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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, p. 3

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^wlgsllfl 4 IK** ^W^m^" .: . #t?5^ Quality and Fit i""ESSEX COUNTY . .y- Guaranteed.... *&' && ,. W; ..;-\". , mSPff/NG' GOODS WMmr'ARmED. Sfe te.i.1-.;':-' iDying and Cleaning in Conneo- fe*S: J. A. SMITH, SOUTH WOODSLEE. You Can Get (" :',-. fey> Ono Parlor Suite, M^v One Bedroom Suite, S -l^vOhe Extension Table, llS'l'.V'vV ' One Sideboard. ife^ Six Chairs, One Bocker, All For $40 A ^LAW to provide for dralnflj^ worli In ttib .Township otOolbheBterNotihi. id the Comity of BasiSx, and for tho boY- rowing on tba oredit of tho Municipality tho aum of Three Thousand Eight Han; ared nnd Eighty Dollars and Twenty OontB for completing the Bame. ftovisionollyadopted tho"10th daybf Juno, 1697. WnsnuiB, notloo in writing Blgnod by Win.. Hensmanand others, and petition sgnoa by Murdoak GampboU and others and hotipo by O B. Woldon and Jnmos Martin have boon torvod noon tho Municipal Oonuoll of tbo Township or Coloboutcr North, stating that if they did not improve the drain on tho aouth Bide of tho TownUno botwoon Maidstone and Colohostor North and other drains loading from It to tho Canard, whloh wore causing their lands to bo ovotflowed and damaging tbom that thoy would bring action for damages agai not (bom. An WnfflUBAfl, thereupon tho Bald council bafl proourod an examination to bo made by J. 8 Laird, O* 1j. fl.,bolng aporson oampotont for suoh' purpoflo, of the Bald area proposed to bo drained and, tho moans ausgoatod for tbo drainage thereof, end of other lands and roads llablo to aBBQBamont under this Act und baa also pro ourod plans,flpooiuoatlonH and eatimatoa of tho drain ago work tp bo mado by tho Bald J, 8. Laird, and an aeBoneraont to ba made byhlm of the lands and roads to be benefitted by suob drain ago work and of othor lauds and roada li- ablo for contribution thoroto. stating, as noarly as bo onn, the proportion of bonent, outlet lhv bility and injuring liability, which, hi his opin ion, will bo derived or Inourrad In oouBoquonoo of such dralnago work, by ovoyy road and lot or ftortlon of lot, tho Bald (umosflmeut bo in ado bo, ur tbo assoBsmont hereinafter by this by-law onaotod to be assoasod and levied upon tho roada and lots or parts of lots borolnaftor in that behalf especially Hot forth and aeuorlbed, and tho report of tbo said J. 8, Laird in ros- Seot thoroof, and of tbo Bald draiu&go work, oing aa followa: - To tho Boevo, Deputy Booyo and Municipal Councillors of tho Township of Colohostor North, In Council asaomblod : GBNTLKinm, In aooordanoa with Instruc tions from your honorable body I hiwo taken the notloo signed by Wm- Honsman nnd others and also tho jtotltlon nlftuod by Mnrduok Oamp- boll and otliors and notices by O.lfl-Woldon and James Martin, and beg to import tlioroott an follows : In aooordauoo with tbo anld notice, I havo uxamlnod ttio ditch_au tho south Bide of tho Towblino botwoon MaldBtone anil Oolohee- tor North, from noar tho Mlabtgan Central Hallroad, west, to tho alderoad batwonti Iota .19 and 13, in tho 14th concession of your Town ship; thonoo south to tho Uth couonHaion road, and tound it greatly out of repair in moot places and In muoli nood of Improveinotit. AIbo in com- Sliunoo with said petition I havo laid, out a part or lob; roaimatlvoly, rain on tho oast sido of Bald Bldoroad, from \ Into ton equal parts and ono suoh part tho 14th oonooHfllon road, uoutli, to tlio road In ' dhall bo aasosBod, lavlud and colloetcdas aforo- tho roar of tho Maldon road lota north ; thonoo ! said iu each year for ten yoara af tor tho nual westerly on tho outh aldo of tbo Bald rear , paBHlni?of this by-law,,during wblob the said road to tho old Wilton Tap Drain; thonoo south-' dobouturoa havo to run. 'ovly.alniig th^' irlfl.'irtil.WlUcidijTap Drain to tbo IllverUftuard. rnrid.lfiotkAnlng out ana con- atruotlon of said drains will cont, all. exponBeg iuoluded, 4.00p Of thin .'aiuonnn. I have tuxdfl the Townfhlnof Mnidrtano-fcr houcflt'to the Bold towntlne with $117, tho lands iu tho Town of Ebhox lor outlot with,$71,80; tholahdBjIri the Township of GolohoiiLor; Norfch-with^:(Jl,p3iric forboaoQt, and 8)1,093.60 for outlet;, and th 'Jrownshin-of i'bioMpBtcr North tor .benefit; to roads with 1835/25. AocorajianylnK thlsrtmoit yon will find plans, proflloa", Broe^doatlons, ofltliimtoB, AssosBmentB and. all othor pap on nocoflHary for guldahoo In tho oonatruotlon of Baid drain, This drain shnll be kept in ropalr by a tux. on the lauds and roads now as* sessod. Ihaye the honor to bo, gontlemen, Your obodiont Borvaat, JAMES 8-LALRD, O L.S. Bssox.'M'aroh 13th, 1607. . ' ' And WnF.mua, the said oouncll are of opinion that tho dralnago of tho aroae dasorlbed in do- sbrablo; Thor.foro. tho fltld Maulohial Council of the said Township of GotohoBtor North, pursuant to tho provisions of the Druiaago Act, 189-1, onuots as followa: . Int. The said report, plans, BpocinoatfotiB, as BOSHmonts and ostltnatOB aroboroby aloptod and tho drainage work as thorolu Iridfentoil and 8ot forth shall bo rod do and eousbruotod In ao oordauoo therewith: 2nd. Tbo Hoove of tbo said township may borrow on the crt.dit of tbo corporation of tho eaid Township of Colohostor Worth tho sum' of, Throe ThouBand Eight Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Twenty Cents,being tho amount of funds necessary for the work and may issue doboaturoB of the.' corporation' to that amount in sums of not loss than $&' oaoh, anl payaolo within ten yoars from the datu thoroof with lutorost at tbo rata of aye pur centum por annum, that is to say In ten Oiuai Instalments, suoh dubonturesto bo pay able at tho nRonoy of the Imporlal Bank, at the Town of Esbox, and to nave attached to tbom ooupouaforthopayuiont of iutoroat- 8rd. For paying tho sura q! 91,054 IB, tho amount charged against tbo Bidd lands and roada for bouoflt, and tbo nam of 1,000.80, the amount obarced against tbo said lands and road for outlot liability apart from tho lands and roads bolotiglng to or controlled by tho mnnlal- pallty^ and lor ooverlng Intoroufc thoreon for ton yoarB at the rato of ftvo por ooutum per. annum ; tho . total special rate ovor utnl abovo all other ratoa, shall bo SBSCSBod, levied and collected (In the Bamo mamidr and at tho ttamo timo as othor taxes aro levied and oullootod), upon and from tho'Undermentioned, lots and parts of lots, and roads, and tho amount of tho said total special rates and Interest against each lot or Bball bo divided mmMmwmmmmm -ALSO Iron Beds, Baby. Carriages, .; Picture Mouldings ano %$ '}:."Everything iu tho'Furnituro Lino at ""'"" Cloao Prioes tlm Beat Goods in tho Market fcho bulk of which is oni* own manufacture, fchoro-. fore wo will guarantoo it fcho ofnt ja Uic Market * K-V fei'1'..'" #;; ': * # * * if Undertaking A Specialty. a a o U 3 o m 11 o a a a a a Si? " 3 is tcj a -o>S 8 I'm ^.2 a ij . M * j. v.a > o o o Eh- <0 o Cj CQ o H (O V PpBitlvely cured by these .3UtUo-Pills.1- -T^~&'^Uey6,]>lstr8'ficom' Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, A per-, fcet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowal* ness, BadTasteln the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in tho Side, TORPID UVJ2R, They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Doae. 8mall Price. Substitution. the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. BOgggSBg ibr^e^Ui^ourlBtveB^and^wlttln -Vl^trom ChicaKo toUUwutikeQ which can ,De;bduRM Feaflonablyoheapi but whioli >? Wro tho/end, of another year may, ba ad% vunotd iq rytlce* The Btoch-taiBJnii Indabtry in South Da- IjotaJa profltahlc',.and..eastern capital" 1= now being invoftttd in cattle and eho'op gruAiog Iu Umt.B'nto. Diver&fled farming, tho throwing of livu HUAsH, uud thu piuduota o the dairy, aie jilaoinfi South Dakota formoet in tho ranks of tho succesafal Woetarn Btatee. Thoso desiring fall information on the aubjeat, and particularly Uiobo who wish to Beels a now home or purohaae" land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Tavlor, Oanadiau Passenger Agent, 2 King street Eaat, Toronto, Out. It Will . K\i^NL"i". :...|?J.LLS- BTIl H pt w hf 1't, u hf IHnhl ,TUpt Bpt 8 w pt S pt 28-1 28i 29fi 285 284 280 ^::;-';:';Firsfc-Clafls City Hackfl in attendance S^'.';-. / whon required. K-;ji, :A11 of the above to bo had at EshQx Furpituro Wnrorooma* J. ft. HICKS & Co,, Essex. [< , New Bakery. $& $* '$>. I beg to inform tho'oitiabna of EsHOxaud vicinity that I havo .Opened a Bakory afc my residence, Victoria St., W$..*,:;'; . whord can bo found a full K'^-H;' ' ,\ . . -. , , m BAKER'S GOODS. I Bake the Detroit colobvafc- . , ed Homo- Made Broad, which ,. is tbo latoflt and moat appe tizing. Patrons can obtain this Broad by calling afc WILKINSON'S % # GROCERY. # Ho ifl handling the goods for ./ .niG. Please Give He a Trial "' and b. o convmcod MintT can ' suit, you. G-oodH will do iTreah aa my wai^oii &oon to all parts of tho town every morniug. IS* Wedding Cakes a spoci- " ":alty. y S pt uoqc 281 3 2 10 2* CO 20 5 1 80 3 15 1 20 32 00 2 00 3C 00 1 20 1 00 1 80 3 15 1 20 ay oo 2 00 8(1 00 1 20 1 00 m- $A m >ia It'-:" r'.-. R^oy;;..... WESLEY BURD10K. ||;vi,The;CoastUne to. MACKINAC' TAKB THE-- MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO ig^JNew Steel Passenger Steamers The Greateit Perfection yet nttulncd In rfnj f-W1' ' ffi'^-i me ureateit I'ertectlon yet nttulncd In Sip?.";"' rBoat Construction Luxurious Equipment, V-', ,: Artistic Purni*hln2, Decoration nndEfflc- ^'f'\ .flent,5ervlc;lnsrfng the highest degree of ^^:,COJVlFpRTvSP|eED;ANp SAFETY Mi$'fi'-' *-r- '. -FbuRTniPB IpEnWeEK Between ^Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac !'Pi .PETOSKEY, "THE 800," MARQUETTE Al'Vi V'-"-" AND DULUTH. !:.; 4-OW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac Bad KV.':T'^e*u"1' IndudlniETteal$ and Berths.* From- iif'Clove1widj $i8i from Toledo, $19; front Si'.^itetroit, iu.50. Pi'.^.'^V -;'PAY:.ANO NlGrfT(8EBVlOBi '- , . |i|Eretween Detroit and Cleveland ^/UjfctfvCwnecHrigirt devclon'dvwlth Itarlleat WiffithitiB for nil point* Kast, South and Sotitb- ^,: 'vw^it and at Detroit tor ll poinU North and v|attdjf;lpi Juno July, AiiflUtUnd'Sept Ooir ""evelafld.Put-in-Bay/Toledo Bpfc 281 02A 5 55 6 55 B 0 nb 282 !10 1 80 1 80 Nphh! 292 10} 1 00 1 00 'Bpt . 282 10 00 , 00 in H w qr 283 8 20 ' 20 Wpfca hf 283 -1 26 25 Xb wi.a hf 288 B , 20 20 Vtaht 2B . 20 20 Vt wh ubf 2B.!J BA 15 15 lJfcwhfBhf 28il n 16 15 Pfcwbl'Bht 283 24 - 15 16 Pb wbf alii 283 fi 30 30 E pt e hf 28-1 30 1 80 1 80 S pts 285, 280 27 82 00 32 00 1-1 N-qr 0 25 5 05 6 85 S qr 0 ' 2fi 5 35 5 35 S bJ n h( 0 2fi 5 85 6 35 N btahf 0 25 5 35 5 83 & hf 10 CO 1ft 50 10 60 \v hf iq no 10-50 US 60 W hf 11 fiO 20 00 20 00 E ht 11 GO 20 00 ' ao 00 IS ' 10C 76 00 75 00 ~-W hf 18 fiO fiO 00 ao 00 00 00 ' 11 hf ia so 10 00 , 30 00 70 00 U ' 100 10 00 00 00 100 00 16 100 40 00 . 00 00 100 00 . 10 OG HO 00 68 00.. -88 OO n 48 13 45 28 80 42 2<j ,18 NptN* 0 25 3 00 3 00 B pt N i 0 75 0 00 9 00 BX 'J 100 12 00 12 00 NBit 10 ' 50 NW| 10 50 0 00 8 00 COO 0 00 s 4 10 100 12 00 12, 00 U 200 Cfi 00 35-00 00,00 SI, 12 100 70 00 26 00 05 00 NT 4 12 100 70 00 ,25 00 05 00 N 4 W 100 1115 00 CO 00 1115 00 B4 18 100 11)5 00 00 00 106 00 11 105 100 00 115 00 215 00 N 4 . Ifi 05 '40 00 ' 60 00 100 00 B 4 15 100 B0 00 60 00 80 00. N pt . IU . 45 13 50 37 00 . 40 50 B pfc 1(J HOI 17 85 . 7 15 26 00 SWpt 17 70 ,10 50 4 ti& 15 05 N W pt .17 20 8 00 1 20 4 20 Eptl7, 18 11 CO 5 85 20 35 K B.pt 17 4 ' -00 25" 85 12 6 E pt 5 CO 4 00 4 00 Si. 0 100 , 0 05 . 0 05' N i 0 100 ,0 05 0 05 7 105 12 75 12 75 -S.pt 8 85 5 06 5 05' SptNj 8 484 . 8 25 8 25 Npt a. ml 4 00 4 00 , NMptSi 0. m , 6 80 . 5 80 KptBj J ' 3 40 40 Spt 0-50 ft 05 0 05 N B ;t 0 50 0 (15 . 0 05. pa 0 7" 05 95 ' NMpt 0 20 2 05 , 2 .05 >pb 0 24 85 , ' 86 . E pt S i- 0 15 2 00 2 00 Pt- ,' 0 .. r 15 16 pt '.' a 15. 15 Nnt334 10 .204 2 76 2 75 12 SEpt 10' 77 10 25 10 25 W 1 . 10 074 13-00. 18 00 11 100 00 00 40 00. 130 00 ia .125 : 40 00 60,00 200 00 13 80 10O 00 50 00 150 OO .85.- 14 00 2100 85 00 .15 HA 2 25 4 00 . 6 25 11 6,7 180 14 60 14 CO . G 111 18:85 13 35 7 108 10-05 . 10 05'.'. 8. 72 .8 65 ' . 8 05 - .'-' 0 o. 4 80. '.'... -!-4 80 . NMB NWJ 11 26 2 00 , 2.00 N pt 0 hill 25 1 2 00 a 00 --N: w hf 12 25 2 85 v. 2 85 Nj ;-e.hf 12 , ,35 2 35 2 85 ; w bf . 25 2 65 . , , . 1 ofi. e bf 18 25, 2-85 2 65 . -. n1 : W hf 14 , 26 8 00-'.' ' .8 00- :'.-: <e.lit"<.U. 35 , 8 00 ^ 00 - |.e hf !1&';' .25-, ;8 86- ^8-'8v-..' : N ept 16 . , 25 < $36; -iK :- ..r:--M-i ?t mptl5.t 15 2 00 V ' l '1" 1 ' i:-^.0O;'^ ft 5-1 1 03 '30 0 00 00 10 80 SO 80 1 07 54 30 18 00 08 00 00 06 05 05 08 54 0 00 1 01 1 01 1 01 . 1. 61 . 4.05 4 05 , ft OO 00 22 60 27 00 ; 21 00 80 00 30 00 20 40 12 08 90 2 70 . 3 00 i 80 I 80 3 00 27 00 . 28 60 2B 50 08 30, 58 CO 04 60 30 00 , 21 00 12 15 7 BO 4 63 1.20 . 6 11 25 1 20 , a 00 ' 3 83 170 08 1 20- 1 74 13 2 00 - 2 00 , ' 70 ;.U, - . 60 . 05 05 1 82 8 07, 8.00 8D OO 60 00 45.00 : 10 50 . 1 87- 4 85 4 00 3 01 2 60 144 ' '60 . 60 70 * 70 , ;80 ' 1 80/, .:' 00- ;. 90,, -X'100 ..-: - 60; 8 2 34 4 48 1 50 41 00 3 GO 40 80 1 60 1 30 ' 7 22 2 34 1 30 78 20 33 20 20 20 20 20 30 2 34 41 00 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 90 21 45 21 45 20 00 20 00 97 50 117 00 91 00 180 00 130-00 ,114 40 64 03 8 00 11 70 -.16 00 7 80 7 80 15 00 117 00 128 50 123 50 253 50 253 50 279 50 180 00 104 00 .52 65 32 60 19 57 5 '4ft 20 46 1 10 5 20 BflS 8 06 18 68 7 35 4 23 -' 6 20" 7 64 02 - 8 65 8 (15 1 28 3 44 " ' 40: 2 60 20 20 3 57 18 32 10 00, 109 00 260 00 195|00. 45 50 , 8 12 18 85 17 85 18 06 , 1125 , 6 24, .2 60 3 60 8 05 - 8 05- 8 45 '. ':-- \ $ :60.-,vJ .8,90 ":'A My:* 2 60 a 23 45 10 4 16 20 4 68 10 18 . ,72 23 13 08 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 04 23 4 16 00 00 09 09 2 14 2 14 . 2 00 2 00 0 75 11 70 9 10 13 00 18 00 U 44 , 6 49 30 1 17 1 66 .78 ' 78 1 56 U 70 12 85 12 35 25 35 2535 27 95 18 On 10 .40 6 20 8 26 1.06 56 2 0C 11 62 80 . 8u 1 0 74 42 62 75 0(J 7 87 12 31 05 ' , 26 ,02 02 86, 1 83 1 00 16 90 20 On 19 60 81, 1 88 J 74 1 81 ,1 12 .62 ;V.:6 2fl . ... Jk) ,30 American. 850.000 minora vent on Btriko on Mon day for nn Increase in wages in nix Btateu of tho TJuion. Thoro is no doubt ont thi h the bofiinatu^ of a condition of offaltb botweun labor and oupital that inuut eventually reeuet iu a rovolatiou in the states. ' Ono of tbo moot Ben,Hnlioaal , trn^e^IeB over ondotort in KorthTox-ia took place iu the MelhodlHt EpiHoopu.1 churah in 1*1 eas- ant Valley, Dalian Coauty, 22 ruilett north of.Dalian, in tbcaourae of tho sorvicea on Bunaay. As a rean1t,A.UKUBt Garrison aQ(j Frank Jones aro dead and Thorn an JonoB probably futally woduded. Three perBOiie were killt (I outright and about 20 or 30 peraous injured iu the roar- end colinioaou tho Chion^o & Norlbwoet- orn roud at. 12:45 TueBilay moruing of -last weak, ftt WeBt ChioaKO, 30 miltiH out of Chicago, on thu Galuua diviaiou. The killed wore Mro. Jobu Ooodingr and Mrs. It, Sbipman, both of Appluton, WIb. A large number wore more or leas aeriouBly injarod; They wero Dearly all from Wla- coiiain. The victimp of the oollision wore Obriatiau Endeavor delegates, wlio_Jgfi Chicago that ninbt en route for the ^roat convention in San Frunoiuco. Tbo collid ing traius wero Eieotiona Nos. 4 and 5 of a special, sent out? m nino anctlotifi, bo- ibuing at 10:30 p.m. Sootiou No, Coame tip behind at great Hpeed and tho shook of the collision was terrific. To be Healthy. Prof. Shuatuck anym *'Eat fruit for breakfast. ub fruit for luaohcou. Avoid pastry, Bhun am ft hi a and cruuipeta and battered toast. Eat wholemeal broad. Decline potutoeH if' they are uaecl more than once a duy. Do not drink tea or ooffee. Walk four milea every .day. Tiko a bath every day. WaBh the faoe every night in warm water and Hleepei^bt uourB. You will not nei'd nerve modioiDe.,, Ohildron and funerals. t)ou't raako a pra'otise ol allowiug obil: dcen to attend a funeral. By tin if the funeral is in oiio'b own homo wo beiiovo it better^ if poHHlblo, to nond quite young children away to some pleasant place aud let them remain until the houae has na- anmed HOtnutlnug of ita uaualobearful ap pearance. Put out or arfeht all the trap* pin^a of woo; put up the ourtaina and let in tho auuhhine before the little ones come homo. Let* tho little ouea Boe aa little an poHaiblo of death and funorala till old enough [for reaaou and reli(jion*to tuko away their horror. At tbo Aahbumham EiBrSiTy'" aalo at London, Eck*. laab weok, tho famous Maz- arln or Gutoubur** Biblo, on Vollum, brought 1000. Tho Hut Latin Biblo, with tbo date 1600, and eovoral othor&, sold for ovor i-1,000 each. At the bicycle meet at Chatham on Dom inion Day, If. RobiuaoD, of Toronto, woti the milo novice; Harloy Dayidaon, of Tor onto, tho half railo profoBBioaal;E. Moore, of Toronto, tho railo amateur; Harry Pavidsou, tho milo professional; Richard- hou, bf Toronto, tbo milo opoti amateur ; Baynoy, tho two miloptofofisional; Itiddlo*. of Winnipeg, the flyo mile amateur: ohara- piouflbip. ' *\!W$WWW^ Ecaf/s Kidney Pit DO YOUR HANDS OR PEW 4 IP SO YOU HAVB WBAK KlDNBY^V r PILLS WlLL^TttBNOTHBN'tHBte^OT HAVB you bRoupsY/kibwi^:biit" NARY TROUBLES OPMY.KtJmfliPMR DOAN'5 PILL9 WILL'CIWBYW&V0%m SOMETHING WORTH KK0WIN6 HEADACHES, DIZZINESS, FRIOHffM DREAH5, DISTURBED SLEEP, ORO^taBg NfiSS, FORQETFULNESS, COLD CM11" NERVOUSNESS. ETC., ARE OFTEN CAUI BY DISORDERED KIDNEYS. ',;',' i7^V&M even if your nanoRY ps DHFEcnVl#is YOU SHOULD ALWAYS RiinEriBBR.trlA*r^ DOAN'5 PILLS CURB ALL KIDNEY TttOO^g BLES, AND EVERY DOSE HELP5 THftg CURE. rijj.iMK' SOLD AT ALL DRUQ STORED, v^.tgg How"Nail8^re Namod>|g ,:*i'^";;il? _ t .,!> Two accounts aro ftivn of the ;orijinf;bj$j tho term 'Sixpenny," "eightpedny,""*$&*& penny," and ho on, as applied t()'. *H3 varlouB wzoh of uaila. Apcordlftg tb\;sdO statotueut, when nallH were made by hftnfl^j|| tho penny wan taken aa a Htand^r^^/Of^ weight, and six were mado to cqaal thai weight of a copper peuny.. This o'xplatift-01 tiou is open lo criticism on aeeouut of,thfe very hdjhII. H\'/.a of tho uails of whiobf.^feW were nooded to balance even the ,. 1'Btrgfi'w^ sized old-fashioned copper penny. Ofcher^:3 ro much more pro bible. One explan&i>|| rion holds tbdt tenpeuny nails origmally^ oold for tnponce a hundred, Bixpebx&3& uailu for aixpetde, a huudrel, and sp'pp}^ the smaller nails selling fur the^Iowe^M pritt. Another explanation is that 1,0()0;| nails of the ten penny siy.e used to weiebtil ton pouudu, 1,000 of the bixpuuuy eize aj pounds aud no ou for other si/.6H. ordinary sizpuuny nails there aro m to tlie pound; of the ei^btpoony there tu;e^ fifty ; tjnpeiiny.'thirtv-fuQL-; twelyepen'ny^f^ twenty nine. "..-. '^7^ 1",",'>",,V$ New Roo&ug and Flooring Matg^J rial. V a 3 u u o o u <1 tct V a V V a Si OvO " * H ? ^o.2 u <a "a ly O ^ OO B. .a tfl o. t-l 0 dj to eu B ^ , ou at ? ^3.22 2 S u T3 w 5 18 19 10 10 19 20 20 21 21 , 21 21 S w -J 'SM' N w J" M e^ N w qv N e qr N w qv Swqr 'Reqr No qr N hf 0 qt 22 N w qr 22 Nhfnhrehf22 So.qt 22 B w qr 22 H w qr N e qr 8 0 qr H ,w qe B 0 qr 6 w qr M hf M hf Nhf Nur. N hf Wpt 23 23 20 20 23 23 24, 25 28 29 30 31 B qr n bf 31 Hoqr. 31 ' N pt ' ,32 N,oqr 23. N W qt 23 Total on Laudn Total ou Heads. 200 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 50 60 50 25 50 25 25- 25 50 60 50 50 60' fiO 100 100 100 100 100 0<J 45 60 40 so: 50 8 (J5 1 35 1 35 ' 4 06- "20 00 " 30 00 40 00 20 00 . 1 35 1 35 20 00 . 6 00 20 00 5 00 1 35 1 85 10 35 10 35 10 00 : 1 35 . 1*85 1 115 . 20, 00 20 00 2-C5 2 (15 2 (15 1 00 ' 45 1 85' . 1 05 1 36 : 1 85- 20 00 20 00 20 00 8 (15 1 35 1 35 4 05 10 00 50 00 . 00 OO 20 00 1 35 1 35 20 00 5 00. 20 00 5 00 1 35 1 35 10 35 . 10 35 10 00 1 35 1 36 1 35 20 00 20 00 2 05, . 2 05 2 05 1 00 ' 45 1 35 1 05 1 35 1 85 2 00 40 40 1 40 1 00 16 00 .18 00-. fl 00 40 40 " 0 00 I 50 6' 00 . * 1 50 40 40 3 10 3 10 3 00 40 -40 ' , 40. fl 00 (i 00 80 m ' 80" '. 1 30 14 40 . 31 ,40, . 40 11 25 . 1 75 175 fi.05 52 00 05 00 78 00 20 00 1 75 1:75 2(1 00 5 50 2(1 00 50 1 75 1 75, 13 45 18 45', 18 00 1 76 1 75 '. 1 76 2(1 00 20 00 3 45 3 45 3:45 1-30 60 1 75 1 3ft 1 75 1 75 1 12 IS 18 i)0 5 20 (J 50 7 80 2 00, 17 17 2"ft0 06 2 00 ' 05 , 17 17 1 35 1 3ir .1 B0 17 17 17 2 GO 2 00 35 35 35 13 00 17 14 17 17 81,954 15 51,01)0 80 S3.044 05. 913 49 835 25 . 885 25 ' 260 68 98,05644 1,085 83 8305 84 ,108 58 Total on Lands arid Roada 83,880 20 $i;iC4 07 85,014 27 8504 42 itb.For payiut-tho Bum of 8S:jrt,2j tboamonnt anaoaaod aualnsij tlie qaidroadB and lands of tbo niunloipallty, and for covering lutereat thereou for ten yoars at tlio rata of ,flve por oontuni por aQunm, a special rato on tbe dollar, suffi cient to produce tho required yno^rly amount thorolor, Bhall, ovsr and abovo all other ratoH, bolovlou and oolloctol (in tho Eanjo manner and at the flame time as taxes aro lovtodand colloct'odl, upon and from tho wbole ratable propottyln Bald Township of Colohostor North, In ouou year for ton years arter the) final Inaes-' inB of this by-law, daring which the said deben tureflhave to run., h; , Btli. That James B.Lalrdi together with the oomroiflaloner to drain and worhs , . y, .tend........... bidder (not exceeding tho estimate), bat ovory suoh contractor with two good and satisfactory sureties, shall be xeqnlred forthwith to entor oltod tho "l4tli Concession, Boar Boad and Gesto Sidoroad Drain By-law.1' A. 0. ATKINSON, JOHN A. THOMAS. .Clorlr.; ....- Iteevo, CaunolIilB horoby appointed abnuntfiatoner to lot the cbutraot for tlio said oouiicoted therewith by, tender lowoab, biddor (not exceeding suoh contractor with two good and satisfactory into bonds for tbo.due performance and oom< plotlon of the contract, according to sal^ plans and epccifloatlonB and within .ths 'time men- tlonod within Bnoh bond- nnlosa otherwise or dered by the Council; and it ohall ho the duty of buou commissioners to cause sold: drain ana .-vorlts oonnectod therewith.- to be mado and oonstmcted in accordanoo with snob .plana da "I horoby certify that tho forcgolnu Is a true copy of a by-law provisionally adoptod by tho municipal council of tho siiid.Township of Ool- choBtor North, on tho ninoioontli day of Juno. A. D, 1807. . A new roofing and flooring matorial/sai'd^ to be both fireproof aud waterproof, haB'| been developed in Zurich, ^witzorland;.^ The principal it.^redieuts are waBte p9]E}e?plt'S oawduNb and certain ohemioalewblcUmatLOi tbe matin a sorb of artificial stone*' $n0| substance ia mixed like mortar and fcprea,^ on tlie place to he covered, whore it :drieffl and hardens In ouo or two daya^i.;WJiiJi(^ very hard, it is aloo elastic and wUlfa^ftftlJ~f sooie bonding .without oraukiug or btflftfe' iug. As laid, for rooQng it weighs abouilf' 2ft pounda per Hq a are yard m a' .layer :0$m tlvoei^hths of an inch thick au3 coataT3 laid, about $1 per' square yari. It Uvt>'?J noncouduotor of heat and is nbieelesB^' which 00maionds it tor' flooring purposeai uh compared with tiloorooncroto. Sever(al';;| saboolhoaseB in 2'arioa are said to Uav^.-| boon floored with tho material.;, .! ,'-r$Sm , -., y?m Would Yon Bellovo your NeifiUr^ ..... bors? , ^"'^"'^W TheHo poopto live ri^ht hero in Bssex.-..yi|^ Thoy may bo neighbors of youre. //Vy3 They have boon oured by taking Uoan'EtS KidnoyPiilB. 'i':'i'^ Don't take our word for it, but.aak them.;,) Mr, 1VL r. Oampbcll, tbo highly eBteemed* pudtorof tho Baptist Oburch, EHBeXi-Ont'^j otates: ",' .'_", '^(-/iffi W Kidney I^lla.whioh Igotabil^erririVdtq^l atore, I can say that they aro a m08t;",:^<|| oollent rcraody for alt kidney troabiesv^B Mr. J. A. Ko'ae, theVwoU-UnownSim^" man; Essex, atatea, "My. daaghteft'^Sj| boon alliu^ for sorne tlmo, and I am ^ij^^ to say, heard of Doait'.H Kidney Pllla.ijj^ sou procured a box of them for ^er'|iBji( Shorrin'B drug store, and that.bnfcb^ ourod.hor. . ;' m *'It is with ploasuro, that 1: givaXfcM oredit for the roHtoration of m'y;. jiapg^^ to perfcot hoallh to this- romarkable mediT^ oiuo. I foql'very. .fchuukful * indeed,;-yjKJiM they have been-luf-roduoed id"t^Vai.-diS .V-t'ViHjjkii Mr. William SIbbou, oar^ exaellenH ptOj| ofPolico,. haa.thifl .to Hay, v^!' beneficial 0p^n^ Kidney.lille which I got ,ut,:?betij||fe drug store; T have no' heaUeitiiou iri,r6iap0^ mondlufi; them aa a firot-olaaa madlojn^wiS all kidney troubloa, lame back/WdalinflBtty : ,.[ (Bi^ued) .-Wiuoam^BWflOTf-If'^ etc.' >. 0. ATIUNBON. Olork of tho Munioipaltty of Colchester North; ::. " \] OTIOE la horeby given that a Court of Be- 1^1 vlBlon held pursuant to tbo provifllonq of - - P' the Drainage Act, lBUi, lor the .boarlna and trial cft appeals mado iagoinst tiie above as sessment, or anyjtarb tbereofi will hold its first Sittings at the Town Hall, Colchester North, oa Baturday, the ]7th day of July, 18W, at tbe hour otl0 o^clook I* the forenoon, .and' that and speolflcatlonB.'nbt later than theUt day of any person : intending to. appeal ftgalnsS'the November, A. D* 1607, (unless1 otherwise ordered above assessment or , any part. thoreof, must. by the Oouncll), and to grant certificates to the I not later: than tori days before the time 'fixed. Boevo from time to time, to each contractor,' for tUi> 'holding or ,8014 Oourt, serve on .the1 lotfltbirty per cent, of the amount due,, until Olftrlt of thlamiuiloipalUy. a wrltt tho contraob Is fully oompletod and- duly,- ao-: ----- ....._- ..,. coptoa, and for the de performance , of those andfllLotberdntleaoIooiximleslonerB the .sold cotumlBeionors shall he entitled to; receive a commission ;,ot on WANTED-SEVEKAIi PAlTtoptr'^ L Women to travfil for responsible.^* 1 inhod house in Ontario;' .Salary. *780 :pay 615 wookly and expenses. Position-pffnMM Kuferonoo., Bnolose self-ft^dressod Btftmpjed;-* VOlbpe. The" National, BtarJBalldlriH, OhltJB A "1V/T A"Ar.*^ BB'l/t aw&&<$$2[ /V IVlAiN - Ifruirand Oroaraebfioljf Shrubs. RoseSiBulha andBulbPUapjantif, Vinos, Small Frnltfl, Bood Potatoes/iet? catalogue only the hordieiii*iadAinoiite'-' varletfeU that Buoceoa:in,;th,e>,doiaesff^ Now soaapn now ebmmenemg; eomple^ free, salary' and: expenses paid, <ftflpJ-c fall timo, or liberal commfflafon.fOV.ptU,^. Appiynow/ 'addresBing-- InaarBtr;;pmo& Ohofce^rterr^^J^^j^^ IntornationolNnraeiUBi: the- :otU(i| :l ,e,ast; .qjt iftlso.^pr^; i; iyt:ri\^ ;%},# ; 0th. ^hafc.the oommiflilonera bo.'reqaired written notice of

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