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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, p. 7

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f!S$M| mmkmw iotMaiwtot;1hdldeii:onft of ^iaij?e aame Item, About:.'9855": a ^WGdtb*rd'aoist I'jao a foot, and Cy;tlio lattiot 1q aat best only few years la cited the progress in wJoftl'meiiKoaa and improvements in coTfttlog toolB. A still mora atrik- ljg'ifeia]txlBtain the oftflo of a tannol " jtagH fche OftBoado MoanUioff, on the ;pf the Northern Paci&o Railroad, in -:;TJilited States.- Tbio, unliko those Uned, which were ejoav&tea in old eot- ^ooantries, with the terminal eay ot ideiH.-WftB io a peooliarly difllonlt loca- Jori^BO maoh bo that it took months to Jotiy^y the machinery to the spot, Rivera ' 1 tiohe torued aaido, bridges built, and jitniterial transported over improvised roado j&rongfai nearly 100 milea of forest, mud fcna snow flelda, yet the tunnel, wbioh is itxteen and one-half feet wide, twenty two Etfc^high, and 8961) feet Iour, was bored ^ through the mountain in twenty two ^montha, and at the rate of 413 feet a " lipnth, and at a oost for the tunnel of only tbout 9120 a foot. Now York Times. M* FaineU pelery Compound " A > &'# Hero Is the Way. ,,., To oure all heart and nerve troubles and Way;--'..-, , i|^\hftt weak woary, tired fooling, sleoplo&8- w>neBBY nervousness, oto,. do as Mm. Thop. ^.Glover, Chatham, Out., did. Says Mrs. rGlover: MOae box of Milburu'fl Hoart atid J: Keryo P1U9 ourod mo. I was ao bad that I P?,Wted paralysis,but am now .well and ]jS'Strong thanks to these wonderful pills." W.^flhe Ureatost Park la the'World. ^;.':Writing of "TUo Greatest Nation on ^i.tJBair.ihV'in the July Lidice' Homo Journal, j^WiUiam George Jordan aayfl: "Unole T;,;,Bam aet apart a royal plounuro yroaud in l&V^lorthwestern Wyoming and o ail ml' it g-'jiffiUowatouo .National'Park.. To give &u r\ idea of what its size, 3B12 equare' miles, jfi^rflally means, let ua dear the floor' of the $j&";'3?ftrje and touderly plaoo some of the great feftVoitieB of the world there, oloso togethor an ,' ohildren do their blocks. l?irat put iu Jjfc'LbndQnjl'fcheu Greater Now York, Chicago, l^feiiPhiladeiphia, Paris, Boston, Berlin, Bt. ^jfeij^i9pia|4Hong,,Koag, San Frauoisoo and ^y/|^JBtahiugtoa. The floor of the Park would K|j]b^?hTjebni half covered. Then lift up {g'^V-Bhode lalaud carefully, ao as not to spill ^|i':!;,y any of its poople, sot ib down and preaa iu .....____________.__ ffe'iy^fche West Iudiea and even then there ttrjj: jujd a friend. About W%$> **Y huudred square miles lpfb. No equal boen placed out Rindo 5?fc: "ftiea in the world has auoh a diversity of of uatnral .phenomena and su'oh mugni- ^v,^ floent aoeuery. It is a marvolous laud JR'::'ipf-streamaand waterfalls, Rdyaors and hot |wr'"springs, mountains, canons, lakos and for-_ 'Si^i ^pats of primeval atfe." 1 f .:".' / A. Cure>' lor Ohilblaius, !;' I.uaod Hagyard'a Yellow r. Oilfor ohilblaiua this winter und found it y. most effectual. It relievos tho irritation almost instantly, and a tow applications 'resulted iu acomplete euro. F, Ij'Ehtuanoi:, Port Sydney, Out. -' How to BloopatWUL. ;^;V'.; According to the uowoBt thoorv of nloop M>,-v"i that buriona phonomona rosulta from tho brain boin^ Htorally drowuod in blood. ' this diH- -eovery has also found oub how^ you may /regulate your porlod ot sloop to tho jninuto, and wako as ro^ularly a^tbo puuc- . tual cook. All you have to do in to ramo ": 'Vi lower your head by moaus ofplllowfl of ' Various-thiokuoaB03, . If you want to nloop .'V-:':/! longer, than you do'at prosont, lower the ':;!"'V ;'pULow aud let in mora blood to tho braiu ; W Si: BT^.. .the piHow morb'aCd m'pro Ull-Hluop oonoes. p.'|v" Yon.uoed not go to tho exponae 61 b.u ylng *'iv.|";."r::an' alarm clock oithor, sinoo^thia Btmplo 10^ VJ plau will onablo you to awulto at any hour. '"Woalcnoss and DyHpopslu Cavort. '.':[ Dear Sm, loan heartily rooommond ^ .Burdock Blood Bittora.' ii'or a lohg time I I'i^;'-'.'..;was troubled witbdyspopaia and weakooBB, \fi$*-";' <^U0 *eafit exertion would .'tire mo out. I t'f^-SV" z 6*a^ ^ Bay howoyer, that yout B.B.B. V-'V-;i, ' : lttB Rreatly beiumted me, ouriiitf'dyHpopfiia i^r./^.'iand maltiuR.mo stronK and' ' well. VA.M0, Ucnpolor, Out. ,------T^-----.--------- ^m -------- . , t . i;iv;;',.- ' Msi'-:;*'": -^ J;'/v;^;.^;;;^':. The opening np of a ^smaud for pota* K.^Vj/'.i'/V'ioes'. peeled, aliced .and dried Iiho apples &",$' promiacB to give a fresh iujpotuBto'pptaioo .^ i^'V cultivation, ae deoay will bo prevented and' 7i^!;^',:^iftb^ Q0Bb' lessonpd.':'. The potatoes' are t ^^;;. ipeelei and'alleed by machinery, .soaked K^X/^/': ft^ minutes lu brine, drained aud dried at1 IvI^S't^^'-Wmpeiraraife.'of about 104 degrees, Be- ^&iv.';,;/f6rj uain^ thoalioeH,. aro soaksd from 12 to 'fefeli,."lfihours,'and ttion have all'the freshuebs "A^f^V' >and/flivor of now potatooa. For Weak FepiHo. id Nui'vo Pills-for' ; heart or nerve troubles, J^B^^Tffi^^Voaf.wltnoss/J.JTo'r ftucraia,' d(*hi'liiy,"( Orcai Bunder *d Hecnperatorv ,j . As arule there is, no pain following physical and.'moutal oxhauBHOo and de- witty.:. . Yon know V5U aru weak, tain I, languid, have loss of momory, depreftaion of spirita, with a wasting of flesh. Your ttoublea prooeed simply from nervous exhaustion, and though you aro not aufforlnit pain and agony, be aaBured your condition ia eitremoly perilous, and demands immedi* ate attention. That wonderful etream, {the blood) that runs to every part of the body, supplying the moBt minute nor von and tieBUoa, ia fonl and poisoned. Iu your present con dition your blood ia not a lite stream ; It is a Btagnant pool of disease and death. The healthy, hale and Htroug, that boar up during the hottest weather, and that are blessed with, clean, pure blood and steady nerves, are the people who make use of Paine'a Oelory Compound, the only medicine that revitalizes the blood, that fortifies the nervous system, that gives perfect digodtivo power, Bound sloop, and a new lease of life to those advanced in years. Paine'a Celery Compound is truly tho great modem elixir of life, and no wonder tliatdoctora approve of it and attongly ro- oo mm end it. Why go on in wrotohedneas. and misery when suoh a modioiue promieos health, vigor and now life? Wo recommend you no uutried remody. Every bottle of Paine'a Celery Compotiud is, warranted to clo the work it promises. There ia health aud ]ifb Su ovary drop. ....... The Uoad Master, GuSTtftMisN, X have found, great. .Hfl-tis- faotion in tho uho of Dr. X'owUVh Kxtraot of Wild Strawberry, aud coueidor it invalu able in all casos of diarrtuui. and Hummer oomplalnt. It iu a.pleasure to rocommoud it to the public. II, B. Mahtkrton, Principal fcligh School, Hivgr Charlo, N.B., Canadian Child Snvintf Work. This work carried on under tho supor- intoudeuoy of lie v. 0. W. Watch.Brighton, Ont,, is increasing in its holpfulnona to tho needy of our own land and at tho same timo bringing joy and blessing to mauy a home by iutrodnaing into it some bright little oue whOBe one want isthatof a home thirty ohildron have January lat, Mr. Watoh has at proHunt uomo.vory dc- Hiiahle oabob for udoptiou among there a fow bright little bays aud also, a few. girls. A beautiful octoroon baby girl of two years is now awaiting a Christian home, also a few older ohildron. Fuuds aro required for this Work of love, auy needy child in the couutry wanting a homo or friend will bo holpo 1. AddroBH oorroHpondbnoo to 0. W. Watch, Brighton, Out, Imitation dyes pold under .varioua names have bulk epoagh, bat throe fourths of the oontente 1b compoaed ot ohea^) and wortb- loss logredlontB moBt dangerous to rnse- and handle. Diamond Dyea, prepared according to soientiflo prinoiples, are always the same in oolor and atrength; these -great ad- vantages the women of Canada fully appreciate. An Ontario lady writing about Dia mond Dyes says: "Your Diamond Dyes are the boat I naye ever used; they are quite harmless to work with and hover irritate the skin. I had oooaeion to ubo a package of common, oheap dye tliat wan aold ma as being equal to the 'Diamond,' but it proved a aouroe of great trouble. 4fter usiug it a severe raah appeared on my hands, showing it contained poiaonoufl matter. Borneo Marriages. The marriage ceremony praotisod by the peoplo of Borneo is short and simple. Bride and groom are brought before the assembled tribe with great solemnity and seated flido. by side. A bethel nut is then out in two by the medicine woman of the tribe, and ono half is given to the bride and tho other half to tho groom. They bogm to chow the nut, and thou the old woman, after some sort of incantation, knocks their heads together, and they are declared man and wife ior'a-iftkuiinj^^ tainhaainvoDtedftfliieoirtt form of bfoyple forhla meu.,- T'he1 ^roRfcrba'tf', ;.i "hinged:';.^ that the maohlneouu be folded and carried OP TbiWiTi ofthe'inidtown, Wise Alou Know It ia folly to build upon a poor, founda tion, either in architecture or in health. A foundation of aaud In iueoouro, and -to doaden symptoms by narcotics or'nervo compouudd ia oftaally dangerous and de- aoptivo. The true way to build up health ie to make your blood pore, rich and nourishing by taking Hood's Sareapanllu, Hood'H Pilla act easily and promptly on the liver aud bowois, Oure siok.headache. OhinoeoSweots, Tho Ohinose aro said to poRaoas ueorete iu the preparation of swecU that astonish our moat accomplished ooufeotiduers. Thoy know how to remove the pulp from orangen aud Bubstitute ]olUeB, The.oloaeBt examination fails to reveal any opening or lnoision in the skiu or the fruit. Thoy perform tbo earn eame feat with eggs. Tho shells are apparently as intact as when the eggs were newly laid, but upon breaking aud opening thoin tho contents ootisint of nuts aud aweetmeata, Now York Suu, on (be back, whon ground lmipraotibable for wheeling has' to be croaBod. It Is' throught that companies trained to ma noeuvre on wheola may be very useful in ight akirmishiiig and aoouting. - Eaoh rider carried a Lobol rifle and bayonet. . NON SECTARIAN Divines All Meet on a Common Level and are of One Accord in Proclaiming the Healing Powers of Dr. Agnew's Catarr hal . Powder It Believes in Thirty Minutes. t'Wheu I know anything ib worthy of a reoommendntion I consider it my duty to tell it." B*y. Jua. Am loolj, of Harris* burg. Pa., Maya Uiirt of I>*. A/now'a Ca tarrhal Powder ufier having h.ien uUred of a very malignant form of Ortiarrh, Ho ia not the only great divine ou this continent who oould, aud who has preaohed little eermonettee on the wonderful cores effect ed by this famed remedy. What names are more familiar to Canadians than the Rt. Rev. A. Bwoetman, Lord Bishop of Toronto, aud Dr. Langtry, of the Churoh of England; the llov. Mungo Fraeor, of KnO'A. Prosbytoriau churoh, Hamilton or the noted Mothodiat preaoher-traveHer, Dr. W. H. Withrow, of Toronto. All these men hnyo proven what ia claimed for Dr. Agpow'H Catarrhal Powder, and have given their written tubtimony to it. Bold by J. Thome. Coughs, Co/th% Sen Throatt Asthma%Brtm* chtth, and all Lung Troubles are quickly cured by flagyartfs lateral' ftaham. ' Etees, In theCouniy; of EUM)crand authenticaM<lvW *|iftr corn^wtegn aring; date the aoth day of Mwch, I997/^d. t4'w^:Wl^#':iiNMn^J,' Plan.' Lota. ' Taxes. 310. $' 7 00 310 imi20'.i......,,,, ~i 04 223,.45, 46. 4748,49,Si,52.53S4i . 55i69. 74 75 77......<*. ) i5i 13.............. S'^^Pjviff^ ..** "S','PJ^vMff ' -vitimm 223... 223.** 207.. 207.... 220.... 6<.. ....20, 21...... .. ..27, ,28. . ..'. . *.... .^ IS.... ..'.. ., *... 267***.< .*.., .,20, 21 ....*..... 322';v -# .......... 0.............. 247..... - ....88.............. 247 247" * 247 -..* ..04.............. 13 OO.............. 41 90...........,,.. 21 91.........,',.,. 25 53****. 4 65,....^........ iO 83............... 2 55*' * * 2 40 '* 6 59-..........* * 2 73".-........... 2 27 * ii 5 5"* . 2 12............. 9'.'st$fyM)ta 2"S4........,.'.;,^;'44774*f 2 24...........v..",/ \tyMf.4Ml 2 4 j. .......... , ...1 'tpfaffi 2 05......,:...;...,.;. \\fy1<*%fm 2 20. ......... . , . .- ^17'^lM 2 21, 2 05. WW w 4' 'fy$W 2 05 ^.**t . .o,'04".'^vJi 2 05 2 OJ ... . * W. D. BEAM AN, Treasurer;: ThoiiHJindH Colobrato. With thanktulnoa thoir restoration to health by the use'of Hood's fluraaparilla Think of the vast army who havo boon ourod by'this moJioino Moti, women und ohildron, who have imfforod tho oonsequonooH of impure blood, who havo boon tho viotimw of Horofula Boron, oruptioua, dyupopi-ia, norvouuneao, HlaoplflHnno,HB. Thoy havo tried other modioinea and havo failed to obtain relief. Thoy tried. Hood's Sursuparilla and it did them good. Thoy porsovorod in its 1100 and it aocomp' Uiihod pormanont ouron. Do you wonder tliat thoy praiso it and rocommoud it to you? . .--------.......^--------------. How to Glean Your Lamp. "Do you want to know how to polish, tho lens of your lamp?" asked tbo repair roan, 4,I you do,, hero you aro: tflrst clean tho eurfnoo <vith a pad of cotton wanlo and then oovor the pad with cotton velvet charged with flue rougo. Thltt will not only removo-tho soratohoH, but will impart brilliunoy to tho glftos, Xouhob iu kntcrns nhoiild not only be clean und clear, hut ulioulii bo brilliant as well, und brilliancy oomoit partly froth polmhing." Dyinu Mau Grasps at a Straw. "Dr. Aguow'B Curo.for tho Heart hu done bo ruuoh for mo that I foel I owe ib to Buffering humanity to ivo tcatimouy. T;'or yoars I had smothering Bpella, pains' in my loft aide, and wollwd anklos., Whew 1 look tho liriit.doooof Dr. Agnow's Heart Oure; my'friewly.thoughtI.waB dying, it (^ave rno almohtiUBtantrolief, and Hix bet tlos entirely ourod mo." -Mrs. F. Ij. Lumu-. tlen/'BorantoiitPa.' Bold by J. Thorao, -.^Formation ot Character.; .Charaqtor taltoH ehnpo by a very slow procosB. No ono becomes at a bound that into* which.'he fuily matures* SilonWy, and m a mooHuro lmpeiroeptibly alao, wo te7fd*~"in thia dirootion or in that. Thmv God Bends' somo, Bpooial eoutnigouoy or combination' of oiroumatanooH, aud lo! it ia diuclosod what,' maim or of men wo are, upright or false, manly or .cringing, true or liable to equivocate;, Btrong or weak. Pew, rnedioioea have held tholr ground BOnsuoooaafully aa1 Ay er'a Cherry -Peetotal.- poring the paat fifty years, it has been the most popular of *alli cough-ouroa and tho demand for it to;day is greater than, ever before. "Prompt" to aot cure. 1 Dr. Aguow'a Ointmeut Cures Salt Rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Earner's Itch, aud all like ukin diaoaaos and erup tions. It gives relief iu a. day. Its cures are legiou; ita failures are few. Years of testing, aud grows dully In favor of suffer ing humanity. Good for Baby's Skin, good for'young, mlddlo-a^ed or old folks. 35 cents. Sold by J. Thome. . ------------------------------.-<**>-.-------------------' tfubiloe. Stamps. Inquiry having haou mado at tho pOBt. ofiioo depb., OttaWa, au to whether tho jubilee postage stamps would continue good ui* postage for a limited period ouly it ban boon officially stated that tho jublloo stamps will romain valid for postage pur- poiiof! ho long as thoy. may coutinuo in circulation. Thoy will not, however, bo redeemed by tho department, a distinction being drawn in ibis respect between them aud tho ordinary pontage stamps. - ' + S BABY WAS CURED. Dear Sms.-T can hlKhly-iecom- mond Dr. Fowler's Rxtrnot of Wild Strawberry, it cured my baby of dlarrHcsn after all other means failed, Boloflvohtrreat praise, Itlaoxcol- lent for all bowel complnlntH, MRS. CHAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. THE HEAD MASTER Gentlemen, hnvo found great satisfaction in tho uho or Dr. I'owlcr'a Kxtrnct or Wild Strawborry, und con- Bidor it Invalunblo Irt ulf'cuiten of (linrrliosa and Hummer complaint. it is n pleftduro to mo to recommend it to the public. ' < U. I*. MASTER.TON, Principal High School, River Cliurlo. N.B. 4- s ESSEX To provont palo and dolicate ohildron from lapsing into chronic invalids later in life, thoy should tako Ayor'n 8arnaparilla togotuor with plouty of wholooomo food aud out'dopr exeroiso. What they uoed to build up tho.ystom is good red blood. . 1 . A Spaarfc Tjittlp Froo'k. A brig suit of wood brown ourtvan oloth, built over silk of exactly tho same shade, s elaborately trirnmod. with braiding iu black. Tho narrow skirt has it front broadth outllnod with a.btuidod pattern, while tht- liiLino doBign outlines tho ' short juokot, roEiohing to tho bust at the front, whero it oo&boh 16 a scroll. '* . The coat Ib provided with abroad rojliuu oollar, faced with blnuk. subiu, ilniabod with au edging of braid, , With tho suit la worn a-shirt waist' of Uoman atripod taffeta, fastened'down tho front with email gold studs!und aot off by a tio aud oruuhod girdlo of blaok satin. Theso akirb waists oMUunui ailk are now aud. very fotohiiig. Tho loss 'brilliant stripos are the besb ohoioo, any of them boing bright ouough loivull ordinary wear AH ill flileU Train. Mr, J. Plpmmor, of WmdHor, Out., was an tlio tram which, wout through the bridge at.St, Georgo, Ont.. in, 18B8. In tho accident his kidneys und1'.back' wove Horionqly. injured, and have since caused him.a great; Buttering. Mr. Plummer Bays; TJutli'l bbtainod Boan's Kidney Pills. t.novor, know ,what lb was to bo', freo'from pain, and I am ; a,blo tor work every tlay how. They have produoed bofcber, resultt;: than all the other- medicines aombin.ed wliichi have uaeid ib all my years, of buE faring. I regard them as 1 a '. apcoiQo for. kidney trouble," . ' i,To destroy worms \and :^xpel than, from children or adults use Dr< Zb?(?V Wgrut l/Sy-S^'sy,'aro,.a'.oHp!}oiu'j': , fefe Hoadfiu'trcora tor Soliool BookH, Sohoo 'Supplies, Noto Paper.Hnvelopes, Inks Writing TahloU and eftlao Stationery Q. A.SKEKBXT DISPKNSINa AND FAMILY BilOGOTR'n OAIjIjAT -VOlt ALL KINDS OK- WINI)6W BLINDS Away down., OOLNAWAnE, -. BlUU-A-BUAdE, ". 'iTAKoy.'adoDS, NOVELTIES, -BOOKS AND Sl'AT[OM|iiay,' . ;" S01100L SUPPLIES,- TOY.-! Oli'-AL/L'-KtND.t'^ nHBriN WOOL a...l -Li-INGISUtNG \- . 'Nsw-SiiGk'of'.La'i'i Wall Paver. Cook's Cotton Root Compound , Is,the only safeVreliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in t^.e hour and tiync of need. leprepared iu two degrees ofotrength.; y: ^ - : ^.' caaea ia' by far the tiest doUar medicine knoSyn one Dollarper box^ Ko; a for speciaV casesT-16 degreesBtT0iiger--aold \by^ruB^t^\Oj;Jp*i-. Thre Dollort; two. boxes*, ^ive,Pollare, DON'T BUI a Stove uncU! y00: ae^M the new stoek at $fe.,';;' McMUREAY'S, See th:Oxford's Stoves, BfiSt in the World. MaDufaotui^^ by-the. G-umey-Foundry Go", of Tc^oato, (both 'Wood; 'an$$fj' Coal). We liave thern in Stock, . Our prices are the loweBt^ cJ,ll a:txcL Inspect. General Tinsmithing and ^Repairing' attended to. -tM : ' 'vB* ' i^'SSl ' ' "-^W *S* North of Railway Track, - - Essex^'Mi .'" 'jW !#ftj*fcrt.*rt*i:-'. :c--.'-i: ' .'> ..:, -.J' VOUS, DISEASED MEN ^JJ 30,000 CURB IN SO YEARS. a. icr. ""GURES GUARANTEED OR A/O PAY;!, V' [^ A Nttuvouo vrnEoa. $1000 IN GOLD ^J^SSBl SELF-ABUSE, EillSSIONS/ VARICti? CELE, CONCEALED DRAIN5, ST^lof ? URE QLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTEN- CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT: URAL DISCHAI&ES.'ETa. ' '.W-kfe The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age FOR CURING THESE DISEASES avwtUrouBh BAttLY'lNUISCRBTIONS. EXCESSES, AND "BL06d DISEASES, ptl ?., yon havo any of tho following syipptoma consult ua botoro it ie too late. Are yofciPW&l .; Tiioupnmlo of young and middle npod men aro annually gwept to a t.hrilm.'h FIADI.V- INIII^r.DRTIONa. PVCPSfiP*. ilsin .HI OC>D ~" ! 3 :( OUR NEW METHOD THBATMENT alone can -a curd you, and ipalcft a man at you. -tlntlprHs laflu-. J iiju! tho brnin naoomoB active, tho blood purified ...jhotliftt all i>lmilou, blotqljOB and uloora dlsnppoap; :] tbo norvoa booomo Btroufe aa Btooh eo that norvoua-1 I'lnooi), Vmn)ilulnofm ' and dospondonoy disappear; . ;'j llio nj-oa bftcomo .tirlcht, tho faco full and oloar, ,i oimi-uy roturnB to HuT.body, and tho moral.' pbyeical i .iiul tioxunl Bsatome aro invlgoratodj all dralne: .',1 coaoo-uo mora vital wuatotrom thO eyptom,. The , ' ') varldim. orKana boooino natural and manly.' YqU' ',"'1 yonraolfrt liutn and knowmarriage aannot bo ,-.k "t Tailuco,- Woliivlt6 all tlm affllotod to'obn'ault ub. - ,'. ...nndunilally nndfrooofoUurBo', Dpn'tjottmaoks'1 . v/, -<;.:H fiikli'a rob you of. your nurd,oarnod dollars. . | vj. iCrf u'iU curtyou ornopay, . l illAS TOTJK BLOOD BEJEJ^ BIBEASEDf! SYPHILIS is tbo most pravalohtandiabBtaoriOuB BUiODdiaoaflO.. ^.BupntUp v*ByUoiidfl0j3'6f j tho viutlm arid unloea entlvolyoradlciitod fro tinn will dffoct tho.' offspring. Bq It only supiireaaoB tho Byuiptoma VOUNQ Oft MIDULU-AORD......... ____^.^^_____ o: 7011th. . BoU*abuBO - or > later .excesses; have vtiroutm doirti diciitodfrom theya- ' '1T^L'wi^'^-^'^if^waE Beware of Jaiorceryi"":^^ raa-ourNEW METHOD poeKivoJyettreaOwwraffiS VdUNOOft MIDULti-AOED MANr-Yeu'ye iodiB,ffo^Uo,ror,indaTWlni.^ft5 'Bymptonis BtoMlnsrovor yOU USOdtO bdOt SUOlll darkerBlgnals," ,"-,:'. Ato.yoiia, ^feibtfontVi-1 ' at Vreti, Karati \ ^syoA?.bioortToon"^lfloa^ 1. extra yqu.iWhaiit haado^oiorotheraW.^ tot* who1 lton 'tTfULtoil':'VAli:<in'ltn.fnr. .iLn ,'li'rinnMfcVi^lltUAn^filVAJ^Eun 3ipDBtafl[0.,aoeBta'seai6d."i;BpoJton ~..... ' KT NO NAMES USED WITHOUTWRITTETJ CONSET

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