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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 6, 1897, p. 7

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^i;fc^bil ow:tha employee shall ^^w;'^^d^^tix^:>ok V la ex- W^fiM'^-'wwiltt^1; ;! 'SiWy^ deflnii ffi^.eighteenr na upwatda " no aim. iHamj$C#^ true to!oolor/o pate' and; brilliant, to fa#it irid unfading. "smVubISSEHSS^^ jvilU oooai In th&,w*y ot definition, ronngRlil" ione under eighteen and iisewant, Biire ana Quick. JjpitiJBiiHH,- 1 am pleaaea to reoom- ';U:dyflPPoiJ and; eiok headache,. . I _ J^ft^them.1 for 'th^ie troubles and" fe^em a pleaaanti.1 aura and quiok care, ^ jtrpm the annoyiDjj griping .of other iil haye heretofore nBod.,. ^Signed,v;' ' - H. Jambs, j||^'^ Out. , ^S^efl^otionB of a Ba&helor. ^Meddleaome molbera are pretty apt to (iye onadleiome danfihtera. >^4 The averaga Roman's idea of poUtioe Is -'^ipg something that she ban ."protest" ^:^t >mo time in her life, probably every IgirtBewB something or other onto her gar. |^||dr'iaokv" ' ^SCrfhSsl.npa'.liired^irHn the way Uio ^oaidgo^ and she WW. depart,from you iftnd^go to the neighbors tor a dollar a JgiBpnth more. .. PSiy.[When* rioh girl's hair looks like streak- K?fdlmola8BeB candy, it Ib aaid to be. o! the g:^J6r bfipnn, gold.. tv^jiiolwn at the bottom of every woman's j^rayer fa aV"eminaer o the Lord .that he fejrao^ she has to put" up with bo much Kfcom her hUBband^-New York tfreas. %r,i:' -_----------:---------r- ' Ife A HELPLESS WOMAN X: and partionlarly tboae Who wlh to'ekanewhomeorpnrohaB9 Und,; art t^ttflsted to (lorresr^pa with Ar Taylor, Cinadlau pABBenger Agent* 3 King street Bs^taS^ ;' ""'. . - . , The Grim Keaper o6w^.aofaWou.;lD- vary ihort v^wdwlriB^foUiitfo^^Ionjpn.tha pa<je,of time be made equal to new.-No garments ormaterials need be thrown a- way, or sold to the second band dealer be cause Of lost or dlDgy colors. An outlay of from ten to twenty bents for Diamond Dyeswill reoreate every pleoe and save many dollars;. v i ' ... If yon have not yet begun the esy Work of ho me dyeing, let ub assure yon thai yon miss a pleaBure and lose money aa well. Lookup your faded, and discolored gar ments at once, anduatheDiamond.Dye?; yon will bo surprised with jour QacoeBS, Compressed Food. In view of the faot that It costs from 10 to 15 cents per pound to transport the ne cessaries of life from Seattle or San Fran ciscoto Dawson City, the scene o\ the latest goldminiug craze, it would seem that trie opportunity of the coffee lozenge, com* pressed foe'd and, the emergency ration has arrived* During ibelast few months great progress haB been madein the art of con centrating certain foodB, and the atility fn the army emergenoy ration has been f ally demonstrated by experiments made in the regular army. Lieutenant Peary has-a* vailed himself of the advantages of oonr denned food and it will figure largely in his trip toward the North Pole. Cancer can be Cured.' For six years X Buffered from cancer and got no relief until X used Burdock Blood. Bitten. I need seven bottles faithfolly^ when the oanoer gradually disappeared, j am now entirely well and rejoice that by using B.B.B. I have escaped death either from the surgeon's knife or from the can cer itself. Signed, M^s.ELiziJ. TtrnroaD,' Paris, OnC % *r(|lFoe Yeara a Kheumfctio, Oripple Under, fevlbe Healing Balm;' of South Amerioan f|iBheumatio Core Suffering VaoiabeB ^Sb^pugh Faith in;'"the Tflfilimony of ~$$Qihra: Bhe is to-day a well woman. ,fe^'Vi^My daughter, Mrs. Gregory, had rheu- ^tmaiwm'l^ badly iu her right hand and y;arm that they wero rendered almost help- K^leaWior over a year. Noticing a teatlmon'y-. te^MiWoM who had been cured by South feV^merioan fcnenra*i9 Oure. l^ procured a J^; bottle; and had hi* try it. .-Before the fe;,. bottle was used the trouble had completely '^y^ififther. It is a great remedy, and we ffi'^-iake pleas ure in reoommeodinft it." Neil i'^Mocrison, Bt. Thomas,, N,B. Sold by J. -TThorne. .; A City Maa's Wail. TnouaandB JLlke WW m......... . rafc There Are ^ Him Tn Canada. On Happiness. : Bwoope down on young and old alike. The promfBing bads aro nipped ofl almoek ae oertainly a> the fading blossom. Dr. A- new's Cure fpr the Heart, has at ay fid death's hands' more timee than you will count. Relieves in 80 minutes. , Over 40 cases of fludden deaths from'heart, disease' were noted in the dpUypap&ra In Canada .during the past ten days.. It aaema in credible and provee the nnoertamty of life where there is a tendency to heart weak* nesfl, Dr. A^new's Cure for. the Heart is. a never failing remedy for heart disease. It acta like. magic. Never fails to give relief in seemingly hopeleas attacks in 80, minutes, and to cure permanently. Sold by J. Thome. ,.'__------* m ; ' " Two thousand ^twO hundred acres.of aedar trees are out down every yearm or- fler to make the wood cases for lead penoila, of whiah more than 2,000 acres are In Florida, There ace SB pecoil works in Bavaria, of whioh 3d are in NaremBerg, the great European centre of the lead pencil trade. These factories employ from 8,000 to 10,000 workers, and produce 4.- 300,000 lead and colored ohajk penoila every .week. One factory alone has a weekly production of over . 1,000,000 pencils. - A Summer Specific. Dr. Fowler> Extraot of Wild Straw berry onrea cholera, cholera morbus, di arrhoea, dysentery, aramps, oolio,summer op mplaini, canker of the month and all bowel complaints ot ohildren or adults. It is a .soothing, effectnul and never fail ing medicine, which givea immediate re VierandTBUBodily effeota'a cure, The inhabitants of the small group d? How muph the poaseasion of happiuesB 'islands situated on the Bouthof Iceland, "Tobe oaudid-and truthful, I am, mis- ';>'; erable, used up1, nervous, and oau't Bleep ^ : these daybj I feel aa if life was not worth' living. I have tried country air, and have I^J; Btnokly followed my doctor's advice, yet $ ? i here I am, f aat wearing away." 'This oonfuaion, make by a resident of ?', , one of onr larccat Canadian cities, truly % represents the condition of tbouBauds of .; men and women, old and young, at this ^;>^-.*"time'of tho year. ' Sfe';' ' It is almost oertain that K;,. land broken down man and women havo anon weakly women havo notyebbeard the joyful news of Paioe's $$$'%.'Celery; Oomponnd is the great teueWer --" "; and euilder, the medloine that; makes the ; .Wea,k.fltrpng, andjiiveB vim and true ac tivity to the despondent, that makes tho K!V^Sh^P^e^ndred, ihai giyea digaetive 10?^igor ftno) syeet re(re,Bhiog aleop, ' i^-: ,0; Axe-yony dear - raader, "amongat the ^^:-Bffli6i^OMB?.'Are^you'pining lo misory f$-;'*^ aud fearu? Jg,;: 11 bo,' I^fe ua point youio the only medicine ffiS;f.'-^hat cin meet yoatoafcewitbout-a,fear of fefefel. vfailure. It is Paine'a Celery -Oorapound, deponda upon the point of view we ohoo&e to take tn seeing things t He Who deter mines to look upon the bright side of affairs will generally find that some is visible; be who wants to point out ,tD himself and others that discouragements abound can, as a rule, succeed to his own satisfaction iu the gloomy pursuit* There is Booh a thing as curbing one's natural tendenoy to depression aiii, in wholesome fashion casting lamentable melanonoly out of doors. And only means to this en is mentally and spiritually to outgrow the necessity of being happy. The less one thinks about the deprivations and lack of those conditions whiob are: commonly supposed to be requisites Of happiDebft ft spirit which by its very lightness and dfilio&oy eludes a batab graap- the more likely is happiness to oome all unsought, particularly if one ia mora anxious about seouring conditions of happinessfor others than for oneself. possess a very otrrious method of<com munication, in their ao.oalled *' bottled poat." When the wind blows from the south, and one of the iBianders wishes to communicate with the mainland, he putB 'his letters into a well-oorked bottle, and to insnre their delivery, he incloses at the same time a plug ot twist tobacooor a oigar. The wind speedily impels the battle to the whore of the mother island, wuCfG people are usually on the look-out; who are wiiii'Sff to deliver, the oonten^ 9t the bottle in return for the inclosed re muneration. ^pi^JBa^pineaa,.- It has, a marvellou RiewiofooiteB, afatftod-endint('fame won ^r>scue aCd^te ****. Will you. test ^ifflpacy? Ofon rnuBt :if you, doBirc. .^e^aidro^ Undoubtedly tne Best. Gkntxemen, Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild Strawberry has proved a wonderful remedy in my family;* We would not be without it for twice its price., I Bay it-is the best (not merely one of the best butthe beet) medicine ever brought before-the public for . summer complaint or diarrhcoa, eithor in children or adults. ' .' Johk UNx>Knmi.ij , License ComaaiflBionor.Btratholair, Mat). Home is tho chief school o] human vir tue. Its responsibilities, joya, aorrowfi, HliiiU^, tottfa', Uopoo ,.ttn,d solicitudes form. the tlfyiaf iuteresta of human,, life, Go where a man may, home ia the oehtreto which bis hourt turns. The thought of his homo nervoS his arm and lightens his toil. For that bis heart yearns when, he isafarohV There he gathers up his best treasures. ^Ont^flpeaJia\/rt5u1 'fe^rierioe., wbw. N Ifr*^1^"1"'*^-^11: ea,tieietf -'.trltfa ' ^|^lafleyriB.-jTh8y are uuaoi&tetiiy the g^jheit me.di6ine.ou; the'marke^-for^^nf ;6pe f ^Wfi^- wiltlx.: ^""W or' ^dn'eyi'tronbUa,. pl^^M^ftin i the ; baqk, P^^^PSv^hihnesa; etov;;Tn'ey;;cnred^"n>e P^^l^oy^,sll.hiy;paihB'and ^ches/':' ;'-N i^^t/v;'^::"1-,,^ v.!*;'"]'-"" ;,'-:-Vr"-"::'; :.:': ^l^hestewardBOf a Methodist onuroViix'a:' ,L ^^^U^a^av,^ :'baVe>dopiiedftD6veV Wronff Heart Action. Wrong action ot the heart aauses ner- vouBneaa, nervous dyspepsia, ehortness of breath and.other diatrenaing Bymptoms. Mr. Samuel Yelland, of London, Ont; was cured.of tUefle troubles by taking Milbutu'e Heart and NeWe Pills; Mr.YeHand says: '"Xhey, aro a remarkable medioinei and 1 havo not been troublod iu.lho least Biuoo taking them,7 : The biggeat hook iu the world will bfi the catalogue of the British Museum, It has beou in preparation thirteen years, but >' the; giftantio task of compilation -ia tt0V!y '> jwpletion. Some idea of its size 2Sb^' tiesadtifromfem that; 14;000.. AriftSL8-* : it titles aai sntriea have beep 2S5*"V U orta of langoagea, and pre- .rSl?*f' * oraimoultiesr.eyeri to the ;aebtn^DO en. ,-uirtlB ^tnp^OFediron^be A* miles of Bhelvin^are !sav<Cn,fa/Sind;""UT Can Work All the Time. "My daughter was suffering with oa- tarib of the atomooh, and tried many different '^tesorlptionB without benefit. Finally ahe bega"?' Wring Hood's Sarsapar rilla and it helped her* at /ono.', Bhe ^BB taken fiftaes botfclea andV-irf now aui? * work all the time. We prize Hood's Saf- aparilla very highly. Anna MEBBrM*. Ea: on, Que. " ]- Hood'a Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Barsapanlla.: On re all liver ills.. ~"_J',.." There Is hardly one of us who doesn't secretly believe that this world wonld be a great deal happier and better than it ib. if other people" would only do alwaya exactly as we want them to do. The absolutely most valuable atamp in the world, BaySf a pbilateliat, is the one cent magenta stamp of British Guiana,: dated 1856. There is only ona copy in ex- iatenoe, and it will coat you 1,000 if you are demented enough to deairo to purchase it.;.'. . m too; do*. noi have the appearanoed : man borne down with a wejgbty poekfV 'te olOthes a tramp mighiobjeot to. blewe4^tip;th^ OOC^r-ox ^9.000,000. a year--himfelf, andfamiiythotight-they wonld like vaoation/: TChe/ concluded to make V v / Thenexfds^Stys^ ver on business, t Hii banket had notified him that he had made a mistalts of ^360,000 in his bank-account* He; had that- much more in the bank than ha thought he bad. Upon investigation he diBcoyered tbnt he had,sent tho bank a Oheok for that amount,, just taken from the sale of hia mine, which he had not noted. That matter cleared irp,*- Mr. Strotton thought ho would see abont getting tickets lot the California trip. Ab usual, he had on a rather shabby ' . " 'Have you got a bargain in tickets to California?'asked Strattorj. ' 'The clerk' looked him over carefully and concluded that a hobo, had' dropped in to get out of the sun. '" *' 'Not today. We may have one to morrow.* " 'WeU, you soil tickets to California, don'tyou?' " 'Certainly, but we have no job lot on hand at present.' " 'How mnoh is a ticket to San Fran- cUoo?',. "Tho olerk told him. , : " 'Let me soe., I shall hare to take along several people servants, yon know. Guess yon bad better give mo nine tickets.' "While the clerk was staring at him Btratton was struck with a new idea. " 'By the. way,.how much will a spe- aial car cost?-1 like to go as comfortably as possible when I travel. Yes, I guess I'll have a special oar. How much will itcosfc?v :..'. "The man told him, It was a large mm.'- "'That's all right. Look here. I'm going to stay ft month or six weeks,___ IgnesBl'li' sleep in the speoiaL How much more will that coat?' He was told. 'All right I'll take that car for six weeks. Got a blank cheek?1 "The clerk gave him one. It was filled ont and handed to the olerk, who aaid:p. "' f' 'I know all about Mr. Stratton, bnt I don't know that yon are Mr. Stratton.' "At that moment Banker Moffett passed by. Stratton called ont, 'Gome in bete; Mcffett.' He oqme in. 'Am I fitratton?* 'You are.1 'I'thought so, bni this olerk had bis doubts. Thankyon.'"'--Chicago Times-Herald. m l^i^^^M ^Mp^OHARO^fcipNEy^ND mm Get Xnfltant Belief from Pilea. This moss irritating disease relieved iu ton minutes by using Lr; Aguew's Oint ment, and a cure in from three to .six nights. Thousands testify of its goodness, Good, for Eozem( Bait Bheum; and all skiu Uiaeases, It you are without faith, one application will oonvinoo. B&^oeotH- Pold by J. Thornc. Human beings are the only animals with; euffioient preyerBity,.to breathe not through the nofle alone, as it wa'i intended they should do, but through the month. That a aura punishment follows .has ho apparent effect upon the permolons habit. It is, asoientiflo troth that oxygen ^111 only ienter the' Bystero in a requittd quantity through the nose. Oou'secLqenUy: mouth .breathers become aiiEoraia and enfJerfrom.'numerous IU ventipn Ib 'a rhinpnaeterwbibb gauges.the; extent to;, whfoh, the boas is. used, for; :breathipflli?I,>:P06?B' ; /,'. THE FOLDING BED. U U BWlmn ObJt*;j Smplelonto Many *Iot*l VUltorm. : . "I'm sorry, air1," said the polite ydetsg up town hotel olerk to the grum looking guest, "but I haven't another room in the house tonight. If you could uso this till morning, I'll fix ybu up .right for tomorrow." But tho induce ment persuasively delivered failed, to work and the gram looking man went away.' When ho had got over the threshold, the Buaye olerk smiled a sort of pensive smile and said: "Yon can't do anything wiWi tnSSe follows. It beats the world- how *nan wl 11let his prejudices drive himou't into the night t<? seek inforior aooomm^datlons. And yet this man looked likO he, knew better too." "What wV8 it dissatiaflfld him?" : "Nothing lO tne vor|d except that in the only room he'd have there was a folding bed. Yo.n Beo we are orowded now and there are bv"1* few vacant apart ments. Ho ia a cram/' on the aubject of folding . beds beoatiseV n modern times two or three human ,beUn88 ba7,e Jeen canght in them when, thc^ folded. np . inopportunely and had their i. ^eB 0t^sh- ed out; I .pleaded with him ,*hat no such disaster ;.oouId' happeir ho. *e J0^ nowadays folding beds are mrtde ^ith patent eatphoB'. that absolutely pire^Bt them from' mauslaugbter- ;NomtVe-T how sorely a bed, snob asi we h^ . sbouldyearn to close upon, its slum betf' in,g victim those catohes forbid. I tohf him airthis, but it had up effect." ' 'Are moat people imbued with this prejudice?".';'/ "Xqb. I think a majority of the travy eling public has that feeling, and I do hot believe the time will ever coine when the folding bed will gain tho/fuil bonfldcnoB, much less the affeption, of ;the Ameridah people.*'^Washington 'Ppat.,,:-:-,'..'^""/ ' ',' ; \WV'. A'"Dar'Witfc'yrdi,';-' .'.,' '. \:On Verdi!fl recent .birthday his eighty-third tho veteran com poser was teeiiat 6 o'.olook ;in the morning at the Weekly market at-I^acenxba w.ithf sevr, eral sheep^nioh he had bronght^e sell.; iHeajBo wished -to bay'a.oowand s^ino .VegetabJ^^nd^spe^ BurTbuhdqdVby.farmers' and-triadeaineni At^0 o^ciock 4nithe"e^^itogy!^V^*J^ the VPhale Bseemblage' into toihii and ' gave^ein,':a '^etia^per. >:/,> -vi. 'f,'y yj: -fy fi'tt '. r **The do'ddshii"'flaW1: the^ipjrofeasDr^ ^lays considefal^^ ^ .tn^^ fish.tbat sho dQesn,' have to cackle over ^ri 'ft'attiivJiiAid tbftHttiaent 'who came' ~'WBHBUClr. ipon^Ylftlseafpit Jandb'-" J ' , .,,, jiweakL___,____r^rr. loele^'depodt la:arm* and miss at. atooll CURES QUARANTEteOO^NbPA^^ON0O|p|f* doctors and nerre tonios by the aeon ;Ibecaou anmoos wreok.*A friend.' of a imilar"dLWevadTUed me to t r^^'w^wRl^aa^^ 0rs,Knnoa>aw&&MS^ EMIKIOKllOBEB^vS^8^ Mm*pbysktJ]]\anaWaDd wilnB'foon*nmpUoD.> Knallj an, fall Into mr hands. I leari bad Mptwd my t1( iErr* m tm rMoxnad. Km red, p!mDlM.and*blotohaS dlsaass ia aix yaan."~ W F. H^ Jaokwo. *muat^blUooddl*an .bo*: )|StaTA'< % 7 YEARS IN DBTROIT. 200,000 OURBD, NO RI9K, READERlntay&r ^LUb!c^^XlU^/ AiVXS ~ " ~ reioo. Wast It ha* don* for others it oontsmi r 'Who bis iJ&W.NAMBB U8BDAVlTHguT>T^TTBrT^ON8BrTr/^^ VATB- NomdTolne MntC, VD Ifonamtis onbox** or anyel*: opea. Bverythlnff oonfld*ntlK Quaatlon list and, oosVaf. TrvatmentPRB)B. .,.. DRS.IENNEDY&KERGAN,ND0^,so^rc17:; I:"'- i&f< mm* ^ $%$ .i..*\.Dealers In All Kinds'-ofi ' :":\,<^rd:^m^M "' ' '.rvi'f^^^eJl Screen Doors and Wittdows ** "."'i'l'i'i'i* Cisterns, $? OO and Up. Be-m^re (Standard Bize); Wc.::$&ekM ,;t< ..m.'wj. :-y?i * ' '".i": '-'->^mm And Latest DeBigns^n Verandah and Gable Ornamepjjjs - vm W>J mmmmrnm wvti- i& ^i'km '.. ^':wt'ty5i . ":'{--':^^m ^y:i:$m . ' ^^MS . ,\W#$m . . ^\-:^i^m . . : 'y^f^y^m - 'v-v-^-TYiWiwrai ,'" .-^-wsSi^^ hm*- ......,^-^^^pS

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