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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 13, 1897, p. 6

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:; K'/:'y,v' 'i '.i & ;^Any aarsaparilla Is sarMpa* |^Sm^i)Ia^-~?n)C,.,,^So' any tea* U'tea; ;< Ipjln-So ar.y flour la /lour. ffli>? ,// / WtHj.?"' *'o with sarsapari strVVr'aC^:.. ,. ll&U^CTrrodes, Ypu wai Butgrades the best. It's Ila, There are want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as fFi'Vi'^well as,'you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don't' How should '.yaw ? When you are going, to &! buy a commodity whose value L-.'< WW $? .' /vyu: don't know, you pick out art old established house to ac!e with, and trust their ex- Do so fc\ ,: i rc:'cncc ar)d reputation. i" when buying sarsaparilla, 1 ( .31. " Ayer's- Sarsaparilla has been * on the market 50 years. Your ij ', grandfather used Aycr's. It Is f, a reputable medicine. Thero V ajra xnany Sarsnjyarillaa {kxhut only "One Ayer*a. It !c;:rcs. m < '.- How to Bun a Town. Avery pointed and praotioal article ap- 'pears in the Orangeville Advertiser, on the results of townspeople doing all thoir buy* jng in the oities. We qaote it for the Wi'tWBW'^^P^fyty^^91^ townspeople ' ' lhtil'thoastern Wfta'carrioJ out to an 'extreme limit, oar town woaM be ontiroly ///emptied both of trade and prosperity: ; / 4Xjefc us assume that a town which lack h local pride and spirit and whoso inbabit- $^'; *nts send much of their aub to depart" & '. mental stores, carries the thing to its lo#io- mj-\ al Sonalusion and buys everything away fl,':, from homo and what followa? Tho mor- fe.'" ehanta pat up their shutters and qait, W&2Phe main street has gone oat of buBineus. p^,i 0?ho post office and express office are the j|';;!-loflal branohes of tho departmental store ! and are basy Bondiua off ordora and hand- ting parcels. Tho merchants with their families, and their clerks, scatter to * *' Iha four corners of tho earth. Thero are, perhaps, two bauks in too town and ono Wl ':Closes at once, bat the other bow baflioBBR will be, Tho iU/( waits to see t,iByH b.uuu.. ,,... , -__editor of tho feltooal paper looks over his field and peers -Into the future' and fchon rembvoa his plant pi'to, pome place far from an over-shadowing BJJj'eity. Those who owned property along %. the main street find it almost valuoloss, fe.One of the local lawyers movou away. Ono ;:"bfthe dootorn Hollo out to tho other. Tho tar mors of tho Hurroundiug country Hho at B a.m. and drive on through the village to ^;Oity to sell their prodnooaud make their &.'purchases. They nonsuit a city doctor., or ^'lawyer, or dentist if thoy uoed advioo or p fcreatmeut. Their farms, ones worth 9100 on, acre boo an bo adjacent to a living towu ^decline in value until they aro worth only ijlBO or SiO an acre, booauso no living towu ftr market Is" near. The owuor of tho big vltbiU or factory, wliioh wilh bonunod years $$%0O, will now hearken to tho offers ho #ofcn 0io> locate in otbnr placos, and the towu bav- gwliii^ now no f aturo, no prospoot of hotter lihippinfj faoilities, tho factory will pack jjpxp and ro away. In short, the towu will Shays no oxouao for existing, Tho nur- j'tpundiug oqantry does not ' uood it; it jj'ijftoosn's need itself; its people mighfi ad wol >vo away and get into the oiby to which Dpthejr really belong, Logically, this is tho. provinoe with no in- J^UBtry or trade in It but plaoos for tinitor- /lug and ropairinp ib a small way, a wbolo pjjtirovihoe in whioh only rich oitios aud jfel^h men dap ihrivo at all; U rotailmg passing into the hands of millionaire men ESjbd.companies strong enough to practise featay'trioli or- toresorb to any tyranny, and fejMiho being etroug enough to resist thorn. Albany. Gardening la India.. ||;j3Cndia, whore froBt is almost Unknown, gfilJSJB green leaves always on display, and (^Japing toe niontUfl of Deoembor, January ^tid Fobruary flowers of almost every dot). ^ijption grow and bloom in: the groatosr fusion. The writer liva] in India ^pany years; and during all his residence ijere he dooa not romombor a time when ^erswero laoking at his dlnnor-fcublo. T/v'Tba ooudifcipU of tho olimato in auoh that iflowers grow to perfection with very Httlo Attaohod to thereuidonoe of uoarly Sjrery European in India Is a garden whioh irnishe some variety of flowers every day Jfitue" year. .-, gj^hat iM.au average? asked the toaobor, pEnefljJasB seemed to be posed but a. little ' ffjt'.^eid out her hand eagerly: Please, iTjB,"what a hen lays her eggs on. Bowil- M' me^p followed, but, the mito was jasti- ^by theleeeon-book, in whioh was writ- t: v'l'ho beu laya two liuodrod eggs a .ffipti1 an average. fefe The wheat ana'Indian corn orops of two |liherfinest provinces of Argentina were jropod-by ioonBte, and, as a Bequenoa lie.' dietreea among "the agricultural eflV'thert) baa been a soriep of oomr Jial'diaaflter^ ajid. still worae times i^'ahtaoipaled. The ^financBfl of the The Truth About Hogs. A great deal of nonnsuHa Iirh been olr- oulutnd with rogard to hogs and their food. It bus boon roiteratod that tho present high quality of-our pig products is duo to tho foot that tho hogs are fod with peas iustoftd of corn, thtib too Farmor's Advo- oato, who4o editor IS a praotioal farmer, informs uh that Canadian bacon owoh ito proHtigo to a ^vanoty. of causes. Tcday, indood poan aro lees tho diet of tho Canadian hog than thoy wore fcwonty yoarH ago, when tho standing of Canadian baaou wao uotnoarly so high as it is now, and our hog raiaors enjoyed no buoIi ad- vantiigo in point of prioo an thoy. at pro- sontoommand, lu'the interval, tho On tario. Government, with, approval of an intelligent logislaturo, and of tho peoplt generally, has onooiiragod tho ohei'so malt- iugmduHtry, winch 1ms provod the bost paying of all branohes in tho farmor's buininoHR, and, on whey, a by-product of tho buaiuofls, with various ooarso grains, tho hog ruieor has dopeudod for food for his imiroalH. Tbonit.rausfc not bo for gotten that groat improvements liavo taken plane in tho brooding of pigs, aud these have also aonfcributod to tho elevation . of tho standard attained. The intolliguut furmar knows all this(i but, tho umutoar agriculturist, who writes for political effect Hi more intorostod in trying to mtilto his farmer readers dissntiRfiod with tho new and butter condition in which ho is now plaood than tolliug tho troth about Cana da's groat hog industry. ._! __ (te^tflad iu^^olIy.unflaWflfaotory, ^redhy HM0n>f^s':i'^;:l;M..V'. ,-: : . ,',,- in effcti. Wi'vji"1".' \'f ' Wm^^i^^'-'-"-^y ' dJl-'l.'V.'. I. I ii !' I: I . :.'. Used an Old Stamp. A prominent Komnoy farmer has been assesaed fifty dollars for UHJng an bid postage stamp. A short time ago one of tho clerks in the Wheatloy post ofllco notioed an old stamp on a lettor that hod been dropped in that office for Fort Alma. As was her duty she sent the letter to the inspector at London. Inspector fisher come down a few days . fliuos and held an investigation. The result was that the farmer was assessed ten dollafd and ex pensea, or a total of fifty dollars. Sitk headache qt$ censtipatkn. are promptly curedhyBnrdack'Pills. -Easy, to take, sure '-'- MiM'^jnri^ellyiHrvell' known and much esteemed young lady living at Maplewood, N. B., writes: " I eon- eider it my duty to let you know what your wondorful'medioine has done for' me, In April,; 1806,1 began to lose tleeh and color; my. appetite foiled and on going up stairs I' would be so tired I would have to rest.. I continued in this condition for three months when I was taken suddenly ill and notable to go about. Our family doctor'was called in and he pronounced my illness ohloroeis (poverty, of the blood.) At first his treatment appeared to do me good, but only for a time, and I then began to grow worse. I continued taking his medicine for three moatbH, when I was so discourage^. t nbforeVi gaining my health that I doolinod tak ing it any longer. I then tried a liquid medioiuo advertised to onre oases like mino, but did not obtain the slightest benefit. I had become terri bly emaciated oud weak. There was a constant terrible roaring noiise in my head ; my]feet and ankles wore swollen and! was as pale as a corpse. ^)ne day while in this condition my father brought home a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and asked mo to try them. In loss than a week I could Bit up, and in a couple of weeks I con Id walk quite a distance without being tired. My appetite roturned, tho roaring in my hoad ceased, I began to gain flesh and colar.and boforo Ihart used a half dozen boxes I was as healthy as I had ever boon in my life. My; friends did, not oxpeot me to recover and aro now re joicing at tho wonderful ohango Pr. Williams" Pink Pills havo wrought in mo. If my statement will be the means of helping some other dispourogpd suf ferer you aro at porfect liberty to pub lish it/' ' Tho above statement was sworn be fore boat Maplewood, York Co., N. B., this 14th day of May, 1807. Timothy W. Smith, J. P. To ensure getting tho gonuino ask always for Dr. Williams' Pink Pilts for Pale People, and refuse all. substitutes and nostrums alleged to bo just as good. ,.-. .. ^ ... Th.& first Steam Power. Tho powor of atoam was known to Horo of Alexandria, who exhibited" what Booms from the dosariptiou to have been a small nto&m eugiuo to Ptolemy Philadelphus and bis court about 150 B. C. Pliuy dos- oribos a small boat, built by a "magioian1 of ftomo, wbioh movod by moans of a wheals "driven by a pot, of. .hot-water." Watt's invention of a rotary steam ongino wttH patontod m 17C9. Tho first railway loonrnotivfl was built hy Trovithiok in 1801. Tho Grai praotioal locomotive was built by Stophousou iti 1829. As early as 1707 Donys Papiu built a modol of a stoam boati whioh waB destroyed hy a.mob of boatman. Tho first praotioal stoamboat wan built by William Symington in 1802, In 1803 Robert Fulton, in connection with Chancellor XiivingHtou, built a Btoambort whlahwas tried ou tho Some.- In 1807 tho Olormont bogan trips from Now York to 8TAiBT:AND;i^1^A& IN GREAT PERIL Barl7 BmP*U Ibe Olim-IlM Vlaally XoM IboT* 8m d X*t:tli *nd fl*lll : Bnpldly Northward The Kxplorr War* l,C0Jlfl(l*Dt The Local _ Anzolger published an xhauitlve despatoh from Its special cor- respondent, who as an eye witness at Trocusoe, in Fin mark, depicts In detail tho thrilling ascent of Professor Andres and departure toward tho aerial region abovo tho North Polo. Tho correspondent '* * 'Heavy olouda had obscured the sun, from view all the provlousday, and an toy rain chilled the night Early In the morning, however, wa were greeted by a clear, blue sky and dazzling sunshine. We were on board the Svenekund, and. a vigorous, almost- stormy Wind whistled through the rigging. "At 10 o'olook precisely all on board were called to divine lervloe. There was something Inexpressibly Impressive In tho baritone oh oral and of tho beautiful Lutheran liturgy, which were sunt on high from this lonely craft to Him who created the sphoro, which Is still a mys tery to men. PREPARATIONS ARK BEGUN. "At 11 o'olook Professor Andreu. look* lng mom bold and durlnK than evor, In- now auumi rly du^rfbn/tW^WneoT -at the rngged cliffs oi 6meenbUriund, when, an uneipeott*d squall suddouly struck 'the balloon squarely on top, jo that the basket for'a few seconds* dipped; slightly under the waTe*. "When tho baUoon-rote from the sea the heavy northeaster again threatened to dash "the basket and Us occupants against the rock's of tho Smeerenburgaund's pro- monotory. It swayed only a few foot above tho rooks, but, after overoamlug this danger tho vessel had a free sweep over the far-stretch tag Arotlo Ocsan, and at 8 o'olook It disappeared alto gether In the ajture hbrlaon. "The balloon was adoiqed wfth oostly Swodleh fiags, and from the bottom of tho bosket was suspended a white silk banner with beautiful blue trimmings. "Professor Neumoyer, of the Hamburg Observatory, who also witnessed tho as cent, said to the correspondent 1 " 'I do not believe that Andrea's ox- pod It ion is, as some assert, a suicidal en* torprlso. I am sure that solence will profit greatly by this bold attempt. I am cnrloua ' to know how Andree will be able to orlentato himself and to make meteorological observations while he thinks he Is hovering over tho North Pole. 11 'I know and esteem Professor. An dree as a couragoous man. and an effi cient engineer;" but It must bo reraom- berod that In the fluid of meteorology and polar exploration ho Is an amateur, and J lira afraid that ht report* of, th.9 J , TI^ Is* true statement and; ttqw*tbe -" made toostrotitf or too eoiphitla It Is a simple, safe aad quick cum for Cramps, Collo, Conchy Cold*, Croup, RhcmxiUm, iNouralfl*, XootliAche. Sliunrhosf^ - ^TWQ glZPg. 2^P. sad 5ftc >tlllMMMMHHIIWIIiH I Wanted. Men and Womon who eon work hard talking and writing six hours dally, for six days a wook, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address. NBW IDEAS CO., Drantford.Ont. Uf lUTCfl I can pay ten doners weekly ff fill I Clff* to a lady of mature age, re finement and toot to spend her time In a good T. H. IJNSCOTT, Toronto, Out. o&use. MAP SlIOWlNfl COURBH AIMI3D AT HY ANDRHB AND COUKSK WINDS. UNDBJtt UNFAVOKAI1LK vltod tho party to go ashore with him. Ho ordered his men to ttuir down tho front wall of tho balloon shod as oulakly as possible. "Br. S. T. Strlndborg and Herr Fnionkol, tho onjylnoor, who wore to . no- oompimy tho Intrepid Swede on lis hJia- ardous voyage to tho unknown sons, woro busily making thoir preparations and In the examination of tho motoorologlcal Instruments for thoir contemplated 'obser vations. "On uooounfc of tlio hwiyy wind whioh grow more vlolont ovory momont, oon- vorsation Was almost impusfllblo. IJrofes- sor Androo was compelled to mako usoof a large speaking trumpofc In order to mako his commands audible to his men. Tho nwfc'of tho party had to shout thoir remarks to ono another. "Under tho nimble manipulation of tho sailors it did not take long to looson tho northern wall of tho shod so that tho balloon had u froo outlook In tho direc tion in whioh It was lntondod to make tho as ont. TESTING THE WIND. "ProfoBHor Androo now ordorod his men to bring but tho small balloons In order to tost tho dlrootlon of tho wind ns accurately iih possible, All of thorn took atonoo.n, duo north direction. Next thu professor had tho baskofc quickly fastened to tho balloon. "A small c/iro with carrier plKoonH was placed In the basket and finally a small cask, containing tho first ready- made dinner for tho audnolous trio, who parhnpH, might never return to onjoy a warm 'moid In tho lands of civilization. "Bnforo Androo and his companions stopped Into tho basket, ho hastily dlc- tated a farewoll tologram to his Mujosty, King OwoJir of Sweden, and also ono to The Aftnnbladot,a binding dally paper of Stockholm. "Aftor this Antlroo forvontly shook tho hands of all who stood around tho bal loon, and bid thoni ndlou. Then with a fow words of thanks to thoso. who hold tho ropos of, tho hlg balloon, and a gos- turo.of farowoll to thOKo left on board tho Svonnlcund, ho climbed Into the basket. THK BALLOON IS OITK. "Aftor arranging tho' paraphernal la Jin tho small Hpaqo under the balloon he called loudly to Dr. gttrlndtorg and. Pro fessor 1/Vuunkol to Join him. Tho next mouiont'tho last rapos which hold tho iMvlloon 'were cut, suporUucuK ballast sucks wore thrown pvorlHiard, and while tho throe aerial navigators shouted a lpud grootlngto 'Qwodon nndhor King Liver Ills Like blUouiDeis, dyspepsia, hsadaeha, eonsO> patloa; sour Btomseh, Indigestion are promptly eursd by Hood's Pills. Thoy do their work Arctic air currents "and 0tiler hypothosus will provo oxcocdingly unrollablo.' DHAGGING ROPES LEFT. "After tho departure of Professor An droo and his companions, It was found that tho dragging ropos, which wore In tended to Measure the distance of the balloon from tho ourth, hod boon loft be hind, Some of tho men, however, assert ed that ho had plonty of roaorvo rope In tho baskot for ball nut Whioh ho could uso for tho purpose." HUNTING FROM ELEPHANTS. *juUt and (aoioughlr., > Best after dinner plus. to cent*. Aildrugglfrfc. Prap&t*d by O. I. Hood * Co., Lowell, Mm. The only TUi to take *lth Hood's SolruparUla.; Wanted-An Idea Who cat. -itnlc of torn. : .1 , ,.........thing to pJuiat/ A Iltitieutly'Tamtid Htu-tl'lmt Would 8Und Amy Chure.' Mr. H. W. Soton-Karr, In tho Century, tolls of his oxporlonooH whoh "Aftor Big Oumo In Afrlea and India." In tho lat* tor country he hunted as tho guost of tho Maharaja of Knoh Bohar. Mr. Karr sayp-- Ono of; tho flr-ot things tho Maharaja did aftor our arrival wan to hand to oaoh guost a slip of paper.on which was writ- ton tho niuuo of tho olophant allotted to him for shooting purposes, which boro ou its buck tho structure known as a "how- dah" to carry tho shootor and his guns. As those olophunts wore nooossarily largo, and tho howduh Is hl^h, tho osolihition was muoh grtintor than If ono wore Boutod upon a plain pad upon tho ele phant's back, or on ono of tho smallor elephants, which have a smoother gait. Wo usually, therefore, wont to tho cover, or juuglo, upon ono of tho "boating, "or "pad," elephants, whioh afterward dur ing tho operations of tho day w6ro em ployed In ii long lino to forco tho rhl- nocorosos and other aulmuls out of tho donso thickets In whioh thoy live Tho howdah-olophant whioh tho Ma haraja allotted to mo. was named "So oundor." Throe years previously It was an uncapturod wild olophant ranging at liberty tho jungles of; Bengal. It was a fine female, botwoon nine and ton foot In height at the shoulder, with short hut porfoofc "tushes" projecting a few inches beyond tho upper lip. Thoro aro other elephants In t;ho Maharaja's stud which have boon tamed more recantly still. It was very gonfclo 'aud 'obedient, and per fectly fearioss, and therefore very valu able as a shootlng-oluphant; as, for ox- umplo on 'several occasions during tho following three wooks It stood without flinching tho charge of woundod buffalo, tiger, and rhinoceros, thus onubltng mo to tako a steady nhofc. Almost all olo- phants show groat foar of the Indian rhi- noceros; thoro uro few that will not turn tall when they soebt. their enemy, and fewer still that will stand tho orash and short snorts that precede tho charge. About breakfast time each morning the elephant told oft* for each guest; was brought to tho neighborhood of his tout, and the howduh placed, upon.lt, resting up<>U a saddle composed of two cushions' of strong Hacking about six feet by two, Which rested In, turn upon a largo cloth covering the whole of the elephant's back. Tho : bowdahs for shooting are lightly built of wood and canework, and contain two seats, and racks to hold six guns or rifles, th!ree on each ' side: All this Is lashed on by ropes passing under, the elephant's neok, belly and tall. ,"Tbe weight which an elephant la able to carry' upon its'back exceeds a too; for short dlstanees; they have been known to carry as much afl throe thousand pounds, but for. long morones half a tori ' is ' con- eidered the limit. Many of tho'Mahora- flne tusks, but; most UllUTCIl TEA CHE KB and other bright WfAIII Ells monfor vacation or perman ently to solicit for "Canada: an Bnoyolopedla of the Country," in five royal quarto volumes. No doliTortuc. Oommlsaion paid weekly. THE) MNSOOTT COMPANY, Toronto. Ont. Fresh Bread la what you can rely on getting when you buy from as. Onr wagon goes to all parts of the town. Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nicer, fresher, or sweet- er in the country. All kinds of Fancy Cakes and Jelly Kolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo Bell nothing stale or dry. ' Leave J our Order and you can roly on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. Opposite Book <& Fronde, Essex JAMES NAYLdi|^ Takes this opportunity of Annonndnff !to the'1 Eeople of the Town and Ooantj of EiOT.Tha*' efiat remodeled the Bbmk BoIIs/tou^SS^S wording to pUns prepared by B H^SfflSIE.tf1! Thomas, and also secured thaervlbss of Rot*rW Straohan, an oxporicnoodand tlJorOaffWyOO^:^ .. potent raWor. " ^^" ^$ Thanking tho people of the town and ooonW'l'^ for the patronage bestowed upon himui the $ , will guarantee Batlafaetlonln thefatura. : ?? OT past, Cristfnff and Chopping a Specialty. BT- The Best Grades of Flourt i>e Cornmeat Kept in Stock and sold at Trices. " in. -;'-;" ii), X$m Cash Paid for Wheat and Oai&ri DO you Ride ? SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Ave., next Ahordeon Hotel. The latest improved Ironing Collars and Ouffs. or break too wing. machinery for Will not crack * If so, you want to have,;^ the best there is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest turnout -is to b nib JOEM A. ROSE'S Livery, ^rr^i^ Good Hoadnlcra* Easy Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages, A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, North of the ' * Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. 4 Family work cheap, and delivered Parcels called fo Ploaso call and try. If not witiufaotoy no charge will bo made, f our work suit you. recommend us to your friends. Johnston Bros., Builders a** Contractors. .r*i' ^DEjUCEBS in- Britislt Columbia 'M ;.' raw, ,' ,. */,:./ !! -Vi"'">! re. VUWW.WTS ol ;. "! Liuu/.tlozis- Pins Shingles. $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SASI/y DOOJiS, LATH and BARN LUMBER* "tt'J xm tar- NatUCucilou Cuaranleod. Opx> Wotor Works t Essex FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNNS m THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND !.ah::st ;:;;-^c iw Canada. - J* GOURLAY & SON. ESSEX. OBTT :-I m xm ;':X-:':.'kBXM . Sal* !$ ^li ' y'|Wl5fc5iB This Machine qonaists of a horizofltal baa't oyiiriderf [^i^yrconghi'jv^^M' bure, with Bteel teeth'boited to the oyliucler ao asrto.be"'^^^WS^J^iffifS eeth become worn on the ftont aide/vunning in,; a perfora^d^on^ye'^ ^hell/whioh theeheUedoorbpasaea: through into a eheet'^ can or olflftnerattaohed below, whtiA^iito-il,ha.!dl^li ft^^fr^j#Ejg?Fiffflfe

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