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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, p. 8

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$|^e#$om^ iSSa^itrol^ tfie forme* ;ha#ng;a'8on fM$ fiddleKM, reooiteda flunBtrolce ^ ^n!S^?li*y!>t noon and was txnobn- "A'*" ni lor 4 hours and delirious for 34 oftea,'; Heja now getting along m .,j";--Wl right. Bt. * ?* ^^:$$& Barry. left on. Sunday,, for X?(*'vI^'"'ti^^rPI'l"l0'.*'>e BOnol ft* Puce ^";J:>'-tSd:knenjoyable tiirie on Thursday of fe^J^ weitl'-' In the forenoon a 'publio 5^:!j:i^i^hiBatibn-yaB held and in the aftor- ^ ^fcpoh. ai>io-nio." J^^V"'"' ' .-Colchester,North.' , . fe| ;*?: Camp meeting is inprojcreaa on the .'Qthoon., Oolohester North, beginning K^J.V;on the4thandending"on the 11th of K?r "July.' .Jubilee ainpcing and good apoak- Y^"i;t"a*ji will be the order of the 'day, ..under J^v^the directions of Bov. A. L. Purnoll. ""'iWi'T" -------------:---- Oeflto. J.Keane spent Dominion Day in Detroit. ]$. H. Barrett is spending his vaca tion at home. : J. A. Coulter returned on Monday : from a visit to Norwich. Mifls: B. Pettypieoe, of Ottawa, is Visiting her sister, Misa E. Pottypieco, ,. . Mrs. O. ,VV. Widdis and her brother Ef Neal, purpose taking a trip oaat on their wheels.. &aster<i Johnnie Gott, of Aniherat- burg, is spending the summer vacation at tho home of his unole, M. Barrett. 'The Gesto Football club has been lost, any information that will load to Its' recovery will bo received with 'thanks. Mrs. Cinderella Walker died at her home in this township on Sunday. Deoeosod was 70 years of ago. Goo. Walker, of Now Canaan, is ason. She was born in Ohio in 1827., Tho romains were interred at New Canaan cemetery on Tuesday. j > :,.,..... Cottum. '.' Miss Iva Loyst, of Wheatloy, is viait- ,in at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. White. Marcus H. Jackson is riding a Com mon Sense hike' bought from E. L. Park, agent at Essex. Thomas Wagoner has sold four buggies, two, two horse cultivators, besides some single ones. < Miss Bowers, from Sandwich, sister of Walter Bowers and Mrs* John Mot ley, was buried in Oottam opmetery, Tuesday. 1 W: S. Oummiford, J. P., hold court on Friday last, to .hear a ease in which Michael Malonoy was tho plain tiff and 'Thos. Waiiss tho defendant. The latter waa-charged with making 'statements which.tho latter considered false. W. H. Kennedy aofcod for Waiiss, who "was acquitted.' Tho plaintilFdid not put in an appearance. t?.i,r., if JN, P%> fi V. : ffi , ^,.j:^V^0.w\tb'go"4o'Tmt6.tlie opiifllaiiy -too iipo^^d^t^i'^'agM^ amount of good to root orops and ho ajl kinds of fauit trees that are nearing maturity'.' y'v>'.," " :i' About three weeks ago, Peter Gilboe lost n largo and valuable brood sow. Alter, searohing diligently for hor wherever he thought she might have strayed, and without finding her, ad vertised; in last week's Essbi Fbbb Press, when, strange to relate, tho day after he put the advertisement in the paper she came home. ..This is one of the quickest replies,we ever heard of, Who will oay after subb. an experience as the above that advertising in a first class local paper is not effectual. Harrow. Miss Clara Adams has returned home, Mrs. AlvahMungeris on the siok list. Miss Maggie Howie has been visiting at George Peareo's this week. A number of Harrow's young. people spent the 1st on the lake shore. Evangelist Struble preached in Har row Methodist churoh, last Sunday. Miss Maud Richardson has returnod from her visit to friends in Thamesvillo. Miss Fannie Pearce, of Detroit, visit ed at the home of her parents this week. Tho twin brother evangelists arc holding meetings in Harrow Methodist church now, Miss Eflle Smith loft on Monday morning to visit frionds in tho. -neigh" borhood of Toronto, riersea. Wm. E. Whaloy, a farmer of the 11th con,, Mersea, about four miles from Wheatloy, was straok and instantly kill ed by lightning about 0 o'olock Tues day night of last week. Ho and his hired man were working in tho corn and seeing tho storm aproaohing start- odTor" the hoifflo. Mr. Whaloy was holding a hoe over his, shoulder whou tho lightning struck him, running down his body, andtearing his shoo alt to pieces, The hired man was a short distance ahead driving a horso hitohod to a cultivator, and was stunned but neither ho nor his horse was seriously injured. Deceased was a man of 41 years'of age and leaves a wife and throe small children. w; W-... North Rldgo. , Mrs. Hugh Callander, of Windsor, is visiting frionds hore. William Beivos and wife called on relatives near Staples laafc Sunday. .John Shoreland'and daughtor, of De troit, have been hero calling onfriemds. Bobort Hagjjins and wife called on gi iV; relatives iri Now California last Friday. 0l"t!< George Laing, of London, was hore %:;l laBt week calling on some of his wifo's V"v^:;relations. fefr/ A, W. Briilgon and William Quopn klVV^nttoEdgfirlaHt Sunday and culled ^f.;;;pn Bobort ({noon, The moroury has boon sporting away sbW'.up among tho nineties for about a week' Strand it has been intonSoly hot and op- ;j>rossiye. , .About twontyrilvo relatives and ac quaintances of William Beivos and wife, waitod on them last Wodnpuday evening, Juno BOth. They eamo pro- ^ Tided with a lot of good things, and ^)J'.jthey had a very pleasant timo foasling ^L On strawberries cream cake, &o. ^i;. -Gur roferonoo in your last issue to f^..tho,Hcv; J. Her, ha brought out tho ^ ipllowihg lines which would load us to Sli^hclude that the rovprend goutlemau 'J-.is 'gifted as a poet as well as proaohor. ^ i;V-'v!;-'Whnae skin js white and head is red, i.f ,>' Yet.hc is altogether-brown 4^?^::'V';And.'-wiH be so.until he's dead, ffj1'"'(i." ., *$#.'! His wife is whiteand brown as ho ^'t"1'?.LArid ;botH are funny as Ibey can be, f&i; A^ observers can clearly see Si^'Mn their remarks concerning me. "* fe' tw>' f%'K rr-'Ajjd 'try to keep a cheerful heart/" M/;?^i;v".(fOO.i#ATB.,b'iAS'r iSstmi.)' .;. f ^ ;]Pf.are yery pleased to say that Miss ij;0^;Wniiamfl is cpnyaleBcent. , ^iBert Howe; of Windsor, called on iUaintances.: here Jast Sunday. _[^' Delia Hopgobd and Mies laud .Ellison, of Essex, spent Sunday ttk(wii&h relativiesi and friends. ^^fik^|-"^nwr-:'an^iftjaHr\idoved %to:^rfolfc C.f -last Wednesday. iey^have^ lived here about eighteen Kjfihp/^v^-J;; "" "< SatihWiweVe very hard at work durJ South Woodslee. Roes' stave milt is running ovortimo for a while. Rev. W. H. Shaw has got movod into tho Parsonage hore, H. C. Rooft shipped six cars of stavos from hero on Tuesday. Miss Emma Cotter, of Detroit, is visiting at hor mother's. Mrs. W. S. Oummiford has been quite ill for a couple of weeks. Miss Tobio has gone to hor home in Chatham to spend her vacation. Tho Townliuo at Roes' mill is boing graded. Ed. Bushlow is doing ' tho work. Miss IdaRorko, who has been attend ing college in Ohio, is homo for tbo vacation. The South Woodsloo band are hav ing now uniforms mndoby J. A. Smith, Thby aro to bo iiniehod by July 12th. W. H. Rumlmll found his mare whioh wns advorlifled in last woek's inane. Sho was found noar Wheatloy. A dance was hold at Duncan Mc- Crae's in Maidstone on Monday night. A good crowd was in attendance and an onjoyablo time is ropprtod. -, K; B. Cohoo, of Virginia, Wis,, is visiting at tho parontal home for a mouth. In company with A, W," Van Every ho whooled to Chatham last woolt to attend the 0. W. A. moat. .....!Plock. & Boggfl' have started tho manufacture of fine coffins and caskets in tho place oyer J. Molnteor's shop. Thoy have already shipped several oof- fins'and have a number of ordera for moro. South'Woodsloo lodge of tho Daugh^ tors of Bobokah have re-elected all thoir last torm's officors f oi' tho current tormi MrH, J. S. Edgar, of Windsor, was eloctod Roprosbntativo to the 'Grand Lbdgo,Jwhioh. moots in Bollovillo in August. Wm, ^Thompson; of Essex, was up boforo W- 8. Oummiford, J. P., on Monday, on a charge: laid by Jamts Hylaud, of assault and using profane language to plaintiif. ThorniisoU was fined'$1 and coats, a total of 5.29. W. H, Kennedy appeared for' Thompson. The Maplo Ijeaf band went to Staples on Sxinday last and took part in' the turnout of the Orango and Young Britons lodges, who attended divine service.^The band has boon engaged by the Staples Orangemen to parade with them at Ridgetown on Monday next,r';", WoodsleoXodge, No; 220, I.O.O.iEV, have oleoted the following officers for the current term:~N.G., Adrian BrookerjV.G-, John Haner.;Jleo. Sec, J, A. Smith; Per. Seo,, J, Mitehell; Tyaas., S.B. Taylor;Bepresentntive to Graod Lodge, A. Brooker. Installation will likely take place next; Wednesday evening by <Gr. E. pnUord, of Amherst* with-lntonmatiori of the lunge. HighSohool Entrance exams, held here last Week.' "", > VWiHiom Parent^"of 'Detroi^. ^} 0f Mrs. O. Durboher, of this piooe, was married in Windsor on ihe 20th of June and visited his mother here last week. Theodore Marentette; of Belie Bivor, who ia fiUBpeoted of a tendency to lunacy, was on Monday, committed to jail under the fiction oif vagrancy. On Sunday he acted, a little queerly at church, which he entered hi a nearly nude state, and his friends judged it expedient to confine him, but Mr. Bartlet did not think he was. bad enough to commit as a lunatic. Sandwich. ~ Nineteen of Mr. ScottehV men, em ployed on his land in Sandwich West, succumbed to the heat on Saturday. David Clutterbuck was, on Friday, committed by Magistrate Bartlet to stand his trial for abduction and seduc tion of EmilyBeatty. On Monday afternoon between S and 4 o'clock, a colored man named Alex. Willie was drowned at Sandwich at what is known as Taylor's Point, on the property of foB. Taylor, north of L'Assumption ohurch. WUHb wan in bathing in company with a son of Mr. Taylor's, and John Campbell, of Camp- boll-ave., when the big stenmer North West passed down the river* The un fortunate man >vas overwhelmed by the swells and swept into deep water and sank before assistance could reach him. Willis was a married man employed by Mr. Taylor and had a wife and family in Detroit. Ho was 84 years old. Woodslee On Sunday, Dotcctives Campau and Mahoney took a : skirmish in the country looking for Fred. MooUey, a hired man who porpetratod the stock joke on his1 boas by carrying off hi pocket book. Tho wad contaiuing-$120- lay convenient on a. table and Mooney, who was unable to resist the tempta tion, skipped out on Saturday night. The victim was Wm. Cattle, a farmer hoar Woodslee. There was $4 in wages to the credit of Mooney, but ho was in too groat a hurry to ask for a settle ment bofore leaving. Moonoy belongs over the river,.and ho is probably on tho right side of tho water before this timo. - Rochester, At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Wodnosday of last week,' in Huston y. RuBton, Judgment on appeal by dofon- dnnt from judgment of MoHngh, Co. 0. J. of Essex (who tried tho action as and for a Judge of.tho High Court), in favor of plaintiff- for $085.fi0. The plaintiff is a nephew;. of defendant. Both partios at one timo livod in Dako ta. On tho 9th February, 1804, an agreement was made hotweon tho par- tioy by^which plaintiff agreed to pur- chase^laud in Dakota from' defendant. In this action plaintiff alleged a ub sequent agreement by which ho was to got book what ho had paid on account of the land and borelcasedfromfurther claim. The defendant contended that no agreement of tho kind alleged was provod*by ovidphbe. Appeal allowed with,costs and' aotiOn disniissod with costs. No order as*to counterclaim, but right reserved to defendant to bring separate action therefor, if so h&vised. Ijangtou, Q.C. for appellant. A. H. Clarke (Windsor) for plaintiff. milef have been awarded.io England ;S^Wfl^a^r^iai-;tte'i;^ "warship Waterloo; h^aa hoisted \ therTTnibn';Jaok lands, belonging to the Solomon group, inthe'SouthjPaeiflo. ;. / The British barque Overdale, Cap tain Roberts, bound for South America came into collision with the, steamer Pandua, off Hooghly Point, near the month of the westernmost branoh of the Ganges, and sank almost imme diately. All on board were drowned ox cept the captain, the pilot and one sea man. The Turkish troops, after a sharp fight with the Inhabitants, have cap tured the village of Kalabaka in North Thessaly. Kalabaka, although within tho territory occupied by the Turkish troops, was under Greek administra tion. The attack was made last Thurs day by a body of Turks and Albanians, 3,000 strong. The Czar has again written to. the Sultan/urging him to aooelerate the peace negotiations by renouncing do- mauds with whioh it is impossible for Greece to comply. As a result of this letter, the Sultan has virtually accept ed the terms of the poworS, leaving details tp bo settled. Itisprobablo tho treaty will bo signed in throe weeks. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Dominion Premier, on Monday addressed a meet- ng of momboxs of tho British House of Commons, known as "the colonial party. Sir Charles Dilke presidod. Sir WilfridXaurier, who was cordially received, urged the direct representa tion of tho colonies in the Imperial Parliament, whioh ought to bo, ho con tended, a grand, national council or Imperial Federal Parliament. In the course of his. address he said that ii Australia and South Afrioa woro con federated like Canada it would greatly* simplify the question. Bit til h. "HttttkiCK In Rochester, on Friday, June 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hcdriclc, a daughter. Marrntettu At Bella River, on Saturday, June 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marentette* a son. Grainger In Maidstone, on Thursday, June- 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grain ger, a daughter. NoDLni--In North Cos field, on Saturday, fuly 3rd, to Mr, and Mn.Walter Noblo, a son. . ; . . - WHITS In North Colchester, on Sunday, uly, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen hite, ason. Stowk In Sandwich South, on Sunday, July 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Stowc, a daughter. Congdon In North G on field, on Monday, July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cong- don, a son. Shaw In Essex, on Tuesday, Tuly 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Will. Shaw, a daughter. Deaths. RODINSON In Essex, on Wednesday, Tuly 7th, Lottiu 'M.,' daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Robinson, nged 16 years, 6 months and 7 days. Walkkr In Colchester North, on Sunday, July 4th, -Mrs*-Cinderella Walker, aged 70 years. THEY ARE ALL HERE. .-*s*#- Windsor. : ' Tbojbody of.Alox. Willis,- drowned at "Taylor's Point, Samhvich, has not yet boon recovered. Little Bros., grooors, have made an assignment to H. Pinchiu for tho beno- fit of .their oroditorfl. Tho Itooorde and the,Clerks of Wind sor play ball at Williams' Park at 8 o'olock: No admission foo will bo charged. MoOh'Ogor & Souh, Hotroit, have re-' coivedjthe contract for 600 foot of steel pipas for tho now water intake. The pipo will bo made in Windsor; : By the-upsetting, of a tally-ho coaoh on Jeffcraon-Avo. Detroit, on Monday night, nine persona were '.injured, one probably fatally. T\\o wholesale grocery firm of Smyth & Taylor has been dissolved, Mr. Tay^' lor retiring and Mr. Smyth buying hiB intoresi Mr; Smyth takes in Robert Pinohin as partner, and. the lflrni"-\ylli: now be known as J. P. Smyth &'Oo. 1 * At a meeting . of Alphonsus^ oourfc, I, O. P.. last opening, John Latham was olootod deligate to tho grand prpr vihoial convention '.] whioh , meets at' Oornwallon the8rdTue6dayof August. 0. J., Baley accompanies him us prp- 'yinoial; trustee.;.; : '-.'.< Tuoeday afternoon the infant daugh ter of Lawyer J. L.',' Peters, raged 22. months/fell out of a sebo.nd story vtrin-: dow and bad a miraculous escape from instant death. A'neighbor ;who. aaiw. her.fall, ran andpioked her up expect ing her to be dead; but Wednesday, althongh^ unable to move, she did. not Beeml-v seriotiiily^ ihurV-.lalttio^ " doctors in attendance do not 'posilfc^^i^c*^;;'""" "' #"#,$& RAT POISON. Fresh. Su-pply of Ghemically Pure PARIS GREEN "Fop Potato Bugs" Pure Dalmation Insect Pow der^ Fly Poisoti Pads and Sticky Ely Paper, *' For Extormlimting Files." Carbolic Acid and Chloride of liime. Druggist and Stationer. ESSEX .'-- .^^ I The Millinery, Department^^^Sfjl Is Pilled to OverMdwiil V."A'. ' .V'V.>Y'/J Our Stock is new and compl|f in all departments. >M . A1" We show the largest assortiiienM of New Black and Colbref Dress Goods. ,;v- Also a hew line of Priestley^s Black Dress Goods. lOOlladies' Shirtwaists at 25eH each. "!-rVi3 A lot of Remnants of Dress Good!!! at half price. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothinipi at astonishingly low prices! f ^ Wanted- -20,000 DIEBEL & lbs. of Wool. . l,J"'>"7fa :<4 We Are as Usual Giving Bight Prices on Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, 1 ,'jf 'taa iW ! Essex Markets. IViday,'"July Oi 1897. Wheat, red, por bush:.'.$ Wheat, white,....;,,.....:, Corn........................... KJtLllfittf", *.>*....<'..>.>k>>....ii Timothy Becd............... Oloyor seed................. ' Hay. per' ton..............: Aleike......... .,......, ...... Beef, dressed............... Pork, live weight.;,*...-., Mutton...... ...... ........... ___ Hides,;......;..*........,... 8,75 ,Ghiolce.nflV: per V, jjUtvQr|i,,'tt^!" ,, Iiard;VfVv j" v*-v^!>?f _ 'BYper.'dofcM.ifC.'-^-ycrft';-;'V.'OS'y BDfaweB^'^ljS);-^^;-.'...'*'^^'..' .40;' Potatbea :(aaw5iiM'.i-'.'^v:::: -,:M 55 75 36 io 'i 20 8 00 6 00 8 00 M 4-001 @' ,70 70 ' . S^ 19' 1 2B 4 00: '."'.6.00' .*4-jOO: '^- "05 4 60 .4 50 4 00 -J:Q7 08 08 & 00 Qr any Implements you may Want on the Farm- ......... <^^.Haedware, Essex. mm. .^ Will eell for Thirty JDaya from'date^ ;.'i At a Great gacrifi(ie All Sizes of for, Oasti or gQp^bankaM%;||^ . ^^i\U^^^

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