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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 7

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WSMm!^MmSS^ km^^^mmM ^ft^SIS^sB 5UlM('t*l'r bat none, ol them in of rf,^^,Tj:v;.-5^mqnlj;,. pokon of .as tVtf/^oVlte Live Stoob Exhibition, te^hiou^^ ana SJVij^eBpaoUl inkogat taken in these ofUo^' to fttUibitorl Lrid tWi1 ilml^-and bftve In this way established tllB minda ol bnyere and nellere that the Mltn Fair is tho"proper place to do :ifl^ large and Jmm6di4iiBlbaU4iri^a 'irtjpted last year for the oattlo^pheep and rim*11 to bo altogether too Broall to aooom- ?| CfdWe" the inoreased entry, therefore the fepHectora' have deoidetf to remove the ^'jrwinolDto new quarters this year, and e^i|iving a building ereoteo>l66 feet long |4BGttpot^ef H.this wa$rloy-.pnrpo&Vjjpr'oviditig air lbo accomodation neoeasary /}|d.r^ha reception ol a very n$ch la-tge*, tontry than heretofore, and winch thoy fool jgora they will have. ^^^Mther.prQ)vAiohB -ljave beenj^ade for, R*MMB comfort of atookmen and their f riondfer f*i^Sl 'f wWiE^JqrtK^rly occupied. by tlJ PJiltipof4ne W.-.d-T. U.,^aif bdon plaoirf Paine** Celery Compound Tbe ore** 'Nervous diseases ^Mp. aggravated by mental dfaTurbanoeB produce moro cases ot insanity in the hot weather than any ojper i eatfto of the/vrfar. ' : Jfj |. 'Ifervoul headache, tteryoW^XBp&Bia, ]Ble0p]eB8DjBBr; and clir^uio oo^Jlpatioji in* dude . depression of spirits, extreme weak ness^ morbid fears, deBpondonoy and Ian* guor; from those dread; insanity comes alowly and Barely. 9 r rf ,Lweatr7er. Tending themselves deeper in ftbg-jpjti o^BQiaejjTIian they were-in the hipHh^i and (mrlpBurnraer thoy are in utter despair, Tbousands,whose oasos have not rjeoo met by treatment thoy arc now antler are loudly catling for help. There is bojie and rosbae fox. yob, read* -ejvlfyon gepna^thfcp^ffecpra. I^ujarj in need of Paine'a Celery Compound, that ^yVa little to the south of the main entrance v.|.V|o".';the cattle and sheep bulldiuij, being $ J? Altered so as to provide a large hall, com- Oppetit and natural, thn tired norvea and brain are atrfingtbfno^ and gu feel "{rnjiulaoa of health that cheer the bouI. - L j i > The power of Paiuo'sColery Con) pound mask - fortably seated, to be uafld. aa ji place of . ' . . , r../. ^.^pdM6n.'dnriDl{ll>. h.r, ! 0UB ^^ r p^,<ramtttkttble ift^/themselves and animals, thua proveuting , ... * ^ * cage and give you a now life: it will lay the Suadnti db for ftitL|re,lJuppiu^* auo^lpn^ urfli 'Wesk.^'WraYchfca,-and Nunrm' reader, w e counsel you to make uue of this hfo-rostoror at once, jaaVjQy* -tbo true bliibuinwa of health. . 5-0-W UQOBe from which will be sold all kinds of animal food at the lowest priood. $-"<l'J'l By the prize Hat just reooivod the pre- % itminma remainmuoh the samo/ta lan^ year. ^in^ttbMAc^^Qo'n^improvib^tholHuolU' jft'1 ;>:riey Horse Olaea, adding a olaBH for Kn- .^0ral purpose teams ; and in the poultry a W] jl-elass for half breed fowls, tbo oominfj fowl WffiM$Q*". the^farm, and^ four,new ^varieties ol H*tn*.'lWe\Qote a? nferjiapartUo'lih S?&! ^S'^th'eTDairy Olaseea, by , opening one for te^.;domeBtiogookeT^;*^of^qri'. from wtaioh ijl|(^gooil rp8aUB*ate antibipVted. v jg^v> ~^iany Ihahdaomo^. special cash prizes '"' ';: have been donated for competition. The , ' ) epeoial attractions are Jaot^ yet comoleted, -b^iiaer of^lift per^orjBfsQtc;tn.p|IfR vitaliii- inR^aotttin otito'niencoH wiih tb< ng you uho thenrHfc bottle You soon boym to realize that yputfo ^nrf'dwnldng^eaffb.i 'Ih^vph u'rneVof ^looyimmYaiately lu'creaflVin iho arcerlf|,-and the bodyr is forHy fed and jiDtmitteil. YW appetite blAjmos keen .GasplfifitB^oT^ iriiilttrjd inbrtsS^ Aiii; QPiof;,the 'larRtfsj, iqpb::a*;BajtUn, Ham. Jiirg and ityreedea I by Am^te(i'ani,' by* l>tty/oltUs in'thfe bv)iIBh."qo'loq^ ari4Jbr ?hih. ;'Elo<stf1oliRhtDgpJantg a^BoperAted >jiover '200 AmeT)a'n rMinibipnlhles, Itf ' jj^.og ^unkl^^ta'd ^cki^ville; a^ng' a^fd ;ChitTa'goVty manyapri^h oiti^Bjtpy lo'mb in"* theAnstraTiah ooloqle^and by' [L&'Gernoanipitib9 j^ij'ludfljfi lfaaijpbUr^atid qrpaden,;'-',- ^ ^^^ Va-' iBtreatrajlrottas^r^ o^ned*and operated US oHt'es df - EdRlana add Sootiand, by iftme.'oit'ietj of derooany 'Switzerland; E{bl-( aod and^f tho i'iiatrallari^olobieB, Arid In if njeaaarerVljy New' prlaanB^* (Co pat thp, natter' Info oopdouaed (floral,, mooifiipdl Uticrt)biij of one oy more of' theBe1^aWeet r-a^chlaea prlvalla in ojor 7QbbitioB,.antd sSj^ntbori^d by ^heL/awjB of: a sopite*of; >Utd8 atoi tCQuntries./*' Time iwaa "'whjijn' nitat^ oWnefabip ot^all. etreet franobues" ^'^e(^uW,^o>!,the ^hiefeBt'-'bitiesbt' lje.wqr^d ^e iors^fcingfT it^^Prb^eaa.jin atti faf, -muoioipal &Uira,i~&IaQiorpa| aim." ' '"> '<*, Utf Vffairt) ^(Vr,rf ..f^' } iTheae^popalarjaydH |^ave hanlij|\i3 fwro tbe nomes'ofdk'Dada^'a'ddor.Y^^o,' Togv 'wodd, oooh'raea^and; alll,6othor antiquaiecl jnoW^cIdne1 ^4aliMy ari^!'BUodeseWly by (Dikmoiiof Dyesrtbe ptooeAs"; is one^'that jwobld aatcrniBh oor^aW^arents.t"1' ' ' "' *oiay'miilions alltiver'itie'world^'aae1' fine soientiflo li/ambnof byea^n' profsreiica t6fall otherB.' Diamona byes' comniend' themaalvea to oll'wh'o U3e^thefti, beoanBO ^hey, are'thofltrongeBti^brightest' atid fast-T PBP,'and the'WieBtto wort with. ' r ' i -Diamond Dyes', like all other'perfeotrfnd pop'ulat^'preparn.6finflVftn5 largely imitat-' eddti stylo of pdotage and the way tney are pot up.' ^hoAo linrf-Htloutt art! worVhlflfi's' and nduHtrtitfid dyua, ruinoud totJt^uinde of good8 and dangefone tQ handle. Great these.dyeB the \'Dia- pvory paok- aoi'M in *v^,^'t^li,B iTOVuJ'^r ' C.c.l .:1J"s<:,*i!iJ* *t't ,' ', r fa\A>M0&M Screen Doors W Windows. ":^M Bee-Hives (St^dr^Bke), 5pq, jps^eiS|i ' ' ... '/'*'^i tO" Ml h 1 i*. ^.p'd.'Ii^ie'B^ D,esxgn,^ ^itTepn^a^'and <&able 0nam^9(ti^l;| if ' ur,. i, r uv ti. I)Kin Brnu^p-I oan highly; recommend Dr.aiftowler's Ktfcaetof.Wild Strawberry, t'ourodr-nby babyiof diatrbja, 'fiiftor Ull jther 'm*aiia failed, *So I aive fit great ji-'aiee. , It is oweljontior all iowel ctj'rii- plaints,/ ,f. ,, v(- rw .lT- Aly -- ,.. iVtas. ObablBooct,: -. r: i r* Every-boy shoald ;bate UJa pead, hiti he4?t.an&'toii.hlnd ?i ' <i liarlow, Ont' i ' .* s ll educatM, ate e omnmittee's Beleotions in t^p pat qajai^oo tB the'vifiHorB tliJt.a good ff ' J affcRioonTahd evening eotbrtainWeot will .,,:bs provided fer eaoh day, The Bpeoial % 'train servioe.aud excursion rates are beiug ES^ arranged from all points. fe.'.'^V- *Wa are' requeBted , by Mr. Thoa. A. '^.(Browne, the Seorotary, to Bay that all ap- R^j7,plioatibna for prizo IjbIb, programmes,, and thoir map of Western Ontario will bo appreoiated and filled with pleaBuro. Tiio Fair dates are September 9lh to IHtb, U ' * . r Borioun Bhort- Let this truth u&votr. be forgotten. By the proper odu^atipu oft tbot heaoYho wiU^bo/tajight wlnt la'gobd and tjhut is ovii,^wbat iawioe^ and .what' jo fooling, what ia right und -Whit islwrobg.* iBy the 'propfcr education 'of the heart he will be taught to love what in ^ood, wjbo and right and to hate what is ovil, foolioh and wrong. And by nroper education-of tho hand he will be oiabled to supply his wauia, to add tabiB (Amfortb aifl;to aBaiet those aronud him. The hinlioBt objeota of a good eduoation aro to reverence aud obey God and to love od Beive ftmiifciiSa. l^Vb'en^wIsdclm reigns in tho head.and lovo in the heart', tho man is over rcudy to do good; ordor and peace reign around, and win and. 80rrq^"aial- Y^p^uokdowur^lifow' "Sror^'fie'dgeri J? Doau'B Kianoy l*xll. ......... Wine a* fFpni \ Grown In ^ssgx Copnty. ' r. Sliortiiess of Breatli. *'Sinoo last year I have had heart trouble caused by malaria. ueea of breath, smothering aj^ellH on retir ing, violent palpitation, ok)*, .often matfe me gasp for breath. Ou procuHng Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve PillaJC ffcund'^o tny aurpriae aud delight tlift^thoy Riivo ; almost instant relief, I Hot Sioalthy, rout tnl Bleep, my heart troubles dj8appuarod$- and I now feel vory woll tnd. stropg U\- dBed." Mr. Hugh Moor$ Ibgorsoll, Out-/ makes tbia statement for tho public good* :* To Rid jpopit jjr o*iIiid6, \\ i Farm and Fireaide: Tho pouHry-bouRi "'$ ' ebonld be cleaned, und the,fowls/ made fd ;;'.;';|!,', , roost.therein, and not outside. * Tberi- tho. (ill;/, , interior 'and* exterior should tie thoroughly V.VJVr ',' dronoted with keroaonVemulBion, addiu '1 rflaarc watur.- as to . Bavo a gUl oi,cradi^oar>i>olioltoid ti> evej of the fcuolmon |ofoni n^ddimilthj J-.y"" ' ThJEporub is to do tte work so as "./labor afterward.. To deatroy Bonfe^of itbe ; /> Hoe; and allow them \h" multiply, in to i waste time und labor. Resides, thoro aro ,egga of liae hatching every, hourjttid it ih JIJS; essential to kill thQ^ungJno^asi.fatit ^as. fPSi1 ! tfc^appqftr. -S malj[th^^wocfe euro, the S^i-i house , should bo thoroughly dreuohed [.fe eveTV day ,for a--wopk and bnoe.a week ^J. thereafter. JUvery portion of the interior '$f-.' nodts, rooBta^"iBaUH $:$'! and floors,, Dur)j^yery'?wft^ra .qaysnliou will be in ftwaarJsoi^thne oE'IoUr dayo, m ;S' '"'! ahouaethat beforo showfeft no indibatioha Ir^*^ ""-' .of their.preaeuoa. ' "~* mr- "IN SlC^tSlj.'^rD^Nl.lrBSLlH." 1 Man and Wife ,Toin HatvJa in Proolalmhia the Great Pouth ""^' Ik ( . . t\tv ; , the Great PouthAmerloau. Service King i|(. ' of Onres for.^fetom'aoh' Rouble amd '^rn'^ Norvea. ',. . ./.-_ "^ -. fc :". Mtvl^sT-pbllUps. ^ kia/toJV:OnC !i-v>,.'.:\yi*lf*f*i "I.waB very mnob emaoiated by Wy.\ ' qhronio dysentery and idysnepsla'ff r a^rfom^ ' ,ber of years. No remedy or uo'physiaian hla't Doaii'a KidueyJPillH act ou tho kidneys. addaV uud^rinary^organa ouly. They op)ce;bfto'kkobti9il^wcak back, rheumatism, diabotos, oougeelion, ioflammatiop, '^tavoT, Br^ght'a diBeaBO aiul till otbea ^iaotiaoa a- risln^ frorrf,\wrQng(a'otioii of j'tho .kldtieya ano>lladdor/' r. Salt apft Jta JCTSbs. ' It ronovatcH ^raflaluuds, eweutotis and praontH muuLinouH iu hay; it miuBtens tho jBoil' ;aud .improves <oijppB," makes grain plumper; straw stiffor tfnd wbitort ripens grain earlier. - Around tho stable and bjtrbH it isjiilsa.uaefiil, purifies, tho]stablo, improves tUe.float Aud Ireaith* "of SorBoa, preventH rot in Sheup, Salt in the farmera' neeoaajty,M '/ ,. .>.' '.- t ^ ^ .^ w ,_________ ' i 'hi i . i . r<Naturo^jMoU^ne5' i ' '>> , Nature's Medicine for oouotipatioa, liver oompWntr' bide hitt'daogie, bin^us^ssj jaliudto7i"naf;allow Icomjloxion l\|Gax' Liver i>illrf:'rJThey#aro! a.Jperfeet laSaMvo nevor griping or_^ eu'UHing pdn. One pill oaoUvnight for\80"days' wilKoure oonatipa- tion. ^mviDo power created the xnaBtodon and tho elephant created a blade of graaB; tho all-niao Pro vidence that made ino Lnado.^ datiiy. He doaau't ^ndorstdit^l yet w;hy aonfe worldly ofca ^f ,$lje oongrodatiqn .smilefi 'through tno"reBttip_f*the aermon.w Vaiu in tlift Back, MODaAn^s, -|,warroutjioa witftfeiain tJ#i)aoH^for ^ontbf, and aftor\ftyi| "several remedies-without effeat;ibought I would'use. Hagyard'a Yellow Oil. I yipg i]-' ;;, seemed to Buodessfnlly oopowith my ease, mgih. ./vWnea all else, ha^ iajb#I"rtjiaad*of- the tfK>' , " ?res beinf gffeuteft, iff |on|h ttLmf riolo ; V^NerTine, Ileojoefjr:^i |iv4 i a ltri|h ;j;^Beio1'e!;Ihaa*take^ haTrT: a bottle I am glad t6 say tb^t',art,s;r,UBi6t two botilos I waR completely cured, s,nd oanuofc rooorr:- aqend this excel load remedy too highly.' ?*,t., / , ... South ltivor. Out. I To.make your buBiuoBa payi.good health iaa'prjme faotoj* ToBebuWiofttTh^ltb, the>lo|cl_8ho4d tL kent plra|nQ^vig|rouB T)y4he^ttBe ofHayora' ffarBapanllflft- When the vital fluid is impure and sluggish, [Th^lfe o^rljbe neifbbr hefaitbi st^gtji.'qbr ambition. ' ^'Tbkaentle^taad'on1 : it*.!. . -'^r. vi,- ft t,9ue, it eyor flponrr^d;, to y,9U ,^o reokqp, *w far.Vour,ay6b'travel in reading;?!..iThe: Metaqbo wiling BattleV00- perhaps, for I'mAlioa; letfcejis i^'-prdirjacy, t^n^ wouj^! rooaauro hardly pboxe than' a mile (placed' tide by aide/be*fcho oucious*wjll tie later-' ]&ted io kpow tbata ftTtiat -roa^ul? -ttavoia nany hundreds o^milea (m a year in read, ng, and tba;1p~arlf(e vtime jthe average reader wendB h^B way tbrodgh t^onsandB i f m,ilea of print*.. The books iaRUod from ^epubHalibijary of. ,af large-town ke,very lay represent a thousand mileHot reading.' ' 'tie average, novel, oo^aiBtrng of 800 page a, ( ontamB a. mile of reaeing that'la to, any t 3e eyes travel Jj^GQ yards in ifeading^ 'tne l)ook through. Tbere'kre hocks, of course, ibtl w,eary the eyea tq,\ a much greater c i*ttnt. The student who reads aloOaujIay's 'History of ,England,'^ for instaucei wanders thiQugh four aud a half., milea of type, which, howevor^meanB that ' hta o^iohj'rS^eeti and ^kplesqme I-. ]>,</* > : M------: '1 ,m , r .." I " r i 1.....:.,..rer Cago of twelve I^attleB.......... ,, - /i>i.8Qc^per-^allon..j- V1 WoliYereh'pTao'at (lailwuy otuHou or Express ' -.T--'-', ; ,/^Tfi^ Awfceiat^ttig , Vintajse .Car, \iUnEiisTnuiK-, wt. Byes" traVdi nine miles, 'an tinder (tie I rtesonti stylo of'j^riutibg oyory-Jli^e" m\iat lo oovered twice. ,,' . , ., ' .,, J ' : . ... f'______i ' lt ^ci^ic.duptiiri ;":. ' ilxoruoiating Paiua BTave Yeu ^Buffered BUoumatio or Bciatie Paiua? South Amerioan Bboumatio Core will Believe iu 6 Hdurs'and Oure..'.". " t .:: : i-i ' *'X Buffered iu tensely with rhenraafciam tijnd sciatica m my loft hip. I triod a great i lany remedies and a nurnberof phyBbianB bjut thoy could do,vory little for me","~bnly V ivibgjme at .timea a little temporary' re 1 ift.', I!paw..'Boutfi Anatirionn, BheuraafciiQ ( ilro advertised,:au^ deoided to give it a t-falf Tbe^Orat few doBee .^en^ttod mo v onderfulty, and aftep, taking only two bottloBthe pains disappoared,. and thoro has been no rbtnfu.v I-eyoaider my oure a marvel, as T had been so bad for two years that had I bjeeUtgivun| 't^ba- whole univerHn Ilcor/lU not iie.on my left side." E, KrroU, ft:vrriokviilo/,0nt,* Soldby J'.Thorao.;, - Tpmaelliu^the Strait ot Messix^.' | - , (.. r< ' . Engineering achievements au^ possibili ties, from the,- modern point of. view,, a^ receiving an Additional illustration in -tho ujiBo pf tho pirbioctod tuDUfd liotwebu, tne i miiiuland otSlaly and the Inland of Bioi)yt plaus and dt^tailb of Which, in modoI^.aB' :tpoulerl by itbe Italian aivil .oiigiueor-'de J )bannls, hoTve attraeted much atteutido at tli-XJniversuV of Padutv. Af\er/thorough u idvcaroful^udioB of the St Bait of.. Mo 8- uyial.itB varyipg depths, the nature of" the ^"C,.....'I)eUvored atthdj ';' f' ' * ;-egreat,fiufferec from stomaoh trbable-aod paolj an uti- deoided that the b ginning of tlr; tunnel Bbould bo near 3 in Ulovanni'di BauiioJlo, at tho foot of tl a, : Aspromontei Mqudtaib ranges th'e n outh dn trio other side to bb loaated . on tl d -Deli, IuglesLplab. Tbo 'eutire tunnel, w.ll be nearly t^Vniles'long, and'will con- si if in tbo main of two Hbafts about 10,000 fu 3t eljoh', descend ill g at a gr]ftlc not oV,ood-! it gi32!feet,ih eaoJl.d'oO, SdcTi a.tnnlel* tl ought preferable to % bridge that would nvoiyersiioh a yteat spanf an.d,- wind *.a^- pqsUre.i-Harper'B Rbiihdl Tfftiie. '/^--/h-. : KEEBtoci'SELJVa.TOH, i v r r Provideuco Tliankea. -.'^Ife'iwitV'Bloudraat^ B.B.Witor^B'bure^^^o^ '$edlain^ butreoeiveaVnobeueflt autil, I thank J?ro- Ltjok to it .tfbJatiYou. aje Jwflll' Ctnarded Against' that Stealibjr Enemy,:-.Sidney Dia%aad-vSou^h'ime<ian EidabyCure a the OnlyKamedy WbIob;wUl'.Balifiiifr> i ,t once end oure., ;_,, ;, diohaelil^aMulUna of .Obealey^ ^yaites: "I Had bflen ttbobled* with gravel Mkd'-kfd-' W.rti^fr1! **&}&***$ 1 H?>es p${ pa rx was oof severe: I could uo^Hio in' 0no. po ition'^or.;any^J^gtaf,^'^|e;i/^;'toDk> So itb American KidheyQQreaotpfdlng to direotloBB,", l'i X& jgg^. ImVnodiafie; -'relfcf!; Tte Boreneea. abd,,weakneeB all left. I bai r testify 1b.'Ali|e>i^me4i\^K^>'^B'i ........--------^tt! mlMi fulourbr"' jTfaiaeteilftb^egeniy, wtiiTO Itfttlt you py.nsJrig "^U^Qa^^ltAps^.b^iiir'. SAMUEL? DBAN, I i^.^b^^repi.^.1'&ndbbt^kb' THE GLEANING OF CHIMNEYS Ooj ShOBT N6TICB, First 0laasi>0loau Work 1 feUaranteetf. Addrons Box 264, '3aaex. V., ,'! .i .1* POH iALIi KINDS ,Op~ V- . /WINDOW* BLINDB Away'dowp. i OH^NAAVABB, ;.- "i .. ' . ' .i.'-s ' ' BBIO-A-BBAOEi .-U " H ? FA'NOY uoods; .. " ', ;' NOVELTIES, *> "'S 1 j BOOKS:ApJD STATIONER'S,. . f SCHOOL STJFPIjIBS, '" , V ' ,- -TOYS OP AliD KINDS, i.'/i 1 - BERLIN/ WOOL-' aud IWNGUttlNG ] .{, . Nbw Sioohy of\fyi&fofili!}Rafter |r , henew'stookfat ' '#< \&*m See by ethe'Oxfdrd's'Stoves, BeS* j^fhe World. /litattufibt^lf , ^e G-umey Foujidt^ Go?: of /fcfc (lv?tK^oo^on^ Goal). ' We 'ta-ye them'iia Stock,.m OiBTipriQeH are the lpw'^^i "". " '"'"", O^Lll *^x<a- iliaapeot., ',. i' 'General,Tindinithihg ahcl'TJeil^iflng attended to. J:'.'^%\i^ ,C r- haVe you palpitation,, tfiropbtngt.ori ii regular*'bSatlnsT, ojzziness, short'bfeath, sniothering or choking seirfsatjoh, jiain in tl io breast or heart. If so, your, heart is affected and'Svill in turn' ahTett your nprvefe, causing riervousn,css, sleepless- ' nesif,: jnorbid' anxious, .feeling^ debility' I ~it |hn rrodn fqr tat ' * '* ' rIi will hrluR a'rioh ImruoBt: Blood and Private nijaE*mni ct tin* victim. OurMlJiWMlcrHO^'XMlU'AWJ^^Wfil Wf ital ^^VA^itiOOELE; ! ,NER^0UQ-,BEBlkil^l c> SVPHlLISV8TR!CT0aE,QtEET/SW!N!AL'W^^ "ill MCOC nlnflri'i trvi'i if>.oV'M.vrlUi'wir-i tiftfxrAn-iibwWi'i 1 LabU; oyea tion.u i"flo; utUfuartl loOu.ut,, ,...* Wuwn^ h' imi"> "m'v i^'in. *w**it,-p. - ,-.!--,,, crtoi dopo4t in nrino and clniirtB nt Bt(>l:'(UtirmWnI; want of coafidbnee; .^oorgy and ^trfi^th-rVV^'CANJCURB YOU OR\A%HWQ ' CURES GUARANTEEP Cffi NO PAY^COM^DerMi|i^ ..^.' aft !B r.i,- dure * all these cornpiamte^^g^Utine; ^ktotp*iei.uU^ d*t' Jf .n? C:?!(MC^D;;|ROifl:Tllt^BA^'v^E^S\i iffiSdav fcliilftdffir fi*wS ^. f7(Jair1SmQn.^o.'(5olu11uftoT1ltor'oprf^

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