5*j _jhl\........ 1W iftoVilaivaiy and , ,:wtit Ot! ,w*w me ife&^.;V,u:' "tfyyj Toronto,Ont, falfiftlllMM^l.l^Jll ......Mil ,.^< * s. roS'-" 'V1' a id HdMon "Qawn Victoria" ojrtiausted. edition on prew. Best history of tho idVlotorUaHr* pnbllahod. The only twQrka6aptod by JHor Mftltr. Bales anted knook the bottom out of all >dj. CanvasMrs scooping In money. Even and girls sail it fast. Biff oammUalon or "it weekly salary after trial trip. IB BBADLBY-GARBBiraON CO;, L'td., Toronto, Ont, Cottoo Root Compound "</'j!avthe only aafev reliable ^monthly medicine on which Udlao can deptud In the vhour end tint* of ntcd. It prepared In two degrees of strength. ,, NO. I for ordinary cases _J the beat dollar medicine known Id by drnggiata, one Dollar per box. ifiwi- fdr-apecial caaea io degreea imp sold by dmggiata. One box, Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. (iTe.i.orKo. a, mailed on receipt of and two 3-cent stamps. Tho Cook company, 'it,. \ -..-. Wladaor, Ontario. " '0-7""' ~ BoldtnEssox and everywhere In Canada zint. and ^ byallTeeDonalbln Druwz me Made from Grapes drown In Essex County. iEibhy Sweet andJWholesome ! m i mi- \. ,.l...Per Caao of Twelve Bottlea....... Br.'*.i 'r feiv 80c. per Gallon. Sf/JJaUveredFreo at Hallway Station or HJxproaa Him:,.' In Hanoi.- j^'i'tTh Amheratburg Vintage Co,, W'-v AlTinBIKWTIlDHO, ONT, mf' 1 Tallow Wanted. SJ W ;'>: ...0...O... 51^ v-- ftr- . . ..Kough and rendered...... ......Delivered at the x Imperial Soap Works B. SLOTB, Prop. SAMUEL DEAN, *'* ", IS PREPARED TO UNDERTAKE THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS ift' And Remove NIGHT SOIU BkQb ShdnT Notwb. Flrat 01u.E|flf Clean Work 'Guaranteed.'Addreaa Box 2G4, Sobox. .'< IF OALIjAT VOlt ALL KINDS 01'- WINDOW BIjINDB Away dowa. CHXNAWARE, BRlU-A-BliAOE, FANCJY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONED, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS'OF ALL KINDS, BEBLIN WOOL and FING-EUING YAIIN8. ' filter/ Stock of Late Wall Paper <0\, Baker and Butcher. fe'.rpBB oldest business" iu town. li'n'X. 1876./Flrst-oIiiBfl broad and KntabltHlio oakon or ul Gftltfn'de. WortillnKoaUoBuflpooln-lHy. Groceries vleiouB, flour, foed, unit and pork. Oonroo mery.orooltory.Blaflnware. Ottnnodirultyund ^Wgetftbleuof o,ll kinds. Goods rrocoptty nn 'fvared'to.all parts of tho town. J. M.-HIOKB B'?i]lTANTHD-SBVBnATj If ACCIXFOXi MEN Oil iij'^'YV i Women to trivn' '^v vnfliiounlblo OHtaV:. f'i Uihetl facuBU iu OiitarJt- Salary,. S7B0, payable $Y#i6 weekly uml oxpuuueH. V'oulclou puniinnent. fcBaferenco. BneloBowolf-addroHuodBtampciil on- feelepp: ThoNntioual Btar Uuildlnrf, OUIcaBo. ^ithe Coast Line to MACKINAC TAKE THE MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEV CHICAGO IHewStee! Passenger Steamers '.' The Oreatert Perfection yet attained In toot Cpitstmctlon Luxurious I-qulpnient, irttjrtic Purnlrtilnif. Decoration and liHIc- i-'^^t Service; liiBuriujr tlie .hlfflinnt degree of J|;iG6MF0R,T, SPEED AND SAPETV B^'JVr. Fopn Trips peb Week 'Bitwseh %foledo, Detroit and Mackinac i&i' PETOSKEY, f-THE 800^' MARQUETTE ffip'.'..' ANODULUTH. ' ft'V, LO'W r^ATGS to Picturesque Mocklnoccn/ V,- Weturn, Includlnj Heal* ond Berthu\ Fror> WC(evelrid, $181, from Toledo, $mi troa #Detroit, ?i3flO. . . . ; :, DAY AND MIGHT SERVIOE. fBciwech Detroit and Cleveland te.Cbbtibrtla; at Cleveland with Earlieat. s for all point* East. South end Soutlt- if^dat petrolt for aft points North and rweit.."' "*'"' " ftjiilidiyTflpsJv'ne'; Ja|y,fAugual and sop.t OnljF |M^Y;evERv'pavbetween / -: ,. ffi1ii^',iHWtMfc(l"FampIil(it.. Addrtas' 1 ./A^BQH^NT2/f->>rVpT0T, MIOH. . iEt[oIi 4 Cleveland Steam Ka/.Ea. -v.... :"" ' .' 'i. ' V' THE NORTHW8T. ...... ^. ............,.,......^^W:*&i tWyibwj^Wgi'W "fttJ?lea1lJ<^i^>ijriohi; Plaoer prxwpootfl on-ttie Eldqrndo afaowoa some YOry-extraOTdlnaiTresulta. Among the Very fearlieit yields .wero' "three pan* on throe different olatme wtiloh tainod out $20.4, $219, and $316. In addition to plaoor gold, quart* showing free gold In paying quantities haa been located. Inspector Strlo&land, who oommanded the detaobment of Mounted Police which has been stationed at Fort Oudahy (or the last throe or four years, and who 1b now on his way. to Ottawa, reports that lost winter, no loss a sum tban $1,000,000 was mlned-ln the Kl on dyke district. Be- twoen a,OOOfindU,000 persons are now lo cated there, and olalmn have boon staked whloh will afford employment for 5,000 persona. He nutlolpatos that there will bo that number in the dlstrlot boforo the oloso of next month. GOIjD IN OTHER SEOTIONS. But tho (told discoveries are not con fined to the K Ion dyke dlstrlot. Good pay gravel has boon found along Indian orook, whloh Joins the Yukon midway between tho Kbndyko and Scowart riv ers. Good Indications have been found at tho head of novum! brnnnhon of tho Stew art rNe*, further Koutfi, but want of pro- vlHlonR proven ted development. Now old hiw been found In soveral of tho streams joining tho 1'olly river, and nlso along the Hootallnqua, and In tho sarao lino 'Caaada'a Traari *ro,# Thooiandl do- Inrto the Hecna DittotUtUa That XJa- la War ' Proipotors Amarleana Desert- lir Alaskan Mining* Oampa. Not for years has tho popular Imagina tion on the North Amor-loan continent been exolted to the extent that It now is by the nporta that the Klondyke .district In the Northwest Territories Is fabulous ly rich In gold. Every where people seem to have been carried away by the gold fover, and tho magical word "Klondyke" is In everybody's mouth. Short as the period Is alnoo the reports wore first pub lished, hundreds of adventurous eplrlta are already preparing for a trip to tho new Eldorado, In order to share In the gpld whloh Is said to strew Its rivers and to be had for the mere picking up. And in so doing thoy are unmindful of tho exhausting journey and the difficulties of transportation, 'ho forbidding climate, and, the scarcity of food; nor do thev reckon that perhaps starvation and death rather than a rich gold find, may be tholr lot. Tho excitement peerqs to be mere In tense In tho United States than In Can ada. Tho gold fever does not appear as yet to have attaakod Canadians with the same virulence, although tho scene of the discoveries is in Canadian torritory. This is perhaps duo to ihe foot that the bitter have not yet had brought to tholr own personal gaze' evldonces of the wealth of gold that tho Klondyke dis trict contains. The people of the Ameri can towns on the Pacific slope havo.how- evor, had that experience, with the most exoltlng results. From Seattle to San Kronolfloo tho wholo western coast 1*; ablaze with excitement. For this state of affairs parties of minora who have Just retnrnod from the Yukon oountry are re- sjwnslble. They have brought with them wondorful atorlefl of tho Wealth to bo found In tho oreeks of tho Klondyke, and huve produced as proof of tholr state ments bags of gold whloh thoy say were gloaned from the sands and soil of that oountry. The sums which thorto mlA'J are reported to possess vary in amoant; from *K0,000 or $100,000 up to as high as half a million. No wonder Is it thuno- fore that . people are nearly mad with tho doHlre to reaoh this glittering coun try and share in Its treasures, and that tho mania for gold Is spreading to the great oontors of population. The effect of tho RtorlofJ, as train evidenced, has been to bring the public mind to a state of groat oxoltomont. "Are tho reports concerning tho Klon dyke dlgicings well founded?" Is a ques tion that may..bo naked. Undoubtedly thoy are, to a very large extent. Mr. Win, Ogllvlo.of tho Dominion Geological Survey, who has been ongagod in ex ploratory and survey, work in tho Yukon region for several years past, was ono of tho first to draw. attention to tho fact . that tho Canadian torritory Is rich not &/According **> the latest reports the only in gold, but in coal as well. Mr. 4roilt "*?* on *ho Klondyko gold flolda "Ogllvlo Is not Riven to 6xiiKgoriitlou, an/^was made lanfc |ummor, tho richness of xuilea long, Then o^racs a land journey to:i th^o* Oariboo"river,.wnloh fnttilahea transportation for four milea to Togish lake> /where (ittothar, twenty-one miles boat rfdo may be had. This la followed by a Btretoh of mbuntainonfl country, and then Marsh lake Jis-reaehed. There la another boat ride of 'twenty-fourmiles, and then down tho creek *for twenty- sovon miles, to. White Horse rapids, This Is ono of the most dangerous places' In tKo entire route. The stream is full of sunken rocks', and runs with the speed of a mill rooo. Passing White Horse rapids the Journey Is down the^ river thirty miles to Lako ltobarge, whore thirty-one milos of navigable water Is found, to Louis river. Therj opmee a 800- mlle land journey to Fort Selkirk. At this point tho Pelly and Louis rivers come together, forming the Yukon. From that point on it is practically smooth sailing. The miner who cannot start until Sep tember would bo wise If ho deferred his trip until the following spring, as the Juneau route in winter U very difficult and haBordoue. PHOVISION8 -OJD MONEY. Whichever routo Is taken the traveller needs to have ample eash and all the provisions he can toko. Tho man who In various ofllolul reports ho has borno testimony to many startling dlnooverlos. It Is probable that in tholr eagerness to roach thi> Klondyke country, many per sons will not pay sufficient attention to- tho dlflloulfclofl of making tho journey and of transporting flupplios, which aro ononnous, and of Htibnlstlng when' onco tho goal is ronohod. Viirf few, in foot, havo any real conception of the trlalu and hnrdnhlps' whloh stand In tho way. Thov nro, howovor, suoh' us to subject tho holdost heart find tho moHt robust oonatltuUon to a Revere tost. SCENE OF THE DISOOVBBI153. Klondyke, or JClondnk, os It Is torniod by tho minors, Is tho name of a river In tho Northweat Territories whloh empties Into tho Yukon river. Tho Indian name in "Tron-dak,*' or "dulk," moaning "plenty of 0h!i," from tho fabb that tho rlvor Ih a funionh salmon Htrcam, The Klondyko rlvor joins tho Yukon from the oust about B0 niiloH from Fort Oudahy. Rich placer mlnofl of gold havo boon dlsoovorod on'all the-tributaries of this stream, Tho mines on Bonanza crook havo made tho grontoHt ylpld. Thn first to.'looato on this Htrnath was G. W. Car- much, who wum afctraotod to the locality by tho roports of Indians, and com menced work about thn middle of Au gust, 1800. Carinnch Ih married to im In dian wife, and was nsslstod In hiw work by his brotbor-In-law.and another In dian. An he was very short of uppllunoes, ho could only put together, a rather de fective apparatus to wunh tho gravel with. Tho gravol Itflnlf he had to carry in a bag on his buck', from 110 to 100 feet. NotwlthHMindtng this, the three men, working very Irregularly,-washed out $1,300 in olglit days. Hud tho mon possessed proper facilities,' tho work would have boon done in two days, bo- sidos waving Kovoral hundrad dollars of gold, whloh was lost in the- tailings through defoctlvo apparatus. On the same orook two mon rooko'd out 87IS In about four hours, ami it Is UKKortod thut ?l,(K)8 wore taken out by two others. In two days W'Ti only two'lengths of 'sluice boxon. Tho report* of the rich finds booh I if on it io noised about. Thoy' were not credited at first, bocaiiso' tho Klondyke hml boon pr'ospooted several tlmon with no cnonuraglng rosult, Tho doubt did not hist long, however, and soon there whh a rush of proflpeofcors , from all the country adjacent, to Forty Mils and Cir cle City, These towns were soon almost deserted. Tho gold .discoveries'showed no signs of diminution, but grew a more claims wore taken up. Four or five other branshes of tho Uonan/.u, including the Uldormlo and Tilly, wore prospected with magnificent results..' Valuable dis coveries wore ' njso made ou ether hrauohos of. tho Klondylco, nnmeil Bear, Gold Bottom and Hunlor oreeks. Besides these,'the Indians miulo roports of an other orwk, called by them "Too Much Gold Croak '.' on whloh the gold wo so plentiful that, oa the minors eay, In joke, you would require, to "mix gravel With it to sluloe it." SOME HIGH 'YIKLDS.- On some of these claims prospected, aeoordlnirto Mr. Ogilvlo's report, the yield was from tl up to $19 to tho pan of dust. This would mean from 1,000 to.SIS),0000 per day per sluicing, ' On one of tho Bomuiza claims fiU.SK was found in a single pan of dirt. This was, of ooureo, oxcoptlonal,, but the average on that claim was from f5 to $7, with five feet of pay dirt, and the width undeter mined. At O.to 10 pans to the oubiofoot, and at a length of 600 feet; thlft would mean nejirly $4,000,OQO at (5 per pan. Enough prospooting has been, dono to show, that thero are at leaiit id miles of this exTflordlnary'riohnoss, and It is ertK tho find causing a rush from tho noarby gold fields in American territory. As can be seen from the map. the new gold fluid is In British'America, on the eaet bank of thu Yuk6n, which rlvor crosses tho Anaerlwin lino near tho mouth of Forty-Mile crock. Both American and Canadian' surveyors agree as to this part of fcho'Hno ut Forty-Mile. Hunning'nortb and south, the ono hundred and forty- 'fh-nt meridian outs throuprh tha gold floldw that lino Forty-Mllo, Slxty-Mllo, and other noar-by creeks and their tribu taries. Tho great mass of tho Yukon gold fluids He therefore within Unltod States territory, and tho Klondyke find is tho tirst of any account In Ciuuullan territory. The United States geologists are of tho opinion that tho gronfest gold- bearing lodges lie within the United Suites territory, iliuLjh the imtlre por tion of the Yukon gold floldn has hardly boon worked at all, the Klondyke (In I may'be' roptmtsd to the west of the one hundred anA forfcy-flr-Jt pnrnllol. Gold Ih ol?.o. found In the str-fams of the Konal pon Insula, along Conk Inlot, and In 180o thero was a great nwh to this roglon, whloh Is wholly, within Unltod Stuten torritory. At Kehal c<Wil Is found, and It Is bolloved tho recent .petroleum discover ies avo leoatod in the peninsula. On the map tho dotted lino from Juneau shows how, tho now gold fields I aro reached by hind routo. They can I also l)o reuohod by a long water journey j around to the mouth of tho Yukon, and up this groat but shallow, river. is tho CuRfllr gold field. Tho presump tion, according to Mr, Ogllvlo, Is that thero Ik In Canadian territory, along~tho easterly watershed of tho Yukon, a gold- bearing bolt of indoflnlto width, and up wards of 1100 miles long, exclusive of the British Columbia part of it. THE ROUTES TO KLONDYKE. Thero are two ways of roaohlng Klon dyke. One I (J by stoamor' from San Franolsco to tho Alaskan coast, and up tho Yukon rlvor; and tho othor is over land by way of Juneau and tho Chlliooot pass. 'Tho latter Is by far tho more diffi cult and dangerous, Tho steamers leav ing Sun Francisco run only to St. Mich ael's, at tho mouth .of thu, Yukon rlvor. There passengers urd transferred to river stoamers, and carried a'distance of 9,000 railed to Dawson City, From there tho journoy is comparatively easy. Ico begins to block the mouth of the Yukon in Oo- tobur/dtul the fiver routo Is not clear again until Juno. The stoamor Exoolslor leaves on her Inst trip to Alaska on tho 138th July. She has already all tho pas sengers she can aooommodate, and they will not rnuoh Dawson City until Sep tember 1st. Tho faro from San Fran cisco to Dawson City is $150, but each man ban to take hlu own supplies, which cofit Mm at leant &500 to transport. Thu steamer Portluud sails on August 16. No furthor sailings havo been announced. Old hands who havo been over tho route udvlso taking'the Yukon routo if It Is desired to acquire claims and get to work before winter sets in. Nearly all tho work of -thawing the frozon gravel bods, and piling up dirt for the spring, Is dono before the wlnhur sets In. THM JUNEAU ROUTE. .. As tho. greater part of tho accommoda tion on the steamers is already engaged, 'most of 'thoBo who Intend to go Into tho, Klondyke country this yutuvwlll iuvve to follow the Junenu and Chlllcoot pass routoV Jtinoau Is Homo 00 miles from tho diggings, and.the journey occupies- 35 days. A great part of the routo lies over snowy mountain passes. The traveller needs the services of Indian guides and dogs and slods to transport his outfit and provisions, if ho goes at wlntor, time. Dogs are reported to cost from Q800 to 9500, each, but this is probably oxag- goratbd. Mr, Ogllvlo estimates that he would require a team, of eight dogs to take hlti outfit and man, with provisions for tho two, as far as Taiya. Thore.tho dogs would have **> bo dispensed with, as they are worthless on tho coz*st except,to persons coming In barjy In the season. Dogs wore soarae' when Mr. Ogllvlo was thero, and he -. considered thorn dear, at from fjSO op *40 to $195 aplbce. . '. BY LAND ANb*^ WATER. -.,:" During.'the opon season the route to bo taken would beaa follows :J Leaving Juneau, tho minors will go to Dyer^by way of' Xlzno , canul, Ixiko'Xdndormattn oxpeots to go into that oountry armed only.with a pick and shovel, and dig for -gold, labors undor a great delusion, Which, will oast him (tear If he makes the exporlmont. Provisions aro vory scarce, and Hutllclont provisions should bo bikon to last olght or twelve months. The traveller should start out with 400 pounds of flcmr, 100 pounds of beans, 100 pounds of bacon, 100 pounds of sugar, 10 pounds of tea, HO pounds of coffee, 1K0 pounds of mixed fruit, salt, popper and cooking utonslls. Tho wholo outfit can bo purchased' for about $00. Tho cost of conveying, this stock to tho hoad- wators of Lako Llndormarin'wlll average about $15 per hundred pounds, but even that mnkos It considerably chnapor than some goods could bo purchased for In the mining camp. PitOMVT ACTION NEEDED. Prompt action'by tho Dominion Gov ernment Is noodod to oopo with tho tro- mehdous Influx of miners and proa- pootors Into the Kloudyko roglon. So far little or no steps for tho protection'of the revenue has been taken, and, In oonso- quonce, the' hundreds of Amorleans who aro pouring into the.country are bring ing In all their supplies.and outfits free of duty, thus cunning a Iohs of thousirndft of dollars' to Canada. Unless tho Govern ment aots immediately thp Interests of Camulbms will bo Injured. Additional postal facilities are also neoded. Tho present arrangements for transporting such, if there,are any, are of the most Inadequate and:'unsatisfac tory nature. Some sort-of legal' machinery is like wise needed for the trial of: oasek of con- . tract,, collection of debts and generally to .administer : the judicial needs of the country. This matter,.Is urged by Mr, Ogllvlo with considerable force,.and ho also recommends that the liquor traffic . bo taken bold of androgu'lato'd, or'Other wise thero will be trouble jn tho near future;-also, that a court or rooord ollloe of-real oatato transiietlons, lie oponod.ot orido.' ... - ,, F*uthcr,** . As delleato looking oS are feathers of a light fill ado, they can be freshened and cleaned if only one kuows how. Tho: best Way'is to dip them In warm water In Whloh white soap and a small piece of pearl ash have been dissolved. Hopoat the process several times, squeezing the feathers gonfely and using .a woakor.soln-, tion of soap, and then rinse thorn In cold wator and beat them across tho hand to oxpel the water. When nearly dry curl, each fiber separately with a blunt knlfo. IU Be6nunendatloai. ':' A nowly invented bfipuamakee the r'ollowing bid for feminUe favpr: *4OTa oaton t stationary bafi faatenor. waximnlr. d to keep tho bat o^ straight iJiaoftWo itr when rODjading pririrfA,'---GMe^ those; who ARE, DANOEROU* ROWDIES AND ROBBERS. A yrjpmlnjt Gatllanum Wfio Checktd the IJttle Cm/mm of Two Chieago Thlavea, HowMllUnarr,SalMnuuiQow4dToagli Tht WuiUd to Hhoot at Knryttdn. - "What is known as a bad man In the far west ia not nccosaarily a man of an unvaryingly evil dispoHition or of dls- poflition evil at all. Ho may be uniform ly and oussedly bad or bad only In the sense 6f",being dangerous to those who o2or him unjustifiable provocation. I have mot many varieties of the spoolea in my 20 years of travel west of tho Mississippi." said a former commercial traveler. , "I was In the train in which it hap^ poned, althoagh I did not fleo the ocour- reuce, when two thiuvos came to grief in trying to rob a cattleman. It was in the Chicago, Burlington and Qninoy station in Cnicugo, or, rather, just be yond the station. Tho thieves evidently had planned tho robbery beforehand, knowing that the cattleman had a large sum of money with him, and they had followed him to the train and aboard a ooaob. He had seated himself near the middle of tho or. After tbo train had started and got under good headway one of the thieves suddenly grabbed him from behind, pinioning hie arms to his aide, while the other drew bia pocket- book from his inner breaat pocket. Then the thieves ran in opposite ways toward the oar doers with the intention, of course, of jumping from the moving train, but thy hadn't reckoned rightly on the quickness of the cattleman's pis tol. . Drawing his revolver, he brought down one of the thieves half way to the door, mortally wounded, with a bullet through hU back. Turning, he fired at the other, just dashing out at the door, shooting him through tho heart bo that he fell dead on the platform. "The whole thing waa dono bo quick ly that few of the passengers in the coach wore aware that anything unusual was going on until tho pistol shots rang oit Then naturally thero wore jumping Up and confusion and hysterica. The cattleman, pistol In hand, went at once to the first thief he had shot, searched Mm and, not finding his pocket book, went back through the car to where the other thief lay-dead on the platform. The crowd gave him free passage along tho aislo, you can bet At tho door a brakeman bunded bim the pooketbook, Whioh tho thief had dropped when ho fell., Tbo cattleman ran his oyo over the contents, eatisfiod himself that they were all right, then went back to hia seat, wfaore. he remained quietly Until tho next station was reached. Here he got out, asked the telegraph operator to notify the police that ho was waiting for them to Urrost him and staid until theyoame. Tho ooronor'B jury exoner ated htm for tho killing, and his cmne, if ever it came boforo a court, was quickly dismissed. I mot him aftorward in Wy oming, a qalot, everyday sort of man of no particular reputation as a shot, who had got along with littlo trouble in a fighting Way boforo and after .his ex ploit at Oihoogo, but ho showed him self groat at this ono timo whon norve and promptness and good marksmanship wero needed. "I saw a rough follow taken.down by a man who was not a bit rough to look at once on a puHKongor train of.the Southorn Pacific road, west of Deming. It was in a parlor car, and the tough bad arrived at tho stage of drunkonnoss Whero he felt it necessary to got out his pistol and shoot at telegraph polos along the side of tho track, Ho got ugly when tho aonduotor spoke to him aud allowed ho'd do pretty much as ho plonsod and that tho man who interfered with him wouldn't turn up for his viotunls next day or at any time uftor. It Is probablo that tbo trainhands evontually would havo brought him to rights, but a pas- sougor, a slim, quiot, rofluod looking man, took tho businoss in baud and saved thorn the trouble. "Thofun bogan when tbo tongh's'pis tol wont off in tho oar, by nooidcht quite likely. At this tho slim man got up mid wulked baok to him, carrying a slender walking stick in his hand.. ~ .....-- " 'Thorohas boon enough of this busi ness,' ho suid. 'Put that pistol up.' . "Tho tough jumpod op from his sout. " 'Damn yon I' ho shouted,' 'Do you know who you're talking to? You gitl' "Ho started to ooek his pistol us he spoke, bat tho hammer didn't get half wuy up. Tbo. thing was. douo too sud denly for my oyo to follow, but tho pis-< tol clanged down ou tho floor bobwoori then), knocked from tho fellow's hand by a blow with tho stick Tho tough Bworo and clutched with tho othor baud at his hand that had boon so smartly rapped, Tho slim man stooped; piokod up tho pistol and threw it out of tho window. i " *Now, will you behayo yourself?' ho .asked,.looking"the fellow in the eyo, with tho oppression of a wild boost tumor und holding the stick Its u fencing muster holdfl his foil at 'ready.' " 'You bofc,'! Was the prompt answer, and the tough man sat meekly down. Ho was yorymuoh on his good bohavior all tho rest of the trip. He even tried to make friends with the slim man. -The Hiiro man's name, by the way, was E. T.; Hallum, an agent for u millinery goods firm. He reoeived the lionizing of the other passengers modestly, acknowledg ing, however, that, fee fenced and spar red some and could play a Uttls at'sinV gle.'stiok.1 V-New York Sun. , . .' The letter, A.yi" The letterJ A, is in Hebrew oaHed alepb^ an ox, and the Phcenician obar- acter whioh repiaients this sound was originally a piotuwef an oi^^; henop the name. The right hand ^trkc of the A repreBent^i ihp Mop^[^'IxM^iiliiti. othercWw:.*Jiiw'^' -""J"" lino, airice fdlJoa out top or me neaa, tne tno loftj side and a 4 of iue; repiMantod tt-' ii Or have you v^}^^9-.^^^?0^sflm Irregular beating, diz^Iiu^'sHpr*,^^^^?^ smothering or choking Mna^X\onr}pA]n;^^ the breast or heart. If to, yourhc*ri<fc}fm affected and will In turn' affect your 'itfSS nerves, causing; nervousness, sleepless-*,-,-tjjjj^ morbid anxious feeling, debility."^*j8 ncsa, Arm Heart Pills Cure all these complaints by regulatlrrg tho heart's action and building, up^ the ;;, & nervous and muscular system to perfect,"-; >;\jfM health and strength. Price 6oc. per box .',""-i^^vi or 6 boxes for $2.50, At all druggists. Wanted A TIT A XT-TO SELIj CANADA OBOWTH " ..fe A MAIN* Ifrult and Ornamental Trees, " *' Bhrubs.BoflesJiulbeandDaP^usPlants.Grape Vinos, flmall bruits, Beecl Potatoes, etc- Wa catalogue only the hardlestana mobI""""1"1" varietfos thatBaooeod in tbo coldest oilmates Now'sooaon now eommonolng: oomplete outfit free, salary and expenMs pftjd from start tor full time, or liberal commission for part tune.. Apply now, addrsBBlna nearest offloa, ana oho 100 of territory, litlKE BKOTBBJiR COMPANY, Intornational Nuraeries, , Ohiojloo, Im,., or Montbhal. Qua. 'I'M "'Pi til UTCn-Agents for -Quaan Vlotcria, W ANTED Hor Belpn and biomoud Jubl- lna "Overflowing witb Utst and rlohost plo- larar. endorwd biORraphy of & Majesty, with autbontio History of Iher romark. StfaTVolan. and full account of tho Diamond JnbllST6JS I-5- Big book. Tremendous dSmand. BonanEtt for agents. <*" S$ per cent trodlt Riven. FrolRbt V^.<futnt rroo" Duty paid, ^Wrlte qalck for outfit ar.d territory, Tbo Dominion Company, SM Dearborn St., Chicago. '1' :":M Dopt. 7, You Can Get One Parlor Suite, Ono Bedroom Suite, Ono Extension Tabin, One Sideboard, Six ChairB, One Rockor, -ALflO- Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings ano^^M Everything in tbq Furniture LirjeatVv;i|g OIobo Prices tbo Best Goods inr -.yA tho Markot the bulk of which rX$ffl ia.our own mantifaoture, there fore we will guarantee it tlie eat, in tho Markot ****" " # Undertaking ft Specialty. Firnt-Clasa City Hacks in attendance whon roquireel, All of the abovo to be had at '. Eflbox Furniture WarerooinB- J( ft. HICKS & Co.. Essex. New Bakery. I bog to inform the oifcizeaB ' of Essex and vicinity that I havo Oponod- a Bakery at', my roaidenco, Victoria St., whoro can bo foun'Va full-.: Hue of. . . * BAKER'S GOODS, I Bolte the Detroit oolebrat-- cd Homo-Made Broad, which ia tho latest and most appe-< tizing. Patrons can obtain this Broad by cailin^: at . WILKINSON'Sr; #';,# GROCERY. *:,' lie ia handling tho gooda for . mo. '.."' ,:' ^.'-;.; Please Give Me a Trial and be convinced that I can suit yon. Goods will, bo tfrofh as my waiion goes to all parts of tho town evory morning. tS*:Weddiii{> .Cakes a sponi-'V', ,^| . alty.' : BURCI|5K^i y' W ' ^ ' ' /i'Tti5 v-fty % ... ;if ' -r.^Wi ..( ",J-^"'*J7 ' :' ""^ ' ..>v>m :"".'V^ BURDOCKS BLOOD^TBITTE Strong 2. Its Thousands of qui^^ 3. Its Economy, iJd^^imm^ Regulate the Stomach,!'Mvcr!tieV tmkKk3theSecretioiis,PuTJfiath?B., r removes allrtfiV. impurities'froma"efitM nYSPBftsMi:v?^,*,aiiioal^A-!* HEARTBURNS "OUR STQl