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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 2

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w$& .' v.- w "^^(.^i^o.^>(itr^i,*p.jroiir*yMl w tb8 0eldan'd'tmtof jfhl, V ^^ *-^ - Th child aloeps undtr Mary's tyest UidorinK., lw> criea flprt dla- ____,..... ^V :_, . 1* I^ittl lire and comfort got lot fc'e>anriTiiu in my breattl ::.-v apWw*rm Ih'OcK'a Ut mu-swleal .;,... Lorer'aBreast fthot," byH^Rruma^ f^vhitQiatoamboat backs away l^trom'fche wharf, ^wings about and goos jpSllcwly' down tbV;'rivbr sounding her B*rW^a' at Intervals, for the f og W com- feftbg'.'in rapidly/' . ' . gg^ir^ho fM7 loafers^the, pier" eyoecuri- i$p;^ttuitythe iorU,'elegapt wbmah who ;haa. K^lvlotnBi ashore. . ffl'tii' ^rSv^ipout, approaojjes'old' Je$ Rawaon anoV to.take, me aSSr",: old Jed. tak ing out hia pipo t<ketnrc at hnr with as-, ment. "Tho fftoamcr goes into. f^kmlsb- - ^_ Y&V'afifc jest'below >sro te**Svajt fer tho >g ter lift, ^Thar's i* *""' ------" 'ytiie WnightJmarai -'a nVgittln across tho g ter lift -Thar' "iVnu ^manage a TJofttV my good M-;. *OaBL yon man?" i^.v: :-.' . All the loafers smile at thin. Old ,$$'<- ' jed .breaks into a mpllow langh which ii1^/: gtfpfla^ a perfogt network orrwrink\es flverbte brown face.-- jl . **yjfhyr leddy.V ho says, Vthere ain't $;1 nary" ia boy of 10 or up'urd alougflhoro |$E$v;M don!t know how to handle, about." %fi'/ Thei lauy laughs tofl." She ia vory $Ki, Warming, oven old Jod realizes that: ^>!vBbG'talcfia'aBord piece from her dainty ^'." purso and aayfl: ,o" * fl, J* SPU Wr^ J*0^? me;and my-trnudc ;_ across the river,,^this shall be yonra," - < |^: f: *The irnnk id a hugo affair, and Jed, ^K'*'. Ioolts jjt it with ono eyo oldscd and ^V^ukes'bi^head.' - ;V'. f'\ ,' . ^ fe;'-'. i. ri^5[f ft warn't fer tho fog^marm, coy fej o11!8 on,,lffl *ud t^0 ^er aorosi for'notih- : V l|>f^' Bnif we)' couldn't aee'tho boat's jKv'"' ta[*i*!***."; : K ' ^pioladyjUtbe/s a nharp-eiclamatiori, W^f '. anger and djaappointmont olpnding her ( .feajtpres. ^A'turOWn facod lad stops irgm tn'e .comer of the little'rod baggage My,.-, tfeujro1 where he has bean standing. ^ W- : -Mf you" dan to go,'madam, I will * i^'-'^t^keyoii/'.'lieBhya./^ -l>: 'J:.:. -,- ,k ^f;..'V;' She gives him a radiant' smile, at whloh ho flushes-to tho roots of bis fair, i;;'w|vinghafr...:'*' , y \ jJe4,andohebr,t.worof ;the'other Ma,en . remonstrate with him- to no purpose. J Akamai! bro^vn wh'erry {abrdnght up to ^ the flight of woathor bekteu-fetepfl lead-' in^.dbwri'fromfone eide'of fthe wharf.'* _The'big,rmrk Is^pworedjinto it, and ' thS,iady handed down,,by Andrew H^s- -.Beli. who, ii thrijlcd. by'the, touolj of ,her c<Sm; iajtlny fl^aers. ' JJp jjullq off intii, tfly fogbahk whilo -the loungers on the wharf make their comments. ( ' V'Mighty'fino l^plriugora^fc'thafc," ./Carries too n^no^ sail.M r..( ' , l" What can fihe WJint over ^P'rhapa "she's, bound xor, Barriug .v- -l^rhapBi iiho-TooJfs.H^ his.kind."-' wen Andrew RuBJfljr returns,: Oli'Jed meets him burrKqg^p tho)village wtreot. y v' . "**WflF, Andrew,-iyou got acrqkfc all %: . ngbtr^;; tl;\!Li ^' . y; -^ |t>V b^'Ycs*, 1 baol a"compass^"' ' ; -1-; '; x^'Where'd'she^o?" ' '- :. ' . f/I can't tell yoi^*'is th<* curt reply, a^tbe.tjoy liiisesj-on.- -;. .';.'. - :-,: "" All subiequen^.Jnqni"ies elioifc.no fur- ; fcher information % than that Andrew., It^de^ he/ at't'he. road which loada up b^iBarrington^, and .that she expected BOjne sprfc^f pquveyatce t6obmd forher tbas; ,-.,,,; ,Rr. : JBarringtba is reported- to bo iniiupne m* for ?.' ' ISP"'.:" river?*.' fe .': v wealthy.. He, never iningles^with tho ^.[u'y people. ^her.,PHd ho' liv.es in a lordlv Si^/r: faghipn; Htf briiiga1. his fbwn company T... ,frpm diataufc pirXfl, and there are stories *%' -gajjl.sa1d wi3d dpin^/nt-tho great ay^V :. hoype whiqh ftll t^io u,nfi0phisticated nu- ^;.,:;, tives wjfch amazomoni * r ". '* .- |#';":; *& oomop, and'fgoes a^s h1 lijtps an^is anfigetnfer vory niyHtortduftJr ^ -; 'Androw:Knfeeoil haa a Aweethe'nrfc on' m '.: that aide rfithdrivor^-prerfy Jen'HuVdy/ ^v^nevftsWerman^aau^hter:'; !,- v' '^i ^ natural jihatj,frequently he f|;!;';' shonjd row^aoroas in.bis wherry,. Brut , ^/" 'ife^/Hsjrdy doea npfc sbe.him', eyery iimp S&"-.:\Wnp0 durjhg flho next fortm^lit ,fie" ^1^V.trM"pi^"tniongH* a' atrip^ of Woodland" W^:"ftcfbBB>lota: until he.reachesV-sheltorbd vate this aitfe of Barrioeton's1. , .'.' Jlere .ho meets Uhe 'mysterious lndy $j$$**i$* i'.fld;M[Bii> "Andre,w, fe^'p&M^andMb^ liking. Oars Ferris^ ^'^ ' aB*Jn* cajbj her'flelf, Ws. >11 her biari ' ^|:'di&men&~\'tooomjAefa hia^^rajljmen^t J;1 .Slrf'iBllB nim apretty yory^hbw that j'hef uJaole is deterhaln'ed tt> make a nun ' of aier; that;'Barring ton belugihor1 <^an- In^d fribnd *ehie harioome tdblmfor"* ^'I-, pr^eot^on, uniil'flbe-oau get out of the, te-\^i':Sh,e';wants;.to. go to Europe, tor aa ^k soun as her unch?, disooverod her hiding ^g! piao*. hi will iofipW her.' She "ia appar^ 1 h flee*, bee? pme. Jntoxionted imna^hiteatm reirox> of sof V ^AyVeek.-^afcer,; |iRht, no orosaci . . , ..... , .^^te^.'Wbejny.' ,. '5n' Fho bl| rqolc!^rhleA' ;aorvea: for .a Bariringtcn carries a" vallao ' In each hand. They outer the yirhefry, and An drew pulls swiftly and silently down the river. In about an hoar they come., to a, small' dove, whore acommodiopJ efiiltifeat irtiod^to a.ring iu the foc^, shelving bank. ;; . -H y:^ ij;Theyrgo aboard this, tHo Httle wherry is fastened u9tonj^|the eaift ae unfurledr and on thoy go, juicing lightly out into ihe watera ot^bp bay. tj f( Vfi : , , ,.! -At nightfall of! ftbe noxt ^ay^ey ' Tomoto-a groat1 Qity^.Barrlngtop qnd ; tho lady. go*achate., Some^brcha^esjV'e 10 ^e'^miide hehs, and OBarrihgton ia to see aernah whCAviSi buy t'ho. /hdrtt thla* j0:whnt tHeyHiaVfttbhUAnfirew. Id the jueantimo heiia^to w,txitf with; the bpat' until thoir roturn, whon thoy w^lj-alj- go abour^l tlje grcut ooeau steanpbip wTjaso blnck fnnnoltt rise frpm a coigh-, b'oVVng'whart^^^ # '. - :: ^' ( '( Audrow-Ms 'not partiou'larl^ ploafiecT' fcbnt Barriugtou fs to.Accompany rhem, feut uothjUg oatfdampeU tbe' joy of hia beliof,rthat pho : Ipves. hiqii and ho-tfanv neve,^ forgot t^ut her lips ^aver toqohed his owii.. Tho poor boy is^quUe daftfor tlin tliuo.and dopa not ^roapi t|mfc he .la hilug dflfcod. '" J ' " ' * V ' ot Tho cjty clocksiare striking 10, whon a;ragged atre(rt gtimini ow)ssea>tho wiiarfr aind hails,Am|ro'w. r,{ . "Hi, there (Bo y6ur*uu^neBuHsoU?" Andrew nods, aiid, the* boy bunds him fenohi.*'.' -'. ,.?,:, , -^*A- bi^wliwolK up'tbwu noni th'ia to fyer."' a ' Andro^itifkea tbo inoto'hnd teara.it open. -He Uaows,, of courae, that, the *'big,"BV(cn"is Barringtou., ,The note reiidfl as follow^: ' ' . " '- ( ',,.'. "Whcri'you r*^n^l tlifn, Vo sliall*n^i alwurd an orftworaf.bound.'.fixproiw.' Gpodby,. my dear- boy. l^nnv IJmnkH tfipr yoarr]gtdlu.ntry. ;Mr(i Borrinjftoirmuliofl.you.n present 6$ tho l>ot n# j a rewrdfd for (ytuii- Boryice**. ,J * O, F. ' ot'For. a imoment 'Andrew stares at tho .pote in'dumb amaaeineut. '> His brain |.reels.I'Tho letters. dauoe blood red before. ( hia eyes. He staggei^s dowjlintpthe lit tle oa'bin a^id throww hrnKlT nrbifcijate. I upon the; floor, tfo^breaks into great sob^ 1 Whfoh/BHak'd him from Head to foot. To' i bo fooled, played with, QtMt asido,.wBen j he had served.their turn!;, ,,'; . j i j .01), the bUlerncss,* the grief nndrago {p the bpy.'s hot Kearfeas lie tplls f6 and< rro-nrion two cabin floorfr y ," .. ' i 1 ' JAil nig^fc long ho battles with,.'this IflrBfc'great trouble. "In Ithe'mornihg ho ( 'rouses himself and goes up into the -GtJty' to^nd aTinrohaser ,for .his bent, for'th'o wiftlit of'fl; ;Jh .hateful tahim, and: he' , riauat have money to^et'^prao with.* He sells it,for,'tl50, wlii'oh ,is,u pretty gum |for a poor lad.',At noon ho has a ruu~ stroke and is bbavoyodto'tho pity hopi- "tair.:,'r' r> 'i " -.VlTher* becomes out'of M stncipOr/'ho" flnds himself undor'arrest for beinfc.tHe laqbpmplico of an uofrenJiur'e.sB. Ho learna, |W) his l^orror, that Ours Ferris is Madge: .Dellaphiue. "jrhat nho engaged herself as cbmpanipn 'to a iittlo, iniBerly old wom- anj OChat sue iind Barringtbn, who is her' loverl pTahued'the old 'woman's xnurder'^in Order taobfcairi iwsBqssion of ihgtrapney and-jewolS)Whloh' sh0 hoard-'* pd about her. That*MadgeciDelaphinpf oooompliahed tho murder by moans of a subtle poison, paoke,4 the, body jintoja trunk and convoyed it to Barrlngtoh's bouse, where itTv'as bnri^d in tb*e collar! ' ^{Chq very .trunk which Andrew .fer ried across tlio riyerT Andrew lis taken; beforq a.ra&gintratfi, wh6re h,o tells ljiS stJory, t>rriitinipi the lpVo paiss^eH. Bat the inagistxate is an astnto <;1(! pi an find rdads between.the lines ..and' pities the flMW coal, sugar, dbhToei hidci, wool and silk, which 0,000,000 tounpf shipping bring take or awoy; Of ten amiolten.iOB I hive/ ^MtM'thlfttatdly oi^thelgran- myaelf dour and beauty of her situation,,the brightness of her Huhfi^hills, and the grouping of'Her wnfte:rooka mirrored in ^bje bjlueiflea always1 have., for me a/^roBh charm and nlwflya.flU Jae wit{i:a^mira>- I ago and aaw at once, with the*^Jvea of I Bailors iand> witlfltho -couragsTuf -im JSVo founoTora/ whabifan ^pjiorfunlly maturo^ I had bore granted to tho.ifittkorr'Of.jhU-r ^y, for j n maritime, moiropoli^ ^hey w^re'spon^Btrpnp enovgh( those old Ley- antihofl, to dofoat even the Car^iagiyii'- 1 a us in OorBican watrrs anu^'t^^bnoldao' ] %^ual a/llajfloeawitfi 'theriaing powerof. i RimoJj-Thayfplcinted' thefithri*ihH col3' onies all along the sanuy iRlviorh, at I yanro^s, whjch, is np,w-JotaVttat Ol- bia,, wbjohjfl, today ^yorea.;, at^A-jtipo:, lis, which tbo Fronohmahof tlje prosent^ ' timo naniiin Antib(iq,, and a^t, Nicp;i'f I wliion wastytaliah aijd known as STJz^ij, 1 urifcft'K hficamo ^reuo'h drid fasliionuple ' as Nice, .**' *" , [MarflO^llcs^waHorsOt'.pulightenodf 'and ctiltivatc(rarOitv in i^etiiup of-Taoituflt " n/at^AgTieofa had bocp eduoatod-'^hpro, 1 and it possessed tem^es as fmafjesti<iiia' 1 hriylh Sicily or fHn^na,GroBciW: I for-, j gat alii its mediaeval and modern assooi- I atious when, paciBg 'the. eitQotBf and I Quay a, j, see again thoso, dark- pyes, , thoso stronglynaarked profiles, thqblapk tressos with blue lights upon their polls. and braids and the^ clastic/treaa and I measured stops which 'still make Mar- 1 seilfds J^bocman ha Si&nn cdncorn many | among her working-population/ No' in-' , tormjixtore/iof Taoos-lvis Bufflced to efface , thio old-Oroek^ cwintouancCj and gait. "ton will hoo rho saino mpu j\m\ women. ' under Mount Carmcl i;i ^rhiolc j{nd b~ ; bas and embroidered Mirth-as You iiicot t hero 'going up. to Nbt iGurdo oro"rtrourid 'the* Bassin Uf,gliette. T. r. ^ifi \o Jt/ Bamo^do la clo 'i- nla^ The Po^bnitlbs (of Worltlng; .ti' Simple Thrp^youflg meu^ereT.seqJ.edat.a* 'tii'tj^o ip,n-Market HttcotcoBtanrant. rQno I oftliem^drew frdm his'popkol^ iuad lajd {upon the taWo i\ Rilver ddllur. Bctiido it tHo placed a v'isitlngroardl""wtlirft yoim'd jljold", nboat n/i huff incbiu; diajcQoter jpieroed through its ccntor. Saidi'he: "See thp fat,.white dpllart Seo thp lifc- lauV, ' ' . . I j'.'Thowomim and her lovor haVo been arr^atccl, I^wa'ntjyou to i<lo$ify her./"1 ' He opens tJio door to ropni aii^ uttora j\n exelamatibn\of dismay. J?horo, prostrntti u^ipn the floor, with lhd'r j\yekd bu'irphi stuck through'hei1 .heiirt/Jles JMiidfio Dolap/iiiio 'quits dead. . /'Iri4hiBthfl\vdman?,,'>' jV'Cars Forris had dark hair/v-roturns iAndrw, whg Is whito tg his lips. * ' 'The magistiratd lifts a wig'of darjf hair from a tablo hoar by. / '.* ' '. I hA .very -Hinlplo 'difi^uiHo'/' hosays. and'mdtieriH Andrew baok to tho'dutei^J boom, whore,' after- a ^ew niorC ques tion h and Homp'fatherly advice,' hq,dis- ljaiB/^a, him., -The Jnnsery of'Andrew's ^ouraey'hpnieJH fJoundl^QHs; .. *' '. '- ' ^When^e roaches tho famtljar spot, h,e, is-taken .Ulahd'fof wodUs 'is dcliridiis -with'brairi ^ever; Jen-Hardy is his pa-! Jt^iH and faitbfutnurse. T6 Andrew it seems us if the lueinory. qf'Jiis folly. >mipsfc to^tur/him fprover^but as the imo'qthH go by the shftmo and agony dio Way li^tH>y llititfy 'V'.:-'-. .-i Jen, faithful1 soul, beneyes in .him ,anil -lovoa himf t'pe is rbnng And the world -is fair'And life i: pleasant after ally ' ; ": " * /So,' gradually he'retnrna^to. Ms old^ allegiance, and' itt alj ends as it should' l-T-fl^ 'ayeadin^-^^u^in/.World^. ,l;iM'}'.!' At tii Back oow ! "' :\".' Tram'p^ Have you'anjrtfa'ing, madam, Io p^are for a* poor'wayfarer thi(< morn- ingT,.v;<:y y..:.;;i;v.. /', , , JHadanv^Ye,s,.,i , Yopt'/oanf, go light 'buY-.io^BT y^oo}JBhe^^L , and indtjlg* in cild chops and cuts to -youn heart's pon-t tJnV " *l":". Pr6flp*o'tivetPurchasLr ' afl*yag0,(tt*tob(!og?;',,. iv.; .-.:".'.' >&/. r \^r-^^al;indeeclf, ;>[;/ > v , / Vgnt hpw ajm J[ |p^ne.vr tfeat?'1 ftt : ;,; and bllio1b"JLn .at t^t v^.^^.Ghica^O; 'hift conliaa'nions^ '^lufc/rewomhor,' you tare to push that dollar through ubat |hp|p .without enlarging' tho"' hole:" ,"That's.what,** reepondod the proposer [dt'thoia^t: , ' , ",.' *,' /- r r fl Laying the"dollar m{ on,the table/ (hfe"holu*5ho card on.odgo just b'ohind it. 'Then he produced a.'pencil whioh ho shpyed thrpugh.- the bole in the dard; un til// it, touched ,tho .odgey' of tho /oqfn.. |"DruHlifug*t)m dpilur* through ,thei.^olo,'. fee?*';/r'Heic cpnip's Jonesey," flaidtho* oflor^' 'Lend me your,, dpjlla^ aud,you)C tunny card, and I'll get roveugb(','Oh(ti Wjon'fc do'aithing to jonosdy." ".' t A' lengthy, oadaverorfs young follfaw,: wi(Jb a vacuous exprosBlon^tfiftpd into ;r^e.va(|pDt place a^r the (tnblo. > ' ' JopeH-' >y,w said . the toor ,ofi the 'oigars,, , ^'nbre's'iv big'* dollar and here's a little round holo in a enrd, Bsfcyou I'can put ; the dollar through tliOvliold^just us it fs -T-*lpsor<to pay-nil fqurof-oufohtrokfl."' " VBpnei",said|-(Jonefioy.j', Tho p^ior pr0ri cd<|ded. to repeat tha aetion.of tho^flrsfc- i trfokfltor. ,'^HoUJ':oh,',' ,druwled- Johoscy 'laiiguidjy; "ycnrooiitTaot is tb'rnit,1 the dollar through *ttio*houV. t didn't hot .yQuoonl^.'puBhV^t th^jugji the porfora- t)ioiiV' V"ou hoo, dear, boyj I've buen*up. '.aAainsijth'Bvgame hitborto.,"--.Philadpl 'i?Hia Record; oHW Hood's, and this la why the enormous Bales of this medlolnajteep up while others UJ-i-V and In jttort tfihetgo'Buk^of ilght en tirely, to be heard from no more.'1 " Why ~dil'hl1*r,itoy Blmply becauae Hood's BarkpariUa bu mAre real Wuratfvs meritTthah-Bny fflodjeine'l otsj* BOld.V, />?; | ( fltrt> la^ot t4UT: ooeurrence j|p .ahnOBl' evjwy drngratpre. (THooo?e,, piraapsiiUa4b < | the Btandar^ren^Bdyr ^Mh f^W W^*" 'morealQkn<bs,i^liVea;more'dtstrefls anal i mtdo tio^wln^ b^ bring 11,^,11, r*i 4 1 ,B3'1 -I ' t fesaUh! 'than other' meflloino. Its wonderful cures of Ethey worst cmW of Bc^o^ula, running BprofljaloerB.flait^rheum, |etp".i-,Q<, dyapepBls ,,and other Jroablai, I wnorp a'Arst 'oIbbs tonic *n^ ajd to rdl^ear I iitiri was^eodedV 6f ca}arth, rneumtttlaW j irfaiaritfand'ethe^trauWes arfjlng fVorf I or promoted by'impuro^Blbod; hav* made Tho standard -^the Ohe True' Blood Purifier. U ' 3 ': :i:i',r,tf ^fily'pllla to uUi- llOOa S FillS With Uood'flBacMparllli: ] Itioh.'bttVBsBTit/ful. .*' ' rf*'a ybung'^rian would contemplate arc ideal of uspfor living, wo'comiiifeiid I toihim. ,thb addWss delivered -by Oarl: Schnr^ at,.tho ^aneggal of William Stein^ ' ^vayt *ho Jioad of,l,thei great hoasa,,of j u'iapo ^manuf^cfcnrerfl' l,-Aiftor:,re^rrnig. 116 tho1facfc.Jhai tfao uoad nru\n negon rrts, . rtctlyo Iffo as a dimplo WPrtrm^n and inlns'suc'fitWrenlained the ideal knight or laKor.Mr. Schurz'saiili ;^ ' i j"^p.was ilipatterii.as arrichimam; 1 l wish ^conldi^all, thq millionaipes $ I uu\ landfto ^is^ierjandjaayitp/hom/ I 'Those among Von whovlamppt that .at jlfimes poverty looks with rnuttorjiigs on, (riqbes loarii^froni this dead $an.' 'f[ "His nrtfaioiis y^erp heye^ begrudged him.'^The dariglunae of onvynovor fell 'riponinim,; Covdcousncss itself passed Uiira by disaiilic^and tpconoilpd. Yefl, lovory ono would' have re^ftlocd to ^ce ihim 'sfUl riohor;' for every bn'o know |tiiat everything nengob: contiibutod 'io thp>>vtolfaro*ofiflll..y i ,' " \>j<" 1 ' -,he\the Idufjes^f w(ealtbv Tljere Wa^pp Ruffed^, -^ -_____gj,'mouest'pis mode^f Bnt fie Jcrtttvy one luxury;* and he' (.' .1 ..} 1 j An'tn^porJaiCatoohliusr, . ' ' Spmotiriips it ikinconvenient hot -to bpjnblo.to ubo quofrtioi^arks inspedch' idBttheyrar,p usod in, print,., A Qermiin ftoldior of the ^iPUrsfc .'regimc^fc of tho Royal Prussian guards found this fact ont'uot Wgago. " ' . " " ' 1 ' Who Emperor \Villiiim is-thb honorary onpt.aih of 'the firef company of thisrog- rjiment and^akesespeoialrprfd'oin it. Ho" ,'waf| -latply engaged iq ^ pq^tiug; Its 'sol- * jurors through an examination fro: jtest ".their,.military. kttpwlodgb nncj experi- J; ' "Whatwouldyoudot'*'ho said tpone *61di6r, 6^if, when in dutv'as a sentinel, you sa\y a crowd gather uoaKyou?" ' 1 yiiiliould politely request:tho pebble to diflperse.yy^ur"majesty." rfj . . *r t *'Goo<i; Bui if.o^o'of fchoinen in thoc crowd (ipproaohed yoif a.pd fiought to ^o^ryyou?', ' ' . ! VX'shduld 'Bhyrto him, 'Don't' worry piet/.your'mfljestyf'/y'. : ,' Vi"y, 1 Tho whole of fbis rcmarls seomed'so obviouply add^essepy ty). one porHpn eith' - P 7ft ,-. .... litaoticid it; that waS'theUnxury'of the n^oriil hund-T-h princely Ibxiify; thtit !f^w, o^.thpj world'H .gre^oat have in dulged in more richly than ho, t1 ./ A '/'It w,ijs>.uoti money ulono that be gave, - It was tile heart jo^' of the fionu1- Jii*ifDCnkfuotor, v?ith whicb he bufle t'ho ' worthy welcome aud oftertf unticipaWd IhpirWiiiitH.'jjlt was thb^bfight clioerfuT- kos^ of tl)p willing giver who cpuljlcpn- 'C^ivo n^abinift of ,l|if) ^cnoro.siijy. ,,r. *fi 1 "Ithav^' aeen niaiiy mcn.iu.my^ay^ , 6ver a, b'ig'gf.r hpiirt^ Is it too mijch px eay that in this nlrm ovory human being as~lostFtt b'rotiior?',-i-Y'outh,H Ootoiian- OU. '. "' ...".: ' ,* 1 canity. 'j Tho follorwin^ cpnvjrsatiqn,' which. ocotirred'in one^ of" the city1 ticket offlcoa ia.fovvduys ago^'is h 'sumplo..Pf; th'q jplflaHunt/Pcour.ronCefl) which a- tiokdt riollcr cxporiencea in tho .qpurso of Iris Iaieer: . j, "Give mo qjimo {ablo," tfaid a short ' mun with jtBtrnigh^ liangin;g board to itho clork. - j' >JiWhore 46lyQu \Y?sh'to go?.^" , /" \ the , ourtroply^ Acopy.ofthp timptubl^was. UNDERTAKINQ. Tl FLUMMEIV Undertaker and jfuxltnte L m Dealer, Cofflna, borne And factory ade from$3to*30. MoGrogor, Ont, . fdrorW^NTfflftPBIgfirrJoaie, SoV aft; L* meotaavory Tanrsday. evaalne at 8,00 1a /Jsttlag mombera uf other lodgoi will reoolvo Ifatonul, weloonff _miKi>.TifL#q%, -j(. a,., p ' Osfn&Ai ENOAMPMBNT.lTo.flO, maatiin DddfeUowB'nall.LDandtiin Blbok^on kb -flrst and third ^Tneday.laoahapnth.f. Visitors cor-, flially Veeelred, "Meinbptk of Baborduate lodgai i-vi&Sb inriadletldo, Invited to join, 0. bade mootirifl and third Friday for jsmitloe da' tbo eitom&n'a room In tbo Stone bo tiding. Jaqi--McMnrjaV; Oniof; -Sam,- amitU, CUptaiH) a.Bloto, Xileatonant; Warren Loo, Soaretary; ed. Hyatt,Troaearoc . -i4 jr If^torJET BOfl&L,' Nu". ilfe. I.-^A P? *** l 1 Taesdays 1: at. B o'clock p, m. Job. Frei \J Muetfl iocond and fourth Taesdays In eaob at. B-p'olock p, ob i. fraternal wol mth 1*4. Q. PHP: Ha Itlng bratoera -*{\\ bo So. W. J. Dowar, 0. vuuip, nin.i/ooM. u. **., W,O.Shaw. U.S., M. J. Wiflle, 0. D. E. 0. It. A. Halm. Fin. Boo., knd Treaaur4> * -i, V ^ ' MkEXIMnCMIBai, ' "ZhBlfUwnFpllwRoiti*/' . HO Pa Btll . m Dlviflr-WBrrtoB-eTWT day Behpol at I.iC p, m dlillylnylUd- lUy.'A^BovwI^f ,,7 o'oiosk p .m Soaday at fl p. &4 The .pubJUa/ajf^ , *:'>r/:\ > &'#$!>& PBHBBYCmu^^-W.M.Blpmtag, Pa/^^ vla*i on fiJKbatfiVtU a, d. tnd-7Whb} bath School at ^:80 p. m. Prayer m(Unt:i. Partor*!bible; lai on Taoaday a-tTAQV?: floolalTTnlon on Wedneiday at fl.16 p. m, venlnaab llaU>r|loe] Joiij Wi ueoiing geat Ire?. A -.J Fr, 6. -tfi Jttq otuer Sunday at B,flO ?astor. Bor /lo ovary n. BandayriohoolatSp.m. ,,..-,--r.x Maidbtomb. High moBBand Banaon' at ^"*' a. m oatooblam ac Zp,mwtniptlam at3 p.'mi\YW yoBporBtuid oonedtotlb at 7 v. m, C. &. t&ar^ffl ^'p'p* IbJ".- y>'fvisS)# S^Rspti ..Ofctwav and<T4'|fi j Salvation AnMy.JrtJapt; Ottwav and Lieu Coo in oomuiftum BWvfttlon^rteeUDOT^W iioaday.Thutsday Jftabunday veuUigji^roea ^aay.batorday ovonElg aud9p.m.k}anUay:JbioUf dobs uieetmgb forJUrlBMaaBlrrlday evening-and 11a.m. Sunday; r^7"^^'- * - ^f~ Allare woloonuo. o|ftlU7o.ni. very Bnuday/M MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY. m Taking effect i"'/'^-. .' Detroit-,V. 4 ' Wlndaoi?,... Pelton........' MaldBtonoo BjSSflX.......-. Woodsloo,., Jlusoomb... , 'Oonabor,....., ' lUliwetovn*. T^VoKhoyf...... tSt. Thomaa r.ond (t. Tl llodn iildgo Oomb Rtibco: J ^ood ' Ebbox Maldfl Poltoi KVlnd potro a'frt-dowd'iABT^'^'/ Jfay, 1807. plan' Kip. a.m. a.m. K.2ft;\ QV20 B.B0., 6.00 O.OB " -,C0 7,18- 0.42 A50 ,7.00 8,20 S6W7 ^8.40 0.60 10.00 > Exp, Aocom Mixed a. iu. p.rg. a. m. 6.10 5.28 037 S.fio 5.M 0.05 710 lO.PO 7.B8- 11<35 8.40 2.2& 10.00 J0.35 11.00 * 1.20 4.00 4.16 430 4 45 5 25 . StP ooiNci wkut, Exp, n.ui. 12.10 -2,40 a,38 407 5.38 fi.40 ' D.BO 0.00 (1.14 6.24 0.46 7.10 a.m, a.m. MJxod a.m. o.in. 3^0 4 48 5.43 fUO 10.QB fl.05 11.35 6,00 1MB. 18.0& 13.40 6.W 0.1S 7.11 7^7 8.67 O.OO 0.10 0.S3 O.-iH 0.S4 1C.1S 10.&Q . pnUnoraibursj fjooalTralnn. BABT m. i m. a.m. a.m. a.m. .CO l4Xfo 7.2R-.. "Reaox 6.00 0.25 B.14 lDH^7.34 Elisors G.KJ 0.15 4.91 32.00 7.40 Xj H & D R Xhiff B.47 0.07 G a) 1910 7.42 MaQreBor B-48 0.05 6*il)l tl2M 8.( i i Gordon7 T; 8.2^ 8 44 6i2<r 8.J3 C'SO 7.27 B.47 13.40 110 180 800 8.20 8.87 400 p.m B-.80 S.10 4.67 M fl.45. 12,40 J.05 AmbeTBtbfir, .- ..--"' : \ . / '"' ' 'are run on oohtral Btaudaxd time. ixj.y cjltmtoq. Blovor.thanjEBSMi Informatfon fand utor< tot *oo\onit, t AH trains are run on whioh 1h b tluiw. d^or bite moving weBt.apply to Jpbn G. Laveij, Fob rant, 8ft, ThowWO. W.'-iKugri" Piiaeenprer^uidTlokot Agent, Gbloogo Bongor Agsnt, 8ft or orA,0. oaJftB.'0, wZ-iKug^Ioa. Gon Il^j tlmors, AQent.'Esflex. ",,., ' **i'- 1 L- t. &D. R.Ry, TI1TR TABtlK. NO. 23, taking etfeet'ldonday. ; So|it.ii7,lfi0fl., Traitiarun by FaBtero Btand- ,ard Time. Dally o*oept Sunday KH8i!x Town Council mo eta on tbo Ut an 1x4 Tuesdays Iu each inontli at 8 P. m.i a L'own Hall, Talbot atr.' . J. ThoraKlUjOY -' loUS Walters, ClerkB > '" T9"t.flr*u*'l( CoLonEbXEU Noutii TowHannj-oounoil hol-a ^/;i, uAjttb, tW tho toVn bain-UoBto.^onn ttovffll$M ioevo; A. C.^tkluaon, (llark. Gee to p. o,. 7^Li.;^B GteBwaLD tfOHTiKtowothip %Mntoti.'lxditti'iii -:^ [Qlar moot iikb onHhu laac Saturday in eaob' nouth attbo town hull(CoHm, IJbas, Hfttlti* iaojyp; laaao Juown, OlexkJOcfttam* if.WlV;'Mi BTonk towniafilp ooanoll holds rb|nilarX^J lflffllffl2Q2i SKfflSB-""""' )oll, Keovor M. MoHuglT, Clerk, Woodsloo; B+NDWiOTi Soua-u. tywnBhlpiqouDcilAio J iblai1 iDooclngfa oil the 1st Saturday-lu uontb at tho wwuBbijiUall, OlrtaaBtle-r] [VMttt/Jiabvflj Jpbu,>lpynithart -Ctri itono P. O. luipi LGAft>. a^ A. WISMKa,'BarriBtor.'Solicitor, HbtaiirfeS U Public <bo.||dtoney toloan. OfflcoB.Egn- , fl btan Block, up-atiflre, Jflaaox. i-lyi^V.iVfl CLAEKE, COWAN, BAKTLET &BAS/VLttkMt Barn store, oto. , Otllcee McUbary BloUki'- TrJ Wludocr. Prlyato,modB to loanf~|Ai H. GiiAaSf. -^ 'M h. h. is. m< k. oJvan, u. p. a. VTa. j&SSh*^:-Vq TJftsiKjf-4 ^Xt?mtTlxs.iii Attorney'iw^g Xi CounBulor at la4,JJoilcitor In Chancery,'; iF rootor in Admiralty, latent Bolloltor, 02106,?^ uambor oJ Couime^co BuUdlngvDetm,AHchira (Caifcajln olabW 'agalaat/^orsons iif'Stftlfe lioloronooBi ImpiWlls^k^^i^^('pni^",^'^oi ,-} ', X^j QKS. BlBK.4'"lrfUEN. :- ego of Pbysloi&ns and 8 urge on b. Ontario OraXk uata of Now York PootG^atoSoar^I I J. W. Brlen, Mciii.'a it.t 'Klifi'd^1^ graduatti of 'i'rinlty WodioaJ Ot graduator^x TriaJty Univeraity. >JStii3bbrWi iJAltoofrPbyaloJaaB out* Butgeduii/Out* dft ^j9 9.2S; 12.00 O.83 12.B0 9.80 12 40 12.40 lii.B fl.*47 'i.io:a;64 1 51)- 7.17 2.l)a,T.37 ,i!B5(7417 '2 50,7.44 11.45' 7.B4 4.10 B.CO ,. . aiapprse ___ ___ noti Wprryfypu 'any [more, Vontii's Companion.;;;-, , jt ,f ' ?,:: n Uk s yiBr V /'.V; I'-'TOe.lAuaj^'ob^owaijf^: --^ ^uoe'wihonl^FroffesBor Jowott itinfej.fiiBtQfriend -iSnd-o^npii, Professdr: Bfellar^Ha declaredvthaiMneyeif'gaSfe1 ^b bpggac^'Mj^* Sollurwarf-an^dept in M?iWfi$9if$&W* * v L'ufli:' iftqpoiopUsbjgipni berhuBbrma ahpV Jowe v'^v*!?li passed to.tho mall, mid ho tookjiisloUvo.. , <itbat"8 0np of tndpo follows, who/ "wAuldoQinplajn of a conductor, ifJ 1 rfailed to sriy'irPlnaso* when aakfng!for. ^tlokut, j-oiuiirked' * i . r .' ' the ho ngifor- a' olerk. ^Crnel *, . Tl i'J ' Workiion Kleotrloltyj1 ' ThWr'o is ra' growing o^mahd at tile' libmixTes fbr y$6vk& on e!eotrl6ityt'fl"It is a1 branch of eMfcncoio^GW in'thompd-i .prn; jflpusp thut'its li^eraturo as yet \ai\y. , )3e.called uieafio.r. J?ittabttrg Dispatch/ . -. J'_, Bo rapjd baa, been the ohangp;'in the English langungo'that tho English ^of rtcdaj^bears no inoro' resomblnnco tp the 'liiiglish of 1,000 years ago tfa'anUt does . to Qcrnian. , :^^ Ni IV Kl ^d( Ml p;| Vh Hi i?ij Qi"? WM l.;t| ft ii 1X> M 6:20 fl.27 6.80 0.40 4.35 410 6.08 5,20 6.12 5.55 0.0B 16 6.35 0.45 7.00 3?.W. fl.17 8.23 RiH2 8.40 8.47 R.CS. 000 0.07 0.12 OSp o.3ir V.M .ti -J sYationh, * \i Dop Walhorylo A WalUfflwillp i JTuno, ........'.Telton..,...... ......t Oldoastlo...... '.,j,..-h Faqoqtted^.j ^;... THoGregor'-.... u.i (Now CariaauUi ... -* Marnhfloldu... ;.;.j Harrow' ;;*.' ...'...'..t Arnor.j;...;.) :..:.;, KinsBvllla...... ...... Batnven ...... ... TjeasilnatOD .1. ...... Wkdtfliy '....t. ..,..,+Henwlck-y..... ......CoatBttrorth ... .....,+ Glen wood. ..... ,.rf ....Morlin' .-.. . , :.,.., Bandjflon,.....i -..iOodarfcBrh*gB. , Blenheim Junot'n Blenho'm...... .j...^.fWUi.iB.(1.... ArBldgatownrD6p IIV " -i < i JL M 0 10 ooo 8 67 8 A3 [S47 8 42 8 an 8SU BUZ 811 8 01 7 CI 7 40 7 21 7 IS 7 10 7 00 0W Gift 0 40 6'81 0 24 620 6 JO OW A.M. o Jl it 5,50 R.hB B.JJ7 6,17 &.(8 5.00 "4.46 4.33 ( '4-25 4.00 3.46 B.L& .2.40 l.M 1.38 1.18 ia.Bo 10.21 lfllf *00 11.28 11.20 IMO iO.iti 10.W A.M-. 13/ d iT g PM. 7.00 7.43 7.U7 7.83 7.27 7.22 7.17 7.10 7.03 (1.5'J U42 nan D.1B fl.OO 6 51 fi.40 036 628 6.21 C.16 6.07 C.00 4.66. 4 46 "4.86 Hono Hono adS 0oiw. lM, ,;: ^-.^^ ;^<4g OfllooovorEflsox Madloal'ttall' 'Irug 'aioiel Qouaultatiou roonia, hotb on ground floor Otti flrst Hat abovo, Telphono in botb ouleo aa rjBBldonoo. jrtl calls aitondea to noai offldtf;' drug Btore; or jroaldonoaB. Ueaidoneoa,. Talbot Btr*ot, near fair toqudHrftnd,adioiniuc iFnasH n^-^.S* JJBWMWK. A6opiat Co'roflcr 'for XJ vSflu County oi Khhoi. '. t. . ,.j,k .J-^ltJ jflnuor, AL"jU.,0 il.;.NltrInity U*vm$ ?f Flag Stfitlona.. Trains atotf only when tfaoip kttt paoBengoqa ator.fortbeso Btnuona. Mfxei; trulns aro at al times Babjoot tp bo(oanoellod "WBJ tyOOLT^ATT,r jGonori/Bnperlntonde.n ,. A> If So, Ta Drive-riny-wbore, yttuWanta^Good > J ..' , , i !'. ' -" . . ' ;:..andt^plflhC6fiptgetttii9,ftt,.:.;.,] '"'i ' a' I'M .'i i . iii i/jHTX Vt;r:i(^.' ;;;,ypti^ki ttoon ^wy.Safeea . tfl ';.,;'f3?J,n;4',VvJ.;I>' in*ttepdane*'dayrand night; it ..x';v:-0!: flprf HqanorB ini liigitt HoBpltbl.Toroiito.lBBl. HpeolaJty^dJa-'iP e*HHB of woiuon una obildron, Bealderice. hoaM^ Idtoly oooapuul by I)jt. Uawar, Talbot at., Bbboi^^ (OlUcoinluipuirlul Bazik Block, orpand floor; ojbpoului Tbo.iiu'u 4ru b(bJo.;'lUudiuliieB"dla-; wltbbotii olttob and reBWouoiT^rlviBe! tlSfe phonifline hydwoou Oyrll Ptfqaotto's bouse aam uuu Kennedy!a hpyao ond.oiUoo. at Paauetto** Su^nou"tbeVjj,i!]<riJJl'|i.; "" "* j'MS-M , ttltfht oalliTxttbnded to at ofBoaiprxeatdoxieo^f if P. MAliTIN, D. D. B., h. !>.- B.r G In Dentistry, lioWil iurgeons^ Outano, and Ubl CoUoge *of: voralfcy of Torbiitoi Uhttrao|u modratet',0(Uoo. lam Hlfiok-JMSW^ cal SiflJlf'JL'albpt atraet, blaaox.r >. i 'J?4 VETERINARY- ?('.\'^:.-:TieJ GEON, Honorary grodnater at Qntartt *Yotorlnary; Collego,fkfl?oJ'pnto:.jmei oal Soriietyr Ulpl* 6/r:i carlo Votorlflury DentlBtry; troatt al aninimBjoUttlodoboViidiib'vtbQrateflt; r^eavltt olippeK^OaJlefIb'y ^e?bm'V&v,i graph frouiiitly: attended to. Keaidejftjoit_ udoruouat o/^grlat mill; office In poflt. orttl bilJJding; tinhex iuflrmr>, dUoctdy oppOHlW", LANDSUR YO _. iAfeB3? P*ovu^cia|tia2^ i Ingineor, E aeexJO ,DanBtanBlopk,-t (**>' mm> . AUCTIQN^EttBfe^fM i _h *- " ^tLM^1LVwyH ifTHNBy HEIJBIOK roinrjtly attend AJ. promptly Wo!*lBla*7orifc. ,ajiyii#Ave,wordt theFaM^ii^i^omi: *lifl3c.ii'i' t1v foTtbe County p^fiBieaB)T_^__, Oftrisfon Ooart. AlI,klpdfl;pfTB,arm1'4 Sales oondnoted pwroptlyiS1 BaV and fnmlBhed -wn applloatlon^-Ei otpi?cx,,Att%mi\<>ttam<md ooiduotftd promptly and nhih? rfl40ablo.: .Foraoalq dealrablA" ady Jo Bo.by calling att tbo:

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