I Gftreat Bernhardt at the Head, of Her iSfe ^ ,'^|i ,\ 9pofci About Pained Cslcry ftf^ffaa' Immortal ,rSarali""provokaB enthuai- f^iulm, amiraUon and curiosity wherever ^;{;'ihe>ppeara before the public, aud has ffipitfitt had an equal in the faiatory ol the [fe1 Sarah Bemhardk fully appreciates the Im* 5^.CjJttfopae advatvtagea of health and strength tot one in her profession, and no one kj,;lb\0W8 bettor than she how feftrtliiio buooobs is a vigorous eesontlal to vigorous nervous ay- atem. ,, U. Hard and oonBoIentoua work la all mat- |feviera pertaining to her profeeaion has at fe.-.Yarionfl times left her weak and nervoufl; ||f'>.: but when friends prevailed upon her to '. !;u'B6 Paine'fl Oelery Compound, she realized S\'p-\tbot ahe had -found a blessing a Btrength- fv;.';^ener and invigorator that ehe oannot praise R^totfMgMy, She writes as follows: ||;; .nI boK loavo to state that, uooordiug to J,f.f-;V ybur instructions, I have need I'aine'a m-]'i.^{Oalery Compound and' I ana convinced i&.v'-'thfttit is.the most powerful nervo strength- ener that oan bo found. It Is with the greatest pleasure that I aond yoa my sin- oero testimonial. ASHOHT TA^K. On A. Serious nbject. tt:-.'!' Proverbs of tho Scorohor. w Bloomers are merely a matter of form some more than others. The bioyole that goes too often to iho repair shop will break a savings bank no- ooant at last. The beat lubrioant for a bicyolo is a pair of well-developed logs and pleuty of lung capacity. ji;,; It la eaaier to catch a barn swallow with f^y;;; .aalt than to oatoh the pedals ol a ruuaway bioyole On a hill. It ,1a not a wise proponition to loap $5 to the mau who says ha 1 ear nod to rido a bioyole without fall inc. ' The ridor who poraiatontly paaeon peo ple on the wrong 'side ib Hooking to roali/.o on hia acoidout iuHUrauco polioy. Women never roalize bo thoroughly the handicap of skirta as when endeavoring to ride againBt a gale on a bioyole. Tbe-fiitX-who rides a tandem oxpstionaoa an immense sonso of superiority m boliov- ing that the man oouldn't get along, with- ont her. hv. m JO;.' ( fv':";..'- ' If;*"!:.' m /if"1. f, Wrontf Heart Action. Wrbbg aotlou of the heart causes nor- voflBueaa, norvona dyspepsia, ahortness ol breath and other dietfoHaiug symptoms'. Mr. Samuel Yolland, of Lou clou, Onb. was oared of the no trouble*) by taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr. Yolland saya: They are a romarkablu medicine, and 1 have not boon troubled in tho least bIuoo taking them," "Womaoa O. woman in your hours of qo.ho, Uncertain, ooy, and hard to ploaaa, We've all boon hold aoroHu yourkneos, When your hand folt liko a swarm ot bees. Bnt what of that? Wo love you still, And, what ia mora, wo always will I Wear what you may, do as you like, Hold officoH and rido tho bilto. Be married if it ploaao you to, Vet nothing that you o'er oan do Will make yon proof-against the oh arm a That come whon, yielding to man's arms, Loye utealH into your heart 1 Ah, thou You'ro just) ftwoob woman onoo again 1 if ft KJ. B#- Btornal Vigtlanoe la the price of porfoot hoalth. Watch oaro- f ally the ilrnfc symptoma of impuro blood. Cure boils, pimples, humora and scrofula by taking Hood'a Saraaparilla. Drive away thti paina and uchuu of Khonmatiam, malaria and stomaoh troublos, ntoudy your nervea and overcome that tired foaling by taking tho naiuo groat medicine. . Hood*s Pills aro tho boat family cath artic and liver toulo. Gontly, rchablo and sure, ' As "UsuoX. "i)6eff your daughter holp you at all arcund tho houae?" 'Oh, dear no 1 Hho isn't Htrong euough." v'Whoro ia bIiq now?" " "She's out on hor bicyolo'trying to lower hor ooutary roaotd." Obioago Post. . What Tommy Said. TJuolo John Well, what do you moan to bo whon you got to bo a man? Littlo Tommy (promptly) doctor, like pa, , and which do you intend to bo, an allopath or a homoaopath?' Little Tommy I don'b know what thorn awful big worda moan, tfnolo -Tohn; but that don't mako no difforouco, 'cauao I ^iu.t goiog to be oithor of 'om, I'mjuat going to bo a family dootor anv givo all my patioota Hood'u Saraaparsllla, 'oauab . my pa Bays that if he is a family dootor, he's obliged to own up that Hood's &area- parilla ia the bodb family mediolue he ever .saw in hia life,. TJrio Aoid, The fiarne of a terrible pulaon. It ia formed In the human system.' And oauaea rheumatiam.jaolatioa. head ache, and kidney troubles. Tho work of the kidnewa Ir*eo remove it. If they are overworked they fail to dojso. Then trouble begins. It gets worae and worse. Help tho kidneys to do their work. Doan'e Kidney Pills are true faidney helpers. They cure all kidney troubles. (Jhaue the uric aoid out of the Byatem. Mr. James Gueaa, (Br., well known in Essex, has thlH to say about Doan'a 'Kid ney Pills: ' For many years 1 have bad terrible pain and lameness In my back can Bad un doubtedly by'kidney trouble. The urine was highly colored with a great deal of sodiment, and I wae also afflicted with evere necralgio paiua in my head, dizzU n088, sloepleasneBS, fluttering of the heart, ehortnoBBOf breath,.etc. "Many a night 1 was bo bad that 1 dared not lid down, and as a matter of fact Xwaa in a terrible condition, completely worn- out, and debilitated. "I commenced tho uao of Doan'a Kidney Pil]a which I got from Mr. Bhorrm'a drug store, and oan Bay that they aro a great kidney and heart modioino, rb well as an oioollonfc tonic. "I have been getting better oyer sinoe, I began to take them two months ago, and to-day havo no back or urinary troubles. Thoy havo also removed all tho heart troubled from which 1 sutforod aud I heartily recommend this valuable medi- oiua an a specific for all forma of kidney complaint," The Costheet Book. Tho most expensive book ever publiflhed in the world, is said to bo the oflioial hia- tory of tho War of Hobo Hi on now boing issued by the Government-of the United Btatos at a coat up to date of about 477,- 000. Of this amount 330,858 has boon paid for printing aud binding. It will require, at loa&t, throe years longer to complete tho work, aud the total coat is expected to reach nearly 600,000. It will oonaist of 112 volumes, including an atlas which ooutains 178 platea aud inapes illustrating the important battles of tho war, routes of march and photographs of intcrcntmg scenes, plaoos and persons. Only CI ,000 oopioa of tho book have yet boon sold. SpoakB irom Experience. Mr. J, W. Tomlinsou, Amhoratburg, Out., apoaka from oxporienco when ho Bays: "I am well satiflflod with Dottu's Kidney Pills. Thoy aro undoubtedly the bout uaedioine on tho market for any ouo afllictod with Urinary or kidney .troubles, mi ah as pain in tho hack, tired feoling, cramps, numbness, oto. Thoy ourod mo and removed all my pains and aohos." Remedy for San Joso Scale, Mr, MoParlano, of Baorameuto, Oal., who has boon vialting ia Canada for some time, in referring to tho dreadod Ban Joao Boalo, said they had it vory bad in Oah- forma. It attaokod wholo orchards which m many oases had to bo out down. They Boomed to prefer orange, pruue and peach trees. Mr. MoParlauo aufforod in common with tho others and lout a nuo orphard, but thoy havo now Buoaeaafnlly controlled tho ovil, A hug waa imported from Au- Htrulia that preyod ou tho Ban Joan and auuihUated thorn. Tho oxperimcut waa a decided huoqohs and thoy havo had no no furthor trouble with thorn. The Sealskin1 Eo-v?. The.oibleRrams and telegrams within the paat few days have bontatuad ft flood many references to the seal question, and to tho attltudoof the Brit Uh and United States OoTornments towards' it. The seals : are in Behring Sea, and their breeding places are ohiefly to b found on islands lying off Alaska, and belonging to the Untied Btatea, When tho animals go abroad in the Paolflo Ocean, they are captured by both United Btatos and Canadian sealing vessels and killed for their skies. Borne time ago, an agreement, making provision for the better protection of the seals, so as to prevent their extermination, was enter ed Into hetween the United States and Great Britain. Latterly on the strength of reports made to them by naturallata, The United States authorities profess to believe that the regulations are not strin gent enough, and that seal life is menaced as much as ever. Lord Salisbury replied that he had doubts ahonfc It, aud so wrote In a diplomatic dooument. Now, Secretary Sherman, of the United Slates, ban writ ten a long dispatch to the United States ambassador in Great Britain, iu whioh he charges bad faith against the British au thorities, charges them with suppressing documents that would militate against the viow entortained by Lord BaliHbury, and geuerally rubn the fur the wrong way. Tho dooument has irritatod iv number of our Britifth contemporaries; and thoso who are of a jingoistic disposition ' 'go Bherman ono hotter," as the sporting fraternity would put it, and generally take him sovorely in earnest, and not as a "big bluffer," intent on diverting iho a tt out ion of the United States public from tho tariff muddle aud the discontent reuniting there from, whioh Is probably really his iuted- tiou, Hore in Canada, where we know Mr. Sherman and his ansooiat-ea bettor, wo scarcely take him so seriously as do our British contemporaries. Tho probability is, as Hon. Mr. Davios, our minister of marine and fisheries, says, that overy reasonable effort will be made to meet the views of the United States authorities while at the same time sacrificing uo Gun- Julian interest. A Summer Specific Dr. Fowlor's Extract of Wild Straw, borry cures cholera, oholera morbua, di- arrhooa, dysentery, orampa, coiio,Bummet complaint, canker of the mouth aud all bowel complaiuta of ohildreu or adults. It ia a soothing, effectual and nover fail ing medicine, which gives immediate re. Uof and speedily effecta a cure. Cancer caw Tbo Cured. Por fiix yearn I oufforcd from oaucor aud got no relief until I uaod Burdook Blood Bitters, I uaod aovon bottles faithfully, whon tho oaucor gradually disappeared, ^X am now entirely woll and rojoioo that by uaing B.B.B, I havo oHcapod doath oithor from tho surgoon'H kuifoor from tho oan- oor iteolf. Bignod, Mns, EmzaJ. Tp^oim, Paris, Oot, The Culture of JTeras. It is bettor to begin with youuq plants. Be oareftil not to ovor.pot them; wash tho inaida of the pota clean, and give especial. ly good drainage; ubc open, rich, fibrous noil, ligbt rather than heavy, and instead of filling the pot with soil to the .brim loavc plenty of room to hold water. X'erua ehould never get quite dry at tho root, yot it will not do to kocp thorn Hoaking wot. Many of them, especially tho maid6u*hair and gold and ailvor ferns disliko boing aplanbed overhead, and hot auunbine must nover fall directly upon these delicate kinds. Ferns are aura to bo killod by lit tlo dribbliugs of water given oyory day. Tho ' aamo rule that applien, to watering, other plants ' in uood witti forns. Whon tho top of tho noil looks dry fill tho pot with water to tho brim, bo that the ball of tho soil may havo a thorough soaking. Ijet Ydur fy and Attractive. The inmates1 of oharitabU institutions, aud ouc-douerviog town and olty poor are with ua at All times. Many of us yearly send the poor our oast off and half worn garments, such aa dress- es, jackets, oapeft, skirts, ooats, vests and pants. By this work hundreds of half-clad people are made warm aud oom foe table, and are enabled to appear on the streeta. In this work of aharity, many donors aro making their gifts bright and attrac tive by tho use of Diamond Dyes. The old garments are dyed some suitable color and look quite as well as new ones. New and fresh colors add to the joys and pleasures ot the poor, and tUo gar ments do not have tho appearance of cold obarity. This work of brightening up old and faded clothee is done at a trifling cost with tho Diamond l>yee. Think of this special work, dear lades, when your bundle of clothing Is being prepared for the poor. One paokot of Diamond Dye, oostlng ten cents, will add wonderfully to tho value of your donation. A man wrltiug irom Dawson Oity, near the Klondike gold diggings, says: "Beer is 50 cents per drink. 1 have quit drink ing." This, comments the BooheBtor Ad- vortiaer isan impressivo example of the etl'icaoy of the gold onre. Good Newtf from South Dakota. South Dakota ban thouaanda of acres of choice farming and ranch land lying oast of the Minsourl .River, and within 1 days rldo from Chicago to Milwaukee whioh oan be bought reasonably oheap, but which be fore the ond of another -year may bo ad- Vaaoed iu price. The atook-taising industry iu South Da kota ia profitable, aud eastern capital ia now being invested in cattle aud snoop growing iu that etato. Diverged /arming, the crowing of live stock, aud the products of tho dairy, are placing Bouth Dakota formoafc in the ranka of the Buodoaaf ul Westoru Btatos. Thoao desiring full mformutiou on the subject, and particularly those Who Wish to aeek a new homo or purchase land, are rcqueatod to correspond with A, J. Taylor,- Oanadiau Passenger Ageut, 3 King street East, Toronto, Ont. Hi' :.'"' China ia about to reorganize her army on the lines of German military, and ord ers for rifles havo been placed in Gormatoy, A now Obinoao iloot is to bo constituted, halt of the contracts for the new vohsoIs going to England and half to Germany. awr ' ; ^ The proper way to bnild health is to l:^-' ':.'!o?a^,fcua Wood rich and 'pure by taking the one true blood . fp^hl-^aowVB Barsaparilla, fa'rtvdy Pifte Syrup cures coughst <etds Price aj Tho now Unitod Stutoa tariff ih injuring trado in Essex and Kont. Lnmbormon who havo boon shipping atavon from tbo eoufchorb.piirt of those oonutioa to tho Buffalo markot.aay that fciioy cannot af ford to pay tho twenty per oont. duty. This trado will bo vory muoh curtailed. Tho duty of ono oont por quarb on borriOH will mako.a alight diitorouoo to fruit grow ers; Onrranta and ohorrios are praatioal- ly oxoluded,as tho.prioo in Detroit market, prior to tho ohaugo iu the tariff, was ao low that there1wan no prout m-'shipping thorn there, Tho huxtoro, who ovor-ran the comity of Bbbok, havo roooived a death blow to their trado. Tboro is a.duty of $2 per bond ou veals, 3 centa per pound on poultry aud 6 aoutB por dozen ou eggs. ""-- i ' ..... i . 'i Undoubtedly the Best.' GkntIjKmkn, I wiah to Bay that Dr. Fowler'e Extract of Wild Strawberry haa proved a wouderful roinedv in my family. Wo would not bo without it for ;twioe its prioe. I say ib is thpbe^t (not merely one of the best but tbo best) medioine over brought before the public for summer complaint or diarrhoea, either In children oradults,'. ".' , Jotatr Undkbuixa, .License Gommlsaioner.titrathclair, Ma,n. The best cough tura is Hagyarcts PttUrdl JBdlsam,, U heaii t/ti : hwgs and cures coughs and'colds*.: PleaHaiut, Sure and Quick. Gkntmbubk. I am ploasod to roooni" mohd your Laxa Liver Pilla for constipa tion, dyspepaia aud niolc headuoho, I have uaod them for thoao troublon and find them a pleasant, Huro and quick euro, froo from tho annoying griping of othor pilla Ibavcheretoforo unci. Biguod, H. Jamkr, St, Nioholaa Hotol, Hamilton, Out. -. --------4k----" '- " '. Horo ia ouo fact: Thoro aro throo mil lion mou in tho United States over thirty years of age who havo nover boon married* ECoro is another: In 1800 thoro were four million women in .tho Unitod Btaton who worn earning tbolr own living, m faotor- ioa, trades and profosBiou^. Thoso two facts havo muoh to do with the labor aitu. tion iu this oouutry, Haya an oxohango. If tho threo million old crutity bacbolcra should marry throe million old maid*!, pro fitable bmploymout would, bo givou to throo million more mon. Aa thoro uro not uo many idle men, tho domand lor labor would at ouco reimlb iu a raiao In v/agoa. The now tariff should provide, a matrimonial schedule with, nuitablo rooi. proolty arraugomcuta and tax oxomption. .------:-------.-----*--------------r *'Cauat thou miuiator to a minddlaoaso?" aHkb Maobefcb. Oortaiuly, my lord; tho couditiou of tho miud depouda largoiy, if not solely, on the condition of tho stomach, livor, and bowols, for all of whioh coxa- plaints Ayer^a Pitta are "the ^pvoreiunout thiug on earth." Prank Moan, an old time minor, haa re turned to Grand Palls, Mont., from tho Klondyko gold roglona. Ho odpurma all tho reports of the wonderful auriferous nature of the country, but says it-is: a death-trap, and that the place is dotted thick with the graves of those^ who died of starvation and hardehip in their quoat for wealth. Norvoua debility is a com toon oqmplalnt, especially among women. The beet medi cal treatment for this diBordor is a, per- eisteut courao of Ayer's Barsapariljla to oleansa and invigorate the blood. This bemg Accomplished, nature will do [fae ::M-'r.. Premier Oanovas del Castillo of Bpain was shot to death by an Auarchist. It ib stated (hat a site has been seleoted iu Killarney for a Royal reBidouce in Ire land, BoofcroakinK Ih oarriod ou in Now Eng land to a decree that eclipses European Uatioua. Tho partial eots of jubilee stamps from half a oont to CO and from Imlfaoent to 91 are now on ealo. .. . Oue bioyole has boon supplied to every police station in the suburbs of Paris for the uao of the for30. Tbo Btoamor.Belgio, with the Booth Polo exploring expedition on board, will leave Antwerp on Aug. 15th. It is estimated that 75 per oont of the silks worn by Ameriouu women are of American manufacture Laplanders are tho shortest poopto m Europo, their avorago hoight boing males, 50 inohoB: fomaleu 57 inohea, Tho Oologno Gaaotto aaya that tho pro. posal of Germany for Europoan control of Greekflminoes has boon accoptod by the powora, The Dominion Government, according to a Wiunipog despatch, is oonaidorlng the quontion of opomug a routo into tho Yukon via Kdraonton, An oxplonion aaourrod at tho cartridge factory at Bustohuok, Bulgaria, Pifty-aix poraona woro killed outright ond many othors wore mjurod, While asloop in tho woods a sawyer of Kvausvillo, Ind., waa bittonon tho chin by a spider. Ho died of the.' effoots of the blto some days later, - John Muuro, aaohool Principal of Ot tawa and Pronldtmt of tho Pro'vlnoia-i Teaobora'AsBooiation, died at tbo Toronto General Hoapital on Saturday. Manitoba raillora havo udvauood tho pricoif flour in Montreal 25 oonts a barrel, tho third raiao within tho paat fow wooka largely duo to tho inaroasod coat of wheat. Sir John 0. Buckulil, Ufr.D., who died recently at Bournemouth, was tho flrat en- hat(d man in tho ilrHt rogiraout of volun^ toer ralaod in England, tho Pirat Devon and Exotor Rifles, formod in 1852. BiivarlanioonoolttstH have torn down tho old Hofbraubaus beer room-in Munichj aud put up in its plaoe a largo hall, adorn ed with hiatoriaal paintings, whore tho boor Is served us in bthor. plaoas. The CoBtoma Department at Ottawa have rfloolvod information of tbo aeiznre of a pchoqnor, whioh pot into Piotou to coal, and was found to havo a. quantity of contraband whiBkey ou board, oouoealed under a fatae bottom^ Purther partioulara are not yet to hand. At thn Prison of St. Paul, at Lyona, where Oaserio lay undor sentenoO of death, thoreie a curious oollootiou of^pens. They are the pens with whjob the executioners have Blgned the reanlatloii reoeiptis for' the prisoners handed over to them to be gull, lotiued. At each execution, a fresh pen ia used for the purpose, and the ink ia left to dry upon it. The , pen with whioh .M- Deibler Blgned the receipt for Oaserio, la. now in the collection. 'tij'U'} ; i^ "L^^F^-MCti^i^^ ___ ">U bring, rloh huratt. Blso4 ui2 Prlv.l. DlMaw. up tho ,? lite and fj^jrtcUm. OoiMWloaHpDTOEi.TlUUS^p^lT^JwriTUM g VARIOOCELE, EMI88|0N8, iBF SYPHILIS. aiRICtUBE, GU N ESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOODi^iMNATURftli * DIBCHARGES, KIDNEY C VSlI 9(raRTOUBandde^DdMrj<MkolMHr^<MilUMiBinlNI,fEld 5 _ .____ S CURES 0UARANTEED OR |tf) J?Ay-CONF^DENTIAL ^, k SN-ATCHED FRQI THE GR%fe5^&^2 doctors ana nerve tonloa by the oore wlthontbanaflt)^iiilHloiuiaxia osbuu 1 iHi'-amo a nervous wreck. A (rlend who bad been turd by Dra. Knnedy of n almllar dttfaM, advised m to try Uuuv. .)4i4^i>&M**> teMttaa f\ Dn. Kannody uul Kecgmn ored S EMISSIONS CURED, i-^^^S^t^^^, m wotiken^ mephrricahy.w^uaUy end mentally, Tamlbr doosbn wJiWWhBO: Coonnumptlon-J Ftnally The GolA0n UcDAtcr,' eowd" ft S CVDUIKIC PIIDCn "ThUteTribkblooddlisawwMlBttT trrtem tor alght 2 OirniLIO blltlCUi rir.iiHndtoiCmm^mrTortwoT.B^brtt&<lii3*i H retoraeu. Byes red, pimple* and blotoheeon tba skin, oloezv n e pains. faUlna oot * hair, weaki ,,____ __ _^oet aud. Stricture by Dra, Kenned O They oared me In a few oka, and I tha IT dieeose la elx yean." -W. P. M., Jaoluon. s A Korgnn, feU'iatomi hands. I leamedthe TRUTH and th* CA1__________ Imd sapped inr vitality. 1 took the New Metbodfrentmea* aad vmeased*. _. frloDds think I wn* cared ot ooneamptlon. XbaYasent them mane' ptttiejple. all^of whom wore cured. Their Hew Method Treatment suppUM vtffoevvmUty and maQbood." . * Sretoiued. Byee rod, plmplee and blotohea on the sfcln, oloezs n tbe mooth Ifid on tonnue, bone pains. faUlna oot of hair, weakness, eta. Mrbrotbes, who bad been . ourod of tiloet and. Striotura by Ore. Kennedy udKnun. reo They oared toe in a tew weeks, and I thank Qod I oouroltea them. and AergsA, reoommendsd them* Horetemottfae 1 7 YEAR IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. von. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who hu twtM yon, writ* (or an honest opinion Free otCharRQ. Ohnrg* reawnablo. BOOKS FREE, 'The Golden Monitor" (uloatratod). on IHmbms of Metuliiolote Dostam, S oeoU. Sealea. tar-NO NAMES USED WITHOUTAVRITTBN C( __ _______ . . _ . . _ ________CONSENT, PHI- VATS. No medicine sent C. o, D. No namei on boxes or onvu- irytninar conflciontlal. Question list and ooe>t off reatment FREE. ?? es. DRS.KENNEDY & KERGAN, No.l48SHELBY 8T. DETROIT, MICH. . \.^..A! I -J '" 'li'i'iS LAING BROS., .... *\Dealers In All Kinds of. Wooden Screen Doors and Windows. Cisterns, $7 00 and Up. Bee-Hives: (Standard Size) 50c. Each. [isrErwrEST Andjjateet Designs *n Verandah and Gable Omameilt^l " BSSBai. ee "- TV JfrM safe ffijifc-atf'aft'tfyyat attd lunf trotyl es, . fOh, "V ,' > is^rf'l'^i-hf. : See the Oxford's' Stoves, Best JO the World. Macufao1 by the Q-utney. FouniSry Co.,: .of,\ !l!prjoiitp/"- (both ;|^^| Coa^l). We have them in Stock'.' Our prices are. -W^Mi^ General Tihamithingand^E^ r:":^^^^Aim^Mm^ l:',.--'v'-a&.|^Ai6^i'j.^?<i^raB m&. \f 11 \ i nil ii nv u w" i IT m tiiff * V rfTTiift, fi i"fliti'i 1 f i m \. >i fffn w "ffi nltfit mtt\wiV\MWn