\$ffifm$$. *'^'"i"'id debenturoa now on hana '^^6 py^B iiitraldj^Btie akd tlie l^^^^teiii:iepwed'VittiQttt any r^|^^itteohe^ to it:;; The Tb-e,Vr&- '^^^',^igniCommittee, ate asking ^^a*0fllbn.t^6 ne^ boilers which ftjiffero &e put in thQ "Waterworks.! TO^^!U!,vfV, - ^ ^^Eratis^derB for the $10,000 County .^e^up^pit^ ThominutoB of tlie previoufl meeting were read and adopted. .; Ignatiua Hal- ford Was; paid 30, OS, ^ POfltftgoj^gie olerk refunded $4,25 paid, T5y~Krot6T registering deeda on *Weet Townline and Pike Creek, drain repairs, and $8 ^.v . , jb, for County Buildings im- oveinent, 4 per oent. and having ^fi^'B.fib tun, were opened Tuesday. e following were the bids: H, Q'JKara $$$$;.i Toronto, ^0,408.62; Emeliua Jar- Ijyi^iTpronto, $t0,408.7^; Bank of Com- jfj&GJ$ef"'Windsor.' $10,897.50; Hamilton ' nProyident, and Loan Association, of ^^Raniiltbn.^O.aW.eajJaB. A. Meldrum, fe'OTbionto, 10,37().56; G. A. "Simeon & Ipfe, Toronto, $10,223; and R. A. Baby. |J&3pttt>it, $10,100.' Mr. O'Hara, the ^lyjghteBt' tenderer, now holda county [Kv^ebentirreB and has probably been awarded the present ones. A premium of, $408.62 on 4 per cent, debentures /|^.l|hbwp that the county's credit is gilt-] pledged; K, ' "" ' f.ii :vThb Warden, County Treasurer, and BRJ'County Clerk are looking up old crim- K^inaVjustice audits and doing a lot of jjfcifiguring, so as to present the county's ^}[claim against the Province for main tenance of criminal prisoners in the y .bounty gaol, It was discovered by the J^/Coojaty Olerk that tho oounty haa not, W'ior some years back, been presenting *$;iboounta for the Province's share of ex- V^penaes for maintenance of criminal pri- fejBpners for medical attendance, fuel, '^^bedding clothing and necessaries r^jior the goal, such as soap, light, cook- g'Ji'ungutensils, etc; washing and clean ing; gaol, repairs to gaol and court jv r;hou*8e7TfSSlIing and cleaning court and jury rooms ; fuel, furniture, light and ^Viiiaepessarios for the court house. Tho K$V ftocouniis show that the Province's -i^[ '.'^ahare, due .tho county will amount to fe<aeveral. thousand ^'Toronto dollars. While in short time ago, the local |:i^m'embop for South Essex, interviewed &V;the officials of the Department, and it I^Vas --agreed that the accounts for the -i-rpast six years would bo considered. ^;TOie county officers are having the telaooounts carefully prepared and will ^/present their full case to the Dopart- feidLent for adjustment. fee'1' * for serving award on Lennon drain,D. and W.J Brett & Auld,,480.20, for printing and stationery; IX 0. Mo- Keon, $54, for two road planers for Ward 8 ; David Bobineon, $2, for re moving obstructions from the Hayes drain and 01 for removing obstructions from the 6th con. drain repairs, the same to be charged to John Lyons and the olerk was instructed to notify Mm to pay the amount forthwith to the Treasurer of the Municipality; John McCarthy, #1, for repairing bridge on N, K. Boad in Ward 2; and $XM, being two-thirds value of one Iamb killed by unknown dogs, Moved by Messrs. Gdvanagh and Groaves that the County Treasurer be instructed to remove from the list of lands sent him for 1890, on which there was nothing to destrain, the Talbot Street Gravel Boad Co., 885.83; Peter Hebert, 11thcon., N E pt 30, 45 acres, and 12th con., H W pt 19, 15 . acres, $10.88, and the following added to the list* Dan Campbell, 9th con., S E if lot 2,25 acres, $0.28. Oar-, riod. John Rudden was paid 82 for removing obstructions from West Townline and Pike Creek drain repairs at Baseline ; Albert Dufour, GO cents for removing nuisance from the road; William "White, 60 cents, for putting a plank on Colchester Townline drain repairs ; John Greaves, a check for $8.70, local school rate for 8 S No- 6, iu Heti of ohook No. 480 which has been lost ; Edward O'Neil, $5, for charity ; tho auditors, $3 each, for auditing Treasurer's accounts to date ; Chas. J. Mo Arthur, $18, for coffin, burial, etc., of Wm, Gaffany. Moved by Messrs. Oavanagb and Shuttleworth, that the Engineer's report on tbe drain repairs bo adopted and the clerk instructed to prepare a by-law. Car ried.. Moved by Messis. ShnHIoworth and O'Keofe, that' A, J. Halford be in- Btruoted to examine the Maidstone Townline Drain as complained of by Wm. Greouway and report at the next ;abont4b'b^ Poter Menard and bis Bon Paul who (^trvatin$':fflbrn'/.^in' tnefl^dwfeenit^ unhitobin^their team of 'noraes took dheiter beneatii a^iarge ;elta tree. Scarcely had they got under the tree than lightning struck the tree passing down which the fluid passed through the young man killing himi instantly and also killing one of tho horses. Mr. Menafd'was rendered unconscious and remained eo until some time later when he was found by Jas. Elan- ohett, who was ou-hla-way to tho back fleld. The other horse was also in-, jured.' The old gentleman was taken ,homo and has been in a very critical condition; Paul was about 21 years of age, unmarried and was a highly es teemed young man. The funeral took place to the B. O. churoh at Belle Biver. The'Freb Press would consider it a If^avorif the secretaries'of tho local SB lodges "would send in any items /or |(|vPublioation they think would be intor- ^ J-'eisting for the public at large. Kt'.--',!SMF OOOIi B7 TAKING A IiX^B TUrp. fe.yifl'r^ Picturesque Makihaa, the island jfebf cool breezes. Travel via, theD. & O. M,lCpast Line. Soud 2 cents for il- vjustrated pamphlot Address A, A. fe^hantz, G.P.A., Detroit, Mich. mZ|-W- H.Kennwdy, formerly of Watford, feh'aa opened up a law office in tho corner M^pt the Aberdeen block. Money to loan fe^M"-'*& and 8 l)er ceut., according to ho- ^pu^ity. Ooll^ing, convoyauoing and y;/^indmg ap bstatos, a specialty ; also a i-Vnumber ,o fine farms for sate. J|;,'iiua 207th anniversary of the Battle SK^':.*e BVne will be celebrated by tho gv^retbrenof the counties of Essex, Elgin g|i#nd ;Kent, the Ladies Orange lodges |fe4^d;;Qrange Young Britons, at tho W!$?^,n of Bidgetown on the 12th of July ^SJ^tfr',::-A ;'*opdp staff of speakers , hayo lll^ben Beorired and in the evening a :|-^^Mid4isplay of fireworks.will begivon fe'l^S^^16/.eitizonfl'-of the town. . Special ^j^ris, will'run atreduoed rates, tiokots. Bi^w|JL tp return on regular trains next [ay> and every effort is being made to a^ke, the celebration a suooess, g;yiTH.the exception of the noted ^brld^s Pair number of The Oosmopo- J^WAW, which reached a price of live |^?ldrs a copy after the hint edition lmd M|fien'. exhausted, no stronger number ^;jpf/;ihifl rbagazine has ever been issued $|$WV:that for July, 1897,. The report SSc^^nUan.^aW^hbrne, the Special Com- mkumw sent by Tna Cosmopolitan f|fjptdia toinyestigate the horrors of. ^ppl^ein^^ahd famine, is of an oxtro- ^^.;fflJjaraotMt;aiid will open the Sfi^^f:the:world to; conditions which |r^p(e'Bbar,cbly suspected, Amelie Rives ^^^B^Btbry-i&nGt for the first |^ej;flince her marriage with Priiice |pi^i|^^oy.i..;.;One , of .'the blQvorost ^^^8'^et froni the pen of Robert W. IJ^Weirs :'ifl: giyen. The remarkable M^'ijpf .theWar of the Martians, by jjjjjpj:^Wbh/is atteaoting the atten- i^|febtM^of;,^he ^SCjientSfio^anl ' aon'r tA*^6y^p^-'d^fxy'io^ins public, js ^n^;an^;.i^r^ ^JBecket'^-.biabbrotely, illustrated by ^^mor^rbf';: Peter -iNewelb' 'The |^|^^':^4te,o^iiiBion^thk time by Ip^^e^y-Day^UeVot pieter" of. lftritv/'firaboratelvillTiHlfftf.ft/l (i,riift mooting of tho council, Carried. Tho m. fThe given by Gil^ ivewiHyi1 clerk was j>aid $02.60 and Treasurer $30, half year's salary for 1897 ; A. J. Halford, 865, for services and award on Maldou Boad Drain; Mioh'l Robinson, S2.75, balanoe of contract of Township portion of tbo OldoaBtle Drain. Moved by Messrs.,Cavauagh and.Greaves that No. 2 Maiden Boad. Drain Repairs By law bo provisionally adopted and a copy of tho samo served on each of tho interested parties, pursuant to sootion 22 of tho Drainage Act, 1894. Carried. Moved by MoflBra. Groaves and Cava-- nagh that tho Bo eve bo otn powered to send valuators to ascertain tbe amount of damages, if any, sustained by Geo. Pairbarn.on West Townline and Pike Creek Drain Repairs, and also if necessary to taUo legal proceedings to defend the Township in said case. Carried. Moved by Messrs. O'Keefe and Cavauagh that Mr. Shuttloworth bo authorized to examine tho bridge on tho North Townline at Pilette Boad t\n& if nooossary to fill up tho same, Carried, Movod by MosHrs. Oavanagb and Greaves, that Mr. O'Koefe bo im- poworod tb null tho bridge on 11th con. Road, across the O'Connell Drain, the cost thereof to be ohartred to the drain wheu repaired. Carried. The clerk .was instructed to notify the Talbot Street Gravel Road Co., that the bridges on said road are daugerouB, and that if tho eamo are not repaired the said Company will bo held respon sible for all damages. The Reeve on behalf of the Municipality was empow-.i ered to have a.drain constructed, under | the provisions, of tho D. and W, Act, for the dramagoof the North Townline across the 10th. con,; Albert Perry was paid;$l>, for work on Ferry contract on Colohcstor Townline Drain Repairs.: Council adjourned.till 1st Saturday' in August... '.'. Promotion Examination. The following are the results of the recent promotion examinations hold in the Essex Public Schools, the promo tions being subject to the approval of Inspector Maxwell ; the* names being are given in order of merit : V IS3A From Miss Hall's division to MisB Shaw's: Passed Ethel Webb, Kate Hines, Clara Foster, Mary Cottell, Blanche Agla, Ethel Robinson, Sylvia Thornton, (Flossie Adams, Ada Rich^ ardaon), equal, Enid Forsythe, Mabel Ford. Recommended Myrtle Crow, Annie Eustace, George Stone, John Irwin. , From Senior Part II, to Junior Second'. Passed Winnip Wiglo, Nollio lomlujj, Maggie Crow, Nottie] Wight- man, Jos. Wortley, Geraldins Laird, Willio Sample, Frank Brown, Mary Sxnolair, Gdrtio Lee, Lily Rhyndress, Webster Rhyndress, George Goslin, Frank Hart, Raymond , Dewar, Jane RobinBon. Recommended John Mc- _ Dougall, Annie Rhyndroes, Goorgo Malden|^lifi^M^oolm MolKay- Junior Second to Senior Second : Passed Ethel Gormley, Joe MpMur- ray, Willie Wolfe, Earle Keown,Mary Robipflon, Arnold Edgar, Myrtle Mc- Farlane, Estella May, Gordon Forsy- the, Winnie Stevenson, Nelson: Mul- caater, Hubert Russell, Roy Hannan, Annio Sloane, Joe Feetham, tJrollia Davis, Edwin Boaman, Goo. Dibbloy, Florence Dean, Alena Stone, Walter Bate. Biecommended Elma Davis. Senior Second to Junior Third: Passed Beatrioo Dean, Alvin Dolsen, !Edna Phillips, Mildred Richardson, Ernie Bush, Nellie Green, Fred Laing, (Gertrude Naylor, Maud Green), equal, Harry Grasswoller, iiaura Dibbloy,Ada Staoey, Cordio Wiglo, Herbert Baugh- man, Louisa Trewin, Duncan Wight- man, Mildred Bush. Recommended Vernia Tansley, Annie Wilkinson, Domstor Goslin, Minnie Baughman. Junior, Third to Senior Third : Passed Archie Naylor, Flossio Bur- dioki Georgina-Gosnell, Ethel \Dolaon, Ada Wightpian, D^ra^ ^aul, _Myrtlo i^We will Sale about TW6 Hundred and Fifty Pairs of Shoes at of Twenty per oeat from Our Usual Close Prices. ... 'vj'^S ^ Km Will be Included Shoes for Me| Shoes for Women Boys', Shoes for Girls; Shoes for Everybody. a DisbouiL Shoes.' "$$t Women's ShdBr 90'-dents for 72;^ Men 8 Shoes worth $1.50 for"11.20.; worth $1.75 for $1#40 ; worth $1 for 80 cents ; worth $1.20 for 96 cents; Boys' Shoes worth cents; worth $1 for 80 cents; worth $1,15 for 92 cents; worth $1.25 for $1 woirthO $1.35 for $1.08; Misses' Shoes worth 90 cents for 72 oents; worth $1 for, 80 c6nts; Children?^ Shoee worth 75 cents for 60 cents ; worth $1 for 80 cents. These Goods are First Glass in Every Respeot, are A 1 Values at Eegular Prices ;:afeJS just the Goods for Warm Weather, and at the Special Prices Quoted above, are Dedde^lS BaYg^rns; Come Early for First Choice. Yours For Bargains, M. J WIGLE & CO. UTTHtBTI^T Bl*OOK. BSSB3C. Special Sale of 'ism SPRING DRY GOODS; CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. ! WW Lilies of Dress O.V'P^s Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yardvall wo6I; Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black Soleil at very low prices- Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. OLOTHING. ; '., . Weh.andle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. # BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies'Oxfords for $1. Men's Brogans for $1. '&xM I'boi:ntou'._ \Graoo ^Qreda, EUwood Mountoorr' Lenu Alln, MaEaio Deaii, Vi*a HicltB. Arabel XtobitiBon, Stanley Stono, Hornert Allen. ' Rooommondod Martha Muloaflt^r, Bose Hill7 Latest Styles in Stra^v and Felt Hats at very low prices; t.'i GROCERIES, We Lead the Trade in best Goods at lowest |1 prices. Try'oTir-25'c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A. FRANCIS 5- Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, Wool! Wool ! m 100,000 Lbs- Wanted at .The Kingsville Woolen Mills; Our Prices :^-20c. Cash, 22c, to 24c, Trade..... Our Wagons nro out'on thoir; old .route*. Hold your Wool until thoy call ou you. THE BROWN & WIGLE CO., of Kingsville, Ltd. The Tailor, m ?& Holiday Rates. The M.O.H. will Boll excursion tickets to tho Oanadiau Northwest on July 20th, at tho following fares: Xo Delorai&o, Hoaton, Eatavan, Binsoarth, Mooaomin ancfDauphin at$28; Begina, Moosojftw, Yorkton at $90; Prince Al bert, Calgary, fit &85; Red .peer;.and Tjjdtapnton, 840. Tickets to roturnSep:; teinher,l8th, ;""* ., 2t"*' ' Eor Epworth League National Oori- ventiOn at Toronto, tho' M,6.B. will aell tioketei by the yariome routes on the 14th, 1Mb, 10th and ,17th, good' ;to return until July 8lat; at a rate for round trip of one firat-olass single aro plus 50 conta. \\ Fob the Orange .celebration, , at Ridgetpwn, on July 12th| the M. O. ja. Will give eiouraion rates on the regular mail train in the morning leaving Ewei. (it'; '6i6o;<;m,. ^M^^im^^aa^, LEAMINGTON Is Selling all Goods At Gosti ^ for Gash. Try Mm. v.'.^""'""*^ Removed To Corner Aberdeen BlObk-yg^ At Old .Agricultural Building* Leamington- IS' Bend in Your OrdorK for Baekets a Fow Bays Uefore you Need Them, if possible. . '!. . , Beppy Bo^es and Cfates Horn Jeady fb Quick Get thoI-Strongest: and heoiteet Fruit Packages from,Ua. ^ , Boys and girls wanted to taok Berry Boxes. ,'/'; .; 1 . . GARDNER BROS, iS CO, There was an interesting flpeofcaole a Bowling QTeen,' O., recently. Mayo Campbell, has for some years, eve,, since he stopped, drinkirigi been a strong ,temperaiico; man, but of late he has fallen into his old habits* .The olty marshall,.who, knew of his. baok- sliding, warned, him; (to keep off the streets while intoxicated, or ho; would be arrested by the police i whom he hod oeneured a number Of tlmee for' riot enforoing tho liquor laws. Campbell did not >%*& hia\"advice, i and:\wa8 ;ar| rested P. ftHd^nv-lobked:!;;; -ty*.-, ;the y?;&fy id the day before ponpdly leo-i tared (or being drank. 'After eta WOOD'S 3?KtOIJIOI>INB: ;.,," TUo Great JBnjrlUli Ueniear, y. ' Six Packages Guarantee to \ promptly, and p*rmfliiMiUy atorThca,'ImpotenlfV and. Wl effects of. Abuta or Erotsact, Mental Worry* *0oentvt\i$e Ilrm^v.JiwanWu, cWti^fiwa^daii early ff^ En IJcon pKoHbad ,otp 8& j" w* In Ijiaiiwixul* Of cm(i U tho only fytWo an& Han&t yXedictti* TniaioHi-ffJk&'dxnfykttox Wood> Pha*p*>o4bie 1U ^c^eraipmo warmemMlclnlPia of thU, lnolo* price In letup, and we wOl *end toy ntorn ^ aM 1 The Shoe Business of this Store has been ;fcpUl^tt|^ oh its Merit- confii4eratioa 'm:>feu^itigi^| tiie;.faoiv--^^;kS - . , \a\'...\nV'W'Cv Of having the newest and Selling on th|e;.;pi^|M marjgin of. Profit is ;all .the.argument thati$'|^|^H for ".brisk jsales- " \[',\ : :' * ~:'"'.vV-r1V^ v'-^a'^vS/^^^ The inore you compare Goods jtrtd prices iti^ljq^f certain ;ypu. will -he .'-to :.spend,;:,your pojie^^f^i^^^ ; We'; .want your .'.Trade, and'; we-, offer y^t^^ tunity 'to:.:Becure;;Extra;;Vaiue." ,;,; ji|-|iS|S \m iW *3