who followed. Tho mother's feet waro'swift, but hIio could not koep up with the dog. On ho wont till ho had run his prey to ground. Then ho stopped and fawned upon the littlo lud,'who was overjoyed'to find so friendly a playmate When tho mother cumo up, hunter and huntod woro the best of frJcndu, so much no that neither was willing to part with tho other. Tho gentleman had nioro than once to summon his doc; boforo .ho would con sent to leave tho child. As for tho boy, bo could not bo lod uwny whilo tho dog remained, and after tho hound had dis appeared howna fltill hoard to murmur, "I would liko that dear dogglo for my own." A TNmrful Duol. Tho moat terrible dnol fought at any timo in Paris was tho ono botwoen Colo nel D------', au old tiounparfciat oflloor, and M. de G------- of tho Gurdos du Corps, a nioro youth, but of horouloan strength. The two mon, lashed togeth er so as to louvo thoir right arms froe, wcro armed with short knives, plaood in a hackney conch, uud driven at a tearing gallop around the Placo do In Ooncorde. They were taken out of tho ooaoh dead. The colonel had 18 stabs, tho youth only 4. but ono of those had pierced his heart. San EYanoisco Ar- gonaut. _______^_________^_ Keep up hope. There are thousands of cases where re covery from Consumption has been complete. Plenty of fresh air and a well-nour ished body will check the progress of the disease. Nu tritious fpodsare well in their way, but the: best food of all is Cod-liver Oil When partly digested, as in Scott's Emulsion, it does not dis turb the stomach and thy body secures the whole bene fit of the amount taken. If you want to read inore about it h?tus send you a book 5COTT & BOWHa,HMUJa, QC ;"-." To make Uf happtsr and mora, fair . For thow whose livos in1, 'orowdnd now with I'll helji to lift then from thtlr law dospslr, . Whn I hare time. , f<Wh*n-1 hara timo, the friend I lor no Wall Shall know no mora those weary, tolling days. I'll lsad her foot In plenaant paths alwnyi And eheor bar heart with word* of Bweetout praise. When I have time." . __ * * ffhenyoa havo tlmo t Tha friend you hold so ariar May b beyond tho renoh of your intant, May novor know that yoa no kindly meant To flU her Ufo with such Swoot oonUnt, Whon you had time. How i> tho ttm*. Ah, frlond, no lonqor wait To soattor loving umlleu and word* of ohuor To thomiaround whaao IIvon aid lidwijodrtiur! Thoy may not'meet you in tho turning year Whan you havo tlmo. PhU:i(lolp!:laTlmiM. THE CUMFOO DANCE. One of the Popular Pastlmita 'of the No- groaa In Domurara, Tho negro has undoubtedly a'very Btrong inclination to sleep in the day and to spend the night in gossip, dancing or singing. On this account be is often a nuisuueo to his neighbors, especially whon ho has awake. As hie homo is often nothing moro than a single room about eight foot square, tho fuuerul party ifl oonduotod iu the open'yard, Horo oongregato 60 to 100 people, who begin the entertainment with hymns, going on aftor midnight to songs and gamos and often winding np toward morning with a free fight. Then there is tho oumfoo danco, ono of tho finest institutions in tho world for producing nightmare. Two men heat drums with the hands, the ono instrument produc ing a tumtum and the other a rattle rattle, almost without intermission dur ing tho whole night. At intervals of about a minute tho party uttors a weird cry in some African language whioh startles you us you lie in bod vainly try ing to riloop. As hour after hour passes yonr house appears to vibrate, the bed shakes and your spine feels afl if made up of looso negiuents. How can the drummers lceop. this up for tou hours? And tho dancers? With tho latter ex haustion alternates with the rcuowal of tho orgy; ono Hot falls down and anoth er take* its piuco. This and other dances aro oonnoctod with obeuh, tho witch cult of tho African, Evory negro and moat_oi__th!& colored people havo an innate fear of tho Oboah man, however thoy may deny it to tho Whites. Ono of tho latest devolopnients of this superstition was brought to my notico a short time ugo in connection with a cricket match. The East Coast Invinoiblos and the Admirablo Creolians were to play a matob, and from a few words dropped by tho captain of the lat ter it appears that ho was suro of vic tory to his sido boonnso a notable oboah man hud oiled thoir bat. Saturday Re- Viow. A Mother's .Argument* "The moat to bo regrottcd act of my life," says a lioutonant commander of tho navy, *'wns a lottorl wroto to my mother whon about 17 years of agd. Sho nlwuys addressed her lotters to me as 'my dour boy.' I folt at that time I was a man, or vory near it, and wrote saying that her constant addressing me as a 'hoy* made mo feci displeusod. I received in reply a letter full of re proaches und tours. Among other things sho mild: 'You might grow to bo as big (is Goliath, as strong us Snmnou, and eh wiso as Solomon; yon might become rulor of n nation, or emperor of many nations, and tho world might revero you and foar you, but to your devoted mothor you would always appear, in memory, in your junooont, unproton- tious, unsolf concorfed, unpumporod ba byhood. In thoio days whou I washed and dressed and kissed and worshiped you, you woro my idol. Nowadays you aro. becoming part of a.gross world by contaot with it, and I cannot bow down to you rind worship you, bnt if there are manhood and maternal lovo transmitted to yon, you will understand that the highest compliment that mother love can pay you is to call you 'my dear .boy.'"- . Ha Quail tfor Him, "Quail, villainP' Ho pointod his trusty shooting iron nfc tho head of the man who hud been 'treating'tho beauti ful maiden to a job lot of general wick edness over sindo tho curtain, wont up. "At Insfc.I havo'thoo. Quail!" But, contrary to tho direction in act 8, sccno 3, tho villain stood his ground. "Quuil, I toll ithoel Why dost not qunil?". "Can't risk it on 80 bob a week,'* quoth tho villain, with a defiant sueor p&vod over from tho first act,."because, forsooth, quail is logally out of soasou, and I boo a- gamekoopor in tho audi ence," Thon ho kicked over an Alp, wndod through tho bay of Naples, fell into tho thundor and only stopped in his mad Sight to remark to tho manager that an sotor with a ropufcation must decline to play on that stage, us thoro woro fiioa on it. Pearson's Woekly. rrr?=?r I itfwjM^^yfeawip MUNldPAL D.RtQTORT. . i fis* iown CouhtU mtt on iba in ana' 8rd xuuumnyt ha eaob montu at S p. m., fit Vowa.UaU Talbot su. C. J. ThomM.Mayor; 'Jo&^aiMn>OIrlu.V. ;, CowHEaTaa Noam TowKsmr oounoU hold* ngnlar tatting* on the Suu Baturday in eaoh montn, at lbs town hall. Oca to, Johh Taomu, Ueti A. O.Atkluson,tilk,0itc(F.O. , ; Gobfisld Noafn township ooutwil holds re gular most nss on the lass dacorday In eaob mouth actbe Down hall, Cottain. Cbi# HtUtla, heo?u; li*uo Jackson, (jleik, Uottim, i*. O, M*iD*ToNi* towhshtv aounall holds regular meetUigs on the last Haturday Id each month at tha township ball In the 0th. ood. Pbtor Goi- boh, Uoevo; M. Moaugb, Olera, Woodtlae, JP.U. Hakdwich Booth township coaucU.holds 'ro- gular inveUnes on the 1st Saturday lu uaau month (Htby lowuship ball, uluoastio. muward 0'*uur iioevoj Johu Moynahan, Oierk, Maid stone 1'. O. OrtUROH DIRECTORY llMTHOOlHT. Dr. Glffotd, Pastor. Berviou -very Butiday as 11 a. m. and 7 y. m, babeati, donoolatu;uup. m. C. a. Naylor. Huporlutono tint o( sohool. p worth .League pray or meuUu,, iuusdayevonlutfatb o'olook, tienoial piayt* uxatituti on 'luuraday evening. Onuuon or KNOL.AMD lluv. All bdvurly iu- oumuvui, bi. i'uul's, Kssex, DiYJueB^rvioo ivory qutiday ac 11 a.ut.,V u'aiojk p .uitoaud** tiouodl atiu a. m. I'rmay C'aurch,nurch ituigo buo day UoUool at 1.45 p. ux The pubiio n oor- diullylnvUed^ ^bssbttbbun. W.M.Blemlng, Pastor.8er" vloesonbabbathatlia.m.and 7.0Op. in.bab uatn dohoolat2:U0p. m. *rayer mtetlngaua (tutor'sblblo class ou Tuesday at 7.30 p. in. tioolal Union on Weduesday at 6.1B p. w, ilAPTWT ouuuou.-Kov.M. 1*. Campbell, l'a cor bJ.vicBOttcn baobatu ut U a., in. ouu i p in. i'niyer unjetiuy ou Wuduusday ovuuiuk ute o'clock. U V. 1*. V. faain.iu% ou i'rlUuy uvuuiuguc S o'cioitk. tioaU It en. A.U aco cor- uitUly Wdiooiuod. HomaN Uatuolic hx, 0. K. MoGee, Castor, Bur not- evory ocuor buuday utti.uup. ui. buuduy Johool at a p, m. MaIdbTonia. Ulgh moss and sermon at 10,Hu a. iu oaioobism ai^p. m., baptism at 3 p. ui., voaporB uud oouodiatiuu at 7 p. ui. 0. iu. JUu- Uue,lMJ. BiLVATloK Aumy, Oapt. Ottwey oad Llout. Coo iu aouiiuauU. Ba.Wa.Uoii uiaotiDM WuU- uosday.TburiiUay and buuday evoiilngBji'ree and Kuay.batuiday ovuuliiy and b p.m. buuuay;Loh uosb nibtitinsb for obnutlauB i> nduy evouiuy uud 11 a.m.buuuuy; Hue* Drill 7 a.m.uvery buuuuy. Allure welcOiuu. j.^i.i..w...i.^.i.i^ia.a LEGAL,. E v a. W1BMEK, Barrlstor, Bolloitor, Notary i*ubllu (So. Alouoy to loau, Uulueu,l>uu- uiuu block, up-BLulrs, mbseX. CtLAUKkl, COWAN, llAKTIiET & llAltTJUliT, J buuiuu>ru, bio. UUiufab Moubury i>io<Jii, vviuuBi.r, friyuw mnuB to loau. a, u, Ulahk.ii, L. Jj, U. 11. K. COWAN, M. 1*. A. is, A. BAUTI.U1, A. li. UMlVtM'g, li, A. HhltiUI (J. WaJL.Tjji.o Jj.li.li., Attorney anil LouUboJO/ ut law, boliuitor iu cuuijuury, I'ruuLOr iu Auuilraity, x utunt Bohoitor, utUim, Cnimberoi Uoiuuiurtiu Umiaiun, DotrDit, Aliob. (Canadlau alulujs against perbouu in tbo UulUKl BtlltOB colJuutul.j Heftfioucoai imperialUunk, JbJstiex, Out, J. L. Paters, Ksq., Uurrlutor, eto Windsor, Cut. E.A, WlBmur, Kiiq. Darnster, etc., E&uox, Out D A.EDlCAL. BS. UIUEN Ai BltliuN. Jaa. Brlou. M. D., L, It., 0. P. 3., graduato o( Quuou'u Untvwaity, KlutfstOij, uionibur ol Ooi- logo ui TliybiciuuB uuu burgeonB.Cutarlo, Orad- uatoo( tiuvf iotk lJObt Graduatu JMudioul Col- iUKt>. J.W. Brlen.M.D.; 0. M., J/. T.M.C. Honor graduate or Trinity Medical Colloo. . Honor graduate ol Trinity Oulvoraity. Meuiberoi tbu Uo)le(jeof i'nysioltuis auu buryooua, out. Giud- uato of tsow Vork I'osti Uraduato Modioal College. Olfloe over Essex Modioal Hall drug store. Cousaltaiiou looms, both on ground Uoor ami urntililt ubovo, Toiepbono iu botu odloo uuU reBldoaco. All oalJu attended to troui oulcu, uruft btoie, or rosiuouueu. Kuuldtiuaos. Talbot Htrbot.nour t&tv grouudtt and ad oiniuu iauii' JtTUKbb Omco. 0*nw, Wobardson But Wby He 'Wanted an Autograplu Recently a young man wrotd to Wil liam Dean Howolls for his autorrraph.' Sbo novolirit replied iuu typewritten line: ."Have you bought my last book?" The young man answered: , "I havo not. I wan.tr to sell you* au-. tograph in order to get money enough: to buy it" Atlanta Constitution. Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of St Paul's cathedral, London, was. buried in that modestio pile, and the visitor is enlightened by his epitaph, thus, "Si monumentum quarts* oir- OBJUflpicel' (If yon ask for his riaonn- meat, look round). Thres good waabea ar* rwiwl by an AbynlnUtt. dmrlng his cax*r at his , birth,1 ou hU Carriage morn Jiuad HaV ciB dPath. At all oihW Hmw^iltinaioap :ind wat, ! Dli. J, h, CEl-ibi&U, Ausooiate Corouor lor tbo County ot Kuaox. J.KaritiJuuuur.oi. jlj.u. M.? Trinity Uulv'or- ulty; Al. 0.1'. auu b. Ontario; ido. ltoyul Colioua l'nyaicluiifl, l,ondon, Jung.; iai> Heliolnrjlnp uud Cold aiodaimt, Trju\ty ooilugo, IBdy; anpoiuted houbu PUyuloiau aud burgoon, 'Xorouto Ueuorul auepitai uud Itualuobc Aooouobuur liurnmuo liyiud-iu hospital, Toronto, lbtil. Bpeolalty, ais- uuuob or womuu aud obiiurou. Koaiduuco, uoubo lately oooupied by l^r,i>owar,Taloot bc-Ussox. OUlcoiu Imperial hur.k Blook, uround door, oppoaito Tbomo'a druy store. AiudlcniOB du- pUIJUUIl lU ttlb OUlOU. lOlOpuOtlb OOUllOOtlOU wltd botti oultiu and roBtuoucu, Prtvutu tolo pUuuoiiuu oocwoeu Oyrii 1'uuuettb'sbouso uud jju.u Koiiiiody'a bouHo aud ouloo.uc Puquottu btutiuu ou tuo jU ja d: i) !{It. Micbt calls attoadod to at oUloo or renlduiico. DENTAL. HP. MAUTIN.D.D.B., h* D. S. Gradual * iu Dentistry, Uoyal Collage of Uontai ourgoons, Ontario, auu Ualvorslty ol Toronto. Ob urn oh, moderate. Odloo, over Btsox iloal- cai Hall, Talbot street, Idssox. lS-lv VETERINARY. WH. KIOHAltDSON, VKTHIUNAUY BUIi- GilON. ilouorary graduate or Ontario Vetoriuary Oollcgo, Toronto; membur ol On tario Votorluary Medical tiociety; l>iplomiBt la Uoutlbtry; treats all UlBoasos ol douiuutloated tuilmalH^oattlu doliorueu bv the latftet Improved Leavltb clipper Calls by telepliouo or tolo- grapb i>romptly attended to. iioaiduueo,three uoorsoast of griat mill; office lu paat.oftloo building; Efldoi iuflrxuary, directly opposite; LAND SURVEYOR. JAMEBB. LAIRD, Provincial Land Burvcyoi aud County Euglueer, Essex Out. Ouloe, Dunutau Block, up-etairs. AUCTIONEERS, HKNUV HEDKIOK, Auotlonoor. BaloB promptly attonded to. Address* Boutli Woo dele u, cut. Pereoua deuicuig to Huuuro mo may leavs word ut tbe Ii'uue ituum onloe, . tr H, HEDB10K LIOENSKD AUOTIONBHB XJm lor tho County of Hbsox. Uudlflof Eighth CivIbIou Court. All kinds al Farm and othor Hales. oonduotod promptly. Kate a roaaonabla aud furnished on aDplloatian. E&aulrera may apply at W. D. Deamau'sollioe, orac the oulce ai Oivlulou Court Cleru, Wia. LulaR. J~~OHN. (10RMLBV, ' ' . '"" LiUJtNtiED AUOriOHBEB for the County of Esaux>. AUkiuda of taxtn stock sides, eta., oonduoted promptly uud ou short uotloo, Kates ' reaBOuable. Persons dosbrable to arrange Bales ;may do.so by oalllusat the JTabb Poiibb oflios ; or by applying to . . J. GOHMTjE Y P.O. Box 155 Kasox,On,t, |>UANK MCOLOBEEV, Maldotone, thirty J/ Beveu years' experience as anauetionaerin CbeOonntyozEsBBx. Bales conducted promptly, and on reasonable-terms. Partlos daslrlng to fix tbe date for a solo oan save themselves a drive by nailing at the 1'bbe Pbbbs ofboa. We huye orrautled with Mr, MoOloskey and Till Ox tbe dates for Bales by telegraph, entirely free of all Charge to the person adding the solo. Ad- dress Frank McCIoflkey,MaidstoneOroas.Ont,' , .' .. '. " IF. HI, Issuer ofMoriiAge llis/dnerl" f In O.J.. etc, Geitdi I ., ..My li............,......l,,-..ii.iiii.....,f,..... i.......,it<il.i ^r^-ttOTAKAK,.;. r:'-'K:^r}::^^M 'Issuer of Marriage Lloensea. ^;iiitniaB^'iii^^ NUbtoffloeatDweUing........v<:wM TALBOT KTBBHT, BSOHX^te UNDERTAKING vr " - .' * HPLUMMEIB,- TJnneftakar ^ Dealer. Coffins, bo from | to $80. MoGrego^ ffertakar -add jfnmituw ,;"Jii, homeland factory . ad ' ^I IgO^r $DS. , ' > y.,d^:;!;XM r O. O. F.-BNTBEPBlaB Lodge, Ho MB, X* maetsevery Thursday/ evening st &00la OddfeUows' palf.ii third iiorey DtlSststiTMoMir Visiting menibers of other lodges will receive fraternal welcome. FBED. GILBOB, N. 0. andihirdTuesdayIneaOhmonth? Vifltotiofor- dlallyrecoived. Members of saberdinste lodge* *? Jorhdiolion, InvlUd to JotrU^Ta HANMAN, C, P., Q.g,HILL, Boo.,., : E8BEX FUiH BBIOADB. MEETB FIRST'. Friday evening in erery month for bri gade meeting and third Friday for practice in - tbe Firemen's room Jn the. Stone budding.. Jos. MoMumy, Onief: 8am, Bmltb, Captaluj Jos. Biota, Lieutenant; Warrofa Lee, Secretory; Fred. Hyatt, ITeasurer, COUBT ROYAL, ^0. 8, I. O. F. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays In each month in i. o. O. F. Hall at B o'clock p, |n. Visiting bretheru will bo given a lraUrnafwel- oomtt.y/.J.V9wtx, O. R.f W.O.Bbav, B. a, M.J.Wlgle.O. D. H.O.B. A. Boina.Fin,B w and Treasurer. r.V'.- Michigan r?v_ ' "Wo mosoro Fall* M&. aoIMOBJLBT Taking offoot Dotrolt....... Windsor.... Pelton........ Maldoton&a Kssex....,..., Woodaloe... Itusoomb ... Comber...... llldgetown.. Hodtiey....... Sfc. Thomas London ......... Ht. Thomas... boduey........, Kldgotown..... Comber.......... Itusoomb....... Woodslee....... Kbbox............ Maidstone Cr Poltou....;....... Wludaor....., , Detroit........... May, 18OT. Mail, B3ip. a.m. a.m. CM n.oo a.oe u.io GM fl.M 7.00 H,20 MO 8.20 0 60 Exp. Aocom a, in. p.m. . "V;l 10.00 10.00 7.18 11.00 B.47 13.20 10.00 1.25 i.iO 5.06 B.10 B^S 547 S.M fi.W 0.05 7.10 7.38 U.iQ Mixed a. D3. 4.00 4 00 6.10 io.no 11.86 dOYHO WK8T. Exp. p.m. ft.10 r2.i0 H.m im 6.ua 6.40 B.B0 6.03 0.14 6.24 CMS 7.10 a.m. a.m. S.40 0,30 Mixed a.m. a.m. "4 "im 4.48- C.13 10.26 6.05 11. SB fl.Bfi 7.05 12,00 12.40 6. 6.16 7.11 7.S7 8.B7 0.09 0.10 9.33 0.48 0.54 lew 10M- 5^80 7J!7 B.47 12.40, 1J0 1^6 800 8.30 3.87 4.00 I'-.i'A JkmhoYmthura! ijocnl Train*. p.m. QJ0S fi.)4 6.21 6 23 6'40' 6.40 WKHT n.lil. AMU ii.4o vm 11.62 12.00 12.10 12.SS 12.40 7.B4 7.40 7.42 e.oo H.05 Bs&ex Kdgara &.C2 LKADtt Xing 6.47 McGregor 6.46 Gordon 6.25 Amherstbnrg 6.20 EAST ' tL.tn, a.m. pjM e.00 0.36 6.90 0.15 0.10 9.07 D.06 B.46 B.40 4.M 4.16 4.30 All trains are ran on central standard time, whlcb is sixty minutes slower than Essex time. For Information and rates to colon- lata moving wont apply to John G. Lavon, Fas* soDger Agent, St. Thomas, O. W. Haggles, Gen eral Passenger and Ticket Aenfc, Chlosgo .111 orA.O. Btimers, Aeut, Essex/ ",- Si v4 i.AND AND UOAN AQENT8 L. k.tfe D. R. Ry. TrMK TABt.ll NO. S3, taking effect Monday, Sept- 27,1B00, Trains run by Eastern Standi. ard Time, Dally except Sunday *4 JL W i. M 0.2S. 12.00 0.B3 12.SO 0J10 12.40 12.46 0.4!) 0.50 0.57 10.03 10.00 10.16 10.27 10, m 10.46 10.56 11.11 11.20 11.25 11.06 11.43 11.60 11.65 12.04 12,11 12.16 i2.a5 V.M. P M 6:20 6J17 6.36 0.40 12.53 0.47 1.10 0.51 W, to 1.30 1.M 2.03 250 3.45 7.10 7.17 7.27 7.07 7.44 7.M 4.101 aco 4.25 4 40 6.0H 6.20 5.42 6.55 0.05 5.15 B.36 6.46 7.00 P.M. fl.17 8.22 H.H2 ti.40 B.47 H.63 000 O.07 0.12 0 20 0.111 P.M Stations. I)op Walkory'loAr Walkcrvillo June. .........Pelton.., ......\ Oldoastle ......j Paquettd..... ......MoGrogor ~ ,.A New Canaan... ... t Marsbneld ... .,., Harrow ...... ........f Arner......w. ......Klnnsvllle...... ......Butuven ...... . Leamington ... ......Wheatley ... . ......4 Kenwlok ...... ......Cofttsworth' . ..,...+ Glenwotid...... .........Morlln......... ......v Buxton..j...... ...... 8audition ...... ...ICodarBpripga... Bl&nheitn Junotfta ...... lllonlio'm...... .........tWULltt......... Ar Kldgotown Dtp A W 0 10 UCB 6 67 0 63 8 47 8,42 886 820 H22 6 11 SCI 7.61 7 40 7 24 1 16 7 10 700 0 62 6 46 0 40 0 81 e 24 620 6 10 600 S A M 6.60 0ji8 6J27 6.17 5.(8 5.00 4.40 4.S3 4.26 4.00 S.45 3.16 2.40 IM 1.38 1.15 12, SO 12,21 13.11? 12.00 ll,2fl H.S0 11.18 10.15 10.00 A.U.lA. U. is P.M. 7 JO 7.43 7J7 w- 7a7 7O0 7.03 0.52 6.43 6.80 6.1 B 8.00 5.61 5.46 5.30 0.38 5,21 6,16 6.07 5 00 4^6 4.45 4JJ6 " P.M. .M :M w i Flag fitatlous. Trains atop only when there are pnaseugers at or for those etatlonB. Mixed trains are at al times uubjeat to be oanoallod WM WOOLLATT. General Bnperlntenden ;J' Do You Want To Drive anywhere, if bo, you want a Good M 'ti! .....and tho place to. got it is at ;.r,/. m JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery. Sale Feed Stables v."\ ,' ;. Good Hostlers In attendance dayland nlghL ".^ . i'W[ J. THOMAB, Conveyancer, Ooxs> or, in1 Uah Court of Justice: dealer in Heal Estate and, Mortgages. Money io loon GEOBOE mlsuoner, lu Bllgh Conrt oompanlts.. Drawing of dejods, wbrlgagos and atthBlqweiVrate. piirj^Mt; oFfrrnisbo andold.r Imuranoefcalteninthe rooifcr HORSE-SHOEINfl .+\.-\t ?P-S!^V. In this branch, of 'omtJjusinasB,"W^^ggljjp class Woxknifln and will gnarantee jBatlsfa^fcton: bi Shoebofc Horses that Interfere, Otb^, ot have corns or Oontraoteo Feet. -WejU-p;^. Specialty of BhoelugBoad 1^ A GENTS' wo*tmg--rroflUblo >m 1A (througb the summer oattftnd jl, -n^on. Wri^nsatonwtorttn 1 '"^v-^i^ .'4 r. \ ,;/ ^&^^Mii^MS^^^^^M^^^ \i&:"

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