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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 3

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WB&& K E88EX, OOWNT< . rt-.'-'-F, -V H oat and ood t,ha^6axefl.; one (lb - (p; tbo the Bum of Throe Thousand Bight ttun;;|',Towimiilp;or Ooiobeater. Worth^ftii si.otM.te loWbonnftt* auil*W-9ifl0 *V bnbhjt,*aurt>thVu P'OTrAUj^ *f \f lofcstsT NuA i tibfattft i tp toae .W^fai* Jb.fiJ ^6i$A^7tpg|HhiB\apb^ ytfu #Ur*flncr\planHr profiles, ..spoolfloatTpui/ Sitlnmtas, asassBmentii and all'other _ V .Every,fanner alibnld raise yffiifcjog)^I 9 *0 &?&- Quality and Fit . Guaranteed.... -:* ffV.i : (' ': r, n L3 WVSJ\ARMVE0. w WW*. iU: A 77 v. y t -1 .*.l V ' t 1 h /r IK is E: Bjing and Cleaning in Connoo- SOUTH WOODSLEE. M6nt&LrcoJ8Fl6tiiriit0flainef jT ^. ProvlElonally adopted tho loth day of Jane, Mjjrdook Campbell and olners and notice by u^fthaKujrfef^ Colchester North, stating that If they did not Improyo tho drain on too south aide of the Townlioe botwoen Maidstone and Colobaater North and other drains laadtatfjmm OiRardffhltH wnfiftausjn*.th dvTrnoiWl afcl4a*ttgln#tb lW^^bTp^ bringaotion for damge^ft^uf th^.^ ^^ i| ifjflh W^i[lieu|iiii thaiajrtouridll baipr g$V-'p,':- 4* JustTW^. You Can&t All For One Parlor Suite, H'i-^, <)ne' Bedroom Snito, fo <'" One Extension Tablo, One Sideboard. Six Cbaira, One Booker, $40 -7*~ALBO~r- w.;!..:'" ? If!';, Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings ana. Everything in the PurnitiirjLLineLat Close Prices tbo Best Goods itf r tho Market^r-the hulk of whiqh i/ \ iaXbnt' drVn* manr^acturoj tliore- . fore we will guarantee itjt^io, est in the Market* * .*"-J*,J*V. __ procured Sn eiatrfinatlon to bo raadu by J. 8 La^rd(0,b. 8.,baItiKappnoneompetenUpratioh norpoay, ot^bMald wtwrfpropoaed to[bllraI&e(t and skhe"ttreanv suggested for the "dValDace' tboreofi and oi other fan da and roods liable so aflsoBsment under this Act and bos alio pro- qarad plans,Bpeolfloatlons and estimates.oz tho* ;0>ajbage(iWarkyato bo! made bynfie cMd J> B..IjairaLajiaanaaH08Bmontt6DoniaaabyhIm o> the -UiBflB and 'roada to'ho benpfltted( bf audb drtl^o^orkabdWotb^^anrffan^roada1!!. l able for opnfcrlbatlpn thetoto, staUog. as nqarljr. aabbOban, tne prduortlohloflbetieflt, onmt lia Ulltv and Iniarlng Uablllty, whiob,, lnhlaomn- lon, will bo dbrlTed) pr.lnonnred' Ifc oo^ieanqr/De of each drainano work, by eVery road aod lot or Krtlonof lot, tnpsaJdjaflieBiiinent so mads bo, g the Assessment borelaofter by thlst by-lav enaoted to b wsoflaod and levied upon the roads and lots or porta of lots beretnaftor In that behalf oapeotauy t forth arfd described,' afad ther raport of tbV eald J. B. Laird In roB-' poot theroof, and of the Bald dxalnago work, jb^gasfoUow^-., [ \} r _p , M To tbo Roevo* pppaty Boevo and "Mnnioluo Councillors of the Townabip-of poloheate North, In OounollaaBomblod:-^ w ). i Ghntlbmbm, In Moordttnoe with lnotruo- tlons from yonr bpnorjable_body I have token al ri 108803. liars the honor tobaV 8pnttqmeiP! 'J (') KJ JAMES B. IiAIItD, 0 i.S, ox, Mojyh 13th, 38OT. WnBBKAs; tffb Buld Wanoll arobf y.our"wjii,nnve m<^ gaium^jucm 91 utivxu yoiiib'brffes^T)'better l?6riflitiou tiHi 'OOflt, bolte.bia ^ood pr^ *2 And 'WnnniEAs, tc*b B>t!dtfflunoll aro \\t opfnTon; that the dralnsenf tbo oroaa dflserlbod la do .sirable: r (TberJforo.AliJ rild Manlilifal Cqujlairp'f- tbo. eald Township of OolohoBtor rfortn. puwilantr to the provlalonB of tbu Dralad^a Aot, 16W, enaats as follows: j lot^The nat&rooort, plans,,spestnoatlnnH, as BsSBmonra and'uatiirftttiffl aro hftoby. ajoptod and tho dralnugo workman tharela indfpated and BeV/orth;shall ber.m .dejand"ffeoiuitroo{ed?ln ad oordunoA therewith. \ , ' r Md. *2% Reia Ef tha fsald/iownah'lp mttyl lao: Only the' borrow on thoorfidlt of the corporation of tool u] \. ,. "Tv said a/o.wrAUip of 66lobastor Sorttfttbe Btlm | of | re of the Very Throe* Thonimod Eight Btmdrod: land Elgnty Dollars and Twenty OontBtbolng the amount .of fttnffs ndeeuary for tue1 wbrk ami mayissup debentnras of tbo corporation to that amount in aum of not loss tban 660 eaol), \and payable within terr. years fromitbo dato thereof with 'interest a tbe rate of flvo per centum , per ounum, that is to Bay in ten , ' 101 ual Instalment^ Hush dtbsnturga.to bo pay ' Ksblo at tho'dfionoy of tho Imperial Bank, at thf Town of Kbbox, and to have attached to thoin teonpono fosthe'tuyment^ of 4ntoroBfc ' J ( l 1 urd. Tor-' paying tbW earn t of 9I,(tSi IS, t*hn amonnt charged against the said lands and roadfl for benefit, and tho Bam of 81,000.80, tbfe . bmonnt ohttrgid ^aftalnst tho said landB and I road for outletllabMity apart from tbo lands and roada belonging to or controlled by tho manlot- pallty. and for covering lnteroat tboroon fot ten'ieara at the rate of flvo per oontum per/1 annum 1 the total special rate overland above all other rates, shall be asBostmd, levied and collected (In- thp samo manner and at tho samo time aa other taxeB.are lej^ed and aolleoto-3), upon and from ihe^undermmitloQed lots, and parts of lop, and "j roods, and the amount of the said totalBpeolifl rates and interest against each lot -.*ur a part of lot, roBpeatlvely, shall bo dlvfd0" n * Into ton -pqnal parts' and ouo Bnoh^pai^t ._._ if;' /'.j .' .*xi tiahiifu^of B^eiiedcornVoU mixedVfyjx' Jjov.naftiigerfl are lqaBBt for borBpa,,;'j I Gfo gra'dtiairy VitB,' the' colts', do hot expect thdm to dd as muob wo.rK asltne old Hbrflos. '- Give 'themVtime to learn, and" develop. ir l ' ejN"lve&losai.patience With a'colt'/ne Wll knowit in' one' secondV and' yonrj maater-y over him -will bb gone, and* a * I tribk or bad habit 'may b6rthe reBrilt/ I flrat-olABfl thbronghbf e< oh: jBuoklea pad of flannel and wet ifl ("cold w^tor around the hooj, We <to| 'notjlik'etbieiiae of oil *on(the hooij inj any .ease. tho notloo signed by WmrPoDsman-aajfothera and also the potltlon fllgried byWardooB-Oamp1 bell and others and hotlcosTJy o. E. Woldon and James Martin, and bog to report thereon aa foHowp t**-^n sspoordanoo/Htb tbe esfd notloe, I hre OTAtulnoil tho dltoh/on the south side, of itbe Vownlln* basweoa Hsjdatoiio and Qolohen ter North;* front* ner tie MIohlganMTJentral Railroad, west, to the slderoad botwoon lots 12 and IS, In the 14th ooqoobsIod of yourTownahlp; thonoe south to tho 11th conceaslon rooj and tound Id groatly out of repair In most places and In muoh oood of Improvement. Aleo in com- Sllanoe with said petition I havo laid, out rain on the oast sido of Bald slderoad, from iaco con *e the 14th eonoenniorTload,south, to the ifoad In sbajlbe arfoseed,I^VlocLand Qpllootod as*aror4- "ots nofthf thence ' -- ^* ... the rear of the MaldSn roe westerly on Jdie aqntU' ill road to the oldVnton Ti of tho ealdiraar, )roln; thence south- In ciioh year for to: "iof; th4s*t)y' itaras have tn^rnn** nn ciioh year ror ten years pitar jlnof; thls*lDy-Jtw, dicing yplqh yea% p/^ejrfcfao^jPnifl. tho^jfln tfrtTfla 8ttT o 3* % 0 u u o 13 I ' Q) a ffl 0 >* a> o ^ 1 fi o - BTIl ip, fe': ;^.' Undertaking A Specially! First-Cla'agTCifcy'ifa^CB in afctdadance when required. All of the above to be bad- at ". t " >ul \-EfHbrie Furniture WarerOoins. J. A. HIGiKS & Co,, Essex. C H w New Bakery. ',, jj-'-' if*. cf I bog to'infarrn tho .qitisseaa of Essex arid vioinity chat I h^ve Opened a Bakorv at n>y^oald(^nooj, Yic'P1'^ *Bt*i whore ban'^So found a full . iino'of .. . . . . . . BAKER'S GOODS. I Bak<vibe Detroit colobrat- ed Ho;tae-Mado Broad, whiofc is ilie iHtoafc and most appo-" tizing. Patrons can obtain this Bread by calling at .','.. WILKINSON'S > #' # Ho rrliandUng tho goods for .<V FJ pLw hf " 284 8 Peri'fat jj 214 H .Ftnht .284 ,2 MPtaptV. 285 '40 E pb - 285 2J. Blw pt--- UM fiO' S pt 280 20 .6 pbnoqr 281 1UJ ~'&M 381 92J B *pt 2^2 HO NT pt a hf 282 16} Est AfltS, 10 t p&a w.qr. 283 8 JJTptB.hf SS3 . t* wl sbil 2m8 Ifc h hf 28fl Pt whf Bfaf 28a .Pt;wbvf8hr283l Pfc v?Kt Bhf 288 Pfc whf shf 283 a 14 JB pfc e b( S pie 2A5, KTqr fi'Walif Kf tk 8 hf KhfWLf^- W hf -E-h-.- ' I 8 Si *4 34 6 284- .,80- 2S8.J27: 9 0 <J 1 10 11 11 13 > A fBhK Vi? io^ *6 fiofr- ^' j S- i.'i^'.; '? '. me, i Please Give Me a Tria and bo convinced thnt T can .."' suit .ybtt{ Goods!'Will/ b*ii i?resh as my wajjon goes to all parts'of tho town; oyory morning fe^^feddingCakesasi I sol- ESLEY BUBDICK. The Coast Une to MACKINAC ' . . 1.^-. ivi. MACKIiSiAC- DETROIT" PETOSKEY Ne^ Steel Passenger S^amcrs, ' The Oreatest Perfection yet attained In Boat Construction Luxurious CqulpmonL Artistic J^eaUhlng^Decoratlon anifd^flfc-f. lent Service,insuring: the'liighcst'dggreeor J CbiWFOHtT, ?P^ED AND; SAFBYiV ' y F'ouB-TniPS.PEn Webk Betweem Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, **THel 8O0> MftRQIJETTE ;l ', 't\ * 4NO RMLUTH.T! d '. i-tOW RATES to Plciur^sque Mackinac an4 lie turn, Including rivals and Bertha, - Fnjtaf. ClV|n(r, $iS| from Toledo, $IS1 froai Detroit, $13*00. DAV AND NIQVrT 8EBVIOE. . . . '^ . Between Detroit tthd Cleveland $? ! ' ' Connvtlh*l*t Cleveland^wltri<.arlits<'[' wtsband&tDctiSt ftor^polriUNorttTani Northw&t. ; t i-.\r 25 5 35 2S fi 85 25 5 35 50 10 50 50 10 50 60'. 20 00 ' 50 .20 00 100 75 00 60-00 . 40*00/ 40^00^ B0 00 18 45 a 00 0 00 12 00 . 6 00 y0 00 J12 00 In 00 ^0 00 'to 00 1S5 00 185 00 10O 00 40 00 110 00 18 50 17 85 W ". n 5 (J0 4 00 0 05 100" 0 ufi 11)5 12 75 "85 :% 5 05 ;,48~ 3 25 '.' Til)} 4 00 5.80 f: - 1 1 80 .-- :8 46ff v v 1 2q 3 -':32 00 ., >% 00 A1 s&oo 1'20 ----------1-00 5 55 1 00 X 00 ; , '60;. . O . 20 . - "25 " ' : 15^ / ' '15-: ',"'* 15" 80 r l-aor t 82 00 .35 a. ol >> CQ = JB * 1S.5-S- H 3-9 2 *; A "s ^ , .g-----..J T.1.. a, y bet! tyr?e.' Bdn't lose, sight of*'Morgan blood jf it ia \Vithin L .'r! t7<w$Ast. C*/Uf, Sore Throat, Asthma^ Brofr <hitisy and all fSuttg Tryubla are quickly <uredby HagyarcCs jPttforttl 'Bahfi^i, 1 ; BURDOCKW BLOOD Strong Points a ^tb.b.b.x i: Its Parity. S."Its Thousands of Cures. 3* Its Economy. 1c a dose. ^ss **8 Si would. Positively enred: by 1 .Indigestion ju?d Too HciartyJEating.' -^pen. ftfct^rcmedy fpr Plz^incas/Kafjsca, Browal. licssi' Sad Taste in the Moutii Coated ToaguO Pain in the Side, TORPTO^lJVElL The]' kegulate \he Bowels, Puxelv VegetahlS '" SkalI Price. , ,' .j the fraud of the day. ' -u Sfe-ybu g'et Cartels, Ask fbrr Carter's;. " Insist and demand iV A' Carter's Little Liver'Pill's: c I 80 00 10 00 8 ob 00 00 00 58 00 28 80 25 06 25 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 116 00 M 0Q 50 00 27 00 7 15 4. 65 1J20 5 85 : ^ 26 :l i^,'.V';;(l'-,Nort fe^;: V':' -Snd SundayTrlpa fans, July, Auaust snd 3pl. Oar/ :, v EVERYDAY B&WERllL. _ ..... ^mmm^i rap1 v Kto.-rrf+qwmT*i- *v ^.^ Dftoit- mwsv . 11 12.,,,126 IdO 00 18 d 80 MO 00 W' j85 10 '144 3 25 .J4 00 - Jn tin- II ~> ft * 6^80. 40.'00 4 00 00i .50 00. 21 00 4 00' "Nfw hf ';- ' Jehl 7 11 f 11 1? 13 108 /T'2 00 ..86 f{2fl 25 25' **. W Whf ' r;16. 17J 17 Vji 14 60 rf 86 ">. 10 06 ()8 fifi 112 00 jl2 00 p2 35 L 2 86 02 05 . -r-3'05 */ 8-00 /is 00 ; 3 36' B 86 2 00 JUS ,~7;.8B 4 OP 5- If 5'. 80 18- .-'r og; V 08 1 da 00 r . 05 ; es "' 05 00 -.; -54 0 86 - ' (-l 01 1 01 ' 1 01 4 05 4 95 . itt*"oo; 0 00 92.50 27 00 21 00 80 00 :: 30 00 26 40 12 08 00 ' 2 70, -, .8 00. 1.80 1 8Q - ' !i 00 2700 28.50 .28 50": ' t,$ 'fo 58 50 ' (14,50 J0 00 ; -24 00:, 12 15 - -7 50 4 62- :1 26 ' 0 11 -25 1 20 ' ' 2" 00 2 00. .8,88 1 70 ... '.'-fiSr- 1 20,, 1 74' 12, ,2 00 .2-00 f 2 ." "I ' \ 05 05 7- .82 307 ,.3 00 39 '00. 00 00.. 45' 00 10 60.' 1 87 4.85 4' 00 101 2.60 1;.44 60 fiO 70 .' \G0 ;;90 J- ' 00 ,1 00/' l! ?0 CO 110.. C tad// 118 -^ - j aa ' . ao \20 ' > 20 20 I J)4 (10 UG 00 oo -2 41 1 6 6 G 6 1)6 21 46 21 45 'W |)0 20 00 1)7 60 117 00 -. "01 00 180 00 190 00 114 <i0-. 54 03 . 8 00 11 70 , 16. B0.. 7 8&"- 7'80., 15 fidJ 117 00 123 50 1^8 50 2611 50 253 50 379 50 190,00 104 "00 82 50 10. 67- 5-45 20 4Cf 1 10 : 5- 20 . 8 05 8 Oft.' 10 58 7 35- I 3 2 4 10 1 o 6 n 72 lk 08f 03, 03 02f 02 02 02 04 23 4 1(S S 80 46 r 1 20 "X82'00 2?00 86.00 a 20 1,00 5 65 -160 00 oo . "MIX 25 v 20' JO 15 16 - 15 "* 80 1 80 32 00 6-S6 t>$5 5 35 6 35 lerco 10 50 20,0O' 20 00 75 00 00 00 70 0O : 100 0O 10000 - HH 00 42 26 3-00 ' ft 00; 12 00 l .6 00 G 00 lfl 00 00 00 96 00 :, D50O lOC'OO 105 00 215 00 - 10O 0O .80 00 . 40 :50 25 00 15 05 . 4 20; 20 35 * BB . 4 OO 0.05 "G 66 . 12 ,.75 , 8 25 k4 00* - 6 80' , '40 6 05 0 06 /06 ' 2 05 2 00, ' ' . 15 :': . -'-;:"i5.:.' , . 3 76 . '10 25 : 13 00 - ,180,00 ' .200 06r ' 160 0O ' : 85- 00' ;. pr25.: ..', WB0- 85 05' &\65 4180" sod -. 2J00": 85' ' op;; .; /66."v 65 00 1 86; 8li::":-;v^^*;'- "::i8: ;7 <?., WH RePtilatcs the'Stomach, Uvcr and'Bo^ls, unlocks Oie Secretions, Purifies the Blood %nd removes all the impurities from a common Plmoletotte worstScrofulousSok,and , ' ' ' . 1 DYSPEPSIA.'^ : * . BILIOUSNESS, , . ' CONSTIPATION. , HEADACHE, , ' SALT RHEUM; SCROFULA,, heartburn; sour stomach, \r, .DIMNESS,: DROPSY, . 1 v RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES. - A Havana, Cnba;:diBpfttch;jfi(iys that two hundred Spanish, ofljeora and con* tr&otors of the armyaroimpriBoned at the fortress of La Oahana there, and %i the foot of Jagna; in' CienfnegOB, tindeil charpeH of fraud apon thd treasury, in provjsioning tho-army. Coloncln, liou- tenant.-coloacla, majors and; captaisa have a conspicnon^ place in tlire list of swiudlers. Thoj; Htolo. ^10,000,000 h paying for provisions, anft never go them, coDHoquontly thfe army was hnl starved. ' ' 1 .' : '" > .,' ThaTpab ia looted ^t th^'p j53W,;J, .boiler, witli ' & fwtpat^ ru6'Diiig irofeir tbe rear' platform, where ppa':lfymm Ipoated* At presont, three'^ttfeti.;W^ 'ployed op tbe englqV, tbe eiDgia^er^rji t *rtd sinal man. "The lattu'ris ;lao|i|js^j the cab in place of the ftroman.v'OjW to. tbejooatlpn of j\ie fs&b, \b^on\ff^ 'difflcOl^ foe tljo orew tg mute tbtfr 'e( i'oaB0 of'an aocideutfc , J ti **h ',' If yon would nave un ulidudtitJtfDpf ila^ )osay hair, if'yja woqjd lillye i pltil aoalp, free frotp, darjdr.off and, frrfWJifl bumor'q.of ,if your hair is faded* anrfVgrsH .------^_ -------.--------,---------.-----------^ , . 1 News from Soutli JpaRoti,. 1 VaKoio, baa'thoDflaudn'of acres of Good ;'feoutb obtiiob furmiaa-und ranch fund lyitlft oast ^of too MiusourJ Riyor, and witbiu 1 days tido from Ctlicu^'o (0 Milwuulfoo wliicb can be bon^b't reasonably cheap;* hub whiob be fore tho oud of another; year .may be ad. vanccd iu prico. 0.- Burdock Tills do not gript or sicken. The'y"-'"- " tdacJte. x\ J cure Comtipation and Sick Headache. ,: The atoolvraiHin^ industry rinS6u^bJ)u- kota is proAfablo, 'aud-asVrtj oapiial in [.now bcint; invested .In .cattle and sheep growing iu tliat slate. ' .} ( pivertuod./arralri^, jhe arpwirig of live stock, and the products of; the dairy, are plucinn ( South ijakota ,,formost,' in . the ranks of the suboessful Westoru States.' . , Those deeirip^ full ln^ormnijon op thy Bubjeot, and particularly' those Who wlah to seek a new home or ^nrohaae land/ are reqnestud to correspond with A. /. Taylor, Canadiau Passeu'eer Agent, 2 King street! East, Torobto,'Out> L' Popular Hotel 'Maai^^pj "1 was troubled witfa'"pimples^o^'^ fAce aod bead which aauaed ma:mnoh'^tl noyance. After tryio^ maay-remeVll withoat benefit I w'aa actvfsed :fip- tfooa's Sa'rsaparilUJ' The flrflfc: helped me a&cl I took' fdnr boitles', "-1 now completely ourei." .Jaraeo 'KeilTfi Proprietor Chapman Housey Barnia;'-'/ OibJ ' Hoad'a'Pilla act prozqfitly oa'^tbe; ft^ and bowels. Ouro'Biok' headache*,, /,-. '% ROW 'IN, TjtfE U^UP m , "S,i. 1 f 20 , 7 64 .- .' - 02 '8 05 8.05- * 28 f' *40 ;. :2 60- , ' 20 , \20 ,3 67 : IS 82 ,10 00 ;iorfoo 260 00 106100 45 60 -.18-B5 : 17.86 w18"'06 >ll-25 ; (t24 i'ioo : $.60'. V 8r06V-'Sr06'. -.:c.-S,;-; \ Xob, "5", ^90:; l ^85 09 . .00 2 14 2 14 2 00 2 60 97fi 11L70 9'10 18 00 IB 00/ ,11.44, 6 41) -30 ' 1 IT 1 60. 78 1 78* 1 & U 70' 12,35r 0 '.-ja ao7 *% 35 2J15 ., 27.^ , 13 00 .10.^0 3 25/ 1 ao 65V "2 Gfi; ti- 52- ' ' -80: 80 .ri'i-oo. 74'. 42 75 a a> O rJ; M . "o a to CP o. to ,,f _ to a."* _ ^j .s s H . .5R'- o o a & CO s as- T3 *M OS'S '3 18 .19 10- 10 20 20 21, 21 21 21 il IT fi w 1 ' 3-;F ., N w,i N vi'qt N eqt; N w qr. B^wqt R e qr N 0 qr N., hf 0 qc 22 N w qr" 22 'Nbfnnfehtfla B>qr' '22 S-w qr N y.qr N e qr. 8 -orljr S,,>vqr S o qr S w qr ij'fhf 'N lif ".'N hfa Nhf ' N'hf Wvpt -132 ' S: ;';i 20 -20 23 24' ^5 . 28 ., 29 30 j I3qrn,hf 31 N oqr* , 31. " N pt- ""32' ' .".','N oqr 23 ' . . c- N. W q.r ' 23. ' : Total on Jjandfl Totul ou Koads - ; 200 50 50 50 50 50 50 " 60. 50 50 50 25 ' 25 >25- ',50 50 . ' 50 so- so . 60 100 100 1O0 100 100 46 50'. i6 50 '.50 ' 8 05 f 1 35 -I 35 V* 0* 20 00 ao'ioo ."40 00 " 20 00 . 1 85 1.85 20 00 , 6 00 ' 20 00 , . 5 00 . 1 36 1 85 - 10 B5 10 V,a" 10 00: 1 85 ,1 85 '60 00 v20 00 ' .. 2 65- . -2 05.' * 2 05 100 , -.- 1 85- 1 05, l-W- 1-.35,. ' 20'00 20-00 20*00 ",7 r " 8 05' 1 35 .1 85 4 65 40 00 50 00 00 00 20 00 1 35 ' 1.-85,0 20 00 , 5 00 ."* '20 00 5 00 ; i;8ft - . t 8Bt.f 10 35 ' 10 &5 ' 10 00 1 U5 -1 35. 186 ' .20 00 20 00 . . 2^05 4 a- 05' . 1 00 r45' . l"I 85 1 05 1 B6- *1 85 r. 2 ttO ' : - io ,- . mo 1 40 12 00- 15 00: '..18 00 . J 0*00." ".40',' ' 40 : O00 ,-. v'fip '. 0 00 - 1 CO '10 ,0 8 10 r- 8 10 - 3 00 ' - .10, . i 4 o:oo & 00 . 8a eof. . -80. M 80' 14 40 Vi\. :' io -10 " 11 2'6 I 76 ' 1 75 6 05 ' 62 00 - 05 00! 78 00 .. 20 OO , 175 175:. ,. 0 50 'WOO '0:50 1 75 . ,1-76 '13 45 . 18 45 13 00 1 76-/ 3.75. 1 76 " ',20,00 20 00- .-3'45.- '. 3'45,r * .T 30.' " - . -59 : 1 75 130 1 75 ,1 75 1 1 18 18 00 5" 20 a 50 :.7 80 ; .2-00 17 17 2 00 05' 2 60 65 ' 17 .17 85' 8r- sou 17 17 17 T>0 CO, 35 85 85 18' 00 17 14 17 17 Broakfap ^yddeitfr on the ' or ine Lltile Oonqoeror. Know what Ibmoane? - - 'A row. in the kideev earn p.,' A dangeronu blockade. Kidneys qdfa striker ' ', yi Too muoh work to do, ' . * .J Then oall on the oonqaeror" of, bidn Uia '"' Arjd'Mie kidney strike will'be pvjfeS Xnot her victory for Doan'e KidooyVl *,Kpthii)g nev*^theylwa,ytf win. '"' . Bfiokache in quickly cqred., , ..TJribary'trodbiaH. disappear.,' J kidriey rhpitriiahBm:'aD(l e^ven thaV-;difi^i destroyer, Bri^ht'sJ^ieease, are>.'rll^lN Plenty of proof that .(his wwi: ' i:.i$(!s8n ' WTr: J. K.'Millar, with. Fors^tbe^|f dorRon.'the-well kndwu dry (jood^'ib.oriwp 'Essex; Ont., staIes,~"F6r. abmb^'Mji haverhad kidney aud back croublea.Ill aiQ clad to eav that-1 have been-orifcf| Doan's Kidney"Pins-T^-----.: "V^'Sl -VI got a box bflhem at Bhemn'aV'axfJ store and the -result Vtts remarkalile:.^ is not-eayiag too much to' state' twfy'jj pure is.coraplotc', and! teel it all tlvfi?n. remarkable as I1 had taken man^rpi meaicineft before Ijiad tried Doan's *';I ney Pills, bat; receiyed; np,r;beoefl^^nE thorn....- ,, ' >y-/vk -"I recommend Doaa'ii ffitfaiy^ h oar til y to anyone troubled witl^'bi ache or, kidney trouble of aay klnd;!^ Horo ib auother,: Mr. Fred Gilb^; J tbie'-tb sayi "For,eevoral (yjsarii'.l had a painfol BtiffneRS iu^T*bi6%Tt,..t^ I think by taking cold whiob affected-n kidneys../ "., .* 'iX^^t "I also,ftnffered from urinary ;tif^n^r aud felt tired and weary;nearly:juQj time... l>To tnodtb^agi) I got .a.'hJ*^ Doan's; ;Kidney ;PIa at'.\Shsrr|n^]M store, and they have oared 'me'*;jwffll mqud thdrfl ^gbly, to any' peraOoJaaj fiom lame bank or kidney troablesfpt kind, as'they, proved 'a perfect ji^ierf my .own ease, and Ihave eyery ^ooftc in-tWr.vV;*'. -yy.-'MM W?AN^ED^SEV)3BAL>AXTB3FrjfiKiBE, Women to travel .for reBpooaibla^i Unhod'houeo in Ontario.- Salaryr 780^p'r i^lB waokly ami expenses." Position peitO; Hataronae. EdoIobo solf-addreased q volopa. The National, Btar^lairdlBffjOhi '.^---------: .B '.-v [ Wanted 81,054 15 91,000 80 93,044 95 $9iM0..83,9C8 44 . 395 84 ' ,886-36". 260 58 K 1,085 63 108: 58 ":: - Total on Xi'nnrln and lloads > 83^880 20A;l,i04-07- ^5,044 27 850442 ' 4th.For paying tho sum of 883W.2C,. tho amount aBBossed SKainfii theeaidroaOs una laudnof tb^ 06ifo 87 87 121 34 05 - 25 02 02 80 1 88 . 1 09 10 00 .20 00 19 60' 4 65 81 .1 88 1.74 1 01 , 1 12 63 '36 .20 i/.JO. ,30 :,:m- w xm. municipality,and for,covering IntoreBtthereon for ten yoaro at tbo rata of flvo par oontum por annum, a special' rate on the uollar, oufll- olont to produpo the required yearly amount ...... - - . .. jjj therefor, shall, over and ahovo ^1L other rates, lie lovloafftnd cojleotol (In the, fame manner faiid ab th(rJiaiii)B time as taxep aio lovlod and QolleotodhAiponr' and from the Wliole ratabls ropevty la atUtl Township of Oolohostor North, S u oaoh year tor ton, years"/af tor the| (lusl IpaBS- 1ue of tbla by-law,' dtirjiig which'the. said dabon- turorfhavetoran. ' , > .' ' . Bth.. Tlinib James S.taird, together with tho Council,in hereby appointed oomailsflloner to let the contract for tbe said drain and works oonneoted therewith by tender to tbo lowjoat bidder (net exeesdln^ tho estimate),^bubneery, , such oontra'otor wltb.two good and Satisfactory* -eq rot lee, shall be required forthwith to ontor lata bonds for tbe4ao performauoe and- com pletion of the contract, according to said plans and epflolfloatlons and within the time'men- tlonsfliwltbln raoh bond, unfeas otherwise or-' dereAbythe Counolli ondtf/Bhallbe the duty of sooti eommlsBionerBto uause .aattl drain and Warns oonpeqtotL. therewitbv to; .-he/maae,, and oonstraatod^aAoeordhnco ^Itb guob rtaJia nad enootfjcatloufl, not later tmvn the lac day.of Npvopjbe^.A. D, lB97,(nnlo8B<bthexwlso ordered by.tlr *" *" "*- * *"" *' l-^- Hoev impOiarey,_____________________________ the qojitraoQ 1bfolly coxDjiTtfted aaid-duly. ao'tj e oltod the "14th Ooucoasion, Itoar Koad^oUd Gesbo $Idoroad Praia By-laWi , A:CATKINSON, " ' : JOHN A; iTHOifAfi, r _ - Clork. , '- Ilureby certify ithat the foregoing la-a zma copy pi a b/rlaw provisionally^ adoptod'by rtjis mqufcipul C0Tiucilaf;the snld Tt^wnajhip of Col; clieBtor North', ou.the: nlhdieontlfc day of Juno, A.D.itw. ' - '*-' 1 Clork of tho.aiunipipiUHy of Oolohaetor^orth. A M A NT*T0 BBI*' CANADA5 0J ^ /\. 1VI AlN t -JTruttund OrnanJsr^k| Slirabfl, Kobob, Bulbs and Bulbous PlantS4 Vinos, Snyill Piults, Bood PotatoosiX!*^ patalopuo only the hardiest and,, moSM Varlotios thatsneoeed (n tbe icoldeai^o^. NDw.soason now commencing: complete] free; salary and expenses paid fron>t ' full time, or liberal commission for Be ; Apply now,':addroBBhjg >earQst^fflo pliojoo of territory. .- 9 ^-^IfM. r I LtJKE BKOTH^KE CQWi - iDtomatlona] NaraerhM Omoaao,^ii(,orMoNTa*fciOT ; .. .:. ^::x'X^:im I lib it il^MtilTti IT*- -"**i "* TiiJF "*r "i^ "J 'JT 'J'tC^ l.r -ixrdTxa3& Ctaaips,' Colda, ahd^u sovmi*'\cqwpx A^Surej Safe.'Quicit;C'ure'tbi-t^ . !^V.^v1l*St'EiS( r :i\T OTlCK'ls horebr glvotfthat a' Court of Be-' N .vision, held^unnantta ib e provision* of m ths.Dralbaae Aot; 18&I, fpr^the bettrtnKHflhdr trlaUof Appea3a made againBt the- above-as-|tt any personr. intending to ap^sa ab9-eaB6 opn,..and tnat al against tbo coptiffl, ad for the duo- performance. ,of, ^hose be^ieSr and Alotbbr duties of domralaaloners the aald - efimmlHioners shall ff entitled.' td rrfleeive a? '^. . opmmtBsiqa ot ouo. *aidaiie-hnlf pereehfc. o& perBpn lOtthVUb to mk*tUxtQ&^;M:J$&wm .^; MM ,..._______ bc'rhpIetVinmkvino-wor*,; .ialifiK 'ofiflmg.to platts iuid.Hfpoblflofttfons;-and'^^7; _. of appeal;orotborwiaehewill betoolat.e to. rind BCo. jffivM Gook^s Cottoo. R 'nibnitl ferf'/iJ.v1. YESVbt'--.-':-- M'i&.rEfflMl -Sr-ap.; iV- im \'jK'>. ' ,v. \-W>\

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