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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 13, 1897, p. 4

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^^uup,^,;^^' mmm m*. ^Axt&a&iM v^ a Uiwn "wliioli boasts' of bo many ^u^yoleafiJanH it rather remarkable that t^t^S'tore nb preparations being mado ,^^pine fall road raoes? : l!ft^;5:'lii'-^ietf of 'the reoeni appeal case of ^|^ll Teleptlione Company vb. Town of >jM0jiail*, in yhioh Judge Ardogh gave ?,-'v';l:de6iBion againafc tlie company, it will no doubt be interesting for some to |$?#knaw that in Eaaox the oompany used ySlStq^be assessed for fcfiOO but their present assessment ia $800. !?$ '.,' THiBTr-NiKB years ago August 5th "" '; telegraphic meaBages were for the first ^f;;;^me.sent by cable under the Atlantic P^yj'Ob^an, between Heart's Content in *fe; Newfoundland and Valoutia in Ireland. ^';,,:.,ahd the rejoicing was great over the Jj.ii' Vnew bond" between the old world and ^ '. the new. Queen Victoria and Presi- . ". dent Buchanan exchanged congratnla- '^ " - \iory despatches, and the event was celebrated with parades, speeches, illu- m minationa ways. and in other jubilatory i*i S'l' A:- W$v W?:J. Si:' Lalng, Ritchie Co., Limited. Perhaps though the most unassum ing, yet one of the busiest industrial) in our town is the firm of Ijaiiig, Bitohie A Co. Five years ago this oompany began the manufacture Rale of hay tools, pumps and their celebrat ed extension ladder expecting a sharo of the Western Ontario trade but by Strict attention to business and the ex cellence of the goods which thoy have placed on the market they nre now oho of the largest manufacturing firms in their line in Ontario with a trndo ex tending to all parts of the Dominion. Tho members of the firm are 0. E. Naylor, \Vm. Laing, John Jj&ing, W. W. Bitohie and J. D. Strumbori The term of 'partnership, fivo ; yeara, expires this month and believing that, l$.\-."'with enlargod facilities for doing busi- ,: ness, many othor lines could bo added, ;.; they and the Lning Bros, firm have amalgam n tod and formed thorn solves into a joint stock company, taking over the planing mill business and 0. E. Naylor's haudio works, all of which ;will be operated by tho now oompany known as the lifting, Eitohio Co., Ltd, A meeting of tho interested parties was held in 3G. A. .Wismer's office on tho8rd inat-, and stock to tho amount of between lfi and 20 thousand dollars (W>1, subscribed. There aro a fow thousand *V more stock spoken for but it was ;:-, agreed that tho atook books should bo feV closed and no more stock sold for tho l^l'prestont, An application forji charter has boon fev,:. forwarded and the now company will begin operations at onco manufactur ing a full liuo of hay tools, such as carriers, forks, slings, etc., also a full lino of pumps of all kinds, oxtonsion ladders, fork handles, mice handles, and all kinds of turned goods. Tho 5'i planing mill will bo in a position to |';;"manufacture ovory kind of building *ftv! material. This industry will bo of groat benefit : to\ tho surrounding country as it will afford a ready homo .market for hick ory, bass and ovory kind of tinibor. Under tho prosont ablo management they are euro of succoss. W: uu ^ ">- Canadian Crops, Ah Ottawa despatch of Thursday last reads: Six reports from tho various experimental farms go to show that ^Canada should have a good harvost this /year. Grain crops in the Ottawa dis- ^(tricfc aro reportod to have suffered ylrom rust thronghfc roconfc hoavy rains,. #:'but. the root crop will bo heavy. From !$','the Brandon station ugonfc the roport *?;/; that tho unfavorable condition of tho :>, crops early in July has greatly improv- |;;i(:ed, and wheat is oxpbotod to bo an avor- ||' jaee crop in tho province.' Oats will bo ^>beIow the aver Ago. Tho Northern fe;:: Territories' station reports that barley fe-will be a particularly line crop, and grain all through a fair one. The ^/British Columbia grain crops have te,turned out well, and tho fruit crop will ffebe 'heavy. Crops in tho Maririmo Pro- j.yinces are roportod as 'iooking well, feiMost-of the hay crop has boon harvest- f^ed in good condition, and grain has ro- jtebpyered from a sotback rocoivod |5,tlirough cold well in the spring, and is ^'doing.well.. !:;;.'": jww.THBlogion of frionds of Baniol Spry, Impost Office Inspector will bo painod to PP^learrithat he,is very critically ill at his ^JifjreBidenco on Princess avenue, London. ^Indeed his medical attendants hold out |:rio' hope of his recovery. KB!?)Ii*-the Ontario statutes for 1807, pa^go /the1 amendmont to the Munioipal it see., JIG, provides that all uomina- |;,tjtons at municipal elections shall be in l-jiqritihg1. This will doawaywith agood deal of nonsense and fooling at such ;Tneetings. Often one elector will npmi- ^ynate another for fun Qr mischief, and tfie one so nominated will return the i,7&jpljiment to get even; Such work Retimes put the chairman in an un- t position. The amendment is [Mked upon as a good move by those] H^toompetentto iudgo." ' \:/: U- 'Miss;B6Trak;;;ol :0fc Thpmaifvi8". visit" ing her siBter, Mrs, A,' o! Sthnora. . ' Tna new Presbyterian hymnal will be on sale throughout Canada on August Htbr Miss CiiAba Bush left Wednesday evening for a week's visit in South Woodslee. Bnaxn has gone np in price in De troit. A four pound loaTis "now' eight cents and a two pound loaf five cents. .. JVIiis. Maboabett WATrans and daughter Agnes, of Harrow, left on Wednesday last, for a week's visit to Mt. demons. J. D. Andbbson and G. E. Forsythe went to Mt. Clemens, on Tuesday, where Mr. Anderson is to take the baths for rheumatism.' Samubij H. Ooby, was taken very ill on Tuesday night with noute indiges tion bnt medical aid brought him around aud he is how himself again. Nelson Jones is moving into Mrs. DUao'a house nearly opposite the Epis copal church on Alice street. G. E. Smith & Co., are packing up preparatory to leaving for Rat'Portage, They'keep both bailiffs busytheso days hustling delinquent onstomors. CounT Harrow, No. 903, I.O-P. will hold their second annual piouio in Thoa. Bondy's grove, adjoining the village of Harrow, on Tuesday, August 17th. E, A. Wisnlor, wife and ohild left yesterday (Thursday), for Wolland, Mr. Wismer will return about Wednes day next, but Mrs. Wismer will remain for several Weeks. DnsnEn A BiUokbb want 20 cars of number two red wheat delivered by Sept 1st, price all this week 76 cents a bushel. Also 5 cars of corn for which we will pay the highest price. Misses Annar and Mabel Sa^o, who spent the past two weeks visiting thoir uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Strachan, returned to their homo in Wallacoburg on Tuesday, J. A. Mo*fatx, librarian aud ourato for tho Entomological Society of On tario, after making a trip through tho country called thin week ou E. N. Laing, who is a member of tho society. Mns. R. R. BitETT and two ohildron aud her mother, Mrs. M. Roberts, re turned on Tuesday from a six ntontlrM visit to tho lattor's daughters in Eaton county and Detroit, Mioh. Wm. Cuuiioh, has sold lot 33, N. M R., Colchostor North, 87 acres, now oooupiod by Thos. Lewis, to Wm* Stoers, of Oakland Co., Mich., torms, private. Mr. Steers will. move his family on tho farm at onco. Thk D. & O. line now have a day rate of fiO cents and a night rato of $1 be tween Cleveland and Detroit. This riso is mado in oonscqueuco of the fact that thoy have burned up their old sup ply of fuol and aro now forced to pay $1 a ton more for iooab Tim Ontario High Court of the I. .0 P., in session atBrantford this week, is attonded by tho following from Essox County: Jason Woodiwisa, of Kings- villc, High Marshall; A. T, Allen, Com ber; E. MoCausland, Essex; M. Bough- nor, Staplos; C, Koellor, Windsor; P. W.. White, Harrow; J. W. Wyatt, Buth- ven, and G. Jolloy, W. Oottam. TK noxfc sittings of the Division Courts in Essex County will bo held as follpws: BolIe River, Monday, August SJJrd; Essex, Tuesday, August 24th; Amherstburg, Wednesday, ' Windsor, Thursday, August SOth; Sandwich, Friday, August S7th; Har row, Monday, August flOth; Kinfjsvillo, Tuesday, August fllat; -Leamington, Wednesday, Soptembor 1st; Comber, Thursday, September 2nd. AiiMX. BAinn, of Leamington, loft for Nipissing District, on Wednesday, whoro ho will bo ongagod surveying, a township, Mrs. Baird and family ac companied tho party. L. W. Bray, of AmhorBfcburg, will bo Mr. Baird's as sistant, together with J, A. Maycock, and Messrs. Williams and Alnslio. A. H. Clarko will likely join tho party at North Bay and loavo civilization for a few wooks. Dn. Mav, Sup'fc of Public Libraries and Art Schools in Ontario, mot tho Library Board and some mombors of tho Town Counoil' on Tuosday at 3 o'clock. Ho stated that in the interests of tho ptiblio at largo, it was desirable to make this a Free Pub lic Library under tho now not, that is, that tho town should takoitover, mako an anntial payment of about &900 and mako it free to tho public. It would still bo lookod after by a committee of 8, appointed by the Council and' 8n by tho School Board, tho Mayor to be a member of the committoe ex officio, Tho members who were present seemed favorably impressed with tho idea. Dr. 3\fay rooomrnendod the Library Board to present a petition to. the Council to takeover tho Library, make the grant and comply with the other conditions, necessary to make it; a free library. He, stated that in places where this had boon dono that the number of bookstakenfromthe, library had in creased enormously, showing that the people appreciated the advantages of a necessary to take immediate action as they have until the .beginning of the free institution of this kind. The Dr. ex pressed himself as being very highly pleased witjr the excellent way the libra ry was kept it being as he stated, well chosen, well arranged and welt: kept. V". 4&T,[t^fyY,ktbrItoip'toDqlatli, mm-^y^'^.'r'.'- ' WixipTAM/ son of Key. G. A. iCHtford, is Visiting, at; Q. E. Porsythe's ;ai the Beach. '. i-- Miss Ethel Gibbon, of Wheatley, spent the past week in town, visiting her cousins, the Misses MoDougall. .. At the W. 0. T. U. meeting on Monday, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Church and Mrs. J. W. Brienwere appointed delegates to the County convention at Windsor. Afrs. Nay lor, Mrs. MoEwan and Mrs. Wightman will also attend as they are. members of the Executive- committee. MoMullbw, of Leamington, brought into the office on Wednesday, what was apparently a tooth of a mast odon. It won fonnd in Uersea Tp. last Monday. The tooth is in excellent state of preservation and measnred 20 inches in oircumferonce 3 inches in breadth and & Inches in thickness. Its weight is 5 pounds. Some large bones have also been found in the eame Vicini ty. The tooth was sent to Detroit on Thursday to tho meeting of the Ameri can Association for the advancement of science. Prank: O. Gonkoy, the Ogdensburg wlfo murderer, was exeoutod by eleo- trioityat Clinton prison,, Dannomora, N.Y., on Wednesday. Conroy was pro nounced dead four and a half minutes aftor tho ilrst soook. Ho walked bo- tweon Prs. Belaager and Cotter unsup ported to thoohair, his eves upon tho crucifix and praying. He met his fato calmly. On the morning of May 20th, 1890, Prank Conroy returned to his homo in Ogdensburg from Montreal. 'Walking into the house he accused Iub wife of unfaithfulness, Angored ather denials, be snatched up a carving knife and haolced hor head and throat until she was dead. Couroy's two little daughters, one fivo and tho othor so voir years old, witnessed the butch ery. Conroy gave himself up at once, saying he was satisfied to take his punishment Prank is n son of Michael Conroy, of Amherstburg. Anotioeh of our most estimnblo young mon has left us to tako up his abode in tho "land of tho free". We refer to Dr. J. H. Nicholson who has gone to Hart, Michigan, to praofciso his profes sion. It is noedloss to say he has talc- U*Hx/(Opm with him'the best wishes of all tho people in Essex where he has lived for some years past. His career as a stu dent of pharmacy was marked by~unni~ to rr up tod success and for some time ho was proprietor of tho Essox Medical Hall where by his courtoous mannor and conscientious attachment to busi ness ho soon built up a prosperous trado and succeeded in obtaining the. confi dence and favor of the public generally. Eager to enlarge his sphoro of useful ness ho determined to outer tho broad er flold of modioino and surgery and to that ond began his oollogiato course at tho Dotroit Collogo of Modicine in 189 from which collogo ho graduated with honors last spring. The practical ex perience he acquired while in the office of Drs. MoKenzio and Jennor will very matorinlly aid" him in , tho suoooesful prosecution of his work. His many friends horo regret that ho did not qualify to practiso in Ontario but ho ohoso the land of his alma mater. His stprling integrity and oonsistontdo- votion to duty will ensure his success whoro over ho may bo. tmmmmmm ALE. mm ON SATURDAY, JULY ioth, we'wm place':f| Sale about Two Hundred and Fifty Pairs of Shoes at at)iscott|J of Twenty per cent from Our Usual Glose Prices. l $$& 'ww Til TPTl 1 ^ P^Pi IP1 WiU be Inclllded Shoes for M6n$l J-i-L _L-LO KJCIiXC/ gkoes for Women ; Shoes Boys; Shoes for Girls; Shoes for Everybody. shoos worth $1.50 for 1.20; worth 1,75 for m .iM' Men's worth I for m 1,40 ; Women's shoefl; ^ 80 cents; worth 1.20 for 96 cents; Boye' Shoes worth 90 ceata for 72"^ cents; worth 1 for 80 oents; worth ' 1.15 for 92 cents; worth 1.25 for 1; worth 1.35 for 1.08; Misses' shoes worth 90 cents for 72 cents; worth 1 for 80 cents; Children's ^ shoes worth 76 cents for 60 cents; worth 1 for 80 cents. These Goods are First Glass in Every Respect, are A 1 Values at Regular Prices; are. just the Goods for Warm Weather, and at the Special Prices Quoted above, are Decided; Bargains; Come Early for First Choice. Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. $ti DTJITSTAIjT block esses. Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. [Special Liries of Dress Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wooL Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black oleil at very low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. r.i' OLOTHING. . . We handle nothing, but best makes at the lowest plrices. -w m BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords for $L Men's Brogans for $1. ^w m Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices* GROCERIES We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at lowest prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A. FBANCIS. <&* Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, M Cedar Beach Notes. .T. E. Stono'a family wont to tlic Bouoh on Tuefjtfay. Ouo of tho phynioul features of tho Bonoh in Bufltor Stono bathing. Tho Bummpr villa of G. E. rorsytho waa photo^rnpUod on Monday, nffcor- UOOJl. Thoro was a grand open-air concert on TuoHday aftornoon, tho programme oouaifitiug: of guitar cluota by Messro. ICi'ioghotf and Bi-iolcor. Tho family of John Bato loft ou Sat urday, for Cedar Boaoh, to spend a wook or no tho^o,, Thoy aro occupyinfi; Wm, Ohurch'fl colfcago. WOODQ 3?nOBIHOIlV3El The Groat EntflUIt Ilemody. Shs IkiakaQea GuaranlMd to promptly; aud ptirmanontly euro all forms o* Mtntoti WedJntt*s,3Cni{alons,Spertti- atorrhid, luipoUnou and ail effects / Abuao or xct*sc, Wore and After. SJatSS flrmUv, Insanity, Consumption and an early crratw. Has boon proscribed over. Sflyoart In tlioosanda of caflcs; Is tho onli/ Jiettabla and Uoneat HcdioUxt "known. Aakdrugglotfor Wood** I*hophodlooilf lio effort somo woriWosa modlcino In place of this, Inclose price In letter, and wowlll Bond by return mall. 'Price, ono packngo, *t; six, $fi. One totU pltaa6,*lx\DiUcwre. Pomphlotafrcotoanyoddross, TIi Wood Company, Windsor, Out, Canada. R&f Sold in Kbbox and overywhoro in Oawudtf byull toHoonelblo Drtiaufet. H The Great Event of the Jubilee Year. BirtliK. Kknvon,-^ In Mnidstone township, on Thurs day, Aug, 5th, to Mr., and Mrs, Clms. Kenyan, a daughter.. Bs&ex Markets, Friday, August 18, 1807. Whoat, rod, per buHh...^ Wheat, white............... Corn........................... Oats........................... Timothy need............... Cloyor Bood.................. Hay, per .ion............... Alnike;....................... Beef, dreHBed............... Bork, livo woight......... Mritton...................... Hidee...........,............ Ohiokene, por lb, . .. Buttor....................... Lard............................. Eggs, per do'z,.,,.........t Potatoes (now).,.*....,,,... .Oarrota, per dosi.bunoh Wool, unwashed...^......, Wool, waBhod............... 0 0 1 20 8 00 .5 00 8 00 4*. 4 00 07 10 08 00 .75 25 00 16 @ .73 72 25 ; 20 1 25 4 00 0 00 4 00 05 4 75 4 CO 4 00 07 13 08 00 80 25 10 17 notice; We are now , buying, corn at'WalkerviHe andpaying 25 cents pcrlawhel for No. 1. ,; HlUAM WALKEiR. & SQNS, (Ltd,) WalkeilUerTune 8ih, 1897* ; : ;i.;.' Vg Is Selling all Goods At Cost for Cash. Try him. . / ; > Removed : To Corner Aberdeen Block. THE LEAMINGTON i Canada's VICTORIAN ERA EXPOSITION -AND- INDUSTRIAL * FAIR. TORONTO, Aug. 30th to Sept.nth. Grand Attractions, New Features. Special Jubilee Novelties, The Latest In- ventione in the Industrial and Amusement Field, Im provement and Advancement in all Departments, Excelling All Previous Years, '^r'.'itotries' OIob,6 Atig. 7th- , : Obeap BiourBioua on allJoJoea of Travel. . For Priw Xlata, Emry Forrai, Pro- grammeB and ftU partioulara, Addresa 1 At Old Agricultural Buildirg Leamington- ISf Bond in Your Orders for Baskota a Few Days Before you Need Them, if possible. - Bewy Bo^es and Grates Jlom". Ifeady iov Quisk fi^ye^ Got tho Strongest and neatest Frnifc Packages from Us,:' ^'i:u-\%;^ Boys aud girls wanted to taok Berry Boxes. .'; ^v$^ '",":;GaRD]HER :BROS.:;,fi;'^i||t , The Shoe Business of this Store;lwj,;b<^n^i^|:^|| ;"'.,' on ita'MeriW-^icei8.:a^ .TSB^ fact?; ;';,;:' ' ' ^^'^^^ ......:;^viVjfeSi| Of having the newest and Selling on the Closest margin of Profit is all the argument t^|f :^pS^ ibr;'^brisk;sales.;:'.^: , '>r:':fV^^ The more ypu cbi^parei-Q66Sfi\ and :,.^oe^li^rapiw certain .npney^%pj ^ wajatyoat Tr^ tunity to,secure Extra 1^

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